Kazan icon. How does the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God help? Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Images. The magnification of the Mother of God before her Kazan icon

Every year on November 4, believers celebrate the great Orthodox holiday, dedicated to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. On this day, prayers read in front of the shrine of the Mother of God have special power. They are capable of creating real miracles.

Every year on November 4, believers celebrate the great Orthodox holiday dedicated to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. On this day, prayers read in front of the shrine of the Mother of God have special power. They are capable of creating real miracles.

The celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is held in honor of great deeds performed in a holy manner. The shrine came to the rescue Orthodox people on the most difficult days of their lives. She was always there, faithfully and devotedly helping people and entire states. She is responsible for many miraculous acts related to the healing of diseases, as well as the liberation of the country from enemies.

How does the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God help?

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most important and revered images of the Blessed Virgin. People turn to her in prayers in the most difficult and difficult moments of their lives. A miraculous image can heal terrible diseases body and soul. The Mother of God helps those whose faith has weakened to find spiritual enlightenment and find the true path. The Mother of God will not abandon those who need Her support and consolation. When grief and sorrow envelop the souls of believers, hope remains only for a miracle in the person of the protection and intercession of the Mother of God.

They pray in front of the icon of the Kazan Holy Mother for intercession for their native country and state. She is the patroness of soldiers, defenders of their homeland.

Our Lady of Kazan protects the house from misfortunes, protects the family from quarrels, blesses marriage and protects children from grief, illness and failure. The face of the Kazan Mother of God is the strongest amulet and assistant in overcoming any difficulties. But the Mother of God comes to the aid only of true believers, whose prayers are filled with sincerity, love and righteousness.

It is worth noting that for Orthodox believers, the holiday in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is one of their favorites. This day for Christians begins with going to church, attending services and, of course, praying before the holy image of the Mother of God. At the end of the service, a religious procession is usually held. Traditionally, the solemn procession is led by the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

The main celebration takes place in the homeland of the holy image, in Kazan. After all, it was in this city that the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God declared itself and its power, saving the city and its inhabitants from a terrible fire. On this day comes to Kazan great amount believers from all over the world: pilgrims attend services in the temple, pray in front of the shrine, touching the image, feeling the strength and power of the miraculous icon.

Many believers get married on November 4, since the shrine is the patroness of marriage. It is believed that people who enter into marriage on the day of the celebration of the icon will live a special life. happy life together.

The great feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God falls on National Unity Day, which is officially a day off in Russia. This is one of the rare coincidences of Orthodox and state holidays on the same day, so some of their traditions are interconnected. In the evening of November 4, a fireworks display is held in honor of National Unity Day, which Orthodox believers also come to watch.

It is worth noting that the celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is not a time for sorrow and despondency, it is a bright and cheerful holiday when the Orthodox people offer gratitude and honor to the Mother of God, at the same time asking for support and protection before Her miraculous image.

Prayers to the Mother of God in front of the Kazan Icon

As you know, the miraculous image of the Kazan Mother of God never left believers without attention and support. It is necessary to offer prayers before the holy face with all your heart. First of all, you need to believe in the power of the Mother of God and sincerely repent for the sinful acts you have committed.

First prayer:

“Oh, Holy Mother of God! With hope and bright feelings I bring my prayer to You. Do not turn Your gaze away from those who pray to You. Hear our words, O merciful Virgin. Pray before the Lord and before Your Son Jesus Christ for our mistakes and sinful deeds. Don’t let our country fall in the battle for a free life. Do not let soldiers die in war in bloody and dishonorable battles. Protect our homes from evil spirits and quarrels. Do not let us indulge in grief, sadness and despondency. Give us the strength to move forward and live our lives in health, happiness and joy. Fill our hearts with love, loyalty and courage! And never leave us, O Blessed Virgin! May we praise Your Great Name. In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Second prayer:

“Oh, great Mother of God, Protector and Benefactor of Christians. You are the Queen of heavenly souls and the Mistress of humanity living on the sinful earth. You pray for us, thanks to You the Lord gives us repentance and His blessing. Hear our prayers now, for we pray to You before Your Holy Image. Do not leave our souls without Your light and warmth! Fill our hearts with virtue. Drive away malice and deceit, lies and hatred from our lives. Become a talisman for our children, illuminate them life path righteousness. Our refuge is in You. Oh, Most Pure Virgin, we glorify You, we bow our knees before You, we pray to You and we honor You, Great Intercessor. Don't leave us without help. Heal from mental and physical illnesses. Guide me on the right path. Do not leave in terrible moments. In You is our defense, in You is our road to the Kingdom of God. We never your name We will not stop chanting and praising. May the will of the Lord be done. From now on and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

On this bright holiday in honor of the great Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, every person has a chance to stand on Right way and change your life for the better, gaining the support of the Mother of God, letting Her into your heart. It is enough just to offer sincere prayers before the face of the Holy Virgin, filling every word with goodness, love and faith.

Orthodox Christians reverence the icon of the Mother of God. This is explained by the numerous miracles that are associated with the miraculous icon. Temples and churches of the same name were built in honor of the Kazan icon. And in the church calendar, the appearance of the icon is marked by holiday dates, one of which falls on July 21 - the day of the first appearance in Kazan.

July 21 is the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, the story of a miraculous appearance

The story of the miraculous appearance of the icon took place in 1579. The faith of Christians was not yet strong enough to resist trials. An unmerciful test falls on the shoulders of Kazan residents.

The rays of the scorching sun are not able to break through the columns of dust and ash. A terrible fire that burned here for a week mercilessly destroyed the Church of St. Nicholas.

The Kazan Kremlin was also engulfed in flames. No matter how hard the men tried, they could not put it out - and the glow stood over the hail for many hours. Horror gripped the women and children. what will happen if it is not possible to stop the disaster and the flames spread to houses. After all, winter is coming very soon, and there is no way to have time to rebuild a new home.

And the opponents of the church grinned sarcastically, why did your god allow a fire - he did not protect his temple. And many doubted their faith. Maybe this is a sign of God’s displeasure that people turned to Christ.

The efforts were in vain - and the fire was still able to destroy many houses. Construction has begun.

There is no time to grieve, and there is no one to expect help from.

Very soon it will be cold - and work will begin to boil at an accelerated pace. The days of fire victim Daniil Onuchin also passed in worries.

But the daughter of the Sagittarius, Matrona, did not understand parental worries at all. The nine-year-old girl was glad that her mother and father did not prohibit interesting fun. And the little ones had something to get carried away with.

We spent the whole day conducting research excavations at the fire site. Either you find an interesting pebble, or an outlandish piece of glass. Only in the evening, having calmed down, Matrona ran home and quickly fell asleep.

But one night the little girl woke up from an unusual dream.

The Virgin Mary herself came to her, illuminating her with a bright light. And she told me where to find the miraculous icon at the fire. The little girl was frightened and couldn’t understand whether it was a dream or a vision.

Tired parents swore at their daughter. Dreams are not all from God, and only saints have visions. So I stayed unusual dream The sailors are ignored.

But the vision is repeated the next night, and the next day. Nevertheless, the parents decided to check, and what if it was not without reason that Matrona sees the Mother of God every night.

And Matrona and her mother went to the fire in the indicated place. We started digging. A little more, and, lo and behold, is it really an icon? They took out a package, and there really was an icon Mother of God.

How did the icon end up in the ground? Most likely, in this way the first Christians saved the icon from the encroachments of infidels.

News of the discovery quickly spread to neighboring villages. And the priests hurried to the wonderful place.

Archbishop Jeremiah accepted the icon and ordered it to be transferred to the Church of St. Nicholas.

After holding a prayer service, the icon is carried in a procession to the first Orthodox church city ​​of Kazan - Annunciation Cathedral.

The miraculous power of the icon manifested itself on the way. Two blind men from Kazan, Nikita and Joseph, regained their sight during the procession of the Cross. And lines of sufferers hurried to the icon, and even those who had grinned yesterday, doubting their faith.

The pilgrims asked the icon to return health, goodness for great deeds, and help in important events.

Ivan the Terrible himself was so amazed by the story of the discovery of the icon that he immediately ordered the construction of the Kazan Cathedral and a convent to begin.

It was in this monastery that Matrona and her mother subsequently took monastic vows.

Miracles of the Kazan Mother of God Icon

The icon of the Mother of God is a guide, and many Orthodox believers have found their way thanks to the holy image.

With the Kazan icon, the militia marched towards Moscow during the Time of Troubles and was able to liberate the city from impostors.

In 1636, the most significant temple was erected in Moscow - the Kazan Cathedral. It was to that temple that the miraculous icon was later transferred.

Peter I with his soldiers on the eve of an important battle - Battle of Poltava addressed specifically to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, which was located in the village of Kaplunovka.

In the war with Napoleon, soldiers went into battle with the image of the Kazan Mother of God. It was on October 22, on the day of the celebration of the appearance of the Kazan Icon, that a major victory was won over the French after they left Moscow. The day began with snowfall and severe frosts, which was one of the reasons for the melting of the enemy army.

But the holy image shows the way not only to warriors and liberators. It is with this icon that young people are blessed life together parents. Many miracles are associated with the icon, which became beloved in Rus'.

Celebration of the miraculous icon of the Kazan Mother of God

First of all, from this day harvesting began in the villages.

But for villages and cities where the icon was the throne, July 21 was a holiday and a non-working day.

It was a sin to work on such a day.

Therefore, festive celebrations were organized, which were attended by residents of neighboring villages. Treats and songs accompanied by an accordion were obligatory.

They sang short songs and ditties. Young people danced in the streets. The holiday could last for several days.

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is the most revered holy image among Russian Orthodox believers. This icon is considered a symbol of the blessing of the Russian people; after all its miraculous appearances in the history of the country, prosperous times came and turmoil ended. It is with this icon that it is customary for Orthodox Christians to bless newlyweds. It is believed that this image shows the right path and helps to gain faith in order to get out of difficult life situations.

Godparents also give gifts to godchildren so that this face will protect the child and guide him through life.

The Kazan image of the Mother of God is a reminder of the highest blessing, alms and intercession of the Higher powers for our land and our country. The construction of many cathedrals is dedicated to this icon, the largest and most revered are on Moscow's Red Square, the Cathedral in St. Petersburg and the Annunciation Cathedral in Kazan.

The unprecedented reverence for the holy image of the Mother of God has led to the fact that Orthodox believers celebrate the church holiday of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God not once a year, but twice: July 21 and November 4.

The history of the miraculous appearance of the icon of the Mother of God

There are still different hypotheses about the origin of the Kazan Icon. The most widespread version in the history of religion is considered to be the version of the discovery of the icon in 1579 ( old style calculus) in Kazan. Shortly before this miracle, a large-scale fire raged in the city, destroying half of its buildings and many people. The little girl Matryona had a dream in which the Mother of God appealed to her to find a surviving icon in a burnt house. This dream appeared to the girl three times, only on the third morning the parents believed the girl, and her mother took her to the place where in the dream the Mother of God told Matryona to find the icon. They dug up the icon, intact and unharmed, and went to show the shrine to the nearest church. The news of the miraculous appearance of the shrine spread quickly, and soon Archbishop Jeremiah placed the icon in the Church of St. Nicholas. After this, a prayer service was served near the icon and transferred to the Annunciation Cathedral, which was erected by Ivan the Terrible. In the procession of the Cross, when the icon was being carried, there were two blind men in the procession (Joseph and Nikita), who after that began to see. It became absolutely clear that this was a miraculous icon. It was decided to build the Kazan Convent on the spot where it was found. The girl Matryona, who saw the wonderful icon in a dream, and her mother were among the first to be accepted into the new cathedral.

It was the day of the miraculous appearance of the icon from the earth and ashes, 21 July, today is the first summer Icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

To venerate the miraculous icon, ask her for healing or direction in business, many people began to come to Kazan. News about her spread very quickly. gradually appeared a large number of lists with images that spread throughout the country. Copies and copies of the icon also had miraculous powers.

The history of the loss of the Kazan icon

If the appearance of the icon was a sudden miraculous insight that united the people who suffered after the fire, giving them hope and confidence in God's intercession, then the disappearance of the icon occurred for a very everyday and low reason - theft. This happened on the night of July 29 (old style) 1904. The thief locked the watchman in the basement, stole the icon and money from the donation chest, and escaped while the monks were sleeping after a long evening service. The fact is that the Kazan image of the Mother of God was very revered. In the built stone church where the icon was placed, hundreds of believers prayed to it every day. The priests decided to ennoble the icon. Back in 1676, they decided to decorate the icon with gold and place it in a new casket. The icon was decorated generously: large diamonds, gold, pearls, more than 2 thousand. precious stones. It was they who attracted the criminal.

An investigation into the theft of the icon was carried out, but neither the thief nor the shrine could be found. This has not been proven, but some reports said that the robbers did not believe in the miraculous nature of the icon. They removed all the gilding and jewelry from the image, and burned the icon itself to prove that the robbery was not sacrilege, and the icon was in no way incinerable. Partially contradicting this is the fact that information has been preserved about several cases of the sale of a precious icon, very similar to the Kazan icon, in Europe into private collections. But it was not possible to establish the originality of the sold images.

But another sad fact is known for certain. Soon after the disappearance of the icon, Kazan, which flourished for almost two centuries and was not drawn into any military conflicts, was defeated in the 1905 war with Japan. This event marked the beginning of a new troubled period in the history of Kazan and the entire empire.

Even after the disappearance of the Holy Image, the history of the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God did not stop. Believers worshiped copies of the original icon and asked the Mother of God to show mercy, to guide them on the right path, to heal soul and body, to grant harvests, to protect families from disintegration and cities from destruction.

Miracles of the Icon of Our Lady of Kazan

The miracle of the icon of Our Lady of Kazan can be described as an “epiphany,” physical or spiritual. Even after the first appearance of the icon to the people in the procession of the Cross, two believers were healed of blindness. After this, blind people who wanted to heal their illness were brought to the icon to worship. But the icon also healed people from spiritual blindness. The miraculous image of the Mother of God sowed the first crumbs of insight even by its sudden appearance.

Today, those who do not know which path is best to take, what to do, those who are tormented by the problems of difficult choices come to pray to the icon. It is best to read a prayer before the miraculous image on the feast of the Kazan Icon, so that the Mother of God will prompt, direct on the right path, protect from the wrong choice, and give hope.

The Kazan icon is also associated with large-scale historical events, which could not do without miraculous intervention. These include the so-called “ troubled times", the apotheosis of which was the end of 1620 - the beginning of 1622, when the military-political situation in Russia became extremely tense. At that difficult time, Polish nobles laid claim to power in the country; the country was shaken by the civil war.

There was no strong ruler and commander on the throne at that time, so the monks, led by Patriarch Ermogen, began to call the people to the militia. The spiritual symbol of the militia was the image of the icon of Our Lady of Kazan, because the country was being liberated not only from the invaders themselves, but also from the faith they implanted (the Poles promoted Catholicism).

When the militia was almost assembled, the Poles had almost captured the Kremlin. On the eve of the assault, the Russian army announced a fast and prayer in front of the icon. After this, on the morning of October 22, the successful liberation of Kitay-Gorod and the Kremlin began.

Since that time, November 4 (new style) has been considered one of the holidays in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

Original and lists of the Kazan Icon

This icon is one of the most widespread and revered in Orthodox Russia. No other is written in as many lists as the Kazan Mother of God.

Here we need to clarify. When it comes to an icon, there is no concept of “copy” or “original”. All icons of the Mother of God have miraculous power, from the first copy made from the original icon, to a postcard with the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God or a small icon with a prayer. All images of icons in the Kazan image are shrines in front of which you can pray. The Mother of God will hear prayers, no matter what icon they sound in front of.

In the case of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God, the original is considered to be the same icon that the girl Matryona found through a vision from prophetic dream. It is known to have been lost or destroyed. All other icons are lists, some of them also have miraculous powers.

The icon in front of which they prayed on the eve of the assault by the Poles, who almost captured the Kremlin, is also lost; it was a copy of the original icon. It was brought by militia members from the east.

Another list - the St. Petersburg one - is also associated with many miracles that happened in the 1730s. Field Marshal Kutuzov prayed to her before going to the front line in the war with the French.

The following lists of icons are considered miraculous: Kaplunovskaya, Yaroslavlskaya, Vysochinskaya and Tobolskaya.

New discovery of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

Another newest stage The history of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God happened in 2004. Patriarch Alexei was contacted by Pope John Paul II to discuss a certain icon that was discovered at the papal court in 1993. It is known that such an act of the Pope was another step in resolving Christian conflicts between faiths. But, whatever his motives, he returned to our land a long-lost shrine. Later it was determined that this was not the original icon that appeared in Kazan, but it was a very ancient copy of it, most likely from the original.

Delivered in 2004, the icon is today kept in Kazan in the Holy Cross Church former monastery Theotokos, where the first icon was lost.

Summer holiday of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God on July 21

First summer holiday The icons of the Mother of God are celebrated on July 21 according to the new style. This is the day the icon was found, when little Matryona and her mother found a shrine that had survived the fire. At first this day was celebrated only in Kazan, but later it became a holiday throughout the country.

This feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in 2017 was celebrated with a religious procession and a service with an akathist to the Mother of God.

The Kazan Icon is also called the “Guide”. The baby in the icon contributes a hand to baptize, and the Mother points her hand in the direction of the Son of God. The miraculous power of the icon was manifested in the fact that it was able to suggest to those praying the right path in life, helped them make difficult choices, and blessed them for good but difficult deeds.

On the bright day of July 21, priests advise not to send each other postcards on the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, but to go to church, pray, or bring to church your children or other relatives and dear people who are about to important choice: where to go to study, is it time to enter into a marriage?

The priests also advise listening on this day to the signs given by the Higher Powers, perhaps in this way the Mother of God will “admonish” us on this holiday.

Day of Our Lady of Kazan - women's day

No matter what temple you go to, you can notice one pattern: most of those praying are women. And on the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in 2017, many more women came to churches than usual. This holiday has long been considered women's day; women came to the temple with requests that they could only voice before the Mother of God. On this day, mothers and wives ask the Mother of the Lord for spiritual and physical healing, wisdom and intercession, and pray for their children and husbands, who often find “more important” things to do than prayer in church.

On what date is the feast of the Icon of the Kazan Mother of God celebrated in the fall?

For the second time in our country, the Day of Our Lady of Kazan is celebrated in the fall, namely on November 4, according to the new style. This is the day when prayer in front of the image of the Kazan Mother of God helped our compatriots liberate the capital from the siege of the Poles.

On this day, in front of the icon they pray for peace and prosperity, for the prosperity of the state, which has been protecting the image of the Kazan Icon for how many years.

And every parishioner can ask the Mother of God for peace and harmony in his family, to bless him for marriage or other good union.

A marriage or wedding on the eve of or on the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is considered a good sign. Congratulations and warm regards for a long happy life on this day are supported by the blessing of the Mother of God, who will protect the couple from envious people and ill-wishers.

How the Day of the Kazan Icon is celebrated in the Orthodox tradition: worship, sermons, congratulations

The Day of the Kazan Icon is considered a big day. The previous evening, churches serve evening service, and on the morning of November 4, people gather in cathedrals to listen to the festive service and pray at the Holy Icon.

On this day you cannot do dirty and heavy things. This holiday is not a national holiday, but it is quite possible to avoid washing, working with a needle, etc. on this holy day.

Also, priests do not advise quarreling, sorting things out, or setting ultimatums on the feast of the Kazan Icon. This is a holiday of peace and hope, a holiday in which it was proven that people are protected by higher powers.

Since ancient times, women have prepared a festive dinner for the evening, because Lent follows in a week and a half.

The sermon on the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God has special significance. Sometimes the purpose of a sermon is to instruct and warn believers, but on the day of the Kazan Icon it is important to let people understand that the Lord, the Mother of God and the Guardian Angel will always help, give hope, harmony, understanding, and bless for a good deed. Our land at some stages was saved by the holy patronage of the Kazan Icon, and every resident can hope for the help of the Holy Intercessor in difficult moments.

Folk signs on the day of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

On the feast of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, signs have special meaning.

Throughout history, people have composed many omens and legends on the day of the icon of Our Lady of Kazan. This is a day of special power and miracles; it is believed that on this holiday the Mother of God instructs people on the right true path, so people have long begun to notice little things and interpret them in a holy, mystical way.

People, for example, said that if it rains on this day, then this is a good sign, this is the Mother of God crying for all people, begging forgiveness from the Lord for people. Rain on this day is also associated with a good harvest for the next year. Dry weather, on the contrary, predicts a lean year.

“What Kazanskaya shows, winter will say” means that the weather, especially snow on this day, “sets the tone” for the weather for the entire coming winter.

Counts good sign on the feast of the Kazan Icon to marry, woo or baptize children. Such unions promise to be strong and happy.


Prayers in front of the image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God can help you in many matters in life, and besides, they pray to Her in times of despondency, sadness and disaster, when there is no longer enough strength to fight adversity.
With the help of prayers in front of the image of the Kazan Mother of God, you can be cured of any disease, especially eye diseases and even blindness, not only physical, but also spiritual.
The image of the Mother of God and prayers help her find correct solution complex issues.
For many centuries, people placed the “Kazan” icon near a child’s crib, knowing that the Mother of God would look after the child and protect him, if necessary.
Also, since ancient times, the Kazan Icon has been used to bless newlyweds for a long and happy life. And, if the wedding falls on the day of the celebration of this icon, family life should have a long and happy life.

It must be remembered that icons or saints do not “specialize” in any specific areas. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
And .


The miracle of the discovery of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God occurred on July 8, 1579, several decades after Ivan the Terrible conquered the Kazan Khanate.
In June 1579, there was a big fire in Kazan, which destroyed a significant part of the city’s wooden buildings, and half of the Kazan Kremlin burned down.
Muslims rejoiced at the troubles and said that this Russian God was angry with Christians. But, as usually happens with God’s providence, the fire actually became the beginning of the spread of Orthodoxy in the Khanate.
The house of archer Daniil Onuchin, who was planning to build a new home in the same place, was also damaged in the fire. The work had almost begun, but his daughter Matrona, who was then ten years old, had a dream of the appearance of the Mother of God Herself, who indicated the place where Her icon lay under a layer of earth, which was thus hidden by Orthodox confessors in order to protect the image from desecration by Muslims . The Mother of God ordered to find this icon, but no one paid attention to the girl’s words; the adults were busy with their own affairs.
Three times the Holy Mother appeared to Matrona, again and again She indicated the place where the miraculous icon was hidden. The girl still managed to persuade her mother to help in the search, and finally they began to dig together in the indicated place. And a miracle happened, the icon was found!
All the clergy arrived at the place where the shrine was miraculously found. Archbishop Jeremiah took the found image of the Mother of God and solemnly transferred It to a nearby church in the name of St. Nicholas, and from there, after serving a prayer service, the shrine was transferred by procession to the very first Orthodox church in Kazan, which was built by order of Ivan the Terrible.
Immediately, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God began to work miracles; during the procession of the Cross, two blind men, Nikita and Joseph, regained their sight.
The newly found icon of the Mother of God very soon became a national shrine, because in this way Holy Mary showed a sign to the entire Russian Church. More than once, “Kazanskaya” showed the way to glory and victory for Orthodox soldiers, defenders of the Russian land, who fulfilled their duty to God and the Motherland.

While defending Rus' from the atrocities of the Poles, Prince Dmitry Mikhailovich Pozharsky began to gather an army. In Yaroslavl, Kazan warriors with the Kazan icon (with its copy), which they handed over to the prince, also joined the militia. With the icon and prayers of the Mother of God, the Russian army moved towards the capital. And at this time, in Moscow captured by the Poles, the captured Greek Archbishop Arseny († 1626; April 13) was located. One night a bright light appeared in his cell and he saw. The saint told Arseny that the Mother of God had interceded for our Fatherland and soon, by God’s mercy, Russia would be saved.
The Most Holy Theotokos took the Russian troops under Her protection, with Her help, two days later the Poles were expelled from the Kremlin and defeated, and through Her intercession Rus' was saved.

The day after this victory, in gratitude for the help in expelling the enemies, a procession of the cross was made with the miraculous Kazan Icon, to meet which Archbishop Arseny came out of the Kremlin. In his hands he held the miraculous medicine, which he had preserved in his captivity. According to the descriptions, all the people knelt before the image of their Intercessor.

After the Polish invaders were expelled from Moscow, Dmitry Pozharsky installed the holy Kazan icon in the Church of the Entry into the Temple Holy Mother of God, which was located in Moscow on Lubyanka.
After some time, the prince began to build the Kazan Cathedral on Red Square and in 1636, when the cathedral was erected, the shrine was moved to a new location.
November 4 (October 22, old style) was declared the day of celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in memory of the liberation from the Poles. At first this day was celebrated only in Moscow, but since 1649 this holiday became a state holiday.

Before the battle of Poltava, Peter the Great prayed before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God (in the village of Kaplunovka).
In 1812, the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was given protection to Russian soldiers who defended Russian soil from French invaders. The first major military success of Russian soldiers in this war happened just on the holiday of the “autumn” Kazan icon; on this day (October 22, old style) the rearguard of the French army was defeated, Napoleonic army lost about seven thousand of its soldiers.
During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. miraculous image Kazan icon They were carried out in a procession of the cross in besieged Leningrad, a prayer service was served before the icon in Moscow, after which the icon was taken to Stalingrad. Where the miraculous icon was located, the enemy was defeated.

This icon is revered throughout Russia; there is not a single church where there is not a Kazan Icon. This image has been revered at all times, and if there is an image of the Mother of God in a family that is passed down by inheritance, in most cases it will be the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.
Now this miraculous icon has been located in the Epiphany Patriarchal Cathedral in Moscow.

Kazanskaya Tobolskaya The icon of the Mother of God was found in 1661 and is located in the city of Tobolsk in the cathedral church. The story of the acquisition of this icon is as follows.

There was an apparition to Hierodeacon Ioannikios, who revealed to him that in the closet of the Church of the Three Hierarchs, facing the wall, there was an image of the Kazan Mother of God. By the command of God, they must build a church nearby in honor of this icon, consecrate it and bring it into the new church as a throne one. But the hierodeacon did not tell anyone about this vision. After some time, the saint visited him again and asked him why he did not tell the archimandrite about this. After this question, the vision disappeared, and the hierodeacon himself fell to the ground out of fear, glorified God, but was still afraid to say about it, “ so that there would be no confusion among the people, and for fear that they would not believe". He did not mention this even after the next, third vision of the saint.
And during the feast of the Kazan Icon, at Matins, Hierodeacon Ioannikiy suddenly lost consciousness and fell. As he later said, among the people he again saw the saint, who said:

“You read this and why don’t you believe it yourself? That image was in the ground, and this one stands in the porch facing the wall; why didn’t you tell about him?”

And he, shaking his hand at me, said:

“From now on, be decrepit until the divine work is completed.”

Having said this, he became invisible, and I fell to the ground out of fear and now I’m telling you.”

After people found out about this, they immediately paid homage to the Mother of God, consecrated the icon and built a church. The narrator noted that until that moment there had been rains that flooded the fields, the rivers began to overflow, like in spring, flooding houses, but as soon as they began to build the temple, everything calmed down, “the bread and vegetables have gotten better since then.”

Kaplunovskaya The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is located in the village of Kaplunovka, Kharkov region.
In 1689, a gray-haired old man appeared in a dream to the pious priest of this village, John Umanov, who ordered him to buy from the Moscow icon painters, who would soon arrive, the eighth Kazan icon of the Most Holy Theotokos.

"From her you will receive mercy and grace"

- said this old man. After the icon was purchased, the Mother of God herself appeared to the priest in a dream and ordered to place this icon in the temple. John told the people about this and all the people triumphantly fulfilled this command.
After this, miracles began to happen from this icon.
In 1709, Emperor Peter I, before the battle with the Swedes, prayed to the Mother of God for help to this particular image; this icon was carried in front of all the regiments. According to legend, Swedish soldiers tried to burn down the Kaplunovskaya church, but were unable to do so. And then Karl said:

“If they couldn’t light the church without an icon, then where it is located will be unsafe for us.”

That’s how it all happened, the Russian people won the Battle of Poltava.

Nizhnelomovskaya The Kazan icon appeared in 1643 near the city of Nizhny Loma, Penza region. At first a chapel was built on this site, and later a monastery was founded here.

Voznesenskaya The Kazan Icon is located in the Moscow Ascension Convent, in the Kremlin.
The icon was glorified for the first time in 1689. After the prayer service to the image of Kazan, the candle was not extinguished. It fell and started a fire, which burned the lectern, but the icon itself, despite the fact that it was painted on canvas, was not damaged. In 1701, there was a big fire from which the Ascension Monastery burned down, but the icon itself was not damaged at all. At the same time, she herself miraculously found herself first among the removed icons, and then, after the fire, she independently, without anyone’s help, found herself back in her place. In addition, many healings occurred from this icon.

Pavlovskaya The Kazan Icon is located in the village of Pavlovskoye, Moscow province, Zvenigorod district. Her appearance took place near the village, on a tree, next to which a chapel was built.
The first miracle immediately happened from this icon, the healing of a peasant who had become very ill as a result of his sinful life. The Mother of God appeared to his neighbor in a dream and said that the sick man could recover if he stopped sinning in his life and went to the holy well and washed himself with holy water. With great difficulty, the patient reached this well, washed himself, and immediately recovered.

Yaroslavsky The image of the Kazan Icon is located in the Kazan Convent of the city of Yaroslavl.
In 1588, the pious man Gerasim wished to purchase an icon of the Mother of God, after which he had a miraculous vision of the Mother of God, who told him where it needed to be done and what needed to be done next. When Gerasim found this icon, immediately after he took it in his hands, he was immediately healed from the illness that had tormented him for a long time. Then he went, according to the instructions of the Mother of God, to the city of Romanov, where he handed over this icon to its inhabitants with the condition that a temple be erected for it. The church was built and the icon was in it until 1604, when the city was taken by the Lithuanians. Then the miraculous icon was transported to Yaroslavl, where a temple was erected in honor of the Mother of God, and later a monastery. The residents of Romanov wanted to return the icon to themselves, and wrote a petition to Tsar Vasily Ioannovich. But the residents of Yaroslavl also wanted to keep the shrine for themselves. Then an exact list of the icon was made for the residents of Romanov, and the miraculous icon itself is carried annually in a religious procession from Yaroslavl to Romanov.

In addition to these listed icons, there are many more images and lists of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, and in any of them the Mother of God will show us her love and protection in the face of any troubles, is our Comforter in our sorrows and rejoices with us in our joys.


We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.


The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God revered by Orthodox Christians. Read about all the details of its appearance in the article.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God: history

1579 White mercilessly scorching sun, dust in a column on the roads of Kazan. Dust and ashes from a recent fire - a terrible fire burned here a week ago. It started near the Church of St. Nicholas and spread to the Kazan Kremlin. Long hours the glow was blazing, women were wailing, children were crying - but how will it spread to the houses, what will happen?! And many laughed maliciously - where was your God that the church burned down? Apparently, all your priests are lying - it was so blazing. And what do you say to this? And it’s true that many in those days doubted their faith - perhaps God did not like that they were turning to Christ from Islam? “The Faith of Christ,” says the chronicler, “has become a byword and a reproach”...

In that fire, many families were left homeless, but there was nothing to do, no one would return what was burned, and they had to build soon - in time for winter. The archer Daniil Onuchin, among other fire victims, was in a hurry to complete the construction. Daniel had a daughter, Matrona. Parental sorrows were less understandable to her - for children even a fire is quite funny - so much remains after - where the glass is beautiful, where the pebble is unprecedented. Only in the evening, when you go to bed, do you remember that after the fire everything is different, unusual.

One night Matryosha woke up from something unprecedented - the Mother of God Herself, the Most Holy Theotokos, appeared to her in a dream. And she didn’t just appear, but commanded to get Her icon out of the ground. It shone with a bright light - and the girl woke up. You still have dreams and visions, you imagine everything, all your miracles are endless - the skeptic reading these lines will say. And it will anticipate our story, because this is exactly how the family answered nine-year-old Matryosha. “Dreams sometimes come from God, but only saints have visions, so it’s better not to attach importance to dreams,” said the parents. And they were right. But that dream was still a vision, because it was repeated a second time and on the third night. Then the parents decided to check the girl’s words.

Matryosha and her mother went to the place where, as the girl remembered from the dream, the icon should have been located. We started digging. Even deeper, even more - is it really her! And sure enough – an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos. They cleared it of dust and earth... But how did it end up there? Apparently, long ago the secret confessors of Christianity in the camp of other faiths hid the icon of the Queen of Heaven in this way. The news of the miraculous discovery of the icon flew faster than the fastest bird, and now the priests of the surrounding churches are rushing to this wondrous place, Archbishop Jeremiah, reverently accepting the icon, solemnly transfers it to the church of St. Nicholas, from where, after a prayer service, she was transferred with a procession to the Annunciation Cathedral - the first Orthodox church in the city of Kazan, erected by Ivan the Terrible. It immediately became clear that the icon was miraculous - already during the religious procession, two Kazan blind men regained their sight. We even know their names: Joseph and Nikita.

And those who just a few days ago mocked Orthodox faith, embarrassedly hurried to the icon - with requests - Queen of Heaven, help, enlighten, heal!

These miracles were the first in a long list of miracles and healings. The story of the discovery of the icon so impressed Tsar Ivan the Terrible that he ordered the construction of the Kazan Cathedral and the founding of a convent. There, after some time, Matrona and her mother took monastic vows.

The image of the Kazan Most Holy Theotokos is similar in type to the icons of Hodegetria - the Guide, and indeed, she more than once showed the right path to many of our compatriots. So, with the Kazan Icon, the militia moved to Moscow, liberating the city from the impostors of the Time of Troubles. In the besieged Kremlin at that time, Archbishop Arseny of Elasson (later Archbishop of Suzdal; † 1626; April 13), who had arrived from Greece and was seriously ill from shocks and experiences, was in captivity at that time. At night, Saint Arseny’s cell suddenly illuminated with Divine light, he saw St. Sergius of Radonezh (July 5 and September 25), who said: “Arseny, our prayers have been heard; through the intercession of the Mother of God, God’s judgment on the Fatherland was transferred to mercy; Tomorrow Moscow will be in the hands of the besiegers and Russia will be saved.” The next day Kitay-Gorod was liberated, and 2 days later the Kremlin.

Kazan Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow

Kazan Cathedral on Red Square in Moscow - one of the most famous Moscow churches was built in 1636. The liberator icon was moved there, and now the image is kept in the Epiphany Cathedral.

Before the Battle of Poltava, Peter the Great and his army prayed before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God (from the village of Kaplunovka). In 1812, the Kazan image of the Mother of God overshadowed Russian soldiers who repelled the French invasion. On the feast of the Kazan Icon on October 22, 1812, Russian troops led by Miloradovich and Platov defeated Davout’s rearguard. This was the first major defeat the French after leaving Moscow, the enemy lost 7 thousand people. It snowed that day and the very coldy, and the army of the conqueror of Europe began to melt.

The icon showed the way not only to statesmen and squads - according to good tradition, it is this icon that is used to bless young parents for marriage; a long list of miracles is accompanied by this image of the Mother of God - one of the most beloved in Rus'.

Troparion to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, tone 4

O zealous intercessor, / Mother of the Lord Most High, / pray for all Thy Son Christ our God, / and cause all to be saved, seeking refuge in Thy sovereign protection. / Intercede for all of us, O Lady Queen and Lady, / who are in adversity and in sorrow, and in illness, burdened with many sins, / standing and praying to You with a tender soul and a contrite heart, / before Your most pure image with tears, / and having irrevocable hope on Thee, / deliverance from all evils, / grant useful things to everyone / and save everything, Virgin Mary: // For You are the Divine Protection of Your servant.

Kontakion to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, tone 8

Let us come, people, to this quiet and good refuge, / the quick Helper, the ready and warm salvation, the protection of the Virgin. / Let us hasten to prayer and strive for repentance: / for the Most Pure Mother of God exudes boundless mercies to us, / advances to our aid, and delivers from great troubles and evils, // her well-behaved and God-fearing servants.

Prayer before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

O Most Holy Lady Lady Theotokos! With fear, faith and love, falling before Thy honorable icon, we pray to Thee: do not turn Thy face away from those who come running to You, beg, O Merciful Mother, Thy Son and our God, the Lord Jesus Christ, to keep our country peaceful, and to establish His holy church May he preserve the unshakable from unbelief, heresies and schism. There are no imams of any other help, no imams of other hope, except You, Most Pure Virgin: You are the All-Powerful Helper and Intercessor of Christians. Deliver all who pray to You with faith from the falls of sin, from slander. evil people, from all temptations, sorrows, troubles and from vain death; Grant us the spirit of contrition, humility of heart, purity of thoughts, correction of sinful lives and the remission of sins, so that we all praise Thy greatness with gratitude, let us be worthy of the Heavenly Kingdom and there with all the saints we will glorify the Most Honorable and Magnificent Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

21 July. Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

This icon appeared in 1579, shortly after the capture of the Kazan kingdom from the Tatars by Ivan the Terrible. The Most Holy Theotokos revealed her miraculous icon here in order to further confirm in it the newly converted from the local residents; those who did not believe will no longer be favored Christian faith. She Herself appeared in a dream to one pious maiden named Matrona, the daughter of an archer who was burned during a terrible fire in Kazan, and ordered that the archbishop and the mayor be informed to take Her icon from the ground, and at the same time indicated the very place. The girl told her mother about her dream, but she explained it as an ordinary childhood dream. The dream repeated itself twice more.

For the third time, by miraculous force, Matrona was thrown out of the window into the courtyard, where she saw an icon on which such menacing rays emanated from the face of the Mother of God that she was afraid of being burned by them, and a voice came from the icon: “If you do not fulfill my command, then I will appear in another place, and you will perish.” After this, mother and daughter went to Archbishop Jeremiah and the mayor, but they did not believe them. Then on July 8, in deep grief, both of them, in the presence of the people, went to the indicated place. The mother and the people began to dig the ground, but the icon was not found.

But as soon as Matrona herself began to dig, the icon was found. It was wrapped in a piece of cloth and shone with a wonderful light, as if it were completely new, just written. It is believed that the icon was buried even before the conquest of Kazan, by one of the Christians who hid their faith from the haters of the faith, the Mohammedans. The rumor about the appearance of the icon spread throughout the city, many people flocked, and the archbishop, in the presence of the mayors, carried the icon with a procession to the nearest church of St. Nicholas, and from there to the Annunciation Cathedral. When the icon was brought to the temple, many sick people, especially the blind, received healing.

One might think that this primary purpose of blindness served as a sign that the holy icon appeared to enlighten with spiritual light those darkened by the blindness of Mohammedan false teaching. The copy of the icon was sent to Moscow, and Tsar John Vasilyevich ordered the construction of a church and a nunnery on the site of the appearance of the icon. The first nun and then abbess in the monastery was the maiden Matrona. In 1768, Empress Catherine II, listening to the liturgy in the monastery, decorated the crown of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God with a diamond crown.

November 4. Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

In 1611, in winter, St. The miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God was sent back to Kazan, but on the way there, in Yaroslavl, it was met by a militia from Nizhny Novgorod, collected by Minin, over whom Prince Pozharsky took charge and who, having learned about the miracles performed from the icon in Moscow, took it with him and constantly prayed before it, asking the zealous Heavenly Intercessor of the Christian race to send them help. The Most Holy Theotokos showed Her mercy, took the faithful sons of the fatherland under Her Protection, and with Her help Russia was saved from its enemies. The militia that arrived in Moscow with Prince Pozharsky encountered many obstacles that were insurmountable for human forces, namely: it was necessary to take a well-fortified city stubbornly defended by the Poles, to repel the fresh, numerous Polish army that had approached Moscow, to pacify the willfulness and riot of the Russian troops who met the arriving militia almost with hatred and showed them only enmity and treason. In addition, the lack of food in the devastated area and the lack of weapons caused a strong decline in courage in the arriving army. And many of the faithful sons of the fatherland, losing their last spark of hope, exclaimed in deep sorrow: “Forgive me, freedom of the fatherland! Sorry, sacred Kremlin! We have done everything for your release; but it is clear that God is not pleased to bless our weapons with victory!”

Having decided on a last attempt to liberate the dear fatherland from enemies, but not relying on their own strength, the entire army and people turned in prayer to the Lord and His Most Pure Mother, establishing a special solemn prayer service for this purpose and strictly observing a three-day fast. God heard the prayer cry of those who care about the fatherland and inviolability Orthodox Church and showed them His mercy. Being in grave captivity among the Poles, in the Moscow Kremlin occupied by them, who came to Russia with the Greek Metropolitan Jeremiah, the sick Archbishop of Elasson Arseny appeared in a dream and announced that, through the prayers of the Mother of God and the great wonderworkers of Moscow Peter, Alexy, Jonah and Philip, The Lord, on the very next day, will overthrow the enemies and return saved Russia to her sons, and to ensure the fulfillment of his words, he granted healing to Arseny. Encouraged by the joyful news, the Russian soldiers called on the Queen of Heaven for help and courageously approached Moscow, and on October 22, 1612 they liberated Kitay-Gorod, and two days later they took the Kremlin itself. The Poles fled. The next day, Sunday, the Russian army and all the residents of Moscow, in gratitude for their deliverance from their enemies, made a solemn religious procession to the Place of Execution, carrying the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, sacred banners and other Moscow shrines. This spiritual procession was met from the Kremlin by Archbishop Arseny with the miraculous Vladimir Icon of the Mother of God, which he had preserved in captivity. Seeing this icon, the soldiers and people bowed their knees and with tears of joy kissed the holy image of their Intercessor.

In memory of so miraculous deliverance Moscow from the Poles, with the permission of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich and the blessing of his father, Metropolitan, later Patriarch Philaret, the Church established annually on October 22 to celebrate the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in Moscow with a procession of the cross. First, the procession took place at the Church of the Presentation of the Mother of God, on Lubyanka, where the house of Prince Pozharsky was located, and after the construction of a new church in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, built at the expense of Prince Pozharsky (which is now the Kazan Cathedral, on Resurrection Square), the procession took place is already taking place in the cathedral. The miraculous icon that was with him in the ranks of the army was also transferred there by Prince Pozharsky himself.

Tobolsk Icon of the Mother of God

This miraculous icon is located in the Tobolsk Cathedral. She appeared in 1661. This year, on July 8 in Tobolsk, in the Znamensky Monastery, on the day of the celebration of the Kazan Icon, at Matins, when Hierodeacon Ioannikiy read the legend about the appearance of the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos in Kazan and reached the place where it is said that the Archbishop of Kazan did not previously believe the appearance of the icon , then in front of all the people he prayed to the Most Pure Lady for forgiveness of his sin, he suddenly fell unconscious on the floor along with the lectern.

When he came to his senses, he immediately asked for a confessor and revealed the following to him:

“On June 21st, after Matins, I came to my cell and fell asleep. Suddenly I see a saint coming to me in full vestments, like John Chrysostom; I considered him to be Metropolitan Philip. The saint said to me: “Get up and tell the archimandrite, the governor and all the people, so that not far from the Church of the Three Hierarchs in the city they build a church in the name of the Kazan Mother of God, they would build it in three days, and on the fourth they would consecrate and bring into it the image of the Mother of God of Kazan - that the one that now stands in the porch of this Church of the Three Hierarchs in a closet, facing the wall. Tell this image to be celebrated in the city. Because of your sins, I am angry with you, you use foul language and fill the air with your foul language, like a stench: it is a stench to both God and people; but our Lady, with all the saints, prayed to His Son Christ our God for your city and for all the people, so that He would turn away His righteous anger.” But I, getting up from sleep, was amazed, and didn’t say anything to anyone. A little later, when I was in my cell and began to write irmos: Adorned with divine glory, suddenly the same saint came to me and graciously said to me: “Why didn’t you tell what was said to you from the Most Holy Theotokos through me, Her minister? – and he disappeared. I fell to the ground out of fear, glorified God, but was afraid to talk about the vision, lest it cause confusion among the people, and for fear that they would not believe me. A few days later, during my sleep, the saint appeared to me again and said with anger: “Why didn’t you say what was commanded to you? Because of your neglect, the wrath of God will come upon your city for your sins. Your bread is rotting and your water is drowning - get up quickly and tell the archimandrite, the governor and all the people; If you don’t say it, you’ll soon lose your life. If the townspeople obey, then the mercy of God will be in your city and its surroundings; If they don’t listen, then it will be hard for your city: your cattle will die, the rain will destroy your houses, and you will all disappear like worms, and the image of the Mother of God will be glorified in another place.”

But I didn’t tell anyone about this third phenomenon, and on July 6th, when after evening singing I came to my cell, went to bed, I fell asleep light sleep and I hear in the monastery the wonderful ringing of two bells and the singing of extraordinary voices: Let us exalt Thee, the Immaculate Mother of our God. One of the singers told me: “Because you did not say what was commanded to you, tomorrow you will be punished before all the people.” And so, when at Matins I began to read about the appearance of the miraculous image of the Mother of God in Kazan, I saw that the saint who had appeared to me before was coming from the porch and blessing the people on both sides; Having come to the meal, also blessing people, he came up to me and said: “You read this and why don’t you believe it yourself? That image was in the ground, and this one stands in the porch facing the wall; why didn’t you tell about him?” And he, shaking his hand at me, said: “From now on, be decrepit until the divine deed is accomplished.” Having said this, he became invisible, and I fell to the ground out of fear and now I’m telling you.”

The people, having learned about the miraculous phenomena, glorified the mercy of the Most Holy Theotokos with tears, and everyone with zeal and a procession of the cross carried the icon to the place where it was indicated to build the Church, and the church was built in three days and consecrated on the fourth. Before the church was built, the narrator notes, there were torrential rains and water rose in the rivers, as if in spring, and when they began to build the church, there was a bucket; breads and vegetables have since recovered.

Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Images

  • Kaplunovskaya-Kazan icon
  • Karpov-Kazan icon
  • Katashinskaya-Kazan icon
  • Ascension-Kazan icon
  • Pavlovsk-Kazan icon
  • Irkutsk-Kazan icon
  • Kargopol-Kazan icon
  • Yaroslavl-Kazan icon
  • Kazan, located in the Moscow Simonov Monastery
  • Kazanskaya, located in the Vyshenskaya Hermitage
  • Kazan, located in the Tambov Cathedral
  • Kazan, located in Suzdal

Kaplunovskaya-Kazan icon. This icon is located in the village of Kaplunovka, Kharkov diocese. Appeared in 1689 as follows. To the priest of this village, who was distinguished by his especially pious life, John Umanov, someone, an old man adorned with gray hair, appeared in a dream and told him that icon painters would soon come to him from Moscow with icons and that he should buy for himself the eighth from a bunch of icons from the oldest of them in years. account, the Kazan Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary. “From her you will receive grace and mercy,” added the elder. The priest did so, but before doing this he strictly fasted. Soon a new vision followed in a dream to priest Umanov: the Most Holy Theotokos herself appeared and ordered the icon to be placed in the church. The priest reported his vision to the people and triumphantly transferred the icon to the church, and from that time on, miracles began to be performed from the icon. The icon was called Kaplunovskaya. In 1709, when Emperor Peter the Great was at war with the Swedish king Charles XII, he summoned a priest with the Kaplunovskaya icon to his army in Kharkov and ordered it to be carried in front of the regiments, while he himself prayed with tears to the Queen of Heaven for help. Meanwhile, King Charles, stopping with his army near Kaplunovka, stayed with the traitor Hetman Mazepa in the house of the priest John. Then some of his violent warriors wanted to burn the church. They covered it with straw and wood, but no matter how hard they tried to set it on fire, neither the wood nor the straw caught fire. Having learned about such a miracle and also that St. The icon is in the Russian camp, Karl told Mazepa: “If they could not light the church without the icon, then where it is located will be unreliable for us.” This is exactly what happened. The Battle of Poltava brought Great Peter victory over Charles. There is a miraculous Kaplunovskaya icon in the settlement of Kozeevka, 80 miles from Kharkov.

Nizhnelomovskaya-Kazan icon. This icon appeared in 1643 at a spring two miles from the city of Nizhny Loma Penza province. At the site of her appearance, a chapel was first erected, and then a church and a monastery.

Karpov-Kazan icon. This icon is located in the Kursk Znamensky Monastery. It was brought here in 1725 from the Karpov Desert.

Katashin-Kazan icon. This icon appeared in 1622 in a grove near the village of Bely Kolodezya, Chernigov province, to the local priest and was placed by him in the village church. In 1692, a monastery was established here, called Katashinsky.

Ascension-Kazan icon. It is located in the Ascension Convent in Moscow, in the Kremlin. She first became famous in 1689. Twice it was in danger of burning, but was miraculously preserved. This year, after a prayer service in front of this icon, they forgot to put out the candle, the candle fell, and it burned the lectern on which the icon lay, and the icon itself, despite the fact that it was painted on canvas, remained completely unharmed. Another time, when in 1701, on June 19, there was a fire in the Moscow Kremlin and the royal palace and Ascension Monastery burned down, the icon was miraculously preserved. When they took out the utensils and icons from the cathedral monastery church, they did not take it out, but meanwhile it ended up with other icons that were taken out; when, after the fire was over, they began to bring things into the cathedral, they saw that the icon was already in its place, although no one had brought it in. And there were many miraculous healings from this icon.

Pavlovsk-Kazan icon. This icon is located in the village of Pavlovskoye, Moscow province, Zvenigorod district. She appeared on a tree near the village where a chapel was built in memory of the apparition; Inside the chapel there is a well, popularly called holy. The first miracle from the icon was the following. One of the peasants of the village of Pavlovskoye fell into a severe illness from an intemperate life. At this time, the Most Holy Theotokos appeared in a dream to another pious peasant and ordered him to tell the sick man to pray to Her for healing and go to the holy well to wash. Then he would give up his intemperate life, otherwise he might perish. The patient with great effort went to the well, washed himself and completely recovered.

Irkutsk-Kazan icon. It is located in Irkutsk in the Epiphany Cathedral and became famous for many miracles. Every year in April or May, after sowing spring grain, it is carried in a religious procession through neighboring rural peasant fields to consecrate the crops. This religious procession has long been established on the occasion of frequent grain harvest failures in the surrounding villages of the city of Irkutsk.

Kargopol-Kazan icon. This miraculous icon is located in the city of Kargopol, Olonets diocese, in the Church of the Ascension. She became famous in 1714. The icon was in the house of the pious widow Martha Ponomareva, who once, while praying before the icon, saw a tear flowing from the right eye of the Most Holy Theotokos, and in fear reported this to the priest. The icon was transferred to the church, and here twice in a short time, in the sight of everyone, streams of tears appeared from the eyes of the Mother of God, which was reported to the then Metropolitan Job of Novgorod.

Yaroslavl-Kazan icon. This icon is located in Yaroslavl in the Kazan convent. The story of her glorification is as follows. In 1588, on July 2, a certain pious man named Gerasim, while he was in Kazan, had a miraculous vision of the Mother of God Herself, and after that, when he wished to purchase Her icon for himself, in a dream he heard a voice indicating where and what icon purchase, and then go to the city of Romanov and tell the residents there to build a temple in the name of the icon. Gerasim found the icon and just took it in his hands when right hand he, who had been ill for a long time, was healed. The temple was built in Romanov, and the icon stood there until 1604, when Romanov was taken by the Lithuanians. At this time, one of them took a miraculous icon from the church and took it with him to Yaroslavl. Here the Mother of God Herself appeared to a certain deacon Eleazar and commanded to build a temple in Her honor. A temple was erected, and then a monastery was attached to it. The inhabitants of Romanov wanted to return the miraculous icon to themselves, but the citizens of Yaroslavl asked Tsar Vasily Ioannovich to leave it in their city, and the tsar, on the advice of Patriarch Hermogenes, approved the desire of the latter with a letter on his behalf, but so that they would make an accurate list of the miraculous icons for Romanov. And the miraculous icon itself is carried every year from Yaroslavl to Romanov.

Kazan, located in the Moscow Simonov Monastery. This icon was donated to the monastery by those who received it for a blessing from Bishop Tikhon of Voronezh. On its sides are depicted St. Tikhon, the angel of the saint, and Martha, the angel of the saint’s sister, Martha. She first became famous for the healing of a maiden, the wanderer Natalia, to whom an icon appeared three times in a dream, but she did not know where to find it. Finally, the hieroschemamonk of the Simonov Monastery, Alexy, appeared to her in a dream with the image itself and said that the icon stood in the monastery in the cathedral church on right side. The icon was found, and the sick woman, after praying before it, received healing. Subsequently, a special chapel was built in her honor and for her at the cathedral monastery church. There were many miracles from the icon.

Kazanskaya, located in the Vyshenskaya Hermitage. This icon was brought from Moscow to the Tambov Ascension Convent in 1812 by the nun Miropiya, who, on the occasion of the ruin of the capital, moved there. The pious old woman heard a voice from the icon three times in reality, commanding it to be transferred to the Vyshenskaya hermitage, and after her death, according to her will, the icon was transferred. In addition to many healings from the icon, the Vyshensky monks sometimes at night saw a bright light spilling from it throughout the church.

Kazan, located in the Vysochinsky Kazan Monastery. The monastery was named after the icon, and the icon after the village of Vysochino, where it became famous for its miracles. The icon appeared at the beginning of the 18th century, during the reign of Emperor Peter I. The village of Vysochino did not yet exist, but there was a state-owned pine forest here. On the banks of the swampy Mzhi River, which flowed through a forest and surrounded by swamps, a watchman and his family lived in a hut. The icon appeared to this watchman standing on a marshy hummock. Light rays emanated from the icon. The watchman, with reverence and prayer, took it and placed it in his hut with icons on a shelf. Here the icon soon marked itself with a sun-like radiance emanating from it and at the same time with the healing of a blind and lame old man, the watchman’s father. Then they took the icon to the nearest church in the village of Artyukhovka, but the icon returned three times to the watchman’s hut. The people, having learned about the revealed icon, began to come in large numbers to worship it, and many received healing and consolation. Then the centurion Vysochin, to whom the emperor for his merit during Battle of Poltava donated land with a forest - a pine forest, where a miraculous icon stood in the watchman's hut, built a village here, which was named after his surname, Vysochino, and from the village of Artyukhovka moved a church here, where the miraculous icon was delivered. Subsequently, a monastery was built here. And in the monastery there were many miracles from the icon.

Kazan, located in the Tambov Cathedral. This icon is richly decorated. Her first miracle was in 1695, on December 6, during an all-night vigil, tears that wetted the shroud and lectern.

Kazan, located in the Temnikovsky Transfiguration Cathedral. It was in the pantry among unusable utensils. The icon appeared three times to a lady who suffered from pain in her legs, and promised healing if she found her. The patient demanded that she be taken to the Temnikov Cathedral. As soon as she saw the icon in the storeroom, she immediately felt relief and, after prayer, was completely healed.

Kazanskaya, located in the city of Vyazniki. It stands in the cathedral church. This icon marked itself with miracles at the beginning of the 17th century.

Kazan, located in Suzdal. It stands in the parish Church of the Resurrection. This icon, as a result of the appearance of the Mother of God Herself, was painted by one pious monk of the Shartom St. Nicholas Monastery, Joachim, who lived in the 17th century. A monk lived near the Kazan Church in a hut, where he was buried.

“Miracle-working icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Their history and images,” compiled by Archpriest I. Bukharev. Moscow, “Caravel”, 1994. Published according to the publication: Miraculous Icons of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Their History and Images). Compiled by Archpriest I. Bukharev. Moscow, Typo-Lithography G.I. Prostakova, Balchug, village of Simonov Monastery. 1901
