Current issues in the practice of state and municipal management. Problems of state, regional and municipal government in the Russian Federation. Governance crisis

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    In public administration its control influences are based on state power, reinforced and ensured by it, and extend to the whole of society, to every sphere of society’s activity. Therefore, perestroika government controlled requires, first of all, the restoration of relations of trust, mutual understanding, sincerity and honesty between the state and citizens, between government bodies and all public structures.

    To the main organizational problems of public administration in modern Russia can be attributed:

    1. Undeveloped legal and regulatory framework state management, especially in terms of powers, specifics of government bodies, relationships, both between government bodies, and the relationship of government bodies with citizens.

    2. Authoritarian management methods. The managerial spirit and atmosphere developed in a command-planned economy; to some extent, the methods remain the same today. New organizational forms do not correspond to the old content of managerial relations in the state apparatus.

    3. The vertical of power in the country is not sufficiently developed, many issues of interaction between federal and republican (subjects of the Russian Federation) government bodies remain controversial. In most of these cases, the population, society as a whole, loses. In this atmosphere, federal, republican and regional bodies have an excellent opportunity to evade responsibility by shifting their mistakes and shortcomings onto each other.

    4. Corruption. Corruption is literally corroding the public administration system. The main goal of the fight against corruption should be measures aimed at changing the public's attitude towards corruption by creating an atmosphere of rejection of corruption in all its forms and creating conditions that prevent corruption.

    5. Lack of professionalism of government employees, is compensated by their quantity.

    6. Declining prestige of government bodies in the eyes of citizens, and the scale of people’s alienation from the state apparatus as a whole, according to some estimates, even exceeds the corresponding level of mistrust recorded by experts in last years existence of the USSR. However, the president's trust rating is growing, especially against the backdrop of recent events in Ukraine.

    Thus, if there are problems government structure, the decline in official discipline, aging personnel, weak information and technical support for the activities of the state apparatus, etc., no longer seem significant. Although these problems need to be solved.

    Municipal government- this is the practical, organizing and regulatory influence of local authorities on the social life of the population of a municipality in order to streamline, preserve or transform it, based on their power.

    During effective formation The municipal government system needs to solve the following main problems:

    Rational division of powers between federal, regional and municipal government;

    Improving management methods and structures in order to increase the efficiency of the entire municipal government system;

    Creatures effective system training personnel to work in municipal government bodies.

    The basis of the management activities of local governments can be identified as follows: identification, satisfaction and implementation of public interests and needs of the local population. Based on this, the main activity of local government bodies is the subordination of the activities of enterprises, organizations and institutions of municipal and other forms of ownership located on the territory of the municipality to the satisfaction of the public interests of citizens. The richer and more prosperous the economic entities, the larger the local budget will be, therefore, the needs of the local population will be most fully satisfied. At the same time, the goal of local government bodies is not only to coordinate the economic activities of subjects, but also to create favorable conditions in which it takes place.

    The practice of municipal government in modern Russia shows that most of population municipalities is not actually involved in the real processes of developing and making municipal management decisions. Accordingly, local self-government today as a form of democracy is more reminiscent of “local government for the population,” unfortunately, sometimes without taking into account the interests of this population.

    Measures that need to be taken to overcome the social and managerial alienation of citizens in the local government system:

    · First of all, local governments must reorient their strategy: from the primary provision of municipal services to the creation and development of conditions in municipalities to enhance the activities of other social entities (NGO sector, entrepreneurship, etc.) in order to delegate to them part of the powers in in the provision of municipal services.

    · Secondly, it is necessary to create technology parks, business incubators for the development of the entrepreneurial environment in municipalities, and “social incubators” for the development of leadership potential.

    · Thirdly, municipal authorities need to develop civil initiatives, using everything possible forms implementation of local self-government by the population.

    Practical experience regions of Russia over the last decade shows that there is a shortage, at the initial stage of social and administrative transformations, of regional leaders capable of developing and implementing reforms, as well as assessing all the consequences of government policy, and minimizing social costs during their implementation. Considering the increased danger of crisis situations, it is necessary to pay special attention to the ability of municipal leaders to act in a rapidly changing environment and be flexible, without changing their main principles, to achieve their goals while actively involving business and public organizations, developing partnerships.

    The main problems of regional governance remain: division of regions into economic regions, federal districts and sectors of the national economy. Of particular importance in management is the structure of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, their subordination, sectoral and financial dependence. Therefore, regions farthest from the center remain less dependent economically if strategic interests foreign policy states do not affect them. The northern regions and the regions richest in natural resources are the most dependent, and their entire internal strategy for economic development and social sphere are directed depending on the available goods and flows of raw materials, materials and equipment.

    Often people or labor resources are not important for one’s own region, since it is always considered possible to attract labor potential from other regions. Therefore, in regions with extractive industries and heavy engineering, specialists from the central districts of the Russian Federation predominate, where all the mechanisms of power and resources of the Russian Federation are concentrated. Regional authorities can only look for “crumbs from the common table” to develop their own economy and social security.

    A common executive central strategy based on federal target programs that affect only certain “special economic zones”, where subordination to local regional bodies and regional development strategies is underestimated, is not always good for the development of regions, especially in conditions of lack of investment.

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      The main directions of anti-corruption improvement of the public service.

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      Personnel management in the municipal service system.

      Organizational and administrative mechanism of public administration: models and methods.

      Organizational mechanism of local government.

      Political mechanism of public administration.

      The relationship between the political and administrative levels of the organization of state power.

      System of methods of state administrative management.

      Managerialization in the implementation of public administration functions.

      Organizational methods in administrative management.

      Administrative methods in state (local) government.

      Program-target approach in state (regional, local) management.

      Theories of public administration and their modern application.

      Mechanisms of modern public administration.

      Improving the mechanisms of state regulation of the economy.

      Management of change projects in state (municipal) institutions.

      Change management in state (municipal) institutions: monitoring and control.

      Problems and difficulties when implementing changes in state (municipal) institutions.

    Appendix 2


    Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

    “Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov"

    Faculty of Economics

    Department ________________________________________

    Direction of training______________________________________

    Master Program ___________________________

    Characteristics of public administration problems

    When characterizing public administration, one cannot help but pay special attention to the exceptional breadth and scale of the type of activity under consideration. Individual manifestations of government regulation are found in almost all areas public life. This, in particular, is related to the heterogeneity of the definitions of public administration proposed by domestic researchers of legal science.

    Thus, one of the most optimal ways to consider the category of public administration seems to be its disclosure through the following definition.

    Definition 1

    Public administration is state influence on spheres of public life, which has signs of organization, regulation, control and use of the power of state coercion, the purpose of which is to streamline, preserve or change existing processes in society.

    The key aspect of the proposed definition and the institution of public administration as a whole is the sociality of the category under consideration, that is, the need to give priority in the process of public administration to public expectations and needs, taking into account the situation real life people, etc.

    Note 1

    In addition to problems of a theoretical nature, research at the Institute of Public Administration, including in the Russian Federation, reveals a number of shortcomings in applied content

    Types of public administration problems in the Russian Federation

    The main group of problems of modern public administration in the Russian Federation is of an organizational nature; an analysis of practical activities in the area under consideration allows us to identify the following of them:

    1. The imperfection of existing sources of legal regulation of activities in the field of public administration, in particular, in the sphere of powers of specific officials, the procedure and features of interdepartmental interaction, as well as interaction between authorities and citizens.
    2. Preservation of management methods that have become outdated in the last century in a command-administrative economy. In its turn, modern challenges public administration, often cannot be solved by such outdated methods.
    3. The presence of controversial issues of distribution of jurisdiction and powers between central government bodies and local government bodies, at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation and municipalities. This situation has a number of negative consequences, ultimately affecting the interests of citizens and society as a whole, since authorities have the opportunity to evade responsibility for their actions by shifting the blame for shortcomings in their activities to authorities at other levels.
    4. Insufficient level of education and qualifications of civil servants. This situation occurs, first of all, due to the fact that a large percentage of civil servants do not have a quality vocational education according to the profile of work, although it is obvious that the degree of importance, responsibility and other requirements for public service requirements, require a high level of professionalism of government officials
    5. Corruption, which is most general view defined as the abuse of government power for personal gain. In our country, among government officials and officials, this phenomenon has become almost widespread. Of course, this situation is not normal for social development, and therefore anti-corruption programs are being developed at the state level, in which, in addition to tightening existing measures responsibility for corruption crimes, a number of preventive measures are proposed aimed at changing the public’s attitude towards corruption by creating an atmosphere of rejection of corruption in all its manifestations and creating conditions that prevent it.

    Note 2

    The result of such activities, in the long term, should be strengthening the population's trust in the government structures of the state.

    However, in addition to problems of an organizational nature, in public administration there are, in part, the above-mentioned shortcomings of a psychological nature associated with the loss of trust and mutual understanding between citizens and government agencies, insufficient honesty and openness of the activities of government officials state power etc.

    Municipal governance, on the one hand, assumes a generalized nature of construction and functioning, on the other hand, it must be tied to a specific place and time. The nature of municipal government depends on the type and type of economic relations existing in a given society at the moment.

    An economy is a set of economic entities limited by the type of ownership, a certain nature of activity and the territory on which this activity is carried out.

    Economists, summarizing modern literary sources, identify at least two groups of basic definitions of the concept of municipal economy:

    1. The municipal economy is considered as a set of enterprises and institutions related to municipal property (municipal services). This approach relieves local governments of responsibility for creating conditions for the development of the territory of the municipality and significantly reduces their interest in creating conditions for investment and other activities aimed at creating favorable conditions for economic management in this territory.
    2. A municipal economy is the entire set of farms located on the territory of a municipal entity, since the powers of local government bodies extend to all entities operating in a given territory. Such an approach puts local government above other economic entities and assumes certain monopoly rights of local governments, giving them unjustified advantages in competition, primarily with the private sector in the territory of the municipality.

    Hence, municipal economy- this is a set of enterprises and institutions carrying out economic activities on the territory of a municipal formation aimed at meeting the collective (social) needs of the population.

    The local government system performs two important functions:

    1) connection between the state and the population;
    2) the connection between the state and the small owner.

    In this regard, economists define the differences between local government and state power, and the municipal economy from state and private. Local self-government has all the attributes of power, and above all main responsibility its solutions for the population of the municipality. Article 3 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation states: “The people exercise their power directly, as well as through state authorities and local governments.”

    Being an integral part of the state, local governments nevertheless have features that distinguish them from state authorities.

    Scientists identify four main differences between local governments and state authorities, caused by the public nature of this government:

    1) self-government, in contrast to state power, is subordinate power, acting within the limits and on the basis of laws adopted by state authorities;
    2) self-government is possible only when the part of public affairs in which it deals (subjects of its jurisdiction) is strictly defined. This is what distinguishes it from councils, where levels of government dealt with everything, and only the decision of the central authorities was final;
    3) to exercise powers in these areas of jurisdiction, local government must have its own resources in the form of an independent budget and municipal property;
    4) this power requires mandatory representation of the population, in other words, it is chosen by its nature.

    These principles show, on the one hand, the differences between local self-government and state power, and on the other, the inextricable connection between local self-government and state power as a whole.

    The formation of the jurisdiction of local government bodies occurs from two sides:

    1) from the population, which entrusts local government bodies with the performance of certain functions;
    2) from the state.

    In general, the competence of local government bodies is established by law. In other words, the state not only allows local governments to carry out some public affairs independently, but entrusts them with a number of their own functions, the implementation of which, as a rule, involves constant contact with the population.

    It is important that the state transfers not only functions, but also the authority to make generally binding decisions on its behalf, reserving the right to control implementation based on actual results.

    The municipal economy, from the point of view of conducting economic activities, largely bears the features of a private economy, since it acts on the market as an independent and, what is especially important, an equal subject of economic activity. That is, it can independently dispose of the property, financial resources, and land at its disposal. However, local governments must use all these resources in order to fulfill the public functions assigned to them. In this regard, the forms of distribution of the results of economic activity are social in nature.

    In this sense, the municipal economy is Joint-Stock Company, the participants of which are all residents of the municipality. However, payments of “stock dividends” are made in the form of socially important goods and services. This reveals the public nature of the municipal economy, since residents are both customers of services provided by local governments on their behalf, and the collective owner of municipal property.

    On the other hand, municipal management bodies act as a contractor performing government functions that are paid for by the state. First of all, this concerns functions that cannot be performed by centralized government structures. This is accounting for the movement of population and property, organizing daily contacts with the population on issues within the jurisdiction of the state (social security, etc.). The organization of such activities requires significant regulation on the part of the state and creates the basis for effective activities government bodies themselves at all levels.

    The process of formation of municipal property is the focus of attention when discussing the problems of levers for the development of local self-government.

    The procedure for transferring objects into ownership - one of the levers for the development of municipal areas - depends on who takes the initiative and what goal is being pursued.

    Economists therefore identify four possible transmission schemes state property to municipal:

    1) if the transfer is carried out at the initiative of federal or regional authorities executive power, the relevant ministries, committees and departments, under whose jurisdiction or operational management the property is, make proposals to the Ministry of Property of the Russian Federation or to the regional property management committee on the need to transfer the objects into the ownership of the municipality in whose territory they are located;
    2) if the initiator of the transfer of state property to municipal property is a municipal entity, then a slightly different procedure is provided. Local authorities independently prepare, review and approve a list of objects to be transferred to municipal ownership. At the same time, it is mandatory to maintain the technological integrity of the facilities, ensure their safe operation and centralized management;
    3) if state property objects are transferred for the purpose of comprehensive socio-economic development of a municipality, then the transfer is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation or the government of a subject of the Federation;
    4) the transfer of federal facilities when vesting local government bodies with certain state powers provides for special procedure.

    Thus, the municipal economy differs from the state economy in having fairly broad rights in the field of production activities, and above all in the area of ​​disposal own resources, and from the private economy - the social nature of the use of the results of activities.

    Economic and financial state of urban housing and communal services

    Currently, in the Russian public utilities there are more than 30 types of activities, combined into several sub-industries:

    Water supply;
    - water disposal and wastewater treatment;
    - heat supply;
    - power supply;
    - landscaping of populated areas;
    - repair of roads, bridges, embankments, bank protection works;
    - summer and winter street cleaning;
    - collection, removal and disposal of household waste;
    - hotels;
    - baths;
    - laundries.

    The volume of investment in public utilities relative to the cost of housing construction is 22-24%, whereas in the 1980s. the rational ratio for Russian cities was 33-35%.

    As a result, more than 25% of the housing stock, in which about 20 million people live, is completely or partially unsuitable.

    Almost 19% of cities and 40% of urban-type settlements still do not have the entire complex utilities(up to complete absence).

    The existing approaches to investment and the preservation of the traditional assessment of the level of development of housing and communal services based on gross indicators of the volume of sales of services have led to an increase in irrational consumption of resources, a decrease in the reliability, sustainability and environmental safety of services.

    Currently, significant changes have occurred in the housing and communal services sector in Russia related to the reform of the industry and its transfer to market relations.

    There was a division of property according to levels of ownership (and, consequently, responsibility), as a result of which housing and public utilities mainly became municipal property and the property of the subjects of the Federation.

    This entailed fundamental changes both in the management of the industry and in the mechanism for financing its enterprises.

    Currently, the concept of solving the housing problem, development and functioning of the entire territorial infrastructure is based on the norms of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Fundamentals of Federal Housing Policy”, in development of which the Russian Government Decree No. 935 was adopted, according to which the main elements of the management mechanism are:

    Separation of ownership and management rights, transition to contractual relations between the owner of fixed assets of housing and communal services (customer) with housing and communal services enterprises (contractor), creation of a competitive environment in the field of public services;
    - go to new system payment of housing and utilities;
    - changing the industry’s financing system, making it self-financing through full payment of the cost of services provided by the consumer.

    Tariffs for payment of housing and communal services are approved by local administrations, based on standard costs, differentiated taking into account the objective natural, urban and demographic conditions of a particular settlement.

    An analysis of the transition to a new system of payment for housing and utilities in almost all regions of Russia shows that the balanced approach of territorial administrations to decision-making on this issue allowed us to avoid social tension.

    However, overall financial condition Housing and communal services enterprises still remain unsatisfactory. It's connected with general condition the country's financial system, the increase in overdue debt of consumers and budgets due to the low solvency of the population and enterprises.

    The need for budget subsidies to cover losses of enterprises has also increased, due to an increase in the costs of servicing housing stock and public utility facilities transferred into municipal ownership by departmental enterprises and organizations (housing and communal services fixed assets increased by 30%).

    The situation can be improved to a large extent by creating conditions for overcoming negative processes in the field of industry financing:

    Complete transition of territorial entities to contractual relations between local authorities or bodies authorized to perform the functions of a customer for housing and communal services, with business entities that guarantee the required level of payments for work, services of housing and communal services enterprises and increase their responsibility for the quality of services provided, the targeted use of budget allocations ;
    - implementation of antimonopoly regulation in the housing and communal services sector, formation of a competitive environment, the development program of which should include measures to improve the quality of services provided;
    - thoughtful privatization by a single complex of enterprises in the industry is also one of the tools to ensure its self-sufficiency (currently this process is slowed down due to incomplete compensation of unpaid expenses to enterprises from the budgets of all levels by the population);
    - liquidation of citizens' debt to pay for housing and utilities.

    The problem can be solved if, when determining the living wage, we take into account funds for paying for housing and communal services, based on norms that must not be lower than state minimum standards.

    It is obvious that the industry is underfunded. As a result, the number of failures and accidents increases, physical and moral wear and tear and destruction of fixed assets occurs, and the level of provision of housing and communal services to the population decreases.

    Increasing the size of industry financing is possible only by increasing the actual level of payments from the population or the budget. The level of payments of the population is regulated by federal standards and is limited to 19% of total family income; increasing this standard is impossible due to the low solvency of the population.

    Increasing external funding for the industry for most deficit regions with budgets of various levels seems extremely difficult, since today the costs of maintaining housing and communal services in the budgets of regions and cities, as a rule, exceed the costs of other sectors of the social sphere. Increasing the cost of maintaining housing and communal services at the expense of other sectors of the social sphere is practically impossible, and a sharp increase in the revenue side local budgets impossible without improving the economy of the country as a whole.

    Thus, a significant increase in industry funding in the next few years seems unlikely.

    Lagging and failures in the implementation of housing and communal services reforms can undermine the overall course of socio-economic reforms in Russia and destabilize the socio-political situation.

    At the same time, there are huge reserves for increasing the efficiency of housing and communal services, which reduce costs not by percentage, but by several times, the implementation of which will allow the industry to move into a mode of profitable operation.

    There are developments, confirmed by practical results, showing the possibility of increasing the efficiency of housing and communal services through the introduction of organizational and economic mechanisms and resource-saving technologies into their activities, the implementation of which does not require significant financial costs and possibly at the expense of budget funds of municipalities and constituent entities of the Federation with a payback period of costs within one year. Other, more costly mechanisms for increasing the efficiency of housing and communal services are also proposed, the implementation of which is possible with the attraction of investments.

    The housing and communal services market is attractive to potential investors. The volume of financial resources circulating in the country's housing and communal services market is generally comparable to its budget, and in municipalities and federal subjects - with the corresponding budget. The market for housing and communal services is characterized by constant demand and a stable level of payments by the population and tends to increase. A complex approach to perform energy supply work allows, as practice shows, to reduce the cost of producing services from 15 to 40%, and services for the operation of buildings and structures - up to 70%. As a result of this, as calculations show, it is possible for the housing and communal services to operate under the conditions of actually existing budget financing and without increasing the level of payments of the population with a high (up to 40%) level of profitability.

    Thus, the main direction of reforming the industry should not be the desire to find financial resources and fill with them the obviously ineffective mechanism of its functioning, but the implementation and development of projects aimed at increasing its efficiency, bringing the industry to the level of profitability, creating conditions for the constant attraction of investments in the industry, in order to provide the country's population with high-quality housing and communal services.

    Changing the state of affairs in the industry is possible only by increasing the efficiency of its formation and activities. Ways to improve efficiency have been identified and confirmed by practical results. The possibility of producing housing and communal services with a high level of profitability opens up to potential investors a huge market, not yet developed by commercial structures, with a turnover commensurate with the country's budget, with a constant level of demand and enormous opportunities for further increasing its efficiency.

    The efficiency of almost all sectors of the housing and communal services sector is extremely low. This is caused by both technical and organizational and economic reasons.

    The industry's high energy intensity coupled with wasteful technical means processing and the practice of offset payment for energy resources, which actually increases their cost, make the share of costs for energy resources unjustifiably large. The use of resource-saving technologies in production and delivery can reduce resource consumption by 50%, and effective mechanisms payment - reduce its cost.

    Another reason for overspending is the lack of metering of utilities actually delivered to the consumer, which can be overcome by installing metering devices.

    Labor productivity in the industry is extremely low. The volume of works and services actually performed is significantly lower than the volume of payments actually made for them. This is due to the existing practice of cost regulation and the presence of a subsidized budget component in the payment of utility services, the actual level of which is significantly lower than planned and taken into account when determining tariffs. This, in turn, leads to the fact that, based on the standards, the staff is planned based on the entire expected volume of work in accordance with existing technical standards. The actual incomplete payment of the population and a small part of budget subsidies lead to the fact that the funds received are barely enough only to pay wages, and materials and resources are not purchased. Without materials, it is impossible to complete the work, and in fact they are not performed.

    Thus, payment by the population for utilities and maintenance of housing stock, which is not related to the actual implementation of work and delivery of services, turns into a tax on the maintenance of utility workers.

    An additional source of growth in the actual cost of housing and communal services are bill and offset schemes of budget payment, leading, among other things, to a decrease in budget revenues.

    Solving the problem of technical modernization of the housing and communal services complex is impossible without a radical improvement in the financial situation in this area, the creation of a real system of economic motivation to reduce resource costs, increasing the efficiency of the enterprises of the complex, and attracting part of the investment in the reconstruction of housing and communal infrastructure facilities.

    In this regard, the program for modernization and reform of the housing and communal services complex includes not only the implementation of technical measures to restore fixed assets and the implementation of new engineering and technical solutions, but also the creation of organizational, managerial and financial mechanisms that ensure the stable and efficient operation of housing and communal enterprises .

    Based on the analysis of the current state of affairs in the housing and communal services complex, program activities are divided into activities:

    To ensure financial stabilization of the housing and communal services complex;
    - formation of market mechanisms for the functioning of the complex and conditions for attracting investments;
    - state support for investments in the modernization of the housing and communal services complex.

    Solving the problem of ensuring the financial stability of enterprises in the housing and communal services complex is the main prerequisite for the formation of economic relationships in this sector of the economy and involves solving two problems:

    1) restructuring and liquidation of existing debt of enterprises of the housing and communal services complex;
    2) eliminating subsidies for housing and communal services and ensuring stability and adequacy of current financing of the provided housing and communal services.

    Housing and communal services reforms

    One of the main reasons for the crisis in the modern housing and communal services sector was the lack of consistent and coordinated measures at the federal and regional levels (and, as a consequence, municipal) to implement a new model of economic relations and structural changes in the housing and communal services complex of the Russian Federation.

    The wear and tear of engineering equipment reached 73%, utility networks - 65%. According to Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia, more than 32% of boilers and 28% of vessels operating under high pressure, 23% of steam pipelines. Heat losses during the operation of power equipment and heat supply systems reach 60% with a norm of 16%. On average, 200 accidents occur per 100 km of heating supply networks per year.

    The industry management system has not yet been developed at the federal and regional levels. Of the 11,482 municipalities of the Russian Federation, the formation of structures for managing housing and communal services was carried out in only 3,500 (30.4%). The division of functions of the owner of municipal housing between management and housing service organizations has not been completed.

    The executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local self-government practically do not carry out competitive selection of organizations to carry out work on the production and provision of housing and communal services to consumers. As a result, competition has not developed in the housing and communal services sector as an incentive to reduce costs, the cost of services and improve their quality. The share of construction contracts concluded on a competitive basis is less than 15% on average across the country.

    Work is progressing very slowly to unite homeowners into partnerships (HOA). Their absence does not allow us to effectively influence the cost and quality of the services provided.

    The transition to a contractual basis for providing housing and communal services to the population has not been completed.

    The Government of the Russian Federation and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation have not created the necessary conditions to ensure the financial sustainability of enterprises in the housing and communal services sector.

    In the country as a whole, losses of housing and communal services enterprises, taking into account arrears in payment of services by the population, as well as as a result of non-compliance with established federal standards led to underfunding of the industry.

    The funds provided in the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to reimburse the costs of housing and communal services enterprises are insufficient and do not solve the problem of their unprofitability and solvency. As a result, about 65% of them have negative financial results, which makes the industry unattractive for investors.

    The unsatisfactory financial condition of housing and communal services enterprises is aggravated by the failure to comply with established federal and regional standards for the transition to a new system of payment for housing and utilities.

    Increasing the level of payments for housing and communal services when implementing measures at the federal and regional levels to achieve federal standards is carried out without taking into account the solvency of the population. Negatively affects financial position industry, the lack of a mechanism for monitoring the validity and reliability of setting tariffs for housing and communal services.

    When revising rates and tariffs, local government bodies in many cases do not conduct an examination of their economic feasibility.

    In addition, the failure of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments to comply with the level of tariffs for housing and communal services for the population is not compensated by adequate measures of financial support for housing and communal services enterprises, including from the corresponding budgets. Changes by local governments in prices and tariffs upward during financial year, as a rule, is not accompanied by a change in the size of budget allocations to compensate for the lost income of housing and communal services enterprises. This leads to their underfunding and aggravates the problem of balancing budget expenditures at all levels with the approved limits on the consumption of utility services by budgetary organizations.

    At the same time, funds from state support for the housing and communal services sector, including those provided for by the federal budget, are used for other purposes.

    Housing and communal services are very ruinous for the national economy of the country. Subsidies for this area exceed the total expenditures on national defense and law enforcement agencies. In addition, almost all housing and communal services organizations operate in emergency recovery mode and require major repairs. Money to pay for utilities is not received in full, and the abundance of benefits aggravates the situation.

    High-quality provision of housing and communal services while reducing costs and guaranteed fulfillment of mutual obligations of service providers and consumers depends on the goals, scale and pace of reform of the housing and communal services complex.

    To improve the situation, differentiation of payments was introduced and made more transparent for the population. To provide rental support to the population, housing subsidy services were created in all regions, as well as cash settlement centers for the timely receipt of funds to producers.

    For the population of many regions, support for housing and communal services today is social function states. Reform must first solve the problems:

    Cost-based pricing principle;
    - ineffective management system;
    - lack of public control over the tariffs of natural monopolists;
    - control over the quantity and quality of actually consumed services.

    Then tariffs may change, possibly with a change in taxes, through which the population today finances housing and communal services. Without structural reforms, the housing and communal services sector will remain a “black hole” and no increase in tariffs will lead to an increase in its efficiency.

    Municipalities must control not only the quality of services provided, but also the level of efficiency of utility companies. To solve this problem, it is necessary to use indicators that can accurately characterize their work, primarily the cost structure and the level of profitability.

    The current pricing schemes and the established practice of providing utility services, as a rule, lead to inflated costs and an increase in the volume of supplied resources.

    The housing stock is the basis of national wealth in any country. In the Russian Federation, the housing stock accounts for more than all fixed assets. A huge volume of real estate requires constant maintenance and maintenance within regulatory requirements.

    The maintenance (maintenance) of residential buildings is regulated by the Rules and Standards for the Technical Operation of the Housing Stock, which determine the requirements for the condition of residential buildings, structures, engineering equipment, as well as the requirements and conditions for the technical operation of the housing stock, engineering equipment, territories of households, current and major repairs. “Rules...” are a normative document regulating the relationship between the contractor (an organization for the maintenance and upkeep of the housing stock) and the homeowner.

    Operating organizations, being contractors for the owners of the housing stock, carry out work in accordance with existing contracts, with priority given to those that ensure reliability, stability and safe maintenance of housing.

    At the same time, the “Rules...” are the basis for the formation of regional documents on the operation of the housing stock, taking into account the features of development, natural and climatic conditions, wear and tear of residential buildings and other local factors.
