Clothes repair business. How to open a clothing tailoring and repair shop. Calculation of projected income

Nowadays, the service of individual tailoring is quite popular. This business attracts many entrepreneurs with its small investments and relatively quick payback.

In a previous publication we touched on this topic, talking about and. In this article, we will tell you how to open your own studio from scratch, how much money is needed to organize a sewing business, and what is the payback period.

Advantages of a tailoring business

  • Small investment. You can start your own sewing workshop business with just a small investment and a strong desire for self-realization. This business is most suitable for people who have certain skills and master the skill of sewing and repairing clothes. But even if you are a complete zero in this field of activity, this does not prevent you from using this business idea;
  • The need for exclusive clothing. Today people are very demanding about their appearance, including the choice of clothing. It is considered very fashionable to have your own designer who sews clothes according to custom sizes and in limited quantities. Therefore, custom tailoring services are in demand, which means we can conclude that this area of ​​business is profitable.

How to open a sewing business and what is needed for this?

Let's discuss what you need to open a clothing tailoring and repair shop. It is worth noting that the clothing business is segmented, some open ateliers exclusively for tailoring, others prefer to repair products, and still others combine both. Therefore, first of all, you must decide on the direction.


This activity requires legal registration with the tax service. You can choose a material and legal form: individual entrepreneur or LLC. I recommend that you choose individual entrepreneurship to simplify accounting and tax accounting.

Selecting premises and renting

The number of orders will depend on the location of the studio. It is advisable to rent a place in a large shopping center. The advantage is that in such places permanent accumulation people. Many people, after purchasing clothes, require sewing services (shortening, sewing in a few centimeters). But, there are several disadvantages here. The first is the cost of rent; it is quite expensive to rent premises for beginning entrepreneurs in elite shopping centers. Secondly, this is competition. As a rule, similar studios already exist in many buildings, so you will have to try to get clients.

Video: How to open a sewing studio Do you need loans???

Required area. At the initial stage, you will not need a large room; 10-20 square meters is quite enough. m. In this area you will need to fit a workplace for the seamstress and a fitting room for clients.

The cost of rent varies quite a lot, it all depends on the city and place of rent. Approximately per month an area of ​​20 square meters. m. will cost you 15–50 thousand rubles.

Purchase of equipment

The main equipment, of course, is a sewing machine; it must be multifunctional. You will also need a special table for cutting and sewing supplies, such as scissors, needles, threads, etc. The approximate cost of equipment for a sewing studio is from 20,000 rubles.

Sewing workshop staff

It is very important to approach this nuance competently; the success of the entire business depends on the professionalism of your employees. This is especially important at the initial stage, when you have just begun to gain the trust of clients.

Requirements for studio workers. A person must be a professional in his field, that is, have skills and experience in the clothing business, fulfill orders efficiently and quickly, and be able to communicate with clients. Restraint and accuracy, punctuality and professional execution jobs - these are the main criteria by which candidates need to be selected for work.


I want to say right away that it is quite possible to find a good craftsman who will work for a small salary. Therefore, look carefully, do not stop at the first option you come across.

The average salary of a seamstress is approximately 15,000, plus allowances for additional work. You can find out the exact figure by analyzing the labor market in your city.

To begin with, two seamstresses will be enough for you. They will be able to take orders and carry out small amounts of work. Further, if there are a lot of orders, you can hire additional staff.

Now let's calculate all the costs and profits that you can get by organizing your own sewing business.

Video: Custom tailoring: a new niche or a failed idea?

One-time expenses for the atelier

Equipment for a sewing workshop. The cost of one sewing machine is from 20,000 rubles, so you need at least two, it will cost from 40 thousand rubles. You will also need furniture - a cutting table and chairs, a mirror in the fitting room, etc. The cost of all equipment is from 50 thousand.

Monthly expenses

  • Rent of premises - from 15 thousand rubles per month for a room of 20 square meters. m.;
  • Sewing materials. Consumables, such as threads, needles, sewing tools - from 5 thousand rubles per month;
  • Salaries for seamstresses. If you have two employees, then your salary per month will cost about 20-30 thousand rubles or more, depending on the prices in your city.

Profit from a sewing studio

Let’s say the average number of orders you have per day is 10. If you provide clothing repair services, then the average check amount will be from 400 rubles.

As for individual tailoring of clothes to order, the cost of the service will be many times more expensive. It all depends on the complexity of the product and the prestige of the studio.

Therefore, by providing clothing repair services, your sewing workshop will bring you from 100 thousand rubles a month. If you subtract monthly costs, the net profit will be 50 thousand rubles. Agree, for a beginner, this is quite good.

We can conclude that the sewing business is a profitable business that is suitable for both beginners and experienced entrepreneurs.

A business in an atelier for sewing and repairing clothes can recoup the initial investment in just six months, after which it will bring the owner about 100 thousand rubles. monthly income. Such a project can be a way out for those who know how to sew and want to open a sewing studio, or it can result in a good family business.

  • Where to start opening a clothing tailoring and repair shop
  • How much can you earn from a clothing tailoring and repair shop?
  • Premises and equipment
  • What equipment should I choose for a clothing tailoring and repair shop?
  • What documents are needed to open a clothing tailoring and repair shop?
  • Optimal taxation system
  • Why can't you open a studio at home?

Where to start opening a clothing tailoring and repair shop

The first thing you need to determine before opening a tailoring and clothing repair shop is its location. There are several approaches, namely:

  • locate the studio in a crowded place, for example, a shopping center;
  • provide tailoring and clothing repair services in a residential area of ​​the city.

Proponents of the first approach argue that if the studio is located in a shopping center, then the flow of customers is higher. When people make purchases, they immediately try to fit new clothes to fit themselves, which is why they turn to the seamstress, who is located in the same building.

This is true. To be convinced of this, just look at the workload of the studios located in crowded places: in clothing markets, near (or inside) department stores and shopping centers.

Proponents of the second approach argue that not everyone has time to give purchased items to the studio, which are located near the place of purchase. In addition, it is even more common to need to repair previously purchased clothing. It is extremely inconvenient to go specifically to the center for this. In such cases, studios located in residential areas are very helpful.

The advantage of the second approach is that the rental cost is lower than in the city center. If you have to pay 35-60 thousand rubles for a room of 12-18 m2 in a shopping center. per month or more, then in a residential area renting a similar premises will cost 1.5-2 times cheaper.

Another approach to starting your own business is buying a franchise. The positive thing about this approach is that you have to go through the steps proposed by the franchisor, which have previously led to the success of more than one enterprise. There is no need to figure out how to open a clothing tailoring and repair shop; you just need to follow all the recommendations, each of which has already been tested in practice.

Many people believe that buying a franchise only increases the initial investment. But if you calculate how much an entrepreneur’s mistakes will cost when launching a project and bringing it to the estimated profit, then these costs can be several times higher than starting a franchise business.

Despite the fact that before opening his own studio, an entrepreneur can make a very detailed business plan, in reality, this document will have to be adjusted to one degree or another. And if the business owner is also new to this business or has little understanding of business processes, then the real numbers will differ greatly from the calculated ones.

This happens when a seamstress who does her job well, but has a very vague idea of ​​how to organize and promote a business, becomes an entrepreneur. As a result, she has to comprehend this order, making mistakes that result in loss of income.

How much can you earn from a clothing tailoring and repair shop?

The owner of the project must take responsibility for its promotion. It’s good when he knows all the production aspects. But he needs this not in order to fulfill orders himself, but so that, based on this knowledge, he can optimize his business.

Expect that 1 order will bring an average of 300 rubles. If there are 10-15 orders per day, the company will receive 90-135 thousand rubles. In the best case, taking into account monthly costs, the profit of the enterprise will be 40 thousand rubles. Already with 20 orders per day, the enterprise’s income can range from 50 to 95 thousand rubles.

The businessman’s task is to provide the required number of orders that will allow the company to make a profit of 100 thousand rubles. and more. Additional profit comes from sales of fabric and accessories, so the project can be organized as an atelier-shop.

Remember that before you open an atelier from scratch, it is recommended to consider this project as a business and not as a work place at home.

This approach will require more investments, it incurs more regular costs, but the entrepreneur also has more room for maneuver.

It is the most profitable and cost-effective, this also applies to sewing studios. Due to its particular popularity among entrepreneurs, competition in this business is high, so opening a clothing tailoring and repair shop should be approached with special attention, taking into account all possible risks.

To open a highly profitable tailoring shop, you should draw up a business plan that takes into account costs, competitiveness and ways to make a profit. How to open a clothing repair and tailoring shop? Find out in this article!

It is necessary to think about the features of opening an atelier at the stage of inception of the idea. own business. The algorithm for registering an enterprise is as follows:

  1. atelier with detailed calculations.
  2. at the tax office and other authorities.
  3. Renting or purchasing premises.
  4. Purchase of equipment, fabrics, fittings and other goods.
  5. Conducting an advertising campaign.

Registration of a sewing studio

The first step to opening a studio is when opening a small workshop, it is recommended to choose individual entrepreneurship - this will make it easier to cope with accounting and taxation.

If you want to open several repair and sewing studios at once, then you can register as

The advantages of an LLC (OJSC, CJSC) are the possibility of simultaneous registration of several persons as founders, and the disadvantages are the need to keep books, an increased tax rate and the complexity of the initial preparation and execution of documentation.

When registering, you must indicate the main business code:

  • 93.5 “Providing other personal services to the public”;

and additional:

  • 18.22 “Sewing outerwear”;
  • 18.2 “Tailoring from textile materials and clothing accessories”;
  • 52.74 “Repair of household products, as well as items for personal use not included in other groups”;
  • 18.21 “Sewing workwear”;
  • 18.24 “Sewing other clothes and accessories.”

Then the entrepreneur registers himself and his employees in

The last point is to obtain documents permitting doing business in a specific location. Rospotrebnadzor and Gospozhnadzor.

After completing all the paperwork, you can get down to sewing.

The right room for a studio: how to choose?

The profit and profitability of the clothing business is directly dependent on the orders received. Accordingly, the premises should not be located somewhere in the outskirts, where the flow of clients is minimal.

The best places to locate a clothing tailoring and repair shop are:

  • shopping centers - plus places not only in large quantities people, but also that when buying a thing, people often strive to improve it (for example, shorten trousers), so the popularity of the sewing point will be high;
  • on the first floors of high-rise buildings;
  • in premises located on busy streets, along the route of people to bus stops;
  • in the center of a city or neighborhood.

You can start by renting a small area (20–50 square meters), and expand the business after reaching a stable profit. Some entrepreneurs open a collection point for things and orders in the city center, where rent is highest, and set up a workshop for performing the work on the outskirts of the city, saving considerable amounts.

This option is appropriate when customer orders do not require urgent or immediate execution.

The studio should have three separate zones:

  1. Sanitary(toilet, storage room for cleaning products, room for workers).
  2. Reception(samples of fabrics and accessories are displayed here, there are fitting booths equipped with mirrors - this is a place for meeting with customers).
  3. Cutting and sewing(the room for performing work has a proportionally larger area relative to the rest of the rooms in the studio).

Studio equipment

To ensure the work of the studio you should purchase:

  • furniture for staff and visitors;
  • bright lighting fixtures;
  • fire extinguisher;
  • cash machine.

The main equipment without which business is impossible are:

  • cutting equipment;
  • overlock;
  • loop semi-automatic;
  • regular sewing machine;
  • mannequins - several regular and 1 steam;
  • steam and regular irons, ironing boards;
  • Consumables;
  • tools (patterns, needles, scissors and others).

Choose better new equipment that meets modern requirements.

So, a sewing machine must perform at least 20 operations. Despite the cost of such equipment, the business will be more profitable due to the fast and high-quality execution of orders.

Studio staff

Finding a professional in the sewing business is a great success, so before hiring, be sure to survey applicants on three parameters:

  • existing education;
  • previous experience in the sewing and repair industry;
  • test.

Pay special attention to the last point, since it is this that should be decisive.

In addition to professional skills, the personal qualities of a seamstress are also important. If a person gets along easily with clients, is open and friendly, then gaining a base of regular clients will be much easier.

Customers satisfied with the service will definitely tell their friends about the studio. And word of mouth, as you know, is the best and completely free advertising.

Initially, hiring 2 seamstresses will be enough, or you can work independently if you have the talent. As our customer base and production expand, additional hiring will be required:

  • fashion designers;
  • cutters;
  • order takers.

At first, be sure to spend as much time as possible in the studio, observing the work of the staff and adjusting it if necessary. This will increase productivity and you will be able to control the influx Money(unfortunately, not all employees are distinguished by crystal honesty).

staff can do this in three ways:

  • pay a fixed amount;
  • pay interest on work performed;
  • pay a fixed amount + percentage of completed orders.

Required in employment contracts draw up with hired workers a clause on financial responsibility, since clients often bring quite expensive things.

Promotion and advertising of the studio

When opening a clothing repair and tailoring shop, it is extremely important to notify the population about the appearance of your enterprise on the market, talk about the range of services offered and stand out from competitors.

The most accessible and effective means PR studios are:

  • placing advertisements in city print media;
  • displaying videos and ticker tape on TV;
  • oral advertising on radio broadcasts;
  • Internet advertising on city forums and bulletin boards;
  • street advertising (distributing leaflets, brochures) and delivering flyers to residents' mailboxes.

Outdoor advertising

Be sure to make a sign with the name of the studio and place it above the entrance. Near the entrance (or on the door itself), place the operating hours and a short price list - this will allow customers to navigate the type of services provided.

Agree with nearby clothing stores - let the sellers give each client a business card of your atelier. This is mutually beneficial: people will be able to buy the item they like (bringing profit to the store), knowing that it will be adjusted to fit on the same day (profit for the studio).

Business plan for a clothing repair and tailoring shop

Opening a small sewing studio costs relatively little; it can easily cost up to 500,000 rubles:

  • purchase of equipment - about 300,000 rubles;
  • rental payment - 10,000–30,000 rubles;
  • renovation of the premises and its arrangement - from 50,000 rubles;
  • employee salary - from 15,000 rubles per person;
  • purchase of materials - from 10,000 rubles;
  • advertising costs - within 10,000 rubles;
  • additional expenses.

In such a studio the average bill varies within 250–300 rubles. Receiving 12–15 orders daily will ensure the minimum daily profit is 3,000 rubles, and the monthly profit is 90,000.

After forming a customer base, the amount of earnings will increase several times. Full payback of the small studio occurs within a period of 8 months to a year.

Opening an atelier that provides not only repair work, but also sews custom items for every taste, requires significantly larger investments. average cost opening such an enterprise - 3.5 million rubles.

This price will include:

  • purchase of fabrics of different price categories, including luxury ones;
  • purchase of branded sewing equipment;
  • purchase of accessories;
  • - cutters, seamstresses, fashion designers;
  • rental or purchase of premises, its repair and arrangement.

Such ateliers, as a rule, sew exclusive items, often for non-standard figures, so the professionalism of the workers plays a fundamental role. Prices in the workshop for tailoring are much higher than in clothing repair shops, but the payback of the enterprise will not be quick.

  • solvency of city residents;
  • price for renting space;
  • the exact cost of purchased equipment and materials, and others.

With a competent approach to business, a well-organized PR campaign and fulfillment of orders at the highest level, the studio will pay for itself within 3-5 years.

To run a profitable sewing business, you should provide your customers with an exceptionally warm welcome, and fulfill orders with high quality and on time. Over time, you will earn a good reputation with clients and the studio will begin to generate a stable profit.

Successful home business, exclusive interview with home studio owner Svetlana Skopova

Clothes designer, fashion designer, cutter, tailor - all these professions, the names of which sound in the masculine gender, can be united by one feminine concept - “milliner”. This word may be somewhat old-fashioned, but it very accurately reflects the essence of the profession.


This is not an easy craft - making women beautiful, predicting their desires, giving advice on choosing the style of outfits. A spectacularly dressed woman never goes unnoticed. Let's talk about the mysteries of creating beautiful, stylish, exclusive women's clothing with a virtuoso of his profession, the owner of a small home atelier, and a modern milliner Svetlana Skopova.She is very popular among Caucasian fashionistas Mineralnye Vody who want to have in their wardrobe outfits sewn for them by the hands of the Master.

The main points of the interview with Svetlana Sokolova, the owner of her own studio

  • Type of activity: studio at home
  • Occupation before start entrepreneurial activity: seamstress, merchandiser
  • Date of start of business activity: 2000
  • Organizational and legal form of doing business: individual entrepreneur
  • Initial investment amount: RUB 100,000.
  • Source of initial capital: loan funds
  • Return on investment: about 6-8 months
  • Initial income: 10-12,000 rubles. per month.
  • Formula for success: “My business is my life”

Svetlana, answer as a professional and practicing milliner: “What does a beautifully dressed woman mean?”

Is it difficult to convince a woman to accept your version of a future outfit?

It happens differently. There are women who immediately and unconditionally agree with my proposal and trust the choice of style, fabric, and accessories. And there are ladies who stubbornly defend their point of view. But I don’t want the client to be disappointed, even with her decision. Then I try to demonstrate her choice as clearly as possible, often the reaction is similar to shock. Most often, eloquence and reality win, the lady capitulates, and I sew her an outfit according to my vision, relying on experience and intuition.

A beautifully dressed woman is always on top

Spectacular blue dress with open back

Was it difficult for you to choose your craft? How did you start your business?

Probably my choice was born and grew with me. For as long as I can remember, probably since I was 5, I was constantly sewing, inventing, and dressing up my dolls. Then I started sewing for myself and my mother. But this was an amateur stage; I came to the profession later. Despite my passion for sewing, I saw it only as a pleasant pastime, a hobby. And I dreamed of becoming a lawyer, getting the profession of a lawyer.

But mothers know us better. It was she who once took me by the hand and took me to an educational institution related to sewing. It is now unknown whether the legal corps has lost a great professional in me. But it is absolutely clear that mom was right.

Tell me, what kind of education did you receive?

I have a secondary technical education. Graduated from the Voronezh Industrial Pedagogical College in 1997. By profession I am a sewing production technician and a master of industrial training.

What was the most difficult thing about starting your business? What barriers did you have to overcome?

The first barrier is to buy a good sewing machine. 10-12 years ago this was quite problematic. I wanted good equipment, but there was nowhere to buy it. There was a big shortage of high-quality sewing accessories and special fabrics. The choice of good material was also limited. I had to work with what I had and what I had.

The sewing machine is the main tool

But even with a simple sewing machine, from simple fabrics, without special devices, it was possible to sew good outfits. I have always had clients; lack of orders has never become a barrier in business.

Overlock machine

Do you want to know how to open a tailoring workshop? We invite you to familiarize yourself with.

Any business starts with starting capital. How much money did you start with and, if it’s not a secret, where did you manage to find it?

There is no secret. When I decided to get serious about business, I took out a bank loan. This was the amount of 100 thousand rubles. I spent it on purchasing equipment. But if you open such a business today, you will need O greater amount. You can count:

  • Purchasing a good, multifunctional one - 45-50 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase - 15-20 thousand.
  • Definitely needed - 18-20 thousand.
  • Large mirror - 2-5 thousand.
  • Mannequin - at least 1 piece, that's 6-7 thousand.
  • Silhouette hangers - 2 pcs. 3 thousand rubles each.

Mannequin and silhouette hangers

Various small items (threads, scissors, centimeters, pins, crayons, etc.) - 5-10 thousand.

The amount turns out to be approximately 100-120 thousand rubles. To this you need to add the costs of paperwork for opening a business and a financial reserve in order to initially pay electricity bills and other public utilities. We will add the cost of renting the premises, but this is only if it is rented. If you work from home, then you can meet the amount of 150 thousand to start working.

If clients appear and there are financial income, then this money will quickly return (in about 6-8 months), and you will begin to receive profit and satisfaction.

The machine is always working

Working on an order

How much has your income increased since you started working? Were the forecasts and expectations met?

In the first months independent work my income did not exceed 10-12 thousand per month. This was 10 years ago. I planned to receive 5 times more. After 2-2.5 years I was already easily earning this amount. But time is running, desires and needs grow. New milestones and projected revenue amounts are emerging. Now I have set a goal for myself to reach the 100 thousandth milestone. But for now this is a distant prospect. The crisis has had a painful impact on my business.

Today, not every woman will allow herself such a luxury as individual tailoring of outfits. This pleasure is not cheap, and there is a lot of competition. Now there are almost as many women's clothing stores as grocery stores. The items they carry are cheap and accessible; you don’t need to go to fittings. And exclusiveness requires time and imagination.

If we talk about forecasts, they came true. And expectations are very ephemeral. Something comes true, it comes true, but a fresh idea, a dream, comes. And you are waiting for new realizations, incarnations. The main thing is to have the desire to make dreams come true

Workplace. Everything is at hand.

How is the price of the work you perform determined today?

The price for work consists of several components. For example:

  • order completion time,
  • complexity of the model;
  • electricity costs (a lot of it is required: this is the work of sewing machines, a steam generator, good lighting is required for sewing);
  • rent and taxes.

Each region of the country has its own price list for sewing services. I use the average statistical indicators for the CMS region. They can be viewed on the Internet. There are a lot of points, all types of work performed on sewing the model are taken into account.

If I name a specific price for sewing products, I can name the following amounts:

  • sewing a skirt will cost the customer from 1.5 to 2 thousand rubles;
  • dresses - from 3 to 5 thousand;
  • trousers - from 2 thousand;
  • evening dress - from 7 thousand rubles, this category is the highest paid, the cost of sewing a product can reach large double-digit numbers (for example, sewing not the most complex wedding dress will cost 20 thousand rubles).

Evening Dress

What form of business and taxation have you chosen?

I . Taxation system - . I resolve all my financial issues myself.

The optimal way to maintain tax accounting for small companies, is . With the help of this service, any entrepreneur can independently and without any problems maintain accounting records for his enterprise.

Do you consider it an advantage that you are an individual entrepreneur? Has this impacted the payback period for business investments?
Of course it did. Since I work alone, I do not need to pay wages to employees or make contributions to the Pension Fund and Social Security Fund. I only pay as an individual entrepreneur and tax to the Federal Tax Service.

I also see the advantage that I am responsible for my own work. As they say, if you want something done well, do it yourself. I prefer to conduct the entire process of creating an outfit: from selecting and purchasing accessories, and, if necessary, fabric, to the finished product. Only in this way can I fully vouch for the quality of the product.

Completed order on a mannequin

Do you have to deal with inspection authorities? With firefighters, SES?

Since I work at home, the inspection authorities do not bother me. I myself have a vested interest in keeping my home clean and safe. Well, if suddenly they want to visit me - please. We will solve all the questions!

Of course, it’s harder to please a woman than to please inspectors! Have you ever tried to change your occupation, to do something less troublesome? After all, your job is not easy, and sometimes very thankless.

Yes, there was such a fact in my work history. I wanted to work “like everyone else” - in the morning to work, in the evening from work, 2 days off and annual leave. For a year I worked as a merchandiser in a huge supermarket. But still, this is not for me. Back to again sleepless nights over fulfilling urgent orders, communicating with customers, finding the right materials, choosing styles, joys, disappointments, the pangs of creativity and happiness from success.

Of course, this is not easy and requires a certain type of character. I am an unshakable optimist, and there is also such a word: calling. Some are called upon to defend their homeland, some to teach, some to heal. And I sew!

One very famous couturier calls himself a tailor. He is proud of this and emphasizes that not a single idea of ​​the most brilliant clothing designer, not a single superbly tailored model will come to life if it is not sewn correctly. It is the tailor who ultimately creates those products that we admire when we see them in a picture or on the catwalk. The tailor makes suits and dresses that make women look amazing. I also call myself a “tailor” and am also proud of this title.

What is your business to you? What part of life does it occupy?

My business is my life. It is so filled with it that, even while doing other things, I constantly think about my work. Fortunately, my family understands this and supports me. We are happy to discuss prospects, plans for the future, and styles of outfits with my daughter. She especially likes choosing models for herself. She is almost a bride, she is 14 years old.

You have many regular customers. Who are they?

There are many customers. And it's not just individuals. I take orders for so-called extras. This is tailoring costumes for groups. Among my customers are the dance group “Helios”, the children’s choir “Kazachok”, and a theater studio. I sew costumes for city events, for example, for the 2013 meeting I designed and sewed a snake costume. It turned out to be a real masterpiece. And it’s impossible to count how many Santa Clauses and Snow Maidens have been sheathed.

But I love custom tailoring more. Here you can truly create, create outfits that you can then be proud of. It's really great to see how a woman has transformed in an outfit sewn by your hands. How stylish and harmonious she looks.

Suit for Santa Claus

Snake Costume

Children's choir in costumes from Svetlana

Costumes for dance ensemble

Dance ensemble Helios

You can only win in such costumes!

What do you mean by “style”? What should a stylish woman look like?

Style is a broad concept. I have a group on VKontakte, which is called

* The calculations use average data for Russia

From 150,000 ₽

Starting investments

155,000 ₽

50,000 ₽

Net profit

6-8 months

Payback period

An atelier is a women's business that is quite easy to organize with minimal investment. As in many other areas of activity, the basis for success is the skill of the staff and location.

An atelier is a business that is quite easy to organize and is considered a woman's occupation. You can open your own studio with minimal costs and in a short time. If you know how to sew and dream of opening a mini-business, then the atelier idea will suit you.

Market Review. The relevance of the atelier as a business

In the field of consumer services, which includes studio services, for Lately there is an increase in demand. According to statistics, every year there are twice as many ateliers opened as there are closures. Annual growth in this area is about 10%. Even in times of crisis, the atelier’s services are in demand, because people begin to save on clothes and more often turn to the atelier for repair services.

The two main services of the studio are tailoring and clothing repair. In the last few years, the demand for tailoring has decreased - the market is overcrowded finished products, which, moreover, is often cheaper than sewn to individual standards. The situation with modern light industry is known to everyone: the overproduction of inexpensive and low-quality Chinese clothing has “corrupted” the taste and culture of the consumer. He has lost the habit of mending his dress, generally loving it, respecting it and treating it with care. The consumer has long been accustomed to throwing tons of everything into the nearest trash bin, immediately buying a ton of new things, “from the latest collection.” Therefore, today people who need the modification of their clothes more often turn to the services of a seamstress - shorten their trousers, fit them to their figure, etc. That is why clothing repair points began to open actively in shopping centers.

Ateliers can be roughly divided into two categories. The former rely on wealthy clients, the latter, on the contrary, on people with below average income. Accordingly, the range of services is slightly different. The first category of workshops is focused on creating individual clothing - for example, business suits. Profit comes from completing several, but expensive, orders. Such a business, as a rule, relies on wealthy and regular clients who come to the studio from year to year. The second category of workshops fulfills small orders and makes money on their quantity.

Advantages of the atelier as a business:

    atelier services are in demand in any locality;

    high demand for this type services, even in times of economic instability;

    required to open a studio minimum investment, which can be repaid in a few months;

    a small studio needs a minimum of equipment and tools. The main thing is a good master.

Many people think that opening a studio is very simple: find a premises, buy a sewing machine - and you can expect profit. However, in practice everything will not be so rosy. Many studios go bankrupt and close without ever breaking even. In order for the business to develop successfully, you should take into account many nuances, research the sales market in advance and draw up a business plan for the studio. Therefore, we will consider in detail each stage of opening an atelier and the features that need to be taken into account.

Who can open a studio

A seamstress, tailor, or cutter can open their own business. Typically, studio owners are good craftsmen who understand the intricacies of sewing and know the market. This option will be preferable. However, even if you are far from sewing, you can realize yourself in this business as a manager, but all production work entrust to hired employees. And yet, many note that the atelier - especially with the custom tailoring service - is, first of all, creativity. Therefore, it is impossible to live here without a soul. Knowledge of the specifics of the work and an individual approach to each client will help you achieve success in this business.

Market analysis

Before opening a studio, you need to study the market for sewing services in your city. It is important to understand whether there is a free niche: you can determine the approximate number of studios using services such as Yandex.Maps, Google Maps, 2GIS. Find out the cost of your competitors' services and the services they offer. In addition, you will need data on the area's population and income levels to identify your potential clients. The collected information will allow you to assess business prospects and decide what competitive advantages you will have.

List of studio services

At the next stage, you need to determine what exactly the studio will do and what audience its services will be aimed at. In addition to custom tailoring, clothing can also be repaired, restored or altered. Depending on the list of services, equipment and staff are determined. For example, if you plan to provide a custom tailoring service, then you need to make certain demands on the seamstress.

What services can the studio provide to clients:

    hemming, shortening clothes;

    design and tailoring of evening dresses (dresses for prom);

    repair of old items (replacement of collars, fasteners, etc.).

    replacing zippers, steaming, repairing and making pockets, re-stitching buttons, replacing a collar or cuff, etc.;

    sewing carnival costumes for children (in demand before New Year's parties);

    sewing school suits;

    sewing copies of famous designers (also in demand, since it is still cheaper than the original);

    sewing curtains;

    urgency of order execution (20-50% of the cost of work is added).

It is recommended to start with a clothing repair shop, and then, having developed a client base and established a foothold in the business, move on to individual tailoring. The costs of opening a clothing repair shop are much lower than those for sewing clothes.

Having decided on the list of services, make a price list. Find out what prices your competitors are offering and lower yours a little. At the initial stage, this will attract customers. But be careful with price dumping - don’t work at a loss. Set a price that can recoup your costs. To understand the calculations, draw up a business plan with calculations of expenses and income and an analysis of strengths and weaknesses business. In addition, you will definitely need a business plan if you decide to take out a loan to start a business.

Studio registration

How to register a company for sewing and repairing clothes? In order to conduct commercial activities, you need to register your business. You can choose the form of individual entrepreneur or LLC. The difference is that if you are the only owner of a business, you should register it as an individual entrepreneur. This will make it much easier to manage accounting and simplify taxation conditions.

To register as an individual entrepreneur, you will need a passport and an application for state registration. registration, a receipt for payment of the state duty (800 rubles), as well as a copy of the TIN certificate. If you decide to open a studio together with the founder, you will have to register as an LLC. Also, for registration you will need to indicate the appropriate OKVED codes.

The most suitable OKED codes for an atelier:

    95.29.1 Repair of clothing and textiles

    52.74 Repair of household products and personal items not included in other categories

    18.2 Manufacture of clothing from textile materials and clothing accessories

    18.24 Production of other clothing and accessories.

The next step is to obtain all necessary permits from Rospotrebnadzor and similar state authorities. institutions. You will have to spend about 5,000 rubles to obtain all permitting documentation.

The SES requirements require the preparation of the following documents:

    production control program;

    conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor on the compliance of the premises with standards;

    permission from Rospotrebnadzor to carry out activities;

    contracts for waste removal, hazardous substances, disinfection.

Choosing a room for a studio

The most significant issue when organizing an atelier is finding suitable premises. It is important to choose a convenient location, as the profitability of the business depends on it. According to statistics, atelier attendance is 70% dependent on where it is located. Most often, a person who needs such services simply looks for a nearby studio or chooses something that is “along the way.”

There are two options for atelier premises: renting retail space in a shopping center or in a residential area. Each of them has its own pros and cons. The table shows a comparison of these options. The choice depends on the target audience and the concept of the studio.

Comparison of premises for rent

Room in a shopping center

Room in a residential area

    high cross-country ability;

    there is a possibility that clothes purchased in the same shopping center will require adjustment to size. Then buyers will immediately contact the studio

    the premises are ready for use, no repairs required

    you do not need to obtain a sanitary and fire certificate for your premises

    the studio is located within walking distance from the houses. Target Audience there will be residents of the area;

    rent is cheaper than in a shopping center;

    the premises can be purchased

    expensive rent;

    The studio is forced to work according to schedule shopping center

    the premises may require renovation;

    all permitting documentation must be completed;

    pedestrian traffic is less than in the shopping center. The circle of potential buyers is narrowing to residents of a residential area

The atelier only works in daytime and does not create much noise, so it can be installed on the ground floor of a residential building. This studio will be open from 9:00 to 19:00. In the shopping center, the studio will have to work on a schedule from 10:00 to 22:00 - while the shopping center is open. Renting a room located on the ground floor of a residential building will cost on average 12-15 thousand rubles. You will have to pay about 20-25 thousand rubles monthly to rent a pavilion in a shopping center.

A good option would be the proximity of the atelier to fabric or clothing stores. To increase the influx of customers, you can agree with nearby stores so that consultants, if necessary, recommend your atelier to their customers.

Requirements for the studio premises:

    area of ​​at least 10 sq.m. Optimal – 20 sq.m. The room should not be so small that it causes attacks of claustrophobia in visitors - they associate cramped space with the pettiness and frivolity of the company.

    availability of electricity;

    the room must be divided into at least 3 zones: a reception area with a fitting cabin, a cutting and sewing shop and sanitary rooms (storeroom, toilet, staff room)

    the lighting of the seamstress’s place of work must meet special standards, which are five times higher than the requirements for residential premises;

    for professional sewing equipment you need a voltage of 380 volts;

    availability of good ventilation;

    light walls that can withstand frequent wet cleaning;

    absence of surfaces that retain small sewing waste.

In order to provide studio services, it is not necessary to rent a separate room. You can open a business from home. How to organize a studio work from home? Clothing measurements can be taken at the client’s home, and mini-production can be located in your home. The difficulty with this idea is finding new clients. You will need to place an advertisement on a site like Avito, hang a signboard or an advertisement in the elevator, or rely on word of mouth.

Purchase of equipment for the studio

To work, you need to purchase equipment. An approximate list of equipment is given in the table. The amount of investment required to purchase equipment is 70 thousand rubles.

Studio equipment

Before purchasing necessary equipment, you should figure out what factors influence its price:

    manufacturer country;

    functionality of studio equipment;

    the material from which it is made, its quality indicators;

    company (there are little-known companies that demonstrate good quality, but are much cheaper).

In addition to professional equipment, you will need some furniture and lighting. The furniture should be comfortable, the lighting should be bright enough. These are comfortable working conditions.

Studio staff selection

Most entrepreneurs realize that in this business a lot depends on the level of the craftsmen who will work in it. Therefore, you need to pay attention Special attention personnel selection. Most the best option– experienced people you know who can not only sew beautifully, but also communicate with clients. If there are none, you can hire employees based on the recommendation of your colleagues or acquaintances. You can also post information about vacancies on specialized websites. When recruiting unfamiliar employees, it is better to set for them probation. Don't forget about personal qualities employees. Welcomed: honesty, decency, punctuality, politeness, ability to take into account the wishes of the client. Select candidates carefully, test people on simple orders. As a rule, the employees of the atelier are women: after all, it is mostly women who bring things to the atelier, and the work will involve tactile contact).

Ready ideas for your business

As for the number of employees, it depends on the direction of activity of the studio and its scale. For a small atelier, it is enough to hire two seamstresses - they will work in shifts 2 to 2 so that the atelier can function seven days a week. If you plan to provide a custom tailoring service, you will have to hire a cutter. If orders increase, an administrator will be required to accept orders.

Establish piecework or piecework-bonus wages so that the employee feels responsible and is interested in the results of his work. The minimum salary is mandatory, especially during the formation of an enterprise. Also provide for an additional payment - a certain percentage of revenue. Don't underestimate your salary. Otherwise, professionals will go to competitors. The average salary of a seamstress is 20-23 thousand rubles. This includes salary (16-18 thousand rubles) and a percentage of income (depending on the amount of work performed). Advice: if the vacancy initially lists “maintaining cleanliness in the workplace” among the duties, you can save money on a cleaner.

Keep in mind that in the atelier business, the problem of so-called “left” orders and financial dishonesty of employees is quite common. To protect themselves, the business owner should periodically show up at the workplace or send a mystery shopper. Cleanliness is verified by comparing revenue on the days the owner is present with other days. Of course, if you understand that your time is worth more than such visits, it’s easier to spend money and install video surveillance at your workplace.

How to advertise an atelier

The key to the success of any business is customers. In order for the studio to break even and bring a stable profit, it is necessary to actively promote its services on the market. You need to start an advertising campaign even before the opening of the studio.

Ways to promote the studio:

    information on notice boards in the workshop area;

    advertisements on the Internet;

    distributing invitations to mailboxes;

    placing advertisements in elevators of residential buildings;

    a bright sign, banner or sign;

    printing business cards and leaflets;

    holding various promotions, discounts on sewing certain products, discounts on the first order, etc.

You should not spare money on advertising - be prepared to spend about 30-40 thousand rubles to provide your studio with orders. An active marketing strategy allows you to speed up the process of recoupment of funds invested in opening an atelier.

How much does it cost to open a studio from scratch?

Initial Investment

It is worth not only taking into account all the costs of opening a studio, but also calculating monthly expenses. They include rent, advertising, depreciation, payroll, etc. Fixed expenses also include taxes - this table shows their approximate amount, because... they are calculated based on the revenue indicator.

Fixed costs

Thus, fixed monthly expenses will be about 105,000 rubles. Analyzing the question of how to open a studio from scratch, we can conclude that large financial investments will not be required. Anyone can start such a business. The main thing is to have the necessary knowledge and competently plan all stages of entrepreneurial activity.

How much can one earn from sewing and repairing clothes?

With a good flow of clients, the studio’s daily revenue can be from 5 thousand rubles. In other words, you can earn from 150 thousand rubles per month.

We forecast the income of the studio:

    The cost of an average clothing repair order is about 350 rubles. Approximate number of orders per day – 10, per month – 300

    Revenue for the month: 350*10*30 = 105,000 (rub.)

    The cost of a tailoring order is 3,000 rubles. The approximate number of orders per month is 10.

    Revenue for the month: 3000*10=30,000 (rub.)

    Additional services(urgent order processing, sewing curtains, etc.) – 20,000 rubles. per month

    Total revenue: 155,000 rubles.

    Net profit per month: 155,000 – 105,000 = 50,000 (rub.)

    Annual net profit: 600,000 rubles.

    Payback: 6-8 months.

There is no need to expect big profits from the studio, especially in the first months of work. To receive orders immediately, you need to start advertising about a month or two before the opening.

What difficulties may an atelier owner encounter?

Risk assessment is an important point in a business plan for an atelier. Risks in this area include:

    purchase of low-quality equipment;

    lack of personal funds, when loan interest is added to regular expenses;

    low quality of services (problems with personnel);

    exorbitant increase rent;

    excess supply over demand in the market (too many workshops in the area);

    seasonality of business;

    poor choice of studio location.

Most The best way overcome these difficulties - take timely care to ensure that they do not arise at all, or to reduce the damage from them to a minimum. In other words, it is necessary to carry out regular work to assess risks and prevent their occurrence in time.

Technological risks are associated with incorrectly selected equipment, breakdowns, and inappropriate use of technological capacities, which can lead to the stoppage of business processes. This risk can be reduced with regular monitoring of equipment serviceability, high-quality after-sales service, and proper selection of equipment. Before buying equipment, consult with experts, check reviews on forums, and ask for advice from entrepreneurs who work in this field.
