Basics of office work and document flow briefly. History of office work. There are three forms of organization of office work: centralized, decentralized and mixed


1. Document in the management system.

2. Basic concepts of office work and document flow.

3. History of the development of office work in Russia.


The main way of recording and transmitting management and other information in the management system is a document, and the quality of decisions made and, consequently, largely depends on how effectively the documentation support is organized. overall result activities of any institution in the broadest sense of the word. Correct documentation support for work in an institution is based on the appropriate regulatory and methodological framework - a set of legal documents of an organizational, instructive, and methodological nature. Regulatory and methodological documents on office work in each institution are developed on the basis of relevant legislative and regulatory acts.

IN in accordance with the Federal Law “On Information, Informatization

And Information Protection" dated February 20, 1995 No. 24-FZ (Article 5) documentation (that is, the creation of documents) is a mandatory condition for including information in information resources. It also states that documentation is carried out in the manner established by the authorities state power, responsible for organizing office work, standardizing documents and their arrays. State regulation extends not only to the area of ​​documentation, but also to the organization of work with documents.

State regulation of office work is carried out by the Federal Archival Service of Russia (Rosar-Khiv), which, in accordance with the Regulations on the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation (approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of March 17, 1994 No. 552) and the Regulations on the Federal Archival Service of Russia (approved by a resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation) Federation dated December 28, 1998 No. 1562) provides intersectoral organizational and methodological guidance and control over the organization of documents in the office work of federal government bodies, coordinates the development of the state office system and unified documentation systems.

The Russian Federation Committee for Standardization, Metrology and Certification (Gosstandart of Russia) carries out state management of standardization, including work on the unification and standardization of documents and documentation systems, development, implementation and maintenance of all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information.

Government of the Russian Federation, federal bodies executive power are responsible for organizing documentation support in executive authorities, developing relevant regulatory legal acts.


Management of any enterprise is an information process in which information is received, processed, a decision is developed, and the decision is communicated to performers whose actions are controlled.

At all stages of the information process, documents are created that record a variety of information.

A document is a set of information located on a tangible medium and having a legal basis.







office work



office notes,


Rice. 1. Enterprise information processes

An integral part of the management of any organizational system is office work.

The term “paperwork” appeared in the second half of the 18th century and meant not only a folder with documents, but also the issue itself. Currently, the term means the organization of information support for a case, i.e. records management.

Office work– a field of activity related to the process of creating documents and organizing work with them.

Purpose of office work– information support for the management process

Main tasks of office work:

creation of documents, i.e. fixing them on any medium;

transfer of documents for their subsequent execution or decision-making;

registration of documents to exercise control over their execution;

systematization and storage of documents, quick search of documents

as needed.

Forms of organization of office work:

Centralized form characterized by the fact that all document processing operations are concentrated (centralized) in a single center for the entire institution - an office, a general department or a secretary. This form is typical for small institutions.

Decentralized form involves the dispersal of office operations between the structural divisions of the institution; Moreover, each of them performs a relatively homogeneous set of office operations. Rarely used.

In a mixed form, operations are performed centrally (reception, registration, control, reproduction of documents) and decentralized (storage of documents, creation of files). Typical for medium and large institutions.

The concept of office work is based on the concept of documentation.

Documentation is a regulated process of recording information on paper or other media that ensures its validity.

Documentation Tools- tools used by humans to create documents. They are divided into:

simple remedies(pens, pencils)

mechanical and electromechanical means (typewriters,

tape recorders, photo, film and video equipment)

automated tools (computer technology).

Documentation presupposes compliance with established recording rules

information specific to each type of document. Compliance with these rules gives legal force to the documents created.

Legal force- a property of an official document imparted to it by current legislation, the competence of the body that issued it and the established procedure for execution.

Details are a mandatory element of document registration (name of the type of document, addressee, date, signature).

Document form– this is a set of details in a document, located in the sequence established by the standard.

Documentation system– a set of documents related by origin, purpose, type, field of activity, and uniform requirements for their execution.

Organization of work with documents involves the organization of the institution's document flow, document storage and their use in the current activities of the institution.

The document flow of an institution is the process of movement of documents in an organization from the moment of their creation or receipt until the completion of their execution and transfer to the archive.

The document is promoted:

1. In space: inside the enterprise and outside it.

2. In time: from the moment the document is created or received until it is sent to the addressee or transferred for storage.

Organization of document flow at the enterprise (see slide)

There are external and internal contours of document flow.

The external contour begins with incoming (external) documents that arrive at the enterprise from the outside. The received documents are registered by secretaries and then sent for execution. The outer loop ends with the registration of outgoing documents.

If the document is created in the organization itself, then inner circuit passage of the document (initiation - execution - approval - approval)

waiting - registration). It is on the internal contour of the document that its versioning often arises (that is, the document exists in different versions). For example, at the approval stage, when comments from different people appear. An important task of office work is tracking, accumulating and managing document versions, as well as monitoring document changes.


Until the 10th century, mainly legal relations between citizens were documented. Already at this time, there was a culture of drawing up and processing documents, such as travel documents, written wills, etc., and also in a special school they trained scribes, judicial secretaries, printers (seal custodians) for princes and large feudal lords, however unified system There was no state paperwork.

Stage 1. The origin of the office management system (XI – XV centuries).

The period of the Old Russian state is a period of gradual formation of traditions of the office work system, accumulation of experience in documenting, processing and storing documents, ensuring their safety, including protection from unauthorized access and forgery.

Characteristic features of the period:

1. Appeared professional clerks: church psalmists

and clerks (in the 14th century, clerks were all people conducting office work).

2. Original paperwork manuals were compiled - forms, which outlined the stages of document preparation - draft, editorial, white paper.

3. There is a need to maintain secrecy important information, as a result, various staples (signatures), seals, bridges (signatures on glued together) appeared, that iselements for protecting information from unauthorized access at the stage of storage and use.

The first cases of document falsification date back to this time.

4. A procedure has been developed for canceling the legal force of documents. Mother-

als were removed from a special storage room by a “larnik” (the keeper of a chest with do-

documents) and were destroyed in the presence of witnesses. Particularly important documents were destroyed by a commission chosen by the city council, often publicly, in a solemn atmosphere. Less significant documents were returned to the authors or simply erased from the parchment on which they were written, and the erased sheets were used again.

5. Places were allocated for safe storage of documents and record keeping: guest courtyards and monasteries.

Almost until the end of the 14th century. in Rus' the main material for writing to servants is

lived parchment (specially treated leather), called “charter” in documents, and simply “veal” in common people . The most ancient form of pre-

the document was a certificate - separate sheet parchment a little more than 15 cm wide

(3.5 inches). Documents were written in continuous text, without division into words, and only the period at the end of the sentence was used as punctuation marks.

Stage 2. Order paperwork (XV – XVII centuries).

The period of formation and development of state office work is usually called order period, by the name of the first government institutions

- orders. During this period, a system of office work at central and local institutions was gradually created, a cadre of office workers was formed, and stable forms of documents and methods for their preparation were created.

Characteristic features of the period:

1. Office work was carried out in administrative huts, which were also a place for receiving visitors ( presence), and the office, and art-

Khiv. Documents were usually placed on tables, on benches, and especially valuable documents were placed in chests in the same rooms where current work and reception of visitors were carried out. The orders contained inventories of documents in storage,

A in the 17th century ABCs were compiled for document inventories - special indexes for making inquiries about documents.

2. The documents were prepared on paper and had a specific shape - a column(pillar, column), i.e. a scroll of narrow sheets of paper glued together.

The components of the pillar were called “postavs”. The places where the sheets are glued together received the same name. The column was actually not one document, but included the entire set of documents in the case. The text in the columns was written only on one side, the back was used only for putting notes, resolutions, and addresses. Documents were kept rolled up in a scroll or roll; For particularly important documents, special cases were made, but more often they were simply stored in chests or chests. This form of document was inconvenient because it took a lot of time to expand and collapse a column when searching for the necessary information. The gluing itself was not strong enough, which led to deterioration and wear of the document. Along with the columnar form of the document, the notebook form was born and began to be used in orders. A notebook is a sheet of paper folded in half. The notebooks were collected together, bound as needed, and made into books.

3. The document was given legal force by the so-called “attribution” of the thought

official clerk - the signature of the clerk, placed syllable by syllable on the back of the document so that its letters cover both ends of the glued sheets.

(Neither the tsar nor the boyars signed documents, with the exception of treaty documents with foreign states). This method of signing documents ensured the protection of information and made it difficult to falsify.

4. Various types of documents are compiled that record the management activities of government institutions: subordinate from the supreme power

were sent to charters, decrees and sentences, from local institutions replies were sent to orders, the form of written appeal of private individuals to government institutions was petitions.

5. Most of the details have not yet been highlighted from the text,those. appeal, hell

6. Each document was registered:upon receipt, the date was stamped on the document and the clerk made the note “Write out,” which meant “Make inquiries.” In fact, this meant the start of the case.

Stage 3. Collegiate office work (XVIII century).

The main difference between collegiate office work was that its organization was regulated by law. The period of collegiate affairs

production correlates with the reforms of Peter I. It was he who created the Russian bureaucratic system, which determined modern work with documents. Peter I can rightly be called the “father of the Russian bureaucracy.”

Characteristic features of the period:

1. The legislative act “General Regulations” was published, which elaborated in detail the issues of documentation (rules for document registration,

control over their execution, the procedure for their preparation, certification, storage) and

movement of cases (document flow). The regulations even determine how desks should be arranged (they should have drawers with locks), how clerks should sit (two at a time), etc. The working day in the colleges lasted 8 hours. Work was carried out all year round, with the exception of three summer months and holidays. For one day of absence from work, a clerical employee's salary for a month was deducted; for an hour not worked, a week's salary was deducted.

2. The signature of the head and members of the board on the document has been entered.

3. The procedure for using seals has been established.Print application

took place in the presence of two witnesses.

4. Columnar forms of documents have been replaced by notebooks - 4 sheets of paper, folded in half and stitched with thread. Several bound notebooks made up a book.

5. New details have appeared in the documents: registration incoming and outgoing numbers, addressee, signature, date of preparation, type of document, etc.,

changing in modern office work.

6. For many documents, official forms were established and rules were developed for the location of details on a sheet of paper.

7. Various documentation systems began to develop:

financial, in which the terms “debit”, “cre-

dit", "balance"; military - reports, reports, instructions, dispositions;

international contractual - notes, memorandums, dispatches;

judicial - interrogations, oaths, testimony, verdicts;

statistical - per capita censuses, called audits, provincial reports.

Stage 4. Ministerial office work (XIX – early XX centuries).

The current document flow system, called executive office work. In the sphere of management, ministries appeared, and collegiality was replaced by unity of command of ministers.

Characteristic features of the period:

1. Uniform principles of record keeping were established for mini-

Departments of Russia – from the creation of documents to their archival storage. Special attention attention was paid to the order of interaction of ministries with other institutions and the emperor, depending on the hierarchy that existed at that time.

2. A multi-stage system of registration and accounting of documents has been introduced.All documents included in the ministry were recorded in a journal. Each department had a similar log book where basic information was recorded.

3. A system of control over the execution of documents emerged. Monthly pro-

An audit of cases in structural divisions was carried out, and records were kept in special statements about the number of executed and unexecuted documents. At the end of the year, a general statement for the ministry was compiled.

4. The forms of documents have changed. Official documents were drawn up on forms with details placed in corners.The details of the form include

dili: name of the institution, names of structural divisions, date and registration number, short title to the text, link to the received document. Since the late 20s of the last century, forms began to be produced by printing.

5. New types of documents appeared: telegrams and telephone messages.

6. Collections of sample documents were published - scribes.

Stage 5. Soviet period state office work (1917 –

Characteristic features of the period:

1. 1917 – 1920 Reduced level of documentation support for management

leniya (workers, soldiers, and peasants without special education went to work in the newly formed Soviet institutions).

2. 1925-1926 Two large organizations were formed: the Institute of Management Technology (ITU) and the State Bureau of Organizational Construction

(Orgstroy). ITU was engaged in theoretical research in the field of management, and Orgstroi implemented them in practice, promoting the introduction of new office equipment and office equipment. A Standardization Cabinet was created at the ITU, who was involved in the development of all-Union standards for documentation (letters, telegrams, telephone messages, protocols) and office supplies (ink, ribbons for typewriters).

3. In 1932, the ITU was liquidated and centralized methodological improvement of document management issues ceased.From this moment in the history of office work, a long period of “independence” began: each department in my own way regulated work with official documents.

4. In 1963, the “Basic rules for organizing the documentary part of office work and archives of institutions, organizations, and enterprises of the USSR” were approved.

This document still serves as a guide to office management.

5. In 1973, the Unified State Record Management System (USSD) was developed.

Unified State Data Sheet is a scientifically ordered set of rules, regulations and recommendations for organizing and maintaining documentation support for management, starting from the moment the document is created until it is submitted to the archive.

6. In 1970-1980 A block of GOST standards for management documents has emerged.

7. In the 1980s. Unified documentation systems (UDS) have been developed to automate the processing of data contained in document forms.

Development of Soviet office work in 1970-1980. laid the foundation for office work in the Russian Federation. Many normative and methodological documents created during this period are still in force today.


Regulatory framework for office work is a set of laws and norms

tive legal acts regulating the technology of creation, processing, storage and use of documents in the process of the organization’s activities.

The regulatory framework for office work includes the following components:

Legislative and legal acts of the Russian Federation;

 GOST standards;


 Classifiers;

State system of documentation support for management.

Legislative and legal acts in the field of information and documentation:

Laws of the Russian Federation: Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Law of the Russian Federation “On Standardization”, Law of the Russian Federation “On the Archive Fund and Archives”

Decrees and orders of the President: “On the fundamentals of state policy in the field of informatization”, “On approval of the Regulations on the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation”

Decrees and orders of the government: “On organizing work on standardization, ensuring uniformity of measurements, certification of products and services”, “On improving information support for the population of the Russian Federation”

Federal laws of the Russian Federation: “On information, informatization and information protection”, “On participation in international information exchange”, “On the legal protection of programs for electronic computers and databases"

Legal acts of government and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation regulating office work issues.

State standards (GOSTs) for documentation

The preparation of official documents is strictly regulated by standards.

A standard is a standard type, a sample that an object must satisfy in terms of its characteristics, properties, and qualities.

The Law of the Russian Federation “On Standardization” dated June 10, 1993 defines standardization as the activity of establishing norms, rules and characteristics. The areas of distribution of standards, their content, and scope of their action are determined by state governing bodies.


GOST R 6.30-2003

Unified documentation systems. Unified

nal system of organizational and administrative documents -

tions. Documentation requirements.

Adopted and put into effect by the Resolution of the State Standard of Russia

GOST R 51141-98

Record keeping and archiving. Terms and Definitions

GOST 6.10.1-88

Unified documentation systems (UDS). Basic


GOST 6.01.1-87

Unified system of classification and coding of technical

economic information. Basic provisions

GOST 6.10.5-87

Unified documentation systems (UDS). Requirements

ideas for building a sample form

GOST 6.10.4-84

Unified documentation systems (UDS). Giving

legal force of documents on computer media and

machineogram created by computer tools

technology. Basic provisions

GOST 6.10.3-83

Unified documentation systems (UDS). Record

information in a communicative format

The requirements established by the standards are mandatory for all government bodies and business entities. Gosstandart and other government authorities, within their competence, monitor compliance with GOST requirements.


1. Intersectoral time standards for work on documentation support for management. Developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards (CBNT) of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in 1995 and recommended for determining the labor intensity of work and the number of workers in government agencies, institutions and public organizations. They contain

Norms for time spent on documentation support for management (processing, registration, accounting for quantities and monitoring the execution of documents, maintaining card files, etc.)

Norms for time spent on archive work (cataloging, creating a reference apparatus for archives, etc.)

2. Time standards for work to improve documentation support for management of ministries, departments, enterprises and organizations. Developed at VNIIDAD (All-Russian Research Institute of Documentation and Archiving) in 1992 and contains time standards for drawing up plans and contracts. Using them, you can calculate labor costs, analyze the productivity of workers and calculate their number.

3. Time standards for work on automated archival technology and documentation support for governing bodies. Developed by the Central Bank of Science and Technology of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation in 1993 and intended to determine the time spent on working with management documentation in traditional conditions and in conditions of automation of management processes.

Time standards apply to all types of work with documents and are divided into two blocks:

Time standards for work on documentation support for management (development of job descriptions, nomenclature of the organization’s affairs, etc.)

Time standards for work performed in the automation process

advanced archival technology (compiling statistical reports, performing search queries, etc.)


For use in sorting, searching and processing various documents of automated information systems, special codes must be assigned to the document.

Classifier is a document containing a systematic list of object names and their codes.

1. Classifiers of information about management documents: OKUD.

2. Classifiers of information about organizational structures: OKPO.

3. Classifiers of information about the population and personnel: OK of worker professions, employee positions and tariff categories (OKPDTR).

State Documentation Management System (GSDMOU)

When starting to study the course, you should first of all become familiar with the basic professional terms and definitions that are constantly encountered in working with documents.

Office work is a branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents.

Initially, the term appeared in oral speech (presumably in the 17th century) and meant the process of solving (producing) a case: “producing a case” - solving an issue. During the decision, there was a need to consolidate the result, for example, the agreement reached. Since ancient times, documents have been created for this purpose, since the spoken word is short-lived, can be forgotten, distorted during transmission, or misunderstood. Already in the 16th century. the word is used case as a collection of documents related to some matter or issue. For the first time in this concept, the word “deed” was recorded in documents in 1584.

Modern office work includes:

Ensuring timely and correct creation of documents (documentation);

Organization of work with documents (receipt, transfer, processing, accounting, registration, control, storage, systematization, preparation of documents for archiving, destruction).

In parallel with the term “office work” in recent decades the term has been used documentation support for management(DOW). Its appearance is associated with the introduction of computer systems into management and their organizational, software and information support to bring it closer to the terminology used in computer programs and literature. Currently, the terms “paperwork” and “documentation management” are synonymous and are used to refer to the same activity. Both terms can be found, for example, in the names of documents regulating the organization of documentation processes: “State system of documentation support for management” and “Standard instructions for office work in ministries and departments of the Russian Federation.”

Documentation is the process of creating and processing a document. The state standard defines documentation as “recording information on various media according to established rules.”

The need to record information appeared among people in ancient times. “Documents” from various eras, created on clay tablets, birch bark, stone steles, etc., have survived to this day. The methods of applying information were also different: drawing, graphics, writing. Currently, in management practice, they mainly use documents created by any method of writing - handwritten, typewritten, typographical, computer, as well as using graphics, drawings, photographs, sound and video recordings and on special materials (paper, film and photographic film, magnetic tape, disk, etc.). The scientific discipline that studies the development of methods of documentation and storage media is document management

Organization of work with documents - ensuring the movement of documents in the management apparatus, their use for reference purposes and storage. The term is defined by the state standard as “the organization of document flow, storage and use of documents in the current activities of the institution.”

Document flow the standard calls movement of documents in an organization from the moment they are created or received until completion execution or dispatch. Document processing technology includes:

Reception and primary processing of documents;

Their preliminary consideration and distribution;

Registration of documents;

Control of document execution;

Information and reference work;

Execution of documents;

Their dispatch;

Systematization (formation of files) and current storage of documents.

Let's explore some of the listed concepts. So, registration means record of accounting data about a document in the established form, recording the fact of its creation, sending or receipt, control of the execution of documents - a set of actions that ensure their timely execution, formation of a case - grouping of executed documents into a case in accordance with the nomenclature of cases (a systematic list of names of cases opened in the organization, indicating the periods of their storage, drawn up in the prescribed manner) and systematization of documents within the file.

Any management decision is always based on information on the issue under consideration or the managed object. Information is identical to the concepts: “data”, “information”, “indicators”. The following term is legally established:

“Information is information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation.”

In each area of ​​human activity, information has its own specifics and therefore it is accordingly divided into medical, scientific, technical, technological, etc. In federal authorities and management, in institutions, organizations and enterprises (regardless of the direction of activity and form of ownership) management information that is used for the purposes of managing any object or structures. There are a number of requirements for management information: completeness, efficiency, reliability, accuracy, targeting, accessibility for human perception.

Documents are used in various areas activities, branches of knowledge, spheres of life and are the object of research in many scientific disciplines. Therefore, the content of the concept “document” is multi-valued and depends on the industry in which it is used and for what purposes. Thus, for lawyers, a document is, first of all, a way of proving or testifying to something, for a historian it is a historical source, a cybernetics documentarian is a carrier of information, and specialists in the field of management consider it a means of recording and transmitting management decisions.

The Federal Law “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection” provides the following definition of the concept “document”:

Document - This information recorded on a tangible medium with details that allow its identification. The same definition is given in the state standard for terms and definitions “Office work and archiving”. For more full characteristics The concept of “document” should be expanded upon as well as the concept of “props”.

Each document consists of a number of its constituent elements, which are called details (name, author, addressee, text, date, signature, etc.). GOST establishes the following definition:

Document details - a required design element official document?

Different documents consist of different sets of details. The number of details is determined by the purposes of creating the document, its purpose, requirements for the content and form of this document. For many documents, the number of details is strictly limited. For a number of documents, the number and composition of details are established by law and regulations. But in any case, as follows from the definition, information recorded on a tangible medium must be formalized by entering the necessary details. Only then does it become a document.

In document science, a document is considered as the result of fixing (displaying) facts, events, phenomena of objective reality and human mental activity in any convenient way on special material.

Documents, having recorded (displayed) information, thereby ensure its preservation and accumulation, the possibility of transfer to another person, repeated use, repeated and repeated return to it over time. They affect various areas of human activity and are divided into text and graphic, traditional (handwritten, typewritten) and computer media, scientific, technical, personal and official, etc.

Official documents - This documents created by legal entities or individuals, executed and certified in the prescribed manner. Among them, a special category consists official (managerial) documents that are defined by the state standard as official documents used in the current activities of the organization.

As information carriers, documents act as an indispensable element internal organization any institution, enterprise, any company, ensuring the interaction of their structural parts and individual employees. They are the basis for making management decisions, serve as evidence of their implementation and a source for generalizations and analysis, as well as material for reference and search work. IN management activities the document acts both as an object of labor and as a result of labor.


Moscow State University technology and management

Department economics, business and law


By discipline : Documentation of management activities

Subject Record keeping is the basis of management technology

Is done by a student 1 course

Arakcheeva Marina Anatolyevna

Faculty: economics and entrepreneurship

Specialist. organisation management

Cipher: 080507

Introduction 3

1. Evaluation current state office work 3

2. Factors influencing the organization and technology of office work in institutions at various levels of management 4

3. Organizational, legal, social and psychological aspects of office work 5

4. Documentation support for management. Main tasks and functions of preschool educational institution 11

5. Structure of management documentation services and their functions 13

6. Differences between the concept of “documentation support for management” (DOU) and the concept of “office work” 15

7. Interrelation of preschool educational institutions with automated document processing technology 16

8. Scientific organization of managerial work as a factor in increasing the efficiency of management and office work 18

9. Activities of archival bodies in the regulatory and methodological support of records management services 22

Conclusion 23

References 24


In your work you need to solve a number of problems:

Assess the current state of records management;

Identify factors influencing the organization and technology of office work in institutions at various levels of management;

Describe the organizational, legal, social and psychological aspects of office work;

Give the concept of documentation support for management, identify the main tasks and functions of preschool educational institutions;

Consider the structure of management documentation services and their functions;

Distinguish between the concept of “documentation support for management” (DOU) and the concept of “office work”;

Determine the relationship between preschool educational institutions and automated document processing technology;

Consider the scientific organization of managerial work as a factor in increasing the efficiency of management and office work;

Consider the activities of archival authorities in the normative and methodological support of records management services.

1. Assessment of the current state of office work

The state of office work and the general culture of service for managers and specialists is largely determined by the quality of work of the secretary-assistant, which, in turn, depends on the level of its organization. In practice, the secretary-assistant either conducts completely (or to a significant extent) the clerical work of the management apparatus or a large structural unit as a whole, while performing the functions of the manager’s secretary, or performs only the functions of the manager’s secretary. The first type of secretarial-referent activity predominates. The work of a secretary-assistant is characterized by the breadth and variety of functions and operations performed. Firstly, secretarial work requires the ability to quickly switch from one type of work to another: registering documents, telephone conversations, typing, working with faxes, receiving visitors, etc. Secondly, the assistant secretary communicates with a relatively large circle of people during the working day. Thirdly, the secretary-assistant, in addition to the instructions of the immediate supervisor, due to the nature of his activity, often must carry out instructions from other persons. This situation creates additional difficulties in the work of the secretary-assistant, and therefore his duties and rights must be especially strictly defined and enshrined in the job description.

Information technologies have fundamentally changed modern office work; a new quality and requirement for it have emerged. There are still no national requirements for electronic document management systems used even in government agencies, and there are no standard rules for organizing office work in administrative offices. A striking example is the huge number of terms in the names of documentation management services in government agencies: documentation support department, general department, office, etc. But the state apparatus is a single mechanism for governing the state from the bottom to the top. In addition, there are about 70 manufacturers of office automation software products that play by their own rules. But there is no assessment of the quality of such a product. Therefore, there is a long overdue need to create a national standard for office automation systems, according to at least, for systems used in government agencies.

2. Factors influencing the organization and technology of office work in institutions at various levels of management

Relationships between organizations, institutions, and business document communication at all levels should be carried out according to uniform generally accepted rules. Work with documents in any organization, regardless of its organizational and legal form, should be built on the basis of legislative, regulatory and methodological foundations relating to issues of documentation and work with documents.

Organizing work with documents is a key management task in any institution: from the office of a small enterprise to a federal department or a large corporation.

The activities of any enterprise are regulated by current legislation, orders and instructions from management, the terms of concluded contracts, established rules for conducting certain (for example, trading) operations, etc. All these “regulators” are drawn up in the form of documents - recorded texts of laws, orders, contracts. Based on this, we can say that the entire activity of any enterprise lies in the consistent execution of documents, and the success of their execution determines the well-being of the enterprise.

The success of document execution largely depends on the following.
Firstly , depends on how clearly the information is presented, including its design and placement. For example, if the text of the order is in small print, the points of the order are not separated from each other, the names of the executors are not highlighted in separate group, then some of his positions may simply not be accepted. Therefore, there are a number of standard rules for the preparation, compilation, execution and production of documentation - or, in other words, rules for documentation.

Secondly, it is necessary to ensure timely execution of the document, i.e. such an organization of work must be achieved in which the document would be immediately transferred to the contractor (or from contractor to contractor), and for the contractor himself there would be incentives to execute the document on time. In Russia, for several centuries and to this day, one of such incentives is control of execution. Moreover, control is assigned to an employee who does not directly participate in the execution of the document and, moreover, may have absolutely no understanding of the area of ​​knowledge or production that the execution of the document affects.

3. Organizational, legal, social and psychological aspects of office work

There are three forms of organization of office work: centralized, decentralized and mixed.

With a centralized form of organization of office work, all document processing operations are concentrated (centralized) in a single center for the entire institution - an office, a general department or a secretary. The decentralized form involves the dispersal of office operations between the structural divisions of the institution; Moreover, each of them performs a relatively homogeneous set of office operations. The decentralized form of organization of office work, in which office work operations are carried out in various structural divisions of the institution, should not be confused with the organizational structure of the office work service, which has specialized units: expeditions, machinery bureaus, control groups, etc. In a mixed form, operations are performed centrally (reception, registration, control, document reproduction) and decentralized (reference and information services, document storage, file formation).

The form of organization of office work is chosen taking into account the size of the institution, the volume of document flow, and the composition of structural divisions. In small institutions (when documentation is carried out directly in departments), as well as in geographically dispersed ones (located, for example, in different areas of a big city), a centralized form is chosen. Most institutions and organizations use mixed form organization of office work.

The most rational form of organizing individual office processes and operations is centralization, since it allows:

· reduce the cost of office operations;

  • improve the organization of work of office staff and, in particular, introduce its standardization;
  • ensure specialization and interchangeability of workers;
  • use progressive and productive technical means;
  • ensure the unity of organizational and methodological leadership.

In modern conditions, it is possible to completely centralize office work services only in relatively small institutions. In large institutions, one should strive for the expedient centralization of individual office work functions, such as receiving and sending documents, registering and monitoring the execution of documents, shorthand and printing of documents, their reproduction, and methodological management of office work.

In small institutions that do not have general departments or office work departments, office work services are carried out by the secretary-assistant of the head.

If an organization or institution has a large volume of documents, then a structural unit responsible for office work is introduced: an office, a general department, an office work department, etc. The activities of this structural unit are reflected in a specially developed regulation.

In order to regulate the office work process, determine methods and methods for creating and processing documents in an organization, office work departments develop instructions for office work, which are established by order of the head of the institution.

Division of functions between office management departments and performers:

The basis for organizing the work of office staff is a deep and clear division of functions between departments and performers. It is reflected in regulatory documents - regulations on clerical departments and job descriptions of their employees.

The regulations on the office management department are developed by the head of the department and approved by the head of the institution. The regulations on the structural unit of a department are developed by the head of this unit together with the head of the department, and approved by the head of the department, the business manager or the head of another unit, which includes the office management department.

The regulations on the department or its structural division include the following sections:

· general provisions;

· main functions and tasks;

· duties, rights and responsibilities of the manager (this point occurs if the job description of the manager is not developed);

· work organization;

· department management.

The regulation must contain clear wording that does not allow for disagreement on the issue of who should do what, who is subordinate to whom, etc. The clauses defining the relationship of the office management department with other divisions must be agreed upon with these divisions.

When developing regulations on the office management department, they use standard provision. It is supplemented (if necessary, reduced) and adjusted in accordance with the specific operating conditions of the given management apparatus and its clerical service.

For each employee of the office management department, a job description is developed, which determines the organizational and legal position of the employee in the structural unit and provides conditions for his effective work.

The instructions consist of the following sections:

A common part. The main tasks of the employee are established (for example, the main task of the clerk is to register documents), the procedure for filling the position (i.e. who appoints and dismisses this employee), professional requirements for the employee (level of education, work experience, must know..., must be able to...), the person to whom the employee is directly subordinate, the main documents and materials that the employee must follow in his activities.

Employee functions. The subject matter or area of ​​work assigned to the employee, the list of types of work that make up the performance of the assigned functions are determined (for example, registration of documents may consist of work such as filling out cards, maintaining a file cabinet, issuing certificates by phone, etc.).

Responsibilities of the employee. Responsibilities related to the preparation of documents, receipt, processing and issuance of information are indicated, requiring the mandatory use of certain forms and methods of work (for example, periodic monitoring of the formation of cases in structural divisions, conducting briefings, etc.), requiring compliance with deadlines for the implementation of specific actions , which determine the order of execution of orders, ethical standards that must be observed in the team. Sometimes this section describes elements of the technology of the work being performed.

Employee rights. The rights of the employee to implement the functions assigned to him are determined.

Relationships (connections by position). The divisions and employees from whom the contractor receives and to whom he transmits information, the timing of transmission, who is involved in the execution of certain documents, with whom they are agreed upon, etc. are indicated.

Performance evaluation. Criteria are listed that allow assessing the degree to which an employee fulfills his functions and responsibilities, exercises his rights, etc. The main criteria are the quality of work and timeliness of its completion.

The job description is signed by the head of the records management department and approved by the head or deputy supervising the records management department.

Psychological aspect of office work:

An automated office management system can turn out to be a psychological barrier for the old-school manager of any organization, since it is much easier for them to work directly with people using the usual methods: called “on the carpet”, “gave them a pump”, saw fear in the eyes of a subordinate - you come to the conclusion that You're wasting your seat. In addition, management often discovers that the advantages promised by Western experts have disappeared somewhere. Although the solution to this problem is simple - it was proposed to implement ASD on the desks of all executives and managers, and the customer saved money: he supplied the system only to clerks of structural divisions. As a result, work is done quickly and accurately between departments, and within them everything is the same as before.

Performers often have the feeling that with the introduction of a document management service, another boss has appeared who is constantly standing behind them. Indeed, now, if you wish, you can find out: who is doing what, when and how much.

Legal aspect of office work:

There are regulatory documents that regulate the organization of documentation support for enterprise management:

Constitution of the Russian Federation

Civil Code of the Russian Federation (parts 1 and 2)

the federal law dated August 28, 1995 No. 154-FZ “On the general principles of local self-government in the Russian Federation”

Federal Constitutional Law of the Russian Federation dated December 25, 2000 No. 2-FKZ “On the State Emblem of the Russian Federation”

Federal Law of January 25, 1995 “On Information, Informatization and Information Protection.” This law regulates the relations arising in the formation and use of information resources based on the creation, collection, processing, accumulation, storage, search, distribution and provision of documented information to the consumer; creation and use information technologies and means of providing them; protection of information, rights of subjects participating in information processes and informatization. The law contains definitions relating to information and its documentation. - Federal Law of the Russian Federation of January 10, 2002 “On Electronic Digital Signature”. The purpose of this law is to provide legal conditions for the use of an electronic digital signature in electronic documents, subject to which an electronic digital signature in an electronic document is recognized as equivalent to a handwritten signature in a paper document. This law defines the conditions for using an electronic digital signature and the features of its use.

Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”

Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 2, 1996 No. 638 “On the procedure for preparing draft decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, providing for the adoption of resolutions and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation”

- “State system of documentation support for management”, developed by archival services. This document is a set of principles and rules that establish uniform requirements for documenting management activities and organizing work with documents in government bodies. This is one of the fundamental federal regulations, containing a set of requirements and provisions that contribute to the development of unified approaches not only to traditional, but also to automated document management - information management. The State Educational Institution streamlines the organizational structure of documentation support management in organizations by solving the issues of constructing standard preschool education services and organizing the technological process of creating and processing documentation. GSDOU contributes to the resolution of a number of problems of automation, creation and processing of documents and includes regulations and rules of national scale and significance. At the same time, being essentially a state system, the system is also oriented towards application in non-state structures in all its aspects. - “Standard instructions for office work in federal executive authorities”, prepared by the Committee for Archives and approved by the decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2000 No. 1547-r helps to solve technological documentation problems. This standard establishes the composition of the details, the rules for drawing up organizational and administrative documents that record decisions on administrative and organizational issues. The standard instruction, imposing requirements for the unification of documentation elements, greatly facilitates the creation of standard, unified and unified processes for both traditional and automated documentation, storage and transmission of documented information. - GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions" (approved by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 1998 No. 28). This standard is an important stage in updating the normative and methodological base of office work and archiving in accordance with federal legislation and the current level of development of this industry. The terms established by this standard must be used in all types of documentation. The substantive basis of the standard consists of three sections: “General Concepts”, “Office Management” and “Archival Management”. - GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified Documentation Systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for the preparation of documentation" (approved by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated 03.03.2003 No. 65-st.), which was put into effect in all federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (including constituent entities of the Federation that have, along with the Russian language, as the state national language), local government bodies, at enterprises, organizations and their associations, regardless of the organizational and legal form and type of activity. - “List of standard management documents generated in the activities of organizations, indicating storage periods” (approved by the Roarchive on 06.10 .2000) includes documents generated when documenting similar (common to all) management functions performed by institutions, organizations and enterprises, regardless of their functions, level and scale of activity, and forms of ownership. The list serves the purposes of preserving, organizing and replenishing the Archival Fund of the Russian Federation, and is intended to determine the storage periods of documents, select them for permanent storage or destruction. It should also be used in the preparation of case nomenclatures, the formation of cases, when developing schemes for classifying documents when creating search engines in office work, in the development of departmental lists.

Basic rules for the work of archives of organizations (approved by the decision of the board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/2002)

All-Russian classifier of management documentation OK 011-93 (approved by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated December 30, 1993 No. 299)

The daily activities of the preschool educational institution services are regulated by:

· Regulations on the service of preschool educational institutions

· Regulations on structural divisions (if any)

· Instructions for preschool education

· Instructions for organizing work places for service personnel

· Time standards for performing work on preschool educational institutions

· Planning and reporting documents

· Job descriptions of service personnel.

The social aspect of office work can be considered within the framework of the implementation of the Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation,” which regulates the procedure for citizens’ appeals to state bodies and local governments and the procedure for considering citizens’ appeals by these bodies and officials. Citizen's appeal - a written proposal, statement or complaint sent to a state body, local government body or official, as well as an oral appeal of a citizen to a state body, local government body. A citizen’s written appeal must indicate his last name, first name and patronymic and postal address to which the response will be sent within 30 calendar days, the citizen’s personal signature and date of application are affixed. At the same time, it is established that appeals received “via public information systems” are subject to consideration in the manner established by this Law.

4. Documentation support for management.

The main tasks and functions of the preschool educational institution.

Documentation support for management is carried out by a special service, operating as an independent structural unit. This could be: business management, general department, office or secretariat. In small organizations, where the volume of documents processed is small and the creation of such a service is impractical, all work on documentation support for management is performed by the manager’s secretary or an employee specially allocated for this work.

Documentation support for the management activities of an organization is the most important service function of management, the rational organization of which determines the speed and quality of management decision-making and the efficiency of the organization as a whole.
The choice of the organizational form of the preschool educational institution depends on the decision of the management and the preschool educational institution itself. The regulation of the chosen form of working with documents is enshrined in the instructions for office work.
In modern conditions, when work with management documentation in many institutions is based on computer technologies, the functions of the preschool educational institution service are not limited only to organizing the institution’s document flow, recording documents and monitoring their execution. The preschool educational institution service is directly involved in setting tasks in the development of automated information systems for working with documents, in ensuring access to information and information protection, in improving work with documents.

Thus, the preschool educational institution service solves the main set of tasks:
1) ensuring documentation of management activities;
2) organization of work with documents in the institution;

3) improvement of forms and methods of working with documents.
The tasks facing the preschool educational institution service determine its functions.
1. The tasks of ensuring documentation of management activities can be solved by performing the following functions:
- development and design of forms, ensuring their production;
- ensuring the production of documents, copying and replication;
- quality control of preparation and execution of documents, compliance with the established approval procedure and certification of documents.
2. The tasks of organizing work with documents in an institution are solved by performing the following functions:

Establishment of a uniform procedure for the passage of documents (institutional document flow);

Forwarding processing of incoming and outgoing documents;

Registration and accounting of incoming, outgoing and internal documents;

Control over the execution of documents;

Systematization of documents, ensuring their storage and use;

Organization of work with citizens' appeals;

Ensuring information security.

3. The tasks of improving forms and methods of working with documents include performing the following functions:

Development and revision of regulatory, instructional, methodological documents and bringing them to the attention of the organization’s employees;

Methodological guidance and control over compliance with established rules for working with documents in the structural divisions of the organization;

Improving the qualifications of the organization’s employees and consulting them on issues of working with documents;

Streamlining the organization’s documentation, carrying out work to unify documents, developing a Timesheet and Album of document forms used in the organization’s activities;

Development and implementation of new forms and methods of working with documents, improving the organization’s document flow, increasing executive discipline;

Setting tasks for developing and improving automated information systems and databases for working with documents.

5. Structure of management documentation services and their functions.

1. Business management.

2. Office.

3. General department.

4. Secretary.

Case management is created in ministries and departments as a structure in which work with documents is carried out, and as a body for monitoring and coordinating office work in the central office of the industry. Being, in fact, a structural unit of the organization, business management, in turn, is divided into the following standard structural units:

1. The Secretariat is a structural unit created to serve the management of the organization. It includes: reception; secretariat of the head and secretariats of deputy heads; secretariat of the board; protocol bureau.

The functions of the secretariat include: preliminary consideration and preparation for a report to the head of documents received in his name; preparation, at the direction of the project manager, of individual documents and their coordination with the functional structural divisions of the organization; organization and documentation services for meetings held by the manager, documenting the activities of collegial management bodies.

2. The department of rationalization of preschool educational institutions (record work) is a center for improving preschool educational institutions, a methodological center.

Its functions include: development and implementation of measures to improve office management technology; development of normative and methodological support for office work (regulations, instructions, rules, regulations, report cards of unified forms, etc.); development of classification reference books (nomenclature of cases, classifiers, lists of documents with storage periods).

3. Office, which, in turn, is divided into: expedition, correspondence bureau, document accounting and registration bureau, computer center for processing and reproducing document texts.

4. Letters department

5. Central archive

6. Inspection

Office, like the other organizational structure services of preschool educational institutions, is created at enterprises, research, design and engineering organizations, higher educational institutions. The structure of the office usually includes the following divisions (divisions, sectors, groups): 1. Expedition is a specialized area that receives and sends documentation and correspondence by mail and courier.
2. Division for accounting and registration of documents, whose tasks include registration of incoming, outgoing and internal documents, monitoring compliance with accepted rules for document execution, creating and maintaining a reference and information array.
3. The control group (bureau, inspection, department) monitors the timing of execution of verbal orders of the manager, analyzes performance discipline, and informs management about the progress of execution of documents and instructions.
4. The group of letters (citizen appeals) is responsible for receiving and taking into account proposals, applications and complaints from citizens. Its functions are as follows:
- preparation of appeals for consideration by management;
- control over the timing of preparation of response documents in the structural divisions of the organization;

Notifying applicants about the results of consideration of their appeals;

Organization of reception of citizens on personal matters by the management of the organization.
5. The document preparation group reprints documents from drafts, reads and edits document texts, and records the work performed.
6. A copying bureau, as a rule, takes place in those organizations whose activities involve the distribution of large quantities of regulatory or administrative documentation. The bureau's tasks are limited to copying documents, replicating document texts, preparing advertising materials, booklets, and brochures.
7. Archives of the organization - receives completed cases and prepared for storage from structural units, provides them with methodological assistance, keeps records and stores documents, monitors compliance with the rules for the formation, storage and use of files in structural units, prepares files for transfer to state storage.
The general department is a service for working with documents in executive authorities and executive structures (mayor's office, prefecture, municipality) of local government.

In general departments, the same areas are usually created that are typical for the office, but units such as the protocol department, letter group, and reception are connected here. The presence of these structures is explained by the specifics of the activity, the nature of management procedures, the procedure for making decisions and the peculiarities of documentation in these institutions.

The protocol group is created as part of institutions that have a permanent collegial body in their structure. Performs the following functions:

Preparation of draft regulatory and administrative documents (editing, execution and release), letters, certificates, their coordination with structural divisions;

Analysis of documents prepared by structural divisions;

Preparation of opinions on documents prepared by structural divisions;

Organizing and conducting meetings of the collegial body, documenting their activities.

The secretary of the institution performs all work with documents in small institutions and organizations that do not have an internal organizational structure.

Thus, the current regulatory and methodological documents regulate the name and approximate structure of the preschool education service of state enterprises, institutions, and organizations. As for non-state structures, the decision on the creation of a service, its name and internal structure is made by the leadership of the organization. In joint ventures, this issue is decided by the board, in joint-stock companies - the founding conference, in cooperative structures - general meeting members of the cooperative.

6. Differences between the concept of “documentation support for management” (DOU) and the concept of “office work”

The terms “office work” and “documentation support for management” are established by GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions" as synonyms that define the branch of activity that provides documentation and organization of work with official documents. But if we look at the history and time of origin of these terms, we can find some differences between them.

So, the term “office work” arose in Russia, according to Russian language dictionaries, in the second half of the 17th century and is derived from the phrases “proceedings of a case,” and “case” at that time meant a judicial or administrative issue resolved by a governing body. That is, at that time, office work was called, first of all, the consideration and resolution of judicial and administrative issues, which were inextricably linked with the preparation of business papers and work with them. Gradually, the definitions of terms underwent changes. Later, the term “case” began to be used in the meaning of “a collection of documents related to any issue,” and “office work” began to be called the entire set of works related to business documentation. Currently, the meanings of both of these terms - “office work” and “business” - are enshrined in GOST R 51141-98.

The term “documentation support for management” came into use around the mid-1970s, when tools began to be introduced into the field of working with documents. computer technology and new information technologies appeared. The purpose of the new term was to reflect the use of modern technology in the processes of documenting information and working with documents. Despite the fact that a new term was introduced - “documentation support for management”, the old one - “paperwork” - did not cease to be used. Possible reasons, for which there was no replacement of terms:

The new term is less convenient to use, since it consists of a phrase of three words, and its abbreviation (DOU) is not entirely clear and not unique (for example, DOU is a preschool educational institution),

The term “office work” is understandable to everyone and easy to pronounce.

As a result, in accordance with GOST R 51141-98, both terms can currently be used. But the term “documentation support for management” emphasizes the information and technological component in the modern organization of office work and is better used when talking about computer technologies for working with documents. The term “office work” is mainly used to describe the organizational side and traditional methods of working with documents.

7. The relationship between preschool educational institutions and automated document processing technology

Closely related to the problem of an electronic document is the problem of electronic document management and automation of preschool educational institutions. Currently various companies developed and implemented big number automated document management systems (ADMS), characterized by specific approaches and computer and communication means of implementation. Unfortunately, these developments lack unified terminology. The products of development companies bear such names as: document automation system, computer system for office automation and document flow, office management system, distributed document management system, electronic archive, etc. The diversity in the names of systems developed and under development only indicates that today this area information market has not yet taken shape as an independent segment, and in a number of cases, ASUD products appear as related developments or a by-product when solving other more complex problems. However, the number of ASUDs is growing quite quickly.

The main functional parts (components) of an office automation system in the management of organizations:

Tools and rules for creating documents;

Maintaining their electronic archive;

Support document flow and at the same time be based on software and hardware platforms of the enterprise.

Positive aspects of implementing an automated system in documentation management:

1. A unified, formatted, strictly regulated office management technology is being introduced in all departments and in the organization as a whole.

2. The organization becomes completely manageable. It becomes possible to answer any question about documents and performers, analyze and manage documentation activities.

3. Since a computer network can cover not only the central office of an organization, but also its geographically remote divisions, controllability can extend to the entire geographically distributed structure of the organization.

4. An office automation system, in fact, is a carrier of strictly formalized and strictly documented technological information about the rules and procedures for working with documents. As a result, the organization's dependence on personnel as a physical carrier of technological knowledge and rules for working with documents is reduced.

5. The passage of documents through the organization is accelerated, especially when organizing electronic document management.

6. The labor intensity of office work is reduced. However, it must be borne in mind that the need to enter complete and accurate information about a document, say, during its initial registration, may require additional effort in some workplaces, while the labor intensity of work in other workplaces using this information may be reduced several times.

7. A qualitative gain is achieved by organizing a unified electronic document flow between organizations, since the problems associated with the production and sending of paper documents, and then re-entering the details and texts of received documents, completely disappear.

Due to the insufficient level of government regulation, there are large individual differences in organizing office work in various institutions, in particular, even when performing technological operations with documents (from registration to printing). As a result, it is necessary to implement expensive individual projects for each organization every time. Even more problems with “custom” systems arise during the operation and development stages of these systems. Interactions between various organizations.

The use of new information technologies in the field of preschool educational institutions makes it possible to treat office work as an effective and flexible tool for implementing various types of innovations in this area.

Automated preschool educational systems allow you to solve the key issue of office work. They allow you to implement any degree of decentralization of office work while simultaneously ensuring centralized accounting and control. To the point that each specialist can independently, within his competence, register documents and send them for further work, while being under the full control of his managers. Thus, the organization can dynamically rebuild its structure without losing control.

The prerequisites are being created for the implementation of more effective management schemes. In traditional practice, documents to organizational units, whether local or remote, are sent from the head of the organization to the head of the unit to specific performers. This allows the manager of each level to effectively control the activities of his employees, however, long and often formal chains sharply reduce the effectiveness of management. A properly constructed AS DOW allows you to send documents directly to the persons who will execute orders, while managers retain full control over both the passage of the order itself and its execution.

There are prerequisites for organizing electronic document management to the extent that the organization itself is ready for. A properly constructed system will work both with data on the passage and execution of documents (regardless of whether they are paper or electronic), and with the electronic documents themselves to which this data relates. The inclusion of electronic documents in the office work cycle allows you to switch to high-quality new level working with documents.

The use of office automation tools can provide savings in labor and material costs for working with documents: the effect is due to the unification of the organization’s documentation activities and reducing dependence on the individual technological experience of personnel: reducing time cycles for working with documents and creating a unified document space, and full control over registration and movement of documents and performance discipline.

8. Scientific organization of managerial work as a factor in increasing the efficiency of management and office work

Record keeping is one of the management functions based on scientific organization with the use of modern technology, and we live in an era of scientific progress, where everything is based on the improvement of new technologies, which further help us in our work.

Scientific organization of labor is such an organization of work in which the practical implementation of specific activities is preceded by a thorough scientific analysis of labor processes and the conditions for their implementation, and the practical measures themselves are based on the achievements modern science and best practices. Thus, the terms “scientific organization of labor” and “labor organization” express the essence of the same phenomenon (process), and the difference between these concepts is determined primarily by the method, the approach to solving the same problems, the state of the system of interaction of workers with each other friend and with the means of production in the process labor activity. If production is sensitive to everything new that appears in the field of labor organization, and systematically introduces it into its practice, then we have the right to talk about scientific organization of labor (SLO). Scientific approach allows for labor organization the best way connect equipment and people in the production process, ensures the most efficient use of material and financial resources, reducing labor intensity and increasing labor productivity. It is aimed at preserving the health of workers and enriching the content of their work. An important sign NOTE is its focus on solving interrelated groups of problems: “economic (saving resources, improving product quality, increasing production efficiency); “psychophysiological (improving the working environment, harmonizing psychophysiological stress on a person, reducing the severity and neuropsychic tension of work);” social (increasing the variety of work, its content, prestige, ensuring full remuneration). The development of ideas about the tasks of NOT are provisions on its functions, i.e. the specific features of the manifestation of NOT in the enterprise, its impact on various aspects of production. The category "function" provides the opportunity to specify the general tasks of NOT, to highlight within each of them the special directions of influence of NOT on production and its subject - man, to identify fundamental differences between the organization of scientific and “conventional” labor, which often misses important points in the organization of labor activity, which is fraught with losses for production..

The last circumstance should be especially emphasized. One can often come across the opinion that the word “scientific” is unnecessary in the concept of “scientific organization of labor.” Some authors even believe that there cannot be a non-scientific organization of labor at all, and therefore the concept of labor organization already presupposes its scientific nature. We cannot agree with such an opinion. The concept of “scientific organization of labor” arose and became established in everyday life as an antithesis, in opposition to everything spontaneous, random, routine in the organization of labor, which is still quite common in production. The word “scientific” gives a qualitative description of the organization of work.

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Article 51 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an organization is considered created from the moment of its state registration. From this very moment, civil rights arise that correspond to the goals of the activities of a given legal entity, and the responsibilities associated with these activities. Organization and registration of labor activity is mandatory for both a legal entity and an individual entrepreneur.

In a modern enterprise with its complex technological processes and a large number of workers requires a rational organization of the labor process. Labor organization at an enterprise is a system of measures aimed at creating the most favorable conditions for the effective use of working time, materials and equipment in the interests of production growth, increasing labor productivity and creating normal, healthy working conditions.

In a functional sense, the organization of labor at an enterprise is the activity of establishing and changing the order of interaction of workers with the means of production and with each other in order to achieve a predetermined goal of work activity.

Basics of labor organization:

1. Division of labor - assigning to each employee and each department their responsibilities, functions, types of work, technological operations.

2. Labor cooperation - establishing a system of production relationships between workers.

3. Rationing - establishing scientifically based standards for labor costs to perform any work.

4. Organization of workplaces - their rational arrangement through equipment and layout.

5. Organization of workplace servicing - labor cooperation between main employees and employees of auxiliary services and departments.

6. Development of rational ways of doing work.

7. Creation of safe and healthy working conditions.

8. Selection, training, retraining and advanced training of personnel.

9. Organization of payment and material incentives for labor.

10. Instilling labor discipline, supporting labor activity and creative initiative.

11. Labor planning and accounting - carried out to establish the necessary total labor costs, number of personnel, and payroll.

Organizational working conditions not only affect productivity, but also the health and performance of the employee.

Organization of personnel labor in enterprises and organizations implies specific forms and methods of connecting people and equipment in the labor process.

Personnel labor management is a whole science that is constantly enriched with new data and monitors the best practices of new organizational solutions.

The rational organization of personnel work is to reduce the time required to complete work, eliminate unnecessary movements of employees, provide good working conditions and reduce stress and fatigue of employees, make the most economical use of space and maximize staff productivity. The working conditions provided for in the employment contract must comply with labor protection requirements. Article 22 of the Labor Code states that organizing labor protection at an enterprise is the responsibility of the employer.

The organization of labor protection at the enterprise is controlled by the bodies of the Federal Labor Inspectorate represented by the State Labor Inspectorate, Gostekhnadzor, Gosenergonadzor, State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision and other federal and regional labor authorities.

Important areas of the life of an enterprise are the organization and regulation of labor. Labor standardization refers to the establishment, in particular, of working time standards for performing specific work. Proper organization and standardization of labor increases the interest of workers in increasing labor productivity.

The organization of managerial work has its own specifics. It is often impossible to standardize the work of a manager, because the indicator of his successful work is the financial results of the company. Numerous surveys indicate that the organization of a manager’s work often has serious shortcomings. Many managers lack management culture and complexity in work organization. They are overloaded with current work and do not pay enough attention to future issues. Improper organization of managerial work leads to a decrease in work productivity and delays in service. In order for the organization of managerial work to be effective, managers must draw up a plan personal work, having previously analyzed the state of affairs, think through each type of work, group them depending on the purpose, content, volume and sequence of their implementation, determine the duration, start and end dates of each operation.

Scientific organization of work for a manager is the process of improving the organization of work based on the achievements of science and best practices. If a manager clearly reacts to everything new that appears in the field of labor organization and systematically introduces it into his practice, then we can talk about the scientific organization of labor.

A scientific approach to the organization of labor makes it possible to best combine equipment and people in the production process, ensure the most efficient use of material and financial resources, reduce labor intensity and increase labor productivity. It is aimed at preserving the health of workers and enriching the content of their work.

The organization of control over compliance with labor legislation by employers is entrusted to the Federal Labor Inspectorate. This conclusion can be made based on the provisions of Art. 353 Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Changes in organizational working conditions are the basis for making changes to employment contract, and in some cases (if the employee disagrees) and for its termination (Part 4 of Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

9. Activities of archival bodies in the normative and methodological support of records management services

The work of the organization's archive and the forms of its participation in the documentation support of management are regulated by the Basic Rules for the work of departmental archives. Institutions of the state archival service provide ministries and departments with organizational and methodological assistance in implementing state systems of documentation support for management, in organizing a system of documentation support, agreeing on standard and industry-specific normative documents on the system of documentation support, developing methodological documents on certain issues of documentation support for management. Normative and methodological the records management base is made up of a set of laws, regulations and methodological documents regulating the technology of creation, processing, storage and use of documents in the current activities of the institution, as well as the work of the records management service, its structure, functions, staffing, technical support etc. The regulatory and methodological base of office work includes: legislative acts of the Russian Federation in the field of information and documentation; decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation regulating issues of documentation support at the federal level; legal aspects of federal executive authorities of both industry-wide and departmental nature; legal acts of representative and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation regulating office work issues; legal aspects of a normative and instructive nature, methodological documents on office management of institutions, organizations and enterprises; state standards for documentation; unified documentation systems; all-Russian classifiers of technical, economic and social information; state system of documentation support for management, containing the basic requirements for documents and services of preschool educational institutions; regulatory documents on the organization of current and archival storage of documents. The compilation of the normative and methodological basis for record keeping is entrusted, after agreement with Rosarkhiv, to the All-Russian Research Institute of Records Management and Archival Affairs (VNIIDAD), in addition, information support on this issue is provided by the Department of Document Management and Preschool Educational Institutions of the Historical and Archival Institute of the Russian State humanitarian university(IAI RSUH), thanks to which the “Information and reference system of the archival industry” has collected almost all legal acts, regulatory documents and published unique guidelines regulating the technology for creating documents and organizing work with them. CONCLUSION

Relationships between organizations, institutions, and business document communication at all levels should be carried out according to uniform generally accepted rules. Work with documents in any organization, regardless of its organizational and legal form, should be built on the basis of legislative, regulatory and methodological foundations relating to issues of documentation and work with documents. Documentation support for management is carried out by a special service, operating as an independent structural unit. The effectiveness of the preschool educational institution service depends on the qualifications of office workers, the level of equipment of the service and working conditions. Depending on membership in a particular group, the preschool educational institution service will have its own special name and have its corresponding purpose. There are distinctions between the term “document management support”, which emphasizes the information and technological component in the modern organization of office work and is better used when talking about computer technologies for working with documents, and the term “office work”, which is mainly used to describe the organizational side and traditional methods of work with documents. Record keeping is one of the management functions based on scientific organization with the use of modern technology, and we live in an era of scientific progress, where everything is based on the improvement of new technologies, which further help us in our work. Institutions of the state archival service provide ministries and departments with organizational and methodological assistance in implementing state systems of documentation support for management, in organizing a system of documentation support for management, agreeing on standard and industry-specific regulatory documents on the system of documentation support for management, and developing methodological documents on certain issues of documentation support for management.


1. Boydachenko P.G. Personnel management service. - Novosibirsk: EKO, 2005.

2. Vesnin V.R. Practical personnel management: A manual for personnel work. - M.: Lawyer, 2006.

3. State standard of the Russian Federation GOST R 51141-98 “Office work and archiving. Terms and definitions" (approved by Decree of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated February 27, 1998 No. 28).

4. GOST R 6.30-2003 Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for documentation (approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation dated March 3, 2003 No. 65-st.)

5. Istrin V.A. The emergence and development of writing. M.: 1965.

6. Kirsanova M.V. Modern office work: textbook. allowance. - M.: INFRAM, 2003. – 304 p. (series “Higher Education”).

7. Kuznetsova T.V. Office work. M.: Intel-synthesis, 1999.

8. Basic rules for the work of archives of organizations (approved by the decision of the board of Rosarkhiv dated 02/06/2002).

9. Podlesnaya L.V. Documentation of management activities. Office work.M., 2004

10. Pshenko A.V. Documentation support (Office management): Textbook. Benefit. - M.: FORUM: INFA-M, 2003. -256 p. (series “Vocational Education”).

11. Labor Code RF.

12. Model instructions for office work in federal executive authorities / prep. Committee for Archives Affairs (approved by decision of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2000 No. 1547-r)

13. Federal Law "On Information, Informatization and Information Protection", (February 20, 1995 N24-FZ).

14. Federal Law of May 2, 2006 No. 59-FZ “On the procedure for considering appeals from citizens of the Russian Federation”

15. Khobelkova L.N. Automation of preschool educational institutions//journal Domestic Archives, No. 6, 2008.- p.18-21.

Documents appeared with the advent of writing. Documents preserved on the territory of our state since ancient times testify to the documentation of various aspects of the life of individuals and the state.

Chronicle, telling about the relations between the Old Russian state (IX-XII centuries) and Byzantium, reports the content of the agreements concluded between them. This indicates the presence of diplomatic documentation. Diplomatic relations were also recorded in charters. Certificate verified the identity of the ambassador and his authority to sign the agreement.

Folding legal documentation system

In the 11th century outstanding written monuments of Russian law: Russian Truth, Yaroslav's Truth, Yaroslavich's Truth. By the beginning of the 12th century. they were combined into Brief truth.

It is important to know that the great importance attached to the protection of private property made it necessary to record the fact of its ownership in various charters. The charters also recorded the privileges of merchants, church income, various agreements, and wills.

During the period of feudal fragmentation (XIII-XV centuries), the development of feudal relations was recorded in private law acts(deposits, deeds of sale for land and other property, bonded mortgages, borrowed bonds, service bonds, for borrowing money, movable and immovable property, full deeds for sale into slavery, letters of release when on leave, etc.) Relations between the principalities were fixed in contracts great and appanage princes. Written monuments of law are created - letters of judgment. The supreme power recorded the authoritative instructions to its subordinates in decree letters. Judicial activity was accompanied by the compilation of judicial lists of "legal letters, non-judicial letters" of the world.

There will be clerks - people who know how to work with documents.

The documents were based on expensive material - parchment. It is worth noting that it was made from goatskin or calfskin, and the best varieties delivered from the Hanseatic cities and Greece. It is worth saying that, to save money, the text that had lost its value and meaning was cleared off, and the sheet of parchment was reused.

This was a time of accumulation of experience in the field of document preparation, when traditions in the preparation of documents were formed, methods of their certification were established - signatures, staples, seals, and stages of document writing arose - a draft and a white paper. At the same time, it is impossible to talk about office work as a system of certain rules during the existence of the Old Russian state and during feudal fragmentation. This the period of accumulation of traditions and customs in working with official documents.

in Russia consists of several periods:

  • pre-revolutionary office work (XVI - early XX centuries);
  • Soviet office work (October 1917-1991);
  • post-Soviet period (1991 - present)

Office work in pre-revolutionary Russia

Office work in pre-revolutionary Russia includes three stages:

  • the first stage - order paperwork (XVI - XVII centuries);
  • the second stage - collegiate office work (XIII century);
  • third stage - executive office work (XIX - early XX centuries)

Events of [[October 1917|October 1917]]. radically changed the system of government institutions in Russia. The All-Russian Congress of Soviets became the highest body of state power. The executive body between congresses was the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (VTsIK) The highest governing body was called the Council of People's Commissars (Sovnarkom) The sectoral governing bodies were people's commissariats(People's Commissariat) Local government bodies were provincial and district councils, and government bodies were their executive committees (executive committees)

The first years of Soviet power were marked by the search for rules for organizing office work that met the tasks set by the new government.

Were published decrees, regulating the procedure for legislative activity (decree of the Council of People's Commissars of October 30, 1917 “On the procedure for approving and publishing laws”, decree of the Council of People’s Commissars of November 18, 1918 “On the time of entry into force of laws and orders of the government”) The procedure for drawing up official Soviet documents was established Resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of March 2, 1918 “On the form of forms of state institutions”; the procedure for using seals by the decrees of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars of July 6, 1922 “On the procedure for using seals with the state emblem.” Resolution of the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense of December 8, 1918 “On the exact and fast execution orders of the central government and the elimination of clerical red tape” was aimed at reducing the flow of documents and ordered to replace correspondence with telephone conversations, business papers with telephone messages and establish control over all administrative documents. All Soviet institutions were required to carry out the decrees and orders of the central government accurately and unquestioningly. The same goal was pursued by the decree “On simplification of office work and correspondence in Soviet institutions,” prepared in December 1918 by the Meeting on the simplification of office work in Soviet institutions at the Legal Advisory Department of the People's Commissariat of State Control.

1920-1930s years was a special period in the development of Soviet office work, since it was the time of a mass movement called scientific organization of labor(HOT) and scientific organization of managerial work(NOUT) The NOUT movement had a significant impact on the formation and development of office work.

As part of this movement, research institutes were opened: Taganrog and Kazan Institutes of Scientific Organization of Labor. Coordination of work on NOT was entrusted to the Council for the Scientific Organization of Labor (Sovnot), created under the board of the People's Commissariat of the Workers' and Peasants' Inspectorate (NKRKI) in 1923.

During this period, they were created public organizations involved in management issues: Club of Administrative Workers, Association of Accounting Workers, Association of Administrative Workers.

Except for the above, as part of the movement for NUT, cells (bureaus, sectors, etc.) of NUT are created in every large institution and enterprise.

Magazines were published, on the pages of which problems of management and work with documents were considered: “Note that management technology”, “Issues of organization and management”, “System and organization”, “Time”, “Labor organization”. A lot of literature on office management issues is published. Among them were fundamental theoretical research and office management manuals for students and practitioners.

In the 1920s, legal acts were published, which reflected, among other things, documentation issues: The Constitution of the USSR of 1924 clarified the types of documents issued by government and administrative bodies and the procedure for their publication. Decrees of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of the USSR established the right of national republics and regions to conduct office work in government agencies in national languages. Documents sent outside the republic had to be written in two languages: Russian and national, or only in Russian.

It is important to know that the creation of a joint stock company under the NKRKI in 1925 was of great importance for the development of Soviet office work - State Bureau institution building(Orgstroy)

The main activity of Orgstroi was rationalization of office work.

To implement the results of the developments that Orgstroi was engaged in, their theoretical justification, based on a serious scientific basis, was required.

Such an institution was created in 1926 under the NKRKI Institute of Control Technology(ITU)

ITU collaborated closely with Orgstroi. Orgstroi applied methods and surveys, scientifically based methods for improving office work developed by ITU in practice, introduced them into the activities of institutions: the method of direct observation, survey (interviewing), recording, photography, self-photography of the working day, timekeeping. All these methods are currently used in the study of the office management system, its analysis and the development of proposals for rationalization.

IN 1928 The city of ITU, together with the Central Archives of the RSFSR, prepared “Rules for organizing the archival part of office work in state, professional and cooperative institutions and enterprises of the RSFSR.” The rules were of great importance for organizing the ongoing storage of documents in office work, and also established the procedure for their destruction.

IN 1931 The city of ITU has developed a draft “General Rules for Documentation and Document Flow”, which involves the introduction of uniform rules for office work on a nationwide scale. This was the first attempt to create a unified office work system, since the “General Rules...” were to become the normative basis for the development of office work instructions for every Soviet institution and enterprise. But due to the liquidation of the ITU in April 1932, the rules were not finalized and approved. After the liquidation of ITU in the USSR, there was no single center for the scientific development of office management.

In the history of office work, a long period of departmental regulation of work with official documents began; at that time, each department resolved issues of organizing office work in its own way.

The Constitution of 1936 had a significant impact on the documentation processes, for the first time during the years of Soviet power it legislated the hierarchy of administrative documents, clearly defining what types of administrative documents should be issued by a specific government and management body, as well as institutions, organizations and enterprises.

IN 1943 The Main Archival Directorate of the USSR made another attempt to create uniform standards for working with official documents. A draft “Instructions for setting up the documentary part and protecting documentary materials in the current office work of institutions, organizations and enterprises of the USSR” was prepared. At the same time, the document was not approved this time either.

The first was published in the same year list of standard management documents, which established their storage periods. The list became the basis for examining the value of documents both in office work and in the archive.

We should not forget that an important milestone for the development of Soviet office work was the decision of the USSR Government in 1959 on development of a unified state office management system for institutions and enterprises of the country based on widespread use technical means. By the Decree of the Council of Ministers of the USSR of July 25, 1963 “On measures to improve archival affairs in the USSR”, the Main Archive Directorate under the Government of the USSR (GAU USSR) was appointed as the lead organization for the development of the Unified State Record Management System (USSR) in 1966. The All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Documentation and Archiving (VNIIDAD) was created, the main goal of which was the development of the Unified State Data Sheet.

It is important to note that at the same time the solution to the issue of personnel training begins: in a number of secondary schools from the 1962/63 school year. The training of students in the specialty “Office Management” has begun. In 1964, the first department of public records management (FGD) in the USSR was opened at the Moscow State Historical and Archival Institute (MGIAI), training specialists with higher education to work on documentation support for management.

Since that time, VNIIDAD has been developing a normative and methodological basis for office work, FGD (currently the Faculty of Document Management of the Russian State University for the Humanities) has been training specialists to work with documents.

It should be noted that close cooperation between MGIAI and VNIIDAD had a significant effect on the development of domestic office work already in the 1970s and 1980s. Systematic, targeted research into theoretical and methodological problems of document management began, which was embodied in specific applied developments of a national nature.

We should not forget that the most important of them was Unified state system of office work(EGSD), approved by the USSR Committee on Science and Technology in September 1973.
It is worth noting that the main provisions of the Unified State Database are a scientifically ordered set of rules, standards, recommendations that determined and regulated the organization of office processes in institutions, organizations, and enterprises of the USSR. Its main goal is to improve the organization of office work on a unified basis by introducing uniform forms and methods of working with documents.
It is worth noting that the main provisions of the Unified State Database established the rules for documenting management activities (which applied only to organizational and administrative documents), contained recommendations for organizing work with documents, and determined the basics of organizing the work of office staff and mechanizing office processes. For the first time in recent decades, a comprehensive office management system was created, which was of a nationwide nature, but, unfortunately, did not receive official status.

IN 1988 g. The leadership of the Main Archive of the USSR approved its second edition, called the Unified State System of Documentation Support for Management (USSDOU). It is worth saying that the provisions of the USSDOU applied to all documentation systems, including documents created by means of computer technology and micrography.

The second significant area of ​​improvement of office work was the unification and standardization of the composition and rules for the preparation of management documentation, which has been actively developing since the 1970s.

The first GOST standards for organizational and administrative documentation (ORD) were put into effect in 1972 - GOST 6.38-72 “System of organizational and administrative documentation.
It is worth noting that the main provisions" and GOST 6.39-72 "System of organizational and administrative documentation. Sample form."

In connection with the development of the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation (USORD), these GOSTs were approved in a new edition in 1978 and in 1990 revised and combined into GOST 6.38-90 “Unified Documentation System. System of organizational and administrative documentation. Documentation requirements." The standards for operational documents established the composition of the details, the rules for their design and arrangement, the requirements for forms, for the texts of documents and documents produced using printing devices.

A separate area of ​​improving work with documents was the unification of terminology used in office work and archiving. The interpretation of the terms has become unambiguous due to the introduction of GOST 16487-70 “Office work and archiving. Let us note that terms and definitions” (revised in 1983 and 1998) The unified terminology makes it possible to unambiguously perceive both normative and methodological documents and special literature. Official terms are also used when developing local regulatory documents in any organization.

Since the 1970s, computer technology began to be introduced into management and, in this connection, the development of automated control systems (ACS) began to solve management and production problems. The implementation of automated control systems required the unification of documents. In the mid-1970s, the first unified documentation systems (UDS) were approved. UDS are sets of interconnected documents created according to uniform rules and requirements, containing the information necessary for management in a certain field of activity. The material was published on http://site

It is worth saying that a complete list of USD is given in the All-Union Classification of Management Documentation (OKUD), published in 1983.

The USD included the Unified System of Organizational and Administrative Documentation (USORD). It is worth noting that it included GOST 6.15.1-75 “Basic Provisions”, which established the purpose and composition of the USORD, requirements for the forms and texts of documents, rules for their approval and registration; GOST 6.38-75, GOST 6.39-75, as well as Album of unified forms of documents and Guidelines on their application.

The special significance of this system lies in its almost universal application in institutions, organizations and enterprises.

In the 1980s, the regulatory and methodological basis for storing documents in records management and archives was revised. In 1986, the “Basic Rules for the Operation of Departmental Archives” were published, which contained rules for storing documents, forming documents into files, their examination, recording and compiling an archive. In 1989, the “List of standard documents generated in the activities of state committees, ministries, departments, institutions, organizations and enterprises, indicating storage periods” was published, which also became a practical guide for each records management service in organizing the storage of documents.

In the 1980s, time standards for office work operations were developed. Based on established formulas for labor costs, it was possible to calculate the quantitative composition of office workers.
It is worth noting that the basis for this was the Integrated time standards for office work and the Unified time standards (production) for typewritten work, issued in 1988, developed by the Central Bureau of Labor Standards of the USSR State Committee for Labor and Social Issues.

Office work in modern Russia

The development of office work in the 1970-80s was the basis for the organization of office work in the Russian Federation.

This third stage in the history of office work is characterized, first of all, by significant changes in the social and economic spheres. Since the 1990s, the active creation of non-governmental organizations began in Russia ( joint stock companies, limited liability companies, unitary enterprises etc.) In most of these organizations, office work was created anew. Since the early 1990s in the Russian Federation The legislative and regulatory framework began to develop, which established requirements both for documents and for working with them.

The responsibility for record keeping usually rests with the secretary. This position does not require special education, and applicants with minimal work experience are often accepted for it. But document management is a responsible and important matter; it largely depends on its accuracy and correctness. successful work enterprises.

Office work can be:

  • general - relating to the main activities of the company,
  • personnel - for documentation on personnel, maintained by the personnel department,
  • secret - found in some government agencies and has standards of conduct,
  • electronic - when part of the information is transmitted in digital format.

It is not difficult to master the basics of office work on your own. It’s better to start with the most important and fundamental document - the list of cases.

Nomenclature of cases

This is a document with a list of all the “to-dos” in the organization. In this case, “business” means a collection of business papers of the same type or focus.

Nomenclature is a system that allows you to analyze the documentary activities of an enterprise. To compile it, you need to determine a list of all available types of documents. Then combine them according to directions. Each type is assigned a number - a code; it can consist of several numbers or letters, for example, the number, year or even month of publication, if the volume of documents is significant.

For example: 01/BU/2017, where 01 is the sequential number, BU is accounting, 2017 is the year. The storage period and place in the archive when the file will be submitted there are also indicated. The nomenclature can be approved for a certain period - for a year, 3 years or 5 years, if no changes are expected. Before approval, the contents of the nomenclature must be checked by the heads of departments insofar as they relate to their work.

A nomenclature is compiled for the purpose of convenient archiving of papers, as well as for bringing cases into the system. It helps to outline the basics of office work briefly, reflects the main types of business papers, taking into account the characteristics of the enterprise. Usually it is compiled in the form of a table - name of the case, code (number), place in the archive, storage period. It is better to group cases by type and department of their publication.

Types of documents in an organization

The number of cases and types of documents is directly related to the specifics of the company’s activities. Often the document flow is divided into blocks, which are carried out by specialists in the areas of work. But there is a list that is typical for any company, be it commercial or state-owned:

    Incoming - everything entering the organization from the outside - everything that came by mail, with couriers, personally delivered by representatives of other organizations.

    Outgoing - sent from the organization - everything addressed to others legal entities, as well as to individuals (responses, letters, decisions).

    Internal - not beyond the boundaries of the organization, regulating the work of the enterprise (orders, instructions, regulations, regulations, etc.).

As a rule, a separate registration journal is kept for each type, which records the serial number, date, name, where the document came from or where it was sent, and the name of the person responsible.

If documents handed out to employees are recorded in the journal, a field is left for signature on receipt. Also, a note can be made in the journal in which file, according to the nomenclature, a copy is filed for storage.

The organization may also keep logs of internal business trips, records of keys being handed over, time of arrival at the workplace, and even telephone calls. Sometimes the number of ledgers leads to the establishment of a journal of ledgers. It all depends on the need and current practice at the enterprise.

Magazines need to be numbered, stitched and sealed; this is done to eliminate the possibility of replacing a sheet.

Record keeping is the basics of office work and document flow. The number of journals and files depends on the company’s needs and desire to record all available papers.

Regulations on document flow

After developing a nomenclature of cases and a list of necessary journals, it is reasonable to draw up a Regulation on the organization’s document flow. This is a regulation that explains the rules for compiling, transmitting, archiving all existing papers. It describes the procedure for each flow of documentation and sets the deadline for its transfer from one department to another.

Sample Regulations

The provision will help avoid confusion, shifting responsibility and loss of important business papers. For each stream, a route is prescribed - for example: publication, approval, registration, sending to the recipient, filing in an archive.

Seals and stamps

Often newcomers, and not only them, cannot figure out in which cases an organization’s seal is needed and in which cases it is not. The answer is very simple: outgoing forms are certified with a seal, because the presence of a seal certifies the origin of the letter. Internal papers do not require printing, because The signature of the management in this case is quite sufficient.

Incoming documents, after their registration, are transferred to the manager for making a decision and appointing someone responsible for execution or response. They also don't need a stamp. Seal and stamp should not be confused. Stamps can be very different, from “Incoming No...” to “Copy is correct,” and they have no legal force. This is just an auxiliary tool for the secretary's work.
