Dream Interpretation ex-lover why does a former lover dream in a dream. I dreamed about my ex-lover - this is a reason to look into the dream book

Not all sleepers manage to remember the images of their dreams. But the female half of humanity often happens to see a former lover in a dream. To understand why such a vision occurs in a dream, you should recall the smallest details in your memory. Only after this can you look into the dream book to clarify the signs of the night picture.

The nature of dreams still remains beyond the knowledge of official science. Psychologists consider images of night illusions to be a breakthrough into the world of the unknown and mysterious, an opportunity to realize the past and look into the future. IN general case a dreamy scenario in which a woman happened to see her former lover is considered a sign of nostalgia for a past relationship. The feelings have not yet faded away, the heart wounds have not healed, leaving unresolved questions in the soul.

A clear answer that confirms reality prophetic dreams, does not exist. Night scenario with ex-man can be considered a warning sign if the picture came on the eve of an important event.

The importance of dream details

Dream books interpret this scenario differently, based on the actions of the dreamer herself and her boyfriend:

  • dreaming of breaking up with a former lover means losing something or someone important in reality;
  • an illusion with an ex-boyfriend's kiss is a surprise in reality, or it is a warning about a future quarrel with a current lover;
  • dream where ex-boyfriend a new passion indicates a moral readiness to part with him;
  • hugs from a former lover in a dream signal the dreamer’s need for moral support and protection.

According to modern psychologists, with sleep illusions the subconscious mind reveals issues that are important to a person, trying to give a hint what should be changed in the real life. Treatises by famous dream interpreters will help you interpret the unobtrusive image of a dream. If the dream vision becomes intrusive, you will have to contact a psychologist.

Options for interpreting the image from dream books

For many girls, parting with their chosen one becomes a cruel blow, which affects their mental health. A series of memories and joint plans for the future remain a link with the past for a long time. The feeling of unsaidness turns into a desire to restore order in own feelings, which leads to the appearance of a former lover in a dream.

Advice: the contemplator of a dream vision should distract from obsessive thoughts about an ex-boyfriend. Plunging into the whirlpool of new activities or interesting hobby, you can find a riot of bright emotions that can overshadow your former love.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

According to the interpretation of the famous prophet, a dream with an ex-fiancé warns of the ban on turning to sorcerers for help. The sign is especially relevant if you dreamed that the ex-boyfriend was again inflamed with his former passion for the dreamer. The girl should not use any magical techniques. Perhaps her former lover is trying to bring her back with witchcraft.

Freud's Dream Book

The great psychoanalyst paid great attention to the analysis and interpretation of dreams, considering them manifestations of the unconscious, the result of the interaction of the subconscious with consciousness. What does a former lover dream about, according to Freud:

  • an illusion is not considered significant if the separation occurred recently, these are echoes of a once familiar way of life;
  • if a dream vision comes against the background of a new relationship, this is a harbinger of a quarrel with the current lover;
  • sometimes such a dream warns a woman that a new relationship may be destroyed due to mistakes similar to past ones.

The founder of psychoanalysis advises the dreamer to pay attention to little things and analyze the current relationship. If a woman mentally compares the merits of both men, you should not share your conclusions with your current companion; such an “excursion” into your past will be unpleasant for him.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The appearance of such a phantasmagoria should be considered a call for change, since the woman has had a change of priorities, she is striving for something new. The author of the dream book, a medium of the last century, suggests conducting an internal “audit” after breaking up with a former lover.

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

The esoteric treatise of a modern scientist and occultist is especially popular among women. The most voluminous tome to date offers two directions for interpreting the dream, depending on the status of the dreamer:

  • for an unmarried girl, a night dream with an ex is considered a sign of an imminent frivolous act in real life;
  • For a married or divorced woman, a dream picture becomes a signal of the emergence of unpleasant personal or financial problems.

It's interesting that the authors English dream book We agree with Nostradamus on the issue of decoding dreams. The night scenario, in which the lady happened to see her former lover, foreshadows magical influence against a woman by a man with whom he broke up.

Esoteric dream book

The dream interpreter provides a fairly detailed interpretation of the dream.

  • An illusory meeting with a former chosen one indicates echoes of wrong decisions of the past, which are reflected in today's situation.
  • If the dreamer happened to make love with a man from the past, in reality she should expect an aggravation of a long-standing conflict.
  • After a strong quarrel in a dream with a former lover, in reality one should expect pleasant changes in personal life.

Loff's Dream Book

The symbolism of the author's treatise is based on the spiritual perception of events and phenomena. The collection does not prophesy, but helps, in the light of dream images, to correctly build real life. If the dreamer dreams that her ex-husband has remarried her, in reality she should expect negative circumstances. Why do you dream about the death of your ex-lover? This turn of the scenario foreshadows prosperity and well-being in reality, an early marriage and the appearance of an offspring

Vanga's Dream Book

  • If the dreamer happened to see her former love in a dream, it means that she longs for a return to the relationship.
  • The continuation of a love affair according to a dream scenario indicates that previous feelings have been overcome.
  • If the ex-boyfriend was drunk during the dream, then in real life he misses the lady who saw the dream and is waiting for her support.

The dream interpreter has prepared for a divorced woman additional option dream decoding. If the pantheon of images night dreams The ex-mother-in-law adds, the situation indicates the fact that she regrets about your separation from her son.

An ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who appears in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past.

This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; ex-love does not want to give up true love a place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, in all areas of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

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Dream Interpretation - Beloved

A man sees an attractive and friendly girl in a dream and knows that she is his beloved - a happy marriage awaits this man.

The beloved in a dream is unfriendly and unsympathetic, perhaps gloomy or even gloomy - the man made the wrong choice; the girl or young woman with whom he is currently spending time will bore him before he decides to throw in his lot with her.

The beloved seems to be sick; she is pale, she has a painful grimace - the married life that awaits this man cannot be called happy; at the very beginning there will be a few days of happiness, but then it will drag on long years melancholy; The charm will pass quickly, and both will understand that they are not suitable for each other, and they will not dare to break off the relationship.

The beloved dreams of being dead - for quite a long period of time you will be tormented by doubts about one thing or another; it will be difficult for you to make a decision; your business will decline.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dreams about your ex young man nothing more than a sign that in real life you are carried away by the events of the past. Why do you still dream about your ex-lover?

Why do ex-boyfriends appear in dreams?

For most girls and women, the appearance of an ex-boyfriend in a dream causes anxiety and indignation, especially if this moment They are lonely for a while and have not yet found their soul mate. According to the dream book, the most disturbing dream is one in which your lover, without explaining the reason, leaves you or talks about breaking up. This plot symbolizes the psychological fear of losing something very valuable and expensive. If your ex-lover often visits you in your dreams, appearing in different situations, it’s worth thinking about: perhaps your feelings are still alive and deep down you hope to restore your relationship with this person. To understand why your ex-lover dreams, it’s worth remembering exactly the plot that you dreamed about in your dream.

If a girl just saw her ex-boyfriend, but had no contact with him, then such a dream can be of particular significance. The dream book suggests: this symbol is, one way or another, connected with real relationships. Seeing an ex-boyfriend in a dream is a sign of a possible conflict with a real partner. This dream should be considered as a warning. If you value this relationship, then try to do everything to prevent a quarrel. The modern dream book offers several more interpretations:

  • An ex-boyfriend smiles at you - a girl underestimates her real lover. Maybe you attribute non-existent negative qualities to your partner without noticing the advantages;
  • Seeing your ex-boyfriend’s family in a dream means harmony and prosperity in your personal life. If there are conflicts in a relationship, they will soon end;
  • Seeing a former boyfriend dating or marrying another girl - important step, forgiveness and conflict resolution with someone close to you.

Interacting with an ex-boyfriend in a dream

It’s one thing to just see your ex-boyfriend in your dreams, but it’s another thing entirely to contact and interact with him. Any actions in a dream can radically change the interpretation of the plot.

  • If you are going through a breakup with your ex-boyfriend, you need to be careful and refrain from rash actions;
  • A conversation with an ex-boyfriend is a disease of a true lover;
  • A former gentleman hugs or kisses you - surprise. Pleasant or not depends on what emotions you experienced at that moment;
  • Making love with an ex is a conflict with someone close to you, which may soon escalate;
  • A quarrel with an ex-boyfriend is a good and pleasant change in reality;
  • Marrying a former lover is a big problem.

If you dreamed about how you were arguing with a long-forgotten guy, it means that things will soon happen for you in your personal life. new period, which will give a lot of pleasant life-changing surprises and joy. In case you are connected in real life romantic relationships, then rest assured: they will turn out very well.

Former boyfriend in Freud's dream book

Miller's dream book about sleeping with an ex-lover

Miller interprets dreams in a completely different way, in which the main character is a former young man:

  • Dating an ex-boyfriend, experiencing old feelings for him - the onset of indirect consequences of an event that happened a long time ago;
  • A kiss with an ex is a surprise;
  • Sexual intercourse is an aggravation of old conflicts;
  • Parting is a new meeting that will turn into a fiasco;
  • A fight with an ex-boyfriend means the emergence of a new authoritarian companion. Another interpretation says: your current partner will show possessive tendencies.

Find out more

An ex-boyfriend or ex-husband who appears in a dream symbolizes your excessive preoccupation with the past.

This is what prevents you from moving forward and developing as an individual; your ex-love doesn't want to give up your present love's place in your heart.

The dream in which you parted with this person suggests that the time is coming for a change of priorities, the collapse of previous ideals.

After this internal audit, things will go much better for you, in all areas of your life.

Interpretation of dreams from Longo's Dream Interpretation

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Subscribe to the Dream Interpretation channel!

Dream Interpretation - Beloved

A man sees an attractive and friendly girl in a dream and knows that she is his beloved - a happy marriage awaits this man.

The beloved in a dream is unfriendly and unsympathetic, perhaps gloomy or even gloomy - the man made the wrong choice; the girl or young woman with whom he is currently spending time will bore him before he decides to throw in his lot with her.

The beloved seems to be sick; she is pale, she has a painful grimace - the married life that awaits this man cannot be called happy; at the very beginning there will be a few days of happiness, but then many years of melancholy will drag on; The charm will pass quickly, and both will understand that they are not suitable for each other, and they will not dare to break off the relationship.

The beloved dreams of being dead - for quite a long period of time you will be tormented by doubts about one thing or another; it will be difficult for you to make a decision; your business will decline.

Interpretation of dreams from

Every person dreams constantly. Some of them can be remembered, while others are erased from memory before morning comes. Many girls and women face a problem when they dream about their ex-lover. Q What are they talking about? Do they have any esoteric meaning or are vivid dreams just the result of the activity of the subconscious?

Are prophetic dreams reality?

Today there are many dream books, each of which offers different explanations for the things seen in a dream. Of course, there are many esoteric teachings, legends, stories, religions that recognize the presence of prophetic dreams. Many women who see a former lover in a dream believe that this is evidence of passionate feelings on the part of the man.

Is it true? There is hardly a clear answer to this question. After all, there are many facts that deny the existence of prophetic dreams. At the same time, thousands of people say that on the eve of certain important events they have warning dreams. This is purely a matter of faith.

As for scientific research, then their results indicate that sleep is a manifestation intensive work subconscious.

Dreaming about an ex-lover - why? Freudian meaning

Yes, S. Freud agreed that dreams are manifestations of the unconscious. The founder of psychoanalysis paid much attention to the analysis of dreams. After all, the subconscious communicates with consciousness through images and pictures. Naturally, the scientist more than once had to deal with patients who dreamed of their former lover. Why such a dream?

If you and your loved one have only recently broken up, then it is quite normal to see your ex-boyfriend (or husband) in a dream, because you had to disrupt your usual way of life, give up communication and relationships that in one way or another influenced the development of your personality.

But what if you're already in a new relationship that you're quite happy with? If you have a family, but you haven’t seen your ex-boyfriend for several years? In such cases, Freud advised paying attention to the little things. Perhaps in a past relationship you had something that you lack with your partner now? For example, back then there was more romance, more passion, more sensuality, and now you just don’t have such vivid emotions?

Sometimes the subconscious tries to warn a woman that in a new relationship she is making the same mistakes as in the past.

Why do you dream about your ex-lover? Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

This dream book is considered the largest today, and many women use it to explain their dreams. So why do you dream about ex-lovers? If an unmarried girl saw it in a dream, then this may foreshadow some frivolous act that will be committed by her in the near future. Be careful, as seemingly harmless frivolity can lead to serious, even disastrous consequences.

A completely different interpretation of a dream seen by a divorced woman or married woman. In this case, the dream predicts the appearance of unpleasant troubles. Problems may be related to forced long trips, illness of the husband (if he has one). Dreams may signal worsening financial problems.

Esoteric dream book

This dream book also gives very detailed explanation similar dreams. Seeing a former lover in a dream, while experiencing warm feelings for him, is a manifestation of the consequences of some events that happened a long time ago.

If in a dream you kiss your ex, then be prepared for events that will surprise you. If you make love, then this may indicate an upcoming aggravation of some old conflict. Sometimes women dream that a man still loves them - this means pleasant surprises. If in a dream your former loved one marries someone, then in the near future you will be able to forgive someone. If you are the bride, then get ready for trouble.

A strong quarrel with an ex-boyfriend predicts some pleasant changes in your personal life. If you fight in a dream, then be prepared for the appearance of an authoritarian companion in your life. Parting may foreshadow a pleasant acquaintance or meeting.

What do modern dream books say?

There are many modern dream books, which many women turn to if they dream of a former lover. Why such a dream?

What do modern psychologists think?

It should be noted right away that dream analysis is not an exact science. Modern psychologists They consider the pictures they see in a dream to be signals from the subconscious, which are trying to give answers to questions that interest you and suggest what exactly needs to be changed in your life.

If you are constantly tormented by dreams about your ex-lover, try to distract yourself. Find yourself a new hobby or interesting activity that will give you such vivid emotions that it will eclipse the image of your ex-boyfriend for a long time. If intrusive dreams do not disappear, then you should consult a psychologist. Still, the clues of the subconscious should not be ignored, and deciphering them on your own is not always easy.

For example, if you and your boyfriend or husband separated after a serious disagreement, then there is an unresolved conflict. Constant dreams about it may indicate that the subconscious is trying to solve it, playing out various possible scenarios for the development of events. And, of course, we should not forget that sometimes a dream is just a dream and nothing more.
