Female pelvis (bone pelvis). Female pelvis. The main sizes of a large pelvis. Taste planes

The exact definition of the sizes of the pelvis in obstetrics before the start of childbirth can save the life of a woman in labor and a child. Every woman passes through this procedure, since it can be understood with it in advance whether the caesarean section is required. In gynecology, measuring the size of a large and small pelvis, for each distance there is its own name and standards. For the procedure, a special tool is used - a medical metallic circulation - a tazometer.

Basic parameters of a large pelvis

Female pelvis Significantly characterized by dimensions from male. For a girl, it is important to know several parameters and their values \u200b\u200bto make sure the doctors act correctly:

  1. The distance is 25-26 cm in the norm - this is the distance between the front essays of the bones of the ileal zone.
  2. Distance Crystarums - normally 28-29 cm - the position of remote seats of ridges of iliac bones located above the fastening of the hip joint.
  3. External conjugate - from 20 to 21 cm - distance from the middle of the summit of the Symphysis to the upper angle of Rhomba Michaelis.

Axis is an acute bone formation, which is diagnosed both normally and various diseases. Osteophytes and osteoporosis are derived from this word.

The narrowing of the female pelvis is a common obstetric problem. This indicator matters:

  • at 1 degree - the easiest - the true conjugate retains the size greater than 9, but less than 11 cm;
  • with 2 degrees of the taise of the pelvis, this indicator is 7 and 9 cm, respectively;
  • at 3 degrees - 5 and 7 cm;
  • at 4 degrees, the true conjugate barely reaches 5 cm.

True pelvis conjugate is the distance from the protruding part of the sacrum to the highest Cape of the Lonic Symphyse at the exit. Determine the parameter is the easiest way to size conjugates outside.

True conjugate is the smallest distance inside, through which the fruit comes out during childbirth. If the indicator is less than 10.5 cm, then natural childbirth Doctors prohibit. Set the true conjugate parameter through the subtraction of 9 cm from the outdoor indicator.

The diagonal conjugate is the distance from the Niza Lonnoye to the outstanding point of the sacrum. Determine it with the help of vaginal diagnostics. For normal pelvis The indicator does not exceed 13 cm, it can be at least 12 cm. To clarify the true conjugate from the figures obtained, 1.5-2 cm are subtracted.

When examining a diagonal indicator, the doctor in rare cases pulls his fingers to the sacrum cape. Usually, if the bone does not feel with the fingers in the vagina, the size of the pelvis is considered normal.

The shape of the pelvis can affect normal indicators. With a platinamelike constitution, which is found in 3% of women, an elongated pelvis, a little flattened. In this case, the lumen between the bones is narrowed, as a result of which the generation process can be complicated.

Plane of a small pelvis

To understand the exact characteristics of the female skeleton, it is necessary before childbirth to measure the plane:

  1. Log in. It starts from the top of the Symphysia from the front and comes from behind to the cape, and the side distance borders with a nameless line. The direct input size corresponds to the true conjugate - 11 cm. The transverse size of the 1st plane is between the remote points of borderline lines, at least 13 cm. Kosy dimensions begin with a cross-iliac joint and continue to the Lonnaya Bugger - from 12 to 12.5 cm. The entry plane is usually cross-oval.
  2. Plane of wide part. Running through the inner surface of the pub strictly in the middle, passes through the sacrum and projection merilive Vpadina. Has a circular shape. The straight size is measured, which is normal equal to 12.5 cm. It begins from the middle of the Lonnoy articulation and takes up to 2 and 3 sacrum vertebrae over the buttocks. The transverse size of the zone is 12.5 cm, measured from the middle of one plate to another.
  3. Plane narrow part. It starts from the Niza of Symphysia and comes from behind to the sacring-cleaned articulation. On the sides, the plane is limited by sedanistic eases. The straight size is 11 cm, transverse - 10 cm.
  4. Output plane. Connects the lower edge of the symphysis at the angle with the edge of the tailbone, along the edges goes into the sedlicatical bones located in the zone of the buttocks. The straight size is 9.5 cm (if the tailbone is deflected, then 11.5 cm), and transversely - 10.5 cm.
  5. So as not to get confused in all indicators, you can pay attention only to the measurement big pelvis. The table shows an additional parameter - the distance between the skewers of the hips.

    Spit femoral bones Located at that point, where usually girls measure the volume of the thighs.

    Determination of the size of the pelvis: narrow or wide

    Comparing the obtained indicators, it is easy to determine, wide or narrow hips in a woman. After consulting with the gynecologist and the definition, the size of the female pelvis corresponds to the norm, it is possible to decide - to make a caesarean section or give birth on your own.

    Indicators More norm

    In most cases, a wide female pelvis is a good factor for pregnancy. The girls should understand if the woman is thinner, the pelvis cannot become already - everything is in the structure of the bones. Wide hips most often found large womenAnd it is impossible to consider this pathology. If the dimensions exceed the norm by 2-3 centimeters - it is considered a wide pelvis.

    The main danger of too broad honeycomb - rapid childbirth. In such a situation, the child passes much faster on the generic paths, which can lead to female injuries: the tip of the cervix, the vagina and the crotch.

    Anatomically narrow pelvis

    The definition of an anatomically narrow pelvis in obstetrics is closely related to the indicators of the norm. Deviation by 1.5 cm from the minimum border says that a woman has little hips. In this case, the conjugate should be less than 11 cm. Natural childbirth in this case is possible only when the child is small.

    In diagnosis, the doctor highlights the pelvic type: transversely narrowed, uniformly narrowed, flat simple or rickettic. Less often there are pathological forms in which the pelvis began to narrow pathological changes In the bone structure: kifotic, deformed, ore or spondylolisthetic pelvis. Causes of anatomically narrow pelvis:

  • bone injuries;
  • rickets;
  • increased physical exercise And the absence proper nutrition in childhood;
  • neoplasms in the studied area;
  • hyperandrode, leading to the formation of male type;
  • accelerated growth in adolescence;
  • psycho-emotional loads that caused compensatory development as a child;
  • community and sexual infantilism;
  • Palilation, generic injuries, poliomyelitis;
  • professional sport;
  • problems with metabolism;
  • dislocations of hip joints;
  • inflammatory or infectious diseases bone system;
  • rachiocampsis.

Provoke incorrect formation of pelvis such factors as hormonal imbalance, constant colds and problems with the menstrual cycle.

Clinically narrow pelvis

Clinically narrow pelvis can be identified only before childbirth, or in the process of the delivery. This is due to the inconsistency of the size of the fetus by the generic paths of the woman. For example, if the baby's weight is more than 4 kg, the diagnosis of "clinically narrow pelvis" can even put a girl with normal indicators. A single answer to the question why such a state is formed, does not exist. The doctor allocate a whole range of reasons:

  • large fruit;
  • menaping more than 40 weeks;
  • malposition;
  • tumors of uterus or ovaries;
  • fetal hydrocephalus (enlarged head);
  • the battle of the walls of the vagina;
  • pelvic prevention of the fetus (the child will turn the pelvis instead of the head).

IN obstetric practice Cases of clinically narrow generic pass are becoming more and more, because large children are born.

Learn the pelvis parameters before childbirth should every woman. The responsible gynecologist never ignores these indicators and carefully conducts research using the obstetric circulation.

The pelvis consists of four bones: two pelvic (unnamed), the sacrum and the tailbone. Up to 16-18 years, the pelvic bone consists of 3 bones connected by cartilage: iliac, sedlication and pubic. After an ossification of the cartilage, a single nameless bone is formed.

Distinguish between big and small pelvis. The boundary between the big and small pelvis is the borderline line. Big pelvis is available for research and has 4 main sizes:

1. Distantia Spinarum - the distance between the front essays of the iliac bone, normally is 25-26 cm.

2. Distantia Cristarum - the distance between the most remote points of the ridges of the iliac bone is normally 28-29 cm.

3. Distantia TroChanterica - distance between large spit The femoral bones, normally 30-31 cm.

4. CONJUGATA EXTERNA (outer conjugate) is the distance between the upper apparatus edge of the symphysis and the surcharge fossa, normally is 20-21 cm.

In a small pelvis, 4 planes are distinguished:

Entry plane;

Plane of a wide part;

Narrow parts plane;

Outlet plane.

One of the main sizes of the small pelvis is a direct input size or true conjugate. This is the distance from the top-level edge of the symphima to the sacrilate cape, which is normal of 11 cm. Sizes of a small pelvis are not available to measure. The size of a large pelvis usually judges the sizes of a small pelvis.

The differences between the female pelvis from the male begin to be detected during puberty and become distinct in adulthood:

The bones of the female pelvis are thinner, smooth and less massive than the bones of the male pelvis;

Female pelvis lower, wider and more in volume;

The crusters in women are wider and not so much shook, as in the male pelvis;

The sacral cape in women comes forward less than in men;

Symphipped female pelvis in short and wider;

Entrance to a small pelvis in a woman is extensive, the shape of the entrance is cross-oval, with a seizure in the cape; Login B. male pelvis Reminds the card heart due to the more sharp protrusion of the cape;

The cavity of a small pelvis in women is more extensive, in their outlines approaching the cylinder, curved kepeneda; The cavity of the male pelvis is smaller, she falsily narrows the book;

The outlet of the female pelvis is wider because the distance between the sedlicated grouses is greater, the disk is wider (90-100 °) than in men (70-75 °); The tailbone is issued a kleon less than in the male pelvis. T o, female pelvis more than a largest and wide, but less deep than male pelvis. These features matter for the delivery process.

The following departments exist in a small pelvis: entrance, cavity and output. In the cavity pelvis distinguish a wide and narrow part. In accordance with this, there are four planes of a small pelvis: I - the plane of the entrance to the pelvis, II - the plane of a wide part of the cavity of the small pelvis, III - the plane of a narrow part of the pelvic cavity, IV is the plane of the outlet of the pelvis.

I. The plane of the entrance to the small pelvis, the boundaries: in front - the upper edge of the symphysis and the upheld edge of the lanes, from the sides - the nameless lines, from the back - a sacral cape. In the entrance to the pelvis, three sizes are distinguished: straight, transverse and two oblique.

The straight size is the distance from the sacrilant cape to the most outstanding point on the inner surface of the LONA joint. This size is called an obstetric, or true, conjugate (Conjugata Vera). There are still an anatomical conjugate - the distance from the cape to the middle of the upper inside edge of the symphysis; Anatomical conjugate is a bit (0.3-0.5 cm) more obstetric conjugates. An obstetric, or true conjugate is 11 cm.

The transverse size is the distance between the most remote items of nameless lines. This size is 13-13.5 cm.

Ski sizes Two: Right and left, which are 12-12.5 cm. Right oblique size - the distance from the right sacratling and iliac joint to the left iliac-woofer, the left braid size - from the left sacacon-iliac joint to the right iliac-walnut Burghorca. In order to easier to navigate in the direction of the oblique sizes of the pelvis in the Hife, M.S. Malinovsky and M.G. Kushnir offered next reception. The brushes of both hands are placed at a right angle, and the palms are turned upwards; The ends of the fingers closer to the outlet of the pelvis of the lying woman. The plane of the left hand will coincide with the left oblique size of the pelvis, the plane is right - with the right.

II. The plane is a wide part of the cavity of the small pelvis, the boundaries: in front of the middle of the inner surface of the symphysis, on the sides - the middle of the gloomy depression, the rear is the place of connection II and III of sacral vertebrae. In a wide part of the pelvis cavity distinguish between two sizes: straight and transverse.

Direct size - from compounds ii and III sacral vertebrae to the middle of the inner surface of the symphysis; equal to 12.5 cm.

Transverse size - between the tops of the gloomy depression; equal to 12.5 cm.

There is no oblique size in a wide part of the pelvic cavity because in this place the pelvis does not form a solid bone rings. Bone sizes in a wide part of the pelvis are allowed conditionally (length 13 cm).

III. The plane of a narrow part of the cavity of the small pelvis is limited in front of the lower edge of the symphysis, from the sides are the essays of the seeded bones, behind the sacrum-coccopy articulation. Here are two sizes: straight and transverse.

The straight size goes from the sacring alcohol to the lower edge of the symphysia (the top of the LONA arc); equal to 11-11.5 cm.

The transverse size connects the asset of the seeded bones; equal to 10.5 cm.

IV. The plane of the outlet of a small pelvis has the following borders: in front - the lower edge of the symphysis, from the sides - sedanized bumps, from the back - the top of the tailbone. The plane of the outlet of the pelvis consists of two triangular planes, the total base of which is the line connecting the sciatic bumps. At the output of the pelvis distinguish between two sizes: straight and transverse.

The straight output size of the pelvis goes from the top of the tailbone to the lower edge of the Symphysia; It is 9.5 cm. When completing the fetus through a small pelvis, the Copchik leaves 1.5-2 cm and the direct size increases to 11.5 cm.

The transverse output of the pelvis connects interior surfaces Sedal Bugrov; It is 11 cm. Thus, in the inlet in the small pelvis, the largest size is transverse. In a wide part of the cavity, the direct and transverse dimensions are equal; The greatest size will be conditionally accepted oblique size. In a narrow part of the cavity and outlet of the pelvis, the direct sizes are larger.

There are two pelvis departments: big pelvis and small pelvis. The boundary between them is the entrance plane in a small pelvis.

Large pelvis is limited from the sides of the wings of the iliac bones, behind - the last lumbar vertebra. It does not have bone walls in front.

The greatest value in obstetrics has a small pelvis. Through a small pelvis is the birth of the fetus. There are no simple methods for measuring a small pelvic. At the same time, the size of a large pelvis is easy to determine, and on their basis it is possible to judge the form and sizes of a small pelvis.

Small pelvis is a bone part of the generic canal. The shape and dimensions of the small pelvis are very important during childbirth and determining their tactics. With sharp degrees of the essence of the pelvis and its deformities of childbirth through natural generic paths become impossible, and the woman is rooted by the operation cesarean section.

The rear wall of the small pelvis is the seats and the tailbone, the side - sedal bones, front - pubic bones with pubic symphysome. Top part The pelvis is a solid bone ring. In the middle and lower thirds of the wall of the small pelvis are not solid. In the side departments there are large and small sedable holes, limited by respectively large and small sedlication cuts and ligaments. The branches of the pubic and sedlicate bones, merging, surround the locking hole having a triangle shape with rounded corners.

In a small basin, the inlet, cavity and exit are distinguished. In the cavity of the small pelvis, they allocate a wide and narrow part. In accordance with this, four classic planes are distinguished in a small basin.

The entrance plane in a small pelvis is limited in front of the top edge of the symphysis and the uprop-and-end edge of the pubic bones, from the sides - arcuate lines of the iliac bones and behind the sacral cape. This plane has a form of transversely located oval (or queen). It distinguishes three sizes: straight, transverse and 2 oblique (right and left). The straight size is the distance from the uphenert-end edge of the symphima to the sacrum. This size is called true or obstetric conjugates and is equal to 11 cm.

In the plane of the entrance to a small pelvis, another anatomical conjugate is distinguished - the distance between the upper edge of the symphiz and the sacral cape. The magnitude of the anatomical conjugate is 11.5 cm. The transverse size is the distance between the most remote areas of arcuate lines. It is 13.0-13.5 cm.

The sizes of the entrance plane in a small pelvis are the distance between the sacroy-iliac joint of one side and the iliac-pubic elevation of the opposite side. The right oblique size is determined from the right sacratling and iliac articulation, left-left. These sizes range from 12.0 to 12.5 cm.

The plane of a wide part of the cavity of the small pelvis in the front is limited by the middle of the inner surface of the symphysis, from the side - middings covering the godded depressions, behind the place of compound II and III sacral vertebrae. In a wide part of the cavity of the small pelvis, 2 sizes are distinguished: straight and transverse.

The straight size is the distance between the location of the compound II and III of the sacral vertebrae and the middle of the inner surface of the symphima. It is equal to 12.5 cm.

The transverse size is the distance between the middle of the inner surfaces of the plates covering the godded depressions. It is 12.5 cm. Since the pelvis in a wide part of the cavity does not represent a solid bone ring, oblique dimensions in this department are allowed only conditionally (13 cm).

The plane of a narrow part of the cavity of the small pelvis is limited in front of the lower edge of the symphysis, from the sides are the essays of the seeded bones, behind the sacrum-coccopy articulation. This plane also distinguishes 2 sizes.

The straight size is the distance between the lower edge of the Symphysia and the sacrum-cleaned articulation. It is 11.5 cm.

The transverse size is the distance between the absentee bones. It is 10.5 cm.

The plane of exiting a small pelvic is limited to the lower edge of the pubic symphiz, from the sides - sedlicated strumies, rear - the top of the tailbone.

The straight size is the distance between the lower edge of the alphabet and the top of the tailbone. It is 9.5 cm. When the fetus passes through the generic channel (through the plane of the outlet of the small pelvis), due to the disheaval of the cipper, this size increases by 1.5-2.0 cm and becomes equal to 11.0-11.5 cm .

The transverse size is the distance between the inner surfaces of the sciatic bugs. It is 11.0 cm.

When comparing the sizes of a small pelvis in different planes, it turns out that in the plane of the entrance to the small pelvis maximum cross sizesIn a wide part of the cavity of the small pelvis, the straight and transverse dimensions are equal, and in a narrow part of the cavity and in the plane of the outlet of the small pelvis, the direct sizes are larger than the transverse.

In obstetrics, in some cases, the system of parallel planes of the Gojii is used. The first, or top, the plane (terminal) passes through the top edge of the symphysis and the boundary (terminal) line. The second parallel plane is called the main thing and passes through the lower edge of the symphysis parallel to the first. The fetus head, passing through this plane, does not meet significant obstacles, as the solid bone ring passed. The third parallel plane is spinal. It runs parallel to the previous two through the aiste of sedanized bones. The fourth plane is the output plane - runs parallel to the previous three through the top of the tailbone.

All the classic planes of a small pelvis converge in the direction of the Kepenta (Symphiz) and the veterinously disagree. If you connect the middle of all straight sizes of the small pelvis, then the line is curved in the form of a fishing hook line called wired axis pelvis. It is bent in the cavity of the small pelvis, respectively, the disadvantage of the inner surface of the sacrum. The movement of the fetus by the generic canal occurs in the direction of the wired axis of the pelvis.

The angle of inclination of the pelvis is an angle formed by the plane of the entrance in a small pelvis and the line of the horizon. The magnitude of the angle of inclination of the pelvis changes when the center of gravity is moved. In non-removed women, the angle of inclination of the pelvis is on average equal to 45-46 °, and lumbar lordosis It is 4.6 cm (according to Sh. Ya. Mikladze).

As pregnancy develops, the lumbar lordosis increases due to the displacement of the center of gravity with the region II of the sacrum verteons Kepened, which leads to an increase in the angle of inclination of the pelvis.

During pregnancy, the sizes of the pelvis play an important role. Sometimes it depends on the flow of labor. If the pelvic bones are narrow, then there may be complications during childbirth or they can end the cesarean cross section. A narrow pelvis is observed about 3% of women during pregnancy, but it is not always an indicator for Cesarean.

When registering for pregnancy, the female pelvis is given special attention. After its measurement, the gynecologist already at the very beginning of pregnancy will be able to assume how childbirth will occur.

Distinguish anatomical and clinical narrow pelvis during pregnancy.

Anatomical narrow pelvis - Missing at least one parameter by 1.5-2 cm and more from normal. It is a consequence of the impact of some factors on the body in childhood: defective nutrition, frequent infectious diseases, lack of vitamins, hormonal violations During puberty, congenital anomalies, injuries and fractures. Also, the deformation of the pelvic bones may occur as a result of tuberculosis, rickets, poliomyelitis.

If the pregnant woman is diagnosed 1 degree of narrowing out of 4, then natural way Full possible. It is also possible to independently give birth to 2 degrees of narrowing, but taking into account certain conditions, for example, if the fruit is not large. The remaining degrees (3 and 4) are always an indication to Cesarean section.

Clinical narrow pelvis - Non-compliance of the fetus head with the parameters of the Hife pelvic, diagnosed during childbirth. IN this case The pelvis has normal physiological parameters and shape. It is considered narrow, as the fetus is quite large or incorrectly examines his forehead or face. For this reason, the child cannot be born naturally.

Normal sizes of pelvis

The measurement of the pelvis is carried out by a special tool with a basic tool that measure:

Distance between front upper corners iliac pelvic bones. Normally, it is 25-26 cm.

The distance between the remote points of the ridges of the iliac bones. Normally, it is 28-29 cm.

The distance between the big skewers of the femoral bones. Normally, it is 31-32 cm.

The distance of the middle of the upper outer edge of the symphysis to the surrender. Normally, it is 20-21 cm.

Rhombus Michaelis (lumbling rhombus). Normally, its value diagonally is 10 cm, vertically - 11 cm. If asymmetry or its parameters are present normal valuesThis indicates the wrong structure of pelvic bones.

Additionally, it is possible to obtain data on the parameters of pelvic bones with the following studies:

  • X-rayOfeliometry. Holding this study It is allowed at the end of the third trimester, when all the fabrics and organs of the fetus are already formed. Thanks to the procedure, it is possible to find out the shape of the bones and the sacrum, to determine the straight and transverse sizes of the pelvis, measure the head of the fetus and install whether it corresponds to its parameters.
  • Ultrasound procedure . On the ultrasound it is possible to determine the correspondence of the magnitude of the fetus head with sizes of pelvic bones. Also, the procedure allows us to find out the location of the fetus head, because in cases of the frontal or facial preview, it will take more space during childbirth.
  • Solovyov's index - Measurement of the circle white Sustav Women, thanks to which you can find out the thickness of the bones and determine the straight size of the input cavity in a small pelvis. Normally, the value of the circumference of the ray-exclusive joint is 14 cm. If it is greater, then the bones are massive, if less, then - thin. For example, with insufficient external sizes of pelvic bones and with a normal Solovyov index, the size of the pelvic ring is sufficient to pass through the child.

Birth with narrow pelvis and possible complications

IN female consultation All pregnant women with a narrow pelvis are in a special accounting. It is very important, in this case, to determine the date of delivery, since it is extremely undesirable to rebuild the pregnancy. A woman in 1-2 weeks will put in the hospital. Closer to the term of childbirth, doctors will address the question of the way of delivery.

During natural labor in narrow pelvis, the risk of developing complications in the fetus (respiratory disorder, oxygen starvation, generic injury, circulatory disruption in the brain, fracture of the clavicle, damage to the bones of the skull and, the worst, intrauterine death) and the mother (weak generic activity, premature influence of the arrogant water, postpartum infection, the threat of the uterus break).

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During pregnancy, they are very important anatomical features female organism. Future mom must bear and give birth to kid without serious consequences For his health.

The sizes of the pelvis during pregnancy play a huge role in the process of natural childbirth. That is why these indicators define obstetrics while maintaining a pregnant woman.


During the outdoor obstetric examination, a manipulation of pelviometry is performed. Literally this term is translated as a measurement of the pelvis.

Carry out pelviometry with special device - Tazomer Martin. This tool consists of two legs, which are connected by a special scale. According to the latter, the doctor determines the distance between the diluted legs of the device.

The pelviser is installed on the bone protrusions of a pregnant woman and the doctor quickly receives information about the required sizes.

The procedure of pelviometry is absolutely painless and takes a few minutes.

Normal indicators

In the course of performing pelviometry, the specialists can identify several different quantities. The greatest value Have a total of 5 indicators:

  1. First determines Distantia Spinarum. Bone pelvis has four most protruding departments - the ointle of the ileum bones. This indicator means a segment between the front upper the most protruding pelvis points on both sides.
  2. Next, the doctor defines Distantia Cristarum. This indicator means the distance between the sections of the pelvis ridges removed from each other. To determine his legs of the pelvomer move along the row until the greatest distance between them.
  3. The following parameter indirectly allows you to judge the amount of cavity. Distantia Trochanterica is the length of the distance between the big skewers of the thigh. These bone protrusions are easily proud of most people.
  4. Conjugata Externa is determined by a woman lying on the side. At the same time, one leg of the thasomer is installed in the place of the hint joint with a sacrum, and the second to the top edge of the pubic symphima. This parameter carries an auxiliary value and helps determine the true conjugate.
  5. The most important role is the True conjugate. It is determined by an arithmetic path. 9 centimeters are subtracted from the exterior size. However, some women have a large thickness, if the patient's wrist circumference exceeds 15 centimeters, then 10 centimeters should be subtracted from the outer conjugate.

As a result of measurements, 5 main sizes are determined that correlated with the norm.

The sizes of the pelvis during pregnancy, the norm - Table:

Normal pelvic size allows a woman without complications to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. Clinical meaning

If a bone structures It turns out less than the norm, this may lead to the following consequences:

  • Premature oral influence. The growing volume of amniotic fluid begins to exceed the capacity of the bone pore. As a result, the shell ripped and the liquid is poured out.
  • Flip out of the fruit during waiting activity.
  • The difficulty of passing the fetus in childbirth.
  • Hypoxia of a child with the development of complications of oxygen starvation.
  • Bleeding, fractures, hematomas and other types of generic injuries.
  • Inflammation of the fetal shells.
  • Rassengers of the perineum, vagina and cervix.
  • Anomalies generic activity in the form of weakness or discopringe.
  • Obstetric postpartum bleeding.

To prevent the complications listed, it is necessary to detect the pathology of bone structures in time.

Anatomically narrow pelvis

In obstetrics, the concept of a narrow pelvis is divided into anatomical and clinical options. In the first case, there is a decrease in the size of the bone poles below the norm presented above. In the second - the size of the fetus does not correspond to the trimming pathways.

Anatomically narrow pelvis can manifest itself in the following options:

  1. Encouraged - only those indicators that determine the transverse capacity of the cavity are reduced.
  2. Flat - reduced direct sizes of bone structures.
  3. Obsernestrated - all indicators less than the norm, however, the shape of the bones is correct.
  4. Square - on the left and right bones have different sizes, therefore the cavity is asymmetrically twist.
  5. Tase, narrowed by tumors and exhibitions. Special form Pathology in which individual formations reduce the size of the bone cavity.

Listed pathology options can develop when exposed to such factors:

  • Incorrect women.
  • Shorting of one lower limb.
  • Viral polio.
  • Tuberculosis bones of the lower extremities.
  • Fractures and other skeletal injuries.
  • Rahit and osteoporosis.
  • Excessive physical exertion.
  • Hereditary features.

Clinically narrow pelvis

A slightly different meaning is the concept of clinically narrow pelvis. This condition may be observed and normal sizes Bones, however, the fruit is too large.

This condition is determined only at the time of the beginning of the generic activity. Prior to this, it is not possible to put this diagnosis. With this pathology, such symptoms are observed:

  • Excessive sweeps with high standing pre-part.
  • Unynchronized opening of the cervix with the promotion of the fetus.
  • The fights are painful and unproductive.
  • Edema subcutaneous tissue In the field of external genital organs.
  • Lack of urination.
  • Soreness in the lower half of the abdomen.
  • Tachycardia fetal.

A confirmed diagnosis can be an indication for carrying a cesarean section, since natural labor can lead to serious complications.

The clinical value of the bone pore parameters is very large, so the pelviometry is made by each pregnant woman.

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