The most unpleasant medical procedures. The most frightening medical procedures for men. Fire facial massage

Every day the beauty and health industry offers new technologies. Girls in pursuit of an ideal appearance test everything on themselves. But some procedures make you feel real pain. Are you ready to endure this?

Thread rejuvenation

The thread rejuvenation method allows you to lift sagging facial tissues and fix them in this position. This procedure can be done as a preventative measure starting at 25-30 years of age, when the first signs of aging appear on the skin. Thread rejuvenation is also done when there is visible sagging of facial tissues. Of course, the procedure is not pleasant. It is performed under local anesthesia. A microscopic puncture is made at the temple, where a thread is inserted, and then with the help of a needle it is passed under the skin and brought out in the cheekbone area. Then the thread is stretched - this is how the lifting effect is achieved. It doesn’t sound very pleasant, but there is a result and no traces.

The average price for one procedure is 45,000 rubles.

I installed threads six months ago. Yes, the feeling is not very pleasant, especially when the threads are inserted. And it hurt to sleep for about three weeks, and then it went away. At first there was a little swelling, but not much.

Alisa, 29 years old


Hemocorrection can be called an innovation in medicine. This treatment technology aims to cleanse the blood of painful substances. As a result, the disease maintenance mechanisms break down, and developing processes stop. This is a kind of body detox, but instead of drinking natural smoothies, they take blood from a vein, clean it and return it back. This type of treatment can be chosen not only for rejuvenation and improvement of skin condition, but also for the treatment of serious diseases, such as hepatitis C, pneumonia, neurodermatitis, hypertension, and so on.

The average price for one procedure is 8,000 rubles.

The procedure itself lasts 4-5 hours. Two catheters are placed in both arms. Blood is taken from one and poured into the other. The sensations are unusual both during and after the procedure. A liter of blood is purified in one procedure.

Lina, 32 years old


Mesotherapy is the subcutaneous injection of cosmetic cocktails into problem areas. When vitamins are administered locally, they act more effectively on the deeper layers of the skin, and the tissues are renewed faster. Mesotherapy allows you to fight cellulite, scars and stretch marks, as well as wrinkles and acne. This procedure is not very painful, but discomfort cannot be avoided. Injections are carried out using an ultra-thin needle to a depth of 1.5–3.9 mm. After mesotherapy, there will be redness and marks from injections on the skin, but they go away quite quickly.

The average price for one procedure is 5,000 rubles.

I did facial mesotherapy on the advice of a cosmetologist to get rid of age spots. I really liked the result: the spots almost disappeared, and my face felt fresher. In general, my facial skin became very good after a course of mesotherapy: smooth, beautiful, even color.

Karina, 27 years old


Bioreinforcement is the same injections, only they are done using a different technique. It’s as if the face is stitched with gel threads, thanks to which the drugs are evenly distributed and the regeneration process starts. The result is a tightened face. Even though an anesthetic cream is applied before the procedure, the injections affect the nerve endings and pain cannot be avoided. Typically, bioreinforcement is recommended when you have folds, drooping corners of the eyes or eyebrows, or a blurred chin contour. Such problems most often arise after 30-35 years.

The average price for the procedure is 13,000 rubles.

I’m just over 30, and every six months I get bio-reinforcement done so that I don’t go under the knife at 40-45 plastic surgeon. At first it was unpleasant, but over time you get used to these sensations.

Yana, 30 years old

Deep peeling

Deep peeling is one of the most radical rejuvenation procedures. It is done to eliminate signs of aging, renew and improve skin condition. You can expect such a result only after you have been filmed upper layer skin (yes, this is the essence of such peeling). Unlike regular peeling, deep peeling affects the deeper layers of the skin, which means it can solve the most serious problems. This procedure is not only painful, but also leaves behind marks. You'll have to walk around with a red face for a while, but apparently the effect is worth it.

The average price for the procedure is 8,000 rubles.

I decided to undergo deep peeling to remove wrinkles. I got rid of them, but my face suffered greatly, the skin became very thin and sensitive.

Larisa, 46 years old

Manual anti-cellulite massage

Despite the fact that now there are many different hardware procedures to combat cellulite, manual massage is not inferior to them in its effectiveness. During this procedure, the specialist warms up the tissue with mechanical movements, crushes body fat, eliminates stagnation of lymph and fluid, massage also has a lymphatic drainage effect. As a result, all metabolic processes in the body are activated, blood intensively circulates through the vessels and collagen and elastin fibers are produced - in general, you cannot leave a cosmetologist without an anti-aging effect. The hands of a master may turn out to be much stronger than the machine, so there will be excellent result, And painful sensations, and bruises after the procedure. But then you can show off on the beach.

The average price for the procedure is 4000 rubles.

It really helps! Especially if you are an experienced massage therapist, it hurts, it’s true, but it’s tolerable. And regularity and frequency are also very important. Volume goes away, cellulite disappears right before your eyes.

Anastasia, 39 years old

Removing a bunion

Removing hallux valgus is not about smoothing out wrinkles; you cannot do without pain. When the bone is on thumb protrudes and becomes deformed; this not only looks unsightly, but also causes discomfort. The type of surgery varies depending on the extent of the problem. For example, a doctor may surgically remove the bump on the finger, or you can artificially fracture the bone and move it in the desired direction. After the operation, you will be able to walk the next day, but do not forget about the fixing bandage and additional support in the form of crutches.

The average price for the procedure is 27,000 rubles.

After the operation, I was in a cast with crutches for two months. Right now I'm working on my finger. The leg is swollen, the finger is not yet fully extended. I experienced more pain after the operation than during the anesthesia.

Valentina, 34 years old

Rib resection

What you won’t do for a wasp waist! Some are even ready to say goodbye to the rib.

Usually the operation takes place on the 12th pair of ribs - they are not completely removed, but only cut off to the most possible state. During this procedure they do general anesthesia, so you won’t feel the process itself. But after the operation the patient is waiting recovery process, he's just unpleasant. Yes, your waist size will decrease, but that’s not all. Possible complications: scars, kidney prolapse and internal organs will no longer be as safe as before.

The average price for the procedure is 30,000 rubles.

I know a girl who had her lower ribs removed - they stuck out somehow unaesthetically, the operation was successful, her figure became very beautiful. But after a couple of years, the kidneys may drop and there is a risk of injury to internal organs.

Galina, 30 years old

Fire facial massage

They have already learned how to restore hair with the help of fire, and the matter has come to the face. Thanks to the Chinese cosmetologists who came up with this. Only, unlike burning your hair, this procedure will bring much more discomfort. First, the doctor applies to the skin special composition made of oil and herbs, and then on your face there will be a towel soaked in alcohol, which is set on fire. Heat will provide stimulation of metabolic processes at the cellular level. Cosmetologists convince that it is safe, because the aromatic oil solution will protect the skin from fire. Such radical procedures are usually done for rejuvenation.

The average price for the procedure is 2000 rubles.

I had a fire massage. Warming up is slow and deep. I felt warm inside, not outside. There are painful sensations, but everything is tolerable.

Olga, 37 years old

RF lifting

RF lifting - face lifting under the influence of radio waves. Fading skin, wrinkles, scars, photoaging - patients usually come to this procedure with precisely such problems. The procedure is carried out using a special device that acts on the deep layers of the skin (dermis). Heating occurs to 60-65 degrees, fibrils (string protein fibers) lose moisture, become unable to stretch, and collagen molecules curl into tight spirals - a powerful lifting effect is achieved. Due to the current and radio waves, you may feel a tingling sensation and warmth. But the result is worth it!

The average price for the procedure is 6,000 rubles.

Many people criticize the RF lifting procedure, but I am happy. It all depends on the device and the cosmetologist himself. I don’t know how to describe the sensations, but they were unusual, there was discomfort, but I didn’t have to endure it for long.

Taisiya, 41 years old

Each of us has passed through more than once preventive examinations: at school and university, when applying for a medical record or passing military commission. Walking through the offices of doctors tired of dozens of patients, wasting hours of life in queues to see specialists whose qualifications are sometimes questionable - these are the main reasons that the culture of clinical examination is not particularly instilled in our population.

The life hacker is convinced: it’s worth taking care of your health even when nothing hurts. The disease is more treatable in its early stages, and identifying risk factors before symptoms appear the right way save both health and money. And for those who are not tempted by the services of free medicine, there are private clinics and testing laboratories that allow you to conduct a “technical examination” of your body, bypassing municipal hospitals.

Examination by a dentist

Visiting the dentist at least once every six months should not be neglected, even if you have no pain. An examination by a specialist will reveal hidden areas of caries, abnormal growth early dental or gum disease.


Blood pressure (BP) measurement

The blood pressure norm for each person is individual; it is generally accepted that the indicators of a person aged 20–30 years should be in the region of 100–130/70–90 mm Hg. Art. If your indicators blood pressure differ significantly from those indicated, then you should not postpone your appointment with a therapist. Also helpful: A heart rate below 50 beats per minute and above 100 beats per minute is considered abnormal and requires evaluation by a doctor.


An indispensable diagnostic procedure intestinal diseases, which is recommended to be done every two years. Many people neglect it because of the unpleasant sensations that arise during the examination, but modern medicine offers the procedure under anesthesia.

Examination by a neurologist

Do not forget that many diseases are neurological in nature, and the list of their symptoms is very extensive. Preventive visit A neurologist’s office will help prevent the development of such diseases.

Tetanus and diphtheria vaccination

Vaccination against tetanus and diphtheria is necessary every 10 years.

Hepatitis vaccination

This is all?

No, not everything. Do not forget that when you reach the age mark of 40–45 years and are predisposed to certain diseases, the list of recommended procedures will have to be expanded. Care must be taken to prevent exacerbation of existing chronic diseases and remissions of those from which you have been cured. In this case, the individual list of recommended procedures will also increase. Do not neglect visiting your doctor on time and stay healthy.

When it comes to modern medicine, one immediately imagines strict doctors in white coats who calmly listen to the patient, make a diagnosis, and prescribe necessary medications. And all this happens in a comfortable modern office. But in fact, a number of medical procedures have not changed at all over the past centuries and may seem truly barbaric to a person far from medicine.

1. Cleaning the uterus

Obstetrics and gynecology is probably one of the bloodiest fields in medicine. Most women, at some point in their lives, will undergo a procedure known as a cleansing or "curettage" of the uterus. This procedure involves inserting a sharp “curette” into the uterus to scrape out the lining of the uterus. These tissues are then sent for analysis to ensure that the woman does not have signs of developing uterine cancer, especially if she has problems related to menstruation.

In other cases, this procedure may be performed after a miscarriage to ensure that no fetal remains are left inside. Despite the effectiveness of the procedure, it makes you wonder why nothing less creepy has been invented until now.

2. Drilling holes in the skull

Trepanation is probably the oldest procedure in medicine that is still practiced today. Drilling holes in the skull dates back to the times of Hippocrates and early Greek civilization. The principle of the procedure remains largely the same as it was thousands of years ago, but the purpose and methods are different.

The early Greeks used this procedure in the belief that headaches were caused by "excess water in the head, which can lead to an imbalance of body functions." Modern patients undergo this gruesome procedure because of the buildup under their skull bones. a large number of blood (most often this happens as a result of severe trauma or accident). However, unlike the old days of primitive surgery, all this is done under anesthesia.

3. Cauterization of the flesh

Sometime after surgery or injury open wounds the person was burned with a hot iron. This sounds, of course, barbaric, but this is still practiced today. Naturally, the process of "cauterization" has been greatly improved and today it is done using a small discharge of electricity, which is provided by a portable electrode. In essence, the operation is the destruction of a microscopic layer of protein for the purpose of “sealing” blood vessels and stopping bleeding.

4. Inserting a tube into the brain

Most people think of the brain as one of the most important and untouchable organs in the body. And the idea that doctors could insert a tube into the brain seems simply outlandish. But a similar operation still exists and is used mainly for excessive accumulation of fluid inside the brain (hydrocephalus) or for excessive intracranial pressure. Naturally, all this is not done “on the knee,” but you just have to imagine: a tube is inserted into your head... deeply.

5. Tracheal intubation

When a person stops breathing, outside intervention is needed to get air into the lungs. Although scientists are trying to develop non-invasive means of making breathing easier, the most effective method still remains the most rude and aggressive one, which was used centuries ago.

This method involves placing a special plastic tube (or "endotracheal tube") in the person's trachea. The creepiest thing is how this tube gets there. A metal spacer is inserted into the patient's mouth, and the doctor simply pushes the tube into the trachea.

6. Radiation Exposure

Cancer continues to be one of the most difficult diseases to treat in modern medicine. Until now, scientists' understanding of cancer remains very rudimentary, which is perfectly reflected modern methods treatment. Typically, cancer is treated through chemotherapy (essentially injecting poison into the body), surgery, radiation therapy, or a combination of all these methods. Radiation therapy is a lethal radiation that is directed at sore spot. This is a real death ray, which can also negatively affect healthy human organs.

7. Invasive surgery

Today medical science has come a long way in terms of the development of x-rays and other ways to find out what is going on inside the human body. Today there are CT scans, MRIs and a host of other non-invasive methods to determine what happened to the patient’s body. However, this does not always work. Sometimes doctors have to cut the body open and look at what is causing the symptoms or diseases. Although this was much more common in years past, sometimes similar "exploratory surgery" can still be seen today, especially when gunshot wounds and other accidents.

8. Intraosseous cannulation

There are many very cruel operations in medicine, among which one of the most terrible is piercing the knee with a huge needle. Over the centuries, there have been numerous variations of this procedure, one of which is called "intraosseous cannulation" (passing a needle large diameter through the knee to deliver medications directly to circulatory system, which is highly branched in the anterior part of the knee). However, today such a procedure is seen as a radical measure.

9. Realignment of joints

Surely many have seen how dislocated joints are set. There is little pleasure in this, because the procedure is quite painful. But the point is that the way they did it thousands of years ago is the same way they do it now.

10. Amputation

Over the centuries, nothing has changed in what is done with severely infected and crushed limbs - they are simply removed. If a limb begins to rot after a long period of lack of blood flow, frostbite, burns or severe injury, then doctors amputate it today, as they did many centuries ago.

From the military registration and enlistment office I went to the hospital for examination. For three weeks. Sent for review food allergies. In the end, I came out not only with a proven diagnosis of food allergies, but in general with a pretty sick list of ailments, which in the end left me dumbfounded with the question “why am I alive?”

Due to the fact that due to depression, a large and heavy commitment to sports, as well as drinking alcohol with friends at picnics and celebrations, I once again gained weight. We went to donate blood for testing hormonal levels. Their condition is that once a person is caught, they need to check him for all suspected diseases. In general, some kind of thunder was playing naughty, which is connected to the pituitary gland (part of the brain). This hormone increases with severe depression, and then I really had reasons to worry - the military registration and enlistment office is far from the first reason, and it also increases with (tadam!) brain cancer. To be honest, such rosy prospects really made me feel bad, they cheated me so much that I then almost opened a brick factory right in their department. Total: 2 hours listened to dub-step in the tomograph. At the same time, you must absolutely not move, otherwise the brain scan will fail. Then they sent some kind of button accordion through the vein, which sent me into some rather strange trance. I still couldn’t fall asleep, but I also had to suffer for another 2 hours of listening to the tomograph hammering. Fortunately, at least some soft pop music was playing from the tape recorder in the doctor’s office, otherwise I could hear this rumble all day.

Besides, let's go get my kidneys checked, which is also somehow related to this hormone. Well, if it’s necessary, then it’s necessary! I went, they injected another piece of rubbish into a vein (this despite the fact that I was already wearing a catheter in my hand), which made me stagger, the doctor even gave me a piece of cotton wool with ammonia so that I don't fall down. After 24 hours I was forbidden to eat or drink (only water). The next morning we went to the scanner, again inserted a catheter, again injected some kind of rubbish (in my opinion it was iodine) into a vein, which left a gouache taste in my mouth (as if flies had crap in my mouth). The feeling is disgusting. They took pictures and said - free! Well, ok, I went, or rather crawled. It was good that a friend from the ward went with me (he had a medical education, he just knew what it was). Finally, after a day of hunger strike, I could eat, but I still shouldn’t eat, because because of this rubbish I felt like throwing up. As a result, he came into the ward, collapsed on the bed and slept until the evening. And yes, this despite the fact that after these procedures my kidneys really hurt. Fortunately, they were only sick for a couple of hours, but they were very sick. I didn’t want to complain, because they’ve already had enough of it.

By the way, driving a catheter into a vein there is still garbage in the hand, because there are catheters that are driven into the male nerve (yes, yes) for problems with bladder. Fortunately, this fate passed me and I did not feel this divine thrill. A friend in the ward said that it was terribly unpleasant.

Since I have cross allergy and hyperreaction, sent to breathe dust(check for asthma). As it turns out, I really do have allergy-related asthma. He snorted like an old woman with a scythe after their hookah bar. After these procedures, I had asthmatic shortness of breath for a whole month. Fortunately, my father (he is asthmatic) lent me Berotek, which helped me a little.

In general, in three weeks I probably donated blood a dozen times, both from a finger and from a vein, and I pumped it into jars four times. I managed to wear a holter and some other garbage that measures my blood pressure every hour. I even had to sleep with this garbage. In general, they completely dismantled me, and also forced me to shave my chest for cycling. It’s worth saying that then everything was itchy for a week and I had to wait a month for my boobs to become covered with fur again. Well, fascists - what can we take from them! I left the hospital with 4 diagnoses that made me unconditionally unfit for military service. The most painful thing was the time. Although I was glad that I had gotten rid of the military registration and enlistment office once and for all, I was sure that they would take me away.
