A story about Switzerland. All about Switzerland: description of the country and useful information for tourists. Government of Switzerland

More than 16 million tourists visit Switzerland every year. For most of them, Switzerland is first associated with watches, chocolate, Swiss cheese and ski resorts. However, tourists very quickly understand that this country has unique medieval architectural buildings, amazingly beautiful nature, a large number of attractions, the annual Geneva International Motor Show, as well as excellent thermal spas.

Geography of Switzerland

The Swiss Confederation is located in the center of Europe and is landlocked. In the west, Switzerland borders with France, in the south with Italy, in the north with Germany, and in the east with Austria and Liechtenstein. The total area of ​​this country is 30,528 square meters. km., and the total length of the border is 1,850 km.

The territory of Switzerland is divided into three main geographical region– The Alps (occupy 60% of the country), the Swiss Plateau (30% of the country’s territory) and the Jura Mountains in the north of the country (about 10% of the territory). The highest peak in the country is Peak Dufour in the Alps (4,634 m).

Several rivers flow through Switzerland - the Rhone, Limmat, Rhine, etc. But tourists are more interested in the Swiss lakes - Zurich in the east, Geneva, Thun, Firvaldstets in the south, Neuchâtel and Bil in the north of the country.


Since 1848, the capital of Switzerland has been the city of Bern, which is now home to about 135 thousand people. Bern was founded in 1191 by order of Duke Berthold the Rich.

Official language

Four languages ​​are spoken in Switzerland. The most common of them is German (more than 67%). Next come French (more than 20%), Italian (6.5%) and Romansh (0.5%) languages.


More than 38% of Swiss residents belong to the Roman Catholic Church. This country is also home to Protestants (31% of the population) and Muslims (4.5%).

Government of Switzerland

Switzerland, according to the 1999 Constitution, is a federal parliamentary republic. The head of state is the President, elected from 7 members of the Federal Council for 1 year. It is the Federal Council that holds executive power in the country.

For many centuries, legislative power has belonged to a bicameral parliament - the Federal Council, consisting of the Council of Cantons (46 representatives, two from each canton) and the National Council (200 deputies).

Administratively, the Swiss Confederation consists of 26 cantons.

Climate and weather

In general, Switzerland has a temperate continental climate, but there are regional differences. In western Switzerland, the climate is strongly influenced by the Atlantic Ocean; in the Alps, the climate is mountainous, alpine. South of the Alps the climate is almost Mediterranean. The average annual temperature is +8.6C. In winter, Switzerland receives a lot of snow, which guarantees a long ski season.

Average air temperature in Bern:

January - -1C
- February – 0C
- March – +5C
- April - +10C
- May - +14C
- June - +17C
- July - +18C
- August - +17C
- September - +13C
- October - +8C
- November - +4C
- December – 0С

Rivers and lakes

Switzerland has several large rivers - the Rhone, Limmat, Rhine, as well as beautiful lakes - Zurich in the east, Geneva, Thun, Firwaldstett in the south, Neuchâtel and Biel in the north of the country.

History of Switzerland

People lived on the territory of modern Switzerland 5 thousand years ago. In 58 BC. Roman legions led by Gaius Julius Caesar defeated the troops of the Helvetii tribe living in Switzerland. In 15 BC. Roman Emperor Tiberius conquers tribes in the Swiss Alps, and from that time on Switzerland becomes part of Ancient Rome.

In the era early Middle Ages Switzerland was under the rule of the Franks, and was divided into two parts - Middle Francia and East Francia. It wasn't until 1000 AD. Swiss territories were reunited within the Holy Roman Empire.

In 1291, the three Swiss cantons of Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden united to resist external enemies, and by 1513 this confederation already included 13 cantons. The first half of the 16th century in Switzerland was marked by religious wars.

Only in 1648, according to the Peace of Westphalia, European countries recognized the independence of Switzerland from the Holy Roman Empire.

In 1798, the troops of revolutionary France conquered Switzerland and gave it a new constitution.

In 1815, Swiss independence was again recognized by other states. Switzerland from now on becomes a neutral country.

In 1847, some Swiss Catholic cantons tried to create their own union, separating from the rest of Switzerland, but this failed. The civil war in Switzerland in 1847 lasted less than a month and killed about 100 people.

In the 20th century, during two world wars, Switzerland remained a neutral country. However, during the Second World War in Switzerland they announced the mobilization of men into the army, because there was a strong threat of invasion by German troops. The International Red Cross, with its head office in Geneva, played an important role during World War II.

The first Swiss cantons granted women the right to vote in elections in 1959. At the federal level, Swiss women gained the right to vote in 1971.

In 2002, Switzerland became a full member of the UN.

Swiss culture

The culture of Switzerland has been greatly influenced by neighboring countries - France, Germany, Austria and Italy. However, Swiss culture is now very distinctive and unique.

To this day, the Swiss jealously preserve their ancient traditions, the “soul” of which is expressed in music, dance, songs, embroidery and wood carving. Even small Swiss villages have several folk music groups or dance groups.

In the mountainous regions of Switzerland, yodelling, a form of folk singing, is popular (as is the case in Austria). Once every three years, Interlaken hosts the International Yodeling Festival. A typical Swiss folk instrument is the accordion.

  • Art Basel
  • Geneva Auto Show
  • Montreux Jazz Festival
  • Omega European Masters
  • White Turf Events
  • Lucerne Festival
  • Locarno International Film Festival
  • Ascona Music Festival


Swiss cuisine is characterized by precision and care in preparing dishes. Swiss cuisine uses a lot of vegetables and herbs. In general, Swiss cuisine is formed on the basis of numerous regional traditions. However, in every canton of Switzerland cheese is very often used in cooking. In general, dairy products are very popular among the Swiss.

Switzerland produces about 450 types of cheese. Every Swiss person eats an average of 2.1 kilograms of cheese every year.

National Swiss dishes are “rösti” (“roshti”), which is grated potatoes fried in a frying pan (i.e. a kind of potato pancakes, they are served with herring, scrambled eggs or cheese), and “fondues” (“fondue”) ), made from cheese and meat.

The Swiss love chocolate very much. Each Swiss person eats more than 11.6 kilograms of chocolate every year. Now Swiss chocolate is famous all over the world.

Sights of Switzerland

Switzerland has not been at war with anyone for a long time, and if you consider that the Swiss are very thrifty and thrifty, it becomes clear why a large number of various historical and architectural monuments. The top ten best attractions in Switzerland, in our opinion, include the following:

    1. Chillon Castle on the shores of Lake Geneva. The famous Chillon Castle was built in 1160; it belonged to the Dukes of Savoy for a long time. The famous English poet George Byron, after a trip to Chillon Castle in 1816, wrote his famous poem “The Prisoner of Chillon.”
    2. Swiss national park. The Swiss national park was established in 1914. It occupies an area of ​​169 square meters. km. This reserve is home to large numbers of deer, chamois and mountain goats.
    3. Jet d'Eau fountain in Geneva. The Jet d'Eau fountain was built in 1881. It shoots out from Lake Geneva to a height of 140 meters. Now the Jet d'Eau fountain is considered one of the symbols of Geneva.
    4. Medieval villages in the canton of Grisons. The canton of Graubünden has many ancient villages with houses dating back to the 13th century.
    5. Monument to the Duke of Brunswick. The Duke of Brunswick Monument was built in Geneva in 1879. Not far from this monument is the Jet d'Eau fountain.
    6. St. Peter's Cathedral in Geneva. Construction of the Gothic St. Peter's Cathedral in Geneva lasted from 1160 to 1310. It is in this cathedral that the chair of the famous reformer of the Catholic Church, Chan Calvin, is located.
    7. Ariana Museum of Ceramics and Glass. The Ariana Museum is located near the Palais des Nations, in the Ariana Park in Geneva. The museum displays works of art from ceramics, porcelain and glass from the most different countries peace.
    8. Bastion Park in Geneva. Parc de Bastion is the oldest botanical park in Switzerland (it was founded in 1817). This park houses the magnificent building of the University of Geneva.
    9. Russian Orthodox Church in Geneva. This church was built in 1866. Now it is one of the jewels of Geneva.
    10. Rhine Falls. In the canton of Schaffhausen on the border with Germany there is the famous Rhine Falls (i.e. it is a waterfall on the Rhine River).

Cities and resorts

The largest Swiss cities are Geneva, Basel, Zurich, Lausanne, and, of course, Bern.

Switzerland is, apparently, a classic country of ski resorts. The ski season in Switzerland begins in November and lasts until April inclusive. The most popular Swiss ski resorts are Zermatt, Saas-Fee, St. Moritz, Interlaken, Verbier, Crans-Montana, Leukerbad, Villars/Gryon.

For many tourists, Switzerland is associated with ski resorts. However, in this country there are a lot of balneological resorts on thermal waters. The most popular Swiss balneological resorts are Leukerbad, Bad Ragaz, Yverdon-les-Bains, Baden, Ovronne, etc.


Switzerland, official name Swiss Confederation is a small state in Central Europe, bordered in the north by Germany, in the south by Italy, in the west by France, and in the east by Austria and Liechtenstein. The area of ​​the territory is 41,284 km².

Switzerland's northern border is partly along Lake Constance and the Rhine, which begins in the center of the Swiss Alps and forms part of eastern border. Western border passes through the Jura Mountains, the southern one through the Italian Alps and Lake Geneva.
The country's territory is divided into three natural regions: the Jura Mountains in the north, the Swiss Plateau in the center, and the Alps, which occupy 61% of the total territory of Switzerland, in the south. The country's highest point is Peak Dufort (4634 m) in the Pennine Alps, and the lowest point is Lake Maggiore (193 m).

The country is rich in rivers and lakes (most of them are of glacial origin). Flowing from the mountains, the Rhine, Rhone, Limmat, Aare are the largest rivers in the country.

The ten largest lakes in Switzerland:

Lake Geneva (582.4 km²)

Lake Constance (539 km²)

Lake Neuchatel (217.9 km²)

Lago Maggiore (212.3 km²)

Lake Firvaldstät (113.8 km²)

Lake Zurich (88.4 km²)

Lugano (48.8 km²)

Lake Thun (48.4 km²)

Lake Bil (40 km²)

Lake Zug (38 km²)

About 25% of Switzerland's territory is covered by forests; they extend not only in the mountains, but also in valleys and on some plateaus.


Switzerland has a continental climate, typical of Central Europe, but due to the complexity of the terrain, the climatic conditions of individual areas are varied.

In the Alps, winter is relatively cold (temperatures drop to -10°C -12°C, sometimes lower), but is almost always sunny. On peaks from 2500-3000 m there is snow throughout the year. About 65% of the annual precipitation here falls in the form of snow, so in winter snow avalanches occur due to the accumulation of snow on the slopes. In summer there is frequent rain and fog, and the weather can change very quickly from sunny to rainy.

On the Swiss Plateau, winter is mild. The average temperature in January is about -2°C; if snow falls, it usually lasts only a few days. In December and January, strong winds blow from the Atlantic, bringing frequent rain and fog, but the summer is warm (the average temperature in July is +18°C), and the autumn is long and sunny.

The mildest and warmest climate is found in the interior mountain valleys and basins, protected from the cold northern winds by the mountains. For example, in the canton of Ticino, on the coast of lakes Lugano and Lago Maggiore, there are many sunny days(in summer the temperature can reach +30°C), there are no large temperature changes and strong seasonal weather fluctuations. Here in open ground palm trees, magnolias and other plants of the southern countries grow - essentially like on the Mediterranean coast.

Last changes: 09.05.2010


The total population according to 2008 estimates was 7,580,000, with 65% German, 18% French, 10% Italian and 7% other nationalities. More than 1 million foreigners live in Switzerland, which is 1/7 of the total population; in large cities, the share of foreigners among residents rises to 1/5 - 1/3.

The population is mainly concentrated on the plateaus. Large industrial centers - Zurich, Basel and Geneva - have the highest population density.

Swiss citizens are very peaceful, friendly, polite and law-abiding people. They are traditionally conflict-free, reasonable and rationalistic. It is also worth noting the amazing punctuality of the Swiss. The standard of living in Switzerland is very high.


Switzerland has 4 national languages: German (its local dialect is “Schwitzerdütsch”), French, Italian and Romansh.

Likewise, the Constitution determines that the official languages, i.e. The languages ​​in which legislative acts are drawn up and the population communicates with federal authorities and courts are German, French and Italian. Romansh is not an official language due to the small number of speakers. However, it is widely used in formal meetings with Romansh people, who in turn may address their native language to the authorities.

To protect linguistic minorities, the so-called “principle of territoriality” applies, i.e. respect for traditional linguistic boundaries and the exclusive use of the indigenous language of a given area in institutions, courts and schools.

German (the most common) is used by residents of the northern and northeastern parts of Switzerland (Zurich, Bern, etc.).

French is spoken mainly in the cantons of Geneva, Vaud, Neuchâtel, Friborg and Valais.

On Italian speaks mainly in the canton of Ticino, and Romansh is spoken only in the mountainous canton of Graubünden.

The local dialect of German, “Schwitzerdütsch,” is very similar to classical German, so if you speak German, you will be perfectly understood.


Currently, Catholics make up about 50% of the population, Protestants about 48%. Confessional differences in Switzerland do not always coincide with linguistic boundaries. Among the Protestants there are both French-speaking Calvinists and German-speaking followers of Zwingli. The centers of German-speaking Protestantism are Zurich, Bern and Appenzell. The majority of French-speaking Protestants live in the canton of Geneva and the neighboring cantons of Vaud and Neuchâtel. Catholics predominate in central Switzerland around the city of Lucerne, much of the French-speaking cantons of Friborg and Valais, and the Italian-speaking canton of Ticino.

There are also supporters in Switzerland Orthodox faith, one of the Orthodox parishes, founded in 1936 by Metropolitan Eulogius, is located in Zurich, and the Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary at the Representation of the Russian Orthodox Church is also located in Geneva Orthodox Church at the World Council of Churches.

There are also small Jewish communities in Switzerland in Zurich, Basel and Geneva.

Switzerland is home to about 400,000 Muslims, mostly Turks and Kosovars. On November 29, 2009, a national referendum in Switzerland adopted a constitutional amendment banning the construction of minarets in the country. In addition, kosher and halal slaughter of animals is prohibited in Switzerland due to their cruelty.

The Swiss can be proud that they are fluent in several foreign languages ​​and can communicate freely with people from different countries. However, knowledge of their own state languages, unfortunately, is deteriorating due to their preference for English. As a result, four-lingual Switzerland is gradually turning into a “two and a half language” country. In other words, many Swiss speak their native language and English, but often only understand one of the four official languages.


The official currency of Switzerland is the Swiss franc (CHF).

The Swiss franc is equal to 100 centimes (rappen in German Switzerland). In circulation there are banknotes in denominations of 10, 20, 50, 100, 500 and 1000 francs, as well as coins of 1, 2 and 5 francs, 50, 20, 10 and 5 centimes.

Almost all shops, hotels, restaurants and cafes accept all major credit cards. Finding an ATM in the “land of banks” is also not difficult.

You can change money at any bank branch. Swiss banks are usually open from 8.30 to 16.30, except weekends. Once a week, banks work longer than usual; you need to check which day in each specific location.

You can also change money at exchange offices of large department stores, airports, railway stations and stations. Currency exchange offices at airports and railway stations are open daily from 8:00 to 22:00, sometimes around the clock.
However, it is better to change money before leaving, since in Switzerland itself the exchange rate of the national currency is overvalued.

Most prices are indicated in both EUR and Swiss CHF. Some large stores even accept EUR as payment, but give change in Swiss CHF. Therefore, it is most convenient to pay with plastic cards.

Last changes: 05/09/2010


Telephone code: 41

Swiss Internet domain: .ch

Ambulance - 144, police - 117, firefighters - 118, roadside assistance - 140 (round the clock), traffic jams, condition of roads and passes - 163.

How to call

In order to call from Russia to Switzerland, you need to dial: 8 - dial tone - 10 - 41 - city code - subscriber number.

In order to call from Switzerland to Russia, you need to dial: 00 - 7 - city code - subscriber number.

Landline communications

While in Switzerland, you can call abroad from any telephone machine using coins or using a telephone card, which can be purchased at any post office.

To call from one Swiss city to another, you must dial the city's telephone year, starting with 0, and then the subscriber's number.

mobile connection

Swisscom's mobile network covers about 99% of the country's populated areas. Upon entering Switzerland mobile phone Usually he searches for a suitable network himself. For example, SWISS GSM appears on the display.

Information about the coverage area of ​​the mobile network of Swisscom Mobile, the leading operator mobile communications Switzerland, you will find it at www.swisscom-mobile.ch

Last changes: 05/24/2010


In small towns and villages, shops are open from 8.30 to 12.00 and again from 14.00 to 18.30 on weekdays, on Saturdays from 8.00 to 12.00 and from 14.00 to 16.00. In large cities, shops do not close for lunch, but are closed on Monday in the morning, and on one weekday (most often Thursdays) they are open until 20:00.

On Sundays, shops are closed except at the airport, some train stations and rest stops along major highways.

In terms of shopping, Switzerland is attracted primarily by the excellent quality of goods produced there. There are a lot of different shops here, from small shops with a cozy atmosphere to chic boutiques of famous and not so famous brands, as well as large department stores.

Traditional “Swiss purchases” include chocolate, cheeses, coffee, local wines, famous penknives and music boxes, bed linen and tablecloths, embroidered towels, precision instruments, various souvenirs with Swiss symbols, as well as antiques. A shopping trip would be incomplete without buying the famous Swiss watches, which are much cheaper here than in other countries.

It is worth noting that Switzerland has a large selection of high-quality clothing and accessories, depending on the brand, at very reasonable prices.

In most shops and supermarkets, salespeople speak English.

VAT and tax-free:

For purchases over CHF 400 in one store, you can receive a VAT refund. Value added tax (VAT) in Switzerland is 7.6%. To receive a refund in the store, you must receive a "Tax-free Shopping Check" (Global Refund Check), according to which, when leaving the country, you to a foreign citizen, the VAT amount will be refunded. Goods must leave the country within 30 days.

In order to receive your money, you must:

1. In the shop

  • After making a purchase at a store that is part of the Global Refund system (as evidenced by the presence of a brand name at the entrance to the store), ask for a Global Refund check to be issued to you directly from the cashier, customer service department or central accounting department of the store.

Upon receipt of the check, make sure that your information is completely filled out (first name, last name, country of residence, home address and passport number) in the appropriate field on the check, and that the cashier's check is attached to the Global Refund check.

2. At customs

Immediately before you leave the internal market of the host country, you must present the purchased items and a Global Refund check to the border customs, on which customs officers will put a mark confirming the export of the goods. Therefore, you cannot use the goods before leaving the country (the goods must have labels). Without a customs stamp, a refund is not possible. At airports, customs clearance must be done before baggage is checked in.

3. You can receive money according to the return option you have chosen:

  • to a card (or bank account), which, in this case, must be indicated in the Global Refund check, while the check is sent by you to the address indicated on the envelope attached to the Global Refund check;
  • in cash at Global Refund payment points directly in the host country, after affixing the customs stamp;
  • in cash in the country of arrival at the bank.
Last changes: 04/26/2013

Where to stay

Most hotels in the country are members of the Swiss Hotel Association. They have good and spacious rooms with all the services expected of an establishment of this category. However, hotels that are not members of the Association are usually also cozy and tidy. In general, Swiss hotels are better than “central European” hotels. The price of breakfast (buffet) is usually included in the room price. For an additional fee, most hotels offer two or three meals a day.

There are also about 80 hostels (economy class youth hotels) throughout Switzerland; the cost of living in such hotels is about 15 - 20 francs per day. It can accommodate both individual tourists and families, tourist groups and even groups of schoolchildren of various ages. To stay in such a youth hotel, you must have a national or international Youth Hotel Card. There are no age restrictions, but during high season, those under the age of 25 have priority.

There are also a large number of campsites in Switzerland, but it is important to note that you can only set up camp in specially designated areas. In the summer, when this type of recreation is very popular, it is recommended to book campsites in advance.

Another alternative to staying in the country while on vacation is to rent an apartment. This is especially practiced in the Swiss Alps. For example, a four-room apartment can accommodate 8-10 people. The cost of rent depends on factors such as: the prestige of the resort, the size of the apartment, the cost of furniture and even kitchen utensils. It is also worth remembering that the price announced to you may not include a fee for bed linen, a deposit (on average 400 euros) in case you break something or break something, and a tax for accommodation (1 euro per person per day ). After you rent out your apartment, it undergoes so-called final cleaning, which you are also required to pay: it will cost from 20 to 50 euros, depending on the size of the room.

Sea and beaches

Beach holiday Switzerland means relaxation on the country's numerous lakes.

Last changes: 09/01/2010


The history of Switzerland is determined by its special geographical location, which had a significant impact on the development of the state and society as a whole.

The Swiss Confederation in its modern guise has existed only since 1848. Before that time, there was no history of Switzerland as such. We can only talk about the historical development of individual regions, which later united into a single Swiss state.

The settlement of the territory of modern Switzerland began from time immemorial. Scientists believe that the first settlements arose here in the 12th millennium BC. At first people lived in caves, and later - along the shores of lakes. Since 500 BC On the Swiss plateau lived mainly Celtic tribes, among which were the Helvetii. In 58 BC. e. these lands, as a result of Caesar's campaign, were captured. In the next three centuries, Roman influence contributed to the development of the culture of the population and its Romanization.

In the 4th-5th centuries. AD The territory of present-day Switzerland was captured by the German tribes of the Alemanni and Burgundians.

In the 6th-7th centuries. it became part of the kingdom of the Franks and in the 8th-9th centuries. was under the rule of Charlemagne and his successors. Under Charlemagne, Switzerland was divided into ten counties (Gaue).

In 843, the Treaty of Verdun led to the division of Switzerland into parts: the western, together with Burgundy, and the southern, together with Italy, went to Emperor Lothair, the eastern, along with all of Alemannia, went to King Louis the German. The subsequent fate of these lands is closely connected with the history of the Holy Roman Empire. After the collapse of the Carolingian Empire, they were captured by the Swabian dukes in the 10th century, but they were unable to keep them under their rule, and the region disintegrated into separate fiefs. In the 12th-13th centuries. Attempts were made to unite them under the rule of large feudal lords, such as the Zähringens, the founders of Bern and Fribourg, and the Habsburgs. In 1264 the Habsburgs gained a dominant position in eastern Switzerland. The Counts of Savoy gained a foothold in the west.

Having tried to abolish the privileges of some local communities in order to unify their possessions, the Habsburgs encountered strong resistance. At the center of this resistance were the peasants living in the mountain valleys of Schwyz (hence the name of the country Switzerland), Uri and Unterwalden. On August 1, 1291, these “forest” cantons concluded the “Eternal Alliance”, the meaning of which was mutual support in the fight against external enemies and, first of all, the Habsburgs. This is how the Swiss Confederation was founded. Traditionally, 1291 is considered the year of the formation of the Swiss Confederation.

Proof of the strength of the confederation was confirmed as early as 1315, when the highlanders of the forest cantons faced superior troops of the Habsburgs and their allies. At the Battle of Morgarten they won what is considered one of the most important victories in Swiss history. This victory encouraged other communities to join the confederation. In 1332-1353, the cities of Lucerne, Zurich and Bern, the rural communities of Glarus and Zug entered into separate agreements with the three united cantons, forming a number of confederations. Although these agreements did not have a common basis, they were able to ensure the main thing - the independence of each of the participants. Having been defeated at the battles of Sempach in 1386 and Näfels in 1388, the Habsburgs were finally forced to recognize the independence of the cantons, united in a confederation.

At the beginning of the 15th century. The confederates felt strong enough to go on the offensive. During numerous wars and campaigns against the Austrian Habsburgs and the Holy Roman Empire, the Dukes of Savoy, Burgundy, as well as Milan and the French King Francis I, the Swiss established a reputation as magnificent warriors. During the "heroic age" of Swiss history (1415-1513), the territory of the confederation expanded due to the annexation of new lands in Aargau, Thurgau, Vaud, as well as south of the Alps, resulting in the creation of 5 new cantons.

By 1798 Switzerland had become a confederation of 13 cantons. In addition to them, the confederation included lands that entered into an alliance with one or more cantons. There was no permanent central body: all-Union Sejms were periodically convened, where only full-fledged cantons had the right to vote. There was no all-Union administration, army or finance, and this situation remained until the French Revolution.

Religious reform, which began with Huldrych Zwingli's open challenge to the Roman Catholic Church, split the country into two camps. The Zwinglian movement of Protestantism subsequently merged with the movement of John Calvin from Geneva into the Swiss Reformed Church. The cantons of central Switzerland remained Catholic. After short religious clashes, an approximate balance was established between both religions.

In 1648, Swiss independence from the Holy Roman Empire was officially recognized by the Treaty of Westphalia.

In 1798, French troops invaded the country and occupied it. A single and indivisible Helvetian Republic is formed, which falls under the complete subordination of France.

After the defeat of the French, Switzerland regains independence and retains its territorial borders. It already includes 22 cantons. After lengthy negotiations, a Treaty of Union was developed, signed in September 1814. It proclaimed a union of 22 sovereign cantons, but did not indicate that they constituted one state. In the declaration of the Congress of Vienna (March 1815) and the Treaty of Paris (November 1815), the great powers recognized the eternal neutrality of Switzerland.

In subsequent years, internal divisions between the “conservative” and “radical” districts became increasingly noticeable. The conflict reached its climax when the radicals organized a military expansion against the canton of Lucerne; in response, Lucerne formed an alliance with Schwyz, Uri, Unterwalden, Zug, Friborg and Valais, called the Sonderbund. The civil war lasted only 26 days and resulted in the defeat of the Sonderbund. War once again proved that the country is in a deep crisis and needs radical reforms.

On September 12, 1848, the fundamental law of the Swiss Confederation was signed, transforming the country from a weak union of individual cantons into a union state with a strong political system. A new era in the history of Switzerland begins. A permanent executive body was created in the form of a federal council of seven members elected by the legislature from two chambers - the national council and the council of cantons. The federal government was given the power to issue money, regulate customs regulations, and, most importantly, determine foreign policy. Bern was chosen as the federal capital.

The revised constitution of 1874 and subsequent amendments further strengthened the power of the federal government without compromising the federal basis of the Swiss state. Starting from the second half of the 19th century. a dense network of railways is being built, industry is developing, especially mechanical engineering, chemical industry and watch production.

With the outbreak of the First World War, a threat arose to the national unity of Switzerland: the French-speaking Swiss mainly sympathized with France, and the German-speaking Swiss with Germany. Switzerland's role in World War II is controversial. Formally maintaining neutrality, the country bought peace of mind at the cost of political and economic collaboration. Switzerland opened huge loans to Germany and also supplied Newest technologies necessary to strengthen military potential.

With the end of World War II, Switzerland decided not to join the newly formed United Nations (UN) and acquired observer status, which allowed the European headquarters and several specialized organizations UN, including the International Labor Organization and the World Health Organization. This decision strengthened Switzerland's position in international politics. The country is a member of several UN organizations: the International Court of Justice, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Switzerland provides significant assistance to developing countries.

In 1979, a new canton was formed in Switzerland, called Jura.

In 1983, Switzerland became a full member of the Group of Ten, the grouping of major savers of the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

On December 12, 2008, Switzerland officially joined the Schengen visa-free area. Passport control has been canceled at all land checkpoints at the country's borders. At international airports, Switzerland has prepared its aviation terminals to handle intra-Schengen flights where passport control is not required, and has separated these flights from other international terminals.

Last changes: 05/09/2010

For the Swiss, talking about salary or source of income is considered a closed topic. Even close friends do not tell each other about these issues.

Switzerland is considered a rich country, and the majority of the population lives prosperously. Naturally, there are very rich people, but you won’t see them on the streets. They live modestly and do not advertise their millions.

The list of the 500 richest people in the world, compiled in 2007 by the American magazine Forbes, included 8 representatives of Switzerland. Ernesto Bertarelli is recognized as the wealthiest Swiss person. His fortune is equal to 8.8 billion dollars.

Switzerland attracts wealthy foreigners. According to the Swiss magazine Bilanz, of the ten richest residents of Switzerland, five have foreign citizenship. Their general state amounts to CHF 103 billion. fr. ($78 billion). The richest foreigner living in Switzerland is the head of the Swedish company IKEA, Ingvar Kamprad, whose fortune is $33 billion. He is also ranked 4th on Forbes magazine's list of the world's 500 richest people.

In Switzerland, the most popular alcoholic drink is wine. Based on the results of 2005, the share of grape wines amounted to 50% of total sales. Beer accounted for only one third. The biggest beer drinkers, contrary to popular belief, are Italian-speaking Swiss, not German-speaking.

A characteristic feature of Swiss society, as well as European society in general, is late marriage. First, they receive a professional education, make a career, and, having reached a certain position in society, decide to start a family. Average age entry into first marriage is about 29 years for women, 31 years for men.

Most often, young people formalize their family relationships immediately before the birth of the first joint child.

Regarding the number of children in the family, large families- a rare event. On average, a family has no more than one or two children, as living expenses increase and large apartments become very expensive.

Only 1/3 of the Swiss population owns their own home. Compared to other European countries, this is a very low figure.

Modern rules for obtaining citizenship in Switzerland are among the most complex in Western Europe, so the number of foreigners obtaining Swiss citizenship is much lower than in any single European country. At the same time, the share of foreigners in the total population of Switzerland is very high, so in 2008. it amounted to 21.7%. It is worth noting that the distribution of foreigners across Switzerland is very uneven.

There is a particularly high percentage of foreigners among children. A census carried out in 2000 showed that 25.8% of children under 6 years of age did not have Swiss citizenship, and in the country's five major cities this number exceeded 45%. Approximately one in five children born in Switzerland has at least one parent with foreign nationality.

Almost all pharmacies in Switzerland are closed on Saturday and Sunday afternoons; there are pharmacies on duty only in large cities; in this situation, it would not hurt to take with you a standard set of medications that may be useful for minor ailments.

If you decide to travel around the country by car, you should remember that some sections of Swiss roads are toll roads, so you will have to pay a fee when entering them.

Also, do not forget that for failure to comply with even basic rules traffic In Switzerland, impressive fines are levied, and you will hardly see police officers on the roads; all violations are recorded by video cameras installed on the roads throughout the country.

Last changes: 01/20/2013

How to get there

Daily regular direct flights to Geneva and Zurich from Moscow are operated by Aeroflot (from Sheremetyevo-2) and Swiss (from Domodedovo). The flight duration to Geneva and Zurich is about three hours.

Rossiya also makes weekly flights to Geneva from St. Petersburg. In addition to direct regular flights, it is possible to fly in transit through Paris, Prague, Vienna, Dusseldorf and Amsterdam and other European cities. You can also fly to Switzerland from the airports of such Russian cities as Samara, Yekaterinburg, Rostov, but all of them with transit in European cities.

During the ski season and New Year's holidays, operators usually increase the number of flights and launch charters from Moscow to Geneva, Basel or Sion (which is in close proximity to Zermatt, Verbier, Saas-Fee and Crans-Montana).

The airports of Geneva and Zurich are combined with railway stations, so any destination can be reached with maximum speed directly on the day of arrival.

You can also travel from Moscow to Switzerland by train, which departs from the Belorussky railway station and arrives in the city of Basel. Travel time 1 day 15 hours.

Road from CIS countries

Daily regular flights from Ukraine are operated by Ukraine International Airlines and Swiss on the route Kyiv - Zurich. Austrian Airlines (via Vienna) and Malev (via Budapest) fly from Odessa to Geneva.

From the Belarusian capital, daily flights to Geneva are jointly operated by Belavia and Austrian Airlines (via Vienna), and Lufthansa planes fly through Frankfurt twice a week. On the route Minsk - Zurich, the national carrier of Belarus operates the following joint flights: once a week with LOT (via Warsaw), three times a week with Czech Airlines (via Prague) and daily with Austrian Airlines (via Vienna).

Regular flights of Turkish Airlines (via Istanbul), Lufthansa (via Frankfurt) and KLM (via Amsterdam) fly from Almaty to Geneva four times a week, and British Airways planes three times a week (via London).

Last changes: 02/07/2013

Switzerland - the most detailed information about the country with photos. Sights, cities of Switzerland, climate, geography, population and culture.

Switzerland (die Schweiz)

Switzerland is a country in Central Europe. This is one of the most beautiful and richest countries world, most of whose territory is occupied by mountains (the Alps and the Jura). Switzerland borders Italy in the south, Germany in the north, Austria and Liechtenstein in the east, and France in the west. This is a federal parliamentary republic, which is divided into 20 cantons and 6 half-cantons. The population speaks German, French, Italian and professes Christianity (the share of Catholics and Protestants is approximately equal).

The name of the state comes from the canton of Schwyz, one of the three cantons that founded the Confederation. Switzerland is a country of amazing alpine landscapes and picturesque small towns, blue lakes that reflect mountains and glaciers, and green valleys. This is a country of banks and watches, cheese and chocolate, which has maintained its neutrality for many centuries. Switzerland has a wonderful cultural heritage, stunning nature and world-class ski resorts.

Useful information about Switzerland

  1. The official languages ​​are German, French, Italian and Romansh (or Swiss).
  2. The currency is Swiss franc.
  3. Visa - Schengen.
  4. The standard of living is very high.
  5. Population - more than 8 million people.
  6. Area - 41,284 km².
  7. The capital is Bern.
  8. Time - UTC +1, in summer +2.
  9. Switzerland is one of the most safe countries world with very low crime rates.
  10. Tax Free - only available on purchases worth more than 300 francs.
  11. Holidays: January 1 - New Year, January 2 - St. Berthold's Day, Good Friday (April-May), Easter (April-May), Holy Week Monday (the first after Easter), May 1 - Labor Day, Ascension of the Lord (in May -June), Pentecost and Spiritual Day (May-June), Corpus Christi (usually in June), August 1 - Swiss National Holiday, August 15 - Assumption of the Virgin Mary, November 1 - All Saints' Day, December 8 - Immaculate Conception Day The Blessed Virgin Mary, December 25 - Christmas, December 26 - Boxing Day.

Geography and nature

Switzerland is located almost in the center of Europe and occupies an important strategic position between the North and South of the continent. Geographically, the country can be divided into:

  • The Jura is a mountainous region in the northwestern part of Switzerland.
  • The Swiss plateau or Mittelland is the central part of the country, sandwiched between the Alps and the Jura. It is a hilly plain.
  • The Alps are the largest mountain range in Switzerland, occupying 61% of its territory. They are divided into the Pennine Alps, the Lepontine Alps, the Rhaetian Alps and the Bernina Massif.

In terms of topography, most of Switzerland is mountainous. Average height above sea level exceeds 500 meters. The highest point in Switzerland is Peak Dufour (4634 m), the lowest is Lake Maggiore - 193 m.

The origins are in the mountains of Switzerland largest rivers Europe: Rhone and Rhine. The country is also known for a large number of picturesque lakes: Geneva, Firwaldstätt, Thun, Zurich, Bil, Neuchâtel, Lago Maggiore. Most of them are of glacial origin. By the way, there are many glaciers in the mountains of Switzerland.

The nature of Switzerland is quite rich and varied. 1/4 of the country's territory is still covered with forests. The forests are dominated by oak and beech, while the mountains are dominated by spruce, pine and fir. The mountains and forests of Switzerland are home to deer, roe deer, chamois, foxes, hares, and partridges.


The predominant climate type is continental. The climate of mountainous regions is determined by altitudinal zonation. In the west of the country the climate is much milder, while in the east and south it is much harsher.

Best time to visit

Switzerland is open to tourists all year round and each season is good in its own way. If its main goal is ski resorts, then you need to come in winter. For studying cultural heritage the country and attractions are quite suitable in the off-season. For trips to the mountains and lakes, it is better to visit Switzerland in the summer.


The territory of Switzerland was inhabited back in the Stone Age. During the existence and heyday of the Roman Empire (from the 5th century BC to the 4th century AD), Celtic tribes (Helvetians) lived here. The east of Switzerland was inhabited by the Rhaetians, who were related to the Etruscans. In the 2nd century BC, local tribes raided the Roman Empire and even inflicted several defeats on the Romans. Switzerland was subjugated in 52 BC when the Gauls' revolt against Roman rule was suppressed. In the 3rd century AD, the Romans began to lose their position under the onslaught of Germanic tribes. By the 5th century, the north of Switzerland was captured by the Alamanni, and the west by the Burgundians.

During the Middle Ages, Switzerland was fragmented into several kingdoms, which were subjugated by the Franks during the reign of Charlemagne in the 8th century. Christianization of the population began in the 4th century. In 843, the territory of Switzerland was divided between Italy and Germany. At the beginning of the 10th century, the entire territory of the country was subjugated by the German kings and in 1032 became part of the Holy Roman Empire, under whose rule it remained for 3 centuries.

In the 11th-13th centuries, trade developed in Switzerland and new cities appeared. This caused the emergence of new trade routes. One of the main trade arteries of Switzerland had great value and passed through the valleys of Uri, Schwyz, Grisons and the St. Gotthard Pass. During this period, the Habsburgs came to power in the Holy Roman Empire. Fearing their oppression, on August 1, 1291, a military treaty was concluded that united Uri, Schwyz and Unterwalden. This date is considered the founding of the Swiss Union and Swiss statehood. In the 14th century, the Habsburgs repeatedly tried to take control of the cantons, but suffered several defeats.

In the 14th century, the Swiss Union was replenished with Zurich, Lucerne and Bern. This led to increased tension between the cantons, which resulted in the Zurich War. It is interesting that large cities within the confederation received free status, had broad autonomy and conducted brisk trade with other cities in Europe. In the 15th century, new cantons joined the Swiss Confederation. In 1499, the Holy Roman Empire attempted to regain control of the unruly territories, but was defeated. By the way, around this period the first principles of Swiss neutrality were laid down.

In the first half of the 16th century, the period of the Reformation began in Switzerland. In 1648, the Treaty of Westphalia was concluded, which secured the independence of Switzerland. In the 17th and 18th centuries, life in the state was peaceful. During this period, industry developed in Switzerland, and the country itself grew rich in loans, turning into one of the main financial centers in Europe.

At the end of the 18th century, revolution broke out in the French-speaking cantons of Switzerland. The German-speaking cantons, led by Bern, tried to suppress it, but this led to occupation by France and the formation of the Helvetic Republic. During this period, the first constitution was adopted, modeled on the French one. After the withdrawal of French troops in 1802, the restoration of the old order began. In 1803, Napoleon returned feudalism to Switzerland, gave a new constitution and increased the number of cantons. In 1814-1815, the Congress of Vienna and the Treaty of Paris secured the independence of Switzerland and its neutrality.

In 1848, Switzerland adopted a new constitution. Since 1850, the franc became the common currency, and the capital was Bern. In 1844 the first railway was laid from Basel to Strasbourg. In World War I and World War II, Switzerland took the side of military neutrality. Although during the Second World War she collaborated with the Nazis. In 1999, a new constitution was adopted. Currently, Switzerland is one of the richest countries in the world. One of the largest physical laboratories, CERN, operates on its territory. It was also in Switzerland that the Internet was born. The first website, browser and web server were developed here.

Administrative division

Administratively, Switzerland is divided into 20 cantons and 6 semi-cantons. Cantons are divided into districts, which in turn are divided into cities and communities.

  • Obwalden
  • Nidwalden
  • Neuchâtel
  • Ticino
  • Thurgau
  • Aargau
  • Grisons
  • St. Gallen
  • Glarus
  • Fribourg
  • Solothurn
  • Basel-Stadt
  • Basel-Lands
  • Schaffhausen
  • Appenzell-Ausserrhoden
  • Appenzell Innerrhoden

Regionally, the country can be divided into:

  • Northwestern Switzerland - Basel, Aargau, Solothurn.
  • Zurich region.
  • Central Switzerland - Lake Lucerne and the cantons of Uri, Obwalden, Nidwalden, Schwyz.
  • Eastern Switzerland - the area between the sources of the Rhine and Lake Constance (Thurgau, Appenzell-Ausserrhoden, Appenzell-Innerrhoden, St. Gallen).
  • The Lake Geneva region is the French-speaking part of Switzerland (the cantons of Geneva, Bern, Valais, Friborg).
  • Southern Switzerland is an Italian-speaking region (canton of Ticino).


Interestingly, 90% of the population of Switzerland considers themselves ethnic Swiss. However, the country does not have a common language. Language composition: German-Swiss (65%), French-Swiss (18%), Italian-Swiss (10%). Therefore, the most common language is still German. Religiously, the vast majority are Christians (half of whom are Catholics and the other half Protestants).


The largest airport in Switzerland is located in Zurich. Other international airports are located in Basel, Geneva, Lugano, Bern and St. Gallen. The country is connected by modern highways to Germany and Austria.

A vignette is required to drive on Swiss motorways. Its cost is 40 francs and it is valid for one year. The fine for missing a vignette is 200 francs.

Switzerland has one of the most developed railway networks in Europe, making traveling around the country by train very convenient. Also, many railways are very scenic. There are regular train connections with almost all neighboring European countries. You can also get to Switzerland by bus from some countries. of Eastern Europe, Spain and Portugal.

Speed ​​limits: 50 km/h - built-up areas, 80 km/h - outside settlements, 120 km/h - highways. Fines for speeding are very high.

It is permissible to drive a vehicle with a blood alcohol content of no more than 0.5‰.

Swiss cities and popular destinations

The capital of Switzerland is Bern. This is a picturesque ancient city with a beautiful medieval historical center, which is included in the list of UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

The largest city and a transport hub for Switzerland. It is one of the most dynamic Swiss cities with beautiful architecture, plenty of entertainment and leisure opportunities.

The capital of the canton of the same name, located on the shores of the picturesque Lake Geneva. It is a city of banks and museums, parks and galleries, where the UN headquarters in Europe is located.

The cultural capital of Switzerland with a beautiful old town and vibrant nightlife. This city is located on the Rhine River on the border with France and Germany.

Other popular cities:

  • Lausanne is the capital of the Swiss canton of Vaud. This small city is the seat of the International Olympic Committee and a major university center.
  • - one of the most beautiful and popular cities in Switzerland. It is located on the shore of the lake of the same name on the border of the Alps.
  • Lugano is the capital of Southern Switzerland and the canton of Ticino. It is famous for its picturesque nature and cultural component of recreation.
  • Interlaken is a small resort town located between Lakes Thun and Lake Brienz.

Switzerland amazes with a whole scattering of picturesque small towns that seem to have come straight out of a postcard.

Sights of Switzerland

Old towns and historical landmarks

The old town of Lucerne is located on the shores of a picturesque lake surrounded by mountains. It has a medieval core with ancient houses, bridges and landmarks. The main symbols of Lucerne are the 14th century bridge chapel and the famous sculpture of the Dying Lion.

For wonderful scenery and views, visit the viewpoints.

Chillon Castle in Montreux is a magnificent castle on the shores of Lake Geneva. It was built in the 12th century and for a long time remained the residence of the Savoy dynasty.

Saint-Pierre Cathedral, the pearl of the old town of Geneva. It was built in the 12th century and contains a large number of Romanesque and Gothic elements.

Cathedral of St. Nicholas is a beautiful Gothic church in the city of Friborg. Friborg itself is considered one of the most beautiful medieval cities in Europe.

The old town of Sion is one of the most picturesque in Europe. It is located on the Rhone River and has a charming medieval atmosphere. The most famous attractions are the Cathedral, the Witches Tower and the Bishops' Castle.

Oberhofen is a romantic medieval castle on the shores of Lake Thun, turned into a museum. There is a large and beautiful park adjacent to the castle.

Notre Dame Cathedral is the most outstanding example of Swiss Gothic, a grandiose medieval cathedral located in Lausanne.

Bern's old town is a maze of cobbled streets and ancient houses, the tallest cathedral in Switzerland and a medieval clock tower.

The charming old town of Zurich with beautiful architecture and interesting sights. Here you can find more than 50 museums and 100 art galleries. Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich is one of Europe's best shopping streets with trendy designer stores.

Natural attractions of Switzerland

The Matterhorn is one of the most famous mountains in Europe. This legendary peak is located in the Pennine Alps and has a height of 4478 m.

Jungfraujoch is one of Switzerland's most popular natural attractions, located in the Bernese Alps. At an altitude of 3445 meters there is an observatory and observation deck, as well as the largest glacier in Europe and the famous trail to Mount Eiger. At the foot of the mountains is the picturesque ski resort of Grindelwald.

Interlaken is one of the most popular summer resorts in Switzerland, located between picturesque lakes. Offers over 45 scenic mountain railways, cable cars and lifts.

Lake Geneva is the largest alpine lake located on the border of Switzerland and Austria.

St. Moritz is one of the most famous ski resorts in Switzerland. Set among beautiful alpine lakes, jagged peaks and forests.

Lake Lugano is the pearl of the canton of Ticino. Here, subtropical plants grow among the alpine peaks, and the surrounding area is imbued with the color and atmosphere of Italy.

The Rhine Falls are the largest waterfalls in Central Europe. Located near the town of Schaffhausen.


Finding accommodation in Switzerland is not a problem. The country is a very popular tourist destination, so there are a large number of hotels, guest houses and even campsites of different price categories. On average, the cost of living in Switzerland is quite high. Although if you start looking for housing in advance or arrive in the off-season, you can find excellent options.


Swiss cuisine was formed under the influence of the culinary traditions of Italy, Germany, and France. Switzerland is historically an agricultural country, so most traditional dishes are easy to prepare. Many cantons have regional cuisine.

Popular food:

  • Fondue is melted cheese with pieces of bread.
  • Raclette is a dish similar to fondue.
  • Rösti is a popular potato dish.
  • Birchermüesli - muesli.
  • Älplermagrone - casserole with onions and cheese.
  • Zürcher Geschnetzeltes - veal with mushrooms in cream sauce.
  • Malakoff - fried cheese balls or sticks.
  • Apple Rösti - a sweet dish with apples.
  • Tirggel - Christmas biscuits.
  • Polenta, risotto and pizza in Southern Switzerland.

Traditional products: cheese, sausages, chocolate, meringue, wine.

The report on Switzerland contains short description countries. The story about Switzerland for children will be supplemented Interesting Facts about Switzerland.

Brief information about Switzerland

  • Geographical location of Switzerland

Switzerland is located in the very center of Europe, between Lake Constance and Lake Geneva. The country is bordered in the north by Germany, in the east by Liechtenstein and Austria, in the south by Italy, and in the west by France.

  • Languages ​​of Switzerland

The official languages ​​are German, French, Italian and Romansh. About 66% of the population speak German, 18% speak French, and 10% speak Italian.

  • Population of Switzerland

The population of Switzerland is 8.4 million people (2016).

  • Administrative structure of Switzerland

Form of government of Switzerland- a federal republic consisting of 20 cantons and 6 half-cantons. Each canton has its own constitution, government and parliament, but the sovereignty of the cantons is currently significantly limited. The head of state and government is the president.

  • Cities of Switzerland

The capital of Switzerland is Bern.

The major cities of Switzerland are Bern, Zurich, Geneva, Basel and Lausanne.

  • Industry of Switzerland

The most important industrial sectors are textile, clothing, engineering, food and chemicals.

  • Nature of Switzerland

Switzerland is a country of mountains. These mountains are divided into three parts. The first is the Jura Mountains in the north. The second is the central Swiss plateau. And the third is the famous Alps in the south, occupying 60% of the territory of Switzerland.

There is no sea in Switzerland, but there are rivers. And the most stormy - Rhine, Aare, Rhone. There are enough forests in this country. And the lakes are so beautiful, clean and transparent that you can look in them like in a mirror.

Known all over the world Swiss Watches, Swiss chocolate and cheese.

Switzerland is famous for its mountain resorts

It is also famous for its banks, where the money of many rich people from different countries is stored.

The whole world knows this country as the birthplace of the folding knife with many blades

The highest railway is also located in Switzerland. And the highest amazing station is located on the most beautiful peak of the Bernese Alps called Jungfrau. Its height is 4158 meters.

Scientists Jean-Jacques Rousseau, Carl Jung, Albert Einstein, composers Richard Wagner and Sergei Rachmaninov lived and worked in Switzerland.

Switzerland receives 15% of its national income from the tourism industry.

Switzerland is a country that attracts tourists all year round. It has elegant cities with a unique flavor and famous resorts with comfortable hotels. Nature has generously given Switzerland magnificent mountains, clean transparent lakes and amazing hillsides. The country is home to picturesque nature with beautiful landscapes and famous creations of mankind. Every visitor to the country will find something he likes thanks to the availability of relaxing and active recreation. And every guest will remember the sights of wonderful Switzerland forever.

General information

  • The official name of the country is the Swiss Confederation.
  • The capital of the country is the city of Bern.
  • Form of government – ​​federal republic
  • The state is located in Western Europe. Switzerland has borders with France, Germany, Italy, Austria and Liechtenstein. The country is landlocked.
  • The area of ​​the territory is 41.3 thousand square meters. km.
  • The largest cities are Bern, Geneva, Zurich, Lucerne, Basel, Lausanne, Lugano.
  • The country's population is about 7 million people.
  • The official languages ​​are French, German, Italian, Romansh.
  • The main religions are Catholicism and Protestantism.
  • The official currency is the Swiss franc.
  • Time zone UTC+1.


It is as contrasting as nature. In Switzerland both the tropics and the Arctic meet. The Alps act as a climate barrier, and they also influence the climate. In the northern and central parts, winters are harsh due to the influence of the Atlantic, while in the southern part the climate is sunny, mild and Mediterranean. The weather in different parts Alps Frequent rains are typical for high mountain areas. Sunny and relatively dry prevails in the alpine valleys. In general, the climate of Switzerland moderate. This country is not characterized by extremes of cold, heat or humidity. The temperature in July-August is 18-27 °C, and in January-February it ranges from -1 to 5 °C. Location above sea level affects temperature.

Brief history

The country got its name from one small canton Schwyz. In 1291, the leaders of the cantons of Schwyz, Uri and Unterwalden met and formed an alliance against the House of Habsburg - this refers to the founding of the Swiss state. Afterwards, other regions and cities joined, wishing to maintain their independence.

Excavations that were already carried out in modern Switzerland indicate that this area was also inhabited during the cave period, even though the weather was then much harsher and colder. In 107 BC. e. Roman tribes appeared in this territory, but due to the mountainous terrain they did not completely conquer it. They were supplanted already in the 5th century by the German tribe of Atelmans. In 1032, the area of ​​the state was united with the Roman Empire. Centralized control and order were still a long way off. The situation changed when Habsburg family came to power. In the future, this dynasty became very powerful in Central Europe.

The local aristocracy decided in 1291 that the time had come to gain independence. They soon achieved success: in 1499 the country gained independence from the Roman Empire, and gained victory over the forces of Venice and France in 1515. But the Swiss had to realize that victory over large states that were superior in weapons and numbers could not be achieved. Therefore, they abandoned the expansion of lands and proclaimed neutrality.

In Europe, the Reformation began in 1517. Massive discontent among various segments of the European population was the main reason for the religious movement. Even though the central part of Switzerland was Catholic, Protestant teachings quickly spread throughout the country. When confrontations Christian movements developed into the “Thirty Years' War” - a serious armed conflict that to one degree or another affected all European countries, Switzerland took the neutral side and closed its borders. Still, she could not avoid trouble: Napoleon Bonaparte’s army captured Switzerland in 1798. It was not until 1815 that the French were expelled from Swiss lands.

A federal constitution was adopted in Switzerland in 1848. To resolve state issues, they began to convene a federal assembly, and the capital of the country became Berne. Switzerland, having gained stability, began to deal with economic and social problems. Massive construction of railways and roads opened access to the Alpine regions, which attracted thousands of tourists to the state.

Global events of the 20th century ignored Switzerland. In World War I, her participation was in the creation of Red Cross units. And World War II brought new financial flows to the country. German capital was kept in Swiss banks. At a time when European countries were recovering from hostilities, Switzerland continued its industrial and economic development. International organizations have their own headquarters in Geneva, and in Zurich international insurance and banking centers.


Ancient castles, cities, monuments and resorts in Switzerland allow tourists to choose the best. Mountain, excursion, ecological, medical, winter and other types of tourism are widespread in the country.

IN Zurich with interesting Gothic architecture, it is recommended to visit the Grüssmünster and Fraumünster churches, Bahnhofstrasse, and take a walk along the lake. IN Lucerne you need to walk along the streets with painted houses, stroll along a wooden bridge with frescoes. Can be seen in Geneva A 140-meter fountain that gushes from Lake Geneva, St. Peter's Cathedral, headquarters international organizations. IN Montreux You can visit Chillon Castle. It is recommended to familiarize yourself with the Swiss thermal springs, primarily Leukerbard, Yverdon and Bad Ragaz. Each ski resort has its own advantages. Zermatt is a famous resort, where the famous “falling” track from an altitude of 2627 m is located. St. Moritz there are more than 350 km of slopes and 60 lifts, in Saas-Fee There is a glacier on which people ski in the summer. It won't take any trouble Interlaken reach the top of the Jungfrau.

National cuisine

For gourmets, Switzerland is a real paradise. Swiss food, like the nation, is a symbiosis of German, Italian and French cuisines. Given the apparent diversity of tastes in different parts of the Alpine country, the inhabitants have at least two symbols of the highest quality - these are cheese and chocolate. Almost every canton has its own varieties.

Amid the diet craze delights of Swiss chefs may seem inappropriate. Fragrant potatoes, golden-brown sausages, melted cheese, delicious gravy - it’s simply impossible to resist these delicacies.

Fondue and raclette- These are Swiss dishes made from melted cheese. Fondue was first prepared in Neuchâtel. Raclette is served on a heated plate. During a tour to Switzerland, you must try Zurich-style chopped veal with traditional Swiss potatoes. In the vicinity of Lake Geneva, guests will be offered fried perch fillets. It is served with lemon wedges, and boiled potatoes will be on the side.

Minestrone soup is a thick vegetable soup that is unusual and very tasty. It contains potatoes, tomatoes, rice, beans, peas, carrots, leeks, cauliflower and grated cheese. This soup a traditional dish in Ticino. Graubünden barley soup is another one famous first dish. It is made from smoked beef, cabbage and, of course, barley.

To try an amazing dessert, you should take a vacation to Switzerland. "Zuger Kirshtort"- This is a cherry cake made from puff pastry and the most delicate buttercream. It is sprinkled with nuts and soaked in cherry liqueur.

Amazing in its diversity and Swiss wines. This is the freshness of aromas and a rich palette of tastes. Currently, Swiss wines win top prizes and receive the highest ratings at international competitions. “Merlot” (Ticino), “Dol” (Valais), “Fendan” (Valais), “Aminier” (Valais) are original and expressive Swiss wines.

Fresh unfiltered beer loved by the local population. Besides him, the Swiss drink different drinks and the strongest schnapps. The culture of consumption and the tradition of schnapps production came from Germany. In cold weather, locals drink the Café Ferzig drink, the recipe of which consists of one-third schnapps and two-thirds coffee. It is served in a glass with a curved stem.

Customs and orders

In Switzerland, ancient customs are treated very carefully. Many traditions are local and exist only in certain cantons.

Singing competitions in Zurich or Basel Carnival- These are famous folklore holidays. In the spring, a trip to the Alps will be interesting, when peasants move their cattle to pasture. This ordinary event turns into a small celebration. Cow fights in Nizhny Val are the main event of this holiday. Residents of Catholic cantons are distinguished by their adherence to ancient customs.

The people in Switzerland are hospitable and friendly. There is order and cleanliness literally everywhere. The Swiss respect punctuality and friendliness, so they expect the same from others. The country values ​​comfort and convenience.

Locals appreciate it personal life Therefore, in crowded places they behave inconspicuously and quietly. In a restaurant or train, loud conversation will be perceived negatively and considered bad manners. There is no need to be afraid of being in a sparsely populated area at night, because the country has a deep concern for order and security.


Undoubtedly, Swiss products are a symbol of quality. Stylish and expensive can describe shopping in Zurich. Central Bahnhofstrasse street there is an abundance of bright and expensive shop windows. The entire one and a half kilometer of the street can be walked at a leisurely pace in about 30 minutes. During this time you can get from the simplest shops to luxury boutiques.

Traditionally sales seasons in Switzerland they take place in mid-summer and before Christmas. This is very beneficial for tourists, because in winter the country invites ski lovers to the steep slopes, and in summer it is a paradise for those who love hiking and cycling. During the sales season, you can purchase goods with a discount of more than 50%.

Swiss watch is a product that deserves special attention. Popular watch brands can be bought in the country at reasonable prices. Switzerland offers a wide selection of watches from famous companies.

An equally famous delicacy is swiss chocolate. A true lover of sweets simply must try the creations of Swiss chocolatiers. Chocolate in the country is represented by different varieties and a variety of colorful packaging.

Pocket knives- This is another popular Swiss-made product. Quality and functionality are the main features of a knife. Over twenty different tools and blades can fit in the handle. How much this needs to be judged by users.

The symbol of Switzerland is a cow grazing in alpine meadows. The main souvenir is associated with this image - bells. Other Swiss souvenirs that tourists can bring home are wood crafts, music boxes, ceramics and other crafts, as well as books and antiques.

The credo of Swiss stores is friendly staff and excellent service. The buyer in any store will be served at the highest level.

Switzerland is a small country, but an amazing one. If there is a corner of safety and tranquility in the world, then this is it - a symbol of prosperity and prestige, a country with spectacular ski resorts, the most stable banks, the most accurate clock and the most delicious cheese in the world. Coming again and again to Switzerland, travelers will be able to discover something new every time.
