White conspiracy to make the guy miss. Separation is a test of distance and a mystery of attraction. Here's a love spell for salt

Sometimes you want so badly loved one missed away from you, called more often, visited more often. And he seems to be sad, but this does not manifest itself in the way the woman wants.

There are very few men now who are not shy about expressing their emotions, but sometimes you look and are surprised - look, your friend has such a brutal husband, and yet he calls, and yearns, and cannot live a day without her. What is this? This character, or something else?

We will not speak for all women and their men at once, but... In order for a loved one to yearn and not find a place for himself without his soul mate, there are many spells and spells. The best of them are collected in this article.

Most women are justifiably afraid read conspiracies on their beloved men, because they believe that they belong to the category of black magic. This is how you read the whispers, and the longing of your loved one will eat this kind of food that will get into the loop.

There are two types of incantations and spells. White and black. Most spells for melancholy belong to the section white magic.

They act more gently and do not harm the person on whom the plot is being read - provided that you do not want this.

Amateurs extreme measures usually resort to help black magic. But, as a rule, they don’t think about the consequences. Longing spells belonging to the section of black magical art usually act extremely harshly and cause consequences.

The person who was such melancholy, cannot find a place for himself, he does not eat or drink, he needs to connect with the object of his passion. What if he lives in another country and for some objective reason cannot come?

Or is this a married man with a family and children? This is what happens after a suicide attempt due to the inability to be near the beloved, or even the murder of a wife who is “interfering with life.”

However, what methods of divination to use - it's up to you to decide. Are you ready for the consequences, don’t they scare you?

You can use black magic. Just remember that such actions usually entail magic rollback, and if you are not a professional witch who knows how to clean up the consequences of your experiments, you can lose a lot.

And health, and love, and good luck... Magic can hit someone who doesn’t know how to handle it very hard and painfully.

White magic usually does not entail the consequences described above. When used, the feelings that a person already has are intensified, but they are intensified in such a way that both the result and the object of witchcraft are obtained. do no harm.

You must experience sincere bright feelings for the person, and the desire not to harm him when you read the white conspiracy.

Now let's move on directly to fortune telling.

How is a conspiracy carried out without consequences?

Here we have compiled a small list that contains Basic Rules reading conspiracies for a man's melancholy. Before you start witchcraft, we recommend that you study them carefully.

  1. In order to make a person sad, you must be know him personally. You can’t read a conspiracy against an actor, singer or other stranger - it either won’t work or will cause harm.
  2. Before reading such a plot, it is advisable not to eat for a while animal food(from 1 to 3 days) – if the conspiracy belongs to the category of white magic.
  3. The most powerful conspiracies are read on waxing moon.
  4. The best time to read a spell for melancholy is early morning or late evening. Read at night Not recommended.
  5. Before reading the plot, you must be sure to read the prayer Mother of God, or your patron saint. This will give additional power to your spell and protect you from negative consequences.

If you follow all these rules, you will not have any problems after reading the plot.

The general rule for reading these types of conspiracies is the presence of a fresh, recently made pictures of a person. They are read late in the evening, from 9 pm to midnight.

A spell for longing (if your loved one is far away). If you are separated, and your loved one does not write or call often, and it seems to you that he has begun to forget you, this spell will help you get him back constant attention and speed up your meeting with your loved one.

Prepare a photograph of the object, a candle and sit in a dark room. Light a candle and take a photo of your beloved man in your hands. Focus on him. Try mentally convey to him your affection, tenderness and love. Start reading the plot:

“My dear friend (name), my dear friend, the servant of God (name) yearns for you, sheds tears, washes her heart with blood. You are far from me, far away, behind the blue mountains and dark seas. You forgot your darling, you don’t caress, don’t greet, you torment the girl’s heart with fierce melancholy. I will send you a dove, the bird of God, let it bring to you on its wings my feeling, my joy, my sadness and pain, melancholy and weakness.

Let the bird of God sit on your shoulder, let longing for me pierce your heart. May you miss me as much as I miss you. Come back to me, my dear friend, bewitched by my longing and bewitched by love.

I call you, I weave a conspiracy, I close my networks. My conspiracy cannot be washed away with water, cannot be burned with fire, and cannot be chopped up with a sword.

God help you mother of God- in defense. I conjure your heart to yearn for me (name), the Lord protects my words. Amen!"

Lovesickness spell. This plot is read when you feel that your loved one starts to grow cold towards you. If you meet less often, he began to spend more time alone or with friends, this plot will help refresh the fading feeling.

Read the plot in the evening, after it gets dark. Sit by the window, take a photo of your loved one and start reading the plot:

“As there stood a tower in the forest, tall and carved, so in that tower lived a beautiful maiden, a young soul. A young man came to see her, he was daring and single, he kept asking the girl to marry him and wanted to tie her to himself.

The girl’s heart burned for him, but the fellow disappeared from her sight and stopped coming.

The girl was sad, cried all her tears, dried all her eyes. Because of that melancholy she turned into a weeping willow, and whoever asks her for help will never refuse him and will help everyone. Willow-maiden, I bow to you, I ask you - turn the heart of the young man (the name of your beloved) to me, kindle a fiery fire in him, a burning melancholy.

Even if I shed tears for him, so he sheds them, even if I don’t eat or sleep without him, even if he doesn’t eat or sleep without me. Let longing replace his mother and father, brothers and sisters, boyfriends and girlfriends. You yourself knew the girl’s love and melancholy, you will help, you will not refuse the girl’s grief.

And whoever tries to interrupt my conspiracy will be tortured by melancholy and eaten up by bitter loneliness! Amen!"

After finishing reading the plot, make a small bag or amulet from clean white cloth and put it in it. photo of your loved one. Carry a bag with a photo near your heart, and your sweetheart will always miss you; life without you will not be a joy for him.

For strong feelings and strong melancholy they read conspiracies for a loved one on the night of the waxing moon. To perform the ceremony you will need a red wax candle. You can also use a church candle, but then the conspiracy will turn out to be very strong.

Read the plot at midnight. Place a mirror on the table; a small one will do, as long as it reflects your face and the candle flame.

Light a candle, imagine your loved one in front of you, and start reading the plot:

“As this candle cries with waxy tears, burns and burns out, so let the heart of God’s servant (name) cry and yearn for me, finding no place for itself.

Let melancholy and incessant pain enter into him. Let this flame burn him when, without me, he finds joy and consolation with others. Even if he eats without me, he won’t be full, if he drinks, he won’t get drunk, let him have fun, but his joy will turn into bitter tears.

Let longing for me, the servant of God (name), dwell in his soul forever, and push him to me, bring him into my arms! And whoever dares to break my conspiracy will be overcome by black melancholy and dull pain forever! The word is a lock, the key is the tongue, the conspiracy is strong!”

Put out the candle, as soon as you finish reading the plot. Keep the cinder in a safe place so that it is not touched by strangers. As long as you keep it, your loved one will always miss you.

Very simple and easy way settle in the heart your loved one misses you - read the spell about him through the window. Longing will have to draw him to you very quickly. To achieve lasting results, such a plot is read every morning. seven days.

Get up at dawn, wash your face, but don’t eat anything and don’t talk to anyone until you read the plot, otherwise it will won't work.

Go to the window, open the window and start reading loudly:

“The dawn has broken, the morning has awakened, just as the sun rises above the world - so love leads you to me. I conjure the wind - bring my melancholy to my dear (name), let him settle in him, and make a nest for himself, neither eat nor sleep without me.

Let it penetrate his blood, let it ignite love in his heart. Let him not have a happy morning without me, let the honey seem bitter and the water salty. Let him find no place for himself without me, my longing will lead him to me.

Only the one who finds the Alatyr Stone and inscribes my secret name on it will be able to remove my conspiracy. I conjure you, (name), to yearn for me, without me the morning is clear, and the white light cannot be seen! My word is strong, my conspiracy cannot be interrupted!”

Then close the window and you can go about your business. Very soon your loved one will be on your doorstep.

They read into the wind the most powerful conspiracies for melancholy, but they require special preparation. First of all, you must have a very strong connection with the person you are talking to. The entire time you are casting the words of the spell, you need to keep a mental image of your loved one in your head in order for it to work as it should.

You can read this plot at any time of the day. It is important that at this moment there is enough windy weather.

Go outside and find a secluded place where you won't be disturbed.

Sit comfortably there, you can take a pose for meditation. Close your eyes and concentrate. Feel the wind around you, feel connection with him.

Imagine your loved one, how this wind flies towards him and brings your words to him. As soon as you feel a response (goosebumps will run across your skin, you may get chills) - start read the plot:

“Wind, wind, you fly around the world, you see everything, you know everything, you hear everything. I ask you for help, I conjure you with a secret word - convey my feeling to (name), convey to him my melancholy, let it settle in his heart and make a nest for itself.

When you touch him with your wing, he will remember me (name), yearn, and look for a meeting with me. When you fly into his window, he will see me in front of him.

Take my melancholy to him, wind, take my call to him, let him not close his eyes without me, let him not find a place for himself. Let the wind call me, and you will bring his words to me.

Let him follow you, let him find me, and never leave. Let every minute away from me seem endless to him! I conjure you, wind, in a secret name, so that no one will open my conspiracy, no one will hear my request except you. Let it be so!"

If you need to instill a slight feeling of melancholy in your loved one, you can use a short, simple spell.

Take water, throw a pinch of salt at the bottom and say the following words:

“As this water is salty, so let the servant of God (name) be sad and sad without me. Just as people cannot live without water, so let him not live without me and miss me very much.

He will spend the day, spend the night, yearn and worry, he will not find a place for himself without me (name). Let him see me everywhere - in the sun, in the wind, in the salt, and in the water. My word is strong and strong! Amen!"

Afterwards, drink water and wait for a call soon.

This is a fairly easy conspiracy that can be read often. Before you go to bed, place a photo or something of your loved one under your pillow. Cross yourself, be sure to cross your lips, and read a short prayer to your intercessor. After start reading:

“As I see God’s servant (name) in a dream, so let him see me. As I languish and toil without him, so let him languish and toil without me, fill himself with melancholy, and wash it down with tears. Let him come to me more often, bask in his arms, cherish and dove.

Let the world be no joy for him without my kiss, let him only have sweetness with me. To look at others - but not see, listen to them - but not hear. My conspiracy is strong, my word is strong! Amen!"

After you finish reading the plot, you can safely fall asleep. He will inspire your loved one slight feeling of melancholy, he will begin to get bored without your presence - and this is what you are trying to achieve. You should refrain from using this whisper too often, but you can read it once every couple of days.

Love is the most difficult and most inexplicable feeling, which may be present in the sphere of relationships between a man and a woman. After all, no matter how you look at it, the attraction between two people is always shrouded in some intrigue, mystery and mysticism. But it happens that two adults make mistakes, quarrel and break up. And it seems that there is no way to bring the person back. But distance and separation are actually a difficult test, especially if there is a quarrel and a decision to separate forever.

How to make sure that your significant other doesn’t forget about you when you’re apart? How can you attract his thoughts and desires in your direction? A spell for melancholy will help you with this.

A conspiracy to make one sad is used in cases of separation from a beloved man or woman as a result of a strong quarrel or the presence of a love story on the side

Is a conspiracy a witchcraft?

Beginning magicians ask the question: “Can a conspiracy to yearn a guy be considered rituals of Black Magic?” And such questions are quite logical. After all, most novice magicians are unable to properly build a defense, and if they use dark rituals in their work, a rollback can greatly harm not only their practice, but also their health, life and well-being.

Answering this question, we can say that the ritual and conspiracy for the melancholy of a loved one are not manipulation of dark energy. These actions basically have the goal of reminding a man about you, reviving old feelings in his soul and drawing out from the subconscious those moments when you were together. Such a ritual will make him yearn for the meeting, tormented by the desire to see you. It is precisely such actions that will bring quiet and gentle sadness to his soul. A conspiracy to ensure that a man cannot forget you can be called a simple message to a loved one; it is a mental signal, but in no way violence against a person or consciousness.

A conspiracy to make a guy feel bored and sad is not dark magic, not the destructive power of a love spell. Such manipulation of energy as a spell for melancholy can only affect a person if he has an idea of ​​who you are. In other words, you shouldn't perform a ritual with the thought of sending sadness to Bill Gates or a pop star. The effect of such a ritual will be zero, even strong conspiracy just sink into melancholy energy flows, and a priori he will not be able to force stranger recognize you from a distance without seeing you. You will waste your time, your energy, but will not get any effect. That is, with the help of a conspiracy, you can make sure that only those with whom there is a real energetic connection yearn for you.

This love ritual will allow two halves of one whole to unite together, but will not be able to karmically tie a loved one to you

What phase of the moon is suitable for the ritual?

In principle, all rituals the purpose of which is to attract something or someone into your life should be performed only on the waxing moon. The whole point here is that the heavenly body carries too much energy. And when performing a ritual, this energy can either help or resist the power of the conspiracy.

In simple words, this can be explained as follows: the energy of the waxing moon gives strength to rituals aimed at obtaining something (including a loved one, his thoughts and his longing for you). But the period of the waning moon is more suitable if you want to get rid of something. The waning moon helps if you read conspiracies to get rid of:

  • from excess weight;
  • from the evil eye;
  • from an unnecessary boyfriend;
  • from illnesses and so on.

It is also worth considering that the flow of energy from the moon will be strongest in the middle of the phase. It is during this period of time that it is most effective to read a conspiracy to make a person think about you and suffer from love languor. Do you wish that the guy could not forget about you, that he could not hear enough of your voice, that he could not stop admiring your photo? Feel free to do the ritual and carry out a spell for melancholy. Very effective in in this case there will be a conspiracy to make the guy miss your company, so that he yearns and cannot forget your image, so that he suffers and suffers. Such a conspiracy can force a person to come to you even from another country.

A conspiracy made for a treat

This ritual has come to us since the times of the Slavic Pantheon. He has ancient history and has simply primitive power. This is one of the most effective ways quickly make your loved one feel sad, make it so that he cannot resist his attraction to you. This conspiracy will first lead his thoughts to you, and then he himself will not be able to stand it and will really want to see you. It is worth noting that this conspiracy used to belong to the category of foolishness. And all because a man will not be easily bored; his subconscious will make you the goddess of beauty in his thoughts.

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • photo of the man against whom the conspiracy is being made;
  • fresh food (preferably a piece of meat);
  • two candles;
  • salt;
  • container with water.

Here it is especially important to carry out all the manipulations correctly and clearly pronounce the words of the conspiracy; you can learn it, or you can write it on a piece of paper.

A piece of meat is best suited for a treat spell.


  1. Place the photo of the man vertically (you can lean it against a wall or some object).
  2. Place a container of water directly in front of the photo.
  3. Place candles on the sides of the water so that their light reflects in the water and illuminates the photo.
  4. Place a plate of food in front of the water container.
  5. Now you need to clearly pronounce the words of the conspiracy.

“Like a dog runs and chases after a bitch. How he howls at the bright stars. So that the servant of God (name of the man), follows me everywhere, howls out of longing for me. The dog barks, the door is closed, the bone is buried in the ground. And here I am, the servant of God (my name), the Heart and thoughts of the servant of God (the name of the man), I lock and lock, close and close. Teeth, lips, key in the ocean-sea. Amen".

When you read the plot, extinguish both candles, from left to right. First, blow out the candle on the left, look at the photograph, directly into the eyes of the person depicted on it. Now extinguish the second candle and look closely into the water. Next, take the photo and hide it in a secluded place in the house. Throw the water out the window, into the wind. Take the food and take it outside. Treats with a hex can be fed to any dog. Make sure your dog eats the whole treat, or more than half of the dish. Thank the dog for his help and go home. This strong spell of melancholy has begun to take effect and soon your loved one will not only remember you, but will also passionately want to see you.

Spell on a loved one for chocolate

In principle, this ancient conspiracy initially involves the use of any delicacy, any sweet: candy, gingerbread, cake, chocolate, and so on. But since it is chocolate that stimulates the happiness hormone, it is better to give preference to a piece of dark, dark chocolate. Positive energy in any ritual gives an effect, that’s why it’s positive. Practitioners have tested two acceptable options for such a ritual:

  • with the opportunity to feed your loved one chocolate;
  • without the opportunity to treat the guy with the talked-about chocolate.

The first option is more effective, since the effect of the ritual when eating the spoken treat is immediately revealed clearly and powerfully. But the second option also gives an effect, although not so quickly and not so intensely, it still works.

Many fantastic properties have been attributed to chocolate. For example, it was considered (and not unreasonably) one of the aphrodisiacs

To plot to attract a guy's attention to a chocolate bar, you will need:

  • conspiracy text;
  • scented candle;
  • dark chocolate bar.

It is not only important here preliminary preparation, but also the corresponding attitude. Only if these rules are followed will the ritual be valid:

  1. Get yourself in order, dress nicely and put on makeup.
  2. Look in the mirror: You have to like yourself.
  3. As you look at your reflection, fill your heart with self-love and admiration for yourself.
  4. Light a candle and let its aroma fill the room.
  5. Sit comfortably on the carpet or just on the floor.
  6. Place a chocolate bar in front of you.
  7. Recall the image of your loved one and the feelings you experienced in moments of intimacy or communication.

Now you need to read the plot, clearly and distinctly:

“In sweetness there is no understanding; sweetness gives rise to desire. I am sweetness itself, I am heartfelt bliss itself. How people run after sweetness, how they yearn for it. So you, servant of God, run after me, you yearn for me. I am here for you both sugar and sweetness, I am here for you both wine and spice. Squeeze his heart with melancholy behind the sweetness of my lips. Longing for his soul for the sweetness of my speeches. Amen".

Now you need to treat your beloved man to the spoken chocolate.

This ritual is suitable if you have the opportunity to treat your loved one with chocolate. And if this is not possible, then add a name to the spell and say the spell itself three times. And feed chocolate to anyone you know with the name of your beloved man.

Three candles spell

  1. The first candle should be pink, it is responsible for the heart.
  2. The second candle should be blue color, she is responsible for the soul.
  3. The third candle should be green, it is responsible for the mind, for thoughts.

Each candle has its own spell. You also need to have a photo of the man. You could even have this as a splash screen image. mobile phone. Or just a printed photo of your loved one from the Internet. Just remember: a logical connection is also needed here. That is, if you make a conspiracy against a person who neither dreams nor cares about you, you can’t expect any effect, it won’t happen a priori.

Ritual for a conspiracy to make a man miss a woman:

  1. Place all three candles so that they create a regular triangle.
  2. In the middle between the candles you need to put a photo of the person you are talking about longing.

Each candle has its own spell, which is designed to bring its own energetic effect on the person you are charming. Therefore, they must be read strictly on the flame of a specific candle.

Pink candle

Pink candle for the heart:

“Like a candle, this candle burns and blazes with hot fire. Just as the heat eats up the wax, so do you, the melancholy, eat his heart, the servant of God (name), burn it, melt it. Let his heart yearn for me, let him cry and be sad for me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Blue candle

Blue candle, responsible for the soul:

“Like the fire of my candle, it burns and sparkles. Like a flame it warms and burns. So let the soul of God’s servant (name) burn and glow behind me. Let my image warm his soul, warm him. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Green candle

Green candle, responsible for the mind:

“As the fire of this candle is hot and bright, So let the image of my mind lead to the mind of the servant of God. Let me think, he rushes after me, just let him get drunk with my speeches. Warm his fire with my candle. Burn his thoughts, illuminate his mind. Amen. Amen. Amen".

As you read each plot, you need to extinguish the candle that is intended for it. When all the candles are extinguished, they need to be collected together and tied with red silk thread. Now just hide the candles away from prying eyes. This is an ideal ritual for a guy not only to remember you, but even to yearn, dream and desire to meet.

Rituals will not have a harsh effect on longing, but they will help your beloved man remember you, yearn for you, desire you. These rituals are good for those who are looking for a meeting and for those who want to attract the attention of a loved one. But remember: the ritual will only call your beloved guy, but keeping him is your task.

When choosing the path of magic, remember: here, as in the work of a doctor, the main thing is not to cause harm, even by accident. Before you read conspiracies to make your beloved man or boyfriend feel sad, think about how much you need him and whether your actions are justified from the point of view of purity of thoughts and spirituality.

It is believed that the main decoration of a girl is pride and disinterest, and The best way making a man miss and want is to pretend that you don’t care about him. However, such a principle is good only for teenagers, and wise adult woman must be able to demonstrate love and care unobtrusively so as not to cause rejection.

How to make a man think about you

If your romance is just beginning, or you are just looking at each other, great value has an image that you present to a young man. Men tend to pay attention to appearance first of all, so don’t be lazy once again emphasize femininity, beauty and sexuality. Try to follow simple tips:

  1. Before meeting a young man, pay great attention to clothes, neat hair, and manicure. Don't be sloppy.
  2. Try to understand the manner of communication young man V in social networks and by phone. If a man is used to texting during the working day, support the initiative. However, if your messages remain unanswered (or laconic emoticons come in response), you should not impose yourself, even if you are racking your brain on how to make a man miss you. Moreover, a man’s silence does not mean indifference.
  3. If your relationship has already moved to an intimate level, try to sometimes stir up interest and desire. Not every girl will dare to do bold tricks like throwing lace panties into a man’s business briefcase, but even modest girls can call and say that you hope to repeat the experience of last night as soon as possible. You will definitely make the guy bored!

How to make a man miss you from a distance

In the lives of happy, stable couples, there are situations when they have to separate for a while: for example, because of a business trip or an internship in another city or country. If people have been together for a long time, they trust each other and will worry about the fear of betrayal. However, men are less emotional creatures than their wives, as proven by psychology experts. Then the woman has a question about how to make a man miss her? Below are the solutions:

  1. If you have permanent relationship, you should forget about principles like “don’t call first” and leave them to teenagers. If you miss a man, that's normal, and there's nothing humiliating about calling whenever you want.
  2. Try to talk more about your life and new acquaintances. Ask him what's going on. Then, when you meet, you will not have the illusion that you know nothing about each other.
  3. If you are definitely determined to find out how to make a man miss you, do not neglect the possibilities of meeting. For example, there is a chance to see each other on the weekend - great! Rare dates, especially of an intimate nature, will only inflame mutual desire and serve as an excellent prevention of betrayal (unfortunately, this can happen if you don’t see each other for six months).

How to make a married man miss you

Situations in life are different, and if you once became the mistress of a married man, treat the incident philosophically. Women who find themselves in such circumstances should understand that they are still unlikely to be able to claim one hundred percent of the time, effort and attention of their loved one; they need to soberly assess the balance of power. However, it is quite possible to tie a man to you and make him bored. The main thing is not to dream that he will leave the family! In reality, this rarely happens. What to do:

  1. Try to be interested in the man’s affairs and praise him. Listen with genuine interest about work or hobbies. If communication with his wife is kept to a minimum, he will reach out to you for attention.
  2. Find “your” symbolic things: music, a restaurant, or even a street. Finding himself alone in a familiar atmosphere, he will definitely remember the woman he loves.
  3. Don't start throwing tantrums, making demands, or nagging your partner. The psychology of adultery is such that a man seeks ease, interest and satisfaction of his desires (not just sex) from his mistress. Your connection will be stronger if you learn to guess his mood.

How to remind a man about yourself

If you are embarrassed that a man with whom there was mutual interest has stopped calling, do not rush to think about the bad. Modern life is such that a person can be very busy indeed. Try to remind yourself a couple of times: choose a moment to call or write a message on a social network. If the man does not respond, try again in a couple of days. But not more! Obsession is of no use here: you are not his wife to demand something, and if the young man chose to ignore the unanswered call, it means that his feelings have changed (or were initially a mistake), and he decided to disappear silently.

The desire to get a guy at any cost can sometimes be very strong. And many girls resort to the help of magic. Thanks to the help of otherworldly forces, you can force the object of your adoration to fulfill your every whim, including a conspiracy to make the guy call you.

After all, you need to remember that magical influence on another person, carried out against his will and desire. Therefore, the bewitched person may not behave quite adequately.

He will have an irresistible desire to hear your voice. The bewitched person does not notice the changes happening to him, driven by the “natural” desire to at least talk to you.

A simple ritual for a guy to call

I would like to warn those who are driven by revenge on the offender. By bewitching a guy to you, you are imposing your will. The person is conspired to become obsessed with you, and the more you torture him, the more serious the consequences will be. Without receiving the object of desire, the bewitched person can become very aggressive and use physical violence even against you.

Magical influence is extremely dangerous, so it is worth first trying a simpler home ritual that does not harm the chosen one and does not impose a strong third-party will.

Before reading the spell, imagine your loved one in all its glory, let his image stand in front of you throughout the ritual. Then focus on wanting your loved one to call. And start saying the spell:

“My beloved (name of beloved),

Why don't you call me and talk to me?

I’m a stately girl, pretty and good for everyone,

And for you, my love!

Take your phone

Your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

An important component in the conspiracy is the strength of your desire and will invested in the spell being cast, as well as the strength of your concentration on the image of what you desire. True faith that your lover will call will help you realize your intention more quickly.

A strong conspiracy to make the guy call

To be sure of the effect, you can perform a stronger ritual. For it you need to prepare a number of additional things:

  • Photo of a lover,
  • Blank white sheet of paper
  • Pen of any color.
  • Separately rewritten words of the spell.

When you have prepared everything you need, next important point is preparation. The atmosphere is important here; you must be completely alone while performing the ritual.

Each item used in the ritual must be treated with respect and care, because they are magical items in your particular case, and magic does not tolerate jokes.

Another important aspect of the conspiracy is to fulfill each condition, sequentially following the instructions:

  1. Sit down at the table and place in front of you a white piece of paper, a pen and a photo of your loved one. It is important that the photo is located on the left side, and the paper sheet is on the right relative to you.
  2. It is best to memorize the plot in advance, investing all your love and emotions while reading.
  3. A person’s mood is also important, imagine your loved one, and therefore take each item in turn and speak to it.
  4. Take a pen and say the words of the spell.
  5. Then take the sheet and also say the spell.
  6. Then write the numbers of your phone number on a piece of paper with a charmed pen, just write each number clearly and read the spell again.
  7. Now place the photo of the guy on the sheet facing the numbers and say the spell again.
  8. The last stage is to turn over the sheet with the photo, without separating them, with the sheet facing up and read the plot again.

Here are the words of the spell:

“My dove, (the name of my beloved) my, my desired, long-awaited!

Remember, remember how good it was for us!

Remember, remember! I opened my heart to you.

Soon soon! Remember my number.

Soon soon! Make an appointment.

Not this week. Not the other day. This minute!

I'll be waiting for your call!

Call! I'm coming! I'll take it! I answer!

I'll make an appointment!

Remember that you cannot talk about the ritual performed, much less brag to your friends, otherwise you will face retribution. Regarding the result, the ritual takes effect almost immediately after implementation, so keep your phone nearby to answer the call.

Rules for performing the ritual

Main rules magical conspiracy to make your wish come true:

  • You cannot perform a spell ritual for the sake of curiosity. Even if you liked a man you don’t know well, this does not guarantee that your sympathy will develop into something more in the future. Maybe you will recognize those sides of his character that you will not like.
  • Make sure that your feelings are really strong, drive away doubts, only complete confidence in your abilities, and the action of the conspiracy guarantees the result.
  • The image of a loved one must be clear, otherwise it will distort the energy directed towards the conspiracy.
  • The plot must be pronounced as if in a melodious manner, smoothly starting in the middle, putting in all the emotional storm of feelings and ending calmly.
  • The ending must be pronounced with confidence.

For a guy to call to make peace after a quarrel

This ritual is suitable for couples who have been together for more than one year; the plot will push the lover to start feeling very bored, pick up the phone and call, thereby asking for forgiveness. If you are afraid to hear his voice, you can try a conspiracy so that the guy decides to write an SMS.

“Dear, beloved, (name of dear one) mine!

Call me, tell me what’s on your heart.

Essential ligature – mobile connection, connect us!

I am a maiden queen, there is no one more beautiful than me,

Pick up the phone and say HI!

Pick up the phone and make a call!

I will respond - I will make my way into your heart!

When pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, it is better to look out the window, imagining the image of your loved one and thereby sending everything said to him. Read the plot until your subconscious mind tells you enough.

Make a guy call a salt and water ritual

To perform this ritual you will need some items:

  1. Candle,
  2. White handkerchief without inscriptions.
  3. The lace is red.
  4. Glass of water,
  5. Salt shaker.

Now the ceremony itself:

  • Light a candle, be sure to use a match, and place it in front of you.
  • Cover the space between you and the candle with a white scarf.
  • Now place a red cord in the shape of a circle on the scarf. If you took a long lace, then make several layers of circles, this will only be a plus.
  • Place a glass of water in the center of the circle.
  • Afterwards, you need to take the salt shaker in your hands and mentally imagine that your loved one is dialing your number and starting to call you. Keep the image clearly in your mind; you should see what you want on your inner screen. Then put it back in place.
  • Now take a glass and also imagine your lover calling you on the phone.
  • Return the glass to its place.
  • Take three pinches of salt from the salt shaker. You need to take the first one and release it back without raising your hand, shaking the salt back into the salt shaker. With the second you do the same as with the first. And throw the third pinch into the glass. Watch the salt dissolve and recite the spell.

Conspiracy words:

"Like salt in water,

The thought of me dissolves in you.

The banks are high and there is water among them.

I'm the only one you need.

The circle closes, the darling smiles.

Phone in hand, calling me!

After carrying out the spell, you need to pour half the glass over the flower with a male name, and the other half with a female name.

What needs to be done for the challenge spell to work?

In order for the spell to ring a loved one to work effectively, you need to remember:

Believing in yourself helps you achieve what you want.

Only strong feeling will force your lover, even against his will, to dial your number and set up a date.

If the ritual worked, don't talk about it

Jokes with magic don't end well; as payback, you may end up with problems in personal life or a streak of failures will begin at work.

Accurately follow all points of the ritual.

Charmed phone

This ritual is carried out if you have spoken with your loved one on the phone at least once. You need to take your phone and mentally remember your lover’s voice, as if he had just spoken to you, and then say the following words:

“I can hear your words now!

This is how they will sound in reality!

So he can become real!

Let your call wake up the silence

And your wish will be

Call me now!

Let it be so!"

Call to name

This ritual is strong remedy to arouse your loved one's interest in you. You need to take one red candle and a white piece of paper. Write the name of your loved one on a piece of paper and set the piece of paper on fire from a candle, while saying:

“Body and soul burn in fire,

Until you call me!”

After complete combustion, scatter the ashes from the leaf outside the window in the wind and expect a call soon.

Ritual with black pepper

This type of conspiracy is aimed at a quick call from the desired one.

Take from a new pack of grain black pepper as many peas as your lover’s age. Throw all the peas into a hot frying pan and say:

“How this pepper jumps and flops,

So let (Name of the desired guy) suffer,

How this pepper jumps and burns,

So that you (Name) jump up and don’t know how to handle yourself

Like pepper can’t escape the heat of this,

So there is only one road for you.

I conjure with solar fire!

I conjure with the fiery Sun!

Let it be so. The heat is powerful. My word is stone"

Clearly imagine what you want in front of you, while not taking your eyes off the jumping pepper. After the pepper is charred, collect it in a leaf and take it to road intersection. You will also need to leave a payout of 6 ruble coins at the intersection, and when placing them on the ground, say: “Paid”!

How quickly will the ritual work?

The speed of any conspiracy depends on your desire and strong faith in the ritual performed. Therefore, when performing any ritual, strictly follow everything the necessary conditions and first memorize the words of the spell not from the computer monitor, but by first writing them down on a piece of paper.

Do not forget that when writing out the words of the conspiracy on a piece of paper with your with my own hand, you further enhance the concentration of your mental powers and magical abilities. And if you memorize them, it will be easier for you to focus on the image and it will quickly become reality.

When a relationship is just beginning, it seems that feelings will always be just as strong. But time passes, passions subside a little, many girls begin to worry that their beloved guy is not as bored and sad as at the beginning of the love affair. It also happens that love flares up only on one side, the girl wants her lover to dream and think only about her. The assistant will be a conspiracy to make the guy miss. With its help, you can change your loved one's attitude for the better.

Magical actions will help change your loved one’s relationship for the better

A conspiracy to make a man miss will be much more effective if there is a photograph of him. In the photo you can read magic words at home. It is recommended to carry out such manipulations with the first rays of the sun, always within a week, so the effect will be better and come faster. Looking at a photograph of your lover, stroking it, say:

“I will go out into the world, for my beloved there is no one better and more beautiful than me. I’ll go out into the pure pole and into the wild steppes. And I will find a hot oven in them. Bread and fiery cakes are fried. Oh, get up, go, find my betrothed, call me and direct the path only in my direction. I will be my only sweetheart, I will take his dreams captive, I will become my only betrothed. In his heart, only I will live alone, I will entice his soul and body. Let him think only about me, don’t rush at strangers, don’t eat, drink, or sleep without me, just cry and lament. Reward me with boredom and sadness, so that he will grieve, lament, and when he sees me, he will not let me go. Let what is said, called and whispered come true. Let no one be able to open, break, or turn the words spelled or sealed against me. Amen".

Per voice

This conspiracy to make a guy very bored is very simple to carry out. He will need to call to hear the voice or cast the spell in a personal conversation. While you hear the voice of your chosen one, you need to quietly whisper:

“I can hear you now, but you will breathe only me alone. I will direct my sincere, pure and bright speeches to him. Nothing can change the deterioration of our relationship.”

With the help of such a simple ritual, you can make your chosen one feel bored.

On fire

To make your loved one miss you, a magical effect is carried out using fire. Since ancient times, with the help of fire, our ancestors performed various rituals to make a guy bored, to save love relationship. How to make a guy miss you from a distance? To make a man think about you and miss you, you can effective rituals with the help of fire. If it is not possible to light a fire, you can light a candle. Looking at her flame, say:

“Burn, candle, bright and glorious. As your flame burns and blazes, so let him (name) burn without me, like wax fades, and he will not know peace until he comes to me. I will occupy all his thoughts and thoughts. As was spoken in the bright hour, so let it come true.”

The power of fire has long been used in conspiracies against a loved one.

This ritual is powerful and helps to ignite a strong passion.

You can also cast a salt spell to make the husband miss his wife. You will need the following attributes: a church candle, a clean handkerchief, red thread (preferably silk), a container of water, salt. Next you need to follow the following ritual algorithm:

  1. Light a candle and place it in front of you.
  2. Carefully spread the scarf on the table near the candle.
  3. Lay out the red thread in the form of a circle on the surface of the scarf.
  4. Place a container with clean water(it’s better to take a well or spring).
  5. Take a container of salt, imagine how your loved one thinks and yearns, wants to call and meet.
  6. Take a pinch of salt and throw it into the salt shaker.
  7. Repeat again. Next, take a pinch of salt and throw it into a glass of water, salt the water.

While the salt dissolves in the water, recite the following spell:

“As salt dissolves in water, let your thoughts be only about me. Let them dissolve in you, the high shore, the water washing it, and you only need me. The circle will close, the darling will smile. Let him dial the number, call me and be sad. May everything said come true and I will get better results. Let it be so. Amen".

During the ritual, you need to dissolve salt in a glass of water.

Next, pour half of the water into the flower pot with a masculine flower, and the other half into the flower pot. female. With the help of such powerful rituals, you can make your chosen one feel very bored and evoke reciprocal feelings if your feeling is not mutual.

There is another version of the ritual for salt. To carry it out, you need to prepare salt. Wait until midnight during the waxing moon and light a candle. Pour salt into a clay pot, then read the following love spell to make the guy start to get bored. While reading the text of the love spell, stir the salt clockwise with your hand:

“I’ll pour in some magic salt. I command me to obey God’s servant (name). I’ll pour in magic salt, I’ll create a love fog, I’ll pour in salt, I’ll cover his eyes. My words are strong, true, and my desires are strong. Let everything that is said come true. Amen".

“It’s not that I’m pouring out salt, but I’m bringing melancholy and boredom. May you know no more peace, servant of God (name). You don’t see peace, and thoughts and longing for me will not allow you to eat, sleep, live, day or night. But you will only love me alone. Just as no one can collect grains of scattered salt, so no one can remove my conspiracy. My words are strong, strong, true. May everything that has been done, whispered and spoken come true.”

After the ritual for a guy to get bored has been carried out, you need to quickly leave, without looking back, without speaking to anyone and without answering anyone’s questions.

Having placed salt at your loved one’s house, you need to leave without turning around and without talking to anyone

To the apple

Among the powerful rituals, one can highlight the ritual with an apple. To do this, take a red ripe apple and cut it into two parts. Pull out the middle and put a small note with the name of your dear one in place of the core. Words to read:

“As this apple dries, let the servant of God (name) be bored, let him not eat or sleep without me. Amen".

With a church candle

You can also perform the following ritual. During the waxing moon, you need to do this: light a candle previously purchased in the church. Next, write the name of your chosen one on a piece of white paper. Set fire to the leaf from the candle flame, while it burns, have time to read the following text three times:

“I will read my magic spell on you (name). May you miss me greatly, worry and worry. I will bring such melancholy into the universe that you will never be able to get rid of it. Walk around me, make only me happy, you will feel happiness only with me. Amen".

Paper ashes need to be scattered through an open window.

When everything is done, carefully collect the ashes from the paper, throw it into the wind through an open window or window, accompanying your actions with the words: “As said, let everything come true.” Do not extinguish the candle; it must burn completely. Hide the cinder in a secret place. And the first results will be felt after a few days.

Gypsy way

When you come home, you should definitely pray with a lit candle.

When feelings weaken a little, a girl can return them with the help of an ancient gypsy ritual. To do this, go out to a deserted place so that no one sees. In progress magical actions at night. Raise your hands and shout three times:

“Illuminate my face, mother moon! Become the fulfiller of my desires. Let my dreams come true. I thirst for my beloved, let him fly, hurry to me faster than the wind, faster than the sun. Bring him, make him so sad that there will be no life for him without me. Magic powers, help, let him reach out to me like a magnet!”

You can also cast a spell on the wind. They pronounce it while standing near open window. You should choose windy weather during the waxing moon:

A spell for the wind is pronounced at an open window

“In the middle of the ocean sea there is a secret island of Buyan. There is a strong wind there. It does not subside either during the day or at night. Rush, wild wind, to my beloved. Bring powerful sadness to his heart. Let him begin to weep and be sad without me, and longing pushes him to meet with me. Like a newborn child without mother’s milk, like a clean fish without water, let my beloved not be able to live, drink, eat, or sleep without me. There will be neither day nor night for him. And the magic words will come true, spoken from the heart, spoken in this bright hour. Amen".

To smoke and steam

“Burn, clear light, let there be smoke. Fly, smoke, to anyone - your betrothed. Reward him with sadness and longing. Let him come to me quickly, like smoke flying fast with the wind.”

After two or three days you can expect the first results.

You can also do a bath ritual. Heat the bathhouse, undress, take a good steam bath. Then take a broom and cast the following spell on it:

The broom needs to be taken home

“So I took a swim and steamed, Venicek took care of me. I washed away the melancholy and sadness from myself, and sent it to you (name). Take it for yourself, suffer, without me you will not know peace or sleep. I will become your only boredom and sadness. Let what has been said come true.”

At dawn

At the first rays of sun on Saturday, get up and go outside. Read these words there:

“I’ll get up early in the morning and go outside. There I’ll go into the yard and go out into the open field. I'll turn to the sun. Let it illuminate me with its first rays, warm me with its warmth. Meet my beloved, sunshine, let him wait and wait for me. When he sees me, he will rejoice, be happy, and have fun. Without me he misses, suffers, is sad, at dawn he longs to meet me, he is sad. I'll take over all his dreams. Let longing for me occupy your soul, body, mind, heart. Won't leave him alone."

When carrying out any magical effect on another person, it is important to remember that you should not play with magic. Only if a person is firmly convinced of his intention to win over another person, can he contact higher powers for help.

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