How to tame a cat to new owners. How to catch a cat on the street and how to accustom a kitten to a new place of residence. What to do if your pet chooses non-standard places for needs

The new tenant requires attention and affection. In the first days he will be bored and uncomfortable. How quickly the kitten gets used to its new home depends on you. Your task is to help your pet get rid of fear, quickly get used to it and teach it to behave correctly in your home.

Kitten in a new home: how to prepare

Prepare the necessary things for your pet in advance: a litter tray, litter, bowls for food and drink, a bed, a scratching post, brushes and a first aid kit.

How many days the kitten will get used to its new home depends on proper organization.

Before adopting a pet, do the following preparations:

  • Remove wires, cleaning supplies, trash bins, and small objects that he might swallow from the room. Hide everything that poses a danger to the baby.
  • When the kitten gets comfortable, he explores the space and climbs onto the windowsill. Therefore, put a mosquito net over the window for safety.
  • Ask about the diet, food and cat litter used by the previous owner.
  • Organize your baby's personal permanent place: sunbed, trays with food and water. Place them in the corner.
  • Take your pet home before the weekend or during the holidays. This way he will be surrounded by care.

Such an organization will make the pet feel safe.

How to accustom a kitten to a new home

While the baby adapts, he meows pitifully. The kitten gets bored and sad for 2-3 days. It will take him no more than a week to fully get used to his new home. To prevent the kitten from feeling lonely in a new place, help him adapt.

As soon as you arrive at the house, place the pet carrier in the room. Don't force it out. The kitten will look around and, when it becomes bolder, will come out on its own. Over time, open the room doors and give him access to other rooms. During the first days, do not allow small children and animals that live in the house to see the baby. If there is already a cat in the house, wipe it with a piece of cloth. Then rub your little pet with it. In this case, the old tenant will treat the newcomer friendly.

If your kitten gets lost and can't find the litter box in his new home, use a special spray to attract his attention.

To make the kitten feel that he is in a friendly atmosphere, carry him in your arms, pet him often and play with him. So he will get positive emotions. Call him by his name when you feed him or pet him. If the kitten misbehaves, do not punish it physically. It’s enough to say loudly: “Ugh!” or spray with water from a spray bottle to stop aggressive behavior.

In the article I will tell you how to catch a street cat, analyzing the main actions, what to do and do after a successful outcome, as well as how to adapt the cat to a new place of residence.

Any animal needs care and a warm home, but even if there is a desire to shelter a stray cat, a compassionate person faces a number of difficulties. Catching a street animal that lacks trust in strangers is not so easy, but it is still quite possible.

To successfully capture your future pet, follow these recommendations:

  1. Before picking up a cat, do a thorough analysis. Rate on possible infections and general friendliness. If you experience lethargic behavior, difficulty breathing, poor coordination, or dripping saliva, contact special services that handle catching. Many people want to catch a Burmese cat. Some can be fatal.
  2. Build trust. Communicate with the cat, but keep your distance. He may be afraid. Feed your cat aromatic and soft food, demonstrating the possibility of free and safe feeding, to lure it out. The cat will get used to it. Avoid. Lactose intolerance is a common problem in adult cats. Use dry food or soft canned food.
  3. Prepare the pot. The trap, which allows you to use safe and simple mechanisms, is purchased from employees of cat shelters. They also use boxes or carriers that allow you to slam the entrance at the right time. However, such options are less effective in practice. Do not use to catch thick fabrics. They will frighten and anger the animal, causing it to take a defensive position. This outcome could result in serious injury to both parties.
  4. Place the trap in a place familiar to the cat and leave edible bait. As bait, place familiar food in 2 places: at the entrance and in the far corner of the cathouse. An animal entering for a tasty morsel will be slammed inside using a special spring. Do not leave the captured animal alone to reduce the resulting stress. Check the trap regularly up to the hour. Do not use glass containers for bait. Frightened, the cat will break it and be injured by the fragments. Place food on the ground or use plastic.

Before catching, put on thick clothing that can protect you from the attacks of a mustachioed animal.

If you receive scratches or bites, be sure to consult a doctor to rule out possible infection.

It may take several weeks or a dozen attempts to catch a wild animal.

Also pay attention to some features that are important when catching kittens:

  1. Do not separate babies under 1-1.5 months from their mother. Kittens will lose the passive immunity acquired through mother's milk. They will remain unarmed against pathogenic bacteria, and will also receive psychological stress. A nursing cat cannot be separated from her kittens. Without it, the babies will die, so it is important to take not only the adult animal, but also the rest of the family.
  2. To catch a small contact kitten, it is enough to use dexterity and grab it by the scruff of the neck. Never pick up adult animals by the scruff of the neck. The structure of their vertebrae and weight are different from kittens, so the animal can get serious injury cervical region.

Avoid accidentally grabbing someone else's pet.

Recognize domestic cat you can by:

  • well-groomed appearance, clean ears and eyes;
  • soft pads on the paws;
  • trustfulness and contact;
  • the presence of a collar or chip (checked at the veterinary clinic);
  • absence from the street at night (the animal is allowed to walk during the day, but it returns to its usual place closer to dusk).

If you find such a lost thing, try to send/find the owner.

What to do with a selected street kitten

After successful operation When caught, the following actions should be taken:

First of all, a new pet needs mandatory quarantine for 2-3 weeks, which involves placement in:

  • dark, warm and draft-free room;
  • a place fenced off from other pets;
  • conditions of the presence of individual household items (tray, bowls for food and water, bed).

How many days does it take to adapt? After bringing the cat, give him the opportunity to leave the carrier at home on his own. He will calmly explore new smells and appreciate possible danger. After all, he lived in the yard.

Remember to thoroughly wash your hands and change clothes after handling your found pet. Acquaintance with existing pets is possible only after the end of quarantine.

When feeding an outdoor cat it is important:

  1. Monitor the amount you eat. A street animal does not feel full, so an excessive amount of food will overload the gastrointestinal tract, causing its upset.
  2. Do not force feed. Refusal to eat is caused by stress. Soon the animal will show interest in the food offered. If you lack appetite for a long time, consult your doctor. In some cases, the pet has to be fed crushed food from a syringe.
  3. Use premium and super-premium food appropriate for the age of the pet. At first, use baby food in small doses and gradually increase the amount to the standard indicated on the package.
  4. Do not use fatty foods when feeding natural food. The diet should consist of low-fat varieties fish and meat, as well as dairy products with low content fat
  5. Provide constant access to fresh water. The found animal does not have to be fed in the first hours after capture, but it must be given water.

cats, long time those who lived on the street and suddenly found themselves in an apartment experience great stress

How to adapt and housetrain a cat

New smells in an unfamiliar place are a real stress for a street animal. A captured animal should not be exposed to other pets on the first day.

During the adaptation period you should:

  1. Designate a separate area. The cat must be left alone and not tired of excessive attention. At the same time, it is important to talk with him, demonstrating a good mood with calm intonation and gentle words.
  2. Do not interfere with privacy. If your pet is hiding under the sofa, give him time to come to his senses. Feeling safe, he will leave the shelter on his own.
  3. Try. Fill the tray with your usual litter. Ordinary soil is perfect for outdoor cats. You can also use cut up paper soaked in cat urine. The animal will feel the familiar smell and understand the purpose of the unusual object.
  4. Buy a scratching post. Please note that an outdoor cat is unlikely to immediately understand the intended purpose of an industrial product. An ordinary piece of wood brought from the street will help here.
  5. . Try not to violate the temporary distance maintained by the cat, but attract his attention. A rustling candy wrapper hanging on a stick or a ringing ball will amuse and calm your pet.

Otherwise, the trust gained will be lost and you will have to start from the very beginning.

Pet the found cat and other pets with the same cloth. This will mix their smells and allow you to quickly find a common language.

Do not try to pick up the foundling, but wait for his initiative.

In conclusion, I note that catching a cat with proper preparation not so difficult. It is much more difficult to cope with its adaptation and turn a wild animal into a domestic one. Some cats who have experienced abuse retain the unpleasant events in their memory throughout their lives. Their psyche cannot always be cured. They can accept food from a person, but will never accept his affection.

In other cases, patience, perseverance and desire are enough. With gentle and careful handling, the pet will definitely realize its happiness and show reciprocal love.

Cases are different, and you have to move to a new home not only with small cats, but also with adults. Moving with little ones won't create any problems. More difficult to transport to a new atmosphere adult cat. There are situations when owners can no longer keep their pet due to health reasons; these are mostly elderly people. Here the task is doubly difficult. Not only to accustom him to a new home, but also to tame him to new owners.

There are situations when you simply need to change your place of residence. And first of all, the owners need to make the move to a new home as comfortable as possible for the cat.

You need to understand that adult cats have already formed their character, and it is they who endure moving and getting used to a new home very painfully. There are many cases where a cat did not want to leave its home and simply ran away. To prevent this, owners should take care of some things.

Of course, according to the old Russian tradition, it is customary to let the cat into the house first, and then you will be both happy and prosperous. But think about how stressful this is for a cat. She may get scared, hide and run away from home at the first opportunity.

When moving to a new home, you need to follow the following rules:

  • on the day of moving, pull yourself together and not create a panic mood. Yes, of course, moving is stressful not only for cats, but also for people, so be patient;
  • when all the furniture and things are loaded into the van, you can proceed to the cat, putting it in the carrier;
  • It is advisable to take the cat to a new home so that it does not see the road. Of course, you shouldn’t blindfold her, as many do. Just try to drive in a roundabout way. If you decide to stop and rest, do not let your pet out so that it does not mark the territory.
  1. It is advisable to bring the cat to a ready-to-clean apartment. Arrange her bowls, tray, bed. Create familiar living conditions.
  2. It is recommended to place an automatic cat pheromone diffuser in the room so that the cat gets used to it and adapts faster.
  3. Be vigilant for the first two weeks and make sure all windows and doors are closed.
  4. If your cat is used to walking outside, you will have to keep her out for a couple of weeks to eliminate the risk of her escaping.
  5. Take a cotton towel and rub it over your pet's cheeks, head and body. Then wipe all corners, doors and furniture with it. Thus, he will get used to the new atmosphere much faster. Do this until the cat begins to rub itself against objects in the house.

If you are a new owner, and you are faced with the task of taming a cat, then here too you cannot do without some recommendations. At first, the adult cat will keep its distance. Don't be scared or upset. You should not squeeze him, pay a lot of attention, forcefully pick him up and overdo it with communication. Leave him alone. Let the cat look around, look into all corners. Very often the animal hides in a corner and sits there for a long time. Don't let this bother you. And under no circumstances should you force your pet out. Let him get used to new smells and sounds.

How an animal will behave depends on its age and character. It is not difficult to tame a small cat. An affectionate and calm cat easily and quickly gets used to its new owner and environment. A cat who has lived outside all his life will find it much more difficult to adapt to indoor conditions.

At first, the cat may not go to the litter box, but wherever he wants. Tear wallpaper, show aggression and dissatisfaction by any means. Only patience and boundless love for your pet will help you here. You should show friendliness and affection, then over time your cat will reciprocate.

Hard to imagine full life without our younger friends - cats. How nice it is to come home after working day and know that your beloved pet is waiting for you there. It happens that circumstances develop in such a way that it is necessary to change your place of residence. And it is very difficult for a cat to adapt.

Cats are very smart, but under stress they can get scared, hide, and spoil things, as happens when moving to a new house or apartment. You cannot punish them for this, but it would be better to help the pet adapt.

Using the right tactics, a person can accustom a kitten or adult animal to a new home. You need to take care of the tray in advance, sleeping place, toys and other cat “accessories” that will help calm the animal.

Pet stress

A new home for a pet will always be scary at first, which will affect the animal's behavior. Cats will try to find a secluded corner and hide in it. In this way it is easier for them to overcome fear. If this happens, there is no need to force the stubborn person out. Cats tend to sit back and sniff their surroundings for a while, so it's best to leave them alone.

Cats are able to hide in a secluded place for up to two days, and also not drink, not eat, or go to the toilet. There is no need to worry about this.

Next to the “shelter” you can place a tray and a bowl of water. The animal will gradually begin to get used to the smells and understand that " new world"Safe for him.

If a kitten appears in the house

For a furry baby recently separated from his mother, any home is new. The world without the usual protection of an adult cat is stunning and frightening, so it takes a kitten a long time to get used to the new. During this time, you should treat him carefully and kindly.

You can't leave the baby alone. The first thing you need to do is build a toilet for him - a tray with filler. Then place a plate for food in a certain place. Eating should not take place near the toilet. It is necessary to take care of a sleeping place, which can become a cozy and secluded corner or house. The kitten should be warm and comfortable there.

The baby needs to be stroked and caressed. It is important to show him goodwill, then the animal will get used to its new home faster. There is no need to take the animal into your bed - this habit can become ingrained. And a kitten should be toilet trained patiently. If he makes a “puddle”, do not scold him, but calmly put him in the tray, having previously placed cotton wool moistened with the animal’s urine.

If you show a little patience, the kitten will quickly get used to the new place, begin to trust and give affection in return.

Habituation for an adult cat

When changing place of residence for speedy adaptation pet It is recommended to apply a number of simple measures to a new house or apartment:

  • arrange or arrange in the room objects whose smell the animals are already familiar with: toys, litter box, furniture brought with you;
  • do not leave the cat (or cat) alone in a new place for a long time;
  • do not let the animal outside so that the pet does not run away;
  • do not lure the animal out if it hides in a shelter for a while, but simply wait for a while;
  • show patience, affection and care.

Cats remember smells, they will soon explore their new “world” and behave in their usual way.

If the cat was taken from the street

The owner who brought the animal from the street must try to tame it and help it get used to its new habitat. You can adapt a cat to a new home, taking into account some nuances. First, he should be taken to a veterinarian to be treated for possible diseases.

In the house, a new pet should be given time to look around. Sometimes adaptation occurs quickly, but often animals want to hide. There is no need to disturb the cat; at this time it is useful to start arranging his life: prepare a tray, saucer, scratching post, and a cozy bed. The toilet should be placed in an accessible area so that the animal does not look for it throughout the house.

Appearance in the house fluffy pet- a joyful event for all household members. The problem of how to train a cat to use a litter tray becomes relevant regardless of the age of the new friend. Patience, perseverance and a competent approach will help you without difficulty short time solve it. Naturally clean, furry creatures quickly master this simple science and, as a rule, easily become accustomed to the tray.

Read in this article

Selecting a tray

The success of litter training an animal largely depends on the right choice cat litter and litter. There are two main types of tray: closed and open.

Closed tray It is an isolated structure in the form of a house with a door or hole. Typically, these toilet houses are equipped with an odor filtration system. This model is justified if the owner has little time to clean the tray. The disadvantage of a closed toilet is that it requires more time to disassemble to clean it, as well as the high price.

Ordinary open option with sides- the best solution to the problem of how to train a cat to go to the litter box. The simple design is convenient for pet, and for the owner. The most popular are plastic products. The cat toilet can also be sold complete with a grate. This tray is suitable if the cat is used to doing without litter. If the animal likes to rummage around in the tray, then you should choose a design with high sides.

When choosing a tray, you should take into account the age of the pet. You should not buy a deep toilet for a kitten. It may scare the baby. As they grow older, the tray should be replaced with a more spacious one that matches the size of the pet.

In addition to the tray, you should also purchase filler, since not all animals agree to go to the grid, and an empty tray is not a hygienic solution to a delicate problem.

Which filler is better

There are many improvised and industrial cat litters. The best solution on how to train a cat to go to a litter tray is to choose industrial hygienic compositions. The pet store usually offers a wide range of fillers of different structure and composition.

Types of fillers a brief description of Photo
Pressed sawdust

One of the cheapest and most environmentally friendly types of filler. In addition to accessibility, this composition practically does not cause allergic reactions in cats and is suitable for different age categories.

For kittens, a smaller filler is preferable; for adult animals, large granules are preferable. This type of material is changed every 4 - 5 days.

Mineral filler

One of the most popular among owners. Filler is different high degree absorption unpleasant odors cat feces.

Zeolite fillers must be used correctly: the layer of material in the tray must be at least 5 cm. Mineral compositions not recommended for small kittens.

Silica gel filler

The most expensive material for cat litter boxes. The high price is justified by the excellent absorbent properties that block unpleasant odors for a long time. This type of material is convenient to use if there are several animals in the house.

This filler is changed once every 3-4 weeks. It is not advisable to use this composition for kittens.

Fillers from corn and production waste Materials for the tray are made from grain and pressed paper waste. Inexpensive and environmentally friendly litters are suitable for small pets

Nuances you should know before purchasing

When choosing a filler, the following recommendations should be taken into account:

  • the composition must be safe (do not injure paws, do not cause allergic reactions, do not cause poisoning if swallowed, do not contain hazardous substances);
  • the filler should not have a strong odor;
  • the material should not lead to wool contamination;
  • do not spray, easy to clean and not spread around the apartment with your paws;
  • retains moisture well and adsorbs unpleasant odors;
  • do not require frequent replacement.

If there is only one pet living in the house, then you should choose a clumping base. Absorbent materials are suitable for several pet purrs. For small kittens, it is best to choose a safe wood filler or a composition based on industrial waste. Adult animals can use any suitable composition, including silica gel.

We recommend reading about it if he does not want to take bath procedures. You will learn about how to accustom a cat to the bath, how often to wash depending on the breed of cat, and bathing products. Learn more about how to clean your cat's ears at home.

Training a kitten to use the litter box

There are many tricks and tricks on how to teach a cat to go to the litter box. This is best done in at a young age. Kids very quickly understand what exactly is wanted from them. The following recommendations will help the kitten master hygiene skills:

  • When taking a baby from the previous owner, you should clarify what kind of filler was used in the house and purchase exactly that one at first.
  • Together with a kitten from an old house, it is advisable to take used litter from its litter box in a bag.
  • In a new home, you should pour material familiar to the kitten into the tray and put there the contents from the tray taken from the past.
  • Show the kitten where the tray is. Sit him down and pet him.

As a rule, naturally clean cats quickly understand what exactly is required of them and begin to use the tray for its intended purpose. Sometimes you have to decide the question of how to accustom a cat to a tray with bars. The owner's procedure is no different from training a litter tray.

If the kitten is not accustomed to the toilet in the designated area, then you should do the following:

  • After the pet has settled into its new home, the animal should be fed and taken to the prepared tray. The kitten should be taken to the litter box after each meal and after the animal wakes up.
  • After petting the baby, you need to dig the filler in the tray with his paws. These manipulations will trigger the natural instinct, and the kitten will use the toilet.
  • If there is a misfire, you should under no circumstances scold or, especially, punish the animal. The excrement should be collected and placed in a litter tray.
  • Unauthorized use areas should be thoroughly cleaned detergents and wipe with disinfectants to remove the odor.
  • Every time the pet uses the tray for its intended purpose, it should be petted and treated with its favorite treat.

At first, the kitten should be supervised so that it is possible to correct its behavior and quickly accustom it to the litter box.

To learn how to train a kitten to use a litter box, watch this video:

Helping an adult cat figure it out

Of course, it is much easier to train a young animal to use an authorized toilet than an adult cat. Therefore, many owners who are thinking about taking a pet into their home are primarily puzzled by the question of how to teach a cat to go to the litter box and whether it is realistic to do this.

If a cat appears in the house, who previously lived indoors and knows what a litter box is, then there should be no problems. In order for a new resident to quickly find his way in a new place, it is advisable to take the old tray with the animal and grab some used litter.

If an adult animal is taken from the street, it is necessary to show patience and perseverance. At first, it is better to use river sand mixed with soil as a filler for the tray. This material is much closer to a street cat than a civilized litter. You can add filler to the sand-earth mixture, and after a while the animal will get used to the new, more convenient filling of the tray for the owner.

Sometimes even an adult, accustomed cat does not want to recognize innovations. This is due to the fact that many pets are conservatives and do not want change. Therefore, in order to avoid problems with how to accustom a cat to a new tray, you should buy exactly the same product to replace the old one.

The procedure for training an adult animal should be carried out in exactly the same way as little kitten, using the same techniques and tricks.

For particularly stubborn pets you can use special means for litter box training, for example, drops “Sharp Cat”.

If the owner decides to save on litter and has the opportunity to clean the litter box several times a day, then the animal can be trained to go to the toilet without litter. There is nothing complicated about the question of how to accustom a cat to a litter box without litter. To do this, you need to gradually reduce the amount of material poured into the cat litter box.

To learn how to train an adult cat to go to the litter box, watch this video:

What to do if your pet chooses non-standard places for needs

There are several reasons why a cat uses the wrong places to go to the toilet. Most often this is due to stress, the development of a disease (, etc.). Often the cause of “misses” is the tray itself. The cat may not like it, be unstable, or stand in a place inappropriate for the animal. The reason for this is often the presence of feces from the last time. Disgusted cats often refuse to relieve themselves in dirty litter trays.

Knowing the reasons for the seemingly inappropriate behavior of the pet, the owner must take the following actions:

  • thoroughly wash the tray, disinfect and rinse off the product;
  • treat unauthorized areas with “Antigadin”;
  • choose a secluded and quiet place for the tray;
  • change the filler;
  • conduct a pet examination.

You should know that a cat never shits in the in the wrong places. Under no circumstances should an animal be punished.

Using simple but useful tricks You can train both a small kitten and an adult cat to use a litter tray. Patience and perseverance, affection and understanding of the animal’s behavior will help the owner quickly accustom the pet to the cat litter box.
