Father of a boy who died after vaccination: “Burying a healthy child is cruel. Death from vaccinations Death of a child from vaccinations

Two-month-old Kirill. Parents brought their baby to the first aid station in the village of Bolshiye Krugovichi for routine vaccinations. But after vaccination, the baby became ill, and he was taken by ambulance to the regional hospital. Unfortunately, it was not possible to save the child. The Ministry of Health has created a special commission that will find out how and why the child died.

An autopsy was carried out, there was a commission, a forensic examination,” the father of a two-month-old boy, Alexander, cries into the phone. - They said that all the child’s organs were absolutely healthy, no diseases or abnormalities were identified. The wife, as expected, registered her pregnancy, was checked in due time, and had an ultrasound. The baby was born, we went for a check-up - everything was fine, healthy. This time they also measured height, weight, and listened. And they got vaccinated... Bury healthy child- it's cruel.

In the family of Alexander and Olga, Kirill was youngest child, there is also an older brother, he is five years old.

Previously, they received one vaccination at a time or at an older age. And here, for such a small baby, two vaccinations at once,” Alexander analyzes. - I don’t know whether they provided assistance correctly or incorrectly... The result is no child, that’s all. It is inhumane if it happened due to inexperience or negligence. If it is actually the vaccine that is to blame, then why conduct experiments on children? Why so? We wanted to have a full-fledged family, we planned everything like ordinary people. We're finishing up the house. I recently buried my father, my father-in-law too, and now I have to bury my son. What have I done wrong in my life?

“When we were discharged from the maternity hospital, there were no problems. And now the ultrasound showed problems"

At approximately the same time and in the same place, another girl, two-month-old Ulyana, was vaccinated. Kirill's mother Olga and Ulyana's mother Victoria even managed to exchange a few phrases. A few hours after vaccination, the baby’s temperature rose, her mother called an ambulance, and her daughter was taken to intensive care. Victoria and her daughter spent a day in the intensive care unit, then they were transferred to the pediatric ward. The Ministry of Health says that the girl was taken to intensive care to be on the safe side, and a rise in temperature is a common reaction after vaccination. Now, according to doctors, the girl’s life and health are not in danger.

My child became ill after the vaccination, the temperature rose to 38. What, I should have waited until the temperature was 40? - Victoria is perplexed. In her place, perhaps any mother would have behaved this way. - Of course, I immediately called an ambulance - doctors from Gantsevichi arrived, then they took us to the intensive care unit in Baranovichi. Now (in the morning of August 15 - Ed.) my daughter is better, we are in the pediatric department.

Victoria is worried that little Ulyana had an ultrasound and found that fluid was collecting between the crown of her head and her brain.

When I asked if this could be due to the vaccination, they answered: it could be anything, but it’s unlikely. I gave birth to my daughter in Baranovichi. And upon discharge we had a brain examination, abdominal cavity- there were no problems.

Children were given routine vaccinations - at this age they are given the Korean vaccine "Eupenta" (against diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, viral hepatitis B and hemophilus influenzae) and French vaccine against polio. These are standard vaccines that are used for vaccinations in Belarusian clinics.

The series of this vaccine has been stopped for use throughout the country, says the press service of the Ministry of Health.

In the Minsk clinics that we called, children are vaccinated as before; nowhere has the vaccine been confiscated or changed.


Ministry of Health:

“The risk of complications after vaccination is thousands of times less than the risk of complications after diseases”

Post-vaccination reactions are various changes in the child’s condition that develop after the vaccine is administered and go away on their own within a short period of time. They do not pose a threat and do not cause permanent health problems. The risk of complications after vaccination is hundreds and thousands of times less than the risk of complications after past diseases, say the Ministry of Health.

November 7 in Pavlovskaya district hospital A tragedy occurred - a two-month-old girl died after a routine vaccination. Molodezhka correspondents met with her parents and found out who they blame for the death of their child.

"I don't trust doctors"

Family Orekhovs Lives in Pavlovka for a long time. We are greeted by Catherine– 38-year-old mother of the deceased girl. Echoes of the recent tragedy are clearly visible in her gaze: her tear-stained eyes look distantly into the distance.

Her mother-in-law is standing at the door - she is worried that her daughter-in-law may become ill. There is an open package of sedative pills on the table.

- My misadventures began much earlier, in 2007, - says Ekaterina. - I was pregnant with twins then, also girls. Rhinitis began (a common disease during pregnancy, the symptoms of which are very similar to a cold). I went to our gynecologist, she sent me to an ENT specialist. I don’t remember what diagnosis she gave me, but she prescribed injections. My neighbor, a nurse, made one for me. At night bleeding began and I was taken to the hospital. They did a caesarean section. One girl was found dead, and the second lived for two more days. After that, the ENT crawled to me on her knees, begging for forgiveness. Since then I have not trusted doctors.

Death after vaccination

Two years after this, Catherine became pregnant again and gave birth to a healthy boy, Arseny. He is now nine years old and is in third grade at a local school. But fate had one more test in store for the woman.

She cannot speak calmly about her fourth child; her voice trembles with barely restrained tears.

The daughter was born on September 6 of this year, she was christened Svetlana. A healthy, strong baby girl managed to gain more than a kilogram of weight and grow three centimeters in two months.

On November 7th we underwent a routine medical examination, at the end of which we were offered a polio vaccination. Now they say that vaccination was then carried out against pneumococcal infection. Well, how could I know that my daughter would die?

At this moment the husband enters the apartment Alexander, he works in the village as a welder.

- After the girl was vaccinated, Katya had to go to a couple more offices. She put her daughter in my hands, asking me to wait in the car, - the man remembers. – I took her and immediately felt that the girl had somehow gone limp and began to blink frequently. Less than half an hour had passed when I noticed that the girl was not breathing. When I unwrapped the diapers, I saw that there was a red stripe running from the vaccination site to the neck.

With the child in his arms, he ran into the hospital building and handed him over to the doctors. After an unsuccessful attempt at resuscitation, they were told: your daughter is dead. The father was not allowed to attend the autopsy, which took place on November 8. The preliminary diagnosis is very vague - “sudden infant death syndrome.”

Criminal case

The girl’s funeral was paid for by the district administration, where Ekaterina works as the chief housing and communal services specialist.

- Ekaterina is my former classmate. That’s all we could do – just to help as a human being, because she found herself in such a terrible situation,” explains Elena Polugarnova, First Deputy Head of Administration.

She refused to comment on the situation at the district hospital, but stated that average age doctors are quite serious, and this may indicate both their experience and inattention.

Now, following the incident, the Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case under the article “Causing death by negligence.” And although the final results of the investigation will become known only in a month, the parents are sure that their daughter died due to the negligence of doctors. Moreover, the girl’s mother claims that residents of the village allegedly saw one of the pediatricians drunk at work more than once.

“I won’t give birth here”

We visited the Pavlovsk Central District Hospital. It is located on the edge of the village. It's an old brick building with crumbling plaster and a patch of mold decorating the wall in one place. Alas, it was not possible to talk to the doctors - everyone was “on a business trip or busy.”

The long corridors of the main building are desolate. Despite office hours, visitors meet occasionally. True, in the department antenatal clinic we met a pregnant woman. She heard about the tragedy, but was forced to come to the hospital - she had no choice, she needed to undergo a routine examination.

- I definitely won’t give birth here, I’m afraid- she declares.

Hill with a cross

...All that now reminds of what happened is a small grave on the outskirts of the Pavlovsk cemetery. We found her ourselves; the mother of the dead girl refused to accompany us: it would have been too much of a challenge for her.

The baby was buried on Friday, November 9, at the very edge of the churchyard. On the fresh grave, withered flowers glisten with frost, and there are several wreaths. They have not yet had time to hang a photograph on the twisted cross; there is not even a sign with the name of the girl who left our world just two months after her birth.


Dutch authorities have temporarily banned the use of the Prevenar vaccine after three children died within 10 days of vaccination.


Last March, Anastasia from Belarus buried her 6-month-old daughter Masha. The girl did not wake up the next morning after the DPT vaccination. Is there life after death? How to find strength in yourself? And who's to blame? Read about it in our interview.

Nastya, thank you for agreeing to talk about this.

Remembering this is always scary and painful, and then it leaves a residue in my soul, but I’m ready to share it with everyone. Firstly, sometimes it is useful to speak out, and, secondly, other mothers should know that this happens. But, first of all, my interview is for those who have given up, who feel that life is ending, that there will no longer be anything happy and bright. Maybe with my story I will just show that life goes on, no matter what.

Tell us a little about Masha. How was your pregnancy and birth?

Masha's pregnancy was the second in my life. Planned, without any problems. I always smiled and said that pregnancy was going just like in the textbook. And the birth was also very easy. Mashulka was born an absolutely healthy baby, 8/9 on the Apgar scale. She was very calm girl, Angel for life! She and I didn’t know what colic was, sleepless nights and whims!

Nastya with her daughters: Ksyusha and newborn Masha

Did you immediately decide in the maternity hospital that you would get all your vaccinations on schedule?

I gave all the vaccinations to my eldest daughter, but her body never gave any reaction. And in the maternity hospital I immediately signed consent for BCG and hepatitis B for Masha.

You see, I, probably, like many mothers, did not study the issue of vaccinations in detail, because if the doctor says that it is necessary, then it is necessary. This means that this is a blessing; they did the same for us all. After all, there are things that are not discussed, such as, for example, getting your child tested to check his condition, or going to the pediatrician. And vaccinations for me were something to do.

“The doctors said everything was fine and it would pass”

To be honest, I may have heard about some consequences from vaccinations somewhere before, but it was so remote that I didn’t even take it personally, didn’t think about the fact that it was possible. And there has never been much publicity about such stories; I have not come across groups on the Internet that would discuss children who became disabled after vaccination or parents who lost children. Maybe I heard it somewhere out of the corner of my ear, but I didn’t attach much importance to them, because everything was fine, the eldest’s vaccinations went well.

How did Masha cope with the vaccinations?

Masha also tolerated her first vaccinations well. The first DTP even without fever. True, we still had a small lump left from the last vaccination, but the doctors said that everything was fine and that it would pass.

Anastasia and Masha 2 weeks before the tragedy

How did it happen that the second DPT became fatal?

At 3 and a half months, we were admitted to the hospital with suspected pneumonia, which was later not confirmed, and we were diagnosed with bronchitis, although the only symptom was a slight cough. They were discharged healthy, the tests were normal. And literally 2 weeks after that we were told to get vaccinated against polio. It is necessary, that is, it is necessary. We did it, everything is fine.

After another 2 weeks, the first DTP was given, as I said earlier, we tolerated it without any problems! On March 21, a nurse came to our house and again said: “To get vaccinated.” I say: “Well, we did it recently.” And she: “You already missed a lot while you were in the hospital.” I don't know why mine mother's heart then she spoke, but the words literally burst out in response to her: “Maybe we should wait a little?” And she: “No, no, no, you’ve already missed a lot.” I remember my thoughts at that moment: if the health worker says it’s necessary, then it’s necessary. I'm good mom., did everything as they said. I need to bring it, I'll bring it. I had everything in general in perfect order, all weighings, all tests, all examinations. Of course, I cared about the health of my children. The slightest sneeze, puff, I immediately go to the doctor.

As a result, on March 23, I brought my child to the second DTP vaccination. The nurse, of course, talked about the recommendations: do not walk, do not swim, give paracetamol if you have a fever. All. We did it and went home. The child was fine all day, she played and smiled. By evening her temperature rose to 38C. My husband and I were warned, so we gave her medications that brought down her temperature. My daughter fell asleep, and so did I. I took her in because she was crying. It is clear that when a child has a fever, he is capricious.

“The words literally came out in response to her: “Can we wait a little?”

This morning I woke up at 7 am. At first I didn’t understand what happened because she was sleeping. But then I saw something was wrong. She was somehow motionless, like a doll. I called my husband, he immediately started doing it indirect massage hearts, and I called at that moment ambulance. They arrived very quickly and stated that the child had died. I just didn't wake up. Had arrived investigative committee, and I was surprised that the investigators turned out to be so humane, and the paramedics - callous and soulless, only one guy from the ambulance team tried to somehow support.

When I said that we got the DPT vaccine yesterday, the health workers turned a deaf ear and just kept repeating: “How did you sleep with the child? How could you go to bed with her? You probably crushed her in your sleep. Perhaps you strangled her and didn’t notice.” What? Six month old baby! A mother who has already given birth for the second time! Yes, for me this is generally beyond fantasy. All mothers know how sensitive sleep can be when a child sleeps nearby, and even more so, is sick. Then even the rustle wakes you up. And so they said this, and I didn’t know what to believe. The investigators assured me that this could not be, look at her, she would be blue, but here it looks like toxic reaction. And off we go. Everything was like a fog! As if all this wasn’t happening to us!

“You probably crushed her in your sleep and didn’t notice”

How did the doctors at your clinic react to this?

They reacted the same way as many health workers in our city. When they called the pediatrician home, he simply did not come. They waited for him here for an hour and a half, and then went to the clinic to confiscate him. medical cards, but by that time they had already been rewritten. Moreover, even my eldest daughter’s card had sheets pasted into it that were not there before. There were many inconsistencies in the testimony. And I understand perfectly well that anyone in the place of a medical worker would cover their bottom, because they have a family, they also have children, they also want to move on with their lives.

“If this could bring Masha back, I would gnaw the earth with my teeth”

In general, at that moment I felt very sorry for our pediatrician, although everyone around me was twisting their finger at my temple: “Nastya, you should feel sorry for yourself!” And I felt sorry for him, it seemed to me that if he had a heart, then he was now very, very bad, that he was also worried and suffering. Although no one even expressed condolences. He was simply silent, and when I saw him, it became clear from his eyes what he was really going through! And the nurses spread dirty rumors throughout the city that the vaccine had nothing to do with it. The city is small, and mothers began to completely refuse DPT vaccinations, and they assured me that I had suffocated my child. For me it was painful and inhumane, it seems, you cover yourself as you want, but don’t do it in such a crappy way.

Have you thought about suing?

We immediately realized that it was useless to fight medicine, it was impossible to prove anything. And the courts are long and painful, they take years, and this will not bring the child back. If this could bring Masha back, I would gnaw the earth with my teeth. But alas! But somehow you need to live on for the sake of your eldest daughter.

“I just didn’t protect my child”

Who do you blame for this story?

Sometimes it is very difficult to understand that you can only blame yourself for this situation, no matter how much I would like to say that it is not my fault, it is. I just didn't protect my child. I just don't know enough. It’s my fault that, having become a mother, I did not receive pedagogical, medical and psychological education. I’m just a mother who wanted and wants children, and this sees the meaning of life.

Is it recognized that the tragic ending is the result of DTP vaccination?

An autopsy showed that the child died from a viral infection unknown etiology. The etiology was not cleared up even after six months. It is clear that viral infection was caused by vaccination. After all, DPT is a complex vaccine that contains live viruses. Weakened, but alive. And I don’t know which of these viruses killed my child, but the fact remains a fact. On March 23, she received a DTP vaccine, but on March 24 she did not wake up. And this is not sudden child death.

Anastasia and her husband with their daughter Alexandra

After Masha left, Sasha was born into your family. How did you decide to take this step?

We saw only one way out: we need another child. True, many insisted that it was not necessary, the body had gone through such stress, and so little time had passed since Masha’s birth. I was still breastfeeding her; I didn’t even have my period at that time.

“On the 40th day after Mashenka’s death, God gave us a small miracle”

You see, there are things that cannot be described or explained. And no one has the right to tell you how to do it correctly. I was just clinging to life, trying to get myself out of a state of depression, where there was not so much difference from a step into the abyss. After all, I began to hate myself, that I was such a bad mother and did not protect my child, and such a mother should not live!

And it so happened that on the 40th day after Mashenka’s death, God gave us a small miracle. When they confirmed that there really was a pregnancy, I pulled myself together and realized that I had no right to grieve anymore, because all this would affect the health of the little man who was born inside me. When such thoughts came up that I didn’t want to live, I told myself: “With yourself, Nastya, you can do whatever you want, but the little man in you is not to blame for anything.” And I pulled myself together. I waited. I was waiting for this child! For some reason it seemed to me that Masha’s soul quickly returned to us in this way.

How was your pregnancy?

This pregnancy was very difficult. A strict one was needed bed rest, any movement could provoke placental abruption, so I simply chained myself to the bed, going only for food and to the toilet. Sasha’s date of birth turned out to be another miracle - January 19, Epiphany. And I believe this is a sign from God. And if he takes something, then he gives, albeit not of equal value, but of equal value in return.

“It’s like the whole last year was just a bad dream”

And I just want to say to every mother who has lost a child and is afraid to give birth again. If you have such a thought that you want and need, then give birth, even if it’s scary. It will always be scary. You can be afraid all your life. And I understand that if I hadn’t gotten pregnant then, but had waited a year for my body to recover from stress, it’s not a fact that I would have decided to get pregnant again. I would have been even more afraid, but this consolation helped me survive that pain. I look at Sasha and there are moments as if nothing had happened. It’s as if the whole past year was just a bad dream.

Do you now vaccinate your children?

Immediately at the maternity hospital, I wrote a refusal of all vaccinations for Sasha. I have studied this issue up and down and I can say that it is scary to vaccinate, and scary not to vaccinate. But this time I took full responsibility on myself. I don’t know, however, what I will do in the future, because life is so unpredictable.

The eldest daughter Ksyusha with little Sasha

Let there be some good stuff at the end of our interview. Who would you like to thank?

I am very grateful to my husband that he supported me at that moment and our family did not break up, like many others who could not survive the loss. On the contrary, we united and began to love each other more. I am very grateful to my true friends, family and friends who were there during difficult moments! I thank God for giving me such trials. If it weren't for this, I wouldn't be the person I am now. I look at my daughters and understand that no matter what, I am a happy woman, simply tested by fate.

If you have a child between 0 and 3 years old, you are in maternity leave and you have something to tell about motherhood, then we will come to you. This service is provided absolutely FOR FREE. To call a mobile phone.

KOKSHETAU, April 10 - Sputnik. The family of one-year-old Esmalina Markovich, who died after being vaccinated against measles, shared with the correspondent the details of the incident, which, in their opinion, prove the guilt of the doctors in the death of the child.

Let us remind you that the tragedy occurred on March 5, 2019. During the day, the baby, who was the only child in the family, received a measles vaccination, and at night she died.

Relatives blame doctors

The relatives of the deceased baby are sure that the doctors are to blame for not making a medical examination.

“Before the vaccination, Esmalina was ill for two weeks. The same doctor then diagnosed ARVI and prescribed antibiotics. In general, they insisted on vaccination. At the same time, they did not take blood for analysis, although they knew that the child had recently been ill and was weakened. The result was death through 10 o’clock,” says the girl’s aunt Anastasia Agaltseva.

Based on this fact, a criminal case has been initiated under Part 3 of Article 317 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (Improper performance of professional duties medical worker resulting in the death of a person). The sanction of the article provides for imprisonment for up to five years.

The family finally received the results of the forensic examination. The cause of death, according to the document, was acute respiratory failure, which developed due to bilateral pneumonia.

“The doctor had to first eliminate all risks. The child with pneumonia was sent for vaccination. Now we are even more strengthened in our suspicions,” Anastasia emphasized.

Meanwhile, the regional health department is not sure of the doctors’ guilt.

“The vaccination was carried out in accordance with the national calendar and in compliance with the required algorithm. The case is under investigation at the Kokshetau police department, the conclusion of the forensic medical examination has not been received, so the management and employees of the clinic cannot draw any conclusions,” the Akmola health department told the agency areas.

Attack on journalists: clinic lawyer claims provocation

Let us remember that the conclusion of forensic experts had another high-profile consequence: a scandal in the clinic where little Esmalina was vaccinated. The medical institution's lawyer attacked the journalists of the KTK TV channel with his fists, who, together with the girl's relatives, came to the doctors for comment.

“The morning after Esmalina’s death, I came to the clinic, spoke with the head, doctor and lawyer. Then they told me: the results of the examination will come - come. And now they are ready, on April 9 they came, inviting KTK journalists. Lawyer Erbolat Temirbekov calmly spoke to us , but until the moment when I began to show the reporter the forensic expert’s report. He snatched the microphone and then hit the camera with it,” recalls Anastasia.

The lawyer himself motivates: the materials are at the investigation stage and cannot be disclosed.

“I tried to explain this to them, to take away the papers. They provoked me with words like: “Well, come on, break our camera.” I wanted to push the camera away, hit the cover with the microphone. That’s where the sound came from - as if I hit with all my might, but that’s not the case "The medical examination showed that the child had pneumonia. And, by the way, we still do not agree with this," Temirbekov noted in an interview.

Meanwhile back side insists: there was no talk of any non-disclosure of the forensic expert’s report.

“Moreover, I even told the investigator that the whole of Kazakhstan would know about him. An employee of the clinic asked us: “The child died, he cannot be returned, why ruin a person’s life?” What kind of position is this? Yes, it cannot be returned, but such a situation can repeat with other children,” concluded Agaltseva.

The other day I came across a statement on the Internet by an official from the Ministry of Health that there are no deaths from vaccinations in our country. I can even quote: “if we take statistics for the country as a whole, it turns out that for the country’s 146 million population there are from 200 to 600 vaccine complications per year and, fortunately, not a single death occurs. Which already speaks for itself and about the true scope of harm from vaccinations...” But why then do children die?

And yesterday, our neighbors’ son died after getting a flu shot. DIED!!! The boy burned to death in three days. True, as always, it was not the doctors or the vaccines that were to blame. The parents were named as culprits. They overlooked the fact that the child was vaccinated when he was sick and had a fever.

Think about it: parents!!! And not the doctors who vaccinated a boy with a fever.

The forums are filled with information about negative consequences vaccinations. True, doctors call them a “natural” reaction of the body, which may be different for each child. And only some doctors dare to speak out against it. An example can be viewed at http://news-today.rf/. The story of the ordeals of a neurologist who dared to give medical advice against vaccinations to children with various pathologies development is characteristic in itself: it is not easy for even specialists to withstand the “mainstream”.

Moreover, this is a site that is “for” vaccinations!

Only a few experts call for great caution regarding the practice of introducing foreign biological materials into the human body. But doctors treat vaccinations themselves with much greater caution. So, last year in Military Medical Academy In St. Petersburg, 610 doctors refused vaccination against hepatitis B. On average, the refusal rate for all clinics participating in the vaccination program was 21.6%. A fifth of doctors did not want to get vaccinated! And even if this applies to one vaccine, doesn’t the fact itself tell us a lot?

It would be a great exaggeration to say that science is gradually starting to vote against vaccinations. Nevertheless, there is such a thing. Look, if interested, http://www.vitamarg.com/: 25 arguments against vaccinations and interviews with Galina Petrovna Chervonskaya- famous virologist, candidate biological sciences, an independent expert on virology, author of four monographs on vaccination issues.

So what should we do? Okay, some kind of measles or even diphtheria, which can be treated if diagnosed in a timely manner modern means quite successfully. Or the flu, which is more or less easily tolerated even without vaccination. But what if refusing the mumps vaccine will lead to mumps and further infertility for the boy? What if refusal to vaccinate against polio leads to fatal consequences after a visit to seemingly harmless Bulgaria, Greece or Turkey with their constant foci of corresponding infections?

What will console us is if a child is not vaccinated and gets a disease that will cripple him for the rest of his life? Or complications that supposedly “occur in one or less cases per million vaccinated people” - if they affect my child?

And will it be much easier for us if not complications arise, but “features of reactivity child's body": rash, urticaria, anaphylactic shock(!), convulsions, severe headaches, a piercing long-lasting scream that lasts for hours?.. Doctors say that “it is almost impossible to predict the occurrence of such individual reactions”... Some will not experience it at all, while others will experience it in the first 4 - 12 hours. Well, convulsions and loss of consciousness are possible from 2-7 to 4-15 days after the vaccine is administered!
The feeling that something is wrong with vaccinations has been building up in society for years. The result is already visible. On average, only 75% of children in the country are vaccinated in accordance with national calendar vaccinations. IN major cities- and even less.

Doctors claim that the effectiveness of vaccination is achieved only with 95 percent coverage. Consequently, the approach to vaccinating the population is already not justified - and it will only get worse.

In my opinion, the only way out from the situation - stop lying, stop hushing up cases of complications, stop referring to favorable statistics. With growing public awareness, this will work less and less.

Independent research into the effectiveness and consequences of total vaccination is needed. A study that both society and doctors would believe - and a corresponding adjustment of public policy in this area. I cannot formulate the criteria for such a study, since I am not a doctor.

But maybe experts will speak on this topic? If the state is unable to clearly respond to this request from society, representatives of this society need to try to do it themselves. And we will help bring this point of view “where it needs to be.”

About the possible connection between vaccination and autism and the harm heavy metals in vaccines, about the greed of pharmaceutical companies, see http://mnogodetok.ru/ (by the way, as it turned out, at least in this respect a number of Russian vaccines are much safer than imported ones).

But this was the case in Kirov. The parents of a 4-year-old girl refused to give her Mantu, which resulted in a year and a half struggle with the management of the kindergarten, with threats to drop the child off. The debate ended in the courtroom. Guess whose side the Kirov Themis took? That's right, on the kindergarten side. And this is not an isolated case when such an issue is resolved in court. And always - not in favor of the child. However, in many cases the matter ends with banal blackmail, saying that if you don’t get vaccinated, you will lose your place.
