Sechenov Medical University passing grade. First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov. What exams within the Unified State Exam do I need to pass in order to enroll in it? n.

Administrators: , history , logs , delete . Permian state institute
Year of foundation Drobysheva-Razumovskaya, Lyudmila Ivanovna (page missing)
L. I. Drobysheva-Razumovskaya Location Location , Russia
Permian Legal address Street Newspapers "Zvezda" (Perm) , 18
st. Newspapers Zvezda Website Perm State Institute of Culture () - PGIK higher education Theological school (Perm) Perm Theological School , located at 614000, , Street Newspapers "Zvezda" (Perm) Perm , 18. Initially there were only two specialties, now there are more than 20 areas of training. Established in the city at the university Conservatory
, which attracted leading Russian and world performers to teach. From to The university was called Perm state academy arts and culture ( PGAIC ), from to - Perm State Institute of Art and Culture ( PGIIC Perm State Institute of Culture ().
), in the city it was decided to return the previous name - Perm State Institute of Culture (

The university is developing cooperation with many foreign institutions, in particular: Leibniz University (Hannover, Germany), Norwegian Ballet School, North Asian University of Nationalities (Lanzhou, China), Russian-French Association "Suncybury".


Faculty of Cultural Studies and Socio-Cultural Technologies Cultural studies cultural studies 1975 1975 1990 The faculty of cultural and educational work was divided into 2 faculties: cultural studies and artistic and pedagogical.

  • Department of Cultural Studies
  • Department of Management and Economics of Socio-Cultural Sphere
  • Department of Social and Cultural Activities
  • Department of Directing Theatrical Performances
  • Computer Science Room

Currently, the faculty trains specialists in the field of management, tourism, restaurant, hotel business, art management, mass communications, directing, organizers of festivals and holidays, future producers and managers.

Faculty of Documentary and Information Communications

The faculty includes two graduating departments:

  • Department of Document Science, Library Science and Bibliography
  • Department of Informatics and Information Technology

The faculty trains highly qualified specialists in the following specialties:

  • Library and information activities
  • Applied informatics in the socio-cultural sphere
  • Documentation and documentation support for management

The Faculty of Documentary and Information Communications is the same age as the institute, created as an independent structural subdivision a year after the opening of the university.

Faculty of Arts

The Faculty of Arts is the youngest in the institute, it has existed since 1991. Its creation was a response to the urgent need in the region’s professional art sector for qualified personnel with higher education.

  • Department of Orchestral Strings and Wind Instruments
  • Department of Special Piano
  • Department of Theory and History of Music
  • Department of solo singing
  • Department of Painting
Faculty of Arts and Pedagogy

The Faculty of Arts and Pedagogy is organized in 1990. At the faculty, students are trained in specialty No. 071301 “Folk artistic creativity”. Graduates of the faculty successfully work in cultural institutions of the Perm region and beyond. The best graduates were awarded honorary titles and prizes for their contribution to the development of the culture of the region and the state.

  • Department of Choreography
  • Department of Directing and Acting
  • Department of Stage Speech
  • Department of Choral Conducting
  • Department of Folk Instruments and Orchestral Conducting
Faculty of Further and Innovative Education

The faculty provides programs and courses for different categories listeners: schoolchildren, students and up to senior managers.

General institute departments

  • Department of Psychology and Pedagogy
  • Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences
  • Department of Literature and Russian Language
  • Department of Foreign Languages
  • Department of Physical Education

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Famous graduates

  • Anton Bogdanov, film actor
  • Zoya Berber, actress
  • Nikolay Burlak, showman
  • Olga Vyguzova, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, artistic director of the academic choir “Mlada”
  • Vladimir Danilin, People's Artist of the RSFSR, illusionist, artistic director of the Illusion Theater, professor at PGIK
  • Zharkov Yuri Viktorovich, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, artist and chief artist of the Perm Youth Theater
  • Zharkova Tatyana Petrovna. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, director of the Perm Youth Theater, associate professor, head of the department of acting at PGIK
  • Zhanna Kadnikova, film director, screenwriter

Summer is an important, defining time for many young people who decide to enroll in educational institutions in various fields, including medical ones. There are plenty of educational institutions for future doctors - you can master a specialty in your city or take a risk and go to a prestigious institution located in a large locality.

The applicant has a high choice, but each institution has different admission rules and passing scores. The number of points scored ultimately determines the fate of the applicant, giving him the right to study at a university or depriving him of it.

How can a passing score be calculated in medical University? Presumably, 100 applications were submitted to the conditional medical university, but there are only 25 places in the specialty. The sum of Unified State Examination points and the average certificate will be strictly individual for each applicant. Thus, those with the highest scores will be among the twenty-five enrolled.

Passing score for budget in medical

To figure out what the approximate passing score for medical school could be on a budget, you need to make a simple calculation. For example, out of 25 applicants, only five apply for budget places. All applicants are ranked according to the number of points scored. For example, the highest score is 300, the second is 290, and the fifth is 190. Thus, the applicant who takes fifth place in the ranking is the last to qualify for a budget place, and the sum of his points becomes a passing indicator for the university. There is also a separate calculation passing score for budget places for the target group of beneficiaries. A separate competition is possible for this category.

Passing marks 2017 medical

The passing grade at a medical university in 2017 is minimum indicator, which will be required from the applicant in order to get a place. This score is formed during the entrance campaign and becomes known after the results have already been received. An applicant who received a high passing score can qualify for more prestigious specialty in a medical university, if he outranks his competitors in the rankings.

The strongest medical universities set their own rules. For example, at Sechenov Medical University, passing scores are slightly above average. This is done in order to increase the level of applicants and not waste time processing applications from people who do not correspond to the reputation of the institution. If you were unable to get into a prestigious university, you should not despair; you can apply to an institution of a simpler level. There is another option, you can continue to prepare for another year and try to enroll again.

Of course, for medical school great importance have Unified State Exam results on a specialized subject. Depending on the educational institution, this subject may be Physics, Chemistry or Biology. Results in a core subject are very important for admission, and you need to prepare especially carefully for passing this test. The highest coefficient is assigned to the specialized subject.

Passing scores for medical 2017 are formed according to the following criteria:

  • how many people decided to come to the institution for this specialty;
  • what is the total score on the Unified State Examination for the subjects included in the examination program;
  • what is the number of applicants who brought original documents;
  • what is the number of beneficiaries who submitted applications?

Passing scores for the budget in medical universities in 2017 can now only be determined on the day of enrollment. This indicator means total points earned, which is located at the bottom of the list of those enrolled in this direction. A separate competition is always held for a special target group, and individual beneficiaries are enrolled outside of it.

In 2017, admissions committees at medical universities are recommended to set the passing scores for medical school in a core subject at the level of 45-50. Thus, the results of the Unified State Exam selection committee will not count if they do not meet these requirements.

Medical passing score 2016

In 2016, some educational institutions established the following passing scores in medical institutes:

  • Sechenov passing scores - from 220 to 270;
  • medical academy passing score - from 230 to 260;
  • medical Moscow passing score - from 220 to 270;
  • Ryazan medical passing score - 185 to 230.

From the results last year it is clear that in the prestigious educational institution named after Sechenov, the passing total score is above average. At the Ryazan Medical Center this figure is below average. But you should still focus on average indicators.

When applying to a medical university, it is not recommended to completely rely on last year’s passing scores. Information about previous entry campaigns is useful as a guide, but conditions are constantly changing. For example, the number of applicants or the number of places paid from the budget. First of all, you need to rely on quality passing the Unified State Exam and prepare in advance, much earlier than a month. Preparation should be carried out in every lesson, and preferably in additional courses.

First Moscow State Medical University named after I.M. Sechenov (Sechenov University) - the largest international research medical school, dating back to 1758. Implements a full cycle educational programs for talented students from all over the world, introduces effective multidisciplinary models and methodologies of medical education, prepares qualified medical personnel for Russia, developing countries near and far abroad, taking into account leading international practices.

University mission - creating conditions for the development of medical education and science, allowing to ensure a worthy place for Russia in the global healthcare system.

Strategic goal First Moscow State Medical University them. THEM. Sechenov is to build a reference model of a first-class international research medical university number one in Russia for interaction with international partners in the field of life sciences.

Is a participant in the Project for Improving the Competitiveness of Leading Russian universities"5-100". It was the first among Russian medical universities to be included in the authoritative international rankings THE and QS.

Sechenov University has been developing “the medicine of the future” for several years. Today, in addition to traditional areas of medicine, First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov launches related specialties that combine classical medical education, Scientific research, biomedicine and innovative technologies. Since 2018, training has been conducted in new specialties of “professions of the future” both in bachelor’s and master’s degrees and in specialist degrees: network doctor, IT physician, molecular nutritionist, nanomaterials specialist, tissue engineer, nanopharmacologist, developer of “smart drug delivery” systems, genome management specialist. The training program includes modules prepared by the university's strategic partners - the world's leading educational and scientific centers.

The university is introducing advanced formats of approaches to the education system in medicine. It was at Sechenov University that the concepts of continuous, simulation, remote medical education, which are now being scaled throughout the country.

A full practical cycle has been formed for the training of future doctors - from simulation classes at the departments to the educational and training center for robotic medicine. The first educational virtual clinic in Russia, Mentor Medicus, is operating - a prototype of a 1000-bed hospital with simulators and robots. Also First Moscow State Medical University named after. THEM. Sechenov is the only medical university in Russia that has a powerful and multidisciplinary clinical complex that solves both practical problems medical care, both educational and research issues. Its students have the opportunity to master the science of healing by learning from the best clinicians directly in practice.
