The breed standard is the Chinese Crested Dog. Chinese crested dog. According to the type of coat, Chinese Crested Dogs are divided into two varieties.

The Chinese Crested is a dog breed with a kind and submissive nature. There are 2 varieties of the breed: hairless and downy Chinese crested (puff, powder puff). Bald skin appeared in the breed due to a natural gene mutation. The baldness gene eventually became dominant. But every dog ​​has a recessive gene responsible for hairline. Therefore, in one litter, puppies can be born both hairless and with hair.

Puffs - miniature dogs with long, thick hair that requires special attention and care. Therefore, before you get this dog, you need to study all the nuances of its content. The animal compensates for attention and painstaking care with its devotion, activity and friendliness.

Origin and history of the breed

Powder puff - a type of Chinese crested breed with a history of more than 1500 years. There is no consensus on its exact origin. Most researchers are inclined to believe that dogs originated from central Africa, from where they came to China thanks to Chinese sailors.

Officially, the breed standard was adopted in England. But it got its name due to the fact that it is in China that it is especially valued, considered a sacred and healing dog. Previously, only wealthy people could afford to keep a Chinese crested.

By unknown reasons In the 60s of the last century, the breed was on the verge of extinction. It was possible to restore the puff population thanks to the efforts of American and English dog handlers. The breed standard was officially published in 1966. AND international association cynologists, she was recognized in 1987.

Characteristics and standards

The Chinese Crested Downy is a small dog with a slightly elongated body. The height of adult males is 28-33 cm, weight is 5-6 kg, the height of females is 23-30 cm, weight is 4-5 kg. The powder puff differs from the naked crested one by the presence of a long, flowing coat. She shouldn't be curly. The colors of the coat can be varied - from blue to dark red. More often you can see cream, white, black and white powder puffs.

Breed standards:


It can be of two types: a light deer type and a horse type with a thicker bone. The back is straight, the loin is elastic.


Slightly rounded, slightly tapering towards the muzzle, but not pointed. The transition from the forehead to the muzzle from above visually divides the head in half.


Very dark, squirrels are almost invisible. The headband is either black or brown.

Hanging, set low, sometimes fringed.


The forelegs are long and slender, the posterior ones with a wide set.


Long, does not twist.

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Character, intelligence and behavior

The Chinese crested down is not used as a hunter. It's decorative home pet. Puppies after the appearance in the house at first behave shyly. Gradually get used to, become active and playful. Adult dogs adapt to a new family and environment very hard.

Puffs need constant contact with a person. Therefore, this breed is unlikely to suit very busy people. It is undesirable to leave them alone. They start howling and whining. This breed is very loyal to its owner and other family members. She gets along well with other animals in the house, even cats. Some of their character traits resemble a cat. They love to sit on their hands, feel the mood of the owner. To strangers, dogs do not show aggression at all.

Advantages and disadvantages

Powderpuffs, due to their miniature size and kind nature, can get along with almost everyone. But, like any other breed, they have their pros and cons.

Breed advantages:

  • friendliness;
  • lack of aggression;
  • devotion to the owner;
  • mobility;
  • hypoallergenicity;
  • good health;
  • undemanding to walks;
  • good socialization.


  • can be stubborn in the process of training;
  • do not tolerate loneliness;
  • requires careful grooming;
  • difficult to teach to be neat.

Care and conditions of detention

Crested dogs require careful attention to themselves and careful care. This must be considered before purchasing this breed.

How to accustom to the tray and further accustoming to walking

Physiologically, representatives of powder puffs cannot tolerate the urge to go to the toilet. Usually even 8-9 month old dogs defecate at home. Therefore, even as puppies, they need to be accustomed to the tray. First, put the dog in the tray immediately after eating and after sleeping. If the puppy tries to leave the tray, return it back. When he does his job, praise him and treat him with a treat. After the end of the quarantine, it is necessary to accustom the dog to the toilet outside. At first, he is walked in quiet, secluded places. Gradually, the range of walks is increased.

Feeding puppies and adult dogs

The first months of a puppy's life is not worth buying food for him. It is better to replace it with boiled vegetables. First you need to stick to the diet that the puppy had in the kennel. Gradually, you can add cottage cheese, kefir, later switch to dry food.

Up to 2 months old puppies need to be fed 5-6 times a day. Up to 1 year, the rate is reduced to 2 times. After 4 months, the pet should not be given milk. From dry food, preference should be given to low-calorie ones, since the breed is prone to obesity.

Concerning natural products, then the Chinese crested are absolutely not picky about food. They are very fond of fruits. AT daily diet there should also be lean meat, boiled offal, lean sea ​​fish, vegetables (except beans and potatoes), cereals. You can give an egg several times a week.

Prohibited Products:

  • fatty;
  • smoked meats;
  • pickles;
  • muffin;
  • spices.

Place to sleep

The dog needs to buy a bed, place it in a comfortable place without drafts and noisy household appliances. The powder puff must be immediately taught to sleep in its place, and not with the owner. Since the pet is prone to freezing, it is better to lay him a soft downy or woolen bedspread.


The hygiene of naked and downy Chinese crested is slightly different. A lot of time and effort in the Powder Puff takes care of the coat. To make her beautiful, she needs regular combing, bathing, haircuts. We must not forget about the hygiene of the eyes, ears, teeth and claws.

Basic dog care rules:


Ears, eyes, claws, teeth

Sometimes tangles may appear so that they are not recommended to be combed every day with a metal comb. Start at the roots and comb all over the body.

It is better not to scratch dirty wool, but first wash the animal special shampoo. If the scalp is very tangled, use conditioner. Bathing your dog is recommended on average once a week.

Cut nails 1-2 times a month with a nail cutter.

Wipe the eyes with boiled water or a special solution so that they do not turn sour, once a week.

Ears - weakness in Chinese crested, they need to be examined every 3-4 days, cleaned as needed. Use a damp sponge to wipe the outer part of the ear.
Brush your teeth 1-2 times a week special brush and pasta. It is necessary to accustom a dog to the procedure from childhood.


Puffs are very fond of walking and outdoor games on the street. You need to walk them 3-4 times a day for half an hour. In urban areas, it is better to keep the dog on a leash so that larger dogs on the street do not accidentally harm it. It is advisable not to walk under the scorching sun. The breed is very sensitive to UV rays.


Powderpuffs love to chew on everything. In order not to damage things in the house, it is better to stock up on rubber toys in advance. It is better to refrain from squeakers.

Vaccinations and deworming

Vaccination can only be done absolutely healthy dogs. For 10-14 days before each vaccination, worms are removed from dogs. At least 3-4 times a year preventive purposes the dog is given antihelminthic drugs. The first deworming is carried out for puppies at 3-4 weeks.

The vaccination scheme is determined by the veterinarian after examining the animal and assessing its health.

Sample vaccination schedule:

  • at 8-9 weeks from paravirus, plague, adenovirus, parainfluenza;
  • revaccination in 3-4 weeks + rabies vaccine;
  • at 6 months from trichophytosis and microsporia;
  • per year - complex revaccination;
  • annual general vaccination.


Chinese Cresteds do not have an undercoat, they are very difficult to tolerate cold. Therefore, before going outside in winter, they need to be protected with clothing to avoid frostbite. It can be special overalls, sweaters, shoes and other accessories.

Haircuts, trimming

Long-haired "Chinese" require regular grooming, both on the body and on the head. It is better to entrust this procedure to an experienced groomer.

Haircut Chinese crested can have different variations. The main thing is to properly shape the muzzle. If the dog is being prepared for an exhibition, then the muzzle is cut off, a tuft remains, and the hair around the muzzle is laid in an inverted V. You can leave the sideburns - tufts of wool on the cheeks. Be sure to cut the hair around the anal, pluck the hairs inside the ears. Also cut off excess hair between the fingertips.

Training and education

The puff is quite easy to train. She performs many commands and tricks, trying to please the owner completely. Dogs respond normally to the training process. The main thing: regularly reward them for obedience.

Simple commands “place”, “come to me”, “sit” a pet can be taught independently. The main thing in the process of training is to show patience and respect for the dog. After all, powder puffs are very sensitive to the mood of a person.

If the dog is preparing for subsequent participation in exhibitions, it is better to train it with experienced cynologist. Exhibition specimens must have a graceful gait, good posture, patience and other qualities of a show class breed.

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See this page for symptoms. kennel cough in dogs, as well as methods of treatment of respiratory disease.

breed diseases

In general, the health of the Chinese Crested is good. Sometimes as a result of their jumping and activity, dogs get damaged kneecaps and other injuries. FROM early childhood dental problems may occur. This is a genetic defect. Therefore, regular dental care should be provided to the dog from early childhood.

Also powder puffs are subject to:

  • keratoconjunctivitis;
  • cataract;
  • retinal atrophy;
  • Perthes disease;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • urolithiasis;
  • degenerative myelopathy.

Choosing a puppy

The choice of a Chinese crested dog must be taken very responsibly. It is better to enlist the help of an experienced dog breeder. It is better to buy a puppy in a nursery that has an impeccable reputation. It is necessary to pay attention to the conditions of keeping animals, the health of the parents of the puppies. When choosing, you need to focus on the most mobile and curious individuals.

The cost of a puppy is affected by the degree of compliance with the standard, pedigree, titles of parents. In nurseries they can offer puffs for $300-700. Experts recommend buying a dog at the age of 4-6 months.

Photo: Chinese crested dog(naked variety)

General characteristics: The Chinese Crested Dog is a small, active, charming dog with medium to fine bones.

Deer type: full-blooded dog with thin bones.

Typehorses: more compact build, with a heavier body and bones.

Head: The skull is slightly rounded and elongated.

Muzzle: dry and flat, tapering towards the nose. The transition from forehead to muzzle is easily marked. Head length from occiput to the transition from the forehead to the muzzle is the same as from the transition to the nose. The muzzle is slightly tapering, but at the same time should not be pointed, dry, with thin lips tightly fitting. The nose is well developed, as wide as the end of the muzzle. Any color of the nose is allowed. The crest starts from the transition from the forehead to the muzzle and goes down further along the nape of the neck. It can be of any length, a long cascading topknot is preferred.

Eyes: so dark that they appear black. The white of the eye is invisible or barely visible. Eyes of medium size, located at a great distance from each other. Eyelid pigmentation is required, brown or black. A dog that lacks a stroke cannot claim titles.

Ears: set low - in line with the outer corner of the eye. Quite large, erect, with or without fringe, hanging ears are allowed in the downy species of the breed.

Teeth: Jaws strong, with a perfectly regular scissor bite. The lower fangs of naked dogs are tusk-shaped, so if there is any doubt whether the dog is downy or heavily overgrown hairless, this is easily determined by the shape of the fangs. A downy individual should have a complete set of teeth.

Neck: dry, without dewlap, long, beautifully descends to strong shoulders. When moving, carried high and slightly arched.

Body: stretched format. Flexible. The chest is fairly broad and deep, but neither barrel-shaped nor prominently ribbed. breast bone does not perform. The chest reaches to the elbows; the abdomen is moderately tucked up.

Forelimbs: long and slender. The elbows are close to the body, the pasterns are thin, strong, almost vertical.

Hind limbs: the thighs are elastic, the shins are strong and long, the hocks are low. Postav hind limbs wide.

Paws: hare-shaped, narrow and long, with elongated carpal bones, this is especially pronounced on the forelimbs. The elongated hair on the limbs ideally covers the fingers, but does not go over the wrists. Feet should not be turned either in or out.

Tail: set high, long and tapering towards the end. Should not be bent or twisted. In a calm state, lowered down. The tuft on the tail should be long and falling, covering about two-thirds of the length of the tail. A rare brush is allowed, but a lush and thick one is preferable.

Coat: there should not be large areas overgrown with hair on the body. The skin is fine-grained, soft and warm to the touch. The hairless form of the breed has a smooth body with hair on the head, tail and legs, divided into deer type and horse type. The coat should not rise above the wrist and hock. The downy form of the breed has a coat consisting of a poorly developed undercoat and a cover hair of a rather long length. A characteristic feature is the veil-like coat.

Height at withers: 28 - 33 cm - males, 23 - 30 cm - females. A deviation of no more than 2 cm is allowed.

The weight: must not exceed 5 kg.

Color: any color and any combination of colors.

The Chinese Crested has an attractive variety of colors ranging from blue to brownish red. The darkest blue color can be of different shades. Brown-red can be rich, brightening to honey. These solid colors often fade in areas with pink, unpigmented skin: chest, abdomen, limbs. This gives a mottled effect known as "patterned" which is very attractive. Also in this breed there is a spotted and marble color.

Density and saturation of color change seasonally. In summer, the Chinese Crested Dog sunbathes. Her skin, depending on the original color, becomes either bronze or graphite.

Chinese crested movements: free, flowing and graceful with good reach in the forequarters and good drive in the hindquarters, without stilted or stiff gait. Very energetic. The characteristic gait is the trot.

Character: boundless love for people - salient feature this breed. The Chinese Crested has an extremely developed maternal instinct.

vices: Any deviation from the above conformation should be considered as a fault, the severity of the fault depends on its severity.

Features and benefits: No smell. In puffs, molting is weakly expressed. Possesses good health and easily whelps.


Aggressiveness or cowardice.

Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

Note: Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

The main characteristics of the breed:


Group 9. Decorative and companion dogs
Section 4. Naked (hairless) breeds.
No working test.


The Chinese Crested Dog has two varieties - hairless (hairless) and powder puff (downy).

"Naked" has a tuft of hair on the head, descending down the neck, "socks" covering the toes, and a plume (train) on the tail. The rest of the body, as the name suggests, is naked.

The downy variety is a dog that is completely covered with long, soft hair.

While it is difficult to pinpoint the origin of these dogs, they are said to have been owned by the Han Dynasty in China. Chinese crested dogs were bred while treasure keepers at home and, in their larger, heavier form, hunting dogs. From 1885 to 1926 they were exhibited at exhibitions in America, but then for fifty years they hardly met.


The dog is a companion.


Small, active and graceful dog; medium to fine boned, with smooth hairless body (hair only on legs, head and tail) or covered with soft long hair. There are two various types of this breed: deer type, graceful and thin-boned; and stocky type, heavier in body and bones - cobby type.


Happy people are not angry.


Tight skin, no wrinkles. The distance from the base of the skull to the stop is equal to the distance from the stop to the tip of the nose. The head has a graceful appearance with a lively expression.


Scull: Slightly rounded and elongated.

Stop: Slightly pronounced, but not extreme.


Nose Distinctive feature: The nose is prominent and narrow compared to the muzzle. Any color of the nose is acceptable.

Muzzle: Slightly tapering but not pointed, dry, without pendulous lips.

Lips: Tight fitting and thin.

Cheekbones: Impeccably chiseled, dry and flat, tapering towards the muzzle.

Jaws/Teeth: Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular scissor bite, i.e. upper teeth tightly overlap lower teeth and stand perpendicular to the jaws.

Eyes: So dark that they look black. The whites of the eyes are only slightly visible or not visible at all. Medium size. Widely spaced.

Ears: Set low: highest point the base of the ear is on a par with the outer corner of the eye. Large, erect, with or without fringe. The exception is the downy variety, where floppy ears are acceptable.


Dry, without dewlap, long, merging gracefully into strong shoulders. When moving, the dog carries the neck high and with a slight curve.


Moderately stretched.

Back: Straight.

Small of the back: Elastic.

Croup: Rounded and muscular.

Breast: Rather broad and deep, but not barrel-shaped. The front of the chest does not protrude. The sternum is lowered to the elbows.

Underline and belly: The abdomen is moderately tucked up.


Set on high, in motion carried vertically upwards or carried upwards at an angle. Long and tapering towards the end, fairly straight, not twisted or curled to the side, hanging naturally when the dog is at rest. The plume is long and falling, covering two-thirds of the tail. A rare plume is acceptable.


General form: The limbs are long and slender, well placed under the body.

Shoulders: Straight, thin, well laid back.

Elbows: Tightly pressed to the body.

Metacarpus: Strong, strong, almost vertical.

Front legs: Elongated "hare" paws, narrow and long. Nails of any color, moderately long. "Socks" (wool) are ideally limited to the fingers and never rise above the wrist. The feet are turned neither in nor out.


General form: The hind legs are wide apart. The angulation of the hindquarters should be such as to ensure a level back.

Lap: The knees are strong, the shins are long, smoothly passing into the hocks.

Hock joints: well defined

Metatarsus: short.

Hind legs: Elongated "hare" paws, narrow and long. Nails of any color, moderately long. The "toes" (wool) are ideally limited to the toes and never carried above the hock. The feet are turned neither in nor out.


Sweeping, flowing and elegant with good grip and strong drive.


Fine-grained, smooth, warm to the touch.


There are no large areas covered with wool on the body. A long and falling tuft is preferred, but a sparse one is acceptable; ideally, it starts from the stop and ends at the bottom of the neck. In powder puffs (downy variety), the coat consists of an undercoat and a soft, long guard hair. A veil-like coat is their feature.


Any color or combination of colors.


Ideal height at withers: males: 28-33 cm. Bitches: 23-30 cm./p>


Any departure from the foregoing should be considered a fault and the severity with which the fault should be assessed should be proportionate to its severity and its effect on the health and welfare of the dog.


Aggressiveness or cowardice.

Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

Note: Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

USAGE : Dog - companion.


Group 9. Companions and indoor dogs.

Section 4. Naked (hairless) breeds.

No working test.


The Chinese Crested Dog has two varieties - hairless (hairless) and powder puff (downy). "Naked" has a tuft of hair on the head, descending down the neck, "socks" covering the toes, and a plume (train) on the tail. The rest of the body, as the name suggests, is naked. The downy variety is a dog that is completely covered with long, soft hair. While it is difficult to pinpoint the origin of these dogs, they are said to have been owned by the Han Dynasty in China. Chinese Crested Dogs were bred as treasure keepers at home and, in a larger, heavier form, as hunting dogs. From 1885 to 1926 they were exhibited at exhibitions in America, but then for fifty years they hardly met.

GENERAL FORM : Small, active and graceful dog; medium to fine boned, with a smooth hairless body (hair only on legs, head and tail) or covered with soft long hair. There are two different types of this breed: deer type, graceful and thin-boned; and stocky type, heavier in body and bones - cobby type.

BEHAVIOUR AND TEMPERAMENT : Happy, are not malicious.

HEAD : Tight skin, no wrinkles. The distance from the base of the skull to the stop is equal to the distance from the stop to the tip of the nose. The head has a graceful appearance with a lively expression.


Scull : Slightly rounded and elongated.

Stop : Slightly pronounced, but not extreme.


Nose : Distinguishing feature: The nose is prominent and narrow compared to the muzzle. Any color of the nose is acceptable.

Muzzle : Slightly tapering but not pointed, dry, no pendulous lips.

Lips : Tight fitting and thin.

Jaws / Teeth : Jaws strong, with a perfect, regular scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth tightly overlap the lower teeth and stand perpendicular to the jaws.

cheekbones : Impeccably chiseled, dry and flat, tapering towards the muzzle.

Eyes : So dark that they appear black. The whites of the eyes are only slightly visible or not visible at all. Medium size. Widely spaced.

Ears : Set low: the highest point of the base of the ear is on a par with the outer corner of the eye. Large, erect, with or without fringe. The exception is the downy variety, where floppy ears are acceptable.

NECK : Lean, without dewlap, long, merging gracefully into strong shoulders. When moving, the dog carries the neck high and with a slight curve.

FRAME : Moderately stretched.

Back : Straight.

Small of the back : Elastic.

Croup : Rounded and muscular.

Breast : Fairly broad and deep, but not barrel-shaped. The front of the chest does not protrude. The sternum is lowered to the elbows.

Underline and belly : The abdomen is moderately tucked up.

TAIL : Set on high, in motion carried vertically upwards or carried upwards at an angle. Long and tapering towards the end, fairly straight, not twisted or curled to the side, hanging naturally when the dog is at rest. The plume is long and falling, covering two-thirds of the tail. A rare plume is acceptable.



General form : The limbs are long and slender, well placed under the body.

Shoulders : Straight, thin, well laid back.

Elbows : Firmly pressed against the body.

pastern : Strong, strong, almost vertical.

Front legs : elongated "Hare" paws, narrow and long. Nails of any color, moderately long. "Socks" (wool) are ideally limited to the fingers and never rise above the wrist. The feet are turned neither in nor out.


General form : Hind legs set wide apart. The angulation of the hindquarters should be such as to ensure a level back.

Lap : The knees are strong, the shins are long, smoothly passing into the hocks.

Hock joints, metatarsus : hocks well defined, metatarsus short.

Hind legs : elongated "Hare" paws, narrow and long. Nails of any color, moderately long. The "toes" (wool) are ideally limited to the toes and never carried above the hock. The feet are turned neither in nor out.

GAIT / MOVEMENT : Sweeping, flowing and elegant with good grip and strong drive.

LEATHER : Fine grained, smooth, warm to the touch.


Wool : No large areas covered with hair on the body. A long and falling tuft is preferred, but a sparse one is acceptable; ideally it starts from the stop and ends at the bottom of the neck . In powder puffs (downy variety), the coat consists of an undercoat and a soft, long guard hair. A veil-like coat is their feature.

Color : Any color or combination of colors.


Ideal height at withers: males: 28-33 see Bitches: 23-30 cm.

FAULTS / DEFECTS : Any departure from the above provisions should be considered a fault and the severity with which the fault should be assessed should be proportionate to its severity and its effect on the health and welfare of the dog..


Aggressiveness or cowardice.

Any dog ​​clearly showing physical or behavioral abnormalities must be disqualified.

Note : Males should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

Recent changes are in bold.

Motherland: China.
Country that approved the breed: United Kingdom.

General characteristics: The Chinese Crested Dog is a small, active, charming dog with medium to fine bones.

Density and saturation of color change seasonally. In summer, the Chinese Crested Dog sunbathes. Her skin, depending on the original color, becomes either bronze or graphite.

Chinese crested movements- Free, flowing and graceful with good reach in the forequarters and good drive in the hindquarters, without a stilted or stiff gait. Very energetic. The characteristic gait is the trot.

Character- boundless love for people, a characteristic feature of this breed. The Chinese Crested has an extremely developed maternal instinct.

vices. Any deviation from the above conformation should be considered as a fault, the severity of the fault depends on the degree of its severity.

Features and benefits. Has no smell. In puffs, molting is weakly expressed. It has good health and breeds easily.
