Unpeeled beef tripe for dogs. What is beef tripe and how to properly give it to your dog. For pregnant and lactating women

HOW TO DRY TRIPPE AS A TREATMENT TREAT The first way to dry tripe as a treat is in the microwave. They dry it like this: I finely chop the tripe and put the pieces of tripe in a deep bowl, then leave it for 10 minutes (if it’s a lot, more than two handfuls of chopped), put a glass of water in the microwave to absorb the smell. I take it out and quickly pour it into cold water and a tripe bowl under water too. If the tripe is under-dried in appearance (raw meat is visible), then I leave it on for a few minutes, it doesn’t really stink, the window is open during this action. Then I ventilate the stove, after wiping it a little with a rag soaked in citric acid or lime. juice. The downside is that it doesn’t dry well and the smell is difficult to dissipate - you have to wash it for a long time with soda, lemon... You need to cut it very finely and don’t dry it out a lot at once. This is a way to dry the tripe just before training - just a little. The SECOND method is to dry it on a towel dryer, laying it with a thin towel. You can also dry it over gas, in a vegetable dryer, in an oven - where mushrooms are dried - for 8-10 hours. Melt dry, cut very, very finely, and periodically check the degree of dryness. The dried tripe is poured into an enamel or glass container with a tight lid and stored in a cool place, away from moisture and heat sources. It is better to dry white tripe - it smells less and does not stain your hands as much. The THIRD method is in the oven. We wash the tripe and cut it finely into thin strips or cubes. Place on baking paper. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees, pre-grease the baking tray vegetable oil and place parchment paper with the already cut tripe on it. Dry for 20-30 minutes, stirring occasionally; the oven can be kept slightly open. You yourself determine the degree of readiness, 20 minutes - slightly dried, 30-40 - dried. The finished treat is stored in a glass container in a cool place for 2-3 weeks. The more the tripe is dried, the longer it is stored. The bulk of the tripe is cut and stored frozen in portions. All the benefits of tripe are preserved only in the raw product, not washed - with the remains of silage grass, the only thing that needs to be checked is that there are no foreign objects (sand, pebbles, wire, bugs, glass). The tripe should not be greasy, the top should be black-green, the inside should be whitish-gray, pink-red when cut, the smell of fresh tripe should not be too repulsive - cow and silage, without sourness and the smell of rot or spoilage. Fat, if there is a lot of it, is cut off, the scar is not washed heavily, all its benefit is in the “mucus” of villi and “grass” inside. It’s better to buy good tripe at the market - fresh, it doesn’t last long, it’s better to order it. In online stores, the quality of the tripe is noticeably lower. There is no benefit at all in purchased tripe from Tit-Bit companies, just like in tripe powder, it is rather harmful. White tripe is not beneficial for dogs, but it is easier to train. Tripe is given no more than 2-3 times a week. They can replace one feeding and be given on a par with muscle meat. They should not be fed daily; they are a category 2 offal containing incomplete protein. Doctors now do not recommend feeding it often and in large quantities. due to the version of the accumulation of toxins and residual enzymes. Opinions about its benefits differ. WHAT OTHER TREATS AND PRODUCTS CAN BE USED IN TRAINING In addition to tripe, it is convenient to dry lungs for training (it can be frozen to make it easier to cut), chicken gizzards and hearts, dried strips chicken meat, turkey and duck fillet, beef kidneys. I make a light treat especially for walking. It doesn’t stain your hands at all (which is very convenient), it’s healthy, cheap and can easily be stored for a month, or even longer. Take fresh beef lung and cut it into small pieces, taking into account the size of the dog and the fact that during the cooking process they shrink at least twice. Before slicing light is better freeze it, as it is very difficult to cut when fresh. Place pieces of lung on a baking sheet lined with parchment and greased with vegetable oil (I don’t recommend using foil, it’s very difficult to peel off later) and dry in the oven at 180 degrees. The degree of shrinkage depends on the dog's personal preferences. Keep in mind that pieces that are damp inside must be stored in the refrigerator, and if you make “crackers” like I did, they will not spoil for several months without any refrigeration. Dried meat is also an excellent treat for a dog. We cut fresh meat into thin strips, wrap it in a cotton napkin and tie it on a heated towel rail in the bathroom. The finished meat should be tough and brittle so that a small piece can be broken off. It doesn’t get dirty, but dogs love it very much. They use boiled and finely chopped pieces: beef, liver, kidneys, chicken hearts and ventricles, white scar.Can be used homemade cookies from the liver (300 g of liver, grind through a meat grinder, add 1 glass of oatmeal or bran, 1 yolk chicken egg, soda on the tip of a knife, finely chopped dried apricots and a spoonful of honey (the last two ingredients are optional). Place on parchment paper, preheat the oven to 180 and dry for 30-40 minutes, with the oven slightly open, turning over and checking for doneness. If he likes it softer, then 20-30 minutes. Store for 14 days in a sealed glass container in the refrigerator. A very good delicacy can be made simply from the liver. For this you need, of course, the liver of any animal - veal, beef or chicken. Don’t do a lot at once, 100-200 grams will be enough for a start. You can also add garlic, but, as they say, this is not for everyone. And you will also need just a little bit of vegetable oil to grease the baking sheet. Why she said that liver needs a little to begin with is because if the dog has never eaten it, then it may have an upset stomach or an allergy to it. So, let's begin. To begin, soak the liver for two to four hours. During this time, you will have to change the water several times, as it will become cloudy. When this stops, you can start preparing it. Trim the fat. If suddenly you didn’t like something about her appearance, and you can’t understand how much she good quality or whether it is fresh, then you can cook it for 5 minutes, but no more, as all the flavor may disappear. Then cut it into pieces, cubes or slices as you like, and in such a size that you can give the dog one piece at a time as a reward. Place everything on a baking sheet, which needs to be greased in advance, or in a dish for cooking in the microwave. If you dry it in the oven, it will take about 20-30 minutes, and the temperature there should not be high. And if you have a microwave, you can dry it in it too. It will take a little more time - 25-40 minutes, and the power should be very low. By the way, the smaller the pieces, the less time it takes to cook them. And all the time while they are preparing, you need to look in and check their softness. They should become like rubber, but not hard. You need to make a little so that you can use everything in a few days, but you need to store it in the refrigerator. You can take children's oatmeal children's cookies "baby", poppy seeds-free cookies, vegetables cut into slices, unsalted and low-fat cheese, pieces from marigolds for training. I use lightly fried turkey fillet, chopped finely. They also use a small amount of bran or crackers, their dried coarse black bread - they can be dried on a radiator or heated towel rail, or in the oven - without salt.

A dog's health depends on nutrition. One of the useful and essential products in an animal’s diet is offal, rich in microelements, enzymes, vitamins, fats and protein.

Often dogs are fed beef by-products, of which tripe is suitable for food - top part stomach. Despite the benefits, some dog owners avoid purchasing it, because it bad smell. It needs to be processed and prepared correctly.

Is it possible to give tripe to dogs?

The offal is unpleasant in smell and appearance, but dogs, on the contrary, love it, because it is a treat for them. You can buy the offal already cleaned and the price is affordable for everyone.

The rumen looks like a big bag and is covered with inside bristles. The offal is greenish, black and gray, this is influenced by the age and nutrition of the cow.

Benefits of tripe for dogs

Beef tripe good for dogs. It contains vitamins PP and B, calcium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and golden compounds. Tripe helps to compensate for the lack of enzymes that improve the microflora and digestion of the animal.

Damage to rumen for dogs

The opinions of specialists and dog breeders about the benefits of tripe are divided. Some people believe that offal should not be given to a dog, especially in its raw form, because the dog can become infected with helminths and pick up dangerous diseases, including giardiasis and isosporosis. The manifestation of diseases does not begin immediately, but some time after ingestion.

How to Cook Beef Tripe for Dogs

If you purchased unpeeled tripe, prepare it for consumption:

  1. Rinse the product by shaking out any remaining contents. Soak in water for a while.
  2. Pour boiling water over and remove upper layer remove dirt and lint under running water using a knife. Gradually during processing the unpleasant odor is eliminated.
  3. Cut the cleaned tripe into palm-sized pieces. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling, change the water and cook again until the smell disappears. The water must be changed 5 times. Cooking will take up to 4 hours. As a result, you will receive a safe product for your dog. Check with a fork for doneness; the liver should be easily pierced.

Boiled tripe is stored for 5-7 days in the refrigerator, placed in bags and frozen. Raw product cleaned, steamed and also frozen.

You can also give beef tripe to dogs with vegetables that should be present in the dog’s diet:

  1. Cut the purified product into small pieces and pour boiling water over it for a minute. Drain the water and place in a bowl.
  2. Cut the peeled vegetables into small cubes: carrots, a piece of pumpkin, cucumber, herbs, cauliflower.
  3. Combine vegetables with tripe, add half a teaspoon of seaweed and a tablespoon linseed oil. Stir.

This dish is healthy for dogs, because it contains fresh vegetables and flaxseed oil.

Dogs love boiled tripe with onions and spices.

  1. Boil the tripe according to all the rules with the addition of spices: bay leaf, salt and ground black pepper.
  2. Cut the finished offal into pieces.
  3. Cut the onion into medium pieces and fry in oil.
  4. Combine the offal with the onion and mix.

How to give correctly - sizes and frequency

Tripe is not suitable for a dog's constant nutrition and should make up ¼ of the animal's diet. The serving should be 100 g. by 10 kg. weight of the dog, and the frequency of feeding is 2-4 times every 7 days. It is not recommended to give beef tripe to an animal before 4 months of age.

It is necessary to alternate raw and cooked products in your pet’s diet. Large adult dogs should not eat more than 200 grams. tripe per day. Small breed dogs are given 100 grams per day. chopped tripe.

Domestic dogs need to be fed varied and high-quality food, only in this case the pet will receive all the substances necessary for health. Beef offal is perfect for their menu. Owners give animals liver, kidneys, and spleen, but they avoid buying tripe because of the unpleasant odor. In fact, you just need to properly treat this part of the stomach.

What is a scar

By appearance the scar looks like a big bag. This hollow organ is upper section cow's stomach. Everything that the ungulate eats first goes into this rather large volume chamber. The inside of the organ is lined with peculiar bristles. Beef stomach can be gray, black, greenish color– this parameter depends on the age of the cow and its food supply.

Unattractive appearance and the repulsive smell of this liver confuses only people; for dogs, tripe is a delicacy. If we observe which parts of the carcass predators eat first after a hunt, we will see that they begin their feast with the stomach and its contents. In this way, they manage to obtain additional digestive enzymes and a portion of vitamins.

Useful ingredients

What is the value of tripe? It includes:

As for enzymes, the dog’s body is not able to produce all of them on its own. This is precisely what explains the craving of pets to eat excrement found on the street, any veterinarian will confirm this to you. To compensate for enzymatic deficiency, animals are offered tripe for food.

In what form is tripe sold?

Which stomach is best to buy for dogs? In this part you have a choice. Tripe is sold in its original form, or after cleaning. Of course, you will like the look and smell of the second option better, but it is from the villi and mucus of the unclean stomach that the dog gets the maximum benefit.

Industrially, the tripe is cleaned in special drums:

  • First, all contents are removed from the stomach and washed thoroughly.
  • It is then immersed in a drum filled with hot steam. There, the product is treated for 30 minutes with hot air and special discs that remove the foul film.
  • After half an hour, snow-white pieces of the product, completely odorless, are taken out and packaged for further storage.

If the rumen is not cleaned, this does not mean that it retains food debris or small pebbles swallowed by the cow, it simply retains the inner layer. The product can be immediately cut into portions and offered to your pet.

Boiled or raw?

Should you boil a cow's stomach or not?, everyone determines for himself. Of course, in the raw product all valuable substances are preserved as completely as possible. But there is a risk of helminth infection.

You need to cook beef stomach in a separate bowl; the smell of manure is so persistent that it is quite difficult to get rid of it from the pan. Some scald the tripe with boiling water on all sides and immediately take it out, other breeders drain the first water and boil the liver a second time for 5-10 minutes to be sure to kill helminth eggs if they were in the stomach.

Serving Size

Tripe is not considered a staple food, it is given to the dog as an addition to the diet several times a week in small portions.

  • You can give cow's stomach to puppies from 4 months of age, alternating between raw and cooked product. It is best to pass it through a meat grinder, so the liver will be easier to digest. This supplement is given initially twice a week, gradually increasing the frequency to 4-5 times. A single volume should be equal to 10% of the total feed portion.
  • Large adult dogs are given 200 g of tripe 2-3 times a day. Old animals due to dental problems are offered a product minced in a meat grinder.
  • For dogs of medium breeds, the portion is reduced to 100-200 g per day, cut into small pieces.

Do not forget that tripe cannot be used as the main feed, replacing meat and other products with it. An overdose can cause your pet to vomit and has a negative effect on the liver.

Where can I buy

You can buy cow stomach on the agricultural market and order in the online store. Now many farms They have their own websites on the Internet where you can view the price list and order the product for delivery. For regular customers, promotions are constantly organized and discounts are offered. You can buy industrially processed tripe on such sites.

Tripe purchased on the market must be carefully inspected. There have been cases where a layer of mucus concealed pieces of rusty wire or nails. Cows often ingest them during their lifetime.

Dog breeders add beef tripe to their pets’ diets as an additional source of vital enzymes for dogs, which the animal’s body cannot produce on its own. Signs of a lack of such substances in dogs are their eating of feces, carrion, and rot. Regular feeding with cow stomach normalizes digestive system dog. Beef tripe is useful for dogs in any form, but greatest benefit brings an additive to the food of a raw product.

What a natural product should look like

The cow's stomach is a kind of bag, which consists of four sections. The first, largest, is called the “scar”. Its color varies from light green to brown-black. It gives off a stinking smell of feces and rot. Such goods can be bought exclusively in markets.

Beef tripe, raw, unprocessed

Only processed tripe is supplied to retail chains. It is white-gray in color, without food residues, gastric film and does not have a pronounced repulsive odor.

What are the benefits of a raw stomach?

In a smelly and slimy inner layer tripe contains food remains, microorganisms and substances necessary for the dog. The secret is that some specific elements contained in tripe are vital for dogs. A pet can only get them from the outside; his body does not produce them. Therefore, in its raw form, tripe will have medicinal value and be a source of substances such as:

  • bacteria (lipolytic, lactic acid, cellulolytic, etc.);
  • essential fatty acids;
  • trace elements and minerals (selenium, zinc, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, etc.);
  • vitamins (B1, B2, B6, B12, etc.);
  • tissue growth stimulants;
  • amino acids.

For this purpose in wildlife predators first eat the entrails of their victims. The nasty smell of raw tripe will only confuse the dog's owner, but will cause delight and delight in the dog. increased salivation. For dogs, beef tripe is a treat.

How much tripe should I give my pet?

It is recommended to add tripe to your dog's diet so that its content is 1/4 of the total food per day. Experienced dog breeders adhere to the ratio of 100 g of tripe per 8 kg of pet’s weight. You cannot feed your dog daily and constantly only tripe, but it can replace one feeding per day.

It is necessary to take into account the breed of the dog - for German Shepherd and Pekingese portions will be different. To a large dog you need about 300 grams, small breeds 70 is enough.

It must be remembered that raw tripe often causes the appearance of worms.

First, the outer and inner films are removed, then the lint is removed with a knife. The initially treated stomach is soaked in water for at least five hours. The water changes hourly. The treatment is complete if there is no mucus and the product does not stick to your hands. In meat processing plants, the rumen is treated with special chemical compounds, which partially remove the odor and paint the scar a more pleasant white color.

Tripe raw, cleaned

The tripe is boiled for at least three hours. When boiled, it can be given to adult dogs and puppies in any quantity. Before serving, cut it into portions 3–5 cm long and 2 cm wide. After processing, the smell and taste of the product will still be pleasant to the pet, but there will be much less benefit in it than in raw food.

Is there such an extravagant dish as beef tripe on your dog’s menu? Maybe you just don’t know how to give and how to properly prepare this product? Then we will help you figure it out and tell you everything about beef tripe in a dog’s diet!


What is beef tripe?

Beef tripe is the first section of a cow's stomach. This section is quite large; it serves to “storage” the plant food eaten by the cow: hay, silage, grass. The scar looks like a large sac-like organ, which is covered on the inside with a kind of lint. The color of the product can range from greenish to almost gray or black, depending on the age of the cow and the feed she consumed. Considering that food is collected and stored in this organ throughout the cow’s life, its smell leaves much to be desired.

Its appearance, unpleasant odor, and mucus make beef tripe an extremely unattractive food product, according to owners of four-legged pets. The same cannot be said about them themselves, because beef tripe is a favorite.

And not at all because our pets have such perverted gastronomic preferences, but because their stomach is a source of valuable vitamins and enzymes. The fact is that all predators and dogs are no exception, when they caught prey, the first thing they ate was the stomach and the contents of the gastrointestinal tract.

It is there that the necessary digestive enzymes are contained, which the predator’s body does not produce, but can obtain by eating the appropriate food. In addition to the enzymes that beef organ is rich in, it contains vitamins and minerals. Therefore, some breeders believe that this type of food is the best for dogs.

After all, you can find in it:

  • vitamins - B1, B2, PP;
  • minerals - potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, sulfur, sodium, calcium, iodine, ash compounds.

Surely most breeders have noted a strange craving for eating excrement in their dogs. So, this is precisely due to the deficiency of those digestive enzymes that beef tripe has in abundance. Therefore, any normal veterinarian, if you complain to him about the indecent behavior of your pet, will recommend that you introduce tripe into his diet!

How to give correctly?

The following trend has been noticed: novice breeders and inexperienced owners treat beef stomach with caution, and, to tell the truth, with obvious disgust. They do not always include this product in the diet of their pets, which cannot be said about seasoned breeders and dog breeders. They praise tripe with all their might and give it to their animals almost every day and, I must say, they do this for good reason.

Tripe can be purchased in two forms: peeled and unpeeled. In markets, a cow’s organ is most often sold in its “pristine” form: in mucus and in villi. In stores you can find an industrially purified version, in which case it will have a more attractive appearance and smell. Of course, giving cleaned tripe is more pleasant for the owner, but it is this smelly and ugly organ that is most useful for dogs.

In addition, stomach cleansing occurs in a special drum, where the organ can be treated not only with steam, but also chemicals, which, naturally, is not very healthy for dogs. By the way, processed products that remain after cleansing the stomach can be used as a vitamin supplement for puppies or older dogs.

So, we decided that it is better to give tripe in an unpeeled form. Next, you will need to thoroughly rinse the organ, especially its fleecy part, which sometimes gets stuck in foreign objects and pebbles. Wash it in large basin using gloves, because acrid smell a cow's stomach can eat into your hands for a long time. After hygiene procedures you can cut the tripe into strips, their size will depend on the size of your pet, the smaller it is, the smaller pieces it will need.

Do not forget that it is better to use a separate container in which you will wash or boil the tripe. This again has to do with pungent odor, which the scar has.


It can be introduced into the diet of puppies when they reach 4 months of age. At first, puppy tripe is either finely chopped or passed through a meat grinder.

Give it a couple of times a week in an amount not exceeding 10% of the daily nutritional intake. As the puppy grows, the portion of cow's stomach for him is increased and given more often - 4-5 times a week. The product is given both raw and cooked. Be sure to give tripe to older dogs. Since it is often difficult for them to chew, their stomach is also ground into minced meat and given approximately 200 g per day.

If you have a large dog who leads an active lifestyle or participates in exhibitions and competitions, a cow's stomach will help him stay in shape and gain weight. muscle mass, can be given daily. However, remember that tripe should not be the main source of protein for the dog; meat and offal are required.

You can see with what appetite a dog eats a cow’s stomach in the video below!

Best Recipes

Let us note that beef tripe is a delicacy not only for dogs; in some countries, and ours is no exception, cow stomach is also eaten by humans. There are special recipes that will help you prepare it so that it becomes suitable for human consumption. For dogs, it is not particularly recommended to get too sophisticated, but if the raw version confuses you, you can prepare the stomach according to the recipes given below.

Dried tripe

A cow's stomach can be used to make a long-lasting dog treat. To do this, you only need the organ itself and a pinch of salt.

  1. First of all, the stomach is washed out.
  2. Then boil for literally 3-5 minutes; boiled tripe is easier to cut into strips.
  3. Cut the strips to the desired thickness and dry them in the oven for 2-3 hours until they harden.

These strips will replace your dog treats and will also be useful for your pet.

Stomach with vegetables

You will need:

  • cow's stomach;
  • vegetables - carrots, zucchini, peppers, cabbage.


  1. We wash the tripe and cut it into small pieces or strips.
  2. Boil it until it becomes soft, then add vegetables (you can use those you have at home).
  3. If at your home little puppy or an old dog, this cocktail can be blended with a blender, which will make it much easier to consume.

Video "Beef stomach"

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