Automatic feeders for cats dry food. A convenient and useful device for feeding cats is an automatic feeder. We make feeders with our own hands

Diet is the most important component of the health of any living creature. The fact is that eating is, in general, a much more complex and profound procedure than it seems to us at first glance, not only for humans, but also for our smaller brothers. For example, cat lovers understand that they need to provide special treatment feeding pets. But rarely can anyone afford to sit near a cat 24 hours a day and serve it food at right time in the right quantity. To the aid of such pedantic owners of representatives of the cat family will come automatic feeder for cats, collected with your own hands for your beloved pet. We tell you in this article how to make one without resorting to the help of professionals.

Let's figure out what's so good about an automatic feeder, why you might want to spend your time (or money, if you're too lazy to make the device yourself) to give it to your furry ward? The main feature of the desired device for feeding pets is the portioned delivery of food to them.

Why is this portioned filling of bowls so good? Cats, like people, are:

  • little ones;
  • eating moderately;
  • gluttons.

Unfortunately, the third type is the most common - the glutton cat, who is completely unable to control the amount of food he eats. Even if you left food inside the bowl for several days, he will swallow its entire volume in a maximum of two passes. Allowing such oversaturation and the next few days after starvation is strictly prohibited, since in this way a serious blow is dealt digestive system animal.

Purchasing a feeder with an automatic mechanism allows you to successfully distribute the food load across the animal’s gastrointestinal tract, thereby strengthening its health. It will also be useful to acquire this device in the case when you do not leave the animal for a long time, simply to form a certain discipline in it.

There are three main reasons why every person who has a cat should use a feeder with automatic feeding. Let's look at them in the table below.

Table. Reasons why you should get an automatic feeder

Mismatch between the life schedules of the owner and the petFood frequencyThe Nature of a Predator
So, the most favorable time periods of the day in which cats try to absorb greatest number food is:
  • night;
  • early morning;
  • late evening.

    In other words, your cat prefers to eat while you are sleeping or going to bed. This means that by the time she decides to eat, the food should already be in the bowl. If you are not a fan of getting up and pouring food into the animal’s feeder in complete darkness, get an automatic device

  • The second argument that speaks of the real need for this device is the preferred diet for cats. So, ideally, these animals should have about 8-10 snacks a day. Why snacks? It's simple: portions should be small, but food should be “served” into the gastrointestinal tract often, approximately every 2 hoursThe third reason to give your pet an automatic feeder is the nature of a predator, which, despite domestication that occurred many years ago, still lives inside it. The main instinct of such a predator is to independently obtain food. Of course, a purchased automatic feeder cannot provide any game element, but a home-made interactive model can easily

    Some owners are constantly working and do not have time to give their pet food when it is required. An automatic feeder is designed to solve this problem.

    It turns out that if the owner wants to live not only the pet’s life, but also his own, he should still think about creating this device. By the way, self-production V in this case does not require special knowledge, for example, training as a mechanic or plumber. Every person, even if he does not understand how the mechanism of an automatically feeding feeder works, will be able to assemble the necessary unit.

    Of course, you can go to the store and buy a feeder, shelling out a round sum. So, the price of such products varies:

    • from 3 thousand rubles;
    • up to 20 thousand rubles.

    The cheapest feeders come with a timer, but they do not offer any interactivity. The device simply opens compartments filled with food one by one, and the cat eats them.

    Those devices that cost a little more are equipped with:

    • scales;
    • dispenser;
    • timer;
    • owner's voice sensor;
    • video camera;
    • Bluetooth for connecting to a phone and controlling via this device;
    • other high-tech devices.

    Of course, the desired device is the dream of every cat lover, however, given that a person’s monthly salary is sometimes less than its cost, most often he remains in dreams.

    Of course, you can purchase a budget device for automatic feeding, the instructions for which also state certain newfangled functions, however, it is not clear whether your pet will eat food from it.

    The assessment of both purchased and self-made devices can be carried out based on four important criteria.

    First of all, you should think about the hygiene of the product. , which, as a rule, is determined by the material from which the case is made. So, cheap plastic, for example:

    • emits an unpleasant odor for pets;
    • absorbs all the dirt;
    • may release toxic substances.

    Your cat may refuse to eat food from such a feeder, and if he agrees, he may be poisoned. This, of course, cannot be allowed.

    The second criterion is safety. So, when purchasing a feeder you need to pay attention to:

    • housing material (cheap material = toxic material);
    • strength of the structure (a broken part can leave a scratch or other injury on your pet’s skin);
    • adding loose decorative elements (for example, knobs in the form of bows and butterflies that fall off the body can get into the food and will also be eaten by the cat);
    • other characteristics of the product.

    The strength of the product is the next criterion. We took it out separately to explain: an animal is still a beast, not a person. His intelligence is at the level of approximately a 3-4 year old child, to whom it is almost impossible to explain why he cannot push the feeder, eat from it sloppily, etc. If you scold your cat for interacting too actively with the device, he will decide that you are forbidding him to eat, and soon you will get tired of proving to your pet that he should eat from the feeder.

    Product strength is an important criterion

    The fourth criterion is the game moment, reminding the cat that she is still a predator. The fact is that sometimes in order to maintain mental health and physical tone beast, you need to let him fight a little for his own food. So, it would be best for the dispenser to be designed in the form of a toy, when interacting with it, food spills out.

    A cat is a descendant of large predators, and getting food in a playful format can improve the tone of all systems of its body

    You can either buy it or make it yourself, while saving a significant amount Money. Let's look at the instructions for making the simplest and most effective devices for feeding your pet.

    Slow feeding feeder

    The first feeder, the manufacture of which we will tell you about, is in fact not entirely automatic. It will simply help to slow down and make it so difficult for the cat to eat food, while pleasantly interest- ing the cat, that the pet will be able to stretch out the food available to him for several days. Let's look at how to do it.

    Step #1. We select materials

    To make this product, it is necessary to collect and prepare the materials that will serve to create it. So, you will need:

    • plywood sheet;
    • fairly wide plastic containers of cylindrical or other shapes with blunt and smooth edges of different heights;
    • Super glue.

    After all the necessary parts have been collected, we proceed to the manufacture of the device.

    Step #2. Assembling the feeder

    We clean the sheet of plywood we have, if required, and chaotically glue glasses, containers, or other materials to it. plastic container. We ended up with a tray with bowls of different heights. The essence of such a feeder is as follows:

    • the animal will initially begin to eat food only from those bowls that have a smaller height;
    • As soon as the food in the low dish runs out, the cat will turn its attention to high containers, from which it will not be so easy to get food.

    Your cat will have to try to satisfy his hunger the second, third, etc. once. Here's what this feeder allows you to achieve:

    • increasing the time of eating food;
    • adding a playful element to eating food.

    A satisfied owner can return home in the evening, and a well-fed and satisfied pet will happily greet him, because with such a feeder his day could only be extremely comfortable.

    However, if your cunning animal bypasses an obstacle specially created for it in unexpected ways, for example, overturns a pallet or breaks a structure, you should come up with something more automated for it. Let's look at a few more instructions for creating automatic feeders with your own hands.

    This version of cat feeders is perhaps the most popular today. Its advantages include:

    • maximum ease of manufacture;
    • minimal time and money costs;
    • high work efficiency.

    Let's look at how to do it yourself.

    Step #1. We collect the necessary equipment

    In order for you to be able to assemble a feeder for your beloved cat, you will need to get hold of the following parts of the future device and tools for work:

    • two plastic bottles, the volume of which will be approximately 5-8 liters;
    • scissors;
    • awl;
    • tape or tape.

    Once you have collected all the necessary items, you can begin constructing the device.

    Step #2. Assembling a feeder from plastic bottles

    • structural stability;
    • its service life.

    Step #3. We put food for the animal inside the feeder

    We would like to draw your attention to the following fact: such a feeder is mainly suitable only for dry food. It is not advisable to pour minced meat into it or pour in porridge if your pet “sits” on natural food, because:

    • outside the refrigerator, food will quickly disappear;
    • soft food will stick to the walls of the device and will not reach the cat;
    • In order for the product to be used further, you will have to disassemble it and wash it.

    Dry food is the most convenient option for feeding your pet. Today on the market there is great amount super-premium and holistic food. Surely one of them will suit your pet.

    An automatic animal feeder is ready in five minutes and absolutely without investment

    As we mentioned above, adding a playful element to the process of eating food can have a tonic effect not only on the physical state of the pet, but also on the mental state, since cats are direct descendants of wild animals. Yes, they were domesticated a long time ago, but their instinct still needs to be awakened periodically.

    We can accomplish the task set before us by making a feeder with a game element. How to do this, see later in the article.

    Step #1. We collect the items needed for production

    So, in order to make a hybrid of a cat bowl and a toy yourself, you need to prepare in advance:

    • a plastic container, always with a “native” lid;
    • a plastic bottle with a volume of about 0.5 liters - 1 liter;
    • soft small ball for playing with cats;
    • wire;
    • awl;
    • elastic band for stationery;
    • document clip;
    • scissors.

    Step #2. Let's start assembling the device

    1. We take the bottle and cut off its neck.

    2. We cut a hole in the bottom of the container we have, the diameter of which will be equal to the neck of the bottle. You need to ensure that it fits tightly into the hole in the container and does not wobble or fall out. Next, close the container with a lid.

    3. We make a hole in the lid of the container using an awl.

    4. We pierce the ball we have with a wire (by the way, it can be replaced with a regular paper clip) and attach the other end of the wire to a rubber band.

    5. We pull the elastic band with the ball dangling from it through the neck of the plastic bottle, the container itself and the hole made with an awl.

    6. We press the rubber band and simply close it with a document clip, after tying one end of the object with a knot. Adjust the length and tension of the elastic so that the cat ball tightly covers the hole in the neck of the bottle.

    Step #3. Attach the feeder and pour in food

    Now the feeder needs to be secured so that it hangs on the wall, directly above your beloved pet’s bowl. Pour food into this device and check if it works: in order for the food to pour out into the cat’s dish, you just need to twitch the ball a couple of times.

    Now you face the most difficult task, in fact - to show the cat exactly how he can get food from under the ball. When the animal is trained, it will be able to play and eat, controlling the flow of food and independently determining its portions.

    You don’t have to worry about the fact that the food in this feeder is quite easy to get. The fact is that the animal, in any case, will sooner or later get tired of playing with the ball. It doesn’t fall out at all at one time a large number of stern. It turns out that in order for a cat to eat well, you need to work hard, which these lazy people are rarely inclined to do.

    Interactive feeder-rattle for a cat

    When making this feeder, the emphasis is the same as in the first recipe, not on the automatic supply of food, but on involving the cat in the process of getting it. Materials, as always, are available, production time is 5-10 minutes.

    Step #1. We are looking for the necessary materials

    We hasten to assure you: you will spend much less time searching for materials suitable for this feeder than in all other instructions. To implement the device you are interested in, we will need:

    • plastic bottle or thin-walled container;
    • scissors or a sharp stationery knife;
    • matches or lighter.

    Step #2. Making a feeder for your pet

    1. In a bottle or container, we make many holes in a chaotic manner, wide enough for your pet to stick its paw inside the container.
    2. If the edges of the cut holes are too sharp to protect your pet from trouble, singe them with matches or a lighter.

    Step #3. Filling the feeder

    Inside the resulting feeder, through the lid (which we left intact), if it is a container, or the neck, if it is a bottle, pour:

    • feed;
    • treats;
    • toys.

    It will be great if the cat has a kind of rattle toy in which his favorite toys and tasty food. Believe me, the success of this food and entertainment design at the same time is guaranteed.


    Another interesting option for a feeder that can also provide a cat with a fun pastime is a swing feeder, which is made from simple and commonly available materials.

    The swing feeder is designed not so much for automated feeding of the pet, but for its entertainment

    Step #1. Collecting the necessary items

    So, to make a swing feeder, we will need to collect:

    • sheets of plywood of medium thickness;
    • small bars;
    • long nails;
    • hammer;
    • drill;
    • plastic bottle 0.5 liters;
    • long nails;
    • metal pin;
    • champagne or wine corks.

    Step #2. Making a swing feeder

    Step #3. The feeder is ready, let's start using it

    It’s time to pour food inside the finished feeder. Please note: you need to sprinkle it in small quantities, otherwise your cat:

    • may not be able to turn the bottle over;
    • Drops too much food on the floor at once.

    Pour some dry cat food granules inside the feeder and let your pet feel like a predator.

    The essence of this feeder is that the cat will hit the bottle with its paw, turning it over, and from there dry food granules will begin to fall out. The idea is very interesting, as it helps the cat have fun and get enough food. However, if your cat is a glutton, it will not be suitable as the feeder that is designed to solve the problem of your long absence from home, because:

    • You can’t fit a lot of food into it;
    • getting food is easier than ever.

    This feeder is more of an option for a cat snack. In addition, you can use it as a distraction if the cat doesn’t stop coming at you, and you want to work or relax.

    Automated feeder with dispenser

    The last instruction in our article today will be devoted to, perhaps, the most functional feeder, which a person who does not have specialized knowledge can carry out without much difficulty. With its help, you can independently assemble, for little money, an analogue of sophisticated feeders from stores equipped with timers.

    Step #1. We collect the necessary tools and elements

    So, in order for us to be able to implement an automated feeder with a dispenser, we will need to obtain the following materials:

    • a clock mechanism that is in good working order, either purchased new, or removed from a used watch that you don’t mind breaking;
    • cookie jar, tin, round;
    • clay that hardens without baking, for modeling;
    • thin plywood, one layer;
    • nails;
    • electrical tape or tape with two sticky sides.

    Now that we have collected everything you need, you can start assembling a newfangled device for your beloved cat.

    Step #2. Assembly

    After we complete the work of constructing a feeder that automatically dispenses and gives the animal the required portion of food, you will be able to freely leave the house for a while without fear that your pet will remain hungry. Here's how she comes together.

    The basis of our miracle structure will be a cookie tin. Wash it thoroughly from crumbs and dirt, dry it and proceed to the creative part of the work.

    Actually, the creativity mentioned above lies in working with clay. From it you need to make:

    • inner bowl cover;
    • optional outer covering for bowl;
    • 4 segments inside the tin itself, each of which will be filled with one serving of cat food;
    • Leave a circle in the middle in which the clock mechanism you previously purchased or removed from an old watch will be placed.

    Note: the serviceability of the mechanism should be taken care of mandatory. Just imagine, you left for a day, and the mechanism stopped working, and as a result, your pet sat without food for 24 hours. Yes, the time is short, it is not dangerous for health (if the cat does not suffer from specific ailments), however, how offended the cat will be when he realizes that he is unable to get to food.

    Wait for the beauty you created to dry, then take the clock mechanism and place it with the dial facing up.

    You can secure this segment with another piece of clay, or:

    • double-sided tape;
    • superglue;
    • other devices.

    Please note: it is still not advisable to glue the mechanism to clay and superglue, since sooner or later it will need to be disconnected to change the batteries. However, you can make a hole ahead of time on the outside of the unit, exactly where the battery compartment will be, and take them out without removing the mechanism from its “home” place.

    Now let's pay close attention to one of the hands of the dial - the hour hand, that is, thick and short, for those who do not understand this name. Its function is to move the top cover. Since the lid will not be light in any case, it is best to additionally strengthen the arrow with plywood by screwing on a small piece of sheet corresponding to this part according to:

    • length;
    • width.

    This way, you will protect the arrow from breaking, and therefore prevent failure of the entire mechanism.

    Now let's start making the lid. To make it, you need to cut a circle from the sheet of plywood we have, equal in diameter and corresponding to the shape of a tin can. This circle will need to be drawn with a pencil into segments, according to the shape of those that we sculpted from clay inside the bowl.

    6. We need to cut the finished lid so that out of the four segments marked on its surface, only three remain. In other words, one segment needs to be cut out and set aside; we won’t need it anymore.

    7. The finished plywood cover of our feeder must be attached to the clock hand reinforced with plywood using nails, or bolts and nuts, as you prefer. Carefully ensure that the parts are connected tightly and neatly. Otherwise, malfunctions in the operation of our feeder may occur, which will again bring a lot of frustration to your beloved pet.

    8. If you are worried that bolts and nail heads will terribly spoil the appearance of the product, do not be lazy and decorate them with stucco from leftover clay, or cover them with circles of plywood.

    Step #3. Decorating dishes for the cat

    So, the product is ready! All that remains is to give it a decent appearance and make it beautiful. This can be easily achieved with paints. When applied to wet clay, they will be absorbed into its structure and dry with it. However, we do not recommend applying them to the inside of the product unless you are using food composition or you glaze the dye with a special coating.

    So, everything is ready! All that remains is to wait for our product to dry completely, after which you can give the cat food.

    How this mechanism works: every 6 hours a new section will open in front of your pet, filled with food according to its needs, and thus you can be away from home for up to 24 hours, provided, of course, that the animal has constant access to and sufficient quantity there is drinking water.

    Interesting tip: To prevent your pet's new feeder from moving across the floor while the cat is eating, try attaching rubber suction cups to the bottom of it. This is also necessary to make it more difficult for the animal to turn over the device when it tries to force the device to give it food.

    Video - Do-it-yourself automatic feeder for cats and dogs

    Rules for caring for an automatic feeder

    An automatic feeder is, of course, a very, very convenient product. Besides, if you made it yourself, it’s also inexpensive. In general, it is profitable in all respects.

    However, it should be borne in mind that the differences between these devices and ordinary bowls also contribute to the fact that there are some mandatory rules for caring for manufactured dishes that must be followed if you decide to feed your cat in this way. All automated feeders must be thoroughly washed. Due to the complexity of their design and the fact that you collected them yourself, pieces of food your cat receives can get stuck in small crevices. This is not to mention the fact that the dust from the food still remains on the walls of the feeder, and it tends to become rancid after a while, accumulating a huge amount of harmful bacteria and other nasties.

    We think there is no need to explain what the accumulated harmful masses are fraught with. Once in a cat's body, they can cause various diseases, For example:

    • dyspeptic disorder in the form of diarrhea, vomiting;
    • problems with the pancreas;
    • lesions of the oral cavity;
    • even acne on the chin and other parts of the face.

    Provided that you have made a major feeder, then washing it will not be difficult. If it is made from bottles, it will also not be difficult to wash it, however, after a while it is better to get rid of the old feeder and make a new one, perhaps from more environmentally friendly materials.

    The second rule is that there should be one feeder per pet. Of course, if the animals live together and are ready to share dishes with each other, you can leave them one bowl for both of them. However, animals are usually jealous of food dishes, so take the trouble to make one for each of your favorite fluffies.

    Note: Cat feeders are also great for small breed dogs. So if you are the owner of a small Chihuahua, or, for example, a poodle, then one of the feeder options presented in our article is quite suitable for you. Dogs, just like cats, enjoy playing with bottles, rolling a rattle on the floor, and waiting for a section full of food to open.

    The third rule refers not to the care of a feeder with automatic feed supply, but to a mandatory condition, its presence is complementary. We are talking about a full, clean bowl constantly standing next to the feeder. cold water. Since the cat will not only eat food, but also actively play, its fluid loss will be great. This means that you need to replenish it through the constant availability of drink.

    Let's sum it up

    Many animal lovers are faced with the fact that they do not have enough time to communicate with their pets. Moreover, feeding on a schedule - hot topic, inaccessible to almost any modern animal lover, except for those citizens who:

    • run the household;
    • work from home;
    • don't work, etc.

    If you do not fall into any of these categories, but are the owner of a cat and are worried that you are not feeding or loving your pet, then an automatic feeder, which can also offer interactive elements of interaction, would be the ideal solution for you. It will help regulate the food intake of a gluttonous cat, and at the same time create a large number of reasons for his involvement in physical activity.

    As you can see, there are several options for this feeder. In this article we presented for your consideration such models as:

    • a device for “slow” feeding in the form of a plateau with containers of different heights, which will force your pet to try hard to get food for itself;
    • automatic plastic feeder, created from two water bottles and electrical tape;
    • an interactive product with automatic food supply for feeding a cat, equipped with a game element that awakens your best friend beast;
    • a rattle feeder, inside of which you can place not only dry food, but also commercially produced treats, as well as your pet’s favorite small toys;
    • a device in the form of a swing, by hitting which the mustachioed tabby will be able to get food and eat it right on the spot;
    • and, finally, as an automated feeder with a dispenser, which even has a complex mechanical part built into it - the clock core.

    By spending only five to fifteen minutes of your free time, and a completely insignificant amount of money (in most cases you can do without it at all), you will make a big contribution to the mental and physical health of the being dear to you. Don’t waste your time, because this is how love manifests itself – in the form of care. Be sure that your pet will repay you with the warmest affection.

    An automatic cat feeder is a device that is designed to dispense food to a cat (dry or wet) at predetermined intervals.

    Do you think you will find it useful?

    If you need to leave your cat alone at home for several days or medicinal purposes feed on a schedule, then this device is a godsend.

    In this article, you will learn important information about automatic cat feeders, such as types, popular models, prices and customer reviews. Details below.

    • When you leave your pet alone for several days;
    • If you often forget to feed your animal;
    • When the pet is prescribed fractional meals by the hour and it is not possible to thoroughly adhere to the medical regimen;
    • If the cat needs to be given dosed medicine over time.

    You can buy a feeder similar to the one in the photo.

    How does an automatic cat feeder work?

    The algorithm of actions for the owner of a feed dispenser is simple (you can watch it in a video example of one of the models).

    Basically, you only need to make a few moves:

    • Pour into the food dispenser container as much food as you would plan to give to the animal for the entire period of your absence;
    • Set the timer;
    • Record a voice message to the cat (if this function is provided in the device);
    • Kiss the cat on the nose and go about your business.

    How does the dispenser work?

    The feeder, designed for daily use, consists of two trays covered with a lid with a hole for feeding. A timer signal will alert the cat that it is time to feed. Simultaneously with the signal, the rotating device turns the compartment with food towards the hole.

    A feeder designed for longer periods of absence by the owner can feed a cat regularly for 4 days.

    A feeder with an audio recording function will also call the cat for dinner in your gentle voice.

    Advantages of automatic cat feeders

    Briefly about the joys an automatic cat feeder will bring to your home:

    • It is easy to clean;
    • You can choose a model that runs on mains or batteries;
    • The food in such a feeder is protected from moisture;
    • Different compartments make it possible to simultaneously store both dry and wet food;
    • The feeder will never open at odd or unscheduled times;
    • The timer develops an acquired instinct in the animal and it will not miss the appearance of food in the feeder;
    • Some types of feeders also have a compartment for water;
    • Possibility of voice recording;
    • The cherry on the cake is the maze feeders. They are intended for highly intelligent cats and cats who enjoy “fighting” for their daily bread;
    • Affordability – most models are affordable for all cat owners.

    Types of feeders

    Automatic bowl feeder

    Externally, this device is almost no different from a regular bowl. Except for the lid and general “coolness”. Most often, feeder bowls are battery operated. This is good if there are power outages in your home or if your cat is seen chewing on cables and wires.

    There are specimens for 4, 5 feedings and even 6.

    Some models of bowl feeders have an ice compartment. This helps wet food stay fresh longer.

    How to program such a feeder:

    • If you are leaving for 4 days, then program for one daily feeding;
    • If for two days, then twice a day;
    • And in a one-day absence, the feeder can feed the cat 4 times.

    Automatic cat feeders with timer

    This feeder consists of two trays closed with lids. When the timer goes off, one of the lids opens. Who is this feeder suitable for? For those who are leaving for no more than two days and for those who want to teach their pet to eat on a schedule and walk in formation (crossed out).

    Automatic dry food feeders with timer

    In this design, there is one container for food, but it is large (about 2 kg). Dry food is measured out by a dispenser and, at a signal, poured into the tray. The sensor on the feeder monitors the fullness of the tray and excess food will not be poured in until the tray is empty. This electronic cat feeder is expensive, but it lasts a long time.

    Mechanical cat feeders

    No: sensors, sensors, timers, microphones and batteries.

    There is: a container with food and a tray. The tray is emptied and food is added to the vacant space.

    Popular models of automatic cat feeders

    Assistant for 5 feedings a day with the ability to record your voice. The feeder will work even if the lights turn off, since it has batteries in addition to power from the 220 V network. You can find out the price and buy it.

    PetWant PF-102

    The feeder will help to automatically supply food depending on its quantity. The feeder is controlled using touch keys. You can find out more details.

    Anmer Alien

    The “space” automatic feeder allows you to divide food into 6 meals. Moreover, they can be of different sizes. There is an overfill prevention sensor. You can buy it on the website.

    Feed-ex feeder for 4 sectors

    With such a feeder, the cat can be fed up to 4 times a day, the min timer is 1 hour, the max timer is 24 hours. The volume of a single serving is 300 g.

    There is only one obvious drawback - the feeder is not intended for long-term absence of the owner.

    The price in Russia is 3,400 rubles, but we did not find this brand for sale in Ukraine.

    Feed-ex feeder for 4 sectors with ice/water compartment

    In addition to the above, it is equipped with a sensor that controls the filling of the tray and an adapter that reduces the volume of food (which is important for kittens).

    Cost – 4000 rubles.

    Feed-ex programmable feeder

    Capacity about 7 kg, portion size 60 grams/360 grams, has a voice recording device.

    Price in Russian stores – 5000 rubles

    Automatic drinker-feeder SITITEK Pets Uni

    This is a 3 in 1 - a feeder, a drinking bowl, and a fountain. Relaxation and proper nutrition for the cat are guaranteed.

    In Russia, such a miracle costs 3,450 rubles (to buy), in Ukraine – 1,600 hryvnia.

    SITITEK Pets Mini automatic feeder for cats and dogs (4 feedings)

    In total, about 2 liters of food can be placed in such a feeder. Its dimensions are 32 * 12.5 cm.

    Price 3250 rubles or 1500 hryvnia.

    Automatic feeder SITITEK Pets Maxi for cats and dogs (6 feedings)

    This feeder differs from the previous model in the number of lots, portion sizes (they are 50 grams less) and the ability to record a voice message that will sound three times before feeding.

    In Russian pet stores it costs 3,390 rubles, in Ukrainian - 1,580 hryvnia.

    Trixie (Trixie) automatic for dogs and cats “TX 4”

    This feeder consists of 4 sections of 500 ml each. The timer range is 96 hours, and the cost is 1,310 hryvnia or 2,800 rubles.

    Trixie (Trixie) cat feeder for one feeding

    The feeder is designed for 300 ml of food, suitable for both dry and wet food, and has an ice container.

    Plus - rubber feet that prevent the feeder from sliding on the floor.

    The downside is the feeder, which is for one feeding ONLY for one feeding. That is, it will not be enough for two days of cat independence.

    It costs 400 hryvnia in Ukraine and 900 rubles in Russia.

    Moderna SMART

    This feeder is not equipped with electronics, it also has a small filling capacity - 1.5 liters and this is the main disadvantage of the feeder. One of the advantages is that it is easy to disassemble and clean.

    Costs 200 hryvnia/450 rubles.

    Karlie-Flamingo "WATER+FEED BOWL" drinker+feeder

    The functionality is clear from the name. We have already introduced you to this type of feeder. Advantages: bottle-shaped drinker.

    The price is 1,225 rubles in Russia and 570 hryvnia in Ukraine.

    A well-fed cat is a happy cat!

    Each device undoubtedly has a number of advantages and disadvantages; in addition, there are many models of such devices, which complicates the choice of this accessory. In this article we will get acquainted with different types feeders for cats, we will consider their technical capabilities, as well as together with the portal experts website Let's try to assemble such a feeder ourselves. Choose a feeder based on the characteristics of your pet - some cats may refuse to eat from what they consider to be the “wrong” plate.

    Automatic cat feeders are appropriate if you spend most of your time at work or on business trips. Before making a choice, let's see what advantages and disadvantages such automatic food serving systems have.

    Advantages of automatic cat feeders:

    • practicality. The automatic cat feeder is quite compact, so it can be placed in any room. Such devices are sold in different designs, which will not worsen the interior of your apartment. In addition, you can take the feeder with you on trips;
    • multifunctionality. Some devices not only include a pet feeding function, but are also designed to record voices;
    • possibility of precise dosage. The automatic device allows the pet to eat in portions, as a result of which the pet will be full throughout the day;
    • Ease of use. The cat feeder is quite heavy, so the animal will not be able to knock over the dish. You can leave the “unit” in any convenient place.

    In addition to its wonderful qualities, an automatic cat feeder has several significant disadvantages:

    • high price. Not everyone will allow themselves to spend money on this device (however, there is an alternative solution - to make the item yourself);
    • Problems often arise with the operation of the dispenser. It happens that it stops working;
    • in some models there is a characteristic smell of raw material I, which was used for production. This scares the animal, and it refuses to feed from such a device;
    • does not always guarantee the safety of food fresh within one or more days.


    Among the variations of feeders, there are models that are equipped with a sound recording and playback device. You can record anything: the neighbor's cat or the owner's voice.

    How does an automatic cat feeder work?

    At first glance, such a device, with its dimensions and filling, can cause mistrust not only in the animal, but also in the owner. However, there is nothing supernatural in the device.

    Let's look at some of the features of the electronic cat feeder:


    First you need to make sure that the device is functioning. To do this, check the charge of the batteries that it runs on (it is advisable to do this every time you leave your pet at home).

    Dry or wet food distributed into compartments that hold about 300 g.

    Securely fix the lid of the automatic feeder.

    Record your voice calling your pet for food (available if the device is equipped with a similar function).

    Set a timer that will automatically open the feeder compartments after a set time.


    Almost every feeder has three operating programs in which the opening time of the compartments is calculated: once a day for four days; twice a day - for 3 days; three times - within two days.

    Main types of cat feeders

    Depending on the appearance and built-in functions, it is customary to classify feeding devices for pets into several types. Each one may be different internal structure.

    The timer is one of the most important and irreplaceable functions for automatic feeder

    Automatic cat feeder with timer

    It is a device consisting of several compartments. Dry, wet food, pate are placed in it, alternating with water. After the time set by the owner has passed, the cat can eat and drink. The device runs on regular batteries, so power outages are not a problem for it.

    A mechanical feeder constantly adds food, in this case it is impossible to control the animal’s diet

    Device without electronics (mechanical)

    Designed for two plastic containers: one contains dry food, and the other is intended for pouring food into it from the first container. However, the use of this device is impractical, since the animal can eat all the food at one time, because it replenishes the bowl as it is emptied.

    The dispenser helps to accurately distribute the amount of food in the bowl

    Cat feeder with dispenser

    Designed for filling both wet and dry food. Typically, one load is enough for an average of 4–6 feedings. The device is equipped with a timer and a display where you can track the battery charge. The device can also be used as a drinking bowl.

    Feeders with a timer can be programmed several days in advance

    Automatic dry food feeders with timer

    Such a feeder is a device with a container into which a large amount of food is poured, and a free bowl into which food for the cat is poured after a specified time. You can program the device for several days and even weeks in advance. It depends on how big the loading bowl is.

    A great idea for an active animal that participates in exhibitions and competitions

    Puzzle feeder

    The design of these devices is thought out for trained pets. Clever cat will try to get food from a multi-level maze. The food in such a device always remains fresh, and the cat develops intelligence and remains alert throughout the day.

    The pet waterer works on the principle of a feeder.

    Automatic drinking bowl for cats

    The automatic cat water bowl has good capacity and a stable body. Depending on the manufacturer, you can select the required volume of the water bowl. Some drinker options are equipped with a carbon filter, which allows you to keep the water fresh.

    Some drinkers can be filled remotely using special applications on your phone

    Remote Control Models

    An automatic cat feeder with an interactive function allows the owner to remotely control the consumption of food and water in the container. With the help of special installed application You can use your smartphone or laptop to monitor how much food your animal received and at what time.


    The newest models can independently determine the required amount of food depending on the age and body weight of the pet.

    In order to support correct mode and diet pet with help automatic device for feedings, it is necessary to take into account important points.

    Material and colorIt is important that the device is made of high-quality plastic or metal. Notches, scratches and chips are unacceptable on it. If you feel from the device bad smell, then this purchase should be abandoned. Pay attention to the color of the device: it is better to choose a neutral shade, as it will not irritate the cat’s eyesight.
    Operating mode and programmingIn most models, you can set an individual feeding regimen. This should be done based on the length of time between meals. Pay attention to models that can be programmed for several days.
    Bowl volume and feeding methodDepending on the manufacturer, the volume of the feed container may vary. For some it reaches 3 kg, and for others? no more than 1.5 kg. It is most convenient if the device supplies food to the compartments in small portions.
    Device SecurityThe structure should be as stable as possible so that the pet cannot tip it over. It is also important to determine in advance the location where the device will be placed. Take care of the animal's comfort and do not allow it to remain hungry.
    Performance and operationIN specialty store make sure that the feeder is functioning, ask the manager to clearly show the device in operation. The device should be used at home strictly according to the instructions in the instructions.
    Service and warrantyYou should not purchase a product if it does not come with a warranty card; this is the only way the device will be serviced (repaired, adjusted) free of charge for a year.

    ON A NOTE!

    When purchasing an automatic device for feeding a cat, you need to pay attention to the weight and age of the animal. This is necessary in order to determine the required dose of food for one meal.

    Review of popular models of automatic cat feeders

    From next list We can highlight the most interesting options for automatic cat feeders, characterized by their individual capabilities.

    11th place. Model Karlie-Flamingo

    The “2 in 1” device (feeder + drinker) is designed for several uses. The container is designed for dry food; it can hold up to 2 kg of food for your pet. The drinking bowl is made in the form of a bottle. The flow of food and water occurs as the bowls are emptied.

    Automatic feeder

    10th place. Model Moderna SMART

    The device is not equipped with electronics and is characterized by small capacity. The food will last for 1–2 days, depending on the cat’s diet. The advantage of the design is ease of cleaning and operation.

    Automatic feeder

    9th place. Trixie

    Feeder for cats for one feeding, which is set using a timer. The lid of the device opens after the set time has elapsed. The automatic feeder is suitable for using dry and wet food, as it has an ice container installed, which helps keep the product fresh.

    Auto feeder Trixie

    8th place. Trixie 4

    The device has four sections with a capacity of up to 500 ml. Adjustable using a timer. The time range of the device is 96 hours.

    auto feeder Trixie

    7th place. SITITEK

    The automatic cat feeder is designed for 6 feedings. The trays are slightly smaller than the previous model, the device is battery-powered, and has a voice recording function that sounds three times before adding food.

    Automatic feeder SITITEK

    6th place. SITITEK Pets Mini

    Automatic device designed for four feedings. Its total capacity is about 2 kg of feed. Designed mainly for storing dry food.

    Automatic feeder SITITEK Pets Mini

    5th place. Automatic feeder Feed Ex

    The design is perfectly programmable and has a sound recording function. Great for long-term use (3-5 days). One feed tray has a volume of up to 60 g. The total capacity of the feeder is up to 7 kg of dry food.

    Automatic feeder Feed Ex

    4th place. Feed-ex model for 4 feedings

    The device is equipped with an additional tray for ice or water. The food is placed in separate compartments. The automatic feeder is also equipped with a touch screen. This function controls the filling of the tray and the distribution of feed.

    Automatic feeder Feed Ex

    3rd place. Anmer Alien

    The device is designed for 6 feedings, which can be different volumes. The design contains a sensor that controls the addition of feed, preventing the tray from overflowing.

    Automatic cat feeder

    2nd place. PetWant PF-102

    This device supplies food automatically using a sensor, which is also used for control. The food enters the bowl as it disappears.

    Automatic feeder PetWant PF 102

    1 place. Petwant

    This is a universal model of automatic feeder that is useful for both cats and dogs. The device operates on batteries and has the option to record the owner's voice. Designed for five feedings a day.

    Automatic feeder Petwant

    Automatic cat feeder - reviews from real owners

    Review: “Feed-Ex PF2Y Automatic Pet Feeder ? a convenient thing if sometimes you need to go away for a couple of days.

    Advantages: a very convenient device, solves the problem of timely feeding of pets.

    Disadvantages: other than the price, there are no disadvantages.

    There are situations in life when you need to go away for several days, but none of your relatives, friends and good acquaintances can (or does not want) to stop by and feed the animal that you have tamed and for which you are now responsible. And then comes to the rescue... tadam... automatic feeder!!!

    Review: “Feed-Ex PF2Y Automatic Pet Feeder ? very convenient and useful thing.

    Pros: very comfortable, cute and useful.

    Disadvantages: containers can be made smaller, but their number is greater than 6.

    There has been a need for something like this for a long time. I often travel for a long time, sometimes up to 1–1.5 months. Was it always a problem? cat. I tried to give it to someone, it’s hard for people to tolerate someone else’s animal: sometimes it picks something up, sometimes there’s a lot of fur, sometimes it gets up at 5 in the morning, sometimes it climbs into the child’s crib...”

    Review: “Feed-Ex PF2Y Automatic Pet Feeder ? for those who care about their animals.

    Advantages: convenient, safe.

    Disadvantages: price.

    A completely convenient device for regular and gradual feeding of your pet. Suitable either for very lazy owners, or those who are forced to be away from home for some time.”

    DIY automatic cat feeder? tips and nuances for making

    To make an automatic feeder for pets, you will need some materials and equipment:

    • old wall clock (with battery);
    • large tin can (from canned food or other product);
    • clay that does not require oven drying;
    • a piece of thin plywood;
    • hacksaw or painting knife, tape measure, pencil;
    • glue or double-sided tape (electrical tape will also work).

    Let's look at step-by-step instructions for building a pet feeder.


    Take a tin can and coat its outer part with clay. We form the required number of compartments, including for the dial. Leave to dry.

    Next, use special glue or double-sided tape to install the clock mechanism in the circle prepared in the center. Don't forget to replace the battery with a new one in advance.

    Now mark the desired size of the circle on the plywood (it should correspond to the size of the main bowl). We cut out the workpiece and connect it to the long arrow. It is she who will move the lid, gradually opening the trays.

    Paint top part feeders in desired color, wait until the smell disappears. Use a self-tapping screw to securely fasten the structure cover.

    After this we proceed to attaching the legs. To do this, you will need silicone or rubber pads. They will ensure the stability of the device on the floor, due to which the animal will not knock over the feeder.

    Once the device is ready, call your pet and show him where he should eat from. Don't worry, your cat will quickly learn to use the feeder.

    Review of great deals: price per feeder

    Experts agree that it is best to buy an automatic cat feeder in a specialized store. Such outlets provide a guarantee for the operation of the device for at least 12 months. Sellers of these devices also provide a certificate for selling pet equipment.

    Certified animal feeding devices are usually sold in pet stores

    Prices for structures depend on the model of the device, its functionality and the manufacturer’s brand. So, if you purchase a feeder with automatic mode work from the company Feed ex, then you will pay about 3,000 rubles for it. While purchasing a Trixie device will cost no more than 2,000 rubles. As a result, it is worth noting that every owner should buy a feeding accessory for their pet, based not only on their own financial preparedness, but also pay attention to the functionality of the device and ease of use.

    The cat's health level, its mental state and life expectancy largely depend on proper, balanced and regular nutrition, which is fully provided by an automatic cat feeder.


    The device solves many problems and has a number of advantages:

    • food is served automatically;
    • nutrition standards are observed, including fractional meals or those specially prescribed by a doctor;
    • the pet can be safely left at home for 2-5 days, depending on the purchased model;
    • For exceptional cases feeders are manufactured with feed supply for 90 days;
    • convenience for the forgetful owner;
    • Battery operation ensures the safety of the device;
    • the food is protected from excess moisture and drying out;
    • the presence of several compartments in separate structures makes it possible to lay dry and wet food, install a container with water;
    • large selection of models at affordable prices.

    Operating principle

    An automatic cat feeder is an elongated or round plastic box with a lid and an open tray for food. The device is designed in such a way that food is fed into the bowl in certain portions so that the animal does not eat the entire amount of food at one time.

    In models with several sections, the food compartment opens at a specified time, set by a timer or program.


    Today, several types of automatic cat feeders are produced:

    • mechanical;
    • puzzle feeder;
    • with compartments;
    • with timer;
    • with dispenser;
    • electronic;
    • with remote control.


    The simplest device for feeding four-legged family members has a reliable design. Fills the cat's bowl after the pet has eaten. Therefore, in this case there is no need to talk about compliance with the diet. Triol models are available for sale.

    Only dry food is placed in a mechanical cat feeder for a period of no more than a day.


    Smart and curious cats will love getting food from the labyrinth structure.

    The food in the device remains fresh, and the cat’s vital activity increases and intelligence develops. There are Catit Senses designs.

    With compartments

    The multi-compartment feeder is battery-powered.

    At a certain time during the rotation process, a sector with food opens. It can be used not only for dry, but also wet and natural food, for storage of which ice is placed in one of the compartments. Popular modifications: Cat Mate C50; SITITEK Pets.

    With timer

    The feeder with a timer for cats is convenient and useful; it closes with a lid and is divided into several compartments that open in turn at a specified time.

    There are devices for all types of feed or just for dry food. The latest model has the ability to feed the animal for up to 90 days. Trixie products are the most popular; Feed-Ex.

    The Feed Ex automatic cat feeder is designed for 4 meals. The timer is set at a minimum for 1 hour, at a maximum for a day, giving out a portion of 300 g. Feed Ex models can apply portions from 60 to 360 g and record the owner’s voice to invite the cat to dinner. When feeding wet food The device is equipped with a compartment for storing ice.

    With dispenser

    A cat feeder with a dispenser is also a fairly comfortable option, in which the flap is pulled back at the right time and the food in the required volume is poured into the bowl.

    Works unattended for up to 3-4 days. You can safely choose among the Ferplast Zenith models.


    Designed for long absence person, therefore it is equipped with serious digital options:

    • a display that contains all the information to control the supply of fresh food to the cat bowl;
    • sensors responsible for the operation of the device;
    • the ability to record the voice of the owner calling the cat.

    An electronic cat feeder can be equipped with a special indicator that opens the bowl when a cat approaches with a personalized key fob on its collar.

    Designs of this type are extremely convenient if two or more cats live in the house with different diets, vitamins, and medications. Models in good standing: Feed Ex; SiTiTEK Hoison.

    With remote control

    These feeders connect to the Internet to communicate with your pet via a smartphone, tablet, or computer. Thanks to the “smart” service, the owner is always aware of what the cat receives proper nutrition: by time, volume, amount of calories wasted, presence of undesirable impurities in the feed.

    The device calculates the dose of food taking into account the age, weight, and behavior of the animal, guaranteeing the quality of health and longevity of the pet. It is recommended to pay attention to the PETNET SmartFeeder models.

    How to make an automatic feeder with your own hands

    The price of the feeder is in the range of 900-12,500 rubles depending on the type, design, availability additional functions, manufacturer. The device can be made at home, saving money and enjoying the creative work.

    How to make a cat feeder? A typical mechanical device is constructed from two plastic containers of 5 liters each. One of them serves as a tray, for which a semicircle is cut off from one edge to pour out the food, and a round hole is made from the other edge for attaching a vertical bottle.

    The neck and bottom are cut off from the second (vertical) container. The narrowed part is inserted into the round hole of the first bottle and secured with reliable glue or sewn together with a lace. A do-it-yourself automatic cat feeder is not inferior in quality to the simplest mechanical devices from the store.

    Homemade devices for dispensing feed can also be made:

    • with the cat extracting food, where a ball is used as a regulator;
    • based on a clock mechanism with a battery;
    • with a regulator (servo drive) that controls the movement of the lower part of the structure.

    Despite the fact that the automation of food dispensing is very convenient and thoughtful, you need to use the feeder only when necessary so that the cat fully feels care, communication and its importance in the house.

    Video about automatic cat feeder

    If you're tired of not being able to relax with friends after work or suddenly go on a trip out of town for a day or two because you're worried about your pet, then an automatic feeder is what you really need. Automatic feeders for cats allow you to ensure that your pet is fed in the absence of the owner, so you don’t have to worry about your pet if you suddenly don’t have time to get to him on time.

    In addition, some animals, due to their illnesses or characteristics, may require feeding with a strict diet - in such situations it will be quite difficult to do without an automatic feeder with a timer.

    The simplest version of a cat feeder can be made with your own hands, but it will not allow you to really store food for a long time, and overly active pets can easily ruin all their food by scattering it around.

    How to make a simple automatic feeder for a cat?

    The easiest way to make an automatic cat feeder is to use dry food. All you have to do is take a plastic bottle, cut off the top and bottom and fasten it firmly to the cat's bowl, leaving a small hole in the side wall so that the food can spill out of it. In this case, as soon as your pet eats or moves the food away from the bottle, new food will immediately spill out of it. Of course, for overly active cats and long-term storage feed this option is not suitable.

    Simple cat feeders without any electrical elements work on a similar principle.

    Selection of automatic feeders

    First of all, before choosing a feeder, you should decide what exactly is right for you and your pet. The simplest feeders with a minimum of automation are inexpensive, but are only suitable for storing dry food. Also, they almost never have a timer and are not able to ensure really good food preservation.

    Automated feeders can be operated using different principles. So, at the right time, she can simply open the compartment with food so that it begins to fall out, or she can move the lid over a separate tray with cat food previously poured there. At the same time, the most modern versions may include functions that allow even wet canned food to be stored for up to three days, which is an ideal option for kittens and pets who need specialized balanced nutrition.

    Electric feeders use a timer and electrical signals to control them. At the same time, almost all existing models use ordinary batteries as a power source, which minimizes possible risks- starting from the possibility of a cat receiving an electric shock and ending with guaranteed feeding even during a power outage.

    The most modern versions of electric feeders are even equipped with the ability to record the owner’s voice to give an appropriate sound signal about feeding in the most familiar way for the cat. This function allows you to quickly adapt your pet to new eating utensils, and also makes it possible not to feel completely abandoned during a long absence of the owner.

    The autonomy of electric feeders allows you to install the feeder in any place that is convenient and familiar to your pet, so that he does not have to experience stress by not finding food where he is used to eating.

    Automatic feeders with dispenser

    Using an automatic feeder with a dispenser makes it possible to independently set the cat’s feeding schedule and determine the time for giving him food. Most of these feeders are designed for several cycles - no more than ten. However, due to the large volume of the feeder, such feeding can last for up to three days.

    At the same time, we strongly recommend that you pay attention to feeders that also have automatic drinkers. This combination will allow you not to worry about your pet and is ideal for owners of picky cats who refuse to drink stale or stagnant water.

    Some options for feeders with a dispenser may also include storage of various varieties cat food, which allows you to balance the diet as much as possible and make it truly familiar and convenient for your pet, without forcing him to constantly eat the same food.

    For smart or overly active animals, you can use a feeder with a labyrinth - this will make the feeding process more exciting and complex for the cat, develop its intelligence and allow the exclusively domestic animal to feel like a real hunter who catches the subtle smell of food and goes towards it.

    Despite their simplicity and convenience, automatic feeders should be used responsibly. Before purchasing such an item, carefully read the instructions for using the feeder, its functionality, as well as reviews from other buyers - perhaps they will be able to tell you whether it is worth making a purchase.

    After purchasing a feeder, do not leave home immediately. You should teach your pet to eat from it in advance, since changing the usual interior and eating utensils can lead the cat to bewilderment, and he simply will not find his food. If necessary, monitor the eating process and make sure that the cat independently finds the feeder and eats from it easily and without hindrance.

    Check how the timer and dispenser work, if the feeder has them. Monitor her performance of feeding cycles, as well as your pet’s reaction to these events.

    Remember that having just an automatic feeder prevents you from leaving your pet alone for too long, especially if there is no one else in the house with him. Cats are social creatures and they need constant communication. If you leave your pet in isolation for a long time, it will mental state irreparable harm may occur. This is one of the reasons why manufacturers do not make automatic feeders that can store food and serve it for longer than three days.

    To summarize, we can highlight a number of advantages that automatic cat feeders have:

    • The ability to leave the house without worrying about feeding your pet.
    • Good control over your eating schedule with a timer.
    • Teaching your pet to be independent.
    • Simplifying the care of your pet during a busy schedule.
    • Affordable price for almost everyone.

    However, you should not delegate all your cat care to automated means. Remember that a cat is always a member of your family who requires from you not only regular feeding, but also communication and direct care.

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