Disability due to mental illness. How does this happen? Work of a psychologist in the bureau of medical and social examination How to restore a lost ITU certificate confirming disability

Social help for disabled children After all the necessary registration procedures have been completed, you need to transfer information about disability to the Pension Fund, Social Insurance Fund and social security authorities. A child with a disability is entitled to a pension. The pension of disabled children in 2017 was 11,903.51 rubles. Disabled people from childhood are paid:

  • RUB 11,903.51 - with 1 category of disability;
  • RUB 9,919.73 - for category 2;
  • RUB 4,215.90 - for category 3.

Pension payments are established by Art. 18 Federal Law-166 of December 15, 2001 “On state pension provision in the Russian Federation.” They are indexed at least once a year (starting from April 1). For disabled children and people with disabilities since childhood, the law also provides a special set of social services in kind. It includes three key areas and can be paid in a fixed monetary option.

Psychiatric disability

How to issue a power of attorney to receive a pension for a disabled person who cannot walk is described in detail in the video: Mental illness The mere presence of a mental illness is not considered a sufficient reason for registration of disability. It can only be issued if the disorder has not been eliminated even after long-term treatment and rehabilitation of the patient.


Moreover, the solution ITU Bureau largely depends on how much the disease limits a person in normal functioning. What if I get a refusal? If the applicant receives a refusal to assign a disability group, he has full legal right file an application to appeal the decision to the same office.

The application can be submitted within 3 days after receiving the result. After this, the institution is obliged to schedule a retrial of the case within one calendar month.

Receive disability due to mental vomiting.

The question of referral to an ITU to establish a disability group in such cases arises when the disease takes on a protracted or continuously relapsing course with short clear intervals. The correct expert decision is based on observational materials from medical institutions.
In accordance with this, when referring a mentally ill patient to medical examination, the history of the disease, clinical picture, course, volume and effectiveness of therapy should be covered in detail; indicated expanded clinical diagnosis, dynamics of the disease, frequency, duration and cause of temporary disability over the past 12 months, as well as information about transfer to easier and more accessible work in accordance with the decision of the Institution’s Internal Affairs Committee.

The procedure for registering disability: all the nuances of the issue

Collection of documents usually takes from 7 to 14 days, depending on the patient’s condition, the number of necessary specialists that the applicant must undergo, and a number of other factors. After collecting a package of documents and submitting them to the ITU Bureau, an invitation for examination should be sent within 30 days.
But it is worth noting that the applicant may first undergo additional tests or procedures, which slightly increases the waiting period. The decision to assign or refuse disability is made on the day of the examination.

All certificates and documents confirming the fact of a positive decision are issued within 3 days. Thus, on average, the time frame for registering disability does not exceed 2-2.5 months.

The procedure for registering disability: stages and required papers


Disability groups As with other diseases, mental illness can be assigned to one of three disability groups. Let's look at each of them in more detail. 1 group. The first disability group can be assigned to those patients whose condition requires constant monitoring and outside care.

Those. This category of people is not able to take care of themselves and be responsible for their actions and actions. They are assigned the most severe 3rd degree of restriction of life activities, and in particular, the ability to take care of themselves, move independently, the ability to navigate, communicate, and control their behavior.

Most often, group 1 is prescribed to oligophrenics, persons with the final stage of schizophrenia, with severe lesions of the central nervous system. 2nd group.


A referral from a children's clinic, which is filled out using a special form. IV. Copies and originals of extracts from inpatient institutions, examination results, outpatient card. V. If a person under 18 years of age is working, a copy of work book. VI. For working people under eighteen years of age - information about working conditions.

VII. Characteristics from educational or preschool. VIII. Psychologist's report. IX. The conclusion that the psychological-medical-pedagogical commission must make.

X. Documentation of education. XI. During the re-examination - a certificate of IPR and disability. XII. SNILS. In what cases is MSA refused? Only if there is an incomplete package of documents.

In such cases, the examination is transferred to another date. Any other refusal to conduct MSA is considered unlawful.

Re-examination of disability. medical and social examination

Advice! Even if there is no referral, you can independently initiate the procedure for conducting a medical and social examination. During this procedure, you will receive a comprehensive medical examination. You will be given a list of doctors to avoid. As well as tests and additional examinations that need to be completed.
Download for viewing and printing: Sample application for passing the ITU Most often, the medical commission includes the following specialists:

  • ophthalmologist (ophthalmologist);
  • surgeon;
  • neuropathologist (neurologist);
  • otolaryngologist (ENT);
  • endocrinologist;
  • orthopedist.

If children have other diseases in addition to the main illness, they may be sent for additional consultation to other highly specialized doctors (for example, a cardiologist, immunologist, geneticist, gastroenterologist, allergist, etc.).

Medical and social examination

24-hour legal advice by phone GET FREE CONSULTATION WITH A LAWYER BY PHONE: MOSCOW AND MOSCOW REGION: ST. PETERSBURG AND LENIGRAD REGION: REGIONS, FEDERAL NUMBER: The process of establishing disability and obtaining a certificate of disability is considered one of the most pressing topics that interest people who have in this situation. Of course, like many other similar topics, this issue has many nuances and pitfalls, and often people who encounter it have little understanding of the process. In the article we will deal with the main issue that concerns this procedure. How is disability determined? If we simplify the process of establishing disability, it can be divided into the following stages: 1) first you need to receive a referral for a medical and social examination (MSE).

How to restore a lost ISE certificate of disability?

  • cirrhosis of the liver,
  • deaf-blindness, deafness, blindness,
  • phenylketonuria.

Disability is now established for 5 years not only for children with leukemia and malignant neoplasms, but also for other diseases, including developmental defects maxillofacial area, scoliosis, autism. At the 1st medical examination of children with thrombocytopenia, diabetes mellitus disability is assigned until the child turns 14 years old. There is a list of diseases for which MSE is carried out in absentia:

  • diseases leading to increased arterial pressure, causing complications from the central nervous system;
  • diseases of the respiratory system with severe defects in respiratory functions;
  • diabetes mellitus with multiple functional disorders;
  • angina pectoris grade 4

How to register and make a child disabled in 2018

Who can get disability? Often people are also interested in the question: who is entitled to disability, who can receive it. Existing legislation Russian Federation There are three criteria according to which disability is determined:

  • health disorders accompanied by persistent disorders of body functions that arose due to injuries, illnesses, received or congenital defects;
  • limitation of life activity and, in particular, loss of the ability for self-care, communication, orientation, independent movement, learning, and control of one’s behavior;
  • the need for social protection measures.

To recognize a person as disabled, he must have at least two of the above-mentioned signs.

An expert assessment of working capacity is carried out on the basis of a thorough study of the clinical picture of the disease. The doctor must determine not only the degree of disability, but also the further prognosis of the disease and the conditions under which the ability to work could be restored.

An exceptionally large contribution to the development of issues of assessing the ability to work of mentally ill people was made by Soviet psychiatrists G.A. Geyer and D.E. Melekhov.

Delivery deadlines sick leave mental patients are regulated general provisions about the duration of temporary disability of patients. However, the usual period of 4 months is not mandatory. An important measure to prevent disability is active treatment patients with prolonged attacks illnesses without transferring them to disability after the specified period. Sometimes for “follow-up treatment” it is necessary to extend the certificate of incapacity for another 2-3, less often 4, months.

To resolve the issue of the patient’s ability to work, the expert needs detailed knowledge about the patient’s previous social and labor behavior and correct assessment its prognostic value clinical condition during the examination period. All this will allow you to make the right expert opinion.

If a persistent decline or loss of ability to work is established, the expert must also determine its degree, which corresponds to 3 groups of disability.

I. disability group is assigned to patients who need supervision and are unable to care for themselves. This may include patients with profound dementia as a result of degenerative atrophic processes in the brain or organic damage Central nervous system (trauma, intoxication, infection, etc.), as well as final conditions in schizophrenia. Patients with chronic, treatment-resistant delusional, hallucinatory and affective disorders, if they are completely maladjusted socially and professionally and need supervision.

II. the disability group is assigned to patients with pronounced psychoorganic (intellectual-mnestic) decline, patients with persistent delusional and hallucinatory disorders, prolonged depressive states, persistent severe obsessive, phobic and hysterical disorders, resistant to therapy.

III. The disability group is most often assigned for unexpressed mental disorders of various origins that prevent the patient from continuing to work in his specialty. However, these patients are able to work in easier or less difficult conditions. For example, a train driver with phobic reactions may be transferred to work in repair shops.

Required information when sending to ITU: n At the time of initial treatment - data on the diagnosis in a psychiatric hospital; in the absence of such, a commission examination by psychiatrists of the IPD for the initial diagnosis of schizophrenia; upon re-application - data on outpatient and inpatient treatment for the past expert period; experimental psychological examination with assessment of the condition mental processes(changes of an endogenous type) and, if necessary, an assessment of intelligence according to Wechsler, opinions of specialists: psychiatrist, pediatrician, orthopedic traumatologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, etc., characteristics from the place of study, or an extract from the rehabilitation center for the disabled (conclusion of a defectologist) , instrumental and laboratory methods studies (MRI of the brain, EEG, Doppler ultrasound of blood vessels head and neck, etc.): necessary in the presence of a concomitant or complicating component (for example, schizophrenia against the background of organic brain damage).

Clinical-expert-functional diagnosis consists of the following characteristics: a) the type and rate of the disease; b) stage of development of the disease; c) main maladaptive syndromes (“positive” and “negative” register); their persistence and severity; d) type of remission, its persistence and severity. For example: Schizophrenia, paranoid form, continuously progressive type of course, moderately progressive in pace. Persistent severe Kandinsky-Clerambault syndrome.

Please make an effort to read. If you are embarrassed that a “crazy” is writing to you and ruining your forum with his presence (question-answer), then at least respond to the email. Hello, this is the second time I am contacting you. Last time I wrote that I was diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder and that I wish to receive disability. But apparently you described the problem incorrectly since you did not find the formulated question. Again. Somewhere in the middle of last year, I was examined and treated by the military registration and enlistment office in a psychiatric hospital, and received a diagnosis. Now I need to get disability. But they don’t help me either in the psychiatric hospital or in Ch. ITU Bureau. 02/09/10 I submitted an application for conducting ITU I gave everything to the main bureau No. 25 of Irbit Required documents. There they gave me a PAPER so that on the 11th I would go to a psychiatric hospital because a visiting ITU team from Pervouralsk (chief ITU bureau No. 45) would arrive there on the 10th. They called me from the main bureau of Bureau No. 25 and said that the visit of the team from Bureau No. 45 was cancelled, they told me to I came to them. When I arrived, they told me that I would go to Pervouralsk on my own for medical examination since there were no specialists in psychiatry in bureau No. 25. They gave me back my documents and added my papers (statistical coupon No. 1, social diagnostic card, certificate of examination by the ITU bureau) in which only my full name, address and other data from the referral to ITU were filled in (no stamps or anything), they gave me a piece of notebook paper with the address Bureau No. 45 They didn’t give me any directions in the established form. I think they simply threw out my application addressed to someone there. Question. Is it possible to get me examined at my place of residence as required by law? That is, to come here from Pervouralsk. If it is possible to obtain an examination at the place of residence, how can this be achieved? Where to complain? More. IN medical documentation they wrote to me that I have thinking disorders: interruptions of thoughts, influxes of thoughts, confusion of thoughts, attention activity is scattered, unstable with rapid changes direction, concentration and intensity, pseudo-abstract thinking with a resonant tint, difficulties in concentrating. Increased exhaustion, distractibility. Change motivational component memory. Question: Do I have a chance to get disability? There still seems to be a problem. I spent 1.5 months in the hospital, the rest of the time I was treated as an outpatient, and during this time I constantly complained: interruptions in thoughts, confusion of thoughts, difficulties in concentrating. I heard that the necessary rehabilitation measures must take 4 months to obtain disability, I also heard that in the commentary to the law “On psychiatric care and guarantees of the rights of citizens during its provision" it is written that ambulatory treatment also applies to rehabilitation measures. However, for some reason, doctors believe that it is necessary to spend 4 months in a hospital in order to receive disability. But nowhere does it say that a hospital is mandatory; after all, it is necessary to carry out the necessary rehabilitation measures. What is the need for a hospital if there is something in it, that you take the same medications on an outpatient basis and no one looks at you, whatever is there or here (the whole round consists of a dialogue - hello, how are you - normal) Question. Can they kick me off at the ITU by saying that I haven’t been in the hospital for 4 months? Please tell me, as a good lawyer, is it possible to get disability without having to stay in a hospital anymore? I’m ready to do anything to avoid being there, I’m ready for a bunch of ships if it helps, of course. If not, then I’ll forget about the disability. And further. Here someone wrote that the PND (psycho-neurological dispensary) does not issue copies of medical documents to him, citing the fact that these are medical. documents contain information about third parties. You answered that you don’t understand how this could be. Yes, this can happen. For example, some respectable citizen (neighbor, co-worker, or finally a member of your household), noticing a not entirely normal (in aggravated) person behaving inappropriately (aggressive, considering himself a messiah, etc.), calls the police or an ambulance. When this police (ambulance) arrives, it must write down all the information that served as the basis for the call, as well as everything about the caller. This information (signs mental disorder) a necessary basis for the court to order a compulsory examination or treatment and, naturally, information in court cannot be given from an anonymous person. Also, according to the rules for maintaining a medical history in a psychiatric hospital, doctors are required to include in it who provided information about a mental disorder. Therefore, information from third parties appears there. Another example. When I went to the examination, my mother filled out (in front of me in reception department) a questionnaire in which I wrote that I had become more aggressive. At the trial, when I was trying to get my copy of the story out, the director was crazy. Department. referred to my mother as a third party. Subsequently, my mother was summoned to court where she gave her consent for me to receive a copy of the medical history. Happy End.
