Get an eye socket tattoo. The girl became the victim of an unsuccessful tattoo on her eye. Katt already has several tattoos and a tongue split, but she decided to add even more extreme to her look by getting an eye tattoo.

The term "eyeball tattoo" involves injecting ink into the outer protective layer of the eye using a special syringe.

The first to undertake such an experiment was a resident of Brazil who wanted to make his own eye whites darker. The operation was successful, but the man himself claims that ink flowed from his eyes for several days after the procedure.

Then other tattoo lovers picked up the idea, giving their eyes an unnatural color.

Bright and saturated colors are especially popular: yellow, blue, red and, of course, black.

As already mentioned, this is done in much the same way as a regular tattoo, only instead of the skin, ink is injected into the eye. From a medical point of view, such a procedure is considered very dangerous, because along with the pigment, an infection can easily be introduced into the eye. Such manipulation can cause severe or worse, loss of vision, but this does not stop those who wish to do so. Moreover, the masters claim that this procedure much safer than a regular tattoo! So far all the surgeries have completed well, the only downside was that the eye was a little watery two to three days after the injection.

Before the procedure, the eyelids and area around the eye are thoroughly treated with antibacterial agents. You will then need to keep your eyelids open during surgery. To do this, use special devices or simply use your fingers.

Liquid is drawn into the syringe and, making a small puncture, ink is slowly injected. The use of any painkillers is not implied, so the action promises to be quite painful or in as a last resort unpleasant. Then you should wait until the ink is evenly distributed throughout the white of the eye.

After the injection you will need to apply eye drops several times a day. antibacterial agent to prevent infection.

The first such injection was made back in the 19th century. And one can assume that if such procedures were successful then, then with our technologies and capabilities they are even more safe. Many people think that it looks creepy, but despite this, such tattoos are becoming more and more popular.

Before deciding to take such a step, you should think carefully about everything. Tattoo on eyeball- not an ordinary tattoo that can be removed over time. It is impossible to completely remove ink from the tattooed person’s eye.

Previously, this procedure was performed on patients in order to improve their vision or change eye color. On forums dedicated to the topic “Tattoo on the eyeball” they believe that it will be much easier to insert a regular one into the eye colored lens rather than subjecting yourself to such a procedure. But fans of this kind of extreme sports do not think so and stubbornly follow fashion trend. It should be noted that tattoos on the eyeball are especially popular among young people.

Today the question of where to do something is one of the most popular among young people. Although this procedure is relatively new, since tattooing the eyeball is not considered difficult, many tattoo parlors in Moscow, Kyiv and other cities in Ukraine and Russia offer it.

Photo from:

Filling the eyes is a new generation tattoo. Unlike decorating with leather patterns, this trend is not so popular. The filling procedure requires a master of medical knowledge, a surgeon and an ophthalmologist.

The pigment is introduced into the cavity of the sclera, filling the space with a certain color. The operation is irreversible and requires full awareness from the future wearer.

How to make a tattoo on the eyes or eyeball

Eye filling is the procedure of adding dye to the sclera. In fact, it is more of an injection than a tattoo. The eye tattoo was originally invented as cosmetic product for people with loss of lens pigment.

FROM HISTORY: The first safe tattoos on the eyes were performed by doctors Howie and Shannon Larat. The operation took place on July 1, 2007. A patient with the consequences of cataracts had the pupil area filled.

Filling the eyes with paint began to gain popularity in 2007-2008, when photos of Singaporean tattoo artist Chester Lee and Dan Malette from Toronto appeared on Instagram.

The first white of the eye is completely black, the second celebrity of the tattoo world filled the sclera with colored dyes - blue and yellow.

Eyeball tattoo is surgical procedure. It requires specialized equipment and skills. The needle is inserted into the apple and the dye is gradually added.

The composition is partially organic origin. There is a possibility that the host's body will give allergic reaction. Before the procedure, it is necessary to undergo control tests for compatibility with the pigment.

There are no tattoos on the eyes direct meaning. Each wearer chooses for himself what an eye tattoo means in his case.

How does the eyeball paint?

To tattoo the white of the eye, needles with a specialized tip structure are required. To fill the eyes with paint, the master has to for a long time Gently squeeze out the piston in small portions.

Eye filling procedure, photo from:

A tattoo on the eyeball is performed without anesthesia or painkillers. During the tattoo procedure, the patient arrives in full creation. The sensations in the process depend on individual characteristics.

Canadian Instagram star Kylie Garth commented on the tattoo procedure on the eyeball: “It felt like something had poked me in the eye. Then only unusual pressure is felt. There is also a feeling as if there was sand in the eye. Overall it doesn't hurt."

Paints for pigment in the white of the eye are still under development. There are still few specialized funds. Some sources claim that these are automotive dyes.

However, no certified tattoo artist will contact questionable materials, as this can cause irreparable harm to human health.

Possible consequences of introducing coloring pigment into the eyes

The consequences of introducing dye into the eye are different. As those who have undergone the procedure write, in the first days and until complete healing you feel strong burning sensation. In some carriers, after such a procedure, the upper or lower eyelid swelled.

Examples of filled eyes, photo from:

If the procedure is performed ineptly and mistakes are made, it’s painful to even watch. Since the operation takes place on the eye, all equipment and the room must be sterile. Otherwise, after the procedure, the eyelid swells as an infection begins.

If you handle the needle incorrectly, the paint can get deeper than the tattoo technology allows. In this case, the eye loses transparency, light does not pass through and the person goes blind. Infection threatens inflammation tear ducts. Poor quality paint also causes an allergic reaction and rejection. The dye is removed and the person loses vision.

The operation causes injury to the eye. There is a temporary visual fear of bright light and contrasts. You should wear glasses with tinted lenses for some time.

It is very important to exclude any interference to a minimum. The corneas should not be exposed to dust or dirt. Find out from the specialist a list of procedures that he recommends to adapt the eyeball to the pigment.

Filling the eyes, photo from:

Rules for the eye treatment:

  1. Care regimen. For the first 2-3 weeks, do not lift more than 5 kg of weight. During sleep, the position of the head should be level with the body. Instead of a pillow, you can place a cushion under the base of your head. Sleep at least 8 hours.
  2. Prohibitions. Don't drink alcohol, don't smoke tobacco products, smokeless cigarettes for about 2-4 weeks. Try not to tilt your head too often. Girls should refrain from wearing facial makeup.
  3. Hygiene products. Do not allow soap or hygiene products to get into your eyes when washing. If contamination does occur, rinse with 0.02% furatsilin solution.
  4. Care products. It is recommended to use drops prescribed for operations on the apple. Most often these are Indocollir, Naklof (anti-inflammatory); “Floxal”, “Tobrex”, “Ciprofloxacin” (disinfection), “Tobradex”, “Maxitrol”. The course of taking drops is prescribed by your specialist.

Until complete healing, you need to regularly visit the ophthalmologist and check your vision.

Video, filling procedure in front of the eyes

Tattoos on the eyes are a fashion that has emerged quite recently. Fans of modification own body We were delighted with the offers of tattoo parlors to change the color of the eyeball, so the demand for this rather creepy service instantly jumped. It was no longer enough for the experimenters to simply apply paint to the skin; they even wanted to change the color of their eyes.

The history of tattoos on eyeballs

In the year 150, the physician Claudius Galen first began performing intricate operations on the eyes. By inserting a thin needle into the conjunctiva, he permanently saved patients from cataracts. The doctor used a needle to clean the lens. By giving the go-ahead to such an intervention, the patients took a terrible risk, but they had nothing to lose. Without surgery, their blindness was a foregone conclusion. There are three versions about who is in modern society decided to modify and apply the experience of Claudius Galen.

  • The first attempt to change the color of a protein was carried out in the USA. The tattoo artist experimented on his own organ of vision. He was a fan of the science fiction film “Dune” and therefore painted his eye blue to resemble the characters in the film. According to the tattoo artist, this act had no meaning side effects, so he immediately invited a couple of daredevils to follow his example.

  • Second version. In Toronto, a man named Paul became a pioneer in this industry. The man's whites were colored blue.
  • The third is an innovative citizen from Brazil who decided to darken the sclera a little. Formally, his pigmentation was successful, but by his own admission, inky tears flowed from his modified eyes for several more days.

Having caught wind that such an operation was possible, crowds of tattoo fans followed her to tattoo parlors. Fortunately, many owners of skin patterns also have common sense. We must not forget that such manipulations carry the risk of saying goodbye to vision forever.

Briefly about the procedure

How to tattoo on eyeballs? The procedure where a tattoo is applied to the eyeballs is also called corneal tattooing. This involves injecting a staining pigment directly into the sclera. After a certain period of time, the pigment spreads over surrounding shell protein, which gives the appearance of the cornea a special, mystical appearance. Please note that there will be several injections to completely fill it.

First they prick the upper, then the lower parts of the eye, and then fill the corners. Based on the number of likes on photos with various options for scleral tattooing, the most fashionable is considered to be applying paint to only one eye or filling it with black pigment. A striking example.

American food and drug quality control experts concluded that none of the pigmenting agents injected into the sclera are patented in the United States. And the inspections of ordinary tattoo parlors are amazing - paint from printers and enamel for painting cars are injected into the eye.

Considering how much a decorating operation costs, and its average price in Russia exceeded a thousand rubles, the client definitely does not expect to get printer ink in his eye.

What could be the danger?

An eminent ophthalmologist from Berlin commented on the fashion for the procedure as follows: “Introduced infections can reach the very core of the eye. In this case, the patient may face dire consequences: from partial loss of vision to complete loss of the eye. The process of tattooing can cause paralysis or even death.”

Getting a tattoo on the eyeball makes the organ of vision vulnerable to all known infections, so it can get severe inflammation. The risk of going blind is very high, even though the eyelids are completely treated with antibacterial agents before starting.

Consequences of introducing pigment into the sclera:

  • photophobia;
  • severe headaches;
  • increased lacrimation;
  • cataract;
  • fusion of the pupil;
  • blindness.

After completing the procedure, you will need to use rinsing drops for a couple of weeks, and the organs of vision themselves should not be overstrained. You cannot fill two eyes at once; you should take a break of two months. Here are a couple more very convincing arguments warning thrill-seekers:

  • The procedure is very painful, as no painkillers or anesthetics are used in the process.
  • The pattern is almost impossible to completely remove from the conjunctiva. There is a hypothesis that over time the tattoo may disappear on its own due to the renewal of corneal tissue, but this is not 100% information.

By the way, not everyone takes such a risk to their health, and this type of fashionable tattoo is not in demand among wide circles of our fellow citizens. On forums and in social networks users write that it is easier and more reliable to use colored contact lenses rather than undergo a dangerous and painful procedure.

There is still debate about the aesthetics of pigment injections into the conjunctiva. According to the testimony of avid tattooists, it is better to fill both arms, which even conservative passers-by glance at, than to endure the pain of just filling the eye. Which path to choose in order to attract attention is up to you.

Video: Tattoos on eyeballs

The skin area of ​​an adult reaches 1.5-2.3 m², there is enough space for tattoos, both large and small, in different styles, on different topics and made by different artists, but sometimes this is not enough for those who want to modernize their body and transform your appearance. When everything has already been hammered in, the tongue has been cut and all the possible piercings have been done, the turn comes to one of the most amazingly complex parts human body. It's about the eyes.

Eyeball tattoo

A few brave tattoo fans decide to take a desperate step: tattooing the eyeball. This procedure is clearly not for everyone. The procedure is incredibly painful, and you won’t find a specialist with experience who is ready to take on something like this during the day. After all, it requires special precision and skill from the master, because in the event of one careless movement, a person can lose his sight. Now this seems very unusual, but similar procedures were done almost two thousand years ago - in ancient Rome. True, the goals of such procedures were more of a therapeutic than aesthetic nature. They resorted to it to restore deformations and opacities of the retina, and also treated white spots on the iris of the eye. Then they forgot about tattoos on the eyes for a long time, until the beginning of the 20th century. The introduction of pigment into the eyeball is still a rather dubious and risky undertaking, but craftsmen of the early 20th century even placed advertisements in newspapers in which they advertised their services for changing the color of the iris. The injection method of eye tattooing was first invented by Shannon Laratt and Dr. Howie, and first performed on July 1, 2007; they continue to improve their skills, trying new methods and materials.

An eyeball tattoo is definitely not for everyone. The procedure must be precise, so it is very risky. Respect to the brave souls who survived this... and our prayers to those who went blind. Indeed, tattooing on the eye is bizarre and unusual. You will be surprised to know that the procedure is done not only to decorate yourself, but also to improve vision! Eye tattooing dates back almost two thousand years ago. Roman doctors treated white spots on the iris. After the Roman era, doctors seem to have avoided this method of treatment. Before the 19th century, doctors began using ink needles to tattoo the cornea to restore deformities and opacities. Various needle designs were made for the procedure - a grooved needle, a cluster needle, the first tattoo machines, and so on. Even now, new methods remain highly questionable due to poor results. But doctors have tried and continue to develop more invasive methods of ink application. Before the start of the 20th century, eye tattooing was first offered as an elective cosmetic service, with a number of early tattoo artists advertising in newspapers that offered to change clients' iris color. The injection method of eye tattooing was first invented by Shannon Laratt and Dr. Howie, and first performed on July 1, 2007, who have continued to develop and improve the procedure since then. Scroll down if you have the courage to see these crazy eye tattoos. For the faint of heart, it’s best to take a step back.

Also known as corneal tattoo- practice of tattooing the cornea human eye for cosmetic/medical purposes.

Corneal tattooing is a procedure that is very difficult to perform accurately.

The Roman physician Galen performed eye surgery in 150 BC. Cataract is a clouding of the lens of the eye that can lead to complete loss vision. The doctor inserted a very thin needle into the eye and cleaned the lens with it. Among the archaeological finds dating back to that period, hollow needles were discovered, inside of which there were second needles. The first needle was inserted into the eye, the second needle was removed, and through the resulting mini tube the cataract, which at the beginning of the disease was in liquid form, was removed. Below is a photo of a cloudy lens.

The white of the eye tattoo looks like this:

This is a rare procedure that has generated a lot of debate and arguments against it regarding safety and success. of this action. Risky business.

Some people tattoo the eyeball.

Some people choose pink.

There is information that a tattoo disappears over time, depending on how it was made, or how the horn-like tissues regenerate.

What do you think, guys? What thoughts arise?
Remember, the results of these procedures can be different, including very dangerous for your health, you must understand this. We do not push, but we also do not prevent you from doing various actions. To each his own.
Have a good day!
Take care of yourself and your health!
