Jack Russell That. Jack Russell Terrier. Brief description of breed

When it comes to hunting foxes, badgers and small rodents, the best assistant hunter becomes Jack Russell Terrier - a prompt and small dog in size, from which the successful finale of the entire ventilation depends on.

History of origin

Breeder breed is the British from Devonshire Jack Russell. The passion for terriers began in 1814. From acquiring a first instance - PSA named Trump.

In those days, the terriers were the main breed, bred for hunting, and were popular with farmers. In the improvement of Jack Russell Terriers, the birthplace of which became Borders, Foxcriefs, Lylenda, Beagle, and Bull Parts and Bulldogs.

1904. The first characteristic of the breed of low-speed was determined. 2001 official standard Terriers divided into 2 separate rocks depending on the growth:

  • long-legged Parson;
  • shroud.

Breed Description Jack Russell Terrier

For Jack Russell Terriers characterized by a strong physique at small sizes. Considering that the main appointment of the ancestors of the breed was the harvest hunt, the body of the modern representative is slightly elongated, and the paws are shortened.

  1. The size adult dog It is 24-31 cm in the withers with weight 6-9 kg. Height in the withers and weight males are larger. Thanks to the compact dimensions, you can make a terrier in the apartment.
  2. Head Flat with a pronounced transition from his forehead to the muzzle. The jaw is narrowed to the tip of the nose.
  3. Chest Unbroken, deep. The neck is strong, unnecessary. Spin smooth with a slightly convex lower back.
  4. Paws Smooth, straight. Poss strong, collected in a lump. Rear limbs Muscular, strong.
  5. Eyes Dark, not convex. Nose black. Around the eye is a black cut. Movable ears, hide or have a bud.
  6. Tail Moderately short, not twisted into the ring, usually fastened.
  7. Wool Tight and tough.

There are some in-storey varieties of the Jack Russell-Terrier breed. Distinguish such types:

  • short-haired having a rigid hair structure;
  • long-haired, distinguished by the presence of "beard" and funny eyebrows (need trimming);
  • with semi long wool.

Jack-Russell terriers with long and half-hearted wool also called Broken.


According to the standard, the main color of the Jack Russell Terrier is white, which prevails in the presence of black, red-brown and yellow spots. Spots are not merged with each other.

For breed undesirable pure white color (albinos), as well as saturation white color Less than 50% of the general color of the dog.

There are terriers of black and white colors (bicolor), as well as with the addition of shades of red (tricolor). Metisi is considered marriage.


Activity, friendliness, curiosity - basic distinctive features The nature of these fidgets. You just remember the dog from the famous.

  1. An inborn passion for catching animals from Jack Russell Terrier was transformed into the love of rolling games, where you need to catch something: ball, plate. Known dog of this breed named Anastasia, which in 2011. It was listed in the Guinness Book of Records for the fact that during 44.49 seconds she managed to burst 100 inflated balloons!
  2. Dog and children are fine. If you want your child to become sociable, then buy it that is this dog.
  3. Jack Russell Terrier and Cat in the House may not get along. The born hunter will be difficult to cope with its instincts. Therefore, you should not at the same time keep the terrier and cat, sea pig, hamster.


Jack Russell Terriers are perfectly trained. For three days, the puppy diges his name. Starting from two months, with a dog should be regularly engaged, adapting it to society and intermittent to perform various teams.

  1. Trains are carried out in the form of games on the street, in the park, on a special area. For encouragement, stock delicacy - pieces of finely chopped solid cheese, boiled meat. For training, taking a good ball with me.
  2. Teams give out clearly using words without a double meaning. The first teams that your pet should know are: "To me", "Fu", "nearby", "stand", "sit", "lying". Some kennels teach dogs to non-standard commands that only operates the owner.
  3. Physical punishment is unacceptable in education. Even in case of failure, not knowing how to bring up a puppy, praise your pet.

The dog should understand that the owner is you. Darling terriers not prone to dominance will perceive you not only as the only owner, but also as a friend.

It does not matter which commands perform your pet if it is correctly adapted to life in society. This breed of dogs is not aggressive, so even with the basic knowledge of teams with a dog, you can walk in the parks, without experiencing that it will attack passersby.

Care and content

At home, attentive and proper careThese cute pegs live for more than 15 years. The terrier is known, the life expectancy of which amounted to 21 years.

Hygiene and dog health

Jack Russell Terrier is a shorthair terrier, but the feature of the wool is permanent molting. Therefore, in terms of hygiene dogs, the care of wool is important.

  1. If the dog is smooth-haired, then it is enough to comb her 1 time in 7 days a rigid brush.
  2. If your pet has a semi-long or long wool, then a trimmer is needed - a special tool removing dead hairs. The haircut of the trimmer is carried out regularly with a periodicity of 2-4 times a year. Best time For the procedure - a molting of an animal.
  3. Bathing the pet is rarely 3-4 times a year with special shampoos.
  4. The ears are cleansed 1 time a week, and the eyes wipe with a clean cotton sponge daily.
  5. After a walk, the paws wash warm water.
  6. Nails terrier will be agreed as they grow. The procedure should be done carefully so as not to damage the nerve endings located near the roots of nails.
  7. Dogs who have reached 2 years of age are preparing to mate. In order for the childbirth successfully, the litter survived, it is necessary to provide a petomice with an enhanced nutrition of a balanced, vitaminized feed.

The Jack-Russell breed was displayed for hunters and high demands for the content of these dogs was not envisaged. Easy care is an advantage for the owner of such a pet.

  1. The dog should have its own place - a corner where she can relax, gnaw a bone or play with a toy. The place is not chosen under the door, on draft.
  2. For feeding, you will need 2 bowls - one for clean water, Other - for food.
  3. Daily food and walks are required.
  4. Winter Your hunting dog It will take additional insulation. Even if the terrier is harsh, buy special warm clothes in pet shop.
  5. Terriers have one bad habit - nibble things, furniture. So that your favorite does not harm, just buy him toys: dense rubber balls, bones-tips.


Taking care of your pet, remember the preservation of his health. To prevent a puppy infection infectious diseases, Make vaccinations in time.

  1. Immediately after buying a dog, contact veterinary clinicWhere the terrier will register and give an official document - passport.
  2. The veterinarian will make an individual vaccination schedule.
  3. You will tell you whether it is necessary to stop the tail than feeding the puppy, how to wash, how to care if you need clothes for the dog, how to determine the beginning of the disease.

Common diseases for Jack Russell Terrier:

  • anomaly "Collie's eyes";
  • congenital blindness;
  • dysplasia;
  • leggy Pertes disease.

The acquired diseases of Jack Russell Terriers include obesity and allergies.


IMPORTANT! Feed the pet should be fresh, natural products. Special feeds can be used in which minerals and vitamins are already contained.

If you do not know what to feed the puppy, then consult a breeder or veterinarian. Suitable food for young hunting dogs will be:

  • boiled veal;
  • cottage cheese, kefir;
  • fresh and boiled vegetables (except legumes);
  • sea \u200b\u200bfish;
  • boiled chicken eggs.

Choosing, which feed is a pet, give preference to combined food so that the diet of the pet was diverse. The weight of an adult dog should not exceed 9 kg, so make sure that the pebble does not appear obesity.

The frequency of feeding puppies is 4-6 times a day. When your favorite matures, it will be enough for 1-2 one-time nutrition.


Photo Jack Russell Terrier

How much is puppy

The price of Jack Russell Terrier with a pedigree, corresponding to the standards of the breed, can be bought at 35,000 rubles. Given the features of the breed, show-class representatives who will participate in exhibitions, are offered at 50,000 rubles.

If the availability of documents, as well as famous parents for you, you can not buy cheaply little Terrier For 13,000 rubles.


Since the breed is a common and breeder of these cute hunters a lot, you will be easy to choose a nursery. Read feedback, description of the breed. Specify how to choose a puppy and what pionee dog looks like, how many terriers live.

Jack Russell Terrier - Cheerful, Cheerful Dog. If you dream about a good-natured companion and a friend for a child - then no doubtful start this breed!

Jack Russell Terrier is a small growth dog, a hunting breed, characterized by an independent and opposed character. With proper education, the dog will become excellent companionBut it is worth relaxing - and the dog will turn into a home destroyer.


Breed Description and Features

To date, these are smart dogs of strong physique, medium length and with flexible body. The breed acquired an elegant look, although hunting qualities deteriorated a little.


Motherland breed - United Kingdom. It is obliged to the English vicar of Jack Russell, who lived in the County Devonshire. The priest was fond of hunting on foxes and breeding dogs. The ancestor of Jack Russell Terriers was a strong smooth-walled dog, similar to a fox. Rev. Jack Russell bought a dog on the market. From this PSA began breeding. The main demand for the dog was endurance and the ability to pursue production for a long time.

The terriers derived by Jack Russell became popular and made the owner with a respected breeder. When the priest died, Arthur Heinemn, a hunter and breeder continued his work.

The first standard of the breed Jack Russell Terrier was described in 1904.

Then a short-legged terrier was derived for walking hunting. Dogs differed ferocity and endurance. In their breeding, Velsh Corgi and dachshunds took part. Despite popularity, a short-legged variety did not meet the standard and was not used in breeding.

Everything changed in 1965, when several individuals brought to Australia. Local breeders breed interested. Hunting qualities of dogs were not valued here, terriers were considered as domestic pets. The active breeding of animals began.

In 1972, the breed was officially named - Jack Russell Terrier.

At the request of Australian breeders, the International Cynological Federation included the short-legged dogs into the breed standard approved at the global level in 2001.

Breed Standard: Main Features

The standard provides for certain features that the breed must match:

  • perfect growth - from 25 to 30 cm;
  • weight - 5-6 kg;
  • color - spotted (white with brown or reddish, white with black);
  • a strong, muscular body of an oblong shape;
  • deep, but not wide chest;
  • the tail - during the movement always in a vertical position;
  • skull flat, moderately wide;
  • jaws Powerful and wide, scissor bite;
  • the eyes are dark and small, not convex;
  • ears are raised on cartilage or hang;
  • wool smooth, rigid or with dummy.


Until 2001, Jack Russell Terrier and Parson Russell was considered varieties of one breed due to general origin. Later, because of the external differences, they were divided.

Jack Russell Terrier is also divided into types of:

  • shortheart (hard hair, only combing is required);
  • long-haired (hair softer, eyebrows and beard are present, you need trimming);
  • halfood or broken (wool tough, but requires trimming).

How many Jack Russell Terriers live?

Like all dogs small breedsJack-Russell terriers with good care live long. They are hardy and possess good health. The life expectancy is on average 15 years.

Character and behavior of dogs

The main features of the character of Jack Russell Terriers:

  1. Jack Russell Terriers are very sociable and mobile. They need constant attention of the owner, games and walks. In the absence of proper physical activity, the animal will become hyperactive, aggressive and all its irrepressible energy will spend on the damage of the owners.
  2. Perfectly communicate with children, but it is important to raise them correctly so that the dog does not snap into the child and not walked it at night.
  3. Jack Russell Terriers love to bark loudly and in the absence of education often show character.
  4. Aggressive in relation to other animals. Do not keep Jack Russell terrier in the house where pets already have.
  5. On the street terriers, it is better to take on a leash, especially close to the roadway, otherwise the dog will take off for the car.

With proper attention and care, Jack Russells will become excellent companions as the famous Milo - a dog from the "mask."

According to owners' reviews, Jack Russells are funny dogs that can raise the mood to the owner. They will suit active cheerful people who love long walks and sports.

Jack Russells should not start:

  • to old people;
  • those who love silence and peace;
  • those who are not enough time for pet.

Care and content

Other care tips:

  1. Dog wool deduct once a week to get rid of dead hairs.
  2. Math Jack Russell is not more than once a month or as dirty. Dog paws wash or clean wet cloth After walking.
  3. Wipe your eyes with a cotton disk, moistened in tea to clean from natural selections.
  4. Teeth clean 2-3 times a week with special brush and dog toothpaste or bone for cleaning teeth.
  5. Own sinks carefully wipe the wet cloth once a week to remove sulfur and contamination. Movie Try not to affect.
  6. Watch out for the condition of claws and cut them with 1-2 times a month.
  7. The dog's sleeping place should be in a secluded place away from the cold and draft.
  8. Walk at least twice a day. The duration of the walk is not less than half an hour.

In general, the dog is unpretentious in care.

What to feed the dog?

Feeding the dog occurs twice a day. The diet may consist of professional dry feed or natural food - to solve the owner. The main thing is balanced nutrition.

Of natural products Suitable:

  • non-fat meat;
  • sea fish without bones;
  • rice and buckwheat;
  • chicken I. quail eggs (Give once a week);
  • degreased cottage cheese and kefir;
  • vegetables (except legumes).

Feeding restrictions:

  • pork and lamb (categorically prohibited);
  • fat and sweet food.

Possible diseases and their treatment

Distributed illnesses include:

  • deafness;
  • anomaly eye collie;
  • leggy Pertis (chromota, usually manifests itself in early or young age);
  • dysplasia hip joint (slander destruction);
  • next weight leaning.

When symptoms are detected, refer to the disease immediately veterinary doctor.

Training and upbringing

Representatives of this breed are well to be prepared.

Basic Training Tips:

  1. You need to train and educate the dog since childhood. Jack Russells are characterized by an independent character, so the earlier proceed to training, the better.
  2. You need to install psychological communication Between the pet and the owner. First, teach the teams that belong to the psyche of the animal (respond to the name, walk on the leash, know the place, approach the owner of the call, know the "one cannot" command). There are no restrictions in the number of commands.
  3. Only one family member should study the animal.
  4. It is advisable to train in the form of the game. Use toys (bones, balls, frisbee).
  5. For a pet command, you need to encourage treat.
  6. Jack Russells are very active, so they are better to train them on special sports fields for dogs.

The video tells about the methods of training and upbringing puppies Jack Russell Terrier. Channel training of dogs shot.

Choosing a puppy

Buying a puppy, pay attention to the following moments:

  • shopping place;
  • price;
  • pedigree;
  • animal health.

Where to buy and how much does it cost?

Price and place of buying a puppy depends on the class of animal (Pet, Breed or Show):

  1. If you do not plan to participate in exhibitions and breeding, buy a puppy without a pedigree (PET class). Such puppies cost about 10-12 thousand rubles and are the most fiscal option. You can purchase them on the announcement of your hands or in the shelter.
  2. Puppy with serious family documents (class Breed) will cost about 35 thousand rubles. You can buy it in the nursery, sometimes on the announcement of proven breeders.
  3. Jack Russell, capable of participating in exhibitions (class Show), costs about 50 thousand rubles. Such terries are sold in special nurseries located in major cities Russia.

What to pay attention to when choosing?

Choosing a puppy, you need to remember that a healthy Jack Russell Terrier is cheerful and inquisitive, stretches to communicating with people.

If the puppy is sluggish and inactive, it speaks of diseases or other deviations.

Photo Gallery

The photo shows representatives of the standard of the breed of the gadcocharst Jack Russell Terrier.

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The video tells about the breed Jack Russell Terrier. Removed by Zoomisto.

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Jack Russell Terrier - another representative dog Mira From a number of small hunters. Half the name of this breed consists of the name of the first breeder of these small, but very active dogs.

For these small representatives of the dog world characterized mainly white color Wool with inserts of red-colored.

Same wool can be characterized by hard or smooth hair.

Red spots are most often in the area of \u200b\u200bthe head - on the ears and face of the dog, although this is not regulated.

Jack Russell Terrier has an average height of 25-30 cm (which did not prevent and still does not interfere with dogs takes full and active participation in the hunt), deep, but not wide chest, middle-sized head with a flat skull.

All of these characteristics of the breed are extremely necessary for the more convenient and prompt work of the dog in Nora. Once these qualities of the breed were the most valuable for hunters.

The history of the appearance of breed

Many breeds of dogs gained their popularity due to the interest of people to hunting craft.

In England, the most common horseback hunt for, in which they were very actively used and, capable of day, and without tired of driving the beast.

But if the fox had time to get to the shelter and jumped into Noura, then the efforts of some here were not to do.

In the case of badgers, this problem was well solved, capable of climbing in such a noury and "smoke" from there the beast. But in the case of foxes in Europe, foxteriers began to be used.

They were the ancestors of dogs whose selection at the beginning of the XIX century began a breeder named Jack Russell.

From how prompt and persistent the dog will be, directly depended the result of the whole hunt.

And the hunters transported foxters ... in bags!

Photo 1. Breed history Jack Russell Terrier has more than two centuries.

They got these little hunters only when acute necessity appeared in their participation.

These dogs were sent directly in fox asylum, where the mistress of the hole was expelled by a short and persistent lan.

After the ban on the hunt of such a thing as "injury", a row of dog breeds were without work. The situation was saved by enthusiasts, dusted and did not give one or another rock in history.

In 1814, a nineteen-year-old young man acquired on the market of his first terrier.

The guy named to build a career of the church servant named Jack and did not think to engage and even more so - to conduct breeding work to remove his own breed.

But his passion for fox hunting led to the fact that he devoted to breeding dogs more than half a century - most own life.

His first dog was a non-standard terrier of that time, it was distinguished by a similarity with foxes. And his nickname coincided with the last name of the current candidate of US President - Billionair Trump.

It is the terrier named Trump and is considered the Breeding Breed of Jack Russell Terrier.

With whom the terrier Trump was crossed, it is unknown.

Given that the color of the modern Jack Russell Terrier is predominantly white, it is believed that the first breeder used in the mating dogs of a monophonic color.

However, appearance future breed I was interested in Russell least. He sought the dog to show balance and agility on the hunt, while it should not be aggression to other dogs.

His dog was to have a strong grip, so that he had enough strength to pull the fox out of the hole if she won't pop up herself. At the same time, his ear shells Muddy and small debris should be protected from entering them, which, of course, is in any fox.

Jack's desire to achieve such characteristics from the breed was crowned with success.

The first standard of the breed saw the light in 1904. The breed was named Parson Russell Terrier.

Jack Russell himself was no longer there, but the successor of his business is Arthur Heinenn - has attached a lot of effort to save and consolidate top Qualities breed

The appearance of Jack Russell Terrier

Among Jack Russell Terriers began to appear and even got the spread and popularity of representatives who distinguished them "squatness".

Photo 2. Jack Russell Terrier gradually won recognition of the public

Them short paws did not correspond to the breed standard and for a long time Such representatives of the breed were not recognized as official cynological clubs.

The short-legged terriers were widely popular among those who preferred hidden hunting.

If we consider that over time, the equestrian hunt began to forget, all interested in short-legged terriers more peoplewho did not confuse increased aggressiveness And the slowness of this species.

They were like a great endurance of short-legged Jack Russell Terriers, which was an advantage in walking hunting.

Motherland recognition

Only in Australia, where are the short-enea representatives of this breed from England in the second half of the 20th century, they were seriously interested in local dogs.

Since this continent did not exist on this continent, local breeders were more appreciated by the progress of these dogs, rather than their hunting qualities.

Photo 3. Shroud Jack Russell Terrrer

It was there, far from the place of origin, a kind was recognized and a little later included in general standard breed.

Explicit external differences Between these dogs could not help but lead to the fact that ordinary and short-legged species were divided, and this name was retained by Australian (already) short-headed dogs.

The usual terriers of this variety remained english name Parson Russell Terrier.

Now everything falls into place, but the similarity of these two breeds is so obvious that often representatives of Parson Russell, who are in Australia are registered as Jack Russell Terriers

So, Jack Russell Terrier is short-headed dogs, first registered in Australia, and Parson Russell Terriers is their older brothers from England. Below in the article there is a video about the breed that will help to deal with these two varieties.

Character Jack Russell Terrier

Jack Russell Terrier has a hunting, work origin - this can not be forgotten when choosing a breed.

With due, they get well in the apartment.

These are very energetic dogs that need permanent place And the space where they could show their hunting instincts, to run and explore the surroundings.

Apartment inhabitant or warlike hunter?

Rather, the second. Because with each convenient case, the representative of this small breed will try to show its hunting skills to the maximum.

Photo 4. Jack Russell Terrier - Real Hunter

Your share of your dog's hunting instincts will also receive a cat, but it will already depend on the breed of the latter. He repelled a couple of times, the cat may well provide himself with a friend with whom you can play.

For dogs of this breed, self-confidence is characterized, and determination in their actions is very bright.

This can manifest themselves when communicating with dogs of other breeds, to which Jack Russell Terrier is inclined to manifest themselves aggression.

Dogs of this breed are very well to children, especially if they grow with them. Already adult Jack Russell Terrier, in whose life the child appears unexpectedly, can be intolerance to him.

Again, it will depend on how the dog was brought up

Regular workouts, walks and classes with dog are very important and are an integral part of the proper education of the dog of such a breed.

If you do not give a pet opportunity to exercise your instincts, splash out your energy, then it may be afraid to end for home things, gender, chairs, tables, in general, and everything that can get a small font.

Low-live people can meet with a number of problems in the upbringing and content of dogs of such a breed, so it is undesirable to start Jack Russell Terrier if you do not have the opportunity to regularly load your pet regularly.

This can be said about people who prefer quiet dogs.

Jack Russell Terrier does not differ in quiet behavior, and even more - they are very loved to worry, because they must control their personal space and protect it at all from all.

Two such terriers left in an apartment unattended will not simply confuse each other, but they can deliver a lot of trouble to the owners in terms of subsequent cleaning.

Representatives of this breed have excellent intellectual data, thanks to which they perfectly cope with training tasks and new lessons.

Jack Russell Terrier - Video Equercice:

Jack Russell Terrier refers to hunting rocks. It may immediately seem that he is a representative decorative dogsBut it is not. Thanks to its small size, this dog perfectly copes with a hunt for foxes, badgers and other small animals, freeing them out of normal. Description and main characteristics of the breed, how many years do dogs live, what their weight, character features - all this information and much more you will learn from this article.

Short description Breed, standard and features:

  • life expectancy: 13-16 years;
  • height: Male - 25-30 cm, bitch - 23-26 cm;
  • weight: Male - up to 6 kg, bitch - up to 6 kg;
  • color: Two varieties;
  • activity: very high;
  • education complexity: average;
  • training complexity: average;
  • playing: extremely playful;
  • attitude towards children: normal;
  • child can be engaged: 10-12 years;
  • attitude to a stranger: a wary;
  • attitude towards animals: need adaptation;
  • purpose: family friend, hunter.

Description of the breed Jack Russell Terrier. Despite the fact that this breed was made specifically for professional hunting and breeders did not take care of the exterior of Jack-Russell Terrier, its appearance turned out very attractive.

Strong active dog A work character has a flexible body of low weight and medium length. It seems that the dog grows in length, and not height.

The weight of this inborn hunter is calculated as follows: one kilogram of weight accounts for five centimeters of growth. Based on these parameters, it is easy to find out how much a pet weighs. If the dog has a height of twenty-five centimeters, the weight should be about five kilograms. Thirty centimeters account for six kilograms of weight.

Jack-Russell Terrier, according to has a flat middle volume head, closer to the eyes and powerful jaws there is a gradual narrowing of the skull. The nose of the nose is black, for tightly adjacent lips, a dog is characteristic of black pigmentation. Dark almond eyes have an insightful look. Moving dog ears can be both hanging and slightly raised on cartilage.

According to the standard, direct and muscular limbs are balance in proportions with a rectangular torso. The body has a deep, but not wide chest. The tail of the dog in a calm state hangs, when excited becomes a vertical position. If the tail is stopped - some part is removed - the end of the tail must be the same level with a fold of the ears.

Woolen cover

According to the standard, these dogs have either smooth, with donom, or hard hair Pokrovwhich in any case reliably protects it from weather conditions.

The dog's woolen cover has:

  • smooth-haired;
  • intermediate - "broken";
  • hang-haired.


According to the standard, the main color of woolen cover is white color. It can be both black and red spots. The intensity of the redhead varies from light red-colored to dark chestnut.

Short story

Jack Russell Terrier is a relatively young breed, originally from the UK. Information about this breed appeared in the eighteenth century. It was then that it began to withdraw for hunting for small animals directly in Nore. Jack Russell Terrier should take the narrow channels of the hole, for example, to fox, grab it powerful jaws And pull out.

Brought the breed of hunting POS English priest John Russell, the second name is Jack. He loved her hunt, so all his free time He has shifted the breeding of terriers with hard woolen cover. Since at that time the peak of popularity was smooth-haired breeds, John Russell did not participate in exhibitions with his pets.

Currently, the terrier of this breed is more often acquired by family friend's role, but hunting character makes itself felt. Therefore, the owner of such a dog will have to learn to control the primitive instincts of the pet.


Jack Russell Terrier is an adventurer in character. In any life situations This active dog is looking for adventures. Obtaining hunting and long trips, Jack-Russell Terrier, at the same time, loves to spend time in a family circle. There he must constantly be in the center of attention.

Being moving dog, the terriety of this breed is contraindicated with monotony. Due to boredom, the dog becomes disobedient, and sometimes inadequate. Therefore, if you lead a sedentary lifestyle, it is better to give up the purchase of this breed. The dog of such a warehouse of character is simply necessary permanent physical exercise During long walks in the fresh air.

From the early age The terrier puppies should be periodically loaded physically and teaching the basics. From the whole group of terriers, Jack Russell Terrier is the most friendly and extremely sociable, no matter how many years he has not been. He is very obedient, respectively, it is easy to upbringing and. The main thing in this case is timeliness. Educating the terrier must be started from the first days, otherwise the uncontrollable dog will grow out of it.

Jack Russell Terrier and children not only get along well, but always delighted with each other. It will not be easy to find children a more restless and active companion.


Extremely sociable dogs of this breed are very strongly tied to the owner and his family. Therefore, they constantly want to be not only nearby, but also in the center of universal attention.

Being a straightforward and stubborn dog, "Russells" jealously relate to other fauna representatives, sometimes expressing open aggression. If the terrier of this breed from an early age does not adapt to the world around the world, then the dog will be simply uncontrollable and thrown on all animals. At the very first walks, Jack Russell-Terrier puppies are striking chasing cats and yard dogs.

Despite such features in the nature of the pet, at home, it will easily make friends with both other dogs and cats. But the terrier of this breed will still try to dominate, so he has.

To passersby, during a walk, "Russells" can take quietly, while guests in their house they meet with a small aggression and loud lare.

Health dogs

How many "Russells" live? The average life expectancy of Jack Russell Terrier is sixteen years old. If you follow the health of the dog, do on time laid vaccinations And periodically consult with the veterinarian, then the dog will be able to live a much larger number of years.

Jack Russell Terrier has excellent health from nature, but some individuals of this breed can get sickness transmitting inheritance. Examples of diseases that are most often found at this breed:

  • hip dysplasia;
  • shift of the knee cup;
  • perthes disease;
  • shift of the lens of the eye;
  • anomaly "Collie's eyes."

Care of wool

Jack Russell Terriers - Very smart dogs, but for proper education It will take a lot of time, patience and strength. Therefore, from the first days, the dog should understand who is the owner in the house. Otherwise, "Russell" will be seized from orders, but constantly ask for promotion in the form of a delicacy.

Children of the 10-12 years can also engage in the upbringing of the terrier, but adult assistance still will be needed.

This breed is not necessary to completely pass all training courses, but the dog must necessarily know the basic teams.

Features of the education of this breed is divided into two groups:

  • communication with the owner;
  • communication with animals.

Being an extremely demanding dog, Russell constantly asks for a walk and play with him. During long walks, it is strictly forbidden to run behind cats and yard dogs.

To adapt to the terrier around the world, a terrier must be on special dog sites from time to time, where he will be able not only to get rid of the square, but also to communicate with other dogs.

Tell us what features your dog?

Jack Russell Terrier

w, 12/31/1799 - 12:00

Life expectancy

Jack Russell Terrier is a mixture of irregular energy, mind and hunting talent. The standards of this breed provide enough "compact" animal, the height of which reaches 25-37 cm with a weight of 5-7 kg. The life expectancy of the dog is 10-15 years old. White color with funny red, brown or black spots prevails. According to the structure of the wool, the breed is divided into three types - smooth-haired, rigid and intermediate. Incredibly cheerful, restless and funny breed!

Breed history

The breed was created by John Russell in the UK in the first half of the XIX century. English Pastor, nicknamed Jack, was a gambling and an avid fox hunter. Therefore, in its breeding work on the rock, he tried to combine the quality that high degree They manifested themselves in hunting business - dexterity, speed and mind. Exists interesting fact The fact that in 1977 the brave dog of the breed of Jack Russell named, which speaks for himself, - "Vampire" destroyed a whole ton of rats in the UK. Therefore, it is safe to say that the creation was surprisingly successful!


Jack Russell Terrier is a small, movable and active dog of a rectangular format. Strongly expressed strong breasts, strong neck And a wide skull. Eyes little size, almond-shaped, mainly dark color. An important proportional characteristics of the breed standard are: Animal is more stretched in length than height; Weight should be distributed in an equivalent of 1 kg per 5 cm of growth; The depth of the body from the withers to the sternum is equal to the length of the front leg from the elbow to the ground.

Character and temperament

Everyone remembers the adventures of living and funny PSA Milo from Hollywood comedy blockbuster "Mask". So, if the dog of the breed of Jack Russell Terrier is unambiguously missed! It is always a leader, assistant and companion. Quite well divides an apartment with other pets. Usually perfectly adapts to the rhythm of its owner. But this cheerful and energetic dog is most ideal for fans of an active lifestyle. Jack Russell will be extremely grateful to you for long walks.

Health and illness

Breed Jack Russell Terrier almost always boasts good physical condition and strong health. Typical for representatives of this breed are: diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the displasion of the hip joint, the Leggy Perthes disease, congenital deafness. Eyes are the most vulnerable part of Jack Russell. Timely appeal to a qualified veterinary doctor will help prevent disease progression. Known story of a dog nicknamed Bot. In 1979, its owners went to the three-year expedition on Antarctica and the Arctic. Cold did not prevent the boot to have fun. She played with the ball, haled fun behind the penguins. She even sew a wool coat and a knitted hat. Returning to the UK, the Bot was named the animal of the year for his invincible spirit!

In the content and care of Jack Russell Terrier is quite unpretentious. This breed is self-sufficient in terms of external view, the skin of the animal can self-charge. Therefore, the hard brush in the care of wool you will need about once a week. Sufficient attention should be paid in the question of the purity of the ears and teeth of Jack Russell. This will help special cotton swabs And doggy dental brushes. You also need to follow the condition of the skin of your pet, periodically changing the collar from fleas. Caring for claws should also be timely. This breed of dogs feels good in any circumstances. Both on a spacious glade and in a city apartment. Sufficient physical exertion - the key to a healthy animal!

Dresserny, Trenuthannya

If this joyful and surprisingly active eagle with a bright temperament appeared in your home - you can immediately build partnerships. The order of education and training must be compiled correctly and correctly. For the breed, Jack Russell Terrier is tremendous. The dog will be happy to study new tricks and demonstrate them to "excellent." To training little Jack Russell is ready for the age of 8-10. Tips for qualified specialists will help you educate a decent representative of this interesting breed. In 2011, the dog's trick from Australia named Anastasia was listed in the Guinness Book of Records. This deft and hyperactive dog breed Jack Russell burst 100 balloons - for 44.49 seconds!

The perfect power chart of dog breed Jack Russell Terrier is a two-time and balanced feeding mode. The basis of an adult dog diet should be animal origin products, such as meat and milk. The breed refers to the third group of FCI small terriers. To maintain your favorite in good physical form daily rate The feed should be 3-5% of the weight of the dog. A convenient option is a dry vitamin feed with a balanced content. useful components. Taba for this dog are sweets.

1. October 2014.
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