Large Scottish Sheepdog. Collie (Scottish Sheepdog). Pros and cons of the Longhaired Collie

A large herding breed native to Scotland. They showed themselves excellently as a detective, shepherd, guard dog. After a special training course, he becomes a professional guide for blind people. The film "Lassie" brought great popularity to kalia, about a faithful and reliable friend a dog who was able to find the owner he loves after overcoming a difficult path.

Interesting fact: According to the script, Lassie is a girl, but her role was always played by collie boys. The first of them was called Pel, which means “Friend”. Pel's descendants took part in the following films. So, all 9 Lassies were males, but played a female role.

The reason is simple, the collie girl sheds her hair, at least, once a year, shedding almost completely its coat. For this reason she does not participate all year round. Males are larger, more resilient, and take longer to film.

Description of the collie breed and the FCI standard

The collie is amazingly beautiful, from the group of large herding dogs. Her proud posture expresses strength and activity.

Divided into two types:

  1. long-haired
  2. smooth-haired

  1. Body type: regular, proportional. When viewed in profile, the top line of the skull and muzzle look like parallel straight lines, equal in length, separated by a stop. The length of the body is slightly longer than the height at the withers.
  2. Construction type: dry, strong.
  3. Personality: affectionate, calm, loyal, cheerful, friendly.
  4. Head: Wedge-shaped, considered in relation to size. When viewed from the front or side, it resembles a blunt, clean wedge with smooth outlines. The point midway between the inner corners of the eyes is the center of balance of the head along its length.
  5. Skull: flat. The lateral lines gradually taper from the ears to the tip of the nose. The depth of the skull from the eyebrows to the lower jaw is not deep.
  6. Stop: light but noticeable. The center of a correctly positioned stop transition is the midpoint between the inner corners of the eyes.
  7. Nose: black.
  8. Muzzle: long, but not pointed, the end is rounded, blunt. Not rectangular.
  9. Jaws and teeth: regular scissor bite. Lower jaw strong, clearly outlined with black lips. The jaws are strong and strong.
  10. Cheekbones: The zygomatic arches are almost not pronounced.
  11. Eyes: medium, almond-shaped, dark (in blue merle color, there are eyes blue color or with blue splashes). The look is lively, slightly slanted, mysterious.
  12. Ears: small, pointed, set high.
  13. Back: strong, medium length, slightly arched.
  14. Lumbar: with a slight rise.
  15. Chest: Deep, wide behind the shoulders. Ribs with a clearly visible bend.
  16. Tail: long, reaching to the hock when carried down. When at rest, it is lowered down, the end is slightly bent upward.
  17. Forelegs: straight, muscular, with moderate bones of a rounded shape, close to each other.
  18. Shoulders: sloping, well angulated.
  19. Elbows: set straight, neither turned in nor out.
  20. Hind limbs: strong, sinewy.
  21. Thigh: muscular.
  22. Knees: at the correct angle.
  23. Hock joints: powerful.
  24. Paws: oval. Fingers clasped together. The hindquarters are less arched.
  25. Coat: straight, thick. The guard hair is straight and hard, the undercoat is soft and dense. The collar and ruff are abundant, the covering on the muzzle is smooth and even. The tips of the ears are covered with smooth hair; the coat is longer at the base. The front legs are feathered, the hind legs above the hocks are heavily feathered, the lower part of the leg is covered with smooth hair. The tail is shrouded in lush fur.

Collie color

Full length collie - Scottish Shepherd stance

There are three officially recognized colors:

  1. Sable with white (light golden to rich mahogany, dark sable. Light straw or cream are not desirable)
  2. Tri-color (black with red markings on the legs and head. The rusty shade of the guard hairs is undesirable).
  3. Blue Merle (pure silvery blue, spattered with dark spots, reminiscent of marble. Bright red tan marks are preferred, their absence is acceptable. Large dark markings, slate or rusty tint to the guard or undercoat are undesirable).

All colors may have white markings.

The most common: a white collar in whole or in part, a white chest, toes on the paws, a white tip of the tail. A dent on the muzzle, on the forehead or along the head.

Character of the Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

By character, collies can easily be considered one of the most loyal, beautiful and kindest breeds in the world. She is very smart, sensitive and loyal.

It is a pleasure to train her; by nature, she is very inquisitive; she will try to get praise from her owner by any means. With constant training and persistence of the owner, with the help of treats and encouragement, amazing results can be achieved. She is a wonderful companion for jogging, cycling, and a regular walk in the park and forest.

Does not tolerate punishment or coercion. Never shout or hit your collie, this will make her cowardly and unsure of herself. The Scottish Shepherd is an irreplaceable friend for children. She will be a wonderful nanny for them, showing her care and attention. He loves to play and frolic, and never misses a chance to run around and play active games with the children.

But remember, regardless of trust, never leave a small child alone with her.

Photo of a collie with a good character

Gets along well with any pets. Collie is playful, temperamental, and remains so throughout life. It requires constant movement and new experiences.

The main advantage is that she will never leave home.

The collie is suitable for keeping in city apartments, the main condition is long and active walks. fresh air. Despite the thick coat, it tolerates heat well; the dense undercoat is able to retain air under the fur, thus helping the animal cool down.

With good heredity, there are practically no problems with the health of the Kolia; this is a generally healthy breed. The only most common diseases are retinal atrophy and joint dysplasia. Choose a place in the house for your collie in a secluded corner where there will be no drafts or a nearby radiator. There should be fresh water in the bowl at all times.

Collie care

Scottish Shepherd baby photo

Collies are divided into two types: long-haired and smooth-haired. The coat is thick with a dense undercoat and sheds, a process that occurs for many reasons.

There are several forms of molting:

  1. Seasonal, takes place twice a year, spring - autumn. When kept in an apartment with dry warm air can last all year round. Please note that if the coat is dry and constantly shedding, consult a veterinarian and be sure to use a humidifier.
  2. Age (junior coat change occurs before the age of 1 year)
  3. Shedding in bitches after estrus and childbirth (this is due to hormonal fluctuations. After giving birth, bitches shed heavily, and during the period of nursing the litter they continue to shed hair for some time. The process is natural, you should not be afraid of it. The new regrown coat is more luxuriant than the previous one)
  4. Health problems (poor diet, food allergies, bad heredity)

Close-up photo of collie face

In order for your collie to look neat, well-groomed and attract the admiring glances of passers-by, you must provide her with proper care, regardless of coat length.

Combing: Give sufficient hours and effort. You should purchase combs, combs and a powder brush. With their help, the coat will always have a neat and well-groomed appearance. An experienced breeder will accurately determine the state of health by the type of coat. A healthy coli has smooth, shiny, thick fur, depending on its age and season. The breed does not have an unpleasant “dog” smell; only when wet, a slight smell of “wet wool” may appear.

It is recommended to brush your collie 3-4 times a month; too frequent brushing will damage the coat. During the molting period, you will have to comb it more often. The beauty of the hard guard hair is that it does not get tangled, but the hair behind the ears, on the paws, on inside thighs, armpit area soft as feathers. Accordingly, it needs to be combed more often.

To care for the coat you will need:

  1. comb with metal non-sharp teeth (3.5 - 4 cm)
  2. comb with frequent thin teeth for combing during shedding (slicker)
  3. massage type brushes, without balls at the ends of the bristles, with metal, artificial or natural bristles
  4. regular hairdressing scissors (for trimming fur on paws and behind ears)
  5. thinning scissors
  6. sprayer (when combing the coat must be moistened)
  7. shampoo according to coat type
  8. air conditioner
  9. Anti-matt spray for combing tangles

When combing, the skin is massaged, which has a beneficial effect on strengthening and improving the nutrition of guard hairs. The wool is first sprayed with water or conditioner. Use a slicker brush to comb out the front and hind legs. Behind the ears we use a comb with sparse teeth, blunted at the ends with a round cross-section. Using a massage brush, comb the fur on the chest and back, carefully strand by strand, according to the growth of the fur. During the shedding period, the collie sheds most of its hair and the grooming process takes longer.

In the photo there is a collie mother and puppies in different colors near the forest

Ears: inspect, once a week, or when dirty, wipe with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. Be sure to trim the hair on the ears, this gives the collie a neat appearance.

Nails: trim once a month using a nail clipper for large breeds.

Paws: after a walk, wipe with a damp cloth and inspect for cracks or other damage. In winter, make sure that your pet does not lick the reagent or salt that is sprinkled on the snow from his paws, this is dangerous for his health. Helps prevent cracks from appearing vegetable oil(olive, corn, flaxseed) include 1 tsp in your diet. daily and, if possible, rub it into the collie's pads. It is recommended to trim and trim the fur on the paws; less dirt will stick and they will look beautiful.

Eyes: check regularly; a healthy colia has a cheerful and shiny look, without tears. In case of excessive souring of the eyes, rinse them with a weak brew of black tea or chamomile decoction. This procedure will remove dust, but will not help with serious illness. If inflammation is suspected, severe redness, tearing, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Deworming: be sure to do it two to three times a year (a therapeutic and preventive procedure that rids the body of worms and larvae).

The drug comes in in different forms:

  • Suspension
  • Pills

The dose is given in one dose, the veterinarian calculates it by weight, and the procedure is repeated after 10 days.

Ticks and fleas on collies

Ticks are carriers of the dangerous disease piroplasmosis, which, unfortunately, can be fatal. But this can only happen if the necessary treatment is not provided on time.

You shouldn’t be scared right away; fortunately, not all ticks are carriers of the disease, but to protect your pet from them, be sure to treat it necessary drug(“Advantix”, “Frontline”, etc.). Apply the product to the withers area, do not bathe for 10 days.

Always monitor your collie's health, activity and appetite. In case of lethargy, refusal to eat and drink, pay attention to some symptoms, and if you notice them, immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

  • Vomit
  • Dark urine(brown, brown or red)
  • Yellowing of visible mucous membranes and whites of the eyes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness
  • Difficulty walking (falling on hind legs)
  • Temperature 40 - 42 C or higher (normal 37.5 - 39 ° C, in small breeds up to 39.5)

The photo shows a puppy collie on a walk

There are two types of collie food:

  1. Natural food
  2. Dry or wet prepared food.

If you are a busy person, the option of ready-made food will be ideal for you, but switching coli to another menu in the future will not be so easy. A menu of natural products should include necessary products, don't forget about vitamins and mineral supplements.

Healthy foods for collie:

  • Beef meat (boiled)
  • Boiled sea fish (without bones)
  • Liver
  • Seaweed
  • Seasonal vegetables (boiled zucchini with carrots, pumpkin).
  • Greenery
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Unpeeled tripe is the most delicious thing for dogs (the smell, however, is mind-blowing, but they adore it).
  • Cereals (rice, buckwheat).
  • Turkey, chicken, rabbit
  • Apples, pears

Prohibited foods for collies:

  • Tubular bones
  • Raw river fish
  • Flour products
  • Potato
  • Legumes
  • Lard and raw pork
  • Sweets
  • Smoked meats
  • Chocolate

Approximate diet for a collie with 2 feedings a day

  • Cottage cheese - 300g, or meat - 100-200g.

Evening feeding:

  • Porridge with meat, vegetables and herbs, or porridge with fish, vegetables and herbs (1/3 porridge to 1/3 vegetables to 1/3 meat scalded with boiling water).

Showing care and love, he will always remain energetic and cheerful.

Remember, collies have a loving and trusting heart, so they cannot tolerate betrayal and give themselves completely to their owner.

Collie diseases

  • Pemphigus foliaceus
  • Vitiligo
  • Ectopic ureters
  • Congenital collie eye syndrome
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Entropion (inversion of the eyelid)
  • Distichiasis (extra eyelashes)
  • Yeast dermatitis
  • Epilepsy
  • Degenerative myelopathy
  • Congenital deafness

Collie photo

Video collie

The Collie, or Scottish Sheepdog, is a working dog breed with ancient historical roots. Despite its name, it was brought to Scotland from Iceland about 400 years ago. Always valued by both commoners and nobles for external beauty and easy-going disposition. If earlier its main purpose was to herd flocks of sheep, now it is a devoted friend and companion. Gets along well at home with frequent walking.

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    History of the breed

    In Scotland, collies were brought from Iceland. Further spread around the world occurred due to nomadic tribes. Her ancestors looked more compact and were predominantly black in color. The original purpose of the breed is to guard and herd sheep flocks. Over the years, these qualities have been constantly improved by breeders. Therefore, herding instincts are fixed at the genetic level in them.

    The emphasis was not on the exterior, but on service characteristics: lack of aggression towards animals and people, high performance, endurance, responsibility.

    Scottish Shepherds owe their spread to the interest of Queen Victoria, who brought several representatives of the breed to England. They gained popularity quickly enough, and breeders began breeding them. In 1860, collies were introduced to the public as a versatile breed. By the end of the 80s. came to America, and in 1986 the first club for Scottish Shepherd lovers opened.

    Interesting Facts:

    • As collies became popular and spread throughout much of Europe, the French began to use them in police service due to their keen sense of smell and good sense of smell.
    • In the Second world war Russia purchased collies in batches for use as orderlies and rescuers.
    • Dogs shed once a year, but the fur accumulated over the entire period is enough to knit a sweater for an adult.
    • Collie wool is considered healing, and products made from it are used in the treatment of rheumatism.


    Several breeds are called Scottish Sheepdogs. The most striking of them are the border collie and the bearded collie. There are other types - long-haired and short-haired, about which there is still debate among dog handlers.

    Collie is strong, graceful and active dog . An adult weighs about 25–30 kg with a height of 50–60 cm at the withers. Bitches are usually smaller than males. According to the description of the breed, the physique is strong, muscular, and lean. According to the standard, a collie looks like this:

    • head has a cone-shaped elongated shape, with smoothly flowing outlines. The narrowing is observed from the ears to the black tip of the nose. The forehead is flat. The jaw is well developed, with strong teeth and a scissor bite.
    • Ears set high, triangular. In a calm state, pressed, when interested - erect, but with drooping tips.
    • Neck graceful, elongated, with a slight bend.
    • Rib cage wide, low rise. The stomach is taut. The back is flat, with an increase in the sacrum area.
    • Eyes kind and expressive, small in size, almond-shaped. They have an oblique cut. Usually brown color, but there are blue-eyed ones.
    • Tail long and bushy, drooping when walking.
    • Limbs muscular, powerful, smooth. The paw pads are tightly packed.
    • Wool long, thick, with a dense and uniform undercoat. It forms a kind of mane on the cheeks, nape and thighs.

    There are three standard colors:

    1. 1. Sand white- all shades from beige to orange.
    2. 2. Tricolor- advantage of black color, with occasional splashes of red.
    3. 3. Blue- light tones of silver, marble or resin, with darker tan.

    All colors are characterized by large white spots.

    Among the advantages of the breed are:

    • beauty and aristocratic appearance;
    • kind attitude towards children;
    • high mental abilities;
    • good health;
    • devotion;
    • stable psyche.

    Character and habits

    Scottish Sheepdogs differ from other wolfhounds in their balanced character type.. Initially, they were instilled with the instinct of an adequate assistant, capable of protecting their charges and their owner in case of danger. Today, collies have begun to be used as companion dogs, while trying to preserve the original qualities of the breed. In the modern description of the character of dogs, the following characteristics are present:

    • gentleness;
    • friendliness;
    • restraint;
    • calmness.

    Together with their intelligence and ease of training, such animals are also attracted as guides, assistants for the elderly, and orderlies. These are good watchdogs without a hint of aggressiveness.

    Collies are good-natured when interacting with people, and are especially kind to children.. They not only tolerate their pranks and indulge them in everything, but take on the role of caring guardians and faithful comrades. They often share some of the responsibility with adults, turning into a vigilant nanny. They treat other pets as if they were their own herd, trying to take them under their care as well. They behave warily with strangers.

    Since in the modern world collies do not serve as shepherds, they are not required to have high physical endurance. However, this fact does not negate daily walks in the fresh air with active games. Without this, the pet begins to mope, which manifests itself:

    • sudden change in mood;
    • irritability;
    • the desire to gnaw something from the owner’s personal belongings.

    With enough attention from the owner and family members, the collie will not bother anyone.

    Dogs are endowed with truly royal manners and a sense of delicacy. Therefore, they may be offended by a sharp shout or tugging on the leash. Despite their impressive dimensions, they love affection, love, and are ready to respond in kind. Collie is a devoted friend.

    They are obedient and do not do anything against the will of their owner. They do not attempt to run away from home, as they consider it their duty to always be nearby. They are happy to accompany you on any hikes and trips. During a walk, they do not tolerate it when they move a long distance away from them - this is how the shepherd instinct comes into play.


    Collies are endowed with strong immunity and rarely get sick. Congenital diseases no, but purchased ones are possible:

    It is important to get all the necessary vaccinations, as there are quite dangerous diseases that cannot be cured. A similar procedure is carried out three times a year until the age of one, then once is enough.

    The collie gets along comfortably both in a city apartment and a country house. The main thing is to have daily long walks and company. Despite having thick and long hair, grooming is not particularly difficult. It does not roll into tangles due to its rough structure. It is enough to scratch your dog once a week special brush. When shedding, the undercoat is removed with a slicker. Particular attention is paid to the areas: behind the ears, under the chin, on the chest and hips.

    Bath when dirty. It is advisable not to wash your dog too often - this leads to loss of stiffness in the hair.. Representatives of the show class who attend various exhibitions require more careful care. They begin to be shown at two years of age, since only by this age does the fur acquire the required length.

    Ears and eyes are cleaned with damp swabs. IN ears cut off excessively overgrown hair that clogs the canal. The claws are periodically trimmed using special pliers. Teeth are taught to brush with puppy age, and additionally provide cleansing dry food and special toys.


    The Scots are unpretentious when it comes to food, but adherence to a certain regime is necessary. The following feeding schedule applies to puppies:

    1. 1. Up to 2 months, feed 6 times a day.
    2. 2. At 3–4 months, transfer to four times.
    3. 3. By the age of eight months, there should be no more than three feedings.
    4. 4. At 1.5 years old, the puppy eats like an adult - twice a day.

    Owners, at their discretion, choose a natural diet or ready-made dry food. In the latter case, it is important to choose the right compositions that are most suitable for large dogs. Don’t forget about long hair, which needs appropriate supplements.

    When preference is given to natural food, the menu looks like this:

    • chicken and pork bones;
    • boiled potatoes;
    • raw eggs;
    • lean meat: beef, veal, turkey, rabbit;
    • raw sea fish;
    • pasta;
    • cereals;
    • bakery.

    The emphasis is on meat, preferably raw. Fish is given twice a week in any form. Cereal porridge is cooked every day in water, mixed with chopped vegetables and other ingredients. Season with herbs and vegetable oil.

    Babies are additionally fed milk, but from 3 months they switch to dairy products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, natural yogurt, kefir. The main thing is that the composition does not contain sugar or artificial ingredients. You cannot feed from a human table, as the dog quickly gets used to it and begins to constantly beg.

    Training and education

    Scottish Shepherds are endowed with high intelligence, which makes the learning and training process easier. Competent approach with early age allows you to raise a pet that understands the owner perfectly and has good manners in any society. Accustoming to order and rules in the house begins from the first days of the puppy's appearance. First of all, they give a nickname and point to their place. Any completed command is rewarded with affectionate stroking and treats.

    During training, violence and rudeness are avoided. A severe reprimand is enough for the dog to understand its mistake.

    After firmly mastering the nicknames, they begin to practice cleanliness skills:

    • at the slightest attempt, the puppy is taken outside to relieve itself;
    • accustom to a certain regime walking: in the morning, after meals and in the evening.

    Punishments are unacceptable if a child urinates in the apartment. At this age they are not yet able to control bladder, the process stabilizes by 5–6 months.

    From 1.5 months they develop patience with hygiene procedures, such as washing paws, cleaning ears, eyes and teeth, combing, drying. Training begins with elementary commands: “come to me,” “place,” “walk.” By two months they switch to more complex commands: “lie down”, “stand”, “sit”, “no”. During this same period, they begin socialization, which concerns communication skills not only with people, but also with other dogs. Otherwise, the pet grows up timid and overly cautious.

    At approximately 14–16 weeks, the puppy begins to show leadership qualities.

    By the age of six months, when the initial skills have been mastered, serious training begins. These dogs are easily given any science, including guard duty. Depending on the purpose, a specific course is chosen:

    • general training course (GTC);
    • companion dog (VN);
    • controlled city dog ​​(UGS);
    • sport herding;
    • Frisbee;
    • dancing with dogs;
    • search and rescue service (SRS);
    • agility;
    • obedience.

    Buying puppies

    Collie puppies are funny, clumsy and not at all like the graceful adults. Only experienced dog breeders can recognize the Scottish breed in these babies. Puppies develop rather slowly, so they reach the peak of perfection only at two years.

    To buy a purebred pet, it is recommended to contact only experienced breeders or official nurseries. A conscientious dog breeder who breeds collies focuses not only on the exterior, but also on behavioral qualities. Puppies should be raised without harshness, so that the good nature of their character does not disappear.

    The estimated cost of puppies of this breed is $500-2000.

    Nowadays the Internet is full of advertisements for the sale of collies, but in most cases these are half-breeds. In a certified establishment, purebred animals are guaranteed to be sold with the necessary accompanying documentation and a veterinary passport, with a vaccination schedule. Here you can personally meet the parents of the chosen pet and evaluate the conditions of temporary residence.

    When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the presence of a number of indicators:

    • body proportionality;
    • lack of excess weight and massive bones;
    • evenness of paws;
    • a long tail;
    • high set ears.

    Healthy puppies should have thick, dense, silky hair. Excessive curliness, disheveled appearance and dull color are unacceptable. Rich colors are welcome, preferably dark shades.

    Scottish Shepherds are monogamous and immediately become attached to their owner. Co adult dog It is much more difficult to establish close contact. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase babies under the age of 3–4 months.

Collie (eng. Collie) is a group of breeds of herding and service dogs, native to Scotland and Northern England, including officially recognized as well as a few native breeds.

Collies are medium-sized dogs of harmonious build with an elongated head and a pointed muzzle. Active and hardy dogs, thanks to the genetically inherent herding instinct, still regularly herd livestock, but most breeds of modern collies are used as companion dogs, guide dogs, and also show good results in various types of cynological sports.

Due to their unique exterior, high personality traits and excellent trainability, collies were widely used to develop new breeds of herding dogs, some of which have the word “collie” in their names.

Collie (Scottish Sheepdog).

origin of name

There is an opinion that the dogs got their name by analogy with the Scottish word “coal”, meaning “coal”. The second, more logical justification sees the word “coolley” in the name of the breed - this is how the black-headed sheep that these dogs herded were called in Scotland.

In any case, most herding dogs of Scottish origin are called "collies", and breeds developed with them in other countries, e.g. North America and Australia, are called herding dogs or shepherds.

History of breeds

The distant ancestors of modern collies lived in England and were stocky, uniform dogs with shaggy, mostly black hair, somewhat reminiscent of border collies.

As a result of territorial conflicts, the Scots, who attacked the Britons, brought home trophies, including these same English dogs. The mixing of the blood of local Scottish breeds and imported British dogs laid the gene pool for modern collies.

In the 16th and 17th centuries, the selection of individuals was carried out solely on performance indicators. They did not pay attention to appearance and the old-type collies were very reminiscent of their shaggy and short-legged ancestors.

The beginning of the 18th century, which united England and Scotland, did not ignore the collie: breeders decided to make the dogs faster and stronger, and also significantly improved the exterior of the collie by crossing them with Irish setters and greyhounds.

Modern collies got their height and long muzzle from greyhounds. Thanks to the Irish setters, the shape of the skull was changed and the jaws were strengthened, and in some cases a pure red coat color appeared, which was subsequently not recognized as the breed standard.

Sheltie and puppies.

Collie popularity

Collie owes its popularization to Queen Victoria, who visited her Scottish possessions in 1860. The royal lady immediately became interested beautiful dogs with a balanced character and took several individuals with her to England. The dogs were presented at an exhibition in Birmingham, thanks to which they received recognition and wide popularity.

At the same time, they began to pay much more attention to the appearance of dogs, relegating performance characteristics to the background. In 1867, the first long-haired sable puppy named Old Cockie was born, and since 1895, a section dedicated to long-haired collies has been firmly established in the stud books.

From simple working dog the collie has become a fashionable show breed, gaining fame in Europe and America, and best puppies potential owners shelled out astronomical sums.

During the war, the collie population decreased significantly, but the best specimens were exported to America and other countries that did not participate in hostilities. In 1943, the stunning success of the film “Lassie Comes Home” elevates the collie breed to unprecedented heights and millions of people around the world dream of becoming the owners of a beautiful, intelligent dog.

General description of collie dogs

Most representatives of the breed group are medium-sized dogs with body weight from 22 to 32 kg. Mixing the blood of long-haired and short-haired specimens, prohibited in the 70s of the last century, “stretched” the dogs on their legs, thanks to which modern collies look slender and not as wide as their ancestors.

Each breed has its own color, but the predominant colors are black, red, sable, tricolor and blue merle. The coat can be long, smooth or harsh.

Collie character

In terms of learning ability and intellectual indicators, collies have no equal: representatives of this group occupy 4 places in the top twenty smartest dog breeds. Collies master training with ease and pleasure, and in their endless loyalty they try in every possible way to imitate their owner and take an active part in the life of the whole family.

Adult collies are classified as a protective-moderate type of dog, and despite their loyalty to people and other animals, aristocratic and friendly-looking collies will always defend their beloved owner in case of danger.

Australian Kelpie runs along the backs of sheep.

Breeds and varieties of collies

  • Collie (Scottish Sheepdog) is a breed of dog used for herding livestock, this breed is also popular as a show dog, as it is very beautiful.
  • or the Shetland Sheepdog is a breed of herding dog that looks like a long-haired collie.
  • or Aussie - a breed of dog that was bred as an assistant for the farmer and a friend of his entire family.
  • - a herding dog breed from Great Britain. Research conducted at the University of British Columbia has proven that the Border Collie is the most... smart breed on the planet.
  • – a medium-sized dog descended from Scottish herding dogs. Currently popular as a companion dog.
  • – herding dogs with high intelligence, loyal and extremely efficient.
  • The Australian Cattle Dog is a breed of dog developed by crossing the Shorthaired Collie (Scottish Sheepdog) with the Australian wild dog, Dingo.
  • Blue Lacy - the basis of the gene pool of this breed is made up of English shepherds. The birthplace of the breed is the American state of Texas. Blue Lacy is a short-haired dog with floppy ears.
  • The English Shepherd is a breed created by American farmers who wanted to improve older breeds of shepherd dogs. In the creation they used: collie (old type), border collie and other breeds of herding dogs in smaller quantities.
  • The Cumberland Sheepdog is an extinct breed of the collie group that is closely related to the Border Collie and was probably absorbed by it. The Cumberland Shepherd is the predecessor of the Australian Shepherd. Cumberland Sheepdogs had erect or semi-erect ears, thick fur, and were black in color with white markings on the chest and muzzle.
  • The McNab or McNab Cattle Dog is a breed developed in the USA and named after its creator. The basis of the breed is made up of British representatives of the collie group. Dogs in the McNab breed can be of different heights and have both erect and semi-erect ears. The coat is short, colors: black or red, dogs usually have white markings on the chest and muzzle.
  • The New Zealand Collie is a descendant of the Border Collie breed. Grazes livestock without barking. Shepherds claim that the dog controls the flock with its gaze.
  • Smithfield (Smithfield Collie or Smithfield Sheepdog) - this name was originally used for an extinct breed of large dogs of the collie type. This breed was used for grazing large cattle. The breed's name comes from the oldest meat market in London. Smithfield Collies were big and strong dogs with hanging ears, most often had a black or black and white color. Nowadays, the Smithfield Collie is an Australian breed of dog whose homeland is Tasmania. Externally, this breed is similar to bearded collies.
  • The Welsh Sheepdog is a local breed whose main range is Wales. The ears of representatives of the breed are erect or semi-erect. The Welsh Sheepdog can have either short hair or long and silky hair. Accepted colors in the breed: black, black and tan, red and marble color with white markings.
  • The Australian Short-tailed Cattle Dog is a breed developed from European Shepherds with the addition of Australian blood. wild dogs dingo. Used for grazing cattle. The tail may be absent altogether or very small size. Representatives of the breed have a light build, short hair and erect ears. Australian Shorttail Cattle Dog colors are speckled on blue or speckled on tan.

An amazing breed of dog is the collie, which gained its world fame after the famous TV series “Lassie”. But the collie breed, or as it is also called the Scottish Shepherd, has a centuries-old history - glorious and touching, and we’ll talk about it further.

The collie dog breed comes from the mountainous regions of Scotland, and the name itself means coal or black. In the circles of experienced dog breeders, there is a position that the name itself comes from the breed of Scottish sheep - colley, which has a black muzzle, and it was they who were guarded by collies.

As research shows, the Scottish Shepherd was brought to the territory of modern England by nomads who came to its southern regions from the British Isles. The collie breed came to the islands thanks to the ancient Roman conquerors 2,000 years ago, and in England the collie owes its existence to Queen Victoria - in 1860 she saw her and simply fell in love, and since that year she has been bred at a professional level. 21 years later, the first breed standard was formed - the first dogs had a black and white coat color, but selective selection eventually created a huge number of coat colors.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, the collie as a breed was in demand in many countries, and it was at this time that it was taken to the territory of America and Russia, European countries, and was used not only in sheep farms, but also in rescue work, as well as in war - in as sappers and orderlies.

Collie appearance

In its standard, the collie is either a long-haired or a short-haired breed.

  • There are 3 types of coat color:
    1. Sable with white having different shades from light to dark
    2. Tricoat - usually black, red and white
    3. Blue merle - silvery blue with black spots; red spots are also possible.
  • have ears triangular shape, and the eyes are small, almond-shaped.
  • the tail is in the form of a saber, lowered to the bottom.
  • at the withers height of males: 56 – 61 cm, weight: 23 – 34 kg.
  • height at the withers of females: 51 – 56 cm, their weight: 18-25 kg.
  • The collie's body is muscular, with a wedge-shaped head, a powerful neck and straight limbs.

Besides standard breed collie, there is also its so-called American subspecies - it is marked by larger sizes, a wide muzzle, and a wide variety of coat colors.

Collie character

Collie is a balanced, good-natured dog breed with excessive shyness of a puppy. It is easy to train, but if you give it a minimum of attention, it becomes disobedient and prone to excessive pranks in the house. The main attractive feature of this breed is that it can adapt to the lifestyle and rhythm of life of its owner. By its nature, the collie is unobtrusive and delicate, and will not require constant attention. But the owners themselves should not forget that this is an active and temperamental breed. This feature of her character will persist throughout her life; she is in dire need of movement and new impressions and games.

An indisputable advantage of the Scottish Shepherd's character is that it will not run away from its owner - its behavior does not imply an irresistible interest in what is happening behind the walls of an apartment or private house. She is attached to her family, which is perceived as a pack, to her children and will not leave them even if she has such an opportunity.

The only disadvantage of this breed, which is noted by experienced dog breeders and everyone who has a collie, is that it loves to bark, and does so both when excited and simply out of boredom. Collies adore children - they will not only be a participant in their games and pranks, but also a reliable protector, while they cannot tolerate excessive noise in the house and quarrels, will not take sides in a conflict, but idolizes their owner.

By its nature, the Scottish Shepherd is suitable as a companion for everyone - both a pensioner and a schoolchild, who loves going out into nature and is a homebody. A collie can live in an apartment, but the best place for it would be a country house, where it has the opportunity to roam around. As experienced dog breeders note, this particular breed is perfect for the role of a first dog, because it is easy to train, does not conflict, is not aggressive, and even a beginner can cope with it.

Scottish Sheepdog training

Collie is a dog with high intelligence, is easy to train, and will always willingly follow all the commands of its owner. The Scottish Shepherd needs constant and gentle handling - with aggression from the owner and lack of attention, it will become disobedient and noisy. It is enough attention and training that will make it an ideal dog, but its nervous system She is easily excitable and therefore from the very first months she should be accustomed to extraneous noise.

During the training process, every owner, whether a beginner or an experienced dog breeder, must gain the animal’s trust from the very beginning - here it is important not to shout, but to be confident in your commands. It is optimal to train a collie in a game format - this way you will teach the dog basic commands and give an outlet for its energy, since initially this is a shepherd breed, accustomed to chasing sheep through the fields and being on the move.

The Scottish Shepherd is sensitive to its owner - you should not start training in bad mood, irritated state. It's not the most in the best possible way will affect the training process and the dog is unlikely to learn the lesson you want to teach it. Never use force or roughness in the training process - the animal’s psyche will suffer, making it nervous and fearful. Start the training process itself experienced dog handlers recommended from 4-5 months, teaching basic commands such as “Fu”, “Come to me”, “Lie down” and “Place”, gradually moving on to new ones. When it comes to rewarding a dog for correctly executed commands, this could be a kind word, stroking or a treat. The main thing in this case is to build a relationship between a correctly executed command and a treat, and also that you should not get hung up on monotonous rewards for your pet.

How to choose a puppy

If you have decided for yourself that a collie is your dog, then the question naturally arises of how to choose the right puppy.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a show puppy or a pet class puppy, you should initially pay attention to his health condition. In any case - it should be healthy puppy, which can be taken from the litter 8-9 weeks after birth.

A healthy pet at this age should have a flat back and strong paws, a rounded but not narrow muzzle, a long neck and forward-protruding ears. The puppy's body has a square shape and a well-developed coat.

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to its mobility - it should not be overly timid, nervous or constantly lie down, its eyes and ears should be clean, without any discharge. Also pay attention to the living conditions of not only the puppy, but also the bitch. It is impossible to raise a healthy litter in cramped conditions and dirt.

The cost of a collie puppy is from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles, depending on the pedigree, place and purpose of purchase.

The collie's coat is a luxury and a subject of special care, since long-haired collies should be brushed 2-3 times a week, while short-haired breeds only need grooming once every 7-10 days. The Scottish Shepherd is bathed once every 1.5-2 months.

Also special attention require the eyes, ears and teeth of the animal - every day it is worth checking them, cleaning them with a cotton pad soaked in special pharmaceutical products or clean water. It is worth having your teeth cleaned by a veterinarian to prevent the formation of tartar, gum disease and tooth loss. If this is not possible, give your dog cartilage and apples, carrots, foods that will mechanically clean the teeth and, due to fruit acids, prevent the formation of stones on the teeth.

In terms of nutrition, the Scottish Shepherd can be fed either ready-made dry or wet food, or switched to a natural diet. If in relation ready-made feed– there is no problem of choice, then when feeding a Scottish Shepherd natural products owners should know what can be given to collies and what foods to exclude from the menu.

Allowed products for collies are:

  • boiled beef;
  • liver;
  • sea ​​fish served boiled;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs.

Be sure to give your collie porridge - wheat, buckwheat, adding dry brewer's yeast, which serves as a supplier of B vitamins, and, if possible, seaweed, which supply vitamins to his body. Among the prohibited products:

  • river fish, served raw;
  • tubular bones;
  • raw pork;
  • pearl barley porridge;
  • sweets;
  • peas.

Health and illness.

The life expectancy of a Scottish Shepherd is from 12 to 15 years - for the most part, these dogs are in good health, but there are a number of diseases that are inherent in this breed. Most often she is worried about:

  • skin diseases caused by allergies;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • predisposition to dislocations;
  • hip dysplasia.

Collies are also susceptible to eye problems - this is an infectious lesion and an anomaly in their structure. Most often, veterinarians diagnose hearing problems in the merle variety of collie, the so-called “double merle”, in which the animal’s color becomes almost white and problems with hearing and vision are accompanied by a malfunction of one or another internal organ or systems.

Collie photo

To summarize, we can say that in the person of such a breed as a collie you acquire a friend, a companion and an undeniably brave defender.

It is unlikely that anyone does not know the Scottish Shepherd. This breed is the heroine of popular television series, books and stories, otherwise it is also called Collie.

The Collie's appearance cannot be confused with any other breed and is unforgettable. Chic long wool makes them simply handsome and beauties, and many from childhood remember the Scottish Shepherd named Lassie.

Historical facts

The collie dog breed has a similar appearance to Shiloh Shepherds and herding dogs and this is not surprising, because its history began in England. The ancestors of these four-legged animals had the same appearance, were slightly squat and had thick and shaggy hair.

Experts believe that the first population of shepherd dogs came to Scotland as a result of territorial conflicts with the British. When the Scots attacked the Britons, they took trophies with them, which included dogs. It is a mixture of British and Scottish breeds that has created the gene pool for modern collies.

These dogs had excellent working skills, but with the appearance things were worse. There were strong differences in coat color, the dogs differed in proportions and bone structure. More or less, the breed was formed closer to the seventeenth century and they began to look more like modern animals. They became more squat, short, strong and shaggy.

In the eighteenth century, breeders began to actively work with the breed. They decided that the dogs needed to be made faster, more resilient and hard-working and added the blood of Scottish Setters to them. The skull was also strengthened as a result of mating with an Irish Setter. Other external features, such as muzzle length, height, etc., the Scottish Shepherd received from crossing with Greyhounds. The result, of course, was good, but it was not without negative consequences.

As a rule, such consequences do not appear immediately. However, breeds whose development took place in the 18th and 19th centuries have a fairly large number of marriages and other hereditary diseases. An example would be those individuals who have Borzoi blood in their genes. These specimens may have an irregular skull shape and a pure red color, which is considered defective. Due to this marriage, a separate breed was created, called the long-haired collie.

Gallery: Scottish Sheepdog (25 photos)

Types of dogs and the history of their names

The history of the origin of the breed is quite confusing. In view of this, there is no clear answer about the origin of its name. One of the generally accepted versions is its origin from the English word “coal” - that is, coal-black. Another version is the origin of the name from the profession “coal shepherd”, or shepherd of black-faced sheep. It is worth noting that the second version is less logical. According to international rules, the generally accepted name of the breed is the Scottish Shepherd. It unites all these dogs according to certain characteristics. But it is still customary to distinguish between the types of these animals:

Sometimes on dog breeding forums you can find another unusual collie - the marbled collie. She is a representative Australian breed or Aussie. This breed has a rather unusual color - blue merle, in which the pigmentation is partial. He meets at long-haired breed and extremely rare. There is also an Australian collie, the color of which is very rare - black merle. They have some similar traits to Aussies.

Characteristics of the collie breed

We went to the breed standard long years and only by 2011 it was finally accepted and used for most dogs belonging to this breed. One of the main controversial issues is the growth of pets:

  • in Russia, the standard height for dogs is considered to be 60−69 centimeters;
  • in America, height from 56 to 61 centimeters can be allowed;
  • The international standard has approved a dog size of 51-61 centimeters.

Collies are powerful and slightly stocky dogs. However, as a result of mating long-haired and short-haired breeds, they became taller and less wide.

Currently, it is necessary to rely on the standard approved by the FCI (that is, the International Association of Cynological Federations). According to it, the height and weight of individuals depends on their gender.

For example, the height of a male dog is 56-61 centimeters. And their weight varies from twenty to thirty kilograms. The female is slightly smaller in size - approximately 18-25 kilograms in weight, and her height can be 51-56 centimeters.

The head of these dogs is wedge-shaped; when viewed from above, it appears narrow and elongated. The cheeks and cheekbones are lifted and look almost flat. The muzzle gradually narrows along the bridge of the nose to the nose, and if there are too sharp drops or the muzzle is too pointed, then this is considered a defect in the breed. The lips are of medium thickness and fully pigmented. The teeth are straight and symmetrical, with a correct bite.

A small nose should only be black. The eyes are quite expressive, intelligent and of medium size. They are mostly brown in tone, but in rare cases, blue merles can have a blue tint.

The ears are large, semi-erect, in the form of a regular triangle and quite large. When the ears stand too straight, this is considered a breed defect. In a calm state, they are slightly spread to the side, and when the dog is concentrated, they are turned forward.

The body is strong and muscular, well developed. The build should be of average type. Excessive thinness or fatness is not acceptable and such animals will be disqualified. In the stance, there is a beautiful curve of the neck, a pronounced scruff and withers. The collie's tail is straight and slightly curled at the end. It is covered with long and thick fur.

Collie dog breed and their coloring

Scottish Sheepdogs have thick and fluffy fur. If you look at the general parameters, they are classified as long-haired dogs. The shortest hairs of the coat cover the muzzle, lower paws and ears. But there is rich fur on the chest and tail. Their paint is divided into several groups:

  • sable - with this color there is a yellow-brown or red tint with white color;
  • mahogany - the main shade is white, and a wheat-golden or brownish-red color is added;
  • tricolor - similar to tortoiseshell color cats, that is, there are black, white and brown shades (sable or mahogany);
  • blue merle is a rather rare color, where the main color is White color, and the tan marks are not fully dyed black-blue. Welcomed, but not required. if yellowish tan is present.

It should be noted that white should always be present. It should be located in the chest and neck area, on the chin and paws, and also at the tip of the tail. A longitudinal white marking on the muzzle along the nose to the forehead may be allowed.

Contents caring for furry pets

Since the dog of this breed is quite fluffy, its coat requires special care. These pets need to be brushed regularly. But it’s better not to use powder puffers, because they can ruin appearance dogs. They can be bathed two or three times a year using a gentle shampoo. In places where the fur is too long, you can trim it using scissors. This way the pet will look more harmonious.

Collies are very active and just need long walks and exercise. If you have time, it’s better to go to a park or forest on the weekend. On other days, they need morning and evening walks at a minimum. In the apartment they need a comfortable bed or mattress.

Small puppies are fed small meals six times a day. And by six months, puppies are transferred to three meals a day. When they are one year old, feeding them twice a day is sufficient. That is, this is morning and evening. A bowl of clean water should be present at all times. so that your pet can quench his thirst at any time.

The diet of these animals includes beef, lean chicken, offal, dairy products, fish, eggs, cereals, and vegetables. But foods such as poultry bones, pork, fatty and sweet foods, pasta, potatoes, spoiled or unripe vegetables and fruits, and raw river fish should not be given. You can also choose dry food for your pet, which is suitable for dogs of long-haired breeds.

Average lifespan of dogs This breed is ten to twelve years old.

These animals are very intelligent and should be taught the necessary commands. They respond well to training and you can start training them starting from three months. Sometimes they can even perform certain tricks and bring slippers to their owner. Either the owner himself or members of his family can train the pet to do all this. The breed is non-aggressive, therefore, you should not try to assign the function of a security guard to her. Also, do not treat them roughly or aggressively. It is not allowed to beat or punish them.

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