Fortune telling in the name of the future husband on cards, on a book and with the help of a magic pendulum. Fortune telling about your future husband: several ways to find out the name of your betrothed

Every girl has a moment when she wants to know about her future family life and your other half. That is why fortune telling in the name of the future husband will never lose its relevance.

Fortune telling will help you lift the curtain of secrecy and find out about your future family life and your other half.

Today there are many magical ways satisfy your curiosity. Representatives of the fairer sex have at least once thought about with whom and when they will go down the aisle, and fortune telling will allow you to lift the curtain of secrecy.

Simple Christmas fortune telling

Fortune telling about your future husband will be as accurate as possible if the ritual is performed on Christmas Eve.

Before finding out the name of their future husband, the girls carefully prepared for secret rituals. It has long been believed that if you go out on Christmas night and ask the first guy you meet for his name, then your betrothed will have the same name.

You can use another proven method. Before you go to bed, take a few scraps of paper and write one name on them in random order. The notes go under the pillow. After waking up, the first thing we do is take out one of them at random and look at the name. That's it, fortune telling is over!

Such simple methods do not satisfy everyone, so girls try to use more serious methods to satisfy their curiosity.

Fortune telling using a ready-made table

Fortune telling in the name of your future husband using a table also cannot be called particularly difficult, but it already carries a deeper meaning. The method is based not only on observations, but also on proven facts, which indicate that the presence of the same letters in the name of the wife and husband indicates mutual understanding and a happy marriage. And the more coincidences there are in your names, the greater affection and love there will be in the family.

It’s enough just to remember the guys with whom you had a romantic relationship at first sight. Most likely, what Olga cannot forget is Oleg, Leonid or Igor.

By studying the following table, girls will be able to learn a lot of interesting things not only about their future husband, but also about any person from their environment. If fortune telling in the name of the future husband using a table with numbers makes it possible to find out what the name of the person chosen by fate will be, then using a table of letters of the alphabet one can calculate the main spiritual qualities of the candidate for his hand and heart.

A is a letter symbolizing a man as a true workaholic

Letter The main character traits of a man
A Can't imagine life without work. A true workaholic, especially if work is what he loves.
B A risky specimen, a supporter of love affairs, extreme travel and risk in business.
IN A person who plans every day of his life and slowly but surely conquers the peaks created in fantasy dreams.
G Men are distinguished by disgust and minimal patience.
D The main feature is the desire to occupy a leading position, even if you have to go over your head.
E An open person who strives for power at any cost. But with the truth in mind and in practice.
AND Esthete and gourmet. He wants to bring everything he starts to perfection.
Z A reliable guy who is ready to lend a helping hand at any time and help solve problems.
AND He is distinguished by common sense and a thorough approach to both work and raising a family.
TO A stubborn cunning man who can hide his true intentions under a mask of purity.
L A person only accepts comfortable life. If I’m eating, then delicacies; if I’m eating a woman, then the queen.
M A desperate experimenter who prefers traveling to staying at home and strives to learn new things from his own experience.
N A person is selective in friends and loved ones. His actions speak of his true feelings.
ABOUT A principled conservative, which often spoils him personal life for fear of opening up. Misses out on a lot of opportunities because of this.
P He strives for victory not for the sake of glory, but simply for the sake of proving to himself that any impregnable peak can be taken.
R Loyal not only to your soul mate, but also to your goal and dream.
WITH Strives for fame and glory, has a sparkling charm that can help achieve what he wants.
T A person who loves constant change and diversity in all directions. Constant little things only irritate him.
U Tries to achieve his goals by resorting to cunning tricks. He can hide his true views well from others.
F A purposeful owner who will defend his rights at any cost and will not offend his family and friends.
X Responsiveness and friendliness are the main features of these men.
H People who do not seek self-interest in friendship and love, but constantly strive to help and find justice.
Sh Don't panic in extreme conditions, maintaining a sober outlook and coolness in all situations.
E A calculating man seeking to gain profit and gain by any means necessary.
YU Narcissism, overestimation of one’s capabilities, which interfere with building harmonious relationships.
I An ardent thinker who enjoys his mental abilities and deductive skills.

I am a letter symbolizing a male thinker enjoying his deductive powers

Card fortune telling

This type of fortune telling with cards is also very common among the fairer sex. To understand how the chosen guy feels about you, it’s enough to know him full name and the next schedule. We thoroughly mix the cards and arrange them in piles according to the number of letters in the betrothed’s name. The pile containing the last card from the deck is dealt next.

When the last pair of piles are on the table, the fortune telling moves to the next level. Now we open a card with each of them at the same time; if their name matches, the pair is put aside. After all the cards have been sorted out, the most interesting part begins - deciphering the meaning of the matching pairs.

The decoding of this fortune telling on cards for the name is as follows:

  • 6 - the guy dreams of meeting;
  • 7 - waiting for conversation;
  • 8 - very bored;
  • 9 - loves without a doubt;
  • 10 - considers your character ideal;
  • B - jealous;
  • D - I like your appearance;
  • K - the chosen one dreams of kissing you;
  • T - all thoughts about sex.

The letter “T” warns: a man thinks exclusively about sex

Such fortune telling on playing cards may not answer global questions, but it will help create a certain impression of what a person thinks about you and your relationship.

If you have Tarot cards at home, you can use them to tell fortunes about your loved one, have feelings for the fortuneteller, and share a future together.

The main thing in the process of working with any cards is to believe them, to focus on the result and a truthful answer. Only a new deck is used for fortune telling; it is a personal item of the fortuneteller. It is important that other people's hands do not touch it.

Before guessing, carefully shuffle the deck and take out seven cards at random. The selected cards are placed face down on the table. They will tell the whole story of the relationship:

  • the first card will tell you about your condition and readiness for marriage and general attitude for marriage;
  • the second card will tell you exactly when you will meet your betrothed, how the meeting will take place and in what place;
  • the third card will more specifically describe the circumstances of the meeting so that you get to know your other half;
  • the fourth card will tell about the personality of the betrothed, sometimes it can even tell the main features of his appearance;
  • the fifth card will tell you whether this young man is destined for fate or came into your life by chance;
  • the sixth card carries information about your family life with your spouse after the wedding;
  • The seventh card is the result of the entire layout, it gives advice regarding marriage with the chosen man.

In the process of fortune telling on cards in the name of a lover, it is worth considering that information will emerge regarding your real chosen one following fate. If general information turns out to be unreliable, then this suggests that none of the men who are next to you on this moment, will not become a husband.

To find out what your betrothed and your future will be like living together, then you can tell fortunes on your husband in this way.

We take our working deck of cards and draw kings from it. Before going to bed, we put them under the pillow, reciting a certain spell. One caveat - you can’t read words from pieces of paper, you need to learn them by heart. This rule applies not only to this fortune-telling. All incantations must be recited by heart.

Early in the morning, as soon as you open your eyes, put your hand under your pillow and choose one card. The suit of the king will become the basis of predictions:

  • The King of Spades is a groom with a difficult character, but wealthy.
  • The King of the Cross is the husband’s great love, but at the same time it promises many tears in family life.
  • The King of Hearts is a calm husband and a happy family life.
  • King of Diamonds - predicts misunderstandings and quarrels between you and your husband.

The King of Diamonds predicts frequent conflicts in the family

How to see your soulmate in a dream

All exciting questions, hidden thoughts and even pictures from the future can emerge during sleep.

The universe does not separate the present and the future, so seeing your future in a dream by launching a program using a certain conspiracy is quite possible.

First way. If you want to see your betrothed in a dream, you can do this using the following method. We take a crust of bread and put a note in it with a spell: “I leave a piece of bread under your pillow for you, my betrothed, come, help yourself, appear to me with your face.” The girl dresses in a spacious nightie and undoes her braids.

If during sleep it was not possible to examine your appearance or it was forgotten after waking up, the procedure can be repeated. However, if the dream contained negativity, it is better to refuse to try again and simply forget everything.

The next fortune telling, which is carried out before bedtime, is called the “bridge”. To see your future husband in a dream you need to take a deep vessel and pour into it clean water. The rims of the plate are connected with a wooden plank, after which the structure lies under sleeping area. Just before going to bed, a certain spell is cast on a plate of water. Future husband must definitely be a dream.

Thus, it will not be possible to find out either the last name or the first name, but only to determine the appearance and other habits of the young man walking with you through fate.

Recognize your husband's name by the lines of his hand

You should not look for the name in your palm, but the first letter can be determined in the following way. Ask someone you know to make a “nettle” on your arm below the shoulder. After this procedure, look carefully at the pattern of red stripes; among them you can see the first letter with which the name of the person destined for the girl by fate begins.

When a girl sees her chosen one, she will understand it immediately. A wave of lightness and warmth will pass through your body. The girl will immediately feel that she is at ease and at ease with this person. You may even want to live next to him for the rest of your life.

And it doesn’t matter how you looked for your betrothed, using fortune telling for your betrothed using a table with numbers, card layouts, or casting prophetic dreams, the important thing is that he appeared and strives to give his chosen one family happiness.

Fortune telling in the name of a future husband will never lose its popularity, since all girls want to know with whom they will go down the aisle. Today we have come to know a lot of ways that will help determine the name of the future boyfriend or spouse.

In the article:

Fortune telling for the future husband using a bow

Today there are many different rituals that will help you find out who your betrothed will be, what he will look like, with a specific person.

But if you want to make sure exactly what your spouse will be called, then use this ancient ritual. If you believe tradition, it is held on the night of January 13-14, on Old New Year. It is also called generous Vasilyev evening.

It is believed that on this night you will be able to find out everything about your married life. In order to find out the name of the betrothed, exactly 7 days before the specified date, you should buy several bulbs, write the names of the intended grooms on them, and then put the bulbs in different containers filled with water. When will it come specified night, Tell:

Oh onion, onion, whisper, who will be the groom?

Then measure the length of the seedlings using a ruler. Legend has it that the betrothed will be the one whose name is carved on the bulb with the longest feathers.

How to find out the name of your future husband? Everything is extremely simple, you just need a lot of pieces of paper, a pen and a ring on a string or chain. Write the names of the men on various pieces of paper, then turn the pieces of paper over so that what is written on them is not visible. Now you should take the ring, hang it on a chain or thread, and then say:

Ring, ring, tell me who to open my heart to.

Now move your homemade pendulum over all the pieces of paper. The belief says that the betrothed will be the one above whose name the amplitude of the pendulum's oscillation will be the largest.

Simple rituals for determining a guy's name

These rituals are very simple and have come down to our time since time immemorial. To carry out the first fortune telling, you will need to go out into the street exactly at midnight, turn to the first male person you meet and ask his name.

Some believe that it is best to carry out such fortune-telling only on Christmas Eve, but other experts argue that the answer will be correct no matter what time of year this fortune-telling is carried out.

One of the most common ways to find out who your boyfriend will be is fortune telling with a comb. It's pretty simple. Before going to bed, you just need to arm yourself with a wooden or stone comb, comb your hair and say:

Betrothed, dressed up, come to me dressed up.

After which you need to put the comb under your pillow and go to bed. Remember, before going to bed you cannot visualize the image of your ideal guy, since fortune telling will no longer be accurate, just a reflection of your own thoughts.

Therefore, it is best to completely get rid of any fantasies and thoughts about your future spouse. Your betrothed will definitely come at night and comb his hair with a comb. While he does this, you can ask his name.

A fortune teller for a future husband with a walnut shell

In order to carry out this ritual, you will need to use a small bowl of water, a small candle, a shell walnut, plasticine, various pieces of paper. In order to begin the ritual, it will be necessary to write various male names on previously prepared pieces of paper.

Attach the leaves to the sides of the water container using plasticine. Take a small candle, attach it inside a nut shell, and then lower the boat into the center of the container. Watch your boat carefully, as it should stop near one of the pieces of paper with the name of your future husband.

Fortune telling with cherry pits

This is a fairly simple ritual that is more humorous in nature. You will need a lot of cherry pits. Each participant in the task must take a large bunch of seeds. One leader is also required.

The girl who will conduct the ritual must be armed with a list of male names. When she pronounces one name, each participant in the ritual throws out one cherry pit. For each girl, fortune telling ends when only one bone remains. It is believed that the name on which the fortune telling ends will be the name of her future husband.

How to find out the name of your betrothed by his hand?

In order to carry out this ritual, you will need help. Let your friend take your hand and twist it tightly, as if she were wringing out laundry. Will make "nettle". It is important that the distance between the two hands is at least 10 centimeters.

After this, she needs to clamp her hand on both sides. Among the stains and folds that form on the skin, a letter should appear. This is where your betrothed's name will begin.

Since ancient times, predictions have occupied an important place in the life of mankind. From global predictions affecting many people at the same time, to simple everyday fortune-telling - everything is aimed at finding out what the future has in store. Curiosity is a great power.

And for young girls, fortune telling has always been a popular pastime.

They come up with all kinds of things in order to quickly open the veil of secrecy and find out what the name of this one is: they go outside the gate on Christmastide to ask the name of passers-by, and listen to the murmur of pouring water, and tell fortunes on cards, and guess the name from books, and much more. In this article, we will look at some fortune-telling techniques so that you can use them to try to find out the name of your soulmate.

Fortune telling for the future husband on cards

Here is one of the most simple layouts to regular playing cards. The deck of cards must be “guessed” or new, but not played. Four kings are selected from the deck and a name is guessed for each in random order, the cards are laid out in a row.

The rest of the deck is shuffled and laid out in a row under the kings one at a time, fortune telling ends when the ace of hearts does not appear under one of the kings, which means love and mutual understanding. This will be your groom.

Another simple fortune telling on cards for the groom. A deck of 36 cards is laid out in stacks in a horizontal row, face down, with as many cards in the row as there are letters in the name of the hidden person.

When all the cards have been dealt, take the rightmost pile and place it one at a time on the other piles. Next, take the pile on which the last card was placed, and lay it on the rest and do so until there is only one pile left.

Then you take this pile and turn it over one by one and set aside those cards that match in pairs. Now we need to consider these pairs. They will show the attitude of the mysterious person towards you, and what future awaits you with him.

So, if a pair of sixes coincides, perhaps you will go on a long journey.

A pair of sevens foretells a date and a romantic relationship.

A pair of eights foreshadows conversations.

A pair of nines predicts that the young man has sympathy for you.

A couple of tens indicates that they are interested in you, but do not be fooled by this.

A pair of jacks - all his thoughts are occupied with you.

A couple of ladies - his heart is not free, and he is not interested in you.

A pair of kings means he likes your character and way of thinking.

And if you get a pair of aces, rejoice, you are loved.

Fortune telling using a book for the groom's name

You can find out the name of your betrothed from a book. The most elementary way is to take a book of names and, opening it at random, point your finger, without looking at the book, at any name - this will be the name of your chosen one. Although, of course, such fortune telling is highly doubtful.

There is a method of fortune telling with a book, when the book is opened on a page whose number corresponds to your birth number and look at the first letter printed on this page, this will be the first letter in the groom's initials. Open the next page with the number corresponding to your month of birth, also find the first letter, this will be the second letter in the initials of your future husband. Find the third letter of the initials on the page of the book with the number corresponding to your father's birth date.

Fortune telling for your future husband using a pendulum

For fortune telling, you need to make a pendulum from natural materials (metal objects, a magnet, a bead made of natural material), it is attached to a thin, durable, also natural thread. The alphabet is written on a piece of Whatman paper. Then we move the pendulum over the letters, but so that the hand does not tremble. Above which letter the pendulum begins to actively rotate, the groom’s name will begin with that letter.

You can use another version of fortune telling. Write on a piece of paper all the male names that you remember or that you like, whatever you like, and also use a pendulum to determine the name.

Several have been suggested here simple ways fortune telling for the betrothed. They do not require special training and knowledge, are technically simple, and any girl can easily carry them out at home. And to believe them or not, it’s your right.

Video on the topic of the article

Oh, these girls - at all times they have only one thing on their mind: to lift the curtain of the mystery of their fate and take at least one look at the one who is destined for them by fate. The experience accumulated over centuries makes it possible to perform fortune telling in the name of the betrothed in many ways: girls comb their hair, look in the mirror, light a candle and launch boats to find out the name of their beloved.

How to find out the name of your future betrothed or husband?

Option 1

This fortune telling for a guy's name is one of the simplest.

It requires:

  • small pieces of paper with the names of men,
  • wedding ring (if not, then a needle);
  • silk (cotton) thread.

Distribute the leaves on the table. It is most convenient if they form a circle. Thread the thread into the ring (needle) and begin the ritual. Place the ring next to each card and observe its behavior. The name you are looking for can be considered found if the behavior of the ring above it has become restless. You can watch it move like a pendulum or spin.

Option 2

Here you need to pick the leaves yourself. Sign each piece of paper with a man's name. Collect all the name tags, place them carefully at the head of the bed, and cover with a pillow. Go to rest. In the morning, before you say the first word, take out a piece of paper with your name on it. The owner of this name will be your faithful one.

Questions from visitors and answers from experts:

Option 3

Prepare small nameplates, a basin filled with water, half a walnut shell, and a small candle. Attach the plaques to the inside of the basin. Place the candle in the shell, lower it into the water, into the very middle of the basin. Wait for the candle to “moor” to the side of the pelvis. Don't be alarmed if the candle sets fire to your betrothed's name, this good sign. You will be happy in your marriage.

Fortune telling by the name of a passerby

On New Year's or Christmas morning, don't say a word to anyone. Head out the gate and contact young man, whom you see first, asking you to tell him what his name is. It will be the one you were so eager to know. Take a closer look at this man, maybe this is your destiny?

In ancient times there were many variants of this fortune telling. In some, the girl went out into the street with a piece of bread in her mouth, in another, she was required to put a pancake on her head. Some asked not the name of the passer-by, but the name of the betrothed; in this case, the passer-by named any name. This is probably even more interesting. By the way, even guys used this type of fortune telling.

Fortune telling on the skin of the hand

You cannot do this fortune telling for your future husband on your own. Call a friend for the ceremony and ask her to twist your hand in the forearm area. There should be enough distance between her hands for the lines to be visible. Carefully examine the resulting patterns with inside hands, try to distinguish the letter in them. Your husband's name will begin with this very letter.

Fortune telling by name by subject

On cherry pits

This delicious fortune telling requires a handful of cherries.
Eat a berry each and list the names of the men; whichever name the seeds end on, that’s what your husband will be called.

In the same way, you can find out your spouse’s profession, his level of well-being, and the qualities that he will possess. Don't get carried away with cherries, remember that large quantity Your teeth may set on edge, and if you are prone to allergies, you need to be extremely careful.

On an apple

You can do another fortune telling for the guy, this time you will need an apple. Focus on getting your family name, peel the apple in a spiral. Throw the cleaning through left shoulder, decipher the results. If the skin has taken the shape of a letter, then the ritual can be considered successfully completed. Your betrothed's name will start with this letter.

By bulb

Take a few onions and scribble on them the names of those whom you would like to see as your husband. Place the onions in the water and wait. Whichever one shoots first, that’s the kind of spouse you’ll have.

With frying pan and straw

Take a frying pan and straw. Set fire to the straw, cover it with a frying pan and stand on top, ask a question about the name of your betrothed and listen to the crackling of the fire. In its noise you will hear the name of the groom.

By keys

For this fortune telling, hang the keys on the gate. When someone moves those keys, catch him by the hand and ask him the name of the man who is destined to become your husband. He must say the name. Our ancestors believed that a demon or goblin comes for the keys.

Fortune telling in the bath

Ancient fortune telling in the bathhouse modern style- we call the image of the future husband

Such fortune telling in the name of the future husband is suitable only for the bravest girls. It is carried out in a bathhouse or any other room. Our great-grandmothers preferred to tell fortunes in the bathhouse, because this place was considered an excellent guide to the world of evil spirits.

Lay a fresh tablecloth on the table and set it up for two place settings. There should be no sharp objects in the room, so knives and forks should be removed. Place a light treat on the utensils. These can be both fruit delights and sweets. There is no need to add anything fried, baked or boiled. Sit down at the table and say the spell:

“Mummer, betrothed!

Come have dinner"

Then unexpected things may happen outside: wind or thunder may start, footsteps or jingling sounds may be heard. The betrothed will enter the hallway and sit down at the table. You need to carefully examine the image of the young man and ask what his name is. He will say a name and take an item out of his pocket. At this very moment you need to quickly say:

"Cheer, my place"

"Church, my riddle."

The evil spirits that have taken on the image of your chosen one must disappear. And the object will remain on the table. They say that this is the object of the person whom the fortuneteller is destined to marry, and it actually disappears from him. It is important to keep it until marriage.

Fortune telling about the image of a sweetheart

The power of fortune telling is great. There are many ways to find out not only the name of your loved one, but also to see his image. Often, not only girls of marriageable age were curious, but also their mothers. They invited future sons-in-law for a treat, asked to rescue their dear one from captivity.

On the skin

Come to the ice hole with a cow or mare skin, draw a circle around you and sit on the skin. After a while, the devils will come ashore, pick you up and take you to the groom’s house. Look around carefully, but don't yawn. Soon the evil spirits will turn their skin and rush as fast as they can towards the ice hole. At the water's edge, you need to have time to say “Keep my place aside” so that the vision dissipates. Otherwise, you risk ending up at the bottom of the hole along with the devils who want to take possession of you.

In a frying pan

Take the frying pan and hide it under your mother's bed. Make sure she doesn't notice anything. Say in a whisper:

“My betrothed betrothed,

Come to your mother-in-law for pancakes.”

And go to rest. In the morning, ask your mother if she treated anyone to pancakes in a dream. If yes, find out the details. Does she know him, did she see him, did she recognize his name, if she is not familiar with him.

Fortune telling with a map

Before going to bed, hide it under your pillow and say:

“My betrothed, mummer, dream about me.”

Don’t forget to comb your hair and wash with running water to appear before your lover in all its glory.

Fortune telling with a mirror

At the crossroads

We carry out fortune telling with a mirror at the crossroads and at home to see our husband

Take a small mirror with you and go to the intersection. Stand with your back to the moon and make sure it is reflected in the mirror, say:

“My mummer, betrothed,

Show yourself in the mirror."

Expect the appearance of a mirror image of your spouse.

In the bathroom

Perhaps the most powerful and popular ritual to determine your future husband is with a mirror. Since ancient times, this ritual was performed in the dressing room, but now it is allowed to be performed in the bathroom. Strip naked, wash yourself and stand in front of the mirror.

Install another one at the back so that both elements are on the same level. Place candles on the sides, take another one in your hands. You should have a long corridor lit with candles. Say several times:

“Betrothed, mummer, appear”

And wait. After a while, a silhouette will appear in the corridor. Ask him about everything that interests you and, before the young man gets too close, say: “Cheer, me.” The vision will disappear.

Mother-in-law's fortune telling for son-in-law

With a loaf

When the mother of the bride is interested in what kind of family her daughter will live in after marriage, she bakes a loaf of bread. In one of the pieces of the loaf there is a coin, in the second - coal, in the next - a button. Whispers:

“Mummer, betrothed, come to your mother-in-law for a loaf of bread.”

Goes to rest. The next morning he looks at what happened:

  1. A piece of loaf with a coin disappeared - to be wealthy young people.
  2. Don't have a piece of coal? The betrothed loves to work, but is not very wealthy.
  3. There is a missing piece with a button - to receive her boyfriend at home, since he will not be able to provide his own for the bride.
  4. Are two or three pieces missing? Having a daughter married several times.
  5. The whole pie is in place - my daughter will remain a girl for a long time.

On things

During this fortune telling, the girl should not be at home. She is taken to a friend or relatives. Before going to bed, the mother locks one of the bride’s personal items, takes the key to her headboard, whispering:

“Betrothed, mummer, come

Unlock the bride

To save from trouble."

Whoever the mother sees that night will become her daughter’s lover.

Who doesn't want to know their destiny?

Unmarried girls, whose happiness and love are yet to come, especially anxiously want to know everything - what will the betrothed be like, what kind of character will he have? But it is especially interesting to know the name of the future husband.

Fortune telling and predictions using cards, runes and other methods is perhaps the only method available since ancient times to find out what the betrothed will be called and finally discover the secret of the name of your future husband.

Is it worth turning to fortune telling and believing them? Everyone decides for themselves. On the one hand, it’s worth thinking about - if fortune telling and predictions were meaningless and did not come true, would they have reached our time, and would they have been so popular?

But, on the other hand, you should always remember and be aware that fortune-telling - whether on cards or by any other method - is only a hint of possible prospects. Will they give a truthful answer to questions about their future husband?

Any fortune-telling about your husband or boyfriend does not predict the exact fate, but will only indicate to you whether there are chances to develop a relationship with him, what the probability is, and so on. But the final responsibility for making decisions and consequences is always yours.

Choosing a suitable fortune telling for your future husband is not an easy task. The method must be accurate so as not to deceive yourself and not make mistakes because of this. real life. There are two options - either online fortune telling, completely free and easy, or traditional methods.

The choice is difficult. Because the easiest way, of course, is to tell fortunes for free online - you don’t need any available tools for this, you just need to open online program and press the button.

Any fortune-telling in the name of your future husband is available online completely free of charge - on cards, on Tarot, using a table, and so on. But the downside of online fortune telling is that they are unlikely to give a completely truthful answer, and you shouldn’t take them seriously.

Because for a reliable answer, the ritual, the mystical process, its preparation, your energy and higher powers are important. So, if you want to know more or less exactly what your future spouse’s name will be, it’s better to take the time and do everything for real.


Before you begin, it is worth performing several ritual actions and preparing. In order for fortune telling about your husband to be accurate and reliable, it is important not to rush and do everything correctly.

Fortune telling by name is an interesting, mystical and mysterious act that will bring a lot of pleasure from contact with magic and magic. Just don’t joke, don’t treat it like a game, and do everything according to the rules.

  • First of all, any fortune telling should be carried out in silence and complete solitude. No fortune-telling with a friend or in company - it will be pampering, not a mystical process, and you will definitely not know the truth.
  • Whether you are telling fortunes with cards, a table or a book, it is important to wait until evening or night, retire to your room and create the right atmosphere. Noise, music on, telephone - all this interferes.

  • Turn off the electric lights and light ordinary candles. They will set you up in the right state and give you the atmosphere, and will also help you call on higher powers for an answer.
  • A fortune-telling girl should be combed, washed and barefoot. Take a shower, put on a simple nightgown, remove absolutely all jewelry, belt, and let your hair down. IN menstrual cycle There is no need to bewitch or predict.
  • Take your time. Before you ask a question, such as “What will my fiancée’s name be?”, get in touch with higher powers. If you are telling fortunes using cards, a book or another object, hold it in your hands and ask for help.
  • And most importantly, don’t go too far. Don't ask twice. You shouldn’t guess more than once a day.

Let's find out the secret

When everything is prepared and the necessary atmosphere has been created, you can begin fortune telling. Choose the most interesting fortune telling in your opinion, and find out what the name of your future chosen one will be.

1. A wonderful, ancient girl's fortune-telling that will help you find out the name of your betrothed - from a book. Take any book from the shelf, preferably the prose of some good classic. Better, of course, love prose, and not something military and certainly not a detective story.

Flip through the book without looking, tune in, ask a question. Then open the book to a random page and point your finger at any line.

If you come across this line male name(which is very rare and lucky) - have no doubt, you have learned the name of your future chosen one. In other cases, look at what letter the line begins with. The name of your loved one will begin with this letter.

If you want to find out the initials, repeat the procedure and find out what letter his middle name and last name begin with. In this simple way, our great-grandmothers learned the names and initials of their future husbands, and assured that the method was effective and truthful!

2. Another way to find out the name of your betrothed is by wax. Fortune telling with wax casting is one of the most beloved and popular, and it has proven itself to be the most effective.

Take a candle, preferably a natural one, wax, but you can also use paraffin. Tune in to your question. Bring the burning candle to a cup of cold, clean water and carefully begin to drip the wax inside.

As a result, you will get an unclear shape that will look like a letter - the name of your future husband will begin with this letter. Sometimes girls manage to see even the entire name in the wax forms! Maybe it will work for you too?

3. There is definitely no online fortune telling on the Internet that our ancestors loved so much. At midnight you need to go out into the yard, barefoot and with your hair down. Stand silently, don't talk to anyone.

And when the first male passer-by appears (no matter whether it is a boy, a man or a grandfather), you need to politely ask his name. Our grandmothers assured that in almost all cases this was the name of their future beloved husbands!

4. Online you can find out the name of your loved one for free and easily using tables. The table is one of the most popular predictions, but for it to come true, it’s worth taking the time to make it yourself. This way you will invest your own energy and get a reliable answer.

Draw a table with one hundred cells. In each cell, write a number from one to one hundred. On separate sheet On paper, write down the names of the men (you can look them up on the Internet), there should be exactly one hundred names - one next to each number.

After that, close your eyes and point your finger at the table. You will be included in the number that will represent the name of your spouse!

Remember that fortune telling is not a guaranteed and final predetermination of fate, and everything largely depends on what we believe. Believe only in the best and most pleasant, and do not be afraid of difficulties.

Then there will be only light and harmony in your destiny, and long-awaited love will come very soon!
Author: Vasilina Serova
