I dream of a deceased grandmother who is alive but dies. What does the deceased grandmother portend to the dreamer: nuances of decoding

People have a rather difficult attitude towards everything related to death. Therefore, when a person dreams of someone who has already passed away, such a dream raises many emotions and questions. There are many signs and interpretations of such dreams that can give certainty, reassure and suggest what to do in such a situation. The most emotional dreams are those in which we see people who have recently left our lives. For example, if a grandmother died, not everyone will be able to resist emotions. And the question of why you had such a dream can provoke a lot of reasoning and worry. But if you dream that a living person has died, then there is no need to worry, just wish him health, because this dream predicts a long life for him.

What do you dream about most often?

Rarely does anyone see dreams where living people die, but dreams of dead people in the guise of living people are much more common. At the same time, having seen such a dream, many begin to worry, because beliefs say that these visions prophesy bad news, bad weather, illness and even death. But these are just old beliefs, interpretations of modern famous dream books strikingly different from them.


Difficult relationships between people lead to dreams where a deceased grandmother can be alive in a dream. Such a dream speaks of a feeling of guilt before the deceased, of an unresolved quarrel or a dispute that was never completed. When you dream about your grandmother almost immediately after the funeral, this can be regarded as an experience of the bitterness of loss. But, on the other hand, such a dream can be interpreted as a harbinger of imminent positive changes in life.

Dead relatives in a dream

It happens that a person can see in a dream a deceased grandmother with other family members who have gone to the next world. For example, if you dreamed about your mother, it means that the sleeping person will soon get sick. The deceased brother in a dream wants to remind you that one of your relatives needs help and support. But the father who dreamed with his grandmother says that man walking on the path of ruin, and he should manage his affairs more carefully.

The appearance of close relatives in a dream speaks of possible slander against your family, of gossip, so such a dream calls for you to be more attentive. And if you see both grandmothers at once in a dream - both on the maternal and paternal lines, then this indicates that you have serious, strong spiritual protection. If a deceased grandmother dies in a dream and comes with her grandfather, then this is a sign of new troubles in the future; most likely, the person will be given additional responsibility, or one of the relatives will ask financial assistance and participation in his life. Typically, such dreams occur before important ceremonies and family celebrations.

I constantly dream about my dead grandmother

Any person will be wary if he constantly sees his dead grandmother in a dream. If she asks for something, think about what unfinished business and unfulfilled obligations you have. Therefore, you need to make a list of such tasks and start doing them. Remember, you can’t quit this business halfway, even if you stop dreaming about it. Because interrupting the completion of tasks can lead to the appearance of these dreams in the future.

Also, through such dreams, remorse can be expressed that the relationship with the deceased person during life was not very warm, and there was no mutual understanding, and there are also grievances that have not been forgiven. In this case, it is better to let go of grievances and worries about the past, learn a lesson and not repeat your own mistakes.

Freud's Dream Book

According to the great Freud, she is the personification of the feminine principle. Therefore, an adult man dreaming of a deceased grandmother indicates that he is yearning for missed opportunities and the realization that life did not turn out the way he wanted.

If a young guy had such a dream, then this indicates his doubts in his own abilities. Most likely he did not comply difficult work or feels immature for relationships with women. For a woman such a dream will be a clear sign lack of confidence in her own beauty and femininity, and also speaks of the fear that she will not be properly appreciated and will not receive reciprocity in a relationship.

The importance of details if a deceased grandmother dies in a dream

The events that occur before the appearance of the late grandmother are also important when interpreting the dream. If you dreamed about it in your own home, then the dream book says that this is a lack of warmth and care for the sleeper. If she enters her house in a dream, this foreshadows imminent material enrichment. But if we consider Miller’s dream book, then such a dream does not bring anything good. There is a chance that her relative may become seriously ill. And the appearance of the deceased’s house in a dream speaks of an imminent change in worldview; there will be a series of events that will change your life.

Grandma's funeral

If a person saw a grandmother’s funeral ceremony in a dream, then all the details are also important here. Generally see dying grandmother in a dream it is very disturbing, but this does not mean that the dream is bad. If the weather was good, then the family is predicted to prosper. If the weather was bad, then the sleeper will face troubles and changes in the near future, not for the better.

Grandma lying calmly in a coffin different dream books means different things. In one of them, she is buried - it is interpreted as financial gain, in the other - as a series of troubles and misfortunes. In some cases, such a dream speaks of a partner’s betrayal. And others say that the deceased grandmother in the coffin is a symbol of the most negative fears coming true.

Communication with grandma

If a person has a deceased grandmother, this is very important point for dream interpretation. Her very voice is dangerous sign, especially if the deceased grandmother dies in a dream. But the dream book also says that at this time a person can receive very important and meaningful information for himself. If she advises something, then it is better not to neglect the instructions. Also, communication with the deceased may indicate the approach of a dark streak in the life of the sleeper. Any fears can come true.

Usually conversations with are a warning and a prophecy regarding further development events. All dream books report that you should under no circumstances neglect the words of the deceased.

From Friday to Saturday I dreamed that my grandmother died a long time ago. She seems to be alive, but she’s sick, and it’s obvious to everyone around her that she’s dying, but I accidentally pass by her house, beautifully dressed, and I come there, but I don’t go into the house. My sister stopped me on the way and started to occupy me with posters (younger cousin). And the next day I walk past again, dressed up (long White dress with red peas), it seems like a holiday in the city, and I see my grandmother’s funeral in the park, I go up and everyone is looking at me, I go up to my grandmother and she is undressed, lying on a sheet and covered with a sheet, they give me flowers and I lay them down for her, she is still alive , opens his eyes, sees me and says, “ best gift and you can’t imagine” closes and dies. I start to cry. And in the crowd of people I can’t find my dad (her son) because he wasn’t there. PS I have a bad relationship with my relatives. We don't communicate with anyone. Help me understand.

I dreamed about our apartment with my parents. My mother’s grandmother (not her own mother) died a long time ago, as if she was visiting us. But the whole strange thing was that in the corridor (next to the kitchen) there was a small sculpture of some other deceased with his living head, or an urn with the ashes of that deceased (by the same head, how it was held on this urn), which I don’t know (woman in her fifties). And I associated this urn (or statue) with a very living person with whom my grandmother was talking. They were whispering about something, or rather, this woman was saying something to my grandmother almost in a whisper. I was interested in what the conversation was about, and so I tried my best to eavesdrop while still in my room. Then I approach the door, then somehow I begin to hear it through our rather old tape recorder (with a radio), which usually is not in my room, but in our kitchen. And I hear this phrase from him, before waking up: “Be careful, someone might hear us.” The only person besides them in the apartment was me; my parents, apparently, were at work (it was during the day, and at this time they are usually not at home). I remembered some details of the appearance (face) of an unknown woman, but I have no idea who it could be.

One of the most scary dreams- to see the deceased grandmother, talk to her, understanding how her body decayed. Dream books do not bode well. As they said before, a dead man came for a man’s soul. In practice, such a dream can turn into illness - for you and your loved ones, sudden obstacles that will interfere with the implementation of your plans. Life can go downhill. I had a dream where my grandmother, who had died long ago, seemed to come back to life, but at the same time she bore the mark of death - rather visit her grave, remember her, light a candle to “appease” the deceased.

I dream about my grandmother very often, but it’s a breakthrough and almost always I see her alive, young and joyful. But in my dream I know that she died. This time I dreamed that I opened the door to my mother’s apartment and she came in. We were in the bathroom and I cried as hard as I had ever cried from happiness that she was back, and my husband said: we are so glad that you are back, everyone would come back like that. When I woke up, I cried and there was this pain in my soul from joy and the tears flowed straight. Tell me, what does this dream mean?

Anastasia, life never ends completely, the soul lives forever. And people often dream about the death of already deceased relatives. Especially on memorial dates. Your dream does not contain any forecast and your grandmother may well dream of you more than once and even help you.

Hello. My mother died six months ago. I dream about it often, but today I didn’t dream about it. I remember that the whole dream I was looking for a place for her to die. The doctor said that we need to put her in a large room with many beds. I need to choose a place. I was worried that there were only seats left by the old window, and it was drafty there. On other beds lay dead women. They suddenly started talking and one of them handed me apples and a banana. She said that she didn’t need them anymore, but I would need them. I took.

Hello, help me understand the dream, I dreamed that I came to my mother’s house and there the late grandfather was sitting in the bed of the late grandmother and how to call her soul, but I didn’t see her, then multi-storey building I began to scatter and tilted to run and suddenly the door to the room closed on its own, the house was already starting to fall, I was calling for my grandfather outside the door so that we could escape, but he let me know that he would remain and I ran away.

Today I dreamed about the late grandmother Asya on my mother’s side (she died in 2005 under New Year). I enter the room and see her sitting on the sofa and crying. But her face looks like Grandma Galya on her father’s side (she’s alive, pah-pah-pah). I go up to her and ask what happened? She tells me: I have a presentiment of my death! (How, after all, she died, although for some reason I didn’t remember this in the dream) Here in the room I see that my eldest of the youngest niece is with her, and I immediately tell her, “Anya come out,” I tell her this very strictly said. And she asked me to call my mother, who is Asya’s grandmother’s daughter. However, emotionally I did not feel that it was Grandma Asya, rather Grandma Galya, we are not very close with her. Mom came and silently looked at me and the crying grandmother very coldly and restrainedly. When she stood in the doorway, I occupied my grandmother (she continued to cry) and calmed her down. I told her how much she means to me (grandmother Asya, not Galya), and she was surprised at these words of mine, I think, why are you surprised if I told you many times. And the feeling of some kind of alienation did not go away. I didn’t have the feelings that I feel for my boyfriend Asya, everything was somehow distant. Other times when I dream about her, everything happens more and more warmly. Now something strange! And this afternoon???? b. Galya called my dad (her son) to congratulate my sister on her birthday (her daughters were in the room in the dream). B. Galya usually calls on a city phone number, but here she calls dad on his mobile phone. How can you understand a dream, otherwise your soul is not very happy.

Today I had a dream that I met my late grandmother. Initially, strangely enough, she didn’t recognize me, but when I said that it was me, her granddaughter was delighted and hugged me. I asked her a lot of questions, the main questions were as follows “Why don’t you come when I call you? Why don’t I dream about you when I need you? Why do you ignore my whelping?” And in general, she answered this question like this: “It’s not heard, not seen,” she seemed to be hinting to me that this is a myth about the fact that the deceased is always with the person_I’m very interested in what this means. It seems to me that this is the true answer. Because when the grandmother was killed, the investigation closed the case. and they didn’t want to open a case. And I wrote a question to my grandmother on a napkin. I asked her. I asked her to come to me in a dream and tell me how she was killed. I was simply in shock and therefore went to extremes that I would never have done. Please advise. Or what does this even mean?

I have a good grandmother... she died of a stroke, I was 6 years old, we had a very warm relationship with her, and so I dreamed tonight, or rather in the morning, that it’s like now, that I’m 17 years old just like now, I I come to her in the hospital, she is recovering, she smiles at me, we are hugging... I’m glad that she has recovered and this is it... I don’t remember what happened next, but I remembered this fragment of a dream... what could this mean? Mom says it's because the weather is changing...

And I dreamed of my late grandmother that she was in a coffin and in some basement, I went up to her and started talking in the dream, but I don’t remember what, but at that moment she was also dead and here I was touching her hands, they were cold and cold and I began to warm them, warmed them and you, too, grandma has come to life and I say kiss me on the bottom and I say I won’t, she says kiss me on the bottom again I go up to her feet and they are all gnelin and the worms eat them and I felt disgusted and I left...

In the "Russian Dream Book" a dream in which the sleeper sees a deceased grandmother explains how good sign. Such knowledge suggests that in the near future this person will find his own place where he will feel good and calm. If you are single, such a dream foretells a quick marriage, and for married people the addition of offspring. Although, as in any dream, one should not lose sight of the little things.

What can a dream portend in which a person communicates with a deceased grandmother? First of all, change, both good and bad. Very often the dead dream of a change in weather and bad weather, especially if you kiss the deceased. Just seeing it means the fulfillment of a secret desire or unexpected help in a difficult situation. A subconscious factor may also be involved. In this case, the old woman symbolizes the internal contradictions of the dream. For a young girl, this will mean dissatisfaction with her appearance and lack of confidence in her abilities. For a guy, doubts about his own strengths and abilities. To a mature person, about missed opportunities and “useless” years lived.

Since in many interpreters the grandmother symbolizes wisdom and maturity, one must listen to her speeches. Dreams about a grandmother who died earlier take on a different meaning if she talked about something. It is generally accepted that everything that the deceased said in a dream comes true in reality. If grandma teaches, then you should definitely listen to her and try to take advantage of the information. Communication with older people promises obstacles in business and changes in life, and how a person gets out of them will depend on his wisdom and ability to trust the advice of loved ones.

From all of the above, we can conclude that the appearance of a deceased grandmother in dreams can bring both good and not so good changes. But the result of events still depends on the person. After all, a dream is only a warning that should not be ignored.

If you dreamed that you were meeting your grandparents and talking with them, then in reality you will face difficulties that will not be easy to overcome. However, they will give you helpful advice, and you will successfully get out of the situation.

Granny Movies - Seeing your grandmother in a dream means that your life experiences will help you get out of a difficult, possibly dangerous situation. Tears on the face of your grandmother in your dream foreshadow undeserved insults and quarrels with loved ones. If your grandmother, who died long ago, advises you something in a dream, expect changes in life. It depends on your ability to maneuver whether these changes will be positive or negative. If you dream that you become a grandmother, it means something unexpected. If you have children, monitor their health.

Dream Interpretation Grandmother - Seeing a grandmother in a dream or talking to her means that something good that you have planned will succeed. My grandmother died in her sleep before significant changes. Such a dream is a blessing or a warning. It is very good if you meet him in a cemetery.

An unbreakable spiritual connection between generations, genetic or blood memory - these are things that official science is skeptical about. Hypothetically, it allows for their existence, but scientists cannot yet support this theory with serious evidence.

The emergence of the hypothesis about a continuous energetic relationship between us and our ancestors was facilitated by observations of various unusual cases, ranging from the appearance of “ghosts” and poltergeists, to dreams in which dead relatives appear to us alive. Most often in such dreams people see their grandmothers. And even scientists have no doubt that these night visions carry certain information that can be heeded. Even if you don’t take your dreams seriously, you can at least try to understand why you dream of a living dead grandmother. Especially if the dream made a strong negative or positive impression on you, and you woke up sweating from the fear you experienced or, conversely, woke up in extremely high spirits.

Why do you dream about a living dead grandmother?

To interpret a dream correctly, you need to try to remember as many details as possible. For example, was the dreamed living grandmother, who had already died, cheerful or sad, did she say anything, give advice or money, etc. If in a dream a person saw a recently deceased relative alive, then this dream indicates that he misses her greatly and cannot yet come to terms with the pain of loss. And this one can also talk about changes in life, for example, about marriage.

The lunar dream book, when asked why dead relatives, in particular grandmothers, dream about being alive, answers this way: a cheerful grandmother dreams of good luck, a sad one foreshadows the emergence of some problems in life. According to Miller's dream book, if a dead grandmother dreams of being alive, it means that a person will soon have to undergo some kind of test or experience a loss. When talking to this relative in a dream, you should remember her words as best as possible and follow the advice she gives. If your grandmother insists that you make some kind of promise to her, it means that in reality you will soon have to bear responsibility for your actions. If she gives something in a dream, great luck should be expected.

If in a dream you saw yourself kissing a resurrected grandmother, then you should be wary of any losses. But this does not mean that they will be negative; on the contrary, you can free yourself from illness, unfulfilled promises, etc. If in your dream another relative kissed your grandmother, it means that the losses will be financial in nature, and you should prepare for unforeseen expenses. A dream in which you hug a living deceased grandmother portends a long period without illness and serious problems. If in a dream you feed grandmother, it means that something is weighing on your conscience, and you don’t know how to get rid of it. And for brides, such a dream can indicate the infidelity of the future husband or the insincerity of his feelings.

Why do you dream about your deceased grandmother being alive, but then she dies in her sleep?

Sometimes we may dream that our deceased grandmother is alive, but then she dies. And such a dream should definitely be regarded as a warning. If you clearly saw the moment of your grandmother's death, then you should expect some bad news. If in a dream your grandmother not only died before your eyes, but then you also saw her lying in a coffin, then you should start being more attentive to your own actions. It is very likely that your actions will soon provoke a major quarrel with your relatives.

A person who sees the deceased in his night dreams loved one, wakes up with a heavy feeling. The interpretation of the dream book about what a dead grandmother dreams of, which most often have a positive connotation, will serve as consolation.

What does it portend?

Many people are sure that seeing a dead person in a dream is bad sign. In fact, a deceased grandmother in a dream, according to one of the dream books, symbolizes silence and calm in the chaotic ocean of life. For single men and unmarried girls, such a guest in night dreams promises a quick marriage, which over time will develop into a strong and friendly union. Often, a dead grandmother comes in a dream to those who are about to experience significant changes in their lives very soon. If you need an answer to any question that is important to you, the deceased can give you useful advice on this matter. An elderly deceased woman who saw someone else's face in a dream warns to be careful and not to trust unfamiliar people, as they may turn out to be completely different from who they say they are.

  • A deceased grandmother appears alive in a dream - success and fulfillment of cherished desires;
  • The deceased has come to life - new achievements and successes await you;
  • An old grandmother is a harbinger of failure, a symbol of outdated feelings that left a residue in the soul;
  • Hugging a relative means health and longevity for the dreamer;
  • Grandmother kisses you in a dream - difficulties in all matters, troubles at work and personal life, diseases;
  • Kissing a deceased woman on the forehead, as when saying goodbye, means a short separation from someone you know or close people;
  • Seeing a deceased grandmother in a coffin means fears about a loved one’s betrayal and the collapse of plans will come true;
  • Attending the funeral of a relative is news; if the ceremony took place in good weather - profit and good news, and if in bad weather - changes are not for the better.

It also happens that in a dream one dreams of a deceased grandmother, who is completely unfamiliar to the dreamer. The dream book interprets such a dream as the appearance of urgent news that will shock the sleeper. According to another interpretation, it can mean an unexpected situation. Some dreams involving a deceased grandmother may seem strange and completely illogical. For example, a pregnant relative foretells success in all areas of life, as well as the translation of ideas into reality that will help you achieve incredible triumph.

What does communicating with a deceased grandmother mean?

Communication with this character is of great importance in interpreting what a dead grandmother dreams about. Initially, the voice of a deceased woman is a very bad sign. However, a conversation with a deceased relative in a dream is regarded by many dream books as an opportunity to obtain valuable information and important advice which is best to follow.

Talking to a long-dead grandmother is a very alarming symbol that warns of a dark streak in life. Everything you think about with fear may soon come true. Dream books unanimously agree that words heard in a dream from a deceased relative should be taken very seriously. It is possible that our subconscious speaks to us through the lips of a deceased grandmother, ready to tell us the right decision or interpretation of some events in life.

Late grandmother in Vanga's dream book

The clairvoyant Vanga views the image of a deceased grandmother in dreams as a reflection of sadness and pain from loss. However, nothing to do with future life according to this source, he does not have a dreamer. At the same time, if quite a lot of time has passed since the death of a relative, a dream with her participation can predict imminent changes.

  • Seeing a deceased grandmother for a young girl means marriage in the near future;
  • Seeing a dead woman alive is a reminder of an unfulfilled promise;
  • A deceased woman calls you with her - a harbinger of death if you followed her call;
  • The deceased grandmother smiles - bad influence from outside;
  • Conversation with a deceased woman - troubles and losses;
  • Hugging grandma in a dream - good health until old age;
  • A deceased woman hugs you - making a serious mistake that can be corrected;
  • A dead grandmother gives you money - a sign of imminent death; if you refuse, it means that in reality you will be able to cope with troubles or overcome the illness.

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A person who dreamed of one of his deceased loved ones at night, for example, a grandmother, always wakes up with difficult feelings.

However, this may not always mean a bad omen.

Let's look at the interpretation of dream books regarding the question: why do you dream about a dead grandmother living?

What does it portend?

Most people believe that the appearance of a deceased person in a dream is a bad sign. However, according to most dream books, a grandmother’s coming to a person in a dream is a symbol of calm and tranquility in life. For example, if a grandmother appeared in a dream of a single man or an unmarried girl, this is a sign of an imminent marriage, which over time will turn into a strong and reliable union. Very often, grandmothers appear in the dreams of people who are planning big changes in their lives in the near future. If you have some kind of important question- a deceased woman can easily answer this question in a dream.

1) a deceased grandmother who appears before the sleeping person in someone else’s guise can be a warning that one should be extremely careful and not get involved with dubious people, who in fact may turn out to be simple crooks and deceivers;

2) a deceased grandmother appearing alive in a dream is a symbol of success, achieving new heights and the fulfillment of all secret desires;

3) a deceased grandmother in a dream can also symbolize future failures and unforgotten feelings that have left an indelible residue on the soul;

4) if you hug your grandmother in a dream, this is a sign that you are promised good health and long years life;

5) getting a kiss from your grandmother - problems in your personal life and at work, to illness;

6) a kiss from you on the forehead of a deceased old woman - to a short separation from one of your relatives or close people;

7) the appearance of a deceased woman in a coffin - fear of betrayal of your significant other and failure in plans will be confirmed;

8) be present during the funeral of your deceased grandmother - wait for news. Here everything will depend on the weather during the ceremony: it’s clear outside - things will go uphill, the news will be extremely good, bad weather - expect problems and bad news.

It also happens that an unfamiliar deceased woman comes in a dream. old woman. This can be regarded as the occurrence of urgent news that will simply stun the sleeper. There is another interpretation of such a dream - expect an unexpected situation.

Some of the dreams in which the deceased appears can be very unusual and strange. So, for example, the appearance of a pregnant deceased grandmother can promise success in absolutely all aspects of life, the implementation of all ideas and the achievement of significant triumph.

What does the deceased grandmother regularly come to in her dreams?

To interpret a dream, you need to try to remember not only the appearance of the deceased woman herself, but also other details of such a dream. The thing is that often deceased relatives are eager to convey to you some information that is important to you. So, if your deceased grandmother begins to come to you often, this may mean the following:

    she cries - this is a harbinger of a large number of quarrels and scandals;

    handing photographs to your grandmother is a very bad sign, which indicates the imminent death of the people depicted in them;

    the corpse of a deceased woman - to future serious illnesses.

A grandmother crying in a dream can also mean that she is very sad and asks you to visit her grave. Don't forget to visit her at the cemetery, and her soul will calm down.

Why do you dream of a dead grandmother alive, according to Vanga’s dream book?

The most famous clairvoyant interprets this dream differently. She claims that it all depends on how long ago the deceased passed away.

If 40 days have not yet passed since the day of death, and a deceased woman appeared to a person in a dream, this is a symbol of your bitterness from the loss, but this does not bring any bad news in the future.

If it has already passed since the date of death a large number of time, then determining why you had such a dream is not at all difficult:

— young girls should expect quick changes in their personal lives, most likely marriage;

- if you are talking and hugging with your deceased grandmother, clearly understanding that in a dream she is alive - this is a sign that she is trying to remind you of some promise given to you that you have forgotten. Most likely it was given to the grandmother herself during her lifetime;

— the appearance of two deceased grandmothers at once in a dream means that they are trying to protect you from various troubles. In this case, it would not be superfluous to pray for the departed, visit the church and light candles for their repose;

- if a deceased old woman invites you to her place, this is a bad sign. If, moreover, in a dream you respond to a call and follow her, everything is very bad, a serious illness or even death awaits you;

- if you hug your deceased grandmother, this is a sign of your good health, if, on the contrary, she hugs you, it means that you made an annoying mistake, which is not too late to correct.

Why do you dream of a dead grandmother living, according to Hasse’s dream book?

According to Hasse's dream book, if a deceased grandmother came to you in a dream, then:

    the appearance of a living old woman in a dream, and you kissed her in a dream - this is a sign that the person for whom you have great feelings cannot answer you in kind;

    a kiss from a grandmother who lies in a coffin is a sign that some circumstances will change and the feeling will go away for a long time;

    if a deceased woman is alive in a dream, and another person kisses or hugs her, it means future financial losses.

The appearance of a deceased woman alive in a dream according to Menega’s dream book

Menega states that:

- if your deceased grandmother came to your granddaughter in a dream and asks her for food or money, this is a sign that you do not have any outstanding debts to her in life;

- the appearance of a deceased grandmother who eats sweets in a dream can mean for the granddaughter that the groom does not love her and is brazenly taking advantage of her.

Why do you dream of a dead grandmother living according to Miller’s dream book?

Miller believes that:

    the appearance of a deceased old woman in a dream is a sign that there is a need to ask your family and friends about their state of health.

    to see a grandmother in her house means you need to reassess your life values and priorities;

    the appearance of a grandmother in a coffin in a dream means there is a high probability of your spouse cheating.

Why do you dream of a dead grandmother alive according to Freud’s dream book?

Freud symbolizes the old woman in a dream as a symbol of the feminine principle, but with a certain coloring:

    for a girl, she is a symbol of her doubts about her own attractiveness, the fear of being left without sexual partner;

    for a woman it is a symbol of fears about the loss of her sexuality;

    For young man- a symbol of his doubts about his own worth;

    for a man - sadness about unrealized opportunities.

Why do you dream of a dead grandmother living, according to Danilova’s dream book?

If you follow Danilova’s dream book, then if you:

- you were happy to meet your grandmother in a dream - this is a sign that you will find yourself in a difficult or even difficult situation in the future dangerous situation, but you will be able to find the only correct way out of it;

- noticed an old woman crying in a dream - this is a symbol of the fact that people close to you offend and reproach you absolutely undeservedly. IN in this case you should carefully listen to the advice that your deceased granny will give you in a dream;

- you yourself walk around in a dream in the form of a grandmother - this means that very soon you will have to face supernatural forces. It may well be that you see something unusual and surprising that cannot be explained by any logic or reality.

Deceased people, as a rule, can be an omen of some changes in life. But what they will be, good or bad - everything will depend solely on you, as well as on the circumstances and details of the dream itself.

The appearance of a grandmother in a dream according to Rummel’s dream book

Rummel believes that there are only three interpretations of a dream in which a deceased grandmother appeared alive, namely:

1) expect difficulties in life that will be very difficult to overcome, but they will come to your aid good advice;

2) a feeling of physical and spiritual weakness, emptiness in the near future;

3) at a job for which you will initially be promised a certain amount of money, you will not receive some of the previously agreed upon salary.

Thus, the arrival of a deceased grandmother alive in a dream can indicate, first of all, that one needs to wait for changes in life, and what they will be depends on the details of the dream and the person himself.
