Epizootology. Epizootic lymphangitis of horses: pathogen, pathogenesis, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and measures

epizootic Lymphangitis (LymphanGitis Epizootica), African Sap, Chronic infectious disease nonpospeps, characterized purulent inflammation Skin, subcutaneous fiber with lesions of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. E. L. Distributed in India, Afghanistan, China, Mongolia and other countries. Mortality is 10-50%.

Etiology. The pathogen of E. l. - the yeast mushroom Histoplasma Farciminosum (Cryptococcus Rarciminosus), which in the rowing ulcers and focusing during microscopy has the form of ovoid cells (cryptococci) with a clearly pronounced double-circuit shell and often pointed end (Fig. 1). The protoplasma contains one or more continuously fluctuating the grains. In the purple cryptococci lie singly or pile, some of them are included in the protoplasm of macrophages. At the liver agar, the fungus develops in the form of a septic branched mycelium, arthrospores and thick-walled chlamydospores. Mushroom in frozen culture retains vitality for 3 months. Mycelial forms of the fungus survive in the soil and manure for 2-3 months. The solution containing 1% of the active chlorine kills the pathogen after 2 minutes, 3% solution of Colaxine - after 5 min, 3% solution of caustic soda - after 25 minutes.

Epizootology. E. L. Horses, donkeys, mules and horses are sick. The disease is stable foals. Source of causative agent infection - patients animals; Transmission factors - harness, conmanic, care objects (beggar, cube, vendors, brushes, scraper, etc.), bedding, manure, tools contaminated by the discharge of patients. Infection occurs mainly when contacting healthy animals with patients. The gate of infection - various kinds of skin damage, in particular injuries applied poorly imparted. The transmission of the disease is possible through the service personnel, with a challenge, an alimentary way, with the help of stinging insects and rodents (mechanical way). The emergence of E. l. Promotes defective feeding, poor animal care, skin wounds. The disease listed in the farm extends slowly by purchasing stationary character. In horses who were overcome by E. l., A lifelong immunity is formed.

The course and symptoms. Incubation period 30-90 days. E. L. It takes chronically. Manifests itself in benign and malignant forms. The process begins in places injuries in the form of nodules with a seamy grain or a pea located in the course of lymphatic vessels. The nodules are rapidly increasing and then open up with the release of thick yellow pus and the formation of ulcers (round shape, with red bleeding granulations at the bottom). On the site of ulcers develop scars. Subcutaneous tissue, lymphatic vessels and nodes with the formation of cords and thickens are involved in the process. Limphangitate nodules are more often observed on the sides and front of the chest, on the neck, head, limbs, less often on the scrotum or udder. With long-term flow in animals, the elephantity of one or another limb is developing. With a benign form, the number of lymphangitated focus does not exceed several dozen, many of them are absorbed. Focuses formed in deep layers of skin and subcutaneous tissue are more often encapsulated (Fig. 2). The disease lasts 2-4 months and ends with recovery. For malignant forms, the formation of many purulent foci, sometimes several hundred (generalized form). Ulcers often merge and form large fusion surfaces. Subcutaneous tissue and surrounding ulcers are inflamed and painful. Sharms are scared slowly or do not heal at all (Fig. 3). Animals observe oppression, periodic increase in body temperature, lack of appetite, eating. Notes changes in the picture of the blood. The disease is often complicated by sepsis and as a result ends with death.

Pathoanatomic changes. Detect skin thickening (in places up to 5-6 cm). In the course of the skin cords there are various magnitude of ulcers and ulcers. Under malignant form in lymph nodes (submandibular, prediable, kneecales) - abscesses, fistula; On the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity - solid

nodules and ulcers different sizes; Sometimes tricks in lungs, liver, kidneys and spleen

The diagnosis is based on epizootological and clinical data, results laboratory research (Microscopy of the contents of the lymphatic assembly, abscess or ulcers). In doubtful cases, an allergic sample (histoplasmic) is used, sometimes an oxonophagocytic reaction and RSK. E. L. Differentiate from ulcerative lymphangitis and skin-shaped

Treatment. An exemption of the affected areas of skin, subcutaneous fiber, lymph nodes and vessels (ulcers are burned). The ulcers can also be processed by 1% crystalviolete solution or genetioviolete, 20% salicylic solution to you, 1% yuglon on vaseline. Intravenously introduced novarsenol solutions, Solyasic acid accommodation. It is also used to distil the ellie butt, ADD, antibiotics, monosite, sulfantrol, potassium iodide, turpentine, etc.

Prevention and measures of struggle. For animals acquired in disadvantaged by E. l. The terrain establishes veterinary observation for 6 months. Respect measures to prevent skin injuries. In case of E. l. A quarantine is imposed on the farm (or part of it). Patients animals are isolated and treated. Horses with a generalized form of illness destroy. Conduct a clinical inspection of all horses (donkeys, mules) of farms at least 1 time in 5 days. Passing animals contain separately for 3 months and before discharge from the hospital wash with soap and process their skin with a 1% solution of caustic soda or a 2% solution of Creilin. Meat from animals, patients with E. l., It is prohibited to eat or feed the beasts. The corpses of animals along with the skin utilize. In the rooms where sick animals were located, disinfection. The farm (or part of it) is declared prosperous after 3 months after the last case of the withdrawal of patients with animals, cases or recovery, subject to the final purification and disinfection.

(Lymphangoitis Epizootica, African SAP, Blastomycosis) presents the contagious chronic disease Sleepy (horses, donkeys and mules), manifested by purulent inflammation of subcutaneous lymphatic vessels and neighboring lymph nodes. Large cattle amazed in the form of an exception. Sometimes a person is infected.

Prevalence. This disease was first observed in the French and Italian colonies and from there was listed in these states. In the subsequent time, it was stated in Finland, Japan, North America, England, where in 1902 he accepted strong distribution. During the First World War and after it, this disease began to celebrate quite often in Western European states; Repeatedly reported on the appearance of this disease in the Balkans.

Etiology. B1881, based on the accumulated large clinical material, was first raised the question of the need to distinguish a real SAP from epizootic lymphangoita (African Sap).

Rivolt and others in 1883 accurately established the nature of the disease. They noted the constant presence of cryptococci (yeast fungi) - pathogens of epizootic lymphangoita (Cryptococcus Farciminosus Rivolta) in softening skin nodes, in gnome abscesses, lymphatic vessels and nodes, in granules on the mucous membranes of the nose.

Cryptococci represent major formations, oval, ovoid shape, with one somewhat embarrassed end, 3 - 4 C and 3 - 3 width (*. They have two-dimensional, shiny edges, with a more or less homogeneous content of the central part. Closer to one pole, And often in any other place, in the body of these egg-shaped formations, a brilliant grain-round-colored shape is quite sharply distinguished, which is in almost continuously revolved rotary motion. Sometimes there are 2 - 4. Their presence and constant motion seems to indicate that they are Weighted in a liquid concluded in a thick shell. In the row and inside leukocytes, cryptococci multiplied by the kill.

Staining. Cryptococci is easily distinguishable on unpainted preparations with an increase of 500 times. On conventional aniline paints and even the carbolovy fuchsin is colored only the contents of the cell, the shell of the coloring agent does not perceive. With a diagnostic purpose, it is recommended to use the color of gimsa, manna, pappenheim and gram.

For coloring cryptococcus in pus smears, use the following method. First of all prepare two paints. The first consists of: 1) 0.1 dry gential-violet, 2) 1 ml of alcohol 96 °, 3) 5 ml AQ. DESTILLATAE Paint after the dissolution of the gential-violate is filtered into clean dishes. The second paint contains: 1) 0.2 g of dry eosine "a" or "b", 2) 2 ml of alcohol 96 °, 3) 7 ml AQ. Destillatae. This paint, as well as the first, is filtered.

The in the usual smear method first color the first paint during L "/ s minutes with heating over the flame of the burner before the appearance of vapors. Then the paint is thoroughly roamed with water and the smear is slightly dried, putting it with a filter paper. The second paint smear is also stored for 1" / and minutes when heating over the flame of the burner before the appearance of vapors. The preparation is carefully laundered with water and in a wet state are covered with clean coverage glass. Vising with immersion, sharpening the field of view of the diaphragm.

With such a color, the background of the drug is obtained by LVL, and the leukocyte protoplasis is well, inside which cryptococci is distinguished. The yeast fungus is revealed by a bell-and-butter, with a darkness rim and with black or black-purple inclusions.

To ultivat. Getting a growing culture from pure pus, mined with all precautions against contamination of nodes, it is difficult. Growth on various nutrient media occurs in general very slowly: on agar-agar, it appears only after 30 days in the form of gray-white grains, on gelatin - after 56 days in the form of a yellow-white mass, similar to the sand. In meat supporting broth after 17 days white flakes are formed. Microscopic colonies consist of hyphae, specific fungi and dispute-shaped seeds. Recommended to grow cryptococcus on media with the addition of an extract from horseback, peptone and glucose, nalochoe agar with grape sugar, glycerin and horse serum at 22 °, on a liver.

For cultivation of the cryptococcus culture, they are suitable, lp; e environment: oats stems, hay, under-stylon, to which water is added and sterilized. To these media, it is advisable to adopt a weakly alkaline testing broth with horse serum 1: 4.

Cryptococcus Farciminosus in a Gnome (Unpainted Preparation):

The stability of cryptococcus against external factors is very significant. The straight sun rays do not kill it within 5 days.

It transfers heating at 65 ° C for an hour; The temperature of 80 ° C kills it in a few minutes. In hermetically clogged cultures, he remains viable for more than a year. 1% formaldehyde solution, 0.2% solution of sublits kill it within an hour.

Susceptibility. Experimental infection of uncooked into the skin or under the skin freshly used in most cases, freshly fitting genets from lymph nodules or ulcers remains unsuccessful. It rarely formed at the injection site in a few decades of the nodule, which is caught up and heals. Sometimes after 20 - 60 days, inflammation and swelling of lymphatic cooids appear, in the course of which the nodules and of them are then ulcers.

Some authors managed to cause a typical disease of the lymphangoyat with pure cultures. These researchers note that during primary infection, only a local and fast passing process develops under the skin or under the skin.
Characteristic clinical symptoms Diseases similar to natural, are observed after the secondary infection, which is produced no later than 50 days after the first.

Negative results when infecting in Geek and, on the contrary, the positive in the use of pure crops are explained, it is explained by the fact that there are only cryptococci in the body of the animal, whereas in cultures further forms (mycelium, disputes) are developing.

When infection of rabbits, we form only local abscesses; W. guinea pigs It is noted, in addition, the swelling of the lips and the glands of the knee fold. Experiments of contamination of them (intravenous, subcutaneous) pure crops gave a negative result.

Sources of infection and path of natural infection. The lumingen's causative agent penetrates the body of a healthy animal through superficial or deep skin wounds with direct contact with patients. The disease can be transmitted and indirectly: through the litter, manure where sustainable cryptococci can persist for a long time, through the items of horse gear (scraper, brushes, ponpons, etc.), through surgical instrumentsIf they are not sterilized. Once-nosovers of infection can be faces caring for sick animals.
It is also noted the possibility of infecting sexual way; So, the fact of infection is known to the sick stallion of 22 mares. The dirty content of animal premises contributes to the strong distribution of the disease.

Pathogenesis. Observations show that primary process It moves with surface layers of the skin on a deeper and further, on subcutaneous tissue. The contagious start penetrates through small skin defects (abrasions, satellite places, cuts, former wounds). Extremely "It is likely that the lesions of deeper parts of the skin and subcutaneous fiber can be caused and not sequentially from surface damage, but directly, due to deep injections. The contagious beginning may penetrate in the mouth of the skin grooms (sebaceous and sweat) and in them Deeply lying parts. Thus, the infection can also get into superficial, and in deeper skin layers.

As for the general course of the disease, after one-time infection, the body, which hesitates, through phagocytosis, is quickly coping with the infectious beginnings. If, before the immunity (about 50 days), there is reinfection during the period of increased sensitivity, then a focal reaction (swelling, exudation, decay) occurs at the site of primary damage. With repeated reinfection, the painful process develops faster and applies further on the lymphatic vessels. Bad conditions Animal contents, as well as secondar infections (staphylococci, streptococci) determine the deterioration of the process and lead to the progressive of the disease.

Clinical picture and current. At the direction of a number of authors, the incubation period ranges from 15 to 120 days; Sometimes it lasts and more.

Most often and in typical form of lesion are observed at certain sites. skin cover. They are for the most part Localled on the limbs, then on the back, in the lumbar region, on the cereal, udder, scrotum, on the front of the head, neck and chest.

It can be noted several forms of skin diseases.

1. Painful foci are located in the most surface layers of the skin (epidermis) and a malpigaye layer in the form of small, flat papules of a rounded shape, slightly towering above the surrounding skin, no more than a 10-kopean coin. Softening in the center, they turn into small guns, which, opening, dry into dense crusts; Under the latter, the new epithelium is growing. They always heal without scars. Weighting places stand out for a while more light color Pigment and lack of hair. Often, the skin disappears together with the whole pipula, and an uneven, reddish or yellowish, adhesive surface is formed. In these cases, the healing occurs Per Primam.

2. The nodules are localized in the thickness of the Malyshiyev layer and the skin actually. At first, they are hard, rounded shapes, are almost not towering, just do; The magnitude of them - from the pea to forest walnut. With the development of the node, the fabric, mainly in the center, becomes softer; It is issued above the skin; Hair over him is beginning to fall out; It is noticed a small fluctuation; The in the afternoon leather is thinned and breaks through. From the resulting holes, the shuttlenight pus is highlighted with a greenish tinge or a dark-cut color, with an admixture of liquid sucrovic and blood.

With a favorable process of the process, after the isolation of the pus, the abscess cavity falls out; On the walls it appears reddish granulations, slowly performing the cavity. Recovered horses in the fields of former lesions remain small sophistication of the skin, the layer of which in these places is more or less thickened. The skin is slowly covered with wool.

3. In addition to the specified forms, it is often in the thicker of the skin itself or under the skin, nodes are formed with chicken and even goose egg. Initially, they are dense and painless; Then the fluctuation appears, the nodes are opened, and the dark yellow rose is released from them with a significant admixture of sucrovic and blood. Spreading nodes turn into wide ulcers with easily bleeding, granulating edges. Despite significant sizes, individual ulcers can be heal, and in their place remain at the end of more or less significant sophistication of the skin and subcutaneous fiber. Others on the basis of progressive decay merge and form large ulcerative surfaces.

From the initial places of infection - an ulcer - the pathogen enters the lymphatic vessels; The latter are thickened and easily forgive with the skin. Initially, the thickness of them is insignificant; They have a kind of straight or several convolves, moderately painful cords; In the future, the vessels reaches the thickness of the finger and more. IN different places During these cords, blooming appears - nodes, at the beginning no more pea; Over time, some reach the magnitude of the fist. These nodes remain for a long time hard. In the future, increasing, they become soft, then open; It follows the yellow, thick pus, and fistive ulcers with bleeding, granulating edges arise at the site of the nodes. Ulcers detect a weak inclination to healing, merge and form extensive peptic surfaces. In some serious cases, the disease flowing on the limbs is developing reticulinary lymphanget. Connective tissue It is very pointing, and the layers reach the thickness of 3 cm. In the deep layers of the increasing subcutaneous fiber, specific nurses are formed. because of big number Purulent focus and deep location to deal with such a painful process is extremely difficult.

In addition to the skin, the mucous membranes of the nasal cavities are affected with this disease and the submandibular react consistently the lymph nodes.

The damage to the mucous membranes is different expressed. A typical change is considered a slight elevation on the mucous membrane is evenly yellow color, round or slightly oval shape. This is a flat elevation, with a dry surface, mostly with rather sharp edges, very different from the border normal mucous membrane. In the fresh state, in well-pronounced cases, the nodules are clearly towering above the level of the mucous membrane and represent how dense raids on it. The nodules are open, and in their place are formed isolated or spilled one on another ulcers with granulating edges. The mucous membrane between ulcers barely blows and usually cyanotic. In some cases, the sheath of the nasal cavities is amazed completely, in others - only with minor sites, and sometimes there are only separate nodules. The same process can go to the wings of the nose and on the lips.

At the same time there is a slight mucobolic-purulent nasal expiration, sometimes with blood admissions.

With damage to the mucous cavities, the submandibular lymph nodes increase in volume, become dense and gradually grow off with the skin, forming in some cases dense, fixed swelling, which are sometimes caught. In this form, the lesion of the submandibular nodes and mucous membranes of the nose with extensive lesions of the skin sharply increase the similarity of the lymphangoitis with a real sap.

Sometimes lesions on the conjunctival and third century are observed. There are minor inflammatory phenomena, followed by the occurrence of yellowish nodules with a pin head, which disintegrate and turn into ulcers.

In addition, external genitals are affected. The stallions are thickened with leather design and scrotum; Typical nodes and ulcers are formed, which can go on Penis, and on the egg shell, and the same egg.

At the mares, the disease of the effluent, the perineum and the udder is expressed by swelling, the formation of knots, ulcers and fistula.

In general condition of animals, the disease is not much reflected. While the lesions do not cover large areas of the skin and mucous membranes, they do not notice much alone; Appetite is preserved. The movements are violated only with a strong swelling of the legs or at a pressure on the nerves of increased lymph nodes. The disease usually proceeds without increasing the temperature; The latter is observed when a mixed infection is joined. If the process is greatly progressing, the erase comes, the overall nutrition disorder and, finally, exhaustion, which can lead to the death of the animal. Mortality can be high.

Due to the slow and long-term healing of the wounds, the time-based appearance of new dishes in infected places, the course of the disease is always long. In the easiest cases, more than a month passes until the full heal; with more heavy forms The disease lasts up to 3 - 4 months, and with complication - over 6 months.

Patol-anatomical changes. The lesion of the skin, submandibular nodes and mucous membranes of the nasal cavity is exhausted visible, clinically various signs Lymphangoita. When opening, large subcutaneous nodes, surrounded by a thickered fibrous character, are found in places of severe skin damage. This thickening continues on the intermushchy fiber. The lymphatic vessels are thickened, the tights are tight, surrounded by a crushing fiber. When cut from the lumen, they are distinguished thick, turbid, reddish mass. A soft pulp is easily scraped from the cut surface. In chronic cases, the walls of lymphatic vessels are 5 - 6 cm thick; They detect purulent tricks in of different stages Maturation. Subcutaneous lymph nodes have a pedestal picture: in some cases they are increased in volume, hyperemic and permeated with purulent foci; in others - gray, with sharp contours of individual packages; From the surface of their cut, nothing flows; The cloth is very juicy.

Histological study of inflamed foci identifies the decomposition of tissues and strong leukocyte infiltration, which makes it possible to distinguish them from the support changes for which exudative and prolit-faearative processes are characterized.

Laugh internal organs (Light, digestive organs) almost never happens.

Diagnosis. It is most important to distinguish this disease from the present Spa.

The clinical picture of epizootic lymphangoitis itself has several characteristic featureswhich can serve as a point of support for a different diagnosis. Nodes and other skin lesions, softening and running out, do not form characteristic of the sip of ulcers with subrab, weighted, seeded edges and salovoid bottoms. All skin lesions have a greater inclination to healing, whereas with a supa a tendency to heal is insignificant, and if it occurs, the scars always remain. For the disease of the nasal cavities in epizootic lymphogoite, the absence of a nasal expiration or a slight mucobo-purulent is extremely characteristic. During the sappie with the damage to the mucous membrane of the nose, the most characteristic feature is the nasal expiration, as a direct consequence of a more or less pronounced catar of the mucous membranes.

Malleric sample, as well as a binding reaction of a complement with a sap antigen, do not give positive indications. A microscopic study allows you to put an accurate and final diagnosis of the disease: with epizootic lymphogoite, it is easy to detect with 500-fold magnification and shiny, partly imprisoned in cryptococci purulent cells.

It is also necessary to take into account another similar disease - ulcerative lymphanget. In the last, the painful process is localized mainly on rear legs; Formed from the nodes of ulcers - not such flat and mushrooms, as with epizootic lymphangoite, quickly heal; Lymph nodes almost do not take any participation in the disease; The mucous membrane of the nose is also not amazed. The course of illness is benign; Gnome contains small bacilli, staining in gram.

From Botriomicosis and Streptotricosis, epizootic lymphanget can be distinguished by microscopic examination.

Treatment. Dry air, straight sun rays, abundant feeding and rest contribute to liquidation painful process With a benign flow.

Good results can give surgical treatment. To do this, it is necessary for the early opening of gaps, amazed lymphatic vessels and nodes, followed by the removal of acute beds detected when opening the amazed tissues. Quick results are obtained when bridard the striking glands, nodes and thickened lymphatic vessels. IMPORTANT DEVELOPMENT DAILY WARNING WARNING operating Ran.. It is necessary to ensure that the wounds are open, since the smallest moves do not heal due to the impossibility complete removal Of these, pus and infectious substances. Fast and energetic surgical measures and subsequent lubrication or washing with more or less concentrated antiseptic liquids (iodine tincture, 8 ° / 0 zinc chloride solution, 5 ° / 0 solution of picric acid, etc.) You can achieve the localization of the painful process and its full cure.

Chemotherapy various means Does not give a definite effect. INTRASHENIOZNEY INTRODUCTION OF ILCO Potassium in a 6% solution in increasing doses from 4 to 15 ml, Sulmar, a lot of arsenic - Salvarsan and Neosalwarsan - various action, like biological treatment methods (pyitherapy, autohemotherapy, serum reconvalued).

Immunity, the crossing reports in most cases immunity until the end of life.

In localities, dysfunctional on epizootic lymphangoitis ( North Africa) Horses with characteristic scars (passing) are regarded higher than the wrong.

Experiments of the creation of artificial immunity by immunization did not have success.

Measures of struggle and prevention. To prevent and stop epizootic lymphangoita, it is necessary: \u200b\u200ba) in a timely manner and correctly diagnosed with the disease (eliminate this SAP); b) immediately isolate patients and suspicious diseases; c) carry out frequent veterinary inspections; d) produce disinfection of premises, horse equipment and care objects; e) timely apply the energetic treatment of patients with animals.

On the farm (or part of it), unfavorable on epizootic lymphangoitis, prescribes quarantine; It is forbidden to remove single-play animals and export a manure outside the affected economy. Exhausted horses with a generalized form of epizootic lymphangoita, in the presence of persistent specific changes, a long time of non-treatable, should be destroyed. The corpses are burned along with the skin. Horses of disadvantaged farms should be put in the conditions of individual content (separate brushes, scraper, etc.). It is necessary to follow proper cleaning Horses. Personnel serving sick horses should not come into contact with healthy and must comply with personal hygiene rules.

Special attention It is necessary to focus the skin of the skin of the horses by properly selecting the sneakers and proper fittings. For early recognition initial stages Lymphanya should be produced microscopic examination even with the smallest skin lesions. Dung from sick and suspicious horses burned. Hurried horses are kept for 3 months after recovery separately from other horses. The economy is considered safe after 3 months after the last case of the recovery of a horse, sobering epizootic lymphanoite.

Epizootic lymphangitis (LymphanGitis Epizootica, African SAP, Lastomykosis) - Chronically flowing infectious disease of single-speed, characterized by inflammation of lymphatic vessels of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with the formation of purulent focus and ulcers.

Etiology. The causative agent of the Cryptococcus Farciminosum mushroom disease. In the body of patients with animals (in rim foci and ulcers) has the appearance of oval-kryptococci. Colorized by conventional aniline paints (according to Romanovsky - GIMZE). The stability of cryptococci is quite significant. Deserers in conventional concentrations are destructive on the causative agent.

Epizosotologicaldata. Epizootic lymphangitis is sick only with single-sour: horses, donkeys and mules.

The source of the causative agent of infection is sick animals that allocate in the external environment along with the pus of the ulcers of the set of cryptococci. The transmission factors of the pathogen are considered: manure, litter, hay and other substrates contaminated by the discharge of patients with animals. The transmission of the infectious start from sick animals is healthy happens both with direct contact and through the subject of horse care and equipment.

Among the herp horses are more often ill animals aged 1 year to 4 years. Relatively resistant to the sickness of the foals, especially until 6 months of age. The disease spreads slowly.

Fur and symptoms. The incubation period lasts from 1 to 3 months. Purulent focuses are in the surface layer of the skin actually, they have the kind of small nodules.

The focus contains a pus different consistency, more often it is thick, creamy, light yellow, sometimes liquid, with an admixture of blood. In the place of the focus shouts, ulcers remain, which, depending on the course of the disease, or comparable relatively quickly, or, merging together, form large ulcerative surfaces.

Ulcers are usually round shapes, have a spherical deepening, in which a small amount of liquid or riveted pus is covered with a thin crust.

With lymphangitis, inflammation of lymphatic vessels is distinctly expressed, which, depending on the value, are tested in the form of solid, dense cords. In the course of such affected vessels, purulent focuses are formed in the form of a rosary.

It is also observed, although not often, the damage to the mucous membranes. With lips and other parts of the head, the submandibular lymph nodes are increased. The affected nodes are densely and enlarged in the amount, the lucidity of them is smoothed, the mobility is reduced, sorenity is observed during palpation.

Diagnosis. Diagnosis is taken into account epizodeological data: mass traumatization of horses, as a facilitative condition, slow dissemination of the disease and clinical signs Diseases that are pretty characteristic.

However, in all cases for setting exact diagnosis Conduct a microscopic study of pnou of ulcers or focus. Detection of cryptococci detection confirms the disease of animal epizootic lymphangitis.

Differential diagnosis.It is necessary to exclude SAP and ulcerative lymphangitis. SAP exclude on the basis of negative result Eye minorization. Ulcerative lymphangitis proceeds benign, they are affixed predominantly limbs, cryptococcis do not detect in the rhome.

Treatment.Treatment is not carried out, sick animals are destroyed.

Prevention and measures of struggle.Prevention of epizootic lymphangitis in the economy is achieved by compliance with the rules of care for the conn, feeding and operating it. Special attention should be paid to preventing traumatization of animal skin. It should be strictly observed the rules for cleaning horses, harnessing harness and horseshoes. Stables, inventory and care objects need to be periodically disinfected.

With the emergence of epizootic lymphangitis, the farm declare unfavorable and impose quarantine. Horses examine clinically and in accordance with the result divide into three groups.
Animals of the first group (patients) are isolated and treated after a preliminary exclusion of the Sapa.

Animals of the second group (suspicious due to the disease) is isolated for further research, while to clarify the diagnosis produce a microscopic study of the contents of nodes and an ulcers.

Animals of the third group (all other existing in the farm) examine in order to identify and isolation of patients at least once every 5 days.

Stables, inventory and leather items periodically disinfect, applying chlorine lime, sodium hydroxide and formaldehyde for this. Discaling and care objects are disinfected by formaldehyde vapors in gas chambers or special hermetic premises.

Recovered animals contain separately for three months. Quarantine from the farm is removed 3 months after recovering the last sick animal, the case or withdrawal of a sick horse from the farm. The prerequisite for the success of the measures for the elimination of lymphangitis is to improve the care of animals and the strict individual content of them. Special attention is paid to the prevention of skin trauma.

epizootic lymphangitis (LymphanGitis Epizootica), African SAP, Chronic Infectious Disease Disease, characterized by purulent inflammation of the skin, subcutaneous tissue with lesion of lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes. E. L. Common in India, Afghanistan, China, Mongolia and other countries. Mortality is 10-50%.

Etiology. Pathogen E. L. - the yeast mushroom Histoplasma Farciminosum (Cryptococcus Rarciminosus), which in the rowing ulcers and focusing during microscopy has the form of ovoid cells (cryptococci) with a clearly pronounced double-circuit shell and often pointed end (Fig. 1). The protoplasma contains one or more continuously fluctuating the grains. In the purple cryptococci lie singly or pile, some of them are included in the protoplasm of macrophages. At the liver agar, the fungus develops in the form of a septic branched mycelium, arthrospores and thick-walled chlamydospores. Mushroom in frozen culture retains vitality for 3 months. Mycelical forms of the fungus survive in the soil and manure within 2-3 months. The solution containing 1% of the active chlorine kills the pathogen after 2 minutes, 3% solution of Colaxine - after 5 min, 3% solution of caustic soda - after 25 minutes.

Epizootology. E. L. Horses, donkeys, mules and horses are sick. The disease is stable foals. Source of causative agent infection - patients animals; Transmission factors - harness, conmanic, care objects (beggar, cube, vendors, brushes, scraper, etc.), bedding, manure, tools contaminated by the discharge of patients. Infection occurs mainly when contacting healthy animals with patients. The gate of infection - various kinds of skin damage, in particular injuries applied poorly imparted. The transmission of the disease is possible through the service personnel, with a challenge, an alimentary way, with the help of stinging insects and rodents (mechanical way). Appearance E. L. Promotes defective feeding, poor animal care, skin wounds. The disease listed in the farm extends slowly by purchasing stationary character. In horses, chasing E. L., formed lifelong immunity.

Fur and symptoms. Incubation period 30-90 days. E. L. It takes chronically. Manifests itself in benign and malignant forms. The process begins in places injuries in the form of nodules with a seamy grain or a pea located in the course of lymphatic vessels. The nodules are rapidly increasing and then open up with the release of thick yellow pus and the formation of ulcers (round shape, with red bleeding granulations at the bottom). On the site of ulcers develop scars. Subcutaneous tissue, lymphatic vessels and nodes with the formation of cords and thickens are involved in the process. Limphangitate nodules are more often observed on the sides and front of the chest, on the neck, head, limbs, less often on the scrotum or udder. With long-term flow in animals, the elephantity of one or another limb is developing. With a benign form, the number of lymphangitated focus does not exceed several dozen, many of them are absorbed. Focuses formed in deep layers of skin and subcutaneous tissue are more often encapsulated (Fig. 2). The disease lasts 2-4 months and ends with recovery. For malignant forms, the formation of many purulent foci, sometimes several hundred (generalized form). Ulcers often merge and form large fusion surfaces. Subcutaneous tissue and surrounding ulcers are inflamed and painful. Sharms are scared slowly or do not heal at all (Fig. 3). Animals observe oppression, periodic increase in body temperature, lack of appetite, eating. Notes changes in the picture of the blood. The disease is often complicated by sepsis and as a result ends with death.

Pathoanatomic changes. Detect skin thickening (in places up to 5-6 cm). In the course of the skin cords there are various magnitude of ulcers and ulcers. Under malignant form in lymph nodes (submandibular, prediable, kneecales) - abscesses, fistula; on the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity - solid nodules and ulcers of different sizes; Sometimes tricks in lungs, liver, kidneys and spleen.

Diagnosis They put on the basis of epizootological and clinical data, the results of a laboratory study (microscopy of the contents of the lymph node, abscess or ulcers). In doubtful cases, an allergic sample (histoplasmic) is used, sometimes an oxonophagocytic reaction and RSK. E. L. Differentiate from ulcerative lymphangitis and skin-shaped

Treatment. An exemption of the affected areas of skin, subcutaneous fiber, lymph nodes and vessels (ulcers are burned). Ulcers can also be processed by 1% crystalviolete solution or gentiality, 20% solution salicylic acid, 1% yuglon on Vaseline. Intravenously introduced novarsenol solutions, Solyasic acid accommodation. Screenshots, ASD, antibiotics, monostsis, sulfantrol, potassium iodide, turpidar, etc. are also used.

Prevention and measures of struggle. For animals acquired in disadvantaged E. L. Areas establish veterinary observation for 6 months. Respect measures to prevent skin injuries. In case E. L. A quarantine is imposed on the farm (or part of it). Patients animals are isolated and treated. Horses with a generalized form of illness destroy. Conduct a clinical inspection of all horses (donkeys, mules) of farms at least 1 time in 5 days. Passing animals are contained separately for 3 months and before discharge from the hospital wash with soap and process their skin with a 1% solution of caustic soda or 2% solution of Creilin. Meat from animals, patients E. L., I am not allowed to eat or feed the beasts. The corpses of animals along with the skin utilize. In the rooms where sick animals were located, disinfection. The farm (or part of it) is declared prosperous 3 months after the last case of the withdrawal of patients with animals, cases or recovery, subject to final cleaning and disinfection.

Soshos R. F., epizootic lymphangitis, in the book: infectious, invasive diseases of horses, ed. F. M. Orlova, M., 1976, p. 209-219.

"Epizootic lymphangit" in books


From book encyclopedic Dictionary (L) by Brocgauz F. A.

Limphangit Limphangitis (Lymphagitis, Limphanget) - Inflammation of lymphatic vessels, developing when the poisonous substance is entered into them from the wound (poisoned wounds, biting and the population of poisonous animals, infection podepny poison through small wounds And even skin cracks).

Regional lamps Limphangit

From the book of skin and venerable diseases Author Ivanov Oleg Leonidovich

Regional lamphangit Specific regional lymphangitis is less permanent, but characteristic sign primary syphilisa. The lymphatic vessel is affected throughout solid Shankra to nearby lymph nodes. He is trying in the form of


From book " Living water»Organism. Cleansing lymph Author Bogdanova Anna Vladimirovna

Lymphangitis lymphangitis is called the inflammation of the wall of the lymphatic vessel, when an infection from any purulent focus applies. At the same time, in the course of lymphatic vessels on the skin, red stripes appear, the place of the lesion becomes sharply painful,

Epizootic lymphangit (LymphanGitis Epizootica, African SAP, LASTOMIKOZ) - Chronically flowing infectious disease of single-speed, characterized by inflammation of the lymphatic vessels of the skin and subcutaneous tissue with the formation of purulent focus and ulcers.

Etiology. The causative agent of the Cryptococcus Farciminosum mushroom disease. In the body of patients with animals (in rim foci and ulcers) has the appearance of oval-kryptococci. Colorized by conventional aniline paints (according to Romanovsky - GIMZE). The stability of cryptococci is quite significant. Deserers in conventional concentrations are destructive on the causative agent.

Epizosological data. Epizootic lymphangitis is sick only with single-sour: horses, donkeys and mules.

The source of the causative agent of infection is sick animals that allocate in the external environment along with the pus of the ulcers of the set of cryptococci. The transmission factors of the pathogen are considered: manure, litter, hay and other substrates contaminated by the discharge of patients with animals. The transmission of the infectious start from sick animals is healthy happens both with direct contact and through the subject of horse care and equipment.

Among the herp horses are more often ill animals aged 1 year to 4 years. Relatively resistant to the sickness of the foals, especially until 6 months of age. The disease spreads slowly.

The course and symptoms.The incubation period lasts from 1 to 3 months. Purulent focuses are in the surface layer of the skin actually, they have the kind of small nodules.

The focus contains a pus different consistency, more often it is thick, creamy, light yellow, sometimes liquid, with an admixture of blood. In the place of the focus shouts, ulcers remain, which, depending on the course of the disease, or comparable relatively quickly, or, merging together, form large ulcerative surfaces.

Ulcers are usually round shapes, have a spherical deepening, in which a small amount of liquid or riveted pus is covered with a thin crust.

With lymphangitis, inflammation of lymphatic vessels is distinctly expressed, which, depending on the value, are tested in the form of solid, dense cords. In the course of such affected vessels, purulent focuses are formed in the form of a rosary.

It is also observed, although not often, the damage to the mucous membranes. With lips and other parts of the head, the submandibular lymph nodes are increased. The affected nodes are densely and enlarged in the amount, the lucidity of them is smoothed, the mobility is reduced, sorenity is observed during palpation.

Diagnosis. When making a diagnosis, epizodeological data is taken into account: mass trauma of horses, as a facilitated condition, slow dissemination of the disease and clinical signs of diseases that are pretty characteristic.

However, in all cases, for the formulation of an accurate diagnosis, a microscopic study of the pno of ulcers or focus is carried out. Detection of cryptococci detection confirms the disease of animal epizootic lymphangitis.

Differential diagnosis.It is necessary to exclude SAP and ulcerative lymphangitis. SAP is excluded on the basis of the negative result of eye minorization. Ulcerative lymphangitis proceeds benign, they are affixed predominantly limbs, cryptococcis do not detect in the rhome.

Treatment.Treatment is not carried out, sick animals are destroyed.

Prevention and measures of struggle.Prevention of epizootic lymphangitis in the economy is achieved by compliance with the rules of care for the conn, feeding and operating it. Special attention should be paid to preventing traumatization of animal skin. It should be strictly observed the rules for cleaning horses, harnessing harness and horseshoes. Stables, inventory and care objects need to be periodically disinfected.

With the emergence of epizootic lymphangitis, the farm declare unfavorable and impose quarantine. Horses examine clinically and in accordance with the result divide into three groups.

Animals of the first group (patients) are isolated and treated after a preliminary exclusion of the Sapa.

Animals of the second group (suspicious due to the disease) is isolated for further research, while to clarify the diagnosis produce a microscopic study of the contents of nodes and an ulcers.

Animals of the third group (all other existing in the farm) examine in order to identify and isolation of patients at least once every 5 days.

Stables, inventory and leather items periodically disinfect, applying chlorine lime, sodium hydroxide and formaldehyde for this. Discaling and care objects are disinfected by formaldehyde vapors in gas chambers or special hermetic premises.

Recovered animals contain separately for three months. Quarantine from the farm is removed 3 months after recovering the last sick animal, the case or withdrawal of a sick horse from the farm. The prerequisite for the success of the measures for the elimination of lymphangitis is to improve the care of animals and the strict individual content of them. Special attention is paid to the prevention of skin trauma.

Infectious anemia horses

Infectious anemia (Anemia Infectioza Equorum) is an acute or chronically occurring disease, characterized by a constant or recurrent fever, more or less pronounced anemia during a period of increasing temperature, disruption of the function of cardio-vascular system and long hidden virusism.

Etiology.The causative agent of the disease - RNA-containing virus is contained in the blood in all organs and tissues of patients with animals. In addition to the organism of single-speed, the Yanan virus is reproduced in the cultures of cells from bone marrow and leukocytes of a horse with the formation of the CPD. The virus is weakly resistant to high temperatures, low temperatures have a preservative action. Sensitive to degencies in conventional concentrations.

Epizosological data. IN natural conditions The infectious anemia is sick of all ages, donkeys and mules. A stabbing disease often ends with death. The source of the causative agent of infection is sick horses, as well as horses with the latent flow of illness; They have virons can continue for 7-10 and even 18 years.

In the body of susceptible animals, the virus falls through the skin, mucous membranes, digestive tract. The mass trapleting insects (July - August) determines the summer-autumn seasonality of infectious anemia.

The course and symptoms.The incubation period in infectious anemia continues on average 10-30 days. The main signs of the disease are: fever, weakness and strangeness of the horse, heart activity disorders and changes in blood pattern. Depending on the degree of manifestation of all these signs and the speed of development of the process, superfluous, acute, subacute, chronic and latent course of the disease are distinguished.

The ultra-cost of the disease is characterized by fever, gastroenteritis (hemorrhagic), cardiac weakness, asphycia.

Acute current Diseases accompanied by an increase in body temperature to 40-41 ° C and higher. Animal depressed. Conjunctive and mucous membranes of the nose and mouth are hyperemic. Characteristic of hemorrhages in the third century and on the mucous membrane near the bridle of the tongue.

The weakening of cardiac activity causes congestive swelling in the abdomen, prepression, limbs. Temperature of the body throughout the whole illness is high.

The subacute current is most often a continuation of acute horses.

For chronic flow Diseases are typical of short body temperature lifts. The duration of recurrences of 1-3 days, the duration of remissions is 2-3 weeks, but sometimes for several months.

The latent course of the disease is observed among resistant horses and is characterized by single take-offs of body temperature at long intervals (several months). Such animals look out healthy, but are virosters, and this circumstance makes them dangerous to animal health, as they serve as a source of causative agent of infection.

Diagnosis.The diagnosis is based on serological, hematological and pathological data. For serodiagnosis, RSK, RDP, IFA and PCR are used. In hematological examination, the amount of erythrocytes, leukocytes and hemoglobin, ESO, leukoformula is determined.

Differential diagnosis. Piroplasmosis, nuttaliosis, tribanosomoz, leptospirosis, influenza, ropneumonia, glitne invasion are excluded. The main method is laboratory diagnostics.

Treatment.Not developed, sick animals destroy.

Prevention and measures of struggle.To organize prevention and measures to combat this disease, it is necessary to identify and destroy patients with horses. To prevent the drift of infectious anemia again arriving in the farm, horses quarantine and are carefully examined for 30 days.

When detecting horses, suspicious diseases infectious anemia, they are immediately isolated.

After the diagnosis of infectious anemia on the farm, a farm or a separate stable impose a quarantine. Produce a thorough clinical examination and blood test of horses. Depending on the results of the study of animals, they are divided into three groups: 1) explicitly patients, 2) suspicious diseases, 3) suspects in infection. Patients destroy. Horses, suspicious disease, are investigated to clarify the diagnosis. The horses of the third group measure the body temperature daily, and also 2 times a month they are subject to clinical inspection. These horses are used to work within the quarantined farm.

The stables are disinfected by a 4% solution of caustic natra immediately after the detection of a horses infectious anemia. In the future, disinfection of a disadvantaged stable spend every 15 days before the removal of quarantine. Disinfection is made by every new identification of a sick horse. Manure from dysfunctional stables is subjected to biothermal disinfection for 3 months.

Quarantine is removed 3 months after the last case of slaughter or case of a sick animal. Sale or transfer of horses to other farms is permitted 3 months after removal of quarantine.

Influenza horses

Horses influenza (Grippus Equorum) - infectious, acutely occurring contagious disease characterized by catarrhal inflammation of the upper respiratory tract, common depression, short-term fever and dry painful cough; in heavy cases Pneumonia develops.

Etiology. Horse influenza causative agent - RNA-containing virus is sensitive to action high temperatures, P. low temperatures For a long time persisted in external environment. All chemical dees-remedies in conventional concentrations are detrimental to the virus.

Epizosological data.In natural conditions, the horses are susceptible to the influenza, regardless of age, gender, breed. The foals are most seriously ill. The source of the pathogen is sick and passing animals. Horses infection occurs airborne With the joint content of sick animals with healthy.

The flu may occur at any time of the year, but more often in the spring and autumn periods. The incidence of animals with flu varies from 10 to 100%. It depends largely on the intensity of immunity to this type pathogen in horses, conditions of content, their operation. Fluity with influenza depends on the nature and severity of complications that may be observed in 0.5-10% of sick animals.

The course and symptoms.The incubation period is 1-6 days. The disease proceeds as a rule. The degree of manifestation of signs of the disease is greatly influenced by the conditions of detention, operation, individual resistance of animals. The first cases of influenza in horses are often not diagnosed, because It proceeds easily, with signs of rhinitis and cough, which is associated with irritation of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract of dust air and feed. Patients with animals decrease appetite, they are quickly tired, mucous expirations appear from the nasal holes and eyes, swelling of the eyelids, photophobia. Horses snort, in the future they note the bouts of a dry painful cough. The area of \u200b\u200bpharynx and larynx painful. The mucous membrane of the eye, the nasal strokes turned red, swelling, is covered with a minor amount of transparent mucus. Submandibular lymph nodes Increased, often painful when palpation. Animals have a pulse, breathing. The horses often flows benign and ends with clinical recovery in 2-4 days. However, passing animals over the next 7-10 days cannot be used at work due to weakness and fast fatigue. In some cases, the sudden death of the animal may occur during the first days of the disease.

In addition to the signs listed above, patients with horses are possible gastrointestinal tract (diarrhea), the formation of chest edema, rear limbs and abdominal wall, Catarial inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina at the mare. In cases where the influenza infection is complicated by a bacterial or other microflora, the horses develop pleuropneumonia, enteritis. The forecast in such cases is unfavorable; In average, mortality is 2-2.5%.

Diagnosis.The final diagnosis of horses is made based on the results of a laboratory study. Material for lifetime diagnostics serves nose mucus In the first days of the disease, and for the posthumous - pieces of the mucous membrane of the nose, pharynx, trachea, lungs, taken from the fallen horses. The material is sent to the laboratory in a thermos with ice. For serological retrospective diagnostics, paired serum tests, taken in animals in the first days of the disease and after 14-20 days in order to identify the growth of antibodies. Pathmaterial is examined in ELISA and PCR.

Differential diagnosis.It is necessary to differentiate from ropneumonia, the viral arteulti of horses, sota. Main method differential diagnosis These diseases are laboratory.

Treatment.No specific treatment for treatment. Sick animals are isolated, freed from work, provide lung foods. If the influenza infection is complicated by bacterial, antibiotics use for treatment and sulfanimide drugs, prescribe symptomatic and increasing the overall resistance of the body.

Immunity.After having fun in the horses, immunity occurs in a duration of up to the year. For horses vaccination, an inactivated polyvalent vaccine against horses flu is used.

Prevention and measures of struggle.To prevent the occurrence of the disease in prosperous farms, quarantining of all incoming animals within 30 days. It is necessary to pay attention to the creation optimal conditions Content and feeding animals. Regularly conduct cleaning and disinfection of the premises. In the event of a threat to the occurrence of flu horses vaccinated.

When diagnosing the diagnosis of horses flu, the economy is declared not well and impose quarantine of sick horses isolate and treated. In the premises every 10 days before the removal of quarantine, a thorough mechanical cleaning and disinfection is carried out. Quarantine is removed from the farm 15 days after the last case of recovery of the animal and the final disinfection.

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