How to live with the name Eva. Family and marriage. Eve - Pisces

Means from other Hebrew. language literally “life giver, life giver.” To be more precise, from חָוָה (havakh) - “to breathe.” Some translate it as foremother and ancestress. It should be noted that Eve’s name day is church calendar extremely rare:

  • 25.04. - for Catholics.
  • 27.08 - for Christians.

  • diminutive - Evochka, Evusik, Evushka.
  • short - Evka.

People named Eva celebrate their angel day in the week of the holy forefathers- Adam and Eve. Second resurrection. The name is found among all peoples of the Christian world. There are also close, related options that have a similar semantic meaning:

  • Gospels,
  • Evita (Brazil),
  • Evelina,
  • Chava (Georgian, Heb.),
  • Yves, Iva (eng).


Since childhood, little Evochka displays qualities inherited from both parents. The kindness towards her comes from her dad, and her obstinacy and stubbornness comes from her mom. Growing up, the girl does not lose these traits, but on the contrary becomes more and more principled and persistent.

As a woman with strong sensuality, she is sometimes very conflicted due to jealousy. She is alive in all her manifestations, for which she is very loved by the stronger sex. There is never a dull moment with her, there is always something going on. Eat important feature: betrayal of a loved one will never be forgiven. She needs a hot man; nothing works with a cold and reasonable man.

Being married, Evangelinas are hospitable, love guests, and organize get-togethers and parties. She pays a lot of attention to her appearance, but that’s not the main thing. Usually there is one child in a family. Despite loyalty and constancy towards a partner, they can be married twice.

In the business sphere, he chooses professions related to communication, large numbers of people, and constantly changing events. It could be pedagogical activity, journalism, work in show business.

The Saints

Martyr Eve

Memorial Day: 25.04.

Eve the Foremother

According to the Bible, she is considered the progenitor of all humanity. She broke the commandment of God, seduced by the Serpent. She tasted the fruit and bowed Adam down, forgetting about the prohibition. For which she received punishment. Loss of heavenly life, death at the end of the road, the opportunity to give birth.

People were happy being under the Lord's wing. Having left Him, they knew grief and troubles. But not everything is hopeless. One of Eve's descendants will one day destroy the asp with his life, death and resurrection. Thus, hope was abandoned by God in the hearts of people.

Eve of Dreux - (Catholic)

Memorial Day: 24.08. (06.09.)

There is very little information about this saint. It is known that with early years she believed in Christ. While still just a girl, she became friends with another Christian, Juliana. She, in turn, became famous for being the initiator of the now popular processions of the Body of God. The friend was a resident of the Cornichon borough.

Over the years, the girl Eva closed herself off from the world. She lived in a small, walled-up cell that belonged to the church of the village. Martina. When the persecution of Christians began, Juliana had to hide because they were looking for her. Eva took her to her wretched corner. There they both continued their work, popularizing celebrations in the name of the Body of Christ.

It was established in 1246. They were supported by very famous and respected people in those places:

  • Future Pope Urban IV,
  • Saint-Cher Hugo et al.

St. died Eve around 1264. Pope Leo 13 himself approved the cult of the martyr and ruler.

New Martyr Abbess Eva, Primts.

Memorial Day: 27.08., 07.02 (transition)

Akulina Pavlova was born on July 10, 1879. in the village Issa Mrskovskaya province. from the peasants. Over time, she became abbess in the monastery in Penza. The first arrest was in 1929 in the Saratov region. (village Balki). It is not known exactly what the period was, according to some sources - 3 years of exile, according to others - 8 years.

Since 1935, Aquilina was the abbess of the Moscow Sretensky Monastery. He, too, was destroyed, and his mother was exiled to Chimkent. There she, together with other exiled bishops, secretly organized a community of monks. The new nuns were tonsured.

Another time, my mother was arrested in 1937. On charges of counter-revolutionary activities, she was sentenced to death by the Troika under the NKVD. 08/27/1937 Killed in the South Kazakhstan region. During interrogation, Akulina Vasilyevna denied everything, without giving anyone away, and did not name a single name.

The meaning of the name Eve hides a connection with the progenitor of all humanity, because it comes from the first woman created by God. According to the Book of Genesis, it was Eve who gave the forbidden fruit a taste, after which the couple was expelled from the Garden of Eden.

In Hebrew, Eve sounds like Chava and is translated as “life-giver.” It is also interpreted as “breathe, live, move, play mischief.” The name Eve is used by many Christian and Catholic countries, where it sounds slightly modified (Eva, Iva, Efa).

Although the name Eva comes from a Hebrew word, among the Slavs it became a short form for multiple female and male names:

  • Evangelika,
  • Evstigney et al.

Characteristics of the name

The cold energy of the name Eva slightly pushes parents away from him when choosing. This is also facilitated by the mythological component, since Eve is considered a temptress, because it was through her that she and Adam were driven out of Paradise. Therefore, many are cautious about Eve and do not often call their girls by this name. The ambiguous image of a woman who has committed sin repels many. But, despite this, the characteristics of the name Eva indicate that The girl is purposeful, lively and lively.

The coldness of the energy component of the name Eva is also given by its insufficient softness, both in pronunciation and based on the girl’s personality.

  • In general, its bearer is a rather purposeful person with great ambitions.
  • Behind the impregnable mask of indifference and coldness lies subtle nature, which not everyone can recognize.
  • The screen of efficiency and inaccessibility that Eva wears makes her irritable, as it does not allow her to show weakness and vulnerability in some situations.

Due to a split personality that is proportionally opposite in public and within the girl herself, it is rarely possible to recognize what the name Eva means.

Some of them remain two-faced, opening up only to those closest to them, while in others one of the personalities breaks through. Then the woman becomes completely cold and stony internally and externally, or vice versa, throwing off the mask of indifference, she turns into a sensual and caring person.

The biblical character still leaves a certain imprint on the whole life story Eve. Therefore it is:

  • wise,
  • cunning,
  • strong-willed,
  • purposeful.

No matter how the card lies in life situation, our heroine will under no circumstances bend and adapt to circumstances or a specific person if she considers this unacceptable for herself.

The girl defends her point of view, even if she feels that she is wrong in some way. Excessive pride prevents you from admitting defeat.

Advice for girls named Eva. Wanting to achieve favor, as well as make family life bloom, you need more:

  • communicate with loved ones,
  • don't be afraid to reveal your soul to them,
  • talk about pressing problems.

Eva's childhood and adolescence

  • From an early age, a girl named Eva becomes a leader in the team. It’s as if on an extrasensory level she subjugates her peers.
  • Among the crowd, Eva becomes exactly the person who sets the rhythm and sets her own rules.
  • Moreover, her actions do not in any way infringe on the sense of dignity of other children.
  • Even older people and even teachers listen to Eva and take her into account. good advice and suggestions.

To high achievements in sciences and curriculum She doesn’t have the name Eva, so our heroine is a mediocre student. Conceit, eccentricity and, in some cases, passion for the opposite sex lead to the extraordinary behavior and actions of our heroine.

To prevent falling into early age, parents must explain the structure to their Eva in time life relationships and sexual development.

Professional orientation and hobbies

Eva Jacqueline Longoria (American actress, model, restaurateur and television producer)

Although the meaning of the name Eva hides a certain debauchery, coldness and originality, these women can be divided into two types.

  1. Those who get married early, becoming a mother and a housewife. At the same time, order reigns in their house, and the Eves themselves live for their own pleasure. Spa salons, communication with girlfriends, caring for children and husbands, that’s their prerogative.
  2. For the second type, the name Eva promises a successful career, an interesting and varied life. At the same time, it is difficult for our heroine to work in a team where she has to be in the role of a subordinate. Ambitions take over, and our Eva herself becomes the head of a department, company, or opens her own business, where she is a full-fledged owner.

With a successful combination of circumstances, Eva can become a fashion designer, where she will be the one to set the rules. Having overcome laziness, realizing that she should acquire a good specialty, a girl named Eva will become beautiful:

  • teacher,
  • doctor,
  • translator

Having positioned herself correctly and put aside unnecessary arrogance, she will successfully work for her own pleasure.

The less ambitious Eva, who has curbed her exaltation, will become a good secretary or middle manager.

But no matter who our heroine works, she is wasteful. Spends money on:

  • trinkets,
  • spa salons,
  • restaurants,
  • expensive clothes.

Eva always looks brand new, you won’t take her by surprise.

What talents the name Eve hides in itself is what was given to her by God. Sometimes her career combines her skills with professional activity, such women can be called doubly happy. In general, Eva can draw, sing or dance in her free time.

Love relationships and family ties

The girl called Eva is beautiful, knows her worth, so she has no shortage of admirers. If you didn’t get married “by chance” at an early age, burdening yourself with a husband and children, then in family relationships she won't be joining soon.

  • Women named Eva are unpredictable, which is why they take a long time to choose a mate.
  • A relationship with a cold and calculating companion will lead to divorce, our heroine will be oppressed by them.
  • Only with a charismatic person of the same temperament will a great union be achieved.
  • Having trusted her beloved, a girl named Eva will blossom, become soft and responsive.

The name Eva is not widely used in Russia. The meaning of the nickname Eva endows its owner with sensuality, romanticism, and unpredictability.

This name symbolizes life, and, therefore, the energy of its bearer is very strong and is under the influence of cosmic forces. This gives the owner of the name a groovy and purposeful character.

The biblical “original sin” plays an important role in the formation of Eve’s behavior style.

Therefore, the name conveys eroticism, energy, passion, and the ability to lead another person.

Arguing what the name Eva means, we conclude that her behavior is cold, prudential and businesslike.

These qualities will become a reliable shield that shields nervousness, impressionability and irritability from those around her.

The following middle names are suitable for Eva: Egorovna, Semyonovna, Alexandrovna.

Evgenievna is responsive, kind, and fearless. Andreevna is persistent and cheerful. Alekseevna is hardworking and loves to be the center of attention. Dmitrievna is strong, jealous, hot-tempered.

Would you name your child this name?

The name is of Jewish origin and derived from the nickname Chava. It first appeared in the Bible. This was the name of the first woman-mother on Earth, the wife of Adam. Analyzing what the name Eve means, we learn that in translation it is interpreted as “life-giving.”

History tells us that it may be a short form of the name Evangelina, meaning "good news."

Some researchers suggest that the name came from Greek language and is translated as “noble”.

In Orthodoxy, Mother Eve is revered as a martyr.

The origin of the name Eva mentions its famous namesakes: Eva Braun - Hitler's wife; Eva Longoria is an American actress.

Name forms

Simple: Eva Full: Eva Ancient: Eva (Hava)Affectionate: Evochka

Little Eva is growing up as an inquisitive child. She is interested in secrets and miracles. Not finding answers to exciting questions, she comes up with stories about fictional worlds that her rich imagination draws.

The characteristic of the name Eva says that due to her excessive curiosity and gullibility, its adult owner may fall for the tricks of charlatans and sectarians. But if she developed imagination and use imagination in a practical direction, one will become a successful writer, journalist or screenwriter.

Eva’s material side of life is also going well. She often spends money thoughtlessly and does not save it for a “rainy day.”

This woman can be called a workaholic who places high moral demands on herself and others. In a calm environment, this woman works with full dedication.

In tense and stressful situations loses its functionality.

Eve’s characterization advises giving her some freedom in her affairs. The support and approval of her colleagues inspires the lady to new work achievements. She will make a good secretary-assistant, librarian, archaeologist, biologist.

The main character traits of Eva that shape her attitude to life are strong will and sensuality. Two contradictory qualities contribute to the unpredictability in Eve’s behavior, which often provokes conflict situations with the environment.

The secret of the name Eva endowed its owner with prudence and self-confidence.

This is an independent nature. He does not go with the flow, but adheres to the principle that everyone is the architect of his own happiness,

She is purposeful and uses proven methods to achieve her goals. Tries to avoid mistakes. In a critical situation, she is able to aggressively defend her interests.

Eva stands out among the fair sex for her sensuality, combined with jealousy and some conflict.

This woman fits the description of friendly, stubborn and a man of principle. She is a romantic person, filled with peace and harmony. If you treat her with good intentions, she will certainly reciprocate. She is diplomatic, peace-loving, knows how to compromise, but at the same time tries not to sacrifice her personal interests.

Unable to react quickly in rapidly changing circumstances.

Prefers to calmly await the outcome of events, thanks to which he gets out of a difficult situation with minimal losses

The bearer of the name is an introvert. Often immersed in his inner world, withdraws into himself. Secretive, does not show her feelings and experiences.

This woman can be easily offended and hurt. When communicating with her you need to be tactful and attentive. She is very attached to friends and family. Her circle of friends is limited and carefully selected.

Character traits




Hard work







Eva is popular among guys. This young lady is ardent and expansive. Love and romantic relationship occupy an important place in her life.

She is looking for a temperamental, hot man. But a too domineering partner will make a woman with this name unhappy.

Eve can be so focused on finding a worthy chosen one that as a result she will not get married.

Not inclined to take decisive action, she waits for the first step from a man.

Married Eva is a wonderful housewife and caring wife. Doesn't forgive betrayal.

The meaning of the name Eva for a girl

This name comes from Jewish lands. "Eve" is a sound transformation of the name "Hava" and means "life-giver". Popular in many countries of the world, however, in modern Russia Parents rarely call their daughters that.

The meaning of the name gives the baby a kind and sympathetic disposition. The girl is distinguished by a strong-willed character combined with sensitivity and a rich inner world.

Little Eva is growing up to the delight of her parents. She is cheerful, sociable and restless. Treats adults with respect.

Dad adores Eva. He admires her unconventional thinking and truly royal bearing. Mom is strict towards her daughter. In general, Eva does not cause trouble to her family.

The girl is good-natured, diligent and independent. She shows capriciousness and stubbornness only with those who cannot resist it.

What will Eve be successful at?

At school the girl is interested in history and biology. Loves to take part in laboratory and research work. The child is intelligent and diligent

Eva is interested in medicine, philology, and pedagogy. The girl has a musical gift, but music is just a hobby. Eva is able to manage people and can become the head of an enterprise.

It is necessary to control Eva's casual acquaintances. They can be a source of problems. There is a risk that the girl will fall into the trap of magicians and charlatans.

Parents must learn to compromise and listen to their daughter, otherwise they will not enjoy authority with the headstrong girl.

What games will Eve like?

Eva is interested in supernatural phenomena and is interested in mysticism and fantasy. Reads educational literature, encyclopedias. Loves music, as a rule, knows how to play musical instrument. The girl enjoys drawing and making various crafts.

Among her friends she is sociable, but somewhat detached from reality.

Are you interested in the meaning of the name, character, fate of a person named Eva? In this article we will provide you with answers to your questions.

Eva, the exact description of a person with this name. What kind of life awaits a girl, girl, woman with that name?

Origin and meaning of the name Eva

How the origin of the name Eva affects its meaning

Do you want to know where the name Eva came from, origin and meaning? Below you will get the answer.

The name Eva originates from ancient Israel. Derived from the name Hava and interpreted as “living”, “breathing”, “bringing life”.

IN modern language the name Eva can be interpreted as “groovy”, “perky”, “mischievous”, “ full of life", "playful".

These meanings will bring many exciting successes and results in future fate girls.

What kind of character might the girl Eva have?

The main characteristic of the name Eva is a stubborn and purposeful character. Even in the Bible you can find confirmation of the stubbornness of a girl named Eve, when she disobeyed and tasted the forbidden fruit - an apple. The difference between absolutely all Evas is their inherent stubbornness, unshakable persistence and strict adherence to personal rules and beliefs. They have strong character and strong willpower. You will not be able to subjugate this girl to your will. From birth, Eva has the qualities of a leader, which helps her to be in a leadership position. One can observe her tendency towards manipulation; after creating a family, she will try to be the head of the family, thereby pushing back young man to the background. At the same time, she will be careful not to inadvertently touch or offend the feelings of her spouse.

Eva abstracts herself from your opinion because she trusts her own more. She is self-sufficient and confident - this is another of the main character traits of the name Eva. Her understanding of the world is completely different from that of other people. After talking with Eva, you will notice that she is not overly emotional. She knows how to control herself, thereby being in a “cold mind.” She is also always reserved and balanced. Of course, the name Eve is biblical, but she bears little resemblance to her namesake. She will not take part in suspicious and prohibited work, especially if it breaks the law.

Despite the fact that from the outside she seems to be a stoic person, it is quite easy to hurt her feelings, since she is a vulnerable and rather vulnerable person. But so that people don’t take advantage of it, she will carefully hide it from everyone. It can be assumed that this is precisely the key mystery of the name Eve. She's gifted high intelligence. She likes to trust facts and logic, rather than spontaneous guesses and female intuition. And yet, despite the fact that she has a rational type of thinking, her intuition is well developed. There is another characteristic of the name Eva: a girl will never forget to devote time and attention to her appearance and style. She will always be well-groomed and have good view. But this is not her hobby; for her, self-care is just a necessity. She is not a fan of so-called women's joys such as shopping and frequent visits to salons.

What is the character of a child named Eve? Without looking at ancient history named Eva, they still like to call children by this name.

The name Eva suits the girl very well. This is a beautiful, unusual, but at the same time not pretentious and not big, the name has an excellent meaning, full name Eve doesn't require stupid shortcuts in everyday life.

The meaning of the name and her fate will be closely intertwined. Because when you give a name to a child, you, accordingly, choose certain character traits that are characteristic only of this name. Is the name Eva good for a girl? Do you have doubts that the name Eva may not be suitable for a child? The meaning of the name “alive” will speak for itself. Given name will fill the child with cheerfulness and love of life. For a girl, the interpretation of the name as “mischievous” is perfect; the baby will be cheerful, energetic and active. The main role is played by the name for the child, since its meaning hides energy and vitality that will be useful in any period of life.

She will be a diligent student, but will treat her studies without fanaticism. She doesn't have the goal of being the best in the class. Studying for her was never a matter of self-realization. She excels in all subjects, but she will always have a couple of favorite subjects.

Girls who bear the name Eva always good health. She will very rarely get sick because she has an inherent love for physical exercise. But when she is a teenager, you will need to pay attention to the girl's diet. Because, being carried away by something, she will often forget about food, which in the future may affect her well-being.

What fate awaits Eve?

Characteristics of the name Eva, character traits and fate

After the birth of a daughter, a mother should not forget that the name Eva, the meaning of the name and fate are closely connected, and Eva is no exception. The name Eva, both in its meaning and in its destiny, does not carry negativity; the girl will not be doomed to suffering and bad luck. The meaning of “alive” will make the owner of the name joyful, kind and love life. Such character traits greatly attract the male sex to her personality, whose representatives will often be interested in the girl. Because she is most time active and cheerful, she will not sit in one place, but will always be in active movement.

For Eve great value has a strong relationship in the family. The meaning of “giving life” gives the owner of the name the talent to be an exemplary mother; she will raise her children in love and affection.

She can be safely called the keeper of the family hearth. Considering family as one of the main values, she will never exchange family happiness for career development. The energy that is so in full swing will not allow the proud and wayward Eva to submit to anyone, even her beloved man. Being in a relationship with Eva, you will be full of bright emotions, passion, respect for your other half and love. The interpretation of the name Eva, “the giver of life,” speaks for itself: she will always give love to her loved ones and fill everything around with joy.

What will the child named Eve be like?

If a girl is named Eva, what kind of character will a child with that name have?

So, let's look at the name Eva, the meaning of the name for a girl.

If you decide to name your daughter Eva, then from childhood she will be prone to such character traits as perseverance, determination, integrity, perseverance and strong willpower. From an early age, Eva shows unprecedented persistence, which often causes her parents a lot of trouble.

  • With age, Eva does not change. Justifying her character, she remains as energetic, agile and active.
  • She cannot be seated at an office computer. It is impossible to imagine her in office work. She needs space for her own development.
  • She loves long trips and traveling, perhaps skiing and skating.
  • When Eva becomes an adult girl, you will never see her in gray, inconspicuous things.
  • She will always have a bright appearance, because she pays great attention to her appearance, as well as her wardrobe.
  • Eva loves to hang out in men's companies, her attractive appearance will always be a guaranteed success with the opposite sex. However, it is worth noting that she will take the choice of her husband, her life partner, very seriously.
  • A person similar to her temperament has a chance to interest her. When she gets married, she will pamper her husband with her culinary skills, delicious and unusual dishes.

Surely you are wondering what your daughter wants to become in the future. In her professional life, such professions as a translator or a doctor are suitable for a girl.

Home, distinguishing feature character - unusual sensuality, and therefore, it is characterized by jealousy, conflict, and also unpredictability.

The female name Eva is of Hebrew origin. It was formed from the name Hawa, which in turn arose from the word “havah”, which means “to breathe” or from “hayah”, that is, “to live”. Modern meaning This name sounds like “moving”, “living”, “giving life”. This name was borne by the ancestor of humanity. It is popular in Russia even now; it is often called babies.

Name Astrology

  • Zodiac sign: Aries
  • Patron Planet: Saturn
  • Talisman stone: jade, sard
  • Color: brown, green
  • Plant: peony, mistletoe
  • Animal: scarab beetle
  • Favorable day: Sunday

Character traits

The secret of the name Eva hides such character traits of its representative as confidence, perseverance, and thoughtfulness. Such a woman adheres to a personal point of view in her assessments of events and people. The image of the “foremother” of the human race on Earth played a significant role in shaping the personality of this lady. Modern Eve is distinguished by many new features of the female temperament, but passion and sensual power are still inherent in this name.

The girl grows up as a capricious and spoiled child. She demands special attention to himself, does not understand the word “no”, and often asks for gifts from loved ones with tears. At school he demonstratively emphasizes his reluctance to learn. Abuses attractive appearance, concentrates attention on personal interests.

The adult owner of the name Eva is predisposed to jealousy, conflicts, and protracted quarrels. She likes to be the center of male attention, flirt, and flirt. She loves to dream, create fictitious images, lazily reflect on the difficulties of life, go with the flow and do nothing. Paradoxically, it is precisely these character traits that help the girl exist comfortably and carefree. She is constantly lucky in life. She has no need for money because she does not understand how it is possible to need something.

Eva will listen carefully to her interlocutor, sympathize or rejoice with him, but will never rush to help. However, she is devoid of greed and greed. In addition, the representative of this name concentrates all her attention on choosing a husband. She belongs to that category of women who choose the “profession of a wife.”

Interests and hobbies

Most of all, Eva loves to take care of herself. All free time spends in hairdressing salons, treatment rooms, beauty salons. She takes issues of women's makeup, hair color, and clothing very seriously. Such a lady strives for everything bright, unusual, sometimes she herself reminds “ christmas tree" Is reading women's magazines, follows fashion, loves watching television series. Vacations are spent in resort areas.

Profession and business

Most often, Eva agrees to work as a primary school teacher, nurse, teacher at kindergarten. The winter owner of the name is more active, reasonable and inquisitive. Can become a successful psychologist, artist, designer, office secretary, hairdresser, librarian.

She does not overdo it at work: she is always loudly indignant when comments are made to her, she often conflicts with colleagues and management, and is vindictive.


Eva is weak the immune system, she gets sick often infectious diseases. But it may also be related to diabetes. She should not overeat or abuse alcohol. In old age, she is predisposed to obesity.

Sex and love

Eve's sensitivity binds the stronger sex to her. Such a woman never needs boyfriends or male attention. She is inventive in flattery and feminine caresses. Loves praise, compliments, gifts. She likes sexually active, insatiable partners. She gets to know men by comparison. Sometimes she remains lonely because her standards for her chosen one are too high.

Family and marriage

In family life, a girl named Eva seeks balance, prosperity and harmony. She is a wonderful housewife, her husband is delighted with his wife’s culinary abilities, cleanliness, neatness, and creative talents. He admires her beauty and grace, loves to attend social parties with her. Such a woman likes sublime feelings and does not tolerate monotony. If family life acquires the features of banality - leaves. She knows how to manipulate men's weaknesses and always achieves what she wants.
