The largest cargo planes in the world. Military transport aircraft - army air carriers

The not yet very long history of aviation is replete with episodes when different countries, at different times and various reasons Gigantomania became a military fashion, leading to the construction of huge flying machines. This material presents 10 such aircraft built over the past three quarters of a century.

1. Junkers Ju 390

This aircraft was built in Germany on the basis of the four-engine Junkers Ju 290 in 1943 and was intended for use as a heavy transport, maritime patrol aircraft, and strategic bomber. The Germans planned to build 26 such aircraft, with which, in theory, it was possible to bomb even the territory of the United States, but in reality they were able to build only two machines. The aircraft's wingspan was 50.3 meters, its length was 34.2 meters, and its flight range was up to 9,700 kilometers.

2. AntonovAn-225 "Mriya"»

The An-225 Mriya aircraft was developed by the Antonov design bureau in the 1980s. It is the longest (84 meters) and heaviest (maximum take-off weight 640 tons) aircraft ever built. "Mriya" was originally created to transport the reusable spacecraft "Buran", as well as various large-sized components of the launch vehicle from the production site to the launch site, and was produced in a single copy (the second copy is approximately 70% ready since Soviet times at the plant "Antonov"). After the completion of the Energia-Buran program, the An-225 was mothballed for eight years. In the early 2000s, the aircraft was restored by Ukrainian companies, and currently it performs commercial cargo transportation.

3. MesserschmittMe 323 "Gigant"

The German Messerschmitt Me 323 was the largest production land aircraft of World War II. In total, just over 200 of them were built. It was designed and built in preparation for the planned invasion of Great Britain. Initially it was created as a heavy glider Me 321, but in 1941 it was decided to build a version of this glider with a motor. With a payload capacity of up to 23 tons, this fabric and plywood-covered aircraft was used by the Germans primarily to supply troops in North Africa, although it was also seen on the Eastern Front.

4. Blohm & Voss BV 238

This German flying boat with a wingspan of 60.17 meters made its first flight in March 1944 and was built in a single copy. The Blohm & Voss BV 238 was the largest aircraft built to that date, and, ironically, became the largest aircraft destroyed during World War II. The aircraft was based on Lake Schalsee in northern Germany and was sunk in September 1944 as a result of an attack by a group of American P-51 Mustang fighters. According to another version, it was destroyed by British Hawker Typhoon in May 1945.

5. MartinJ.R.M.Mars

The large transport seaplane Martin JRM Mars was in limited quantities(1 prototype and 6 production) built for the US Navy during World War II. It was created as a “flying dreadnought” - a long-range patrol aircraft. After the war, the four surviving Mars, written off for scrap in 1959, were bought by Canadian timber merchants and converted into flying tankers for fighting forest fires. After 2012, there is still one Martin JRM Mars in service.

6. Convair B-36 Peacemaker

XB-36 prototype (right) next to a B-29 Superfortress

The B-36 Peacemaker is an American intercontinental bomber, the largest combat aircraft in the history of aviation in terms of wingspan (70.1 meters). The first flight took place in August 1946. A total of 384 aircraft were built.

7. ConvairXC-99

The XC-99 is an American prototype heavy cargo aircraft built using parts from the B-36 bomber. Built in a single copy, it made its first flight on November 24, 1947, and in 1949 it entered service with the US Air Force. During Korean War XC-99 made intercontinental flights in the interests of the US Army. The last flight was performed on March 19, 1957.

8. Boeing B-52 Stratofortress

The B-52 intercontinental strategic bomber made its first flight in April 1952 and replaced the Convair B-36. As one of the main delivery vehicles for American nuclear weapons, the B-52 participated in several military conflicts, during which only conventional weapons were used from its board. The US Air Force plans to operate the B-52 until at least the 2040s. The aircraft's wingspan is 56.39 meters.

The Lockheed C-130 Hercules is the most popular military transport aircraft on the planet. Since 1954, the American company Lockheed Martin has produced and sold about 2,500 Hercules. Today, 951 representatives of this family roam the skies, occupying 22% of the global military transport market.

The American general purpose turboprop aircraft Beechcraft King Air is in service in the armies of many countries around the world. It is used for training pilots, patrolling maritime territories, reconnaissance, communications and other purposes. Although most of the 295 currently functioning “kings of the air” are involved in business transportation.

The Boeing C-17 Globemaster III military transport aircraft made its first flight in 1991. The “heavyweight” is capable of transporting large cargo and military units over long distances, as well as landing on small, poorly prepared airfields.

The Airbus CN-235 is the main European competitor to American “non-combat” wings. The aircraft manufacturing giant Airbus calls its creation nothing less than “the cheapest tactical military transport aircraft.” And this fact attracted a clientele from the armies of two dozen countries, including the United States, to the CN-235.

The military transport AN-26 (according to NATO codification, Curl, “Whirlwind”), developed at the Antonov Design Bureau, was discontinued back in 1986. However, more than 200 AN-26 and its predecessor AN-24 are still in service. Which puts the “veterans” on a par with the most popular aircraft of this class.

The heavy military transport aircraft IL-76 (according to NATO codification - Сandid, direct) first took to the air in 1971 and still remains the main “workhorse” of Russian military transport aviation. True, from the moment of its birth, the carrying capacity of the brainchild of the Ilyushin Design Bureau increased from 30 to 60 tons.

The AN-32 military transporter, created on the basis of the AN-26, is adapted to the conditions elevated temperatures(up to +50 degrees) and takeoffs from high mountain airfields(up to 4500 meters). Nowadays it successfully operates in the air forces of hot countries - such as India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, Mexico, and African countries.

The light American transport aircraft Cessna 208 Caravan was created as an aircraft for hard-to-reach areas. Its military version, the U-27A, protects the peace of Brazil, Colombia, Liberia, Thailand and other countries. A total of 125 “military” Cessnas are in service.

Like the AN-26, the average military transport aircraft Transall Allianz C-160 has not been produced for 30 years - since the mid-1980s. But the vehicle, developed by a German-French consortium for the needs of their countries’ air forces, is still in service. 120 winged C-160s still take to the skies.

CASA C212 Aviocar - developed by the Spanish company EADS CASA. This military transport aircraft can take off and land on unpaved runways 400 meters long. Various modifications are used for photographic reconnaissance, maritime patrol and transportation of military VIPs.

In the shadow of the “stars” remain the workhorses - military transport aircraft and general purpose aircraft. Perhaps in terms of effectiveness they are inferior to fast and stuffed modern technology fighters. But hard workers are reliable and in constant demand, and not only among the military. We present the ten most popular aircraft created for the daily needs of the Air Force.

Air travel is considered safe and accessible means for traveling. To lift one airliner into the air, a decent amount of fuel is required, so designers are constantly fighting to reduce fuel consumption. High-capacity airliners have proven themselves to be effective remedy, capable of transporting large volumes of cargo and serving large passenger traffic.

Largest passenger aircraft

The largest passenger aircraft in the world is the Airbus A380. The airliner is produced by a group of European companies in several EU countries. The wingspan of this giant is 80 meters, which frees up space for large fuel reserves and makes it possible for long non-stop flights.

The A380 has incredible specifications:

  1. Number of passengers: 850 people.
  2. Max. flight speed: 1020 km/h.
  3. Max. flight distance: 15,200 km, more than any representative of this class.
  4. Max. take-off weight: 575 t.

The use of composite materials allows the aircraft to weigh significantly less, which helps to gain the desired altitude with minimal acceleration.

In the aircraft project, engineers managed to combine knowledge in the field of engineering and aerodynamics.

Aircraft capacity

The model has a large number of modifications, but on average an Airbus can accommodate about 555 people. The plane is different the highest level comfort. The liner is operated on all continents. Airbus is famous for its good handling and almost zero accident rate.

Not every engine is suitable for lifting such a colossus into the air, because in addition to passenger seats, the airliner has:

  1. Recreation areas.
  2. Sleeping cabins.
  3. Bars and more.

Only 4 Rolls-Royce engines, manufactured to special order, are capable of lifting this mass to heights.

In Russia, the largest passenger aircraft is actively operated by the country's main airline, Aeroflot. The A380 has a significant share in the carrier's fleet.

The largest cargo plane

An 225 – “Mriya” rightfully holds the title of the most big plane in the world. The length of the aircraft is 73 meters, and the wingspan is an incredible 88 meters! The plane exists in a single copy and is operated by the Ukrainian company Antonov Airlines. In theory, this aircraft can be classified as a transport aircraft, but its original purpose was to transport the Buran reusable spacecraft.

After the collapse of the USSR, the largest cargo plane in the world went to Ukraine, however long time has not been used. The engines and all valuable equipment were removed from the liner. It was only in the early 2000s that the need for such an “air truck” arose and the aircraft was modernized to meet international aviation standards.

Now the largest An aircraft has been adapted for commercial transportation. The aircraft's carrying capacity is about 250 tons.

Important: in fact, there is a second copy of Mriya, but it is not completed. The project readiness is estimated at 70%. To complete the construction, about $100 million is required, which no investor is yet ready to provide.

Liner records

An-225 broke many load-carrying records. The largest cargo plane in the world has an absolute record for lifting cargo into the air - 253.5 tons. The air record holder has been included in the Guinness Book of Records more than once.

In the next ten years, it is unlikely that anyone will be able to build a project of this scale, so the airliner will hold the palm in the categories “largest aircraft in the world” and “heaviest aircraft” for the next ten to fifteen years.

The largest military aircraft in the world

The world's largest aircraft is used only for peaceful purposes, but many of its smaller brothers are used to transport military cargo. The most successful countries in this area are Russia and the USA. Cold War spurred the arms race and a flood of government funding poured into the defense industry.

The production of one model required huge amounts of money, so each project was thoroughly tested before flights. The commissioning time for this type of equipment is about 5 years from the start of design.

An 124 "Ruslan"

This military transport aircraft is one of the few representatives of aircraft manufacturing giants in Russia. The development of the project and the first flights were carried out back in the era of the Soviet Union, but the technological solutions of the designers were really ahead of their time and therefore remain relevant to this day.

The name “Ruslan” was given to the airliner by combat pilots, but journalists liked it so much that it appears in all the tops and ratings with this abbreviation. The nickname became an integral part of the aircraft.

The aircraft has a wingspan of about 80 meters and a length of 73 meters. The maximum flight range is more than 15 thousand kilometers. More than once, during their flights, these airliners circled the globe with a minimum number of refuelings.

The Ruslan is operated in Russia and Ukraine, and not only for military cargo transportation.

Lockheed C-5 Galaxy

The Lockheed C – 5 Galaxy model is the American response to domestic projects of super-lift aircraft. The scale of this monster is impressive: in military configuration it is capable of transporting 275 fully equipped soldiers, and when used in civil aviation carries 75 passengers. IN initial project it was assumed that the board was capable of transporting intercontinental ballistic missiles.

10 largest planes in the world

Since the birth of aviation, aircraft have become more reliable and increased in size. In every era there has been an aircraft that is a technological breakthrough. For you, we present the top 10 aircraft that influenced the development of world aviation.

Tupolev ANT-20 "Maxim Gorky"

Built in honor of a significant event in the biography of M. Gorky - the 40th anniversary of the beginning of his literary career, the plane was striking in size. This eight-engine giant housed a printing house, laboratory and library. For full use, a flight staff of 20 people was required.

The fate of the only released copy was tragic - on May 18, 1935, an accident occurred that led to disaster. However, this aircraft became the prototype for the creation of heavy domestic aircraft, such as Ruslan and Mriya.

Important: in the mid-30s of the 20th century it could rightfully be called not only the largest Russian aircraft, but also the largest cargo aircraft in the world.

Hughes H-4 Hercules

It is no coincidence that “Hercules” occupies a place in our top. To this day, it is the largest transport aircraft with the ability to take off and land on water.

The project was financed by the American tycoon Howard Hughes, but was completed only in a wooden version. This is due to the fact that the construction period fell on the Second world war, so all the metal went to military needs. Its estimated capacity of 750 people would make it the largest passenger aircraft ever built.

Boeing 747

Each of us has seen this plane in one way or another: live, in photos or on video. For 37 years, the Boeing 747 held the title of the largest civil aircraft, until the Airbus A380 appeared. Used all over the world. Used to deliver the space shuttle from its production site.


  1. Length from nose to tail: 76.4.
  2. Wingspan: 68.5.
  3. Crew: 2 pilots.
  4. Number of passengers: 600 people.
  5. Max. flight speed: 1100 km/h.
  6. Flight range: about 14,000 km.
  7. Max. take-off weight: 448 tons.

The following models are also included in the top 10 largest aircraft in the world, but their place on the list is earned primarily by their reliability and performance.

Boeing 777-300ER

Boeing's largest aircraft. The device has a wide space inside the casing and is capable of transporting up to 70,000 tons of commercial cargo.

Airbus A340-600

It was produced in the amount of 97 copies, which allows it to be called one of the most popular aircraft, capable of carrying 450 passengers. Discontinued in 2011, but continues to be used everywhere.

Boeing 747-8

The extended version of the airliner tops the honorary list of the longest aircraft (76.4 meters). IN international classification is called "Intercontinental".


A medium-passenger long-haul airliner, which is rightfully considered one of the best in Russia. This model attracts not with its huge volume inside, but with its decent speed for its size - it can reach up to 950 km/h.

Sukhoi Superjet-100

The Russian aircraft is the forefront of the domestic aircraft industry. It has the latest digital technology and is capable of transporting 100 people. It is actively purchased in Asia, and the Sukhoi company plans to enter the US market.

Irkut MS-21

This airliner is not yet in production and receives a place on our list in advance. Despite the not-so-large dimensions of the project (length - up to 40 meters), which will not allow it to displace the largest aircraft in the West from the top positions, it is capable of ridding Russia of the dominance of foreign manufacturers.


The plane marked the beginning of a sharp surge in the construction of supersonic passenger airliners. The recognizable silhouette with a pointed nose can be easily recognized in photos and videos. It was used for 27 years, which allowed it to become a record holder for transporting passengers - 3 million people.

Every manufacturer wants to be called an industry giant. In the aircraft industry, Airbus has no equal yet with the A380 model. The largest passenger aircraft in the world has been in production for several years and is constantly being modified. The time is not far off when one plane will carry more than 1,000 people.

The Russian heavy aircraft market is experiencing better times. Old Soviet models are in use. Gradually Russian manufacturers They are trying to catch up with their colleagues from Europe and America, but this takes time.

Each of the described liners can weigh tens of tons, but the efficiency factor is estimated using the formula: 1 kg of dead weight per amount of weight lifted.

Transport companies transporting goods by air keep in their fleet great amount various technologies that are updated in different situations. The most popular aircraft used today for these purposes in Russia are the developments of well-known design bureaus: Antonov Design Bureau, Ilyushin Design Bureau, Yakovlev Design Bureau. Also among the air cargo transport there are aircraft from foreign manufacturers, in particular the well-known The Boeing Company and Airbus.

Characteristics of domestic cargo aircraft

Each vehicle differs in its characteristics, size, and carrying capacity.

  • An-12 aircraft known for commercial loads of up to 20 tons. They are used for air transportation of complex cargo: large volume, large dimensions, and heavy weight. There are known cases of transporting wheeled and tracked vehicles with their help. It is also allowed to load containers and pallets with cargo into the compartment.
  • An-24 class vehicles designed for a small total load (up to 5.5 tons). They are equipped with three luggage and cargo compartments located flush with the passenger compartment. Another Ukrainian development, the An-26, is considered an improved version of these aircraft, which has a commercial payload capacity of 5.5 tons and is distinguished by the ability to load both from the ground and from the body.

  • An-124-100 Ruslan It is considered the most load-lifting aircraft on the planet produced in the series. Its loading can reach 120 tons. It makes it convenient to send large quantities of products.

The Tu-154B aircraft model, one of the most popular aircraft ever produced by Soviet aviation, is also used today for cargo transportation, allowing up to 18 tons of products to be placed on board. The Tu-134A class equipment, produced by the same design bureau, is designed to accommodate cargo weighing up to 8.6 tons in bulk in its 2 compartments.

Yak-40K aircraft, unlike the Yak-40 version, are equipped with special cargo hatches and can be used both for mixed transportation and for transporting exclusively cargo. In the second case, their load increases to 3200 kg.

It is proposed to place cargo inside the Yak-42 in 8 containers, space for which is allocated in the front and rear cargo compartments. When dismantling the roller flooring, it is possible to transport, among other things, large-sized cargo. One of the variants of this equipment - a modification of the Yak-42D with 120 seats - is also widely used for transporting goods. If this aircraft is loaded with containers, up to 12.82 tons can be placed inside it; if you do not resort to special containers, less cargo will fit, only 8.6 tons.

  • The Il-62 intercontinental aircraft can have a carrying capacity of up to 5 tons, and has 4 cargo compartments. This is a proven version of the technology that has proven itself over the years of operation.
  • The reliable IL-76, capable of transporting up to 48 tons of commercial cargo at a time, is also in demand among customers. It is relevant for interregional transportation of large cargo and equipment.
  • Wide-body IL-86 airbuses require cargo to be placed on the lower deck, where there are a couple of cargo compartments, as well as in 3 more sectors where cargo is placed individually. Loading of such aircraft is permissible within 15 tons. The IL-96-300 can also carry up to 15 tons of commercial cargo.

Foreign developments in the service of civil aviation of the Russian Federation

The French company Airbus produces high-quality aircraft that are in demand all over the world. Its equipment is widely used for cargo transportation, including those carried out by international postal companies and delivery services.

  • Widebody Airbus A310 Considered the smallest in the world, it is capable of transporting up to 7 tons of commercial cargo at a time. In his cargo cabins You can place up to 10 containers, piece cargo, pallets.
  • Narrow-body aircraft Airbus A319-100 (A319) for short and medium distance flights, it accepts goods with a total weight of up to 6.8 tons for placement in the front and rear compartments, as well as in the bulk cargo compartment. The Airbus A320-200 (A320A), which has similar technical characteristics and capacity, is not far behind it.
  • Airbus A321-100 (A321A) which is known as the modified A320, is one of the largest aircraft of this family, its maximum take-off weight– 93500 kg.

The American corporation The Boeing Company also keeps up with the Europeans, producing aircraft ideally suited for passenger and cargo transportation. In particular, Russian transport companies The following models are used today for transporting various cargoes:

  • Boeing 737-300 (В737-300)– narrow-body airliners, easily modified into cargo versions, capable of transporting 5.73 tons of commercial cargo by air.
  • Boeing 767-300– airliners with a maximum load of no more than 9 tons, have 5 compartments for various types cargo. Capable of medium and long-haul flights.
  • Boeing 777-200– wide-body vessels for long flights, placing up to 18 containers in the front compartment, up to 14 in the rear compartment, and piece goods, mail, luggage with a volume of up to 17 cubic meters in the bulk cargo sector.

The advantages of Boeing aircraft in cargo delivery include their high degree reliability, versatility, ability to carry out multi-hour flights.

Military transport aviation first loudly declared itself during the Second World War. But in those years, most transport aircraft were conversions of serial bombers. Specialized transport aircraft began to be built en masse after the war. Transport aviation today is used to transport (transfer) troops, military equipment, drop troops, as well as provide transport and communications support for formations and units of the armed forces. In Russia, military transport aviation (MTA) is the means of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the RF Armed Forces; it is designed to solve strategic, operational-strategic, operational and operational-tactical tasks.

Currently, the Russian military transport aircraft are in service with the following military transport aircraft: Il-76MD, An-22, An-26, An-124 “Ruslan”, as well as An-12PP. Today, many countries around the world have their own transport aircraft. Wherein total military transport aircraft that are in service and operated in this moment, is about 4,200 units. Below is a list of the five most common transport aircraft in the world. The top 5 included three aircraft manufactured by American companies: the C-130 Hercules, Beechcraft King Air and C-17 Globemaster III, as well as the Spanish-Indonesian CN235 aircraft and the Russian An-26.

C-130 Hercules

The American Lockheed C-130 Hercules and its various specialized versions, as well as the upgraded C-130J Super Hercules, are currently the most common transport aircraft on the planet. This medium- and long-range military transport aircraft is the main military transport aircraft of the United States, as well as NATO countries. "Hercules" is intended for transporting troops and cargo, landing troops and military equipment by landing and parachute methods. The aircraft is in service with the Air Force, paramilitary forces, and coast guards of more than 70 countries around the world from the USA, Great Britain and Australia to Tunisia, Uruguay and Zimbabwe. In total, about 890 machines are operated in the world of this type. Some of these aircraft have been converted into special versions, such as the American LC-130, which is equipped with landing skis.

Almost 60 years have passed since the first flight of this transport aircraft, and it still has not lost its relevance in the military transport aviation market. The prototype aircraft made its first flight on August 23, 1954; serial production began in December 1956 after eliminating all the shortcomings that were identified during testing of the aircraft. Unlike its closest Soviet counterpart, the An-12, the C-130 Hercules is still in mass production. In total, until 2009, more than 2,300 Hercules aircraft of various modifications were assembled in the United States, of which 1,170 were for the needs of the US Air Force. The cost of one of the latest military versions of the C-130J is about 100 million dollars.

The C-130J Super Hercules version first flew in 1996. A stretched version of the C-130J-30 Super Hercules is currently being produced. One of the customers of these machines is Israel. Such a military transport aircraft is capable of transporting 92 paratroopers in full equipment, 128 soldiers or 97 wounded with accompanying persons. It can also transport up to 4 HMMWV (Hummer) armored vehicles. The maximum carrying capacity of the aircraft is almost 20,000 kg. The C-130J aircraft is able to reach speeds of up to 671 km/h and fly over distances of up to 5,300 km. The minimum crew size is 3 people (2 pilots and one person responsible for cargo).

Beechcraft King Air

The second most common military transport aircraft in the world is a machine that was not designed as a military aircraft, we are talking about the American Beechcraft King Air. These transport aircraft fly today in 24 countries, including the USA, Jamaica, Venezuela, and Ivory Coast. In total, the military today uses about 280 King Air aircraft in various modifications. The aircraft was originally created as a civilian model for transporting passengers; it is still actively used as a vehicle for corporate transportation. As part of the Air Force various countries These aircraft are most often used to transport special forces units or transport senior military leadership.

King Air is a light multi-purpose aircraft that was created by the American company Beechcraft. The plane made its first flight in May 1963. In operation since 1964. The aircraft is equipped with two turboprop engines and can reach speeds of up to 505 km/h. The aircraft is able to transport from 10 to 16 people or up to 907 kg of various cargo. The maximum flight range is about 3,500 km. In total, about 7 thousand aircraft of all modifications were produced during operation. On the basis of this multi-role aircraft, a large number of different special modifications were created, including reconnaissance and patrol versions, which, in particular, are used by the Japanese Self-Defense Forces.

Globemaster III

The C-17 Globemaster III is an American strategic military transport aircraft produced by the large American aircraft manufacturing concern Boeing. The number III in the name is not used by chance, since the aircraft bears the name Globemaster, which was previously used on piston cargo aircraft Douglas C-74 Globemaster and Douglas C-124 Globemaster II. The C-17 is typically used to carry out strategic transport of troops and cargo, but if necessary, it can also fly tactical missions, transport patients or be used for airdropping cargo.

Currently, this aircraft is in service in 8 countries around the world. The C-17 Globemaster III military transport aircraft is operated by the USA, Great Britain, Canada, Australia, India, UAE, Kuwait and Qatar. In addition, 3 similar aircraft are in the fleet operated by the NATO bloc. In total, 257 of these military transport aircraft are currently in operation in the world. Interestingly, the end date for production of this aircraft is already known: production of the aircraft should end in 2015, when Boeing fulfills all its accumulated contractual obligations for the supply of C-17.

When announcing a competition for the creation of a new military transport aircraft, the US military put forward the requirement that the new aircraft combine the payload capacity of the C-5 Galaxy and the ability to perform short takeoff and landing inherent in the C-130 Hercules transport aircraft. Development of the S-17 project began in December 1985, construction of the first aircraft began in 1987, and the new aircraft made its first flight in September 1991. In 1995, after completing a series of tests, the aircraft was adopted by the US Air Force; the first aircraft was delivered to the military in January of the same year.

The C-17 Globemaster III is a four-engine jet aircraft with a T-tail and high wing arrangement. Its crew consists of only 3 people. The aircraft is capable of flying over distances of up to 10,400 km, reaching a speed of 830 km/h. The C-17 military transport aircraft is designed to transport 102 paratroopers or 134 fully equipped soldiers, or up to 90 wounded with accompanying persons. The aircraft can also carry up to 6 four-wheeled M1117 armored personnel carriers or three Apache combat helicopters. The Abrams main battle tank can also be placed in the cargo compartment. The maximum carrying capacity of the aircraft is almost 77.5 tons. In July 2013, a group flight record for C-17 Globemaster III aircraft was set in the United States: 20 such aircraft were flown into the air at the same time.

The CN235 military transport aircraft was developed by the Airtech consortium, which includes the Spanish aircraft manufacturer CASA and the Indonesian Industri Pesawat Terbang Nusantara. The first flight of the prototype CN235 transport aircraft took place in May 1981, and the first production model took off on November 11, 1983 in Spain and December 30 of the same year in Indonesia. Structurally, this aircraft is a monoplane of a normal cantilever design, with a high-mounted wing. The aircraft is equipped with two turboprop engines.

The CN235 aircraft is a fairly successful European-designed aircraft. This transporter is currently operated in 32 countries around the world. It is in service with the air forces of Argentina, Indonesia, Spain, Turkey, the Republic of Korea, and the vehicle is also operated by the US Coast Guard. The largest customer for this aircraft was Turkey, which purchased a total of 61 CN235 military transport aircraft. In total, 235 aircraft of this type are currently in operation in the world, including various specialized versions.

There are 200 direct military transport aircraft in operation, the rest are special versions of the aircraft: patrol, reconnaissance, anti-submarine. The military transport aircraft is capable of transporting up to 48 soldiers, 46 paratroopers, 24 wounded on stretchers plus 4 accompanying persons, as well as up to 5 tons of various cargo. Maximum speed The vehicle's flight speed is 450 km/h, and its practical flight range is 4,400 km. The aircraft crew consists of 2-3 people.

The multi-purpose military transport aircraft An-26 (according to NATO codification “Curl” - “Whirlwind”) was developed at the Antonov Design Bureau in the 1960s. The aircraft was created on the basis of the passenger version of the An-24. Thanks to the large opening width of the loading hatch (2.4 meters) and the installation of a special ladder flap on it, convenient loading into the aircraft is possible both from the ground and from the back of a truck, which significantly facilitates and speeds up the loading and unloading process. The An-26 is a twin-engine monoplane with a high-mounted wing and single-fin empennage; the aircraft is equipped with turboprop engines. The aircraft was mass-produced until 1986. In total, almost 1,400 aircraft of this type were built during this time.

This car ranks 5th most common in the world. The An-26 is operated by the air forces of 35 countries. Among its operators are Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Vietnam, Turkmenistan, Madagascar, Zambia. The Russian Air Force has 28 aircraft of this type in service. These vehicles are also in service with the Chinese Air Force. At the same time, the PRC also operates copies of this aircraft of its own assembly, which are produced under the designation Y-7. In total, about 170 An-26 aircraft are operated in the world.

The An-26 military transport aircraft made its first flight in May 1969. The crew of this aircraft includes 6 people. It is designed to transport by air 38 military personnel, 30 paratroopers or 24 wounded on stretchers. The maximum carrying capacity of the aircraft is about 5.5 tons. At the same time, the aircraft is capable of reaching a speed of 550 km/h and flying over a distance of up to 2,700 km. It is noteworthy that the Soviet version of the transport aircraft could initially also carry weapons. On the plane, on 4 external beam holders BDZ-34, it was possible to hang free-falling bombs with a total weight of up to 2 tons (maximum caliber of bombs 500 kg).

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