Schemes of flower beds with hydrangea. Peonies are compatible with other plants. Rules for creating a flower bed

Yucca garden planting and care

Yucca garden - quite a fascinating plant. From a rosette of very hard leaves, a long stem grows and flowers grow on it. The flowers are white and decorate the shoots in large numbers. The plant is valued, first of all, for its magnificent inflorescences. Under the name garden yucca lies, first of all, filamentous yucca, which best decorates our garden.

Landing place

We buy yucca in the form of a small seedling. When choosing a planting site, we are guided, first of all, by the following factors: the place should be sunny, only then can we expect abundant flowering; in shady places, yucca may not bloom at all. It is good when the plant is protected from gusts of wind, which, due to its size, can break the inflorescence. Soil is also important. It cannot grow in soil that is waterlogged and very damp. The soil must be permeable, with acidic reaction. The soil does not have to be fertile; it can grow even in fairly poor soil.

It should not be forgotten that Due to the rather long roots that go deep into the ground, garden yucca is very difficult to dig out completely from the garden. Therefore, the landing site must be carefully researched in advance and chosen carefully.

Care, watering and fertilization

When growing garden yucca, you need to remember several care procedures. They have the goal, first of all, to improve the decorative qualities of the plant. First, in late summer, after flowering has completed, we remove all dried parts of the plant. They can remain on the plant for a long time, which does not look very attractive.

It is necessary to water regularly throughout the summer, quite generously.. It should be remembered that the substrate must be penetrating and not retain water, since excess moisture negatively affects the plant.

In spring, it is recommended to add a small amount of liquid fertilizer to the water used by the plants. This will strengthen the yucca after the winter and prepare it for the flowering period. In the summer, we systematically fertilize, because due to large number inflorescences, the plant may be weakened.


Yucca is a frost-resistant plant, even evergreens, however, should protect the roots from freezing. To do this, we can cover it with branches. Thanks to this, we will be sure that he will live until next year. Garden yucca leaves retain their green color, therefore they are also a decoration of the garden, even after snow falls.


Young specimens can be obtained most the easy way using separation of larger plants. This procedure carried out in the spring. We dig up and separate young seedlings from the mother plant. The resulting wounds, on the main plant and on young plants, are treated antifungal drugs, this is where diseases can develop. We plant the resulting seedlings directly into the ground and trim the leaves so that they take root and take root faster.

Another, more difficult way to propagate garden yucca is to use seeds. Seeds appear in the form of oblong capsules after the plant has flowered.

Diseases and pests

Due to the fact that yuccas are not very susceptible to attack by pests and even diseases, recommended for growing by beginners and inexperienced gardeners. Shouldn't deliver special troubles, if you provide them with minimum requirements.


Yucca garden is a plant that looks quite attractive as a free-standing plant. However, this does not mean that only in this form can its aesthetic qualities be fully used. Planted in groups, creating a kind of yucca with hundreds of flowers. They look good next to low perennials and herbs. Can be an interesting element for anyone rocky garden(rockery). First of all, garden yucca should grow in the sun, only then will you be sure that it will delight you with abundant flowering.

Yucca garden– quite an exciting plant, at the same time not demanding. Providing minimum required and a lot of sun, we can plant them in the garden without any problems, and in the summer, from June to August, we can show off to our friends the unusual specimens that we managed to bring to magnificent flowering.

"House garden garden"

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Today, the garden palm or yucca grows among many owners of garden plantings, and this phenomenon will not surprise anyone.

Many gardeners can rightfully be proud of the amazingly beautiful plant that resembles a palm tree and grows in their plots. But some are afraid to grow such beauty, mistakenly believing that the plant is too demanding in terms of growing conditions and care. In fact, propagation and care for this plant do not require much effort or expense.

Description and origin of the garden palm

Description of Yucca

The homeland of evergreen yucca is America. This plant belongs to the Asparagus family; in its appearance it resembles the Mediterranean agave, but unlike the latter, its leaves form a dense spiral rosette.

Domestic representatives of this family have a well-developed stem, while specimens growing in open ground have almost none; the rosettes are located tightly pressed to the ground. The peduncle is represented by a large panicle, the flowers of which are lowered down like bells. It protrudes from the central part of the rosettes, reaching a height of 1.5 to 3 meters. The exotic palm tree reproduces by root suckers.

In America and Mexico, industrial cultivation of agave, a relative of yuca, is practiced on huge plantations. The world famous tequila is produced from its stem.

The exotic appearance of the plant would seem to suggest comfortable natural conditions growth, but the tropics and subtropics of America, the natural habitat for yucca, do not have similar characteristics at all. The plant is adapted to prolonged drought and sudden changes in temperature. Such amazing endurance allowed the plant to spread from the southern regions to middle zone continents.

Yuca appeared in Russia over a century ago. But if this amazing plant in the last century only the parks of famous palaces could boast of them, today they are replete with squares and city parks, as well as many private plots.

What types and varieties are there?

filamentous yucca

Among the F. variegata filamentose hybrids, the following interesting varieties are distinguished:

  1. Bright Edge - bright bluish-green foliage, surrounded by a yellowish-crimson ribbon;
  2. Color Guard - wide leaf plates of yellow color, edged with a green stripe;
  3. Gold Heart – yellow foliage, green edge running along the leaf blade with blurred boundaries;
  4. Ivory Tower – green foliage, whitish border.

Garden palm care and planting in the garden

Despite its unpretentiousness and hardiness, yucca feels especially comfortable in elevated places with good lighting. Representatives growing in dark places are characterized by thin, loose rosettes and pale leaf blades.

When and how to plant a flower of happiness

Spring is the best favorable time for planting plants, but the temperature should not fall below +10C. The dense structure of the leaves can lead to numerous cuts and hand injuries, so gloves must be used when replanting the plant. The plant transplant itself is carried out in the spring, but preparatory work should be done in the fall: dig up the ground and form a hole for the spring replanting of the plant.

What kind of soil is needed

Yucca can grow in almost any soil, but you need to remember that air must flow to the roots large quantities, and the soil should not be overly moist, preferably without close proximity to groundwater, to avoid rotting.

But most of all, garden yucca prefers calcareous, sandy, clay-stony soils and black soil.

If the soil in which the plant grows is poor nutrients, it is saturated with humus.

Before transplanting, the hole is filled with coarse gravel or sand with the addition of two handfuls of ash. After planting, the soil should be pressed (compacted) and watered.

  • The size of the planting hole depends on the size of the plant itself.
  • Adult plants will need a recess up to 50 cm deep and an area of ​​up to 1 m in circumference.
  • Young specimens will require less space, but it is necessary to take into account the area required for the growth of young animals.

For easier adaptation purchased plant to outdoor conditions, it is recommended to harden the plant for 11-14 days, regularly taking the plant outside, gradually increasing the time it stays outdoors. Only after such preparation can the bush be safely transplanted to a personal plot.

Watering and fertilizing

In the processes of watering and fertilizing, the main thing is to know when to stop. Excessive watering threatens rotting of the roots, and lack of moisture will certainly affect the condition of the leaves. They will begin to curl into tubes. Proper watering will help straighten the leaf blades. There is no need to water the plant often and only when upper layer the soil has dried out. Spraying the leaves is useful, which is carried out in the morning or evening hours, when there is no longer scorching sunlight.

When does yucca bloom? This exotic plant blooms when it has been growing for 3-4 years. To begin this process, at the beginning of summer, the plant trunk is surrounded with superphosphate, which, dissolving in water, penetrates to the roots of the plant, starting the process of the formation of numerous buds.

Feeding the plant should be completed 30-40 days before the onset of autumn cold weather. During this period, the plants will have time to prepare for the winter season and severe frosts.

When to replant garden yucca

If the plant grows in conditions that are comfortable for it and with the same good care, then it can live perfectly in one place, without requiring transplantation, for up to 20 years. And replanting a plant may only be necessary when the bush has grown excessively. This is especially painless for the plant if the age of the specimen has not yet reached three years.

Transplanting filamentous yucca video:

But even an adult, heavily grown plant needs a transplant. Plants often cannot tolerate transplantation.

Experts give some advice when replanting this plant, because you need to take into account some planting features.

  • Transplantation period is spring or late summer.
  • When replanting, remember that the roots of the plant can be located at a depth of up to 80 cm, so you need to dig it out carefully, without damaging it. root system.
  • All shoots must be separated from the adult specimen and planted separately.
  • The conditions of the place intended for transplantation should resemble the previous one, have good lighting, and no drafts.
  • It is better to carry out the first feeding after transplantation no earlier than two weeks.

Yucca propagation: how to do it right

For breeding there are the following methods.

  • Root division
  • Cuttings
  • Propagation from seeds
  • stem

Yucca propagation at home is simple - plant division. During the replanting process, the rosettes can be easily separated, not forgetting to dry them and sprinkle the cut areas with cinnamon powder or charcoal. Otherwise, infection or pests may enter them.

If the transplant is carried out in the spring, then the root of the plant can be divided into cuttings, the length of which does not exceed 10 cm. Such cuttings are placed in a greenhouse, after first cutting off the top of the stem and treating it with charcoal. With this method, sprouts emerge from dormant buds.

Garden yucca in open ground sets seeds, which are collected at the end of summer. They are sown in a mixture of soil, which is represented by turf, leaf soil and coarse sand in equal proportions. Plants grown in this way begin to bloom only three years after planting.

Yucca can also be propagated by stems. In this case, the cut section of the stem is dried and planted horizontally in river sand. The substrate around the stem must be constantly kept moist. When sprouts appear, the stem is cut into fragments, each of which should contain a sprout, and planted in the substrate.

You choose the most suitable way for yourself to plant yucca.

How to trim yucca at home

Pruning the plant rejuvenates it and helps produce strong young seedlings. This method is also used for frostbite of flowers and their rotting. In the spring, when the plant is no longer under winter cover, the stem is pruned. At the same time, further growth of the plant stops, and dormant buds begin to wake up, which will give rise to new rosettes with leaves.

  • Before pruning, the plant must be watered.
  • It is necessary to cut the stem below the growing leaves by 6-9 cm.
  • After drying, the cut areas are sprinkled with charcoal.

Flowering and why yucca does not bloom

Yuccas bloom with gorgeous flowers of various shades and color combinations; their appearance is similar to delicate bells placed on a giant rod.

The arrangement of numerous bright bell flowers on one leg gives the plant decorative properties. But there may be several such peduncles. And you can’t even imagine what amazing beauty it is.

The snow-white color of numerous bells is clearly visible even at dusk and from the far corners of the garden. The delicate and not cloying aroma attracts the attention of both people and many insects.

What year does yucca bloom?

  1. Sometimes it can bloom after transplantation only in the 4-5th year.
  2. The reason for this may be severe winter frosts, which can damage the above-ground part of the plant.
  3. Lack of lighting can also slow down the flowering process.

If the growing conditions and care of the plant were good, this will certainly be reflected in its appearance; flowering will be abundant and will last up to 2-3 weeks, which necessarily fall in the first two summer months. Blooming yucca is an unforgettable sight.

How to cover for the winter

Is it necessary to dig up yucca before frost?

It is enough to insulate the plant before the cold season sets in. Plants tolerate short-term cold in spring and autumn quite easily. It is important that the fallen snow melts quickly. Frost-resistant specimens perceive such temporary inconveniences especially easily. But real long frosts during a snowless winter are certain death for garden yucca.

The yuca foliage is wrapped with twine to gather it together and the plant is covered with a box, on top of which spruce branches or fallen leaves are laid. This composition is secured by a covering material wrapped with tape. In such a shelter, the yucca will easily overwinter without fear of any frost, especially when a large layer of fluffy snow falls on top.

In the spring, when temperature regime becomes stable, the time comes to free the plant from its winter shelter. Do not delay this for too long, otherwise it may lead to the appearance of mold.

Yucca flower, how to care if problems arise

Yucca, like all plants, can be attacked by pests or diseases.

The most common are slugs, whiteflies, scale insects, and aphids.

The latter easily gets on the flowers, which quickly dry out and fall off. Wood ash in combination with a soap solution will help in the fight not only against aphids, but also against other insects.

You need to take 0.250 wood ash, pour water (10 l) and bring to a boil, adding 0.50 grams of ordinary laundry soap (grated). When the resulting solution has cooled completely, immediately treat the affected leaves.

Possible problems

  1. Dry air and cold drafts contribute to the formation of untidy brown leaf tips that spoil the appearance.
  2. Brown spots throughout the leaf may indicate fungal diseases caused by possible overwatering.
  3. Bright sun rays can affect the appearance of light, dry spots.

In landscape design

If yucca grows in the garden, then the surrounding landscape immediately takes on a Mediterranean hue. It will look great even in the driest areas and territories.

It is the appearance, reminiscent of a palm tree, that gives the garden plot a special southern atmosphere, especially if there are others nearby southern representatives, For example . Even if yucca grows as a single plant, it is able to captivate with its appearance during the flowering period and at this moment become the brightest and most colorful spot on the garden plot.

Some types are used in the design of verandas, staircases and other architectural structures. Such options do not require winter shelters or special rooms for the winter season.

Blooming yucca in the garden video review:

Exotic plants have always attracted attention. Certain styles of site design or memories of southern regions– heat-loving representatives of the flora appear everywhere here. The use of these sissies outdoors is very limited and most often they are used as tub crops, which are transferred indoors with the onset of cold weather. But among the southern exotics there are species that can tolerate frosts, for example, garden yucca, which withstands midland winters with light shelter.

Yuccas are several species of perennial evergreen plants native to Mexico and the Caribbean. Long, tapering leaves form a cap in the form of a hemisphere, and under favorable conditions, peduncles covered with large white flowers appear in mid-summer. The flowers last for several weeks and have an amazing aroma.

In regions with cold winter able to grow in the open air:

  • Yucca garden or filamentous;
  • Yucca is nice.

Yucca filamentosa L. It has leathery leaves, split at the edges into thin fiber-threads (hence the name), and its trunk is almost invisible. The peduncle can reach two meters in height, and the number of flowers sometimes exceeds 200. The height of the entire plant in adulthood is 1–1.2 m.

Yucca garden (filamentous)
Yucca garden in winter
Yucca garden (flowers)

The standard color of yucca filamentous leaves is dark green, but there are variegated varieties: with a yellowish border on the leaves or vice versa, with a yellow center of the leaf and a pink-greenish edging.

Yucca gloriosa, unlike the above-mentioned relative, has a noticeable trunk. Its dark green, long, up to 70 cm, leaves form a rosette or bunches, and the inflorescence is looser than that of yucca filamentosa. The flowers of this southern plant are shaped like lily of the valley flowers.

Yucca nice
Yucca gloriousa (flowers)
Yucca glorious in winter
Yucca gloriousa (variegated form)

Yucca gloriousa also has variegated forms.

All representatives of the Euonymus genus are especially valued by landscape designers for their versatility, unpretentiousness,…

Planting Yucca

The best time to plant yucca is May, when the soil has already warmed up, but the plant has enough time to prepare for the upcoming winter.

Yucca is a plant of desert zones and is not accustomed to excess moisture, so it is not advisable to plant this beauty in lowlands and wetlands. For the same reason, plants of the Yucca genus do not grow well in heavy loams.

The planting site should be well lit by the sun in summer (otherwise it simply will not bloom), but at the same time be protected from cold winds in winter.

Before planting, prepare a planting hole with dimensions several times larger than the root system of the plant (this is especially important if the soil on the site is not at all suitable for cultivating yucca; it needs light sandy soil). A layer of drainage must be laid at the bottom of the hole. A suitable soil mixture can be obtained by mixing garden soil and sand in equal proportions.

When transplanting yucca from a container, it is important not to damage the root system - this can be dangerous for the plant. Also, the root collar should not be buried.

Caring for a Southern Belle

Despite exotic look, plants of the genus Yucca are quite unpretentious.

  • The southern beauty needs additional watering only in dry summers, but it gets by just fine with rainwater. The plant itself tells you when it lacks moisture - it lowers its leaves to the ground.
  • A couple of times per season, yucca needs to be fed with mineral fertilizers with increased content potassium and phosphorus, and a few years after planting, you can fertilize the soil with rotted organic matter.
  • If yucca is used as a tub plant and grows in a pot, then the frequency of fertilizing and watering is increased.
  • It is necessary to remove the leaves that have not overwintered from the plant, and after the flowers have withered, the peduncles.

Caring for a flower like yucca in the garden winter time not difficult. It is only important to cover the plant correctly: build a wooden or Plastic container and cover with spruce branches or cover with dry leaves. You can also tie the leaves of the plant and cover it with non-woven material, but not polyethylene.

The shelter is removed in April.


The most common method of propagation of yucca is by stem or root suckers, which often appear on adult plants. They are separated from the mother specimen and planted in light soil, and after the development of the root system they are planted in a permanent place.

The seed propagation method is difficult to implement, because only fresh seeds have good germination. It is possible to obtain seeds from already existing flowering specimens only by resorting to artificial pollination - the southern plant is pollinated in its homeland a certain type moths.

Pests and diseases

Yucca garden is rarely affected by diseases, but can suffer from pests. Thus, spider mites, with which prevention plays a significant role, and scale insects can settle in southern areas. And spoil the beauty appearance Garden slugs can too.

Spider mite
Garden slugs

If overwatered, the plant may develop stem or root rot. In this case, the stem softens and it is almost impossible to save the bush.

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Yucca in landscape design

Yucca is decorative throughout the warm season, so it is actively used in landscape design. Both single and group plantings of this plant, as well as combinations with other drought-resistant species, look beneficial.

A spectacular tropical plant - garden yucca - can decorate your garden plot. It is very exotic and will look spectacular in any garden.

Nowadays, yucca has received well-deserved recognition among amateur gardeners. We will try to consider issues related to its proper fit and subsequent care.

Description and photo of garden yucca

Yucca garden is a perennial shrub. Its foliage is a kind of rosette; inside it the leaves grow in a spiral shape. They are usually green or gray in color and can grow up to 25-100 cm.

In the very center there is a peduncle with flowers white color. Over the course of one season, approximately two hundred bell-shaped flowers bloom on the inflorescences, reaching approximately seven centimeters in length and five centimeters in width. After flowering, the seed fruit appears.

Types of garden yucca

Two types of yucca are suitable for planting in open ground:

  • Gray yucca is a fairly tall plant, not demanding on the soil, and can withstand dry and frosty weather. However, it is extremely sensitive to abundant moisture and watering.
  • Yucca filamentosa is a tree-like bush, its sword-shaped leaves reach a length of up to 70 cm and a width of 3 to 10 cm. It is very unpretentious and can withstand air temperatures down to -20C without damage.

Yucca garden: planting and care

Before planting on the site, the yucca must be hardened off. For this purpose, it should be placed outside for several hours every day. The hardening hours are extended every day, with the result that after fourteen days the plant will be ready for planting.

Yucca is light-loving; illuminated areas on hills are ideal for it.

Landing Features

Young bushes need small holes, however, further growth should be taken into account. A three-year-old yucca needs a hole with a girth of 70 to 100 cm. The root is buried approximately 40-50 cm.

The best time to prepare the soil for planting is in the fall. Clay-stony, sandy, calcareous soils and black soil are suitable for yucca. They do not tolerate excess moisture well, therefore, it is better to plant them as far as possible from groundwater. The bottom of the hole can be sprinkled with gravel, sand or ash.

After this, the bush is carefully planted, sprinkling the roots with soil. It is better to work with gloves to avoid cuts on your hands. Water not too much, regularly, using water at room temperature.

Spring is best for planting; the air temperature at the time of planting should not fall below +10C at night.

Watering and subcortex

Yucca does not require special conditions and care. It should be watered regularly, but infrequently, after the top layer of soil has dried. Sometimes you can spray the leaves with water, especially if they dry out.

It is best to carry out this procedure in the evening or early morning.

During growth, the plant needs to be fed twice with minerals. First - in May, at the beginning of the growing season, then - immediately after flowering ends.

Yucca garden diseases

Yucca gets sick quite rarely. Sometimes plants experience yellowing and wilting of leaves. If this happens to the lower leaves of the plant, there is no need to worry - they tend to wither and fall off over time, this is a natural process.

Also, yellowing of the leaves occurs in cases where the plant is exposed to a draft or is frozen.


With prolonged growth, the yucca grows and requires replanting, but it must be remembered that frequent replanting is harmful to the plant. Experienced gardeners in such cases recommend:

  • Transplantation is carried out either in spring or at the end of summer. You need to remove the plant from the ground carefully, without damaging the roots. The emerging shoots are separated and planted separately.
  • Place new landing should not have any fundamental differences from the previous one.
  • The area for planting yucca should be as light as possible.
  • The transplanted plant needs to be fed after fourteen days. Flowering should be expected after a year from the moment of transplantation.

Insulation of garden yucca

A logical question often arises - how to properly insulate a garden yucca for the winter and is it necessary to do it?

Filamentous and glaucous yucca are frost-resistant, being quite painless in the face of a short drop in air temperature. In regions with cold winters, garden yucca needs to be insulated.

There are several methods of insulation:

Collect yucca leaves and tie them with twine. To prevent the ground from freezing, place the lower leaves on the ground. The soil near the bush is covered with dried leaves, and boards are laid on top to prevent it from being blown away by the wind.

After this, the bush is covered with polyethylene, the lower part of the trunk is sprinkled with soil.

There is another method of insulation - using a large wooden box covered with dense material, roofing felt or polystyrene foam will do. Then the insulating structure is covered with dried leaves, after which it is covered with spruce branches or straw, and a film can be placed on top.

Garden yucca will help create an unusual exotic corner on your site. This beautiful tropical plant is extremely unpretentious. With proper care, yucca will delight you for a very long time.

Photo of garden yucca

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Often at the sight beautiful flower we instinctively lean in to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and daytime, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the florist and designer, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners when evening comes. We are never overwhelmed by the scent of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Many gardeners consider pumpkin to be the queen of garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, useful qualities and a rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the opportunity long-term storage this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your plot, you will be interested in learning how to get the largest possible harvest.

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Rhubarb can not be found on everyone garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important to be able to select them suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to an assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - a cucumber sandwich, a chicken sandwich, a cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for an outdoor picnic. Only fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and some seasonings. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late dates- at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings in more at a young age the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.
