Checking the excise stamp online by number. How to check alcohol for authenticity using a tax stamp

A person consists of 80% water, and the water that we drink is essentially us. It is very important to consume really high-quality and living water. Well, when the question concerns drinking alcoholic drinks, you need to be extremely careful.

How to check alcohol for authenticity without harming yourself, it is quite dangerous to indiscriminately, at random, drink whatever is poured. Initially, even before determining the taste of the drink, pay attention to the packaging of what you plan to drink.
Below we describe in detail the secrets and methods of assessing quality by appearance bottles, labels and barcode.

It’s great that now it’s possible to find out the legality of the origin of a drink using a smartphone.

Well, if everything is in order with the packaging, you can start tasting. Moderate drinking of alcohol is not only pleasant, but sometimes also useful. The procedure and methodology for determining the quality of alcohol depends on the specific product. For vodka, whiskey, wine, liqueurs and beer, everything is individual.

Each alcoholic drink has its own quality indicators. They differ not only in taste, color, strength and aroma, but also in the strength and direction of their effect on the human body. You can check the authenticity of products in special laboratories.

The service of determining the quality and safety of drinks is paid and lengthy. Exists a large number of ways to check the quality of alcohol at home.
The most in an accessible way determining the quality of drinks is an organoleptic assessment.

Each type of alcohol has its own external characteristics, which indicate their quality and safety. The most common problem in the practice of consuming strong drinks is how to check the quality of vodka at home. According to statistics, surrogate vodka hidden under the excise stamp kills 38 people every day in Russia. In order to distinguish fake alcohol from real alcohol, you need to know at least external signs quality of drinks.

How to determine the quality of vodka?

The most consumed drink not only in Russia can be checked for authenticity by such spring characteristics as color, taste and smell. There is no need to buy a product bottled in a dark container. The strength of the drink must be at least 40 degrees. You can determine it at home using an alcohol meter.
High-quality vodka should not contain impurities.

It has a mild taste and a pronounced vodka smell. The alcohol content in the drink is in the range of 40-56%. When drinking, the drink should not burn the larynx. Moisture rubbed on the palm should not emit the odor of acetone or other chemicals.

How to determine the quality of beer?

When buying beer, you need to pay attention to its foam. Its absence on the surface of the drink may indicate:

  • Hypothermia.
  • Lack of carbon dioxide.
  • Adding water to beer.

A large amount of foam may indicate:

  • Incorrect pouring into glass.
  • Increased temperature of the drink.
  • Oversaturation of beer with carbon dioxide.

An important indicator of beer quality is foam stability. It indicates the degree of maturity of the product. High-quality beer should have a thick layer of foam 4-5 mm thick. It should not come off the surface of the drink for at least 1 minute. The optimal temperature of the drink for drinking it is 8-10 degrees.

How to determine the quality of wine?

Questions of wine authenticity are quite relevant. On sale you can find a large amount of wine made from powdered material. This type of product has documents confirming their quality, but this does not make powdered drinks natural wines.

When determining the quality of a wine, attention is paid to its aroma. The low quality of the drink is indicated by its Strong smell. Aroma good quality The drink has a whole range of smells that gradually replace each other.

To fully recognize the entire range of aromas of wine, pour it into a wide glass and shake lightly.

Good wine should flow slowly down the walls of the vessel. If you add a few drops of glycerin to a poor quality drink, it will become colored.

How to choose quality alcohol in trade?

Existing trade rules do not provide for the procedure for tasting the drink when purchasing it. Alcohol is purchased almost blindly. Ways to distinguish counterfeit alcohol from quality alcohol are based on a careful study of the product label and the container in which it is bottled.

Exist general rules determination of alcohol for compliance with quality and safety.

The least likely chance of getting surrogate drinks is in specialized elite boutiques. Trade rules very strictly regulate the procedure for the sale of alcohol. You can determine its manufacturer by the barcode. It is applied to the label.

You should not buy products brought from countries that do not inspire trust.

The product label must contain information about the type of drink, its composition, bottling and expiration date, as well as the manufacturer. A label stuck unevenly on a container should alert the buyer. This indicates that the products were produced in a handicraft manner and their quality is questionable. There are other subtleties that can help you make your choice. Among them:

Champagne and sparkling wines. For many, the methods of checking alcohol of this type for compliance with the grade may seem unexpectedly simple. Despite this, they are quite effective. Buyers of champagne should be aware that the name of this type of drink is geographical. Wines produced outside the French province of Champagne can only be sparkling.

This does not mean that they are dangerous to human health. They're just different. The sparkling drinks included in the Brut group contain the least amount of sugar; the sweetest is Demi-sec.

Wine. It is impossible to determine the quality of a product only by color and transparency. When purchasing this product, you need to focus on the manufacturer. You should not count on the high quality of a product produced at enterprises located outside grape growing areas.

Vodka. Methods for checking vodka in containers for quality come down to choice famous manufacturer and checking packaging and labeling. They should not raise any doubts. The quality indicator can be the price of the product. Good vodka cannot cost less than 150 rubles.

A complete quality check of alcohol can only be carried out in laboratory conditions. In order to protect yourself from a surrogate, you do not need to buy alcohol in untrusted places or from hand. Any type of product must have undamaged packaging.

How to check the authenticity of a tax stamp on alcohol

The excise stamp provided on any product is a confirmation of quality. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the presence of an appropriate excise tax.

A counterfeit alcohol product can lead to poisoning.

Consumption of strong drinks made in basement conditions in some cases results in death. It is necessary to make sure that there is an appropriate excise tax and understand that sometimes unscrupulous manufacturers simply counterfeit such a brand.

The importance of excise taxes

Each product must pass the necessary certification. It must be manufactured in accordance with established government requirements. The quality characteristics of the corresponding products also play an important role.

An excise stamp, also called a parcel post, will help determine the presence of such criteria.

Nowadays, excise stickers are used according to various innovative technologies. This allows you to avoid fakes. For example, they are performed on special paper, providing certain protection systems.

As a rule, underground bootleggers engaged in the production of low-quality products do not at all seek to forge protective marks on the corresponding excise tax. This is due to the need for additional financial costs. They can copy the most basic levels of protection.

As a result, at first glance it is difficult to distinguish the excise tax from the original. But, by carefully looking at the pasted stamp, you can still find errors.

Expert review

Excise tax is a basic indicator of the quality and authenticity of products. It is performed using special equipment. They use a special scanner that allows you to recognize the authenticity of excise taxes in hypermarkets, large shopping centers or stores alcoholic products.

To carry out the check, you need to contact the administration of the relevant retail outlet and ask about the excise tax quality test. If the scanner indicates that the brand has errors, you should refrain from purchasing without hesitation.

If the technology does not find violations in the protection of the corresponding sticker, but the buyer’s doubts are not dispelled, you can contact the forensic examination center. There you can check the authenticity of the sign. Based on the expert examination, a conclusion will be issued, which will indicate the quality of the product, as well as the absence or presence of violations of protective marks.

However, it should be understood that the examination, which is carried out at the initiative of the consumer, must be paid for by the consumer himself. True, if the poor quality of the product is subsequently revealed, then the costs must be compensated by the persons selling obviously counterfeit products.

Independent examination

You can check the excise tax yourself. To do this, it is not necessary to involve experts and use additional equipment.

A visual inspection will help if a person knows exactly what a genuine excise tax looks like, what its color, details, and sizes are. You should be wary if the parcel has curved edges, and touching the material leaves traces of paint on your hands.

Another difficulty will arise during visual inspection. This process is difficult. After all, if alcoholic drink was released a long time ago and was on the counter or in a storage place for a long time, then the information indicated on the excise tax may vary poorly. In this case, a visual inspection will most likely be inconclusive.

If alcohol products are stored incorrectly, the quality of the excise tax can change significantly. Upon examination, nothing can be determined. Some marks may be blurred or erased, but this does not always indicate a fake.

It is important to find a luminescent inscription on the reverse side, made in brown paint indicating the country of origin.

In addition, when paper is treated with a special indicator, a yellow color appears. The microtext should be located at the top of the corresponding stamp. The term "excise duty" is indicated in a negative form. There should also be a hologram presented in the form of a complex pattern. In its center, in rhombuses, there is an inscription showing the country of origin.

Check alcohol for legality using a smartphone

Increasing cases of alcohol poisoning are forcing us to reconsider our attitude towards buying it. This applies to everyone normal people, and not just drinkers, because literally anyone can become a victim of poison, including those who drink alcohol only on holidays.

It is not at all easy to distinguish a fake from an original product. Even the place where alcohol is purchased does not determine its quality.

You can meet surrogates not only in seedy pavilions, but also in large retail chains and supermarkets.

You can protect yourself and your loved ones by using something that almost everyone has – a smartphone. You just need to install the appropriate application on it, and then, with a greater degree of probability, there will be no unpleasant and catastrophic consequences.

How do apps test alcohol?

It is, of course, impossible to check the contents of the bottle using a mobile device. This can only be done in a specialized laboratory. But you can check the correspondence of the contents and what is written in the QR code located on each bottle on the excise stamp.

This point is based on the fact that, according to current legislation, all alcohol sold through retail chains must be mandatory be noted in the state system EGAIS, which exercises full and proper control in this area.

Today, there are several mobile applications for all major mobile platforms that allow you to determine the authenticity of the code and, accordingly, the tax stamp using the code.

The applications have different names:

  • Anti-Counterfeit Alco
  • Alcohol scanner
  • EGAIS check checks
  • Excise Control
  • Alco Scanner
The operation of all applications comes down to scanning codes with a camera and checking them online for authenticity.

How to recognize counterfeit alcohol

People have unreliable ways of recognizing real vodka and real cognac. They all recommend looking closely at the bubbles when turning the bottle over. Small, large, etc. These methods are not reliable.

They show only the positive (cognac, whiskey) or negative (vodka) density of the liquid in relation to water. And nothing more! Muck and poison can be poured at identical densities.

You need to look and check the following:

  • Where do you buy alcohol? Stalls, tents, and buffets cannot sell high-quality alcohol. It's better not to buy there. And of course never buy secondhand! It’s safer to buy in stores specialized in selling alcohol; they try to monitor the quality. Or in specialized wine and vodka departments.
  • Contents of the bottle. When inspecting a bottle of drink, you still need to turn it upside down and look at the light to see if there is sediment and/or any foreign particles. They shouldn't exist!
  • Counterfeit vodka, for example, may contain foreign particles, vary significantly in color, may be cloudy, or have a tint. Factory bottles in a batch have approximately the same filling height - with a screw cap approximately to the middle of the neck. If you see bottles of different heights on a shelf, you should be wary.
  • Excise stamp. You can already identify a fake by the excise stamp. It must really be glued. Durable! Don't come unglued or loose! It should have a holographic image on a copper base. It is mandatory to contain the typographical inscriptions “ Russian Federation" and "Federal Special Mark". in the upper left corner.

In addition, a non-repeating combination of number and series. For vodka and strong drinks, indicate the volume of this container up to (0.1 l", "up to 0.25 l" up to 0.5 l", "up to 0.75 l", "up to 1 l", "over 1 l" .) For vodka, the inscription “Vodka” is required. And the brand itself is in blue tones.

For other strong drinks, such as whiskey, cognac, brandy, gin, rum, tequila, etc. - the inscription “Strong spirits” and the color of the brand in green tones.

For Russian drinks, these are concentric circles cut off at the top; for imported drinks, the icon is completely different - slightly reminiscent of a TV tower in a circle on a black background. The figure on the right shows a drawing of an excise stamp for a drink imported into the Russian Federation. There is a different inscription there - namely “Excise stamp”

The stamp does not have all these elements - it is a fake. The inscription on the stamp does not correspond to the name on the label - this is also a fake!

Wines have their own inscriptions: “Sparkling (champagne) wines”, “Grape wines”, “Liquor wines”, “Fruit wines”, “Wine drinks”. Each type has its own brand! If we look at it in more detail, each type of brand has its own color.

Let us present the materials on public access provided by Rosalkogolregulirovanie detailed description excise stamps:

  • General view and description of the protective complex of federal special marks for marking alcoholic products produced on the territory of the Russian Federation.
  • General view and description of the protective complex of excise stamps for marking alcoholic products imported into the Russian Federation
  • Degrees of protection of special federal and excise stamps and verification of their authenticity
    Information service - “Checking brands”
  • Cork, capping. Vodkas usually have a screw cap. The cap should fit tightly on the neck of the bottle, and the safety ring on the screw cap should not be torn off, preventing it from leaking or twisting under any circumstances.
If it spins or leaks, this is a fake!

At home we found out that with force, the cork rotates together with the control ring and the ring does not come off - it’s better not to drink from this bottle! A decent manufacturer should not have this!

Cognacs have the opposite— screw plugs are practically non-existent these days. If you see a propeller, beware! (with the exception of cognac in small containers) Today, as a rule, cognacs are sealed with a mushroom-shaped cork; the “mushroom cap” covers the neck flush; most often, a corrugated plastic cap is placed on the cap, or a shaped one for expensive French cognacs. There must be a heat-shrinkable cap on top of the cork.

At the wines The stopper should not be plastic. If that’s what’s on the bottle, in the vast majority of cases it’s a fake. There must be normal balsa wood cork. Long corks indicate that the wine has aged well; short corks are usually used to cork young wines. There must be a heat-shrinkable cap on top of it.

Thermo-shrink cap - today is mandatory for wines, cognacs and whiskey (with the exception of cognac in small containers). It should fit very tightly to the neck of the bottle. If the heat-shrink cap is not tight, crumples when you try to twist it, scrolls, or is completely removed from the bottle - this is a fake!

Label and back label

Both stickers should adhere well to the bottle, without distortions or tears. Branded labels are applied at the factory by an automatic machine, so the result is smooth, the glue is applied with a small “comb” - neat, equally spaced stripes.

If the glue strokes are uneven, someone applied the labels by hand. Labels must be clear and concise, with complete and reliable information.

Counterfeit labels applied to counterfeit alcohol products are usually dull and sometimes contain incorrect manufacturer information and grammatical errors.

Falsified drinks contain references to outdated, non-valid GOST standards. GOST R 51355-99 applies to vodka. Old GOST 12712-80. - the bottle is fake! Digital code on the factory label should consist of 7–10 digits. On screw-on bottle labels, the last two digits of the code indicate the name of the city (01 - Moscow, 02 - St. Petersburg, etc.).

Each bottle must contain the following information: country of origin, name and address of the manufacturer, license number, certificate of conformity mark, strength or proportion of alcohol, as well as sugar (for wines), the presence of other impurities, such as flavorings, and date of manufacture ( bottling). All this data must be printed on the label, and not written in ink.

You should pay attention to the address of the manufacturer. If, for example, the city is not indicated, then most likely such an enterprise does not exist.

A bottling date stamp is applied to each bottle, External or reverse side labels, on bottle glass, on shrink caps. It should be easy to read! If the stamp is also on the cap, you need to compare the bottling date stamp on the label with the stamp on the cap: they must match.

Another thing you should pay attention to when buying alcohol is the price. Good alcohol can't be cheap. And vodka cannot be cheaper by law minimum price. Don't be fooled by the availability of the drink. You can lose your health or your life!

How to test vodka at home.

Vodka is vodka: the main thing is that the quality is at its best. But how can you determine whether this is the best quality at home? Especially when the holiday is around the corner. After all, you don’t want to spend the weekend with a headache in intensive care.

There is no need to talk about it - you need to drink it.

However, not all so simple. Moreover, when quite often the number of poisonings from low-quality alcohol traditionally increases. Especially in times of crisis, when many producers of alcoholic beverages have already trumpeted that the demand for vodka has seriously dropped.

As experts note, vodka is a much more complex drink than it might seem at first glance. Therefore, it has its own technology for determining quality and a tasting system. And know about these simple techniques and ways to determine quality, useful for everyone.

1. “60x40”, or one liter of vodka should weigh 953 grams.

When determining the quality of vodka, main role play chemical composition drink and its taste. Naturally, do not forget that if the label says 40 degrees,

then the ratio of water and alcohol should be strictly 60:40.

Of course, at home, the entire arsenal is unlikely to be at hand. chemicals, with the help of which you can easily determine what and in what proportions is in a bottle of vodka. But there is still one way, and it’s quite simple, one might even say childish: you need to weigh the vodka. The fact is that:

with the correct forty-degree proportion, a liter of vodka should weigh exactly 953 grams.

2. “Chemistry”, or why we need litmus and sulfuric acid at home

Violation of the technology for preparing vodka leads to an increase in the content of toxic impurities in it, such as fusel oils. To test vodka for increased presence fusel oils we need sulfuric acid. It is necessary to take 10-20 grams of vodka from a suspicious bottle and pour an equal volume of sulfuric acid into it. If the contents of the container turn black, it means that this vodka contains a large amount of fusel oils and it is better not to drink it.

To determine the quality of vodka, you can use litmus paper.

Dip litmus into vodka and observe the color change. If the blue litmus turns red, this indicates an admixture of acids that “leftist” manufacturers add to the drink to increase the “strength”.

3. Igniting and shaking, or “burn it with a blue flame”

Another way to test vodka at home: pour the drink into a screw cap from a bottle and set it on fire. A normal “forty degree” will burn with a weak blue flame. If the vodka flares up like gasoline or doesn’t burn at all, something is wrong and it’s better not to drink this liquid.

It wouldn’t hurt to just shake the bottle. In a half-liter bottle that is excessively diluted with water, the bubbles will be large. In a high-quality drink, after shaking, a “snake” of small bubbles will flow.

4. You can recognize the smell or acetone with your nose

Of course, they don’t snort vodka, they drink it. And yet, sniffing the first glass from an uncorked bottle will not hurt. Inhale through your nose full breasts. If the sharp, unpleasant, “not vodka” smell makes you cringe, you shouldn’t drink it. Acetone, like technical alcohol, is harmful to health.

If the smell is normal, vodka, drink to your health and don’t sniff anymore.

Second method: heat a piece of copper wire until red hot on a fire and dip it into a glass of vodka. Smell the fumes. If it reminds you of the smell of formaldehyde, i.e. smells like a morgue in front of you methyl alcohol. Do not even touch this liquid, otherwise you may lose your life or become permanently blind.

5. Cold test.

Another ancient way to test vodka is to try to freeze it, at minus 18-20 degrees Celsius. If it freezes, even just pieces of ice form – you shouldn’t drink it. At best - diluted alcohol. I don’t even want to talk about the worst.

Instead of a conclusion

Of course, the concept of vodka quality is different for everyone. For some, it’s enough not to get fatally poisoned – and thank God. For others, taste is important - for example, “easy to drink”, “soft”, with pleasant taste etc. For still others, what comes first is not the presence of taste, but, on the contrary, the absence of it: so that “like God barefoot on the stomach,” and so that the hair on the skin does not stand on end, and “so that the soul is filled with warmth,” etc.

If you have tested vodka and are convinced of its suitability for drinking, do not forget that vodka is a special product that imposes strict requirements not only on the age of its consumer, but also on the characteristics of the body, general condition health, and in general - to understanding the sense of proportion.

Let's be honest - many of us determine the quality of a drink after the fact - by the presence, strength and duration of a headache in the morning. And drinkers are often convinced that hangover syndrome happens only due to low-quality vodka. This is partly true.

Just don’t forget that once you switch to “her darling,” there is no “going back.” You shouldn’t even try to “catch up” or “varnish” the vodka with “vinish” or “beer” later. Just as one should not forget about the banal sense of proportion. In fact, poor morning health most often occurs precisely because of its absence.

And don’t forget the common truth: Excessive use alcohol is harmful to your health.

When purchasing an alcoholic drink in a store, the buyer assumes that the composition and taste characteristics correspond to what is indicated on the label. If there are doubts about the quality, the product is checked for authenticity. Two years ago, a real opportunity for this arose. To combat illicit trafficking in alcoholic beverages, the state has developed unified system control - EGAIS and special codes on alcohol brands that are stuck on bottles.

All types of alcohol, with the exception of beer and beer drinks, contain federal special stamps on their bottles (for goods produced in the Russian Federation) or excise stamps (for imported products). Such a mark is a document of strict accountability, which means that the manufacturer or seller has paid a special government fee, which is provided for individual species goods, and that these products are legal.

The stamp contains the following information:

  • Name,
  • type of product,
  • fortress,
  • volume,
  • name and address Russian manufacturer or importer,
  • Manufacturer country.

The color depends on the type of product. Each stamp is issued in a single copy, has a unique number and an electronic digital signature of the person who applied the barcode.

Thus, AM or FSM certifies the legality and quality of alcohol, but provided that it itself is genuine. EGAIS - state-owned - allows you to check the brand Information system, created as a tool for control over Russian alcohol circulation. Participants in the alcohol market, including producers and trading companies, enter into the Unified State Automated Information System information about their organization, licenses for the production or sale of alcohol, data on the drinks produced or sold.

Each bottle is fixed in the system, its path is tracked from the manufacturer or importer to the end consumer. If the stamp is not fake, the data is displayed in the Unified State Automated Information System. Anyone can check alcohol for legality using an excise stamp.

Excise tax verification methods

Check the alcohol brand by downloading it to your mobile phone free program"Anti Counterfeit Alco", which was developed by the Rosalkogolregulatory authorities. After launching the application, the barcode of the brand is scanned. Information about the product, manufacturer, movements, and seller will appear on the screen, accordingly the legality of the product is confirmed.

The program may display that no data on the excise stamp was found. In this case, the authenticity of the product is doubtful; it is better not to drink such alcohol. Using the application, the relevant authorities are notified of the violation.

How to avoid buying counterfeit goods

Sales through EGAIS with excise tax scanning and issuance of a receipt with a QR code exclude the sale of surrogate products. To protect yourself from purchasing counterfeit goods, alcoholic beverages are purchased at legal retail outlets. They, in turn, fulfill the following conditions:

  • the store has received a license to sell alcohol, which can be checked on the FSRAR website or the regional licensing department;
  • alcohol is sold through a cash register connected to EGAIS;
  • the seller scans the barcode on the bottle, sends a request to the system and receives a printed receipt with a QR code (information about the product encrypted in the image).

If the store does not print a receipt, this may also mean a system failure, but it is better to refrain from such a purchase. You should not purchase drinks in pavilions, tents, or online stores that do not have the necessary retail and cash register equipment. It is important to adhere to clear principles in order to protect yourself and your loved ones, and not to promote the sale of surrogates.

In Russia, almost the entire adult population drinks alcohol. Holidays are celebrated with it, they are drunk at parties. Even those who don’t drink at all probably raise New Year glass of champagne. In this regard, the problem of determining the quality of purchased alcoholic beverages is very relevant, because, despite state control of the turnover of alcohol-containing products, incidents of poisoning with low-quality alcohol occur.

Every citizen should know that licensing is carried out not only in relation to producers of alcoholic products, but also to organizations involved in its storage and sale. Today, the procedure for obtaining a license in the Russian Federation is very difficult, and serious liability, including criminal liability, is provided for violations of the law. Therefore, having a license from the organization where alcohol is purchased almost completely guarantees the quality of the product.

Not only regulatory authorities, but also an ordinary consumer can check the availability of a license. If you ask the representatives of the store where you are going to buy alcohol to show you a document, they have no right to refuse you. In many large retail outlets, a copy of the license is located on the information stand. After reviewing the document, you can find out its validity period and the organization’s TIN, which can be used to later verify its authenticity using the License Register database.

The data is regularly updated, so there is no need to worry that information about a particular organization will be out of date. In the Register of Alcoholic Products Licenses, you can check the alcohol license using the company’s TIN, find out its validity period, and also determine whether the organization currently has the right to produce, store and sell alcoholic products. You can also check your alcohol license details on the PAR website.

What is EGAIS?

Today in Russia there is special system, allowing you to track the path of alcohol and alcohol-containing products from the manufacturer to the end consumer. This system was developed to combat illegal alcohol trafficking and prevent low-quality products from reaching consumers. This system is called EGAIS - a unified state automated information system. In 2016, the system came into force throughout the Russian Federation, and no organization has the right to produce and sell any alcohol-containing and alcoholic products if it is not registered in the Unified State Automated Information System.
EGAIS work scheme

This system is imperfect, despite the fact that it has been developed since the early 2000s by various government scientific centers. It is subject to criticism; there are problems with the sale of alcohol, for example, enterprises Catering. But, despite this, today the end consumer can be confident in the quality of the purchased products if he buys them in a licensed store.

How to check alcohol by excise stamp and barcode online

The excise stamp is confirmation of the quality of alcohol. It is quite difficult to fake it, since it has several degrees of protection. Before purchasing, carefully study the excise stamp. It must contain a hologram, information about the manufacturer and production date, a barcode and an inkjet number. You can also check the excise tax right in the store, if, of course, you purchase alcohol from a serious trading organization. For this, there are special scanners that read the barcode from the stamp.

You can check the quality of alcohol using the excise stamp online through the EGAIS system, but this procedure is provided only for organizations. To check, you will need to register on the RAR website, and then log in Personal Area.

You can check alcohol by excise stamp online yourself and for free. To do this, you need to go to the website of the Rosalkogolregulirovanie (RAR). A special service has been developed where you can check the authenticity of the brand. By entering the necessary excise tax data, you will receive information that must match that indicated on the stamp. Some manufacturers have developed their own verification programs, available on their official websites. You can also use them. On the PAR website you can check alcohol online not only by excise stamp, but also by barcode.

So, barcode- This is a kind of trademark intended for automatic reading. A barcode consists of a number of strokes-lines of varying thickness and spaces between them, and under this picture the numbers encrypted in the barcode are indicated Arabic numerals. The EAN system encrypts 13 digits. The first 3 digits represent the country code, the next 5 digits are the manufacturer's code, then 5 digits are the product code, and the last is a digit to verify the correctness (authenticity) of the specified barcode.

Each barcode is unique on a global scale and contains basic information about the product. The barcode forms a major part of automated identification technology. Identification (from the Latin word identifico - to identify) is the identification of an unknown object by the coincidence of characteristics with a known object; This is the process of comparing an object with some standard. The word “code” itself suggests that the barcode encrypts information about an object (product, document, etc.). In Russia, mainly 2 types of barcodes are used: 13-bit codes of the European EAN system, introduced in 1986, and encoding systems for settlement and payment documents compatible with EAN.

Barcode checking is a necessary lifestyle attribute modern man who wants to buy only genuine products. Using this service, you can identify a fake. Another advantage of the service is the determination of the country of origin. Why buy a product that is stated to be made in France, but is in fact a typical Chinese consumer product?

Enter the product barcode

* It is not uncommon to see an inscription on a product, for example, “made in France,” but the barcode does not correspond to that country. There may be several reasons.

  1. The company was registered and received a code not in its own country, but in the one where the main export of its products is directed;
  2. The product was manufactured at a subsidiary;
  3. Perhaps the product was manufactured in one country, but under a license from a company from another country;
  4. When several companies from different countries become the founders of an enterprise;

There are brands different color, such as blue, pink or purple. It depends on the type and strength of the drink. It is not applied to all types of drinks, but only to those that have a strength of more than 4%. Therefore, you will not find this mark on beer, cider, poire and mead. The excise stamp can be checked visually, but not everyone will be able to distinguish a fake just by appearance. The most reliable way to check the brand is through a special server or application! Let's talk about this in more detail.

Checking stamps through your FSRAR personal account online

Any consumer of alcoholic beverages can check the authenticity of the excise stamp on the website To do this, you need to go to the main page of the site and find in the menu a service called “Checking Brands”. Or just follow this link:
The following window will open in front of you:

1. Look at the series and excise stamp number on the bottle.
2. Lead them to the windows called “Series” and “Number”.
3. There is a captcha on the site, you will be asked to add or subtract numbers, the answer must be written in the window, which is indicated in the picture under the number 6. The verification system may prompt you to select the type of product:

4. After selecting the product, you will need to enter the captcha again and click the “send” button.
5. A window will appear below, indicated in the figure as number 8. This will be the result of the check. This window will contain information about the product you purchased.

Checking alcoholic beverages through a mobile application

In addition, the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market has developed a special application for mobile phones. You can download it regardless of the type of mobile operating system. It is called “Anti-Counterfeit Alco”.

The app logo looks like this:

The application will help:

  • Determine the legality of alcoholic products;
  • Determine the legality of the sale of alcoholic beverages in point of sale;
  • Find the nearest legal points of sale of alcoholic beverages;
  • Report the found violation to the federal service for regulating the alcohol market.

Download the mobile application for FSRAR

Link to download the Android application in Google Play Market:
Link to download the application for iOS in the App Store:

The application works by pointing your smartphone's camera at the brand's barcode. This way you can independently verify the quality of the products you purchase.
