If the social package means official employment or not. From a legal point of view. Privileges provided by a full social package

Official employment, competitive salary, extensive social package - three lines that are most often found in modern vacancies. And if the first two are clear to everyone, then the word “social package” is not familiar to everyone. Let's consider what it means and what value this very package carries.

The meaning of the word “social package” lies in its wording. This term refers to a set of social guarantees that are not regulated at the state level. In other words, the legislation does not contain a specific list of those benefits that mandatory must be included in the social package. As, in fact, there is no clear definition this concept. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation states that social package established by the employer in an employment or collective agreement or in agreements and (or) local regulations. Similar principle is also used in many other countries of the post-Soviet space.

For the employee himself, the social package is, first of all, a factor influencing the choice of employer. This is especially true for qualified personnel. This is a certain incentive that directly affects the results of a person’s activities in the company. For the company itself, it is a competitive advantage over other industry participants in the struggle for professional employees.

Classification of state social packages

The social package consists of mandatory and additional guarantees. Mandatory items are guaranteed not only by the employer, but also by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - providing them to every working citizen is mandatory at the legislative level.

NOTE! Mandatory requirements for the employer, such as timely payment of wages not lower than the minimum, payment of sick leave and vacations, etc. It is not customary to call it a social package, although in form such guarantees refer to social sphere. The traditional definition involves voluntary provision to employees fringe benefits at the expense of the employer.

The state can give its working citizens mandatory preferences in three main forms.

  1. Insurance guarantees. The employee pays for the insurance policy (in addition to compulsory health insurance) from money earned from the employer, the latter being the agent. If the event provided for in insurance policy, the insured employee receives payment in whole or in part at the expense of the employer. Such cases may include:
    • injury;
    • occupational disease;
    • acquiring the status of a disabled person;
    • pregnancy, etc.
  2. Non-insurance payments provided for by law. There are times when the employer is simply obliged to pay the employee certain amounts, which are calculated in a special manner. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation strictly stipulates such cases and the procedure for calculating financial payments, as well as providing days off from work with or without salary compensation. These are the following points:
    • allowance for a young child;
    • the first three days of paid sick leave;
    • compensation for missed vacation before dismissal;
    • compensation for layoffs, etc.
  3. 3.Compensation benefits. Law from Art. 188 and 310 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation requires the employer to compensate employees for personal expenses incurred by them due to the fact that they performed job responsibilities. The amount of repayment and the procedure for calculating the funds spent by the employee are decided individually; it must be recorded in the additional agreement. Such compensation may include:
    • money or fuel for a personal car used for business purposes;
    • payment for consumables purchased at your own expense, etc.

In addition to the guaranteed social package, which is not usually called that, the employer often promises its employees the so-called competitive social package- additional benefits and guarantees provided to them of their own free will and “from their generosity.”

IMPORTANT! A competitive social package is not the responsibility of the employer; you cannot demand its issuance or make claims regarding its completion.

What does a social package usually consist of?

The standard expanded list includes the following benefits and compensation:

  • payment for food;
  • voluntary health insurance;
  • non-state pension insurance;
  • additional payment up to the employee’s average salary in case of temporary disability or maternity leave;
  • compensation for travel (or provision of a corporate car);
  • New Year's gifts for children and tickets to New Year's matinees;
  • vouchers to sanatoriums, boarding houses, children's camps, etc.;
  • payment kindergarten for children of employees;
  • payment of rent for living space;
  • issuance of interest-free installment plans for employees, in particular, for the purchase of housing;
  • subscriptions to sports clubs, gyms, etc.;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • free seminars and trainings
  • other benefits.

Important! The social package is determined by each employer individually. Government authorities cannot force a company or entrepreneur to provide employees with an accurate list of social benefits. The set of compensations depends on how much money the employer is willing to allocate for them, and his attitude towards employees in general.

Where is the list of benefits indicated?

All social benefits must be specified in the employment contract concluded by the parties. In case of non-compliance with the terms of this agreement, the employee has the right to go to court to force the employer to forcibly fulfill his duties.

The list of possible benefits is unlimited. The company can include any clauses in the contract, provided that they do not worsen the employee’s situation.

Necessarily! Check with your employer to see if the benefits mentioned in the contract are actually free. Sometimes it happens that additional corporate bonuses are deducted from the salary itself. In this case, the social package is an ordinary farce, a kind of desire of the company to be “on the wave” of current corporate trends. Whereas de facto, in monetary terms, she cannot afford this.

Substitution of concepts

Employers often introduce current employees and misleading job candidates. Management positions the standard requirements of labor legislation as social incentives from the company itself. 8-hour working day, sick leave compensation, paid vacation, business trips, etc. are interpreted as components of a social package. Whereas in fact they are guaranteed to every employee in accordance with his constitutional rights. A social package is everything that is provided to an employee of a company, in addition to the specified points.

If they tell you that vacation and sick leave are your social package, and everything else is so-called compensation benefits, then they are lying to you. There are legal rights of the worker, prescribed by law. Vacation and sick leave are among them. The rest is the employer’s social initiatives; they form the package of the same name.

Social package vs salary: what is the priority for the applicant?

The question is more than relevant. What is better, to receive a higher salary without social benefits or to still have additional corporate bonuses? Employees have two opinions on this matter, but, according to statistics, every year more and more people choose the second option.

Having a social package is a kind of indicator that you work for a reliable, stable company that cares about its employees. In addition, when a person receives more money, it is far from a fact that he will spend it with the same benefit as in the case of corporate bonuses. Plus, companies may have discounts at travel agencies for purchasing vouchers or at fitness centers for purchasing memberships. Accordingly, you will receive the necessary services cheaper than if you paid for them yourself.

Note to the employee

If you saw in an advertisement or heard at an interview promises of an attractive social package in addition to an acceptable salary, this is not always a good find. Unfortunately, sometimes such promises can turn out to be “free cheese” or remain unfulfilled. In order not to fall into the trap of empty promises, we recommend paying attention to the following nuances regarding the social package.

  1. Are you attracted by additional points in the employer's promises? First, ask in what conditions you will have to work, what mandatory remuneration (salary) you are guaranteed.
  2. Read collective agreement. Is there a provision on additional benefits provided there?
  3. Will the list of personal bonuses be included in your employment contract? (If yes, this will legally protect your rights.)
  4. Ask about the specifics of the benefits provided: the amount of payments or the procedure for calculating them, the terms of time off, transport services and all other “social package” priorities. If the procedure for calculating additional payments is specified in the employment contract, the employer is responsible for its provision before the law.
  5. If the employer promises to pay for your training and internship, make sure that the amount is indicated in the documents. Then, if the training does not take place for reasons beyond your control, you can demand compensation for the promise with money.
  6. Sometimes employers give employees the opportunity to take out soft loans or gradually acquire ownership of housing. In such situations, it is recommended to study the employment contract in detail, or better yet, consult with a lawyer.

There are three main methods for determining a social package:

Option #1. More merit - more bonuses

The logic is simple: the higher the employee’s position and the longer he works in the company, the more corporate benefits he is provided with. These benefits can be divided into several packages, which, in turn, will be assigned to each category of employees. The main advantage of this method is its rationality - you will not spend extra funds for a social package for entry-level workers, where there is often a higher staff turnover.

Option #2. Assemble it yourself

As part of this approach, the employee is given the opportunity to choose a list of bonuses for a certain amount. If a person is not interested in sports, he does not need a gym membership; rather, he will choose free courses foreign language. And so everyone according to their own interests. From a psychological point of view, this method is good, since it once again gives the employee the opportunity to understand that his opinion is important to the company.

Option #3. Main and secondary

Benefits are divided into basic and additional. The first list is available to all employees of the company, while additional ones are designed for a specific category. These can be senior managers, persons whose experience in the company exceeds the nth number of years, etc. This approach is important because it gives employees an additional incentive to develop.

The key to success is the absence of formality

It’s a paradox, but for business owners, a social package is a good opportunity to save money. If there are benefits, the employee will not regularly raise the issue of increasing his salary. In this case, he has additional motivation that is not related to the size of the salary.

But this does not mean that the system of social guarantees itself should be considered as a way to save money. For the head of the company, this is, first of all, an investment in business promotion. By organizing free English courses or training on psychological growth, he contributes to the development of his employees as professionals. This will undoubtedly improve the level of the company as a whole in the future. The “insofar as” approach is inappropriate here. Create a package that will be interesting and useful for both employees and the company itself.


The social package for today is an effective component social and labor relations. As a factor, it is decisive in terms of assessing the status of the company. From the employees' point of view, this is the most important motivation for achieving results. Most importantly, this motivation can be both material and non-material in nature. So, if you are allocated funds for mobile communications, then the incentive is compensatory in nature. If the employer provides a swimming pool membership, we are talking about a motivational tool. Such a tandem is an ideal combination to strengthen the connection between the company and the employee.

As a tool, the social package is truly universal.

It performs not only a motivational function, but also increases overall labor productivity and creates a friendly atmosphere in the team.

A social package is a dish that you need to know how to serve correctly. A person must evaluate the benefits provided to him in such a way as to see in them his importance for the company as an employee. People appreciate care and they appreciate it. The employer’s task is to demonstrate its readiness to provide an appropriate level of work and rest for its employees. This guarantees a loyal attitude and a professional approach to work on their part, which will ultimately have a positive impact on general activities companies.

Very often, when advertising a vacancy, the employer promises to add a significant benefits package to the established salary. At the same time, what exactly he means by this concept is not at all clear. For example, is paid leave a social package or a guaranteed obligation of the employer? Let's try to understand this and other issues in detail in this article.

What is a social package

When applying for a job, it is important to understand which payments and incentives are the employee’s legal right, and which are a bonus to honestly earned wages. Some unscrupulous employers pass off social guarantees as a social package.

Guarantees, unlike a package, are a mandatory condition enshrined in labor legislation Russian Federation. These include:

  • paid sick leave, vacation;
  • Time relax;
  • contributions to pension and other funds;
  • receiving remuneration for work in accordance with its quality and quantity;
  • providing a place to perform work duties, etc.

Consequently, social protection of workers and the social package are completely different concepts that the employer can present under the same sauce.

Also, do not confuse this term with compensation payments, which are clearly stated in Section VII of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

That is, if an employee is guaranteed payment for the use of his personal car, reimbursement of expenses for arriving at a business trip, mobile communications for work purposes, and the like, then we are not talking about additional incentives, but the norm established by the state. Such payments are compensation for the employee’s monetary expenses associated with the performance of his job duties.

Russian legislation does not define the concept of “full social package”, so each employer can draw it up at its own discretion. Therefore, before considering it a good bonus to your salary, you should ask what is included in it.

A social package is a personal initiative of the employer, which serves as a powerful argument for attracting qualified personnel. The use of this personnel management lever is aimed at achieving the following goals:

  • cultivating employee loyalty. Guaranteed motivational bonuses significantly increase the reputation of the company's management and create a feeling of care. Thanks to special attention the employee feels like a “valuable personnel”. Such a system works if there is no equalization in the package configuration between different categories of employees;
  • proof of the stability and reliability of the enterprise. In the current economic situation, only companies aimed at long-term activities can provide a solid set of bonuses. This indicates job stability and makes it possible to attract worthy candidates to the company;
  • increasing staff productivity. The monetary reward has no target orientation; it can be spent anywhere. And different types of guarantees for different categories of employees are provided high level ability to work. For example, providing free trips on summer holidays children of working mothers. Employer motivation - a woman who worries less about what her child is doing works better. Or organizing free meals in your own canteen significantly reduces break time;
  • reducing staff turnover. An employee should feel like he is in a “family” that pays attention to him, and not just at another place of work. Bonuses should be different from the packages of competitors. For example, an employee works for a small salary, but under the condition of guaranteed receipt of his own housing after the expiration of a certain period of work.

The social package is not an incentive to increase labor productivity. This is a factor that allows you to extinguish negative moods in the team. The employer must clearly consider its completeness in accordance with its goals.

The main requirement is such Every member of the workforce should have bonuses. It cannot be provided selectively or equally to everyone. Each category of employees should have its own set of motivational tools.

What does the employer provide?

The social package is formed by the employer. He includes in it additional privileges of such kind and quality as he deems necessary. For different positions, different benefits are provided.

It is important that the social package presented meets the employee’s requirements. HR specialists conducted a series of sociological surveys of hired employees, in which they asked what was preferable for them, cash payment or an extended social package. The majority of respondents choose money, believing that not all components of the motivational portfolio are needed by them.

Many reputable companies have a “flexible” design package that can be adjusted to the individual needs of each employee.

Each organization develops its own set of benefits, which are prescribed in labor agreement. Very often, the set of bonuses depends on the category of personnel:

  1. Senior managers. Such employees may be provided with a corporate apartment and a car with a driver. Many employers practice issuing individual insurance policies for the employee and his family members, as well as providing health vouchers.
  2. Middle managers. IN in this case the package is less extensive and may be limited to medical insurance, payment for lunch, mobile communications and a voucher to a regular class sanatorium.
  3. Enterprise employees. Office “plankton” and service personnel can receive delivery to their place of work on corporate transport and free lunches.

The completeness of the package depends on the financial capabilities of the employer. To these benefits, the employer, at his discretion, may add the following:

  • payment for visit gym and swimming pool;
  • provision of preferential cash loans;
  • payment of expenses for gasoline or travel on public transport to the place of work;
  • payment for parking a personal car;
  • full or partial payment for education of family members;
  • reimbursement of costs for kindergarten;
  • transfer of housing ownership;
  • Payment of utility services;
  • corporate trainings;
  • free flu vaccination;
  • gifts for New Year, birthday and much more.

Many benefits are provided after a certain period of work at a given enterprise. An employee must prove his professionalism, and therefore deserve special “attitude” from management. Therefore, many benefits are provided differentially.

In most cases, a set of motivational guarantees more in departments that “earn” money for the company. For example, leading sales managers are especially noted, for whom an individual package is drawn up.

With the help of a social package, the company receives significant competitive advantages that allow you to retain a professional specialist.

An expanded set of bonuses is an investment in the company’s personnel, which means a guarantee of a stable future. The wider the package, the more seriously the employer takes the own employees. Employees of such a company have opportunities for professional growth, development, and recovery. And personnel is the main resource for the stable operation of any organization.

Additions for beneficiaries

Some citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to receive a guaranteed social package. This preferential category includes:

  • old age pensioners;
  • persons receiving a disability pension.

The social package can be received in the form of state-guaranteed services or in cash equivalent. The monetary value of the benefit is added to the total amount of pension payments.

A pensioner can choose any form, which he must notify the relevant authorities before October 1 current year.

The preferential set of government guarantees includes:

  • medicines prescribed by a doctor in the amount of up to 837 rubles;
  • treatment in a sanatorium if available medical indications in the amount of up to 129.47 rubles;
  • travel to the place of treatment and back in the amount of up to 120.90 rubles.

To receive a cash equivalent, you must submit a written application as follows:

  1. Personally contact the pension fund authorities at your place of residence.
  2. Submit an application through the state multifunctional center.
  3. Submit the completed application by mail.
  4. Make a request through the State Services portal.

If the pensioner changes his mind and decides to receive the benefit in kind, he will have to apply again. If the application is not submitted, then the beneficiary is considered to have chosen to receive services.

As a rule, a pensioner cannot receive quality service according to the social package due to him. Obtaining free medications involves serious paperwork; often the necessary drugs are simply not available in pharmacies. And with the amount allocated from the state for health improvement, it is unlikely that you will be able to restore your health. Therefore, unprotected categories often choose the cash equivalent of benefits.

Recruitment Refusal Form social services:

Is it possible to refuse a social package?

To accept or not to accept additional bonuses from the employer the employee decides independently. If he has no interest in receiving them, then he should not sign an agreement in which they are specified.

When the social package is a component of the employment contract, the employee must issue a written refusal of the benefits provided.

Refusal of a social package is not a reason to increase your salary or receive additional bonuses. That is, you can lose additional bonuses without receiving anything in return.

A social package from an employer is a way to make work more comfortable. An expanded package of services helps the employee appreciate his work more, motivates him to get a high position or achieve high results from his activities. By agreeing to bonuses from the employer, the employee does not risk anything. He receives additional benefits that will not cost him anything.
What else should be included in the social package, watch the video.

Most people have searched for a job at least once in their lives. The word “social package” is often used in advertisements and interviews; usually a tempting adjective is added to it - complete, solid, etc. Does everyone understand what this is? What privileges does the social package provide and how to get it?

Let's discuss compensation and benefits that businesses can offer their employees. It’s interesting, but quite recently in Russia it was not customary to attract future employees with the help of a social package; practically no one promised it. It arose as a trend of Western business traditions - the benefits of this kind of bonus abroad have long been proven and tested by many years of practice. For our state, constant motivation was previously not typical; the maximum that organizations went for were holiday gifts and bonuses, that is, occasional encouragement for the team. But the world is developing and competition is growing, so now many companies are trying to attract as many high-quality professionals as possible. How? With the help of salary, working conditions, as well as an interesting social package.

The state also takes care of less protected categories of citizens, creating for them social sets– we will consider their content below.

What is a social package?

A social package is a set of various benefits and compensations aimed at helping a person in the social sphere. This support may be provided by the government or employer.

Typically, many working people mistakenly believe that the social package and social guarantees are the same thing. But the latter are mandatory, their provision is regulated by the Labor Code. In other words, social guarantees are the legally provided rights of employees, for example, a standardized lunch break, paid sick leave and vacation, provision and payment of parental leave, payment of tax and insurance fees, etc.

Important: Please be aware that refusal to provide an employee with social guarantees provided for under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation is illegal. If a dispute arises, you can use .

In Russian legislation, the term “social package” is not fixed in any way, that is, there is no official definition, which absolutely does not interfere with the widespread dissemination of the concept among employers and employees. The social package at work does not have a clearly established list and is not mandatory; each employer determines the list of components on its own.

Also, currently there are sets of social services (NSS) provided by the state, they are aimed at providing support individual categories citizens (disabled people, military personnel, etc.) who need help.

Social package - what does it include?

Let's consider what social packages provided by the state and employers contain.

Social package from the employer

Currently, not all organizations, in addition to the social guarantees required by the letter of the law, offer their employees additional benefits and compensation. According to statistics, about 20% of employers are trying to improve the company’s image, as well as attract new and retain old employees thanks to the availability of a social package. Moreover, most often these are large companies that are thinking about the prospects for their development, which without valuable personnel will be very illusory. What does a social package traditionally include? He must motivate employees and be competitive. There is no standard for an employer - it all depends on the desires and capabilities of the company. For example:

  • Paid training. This can be either studying at a university (receiving a higher specialized education), or advanced training courses, etc.
  • Reimbursing the cost of gasoline spent to get to work, or organizing the transportation of employees to the enterprise, for example, using a bus that brings people to work in the morning and takes them home in the evening.
  • Providing housing to nonresidents. Some employers may even buy an apartment for a valuable specialist with the condition that he will be required to work for the company for a certain number of years.
  • Availability of a canteen with free meals or delivery of lunches from a restaurant.
  • Various ways to organize leisure time - corporate games bowling and billiards, sporting events, boat trips, dance evenings, etc.
  • Paid memberships to the fitness center and swimming pool.
  • The opportunity to go to a sanatorium or resort at the expense of the organization.
  • Voluntary health insurance - some companies enter into contracts with paid centers, which allows employees to receive free medical care(for example, dental) with virtually no queue.
  • Loans for the purchase of housing. Interest-free loans.
  • Corporate trainings, master classes, as well as additional education, for example, foreign language classes.
  • Additional payment up to size average monthly earnings for a period of sick leave or maternity leave.
  • Gifts for the holidays, tickets to New Year trees for children of employees.
  • Cash payments in connection with significant events– wedding, birth of a child, death of a relative.

Of course, the list is incomplete; any employer can either remove or add something from it. The list of compensation and benefits is usually determined in an employment or collective agreement.

Important: It should be noted that the contents of the benefits package usually depend on the employee’s position. Executives are provided with maximum compensation (for example, a company car with a driver, trips abroad, insurance and other privileges). Ordinary workers receive much less - free food, travel, training, etc.

A set of social guarantees (SGS) from the state

The state social package, intended to provide assistance and support to certain categories of citizens (federal beneficiaries), is a list of social services that can be received free of charge:

  • Medicines and preparations, medical products, specialized therapeutic nutrition for disabled children - the above is issued by prescription if, for example, the required medication is included in the legally defined list.
  • Treatment and recreation in health institutions - a conclusion will be required to obtain a voucher medical commission and recommendations.
  • Possibility to go for treatment via railway transport, both suburban and intercity. It is assumed that the beneficiary has the right to get to the place and return back.

Important: a person who will accompany a disabled child or a citizen with the first group of disabilities can also qualify for a paid voucher and round-trip tickets.

If a person who has a legal right to NSO wants to renounce it, then it is possible to receive the cash equivalent of 1048 rubles. 97 kopecks per month:

  • RUR 807.94 – medications and other medical assistance;
  • RUB 124.99 – treatment in a health facility;
  • RUB 116.04 - Railway tickets.

Important: full information about the range of social services can be found in Federal Law N 178-FZ “On State social assistance» dated 07/17/1999 (as amended on 07/01/2017).

Who is entitled to a social package?

If we talk about the social package provided by organizations, then it is due to all employees who have signed an advisory agreement, legal act or an agreement to a contract. It is important to understand that the list of compensation for a specific employee often depends on his professional level, position, time working in the company, etc.

The social package from the state (NSS) is aimed at federal beneficiaries, their list is presented in full in Article 6.1 of Law No. 178-FZ, that is, the following can take advantage of the benefits:

  • disabled people;
  • WWII participants;
  • people who worked at defense facilities during the war;
  • disabled children;
  • other categories of citizens reflected in the law.

The procedure for registering a social package

Applying for a social package is usually not difficult. Let's look at the process for employees and for people applying for government assistance.

At the enterprise

If you are applying for new job, where you are offered a certain social package, then if you want to receive it and take advantage of benefits and compensation, you must sign an advisory agreement. A clause regarding the availability of a social package may be included in the employment contract (or the future employee will receive a separate document for signature informing about possible bonuses for employees).

State NSO

It is assumed that the NSO is legislatively intended for persons receiving a monthly cash payment (MCA). A person has the opportunity to choose what he wants to receive - social services or equivalent financial resources.

There is no need to make a special visit to the Pension Fund to register the NSO, since persons who are beneficiaries have already visited the Pension Fund of Russia, which advises their registration, when the EDV was established. In this case, the right to NSO arises automatically, but the person will receive it in the form of services, not money.

The Pension Fund provides the citizen with a legalized certificate reflecting the person’s right to receive the kit. The document contains the following data:

  • Beneficiary category;
  • The time interval in which the EDV is paid;
  • List of services provided to the beneficiary in the current calendar year.

This certificate will be valid throughout the Russian Federation. If it is necessary to go for treatment, a person should present to the railway ticket office or sanatorium:

  • Passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • A document reflecting the establishment of EDV;
  • A certificate indicating that the person legitimately applies for social services.

Is it possible to refuse a social package?

If an employee decides that he has no need for benefits and compensation provided by the organization, then there are absolutely no difficulties - there is simply no need to sign the corresponding agreement.

Important: If a clause on the availability of a social package is included in the employment contract, then the employee must write a written refusal.

If a federal benefit recipient does not want to receive a guaranteed state NSO, but wants a cash payment instead, then he should make a decision and somehow submit his application before October 1 of the current year. Then, from January 1 next year, the citizen will receive money, not services.

Where and how should I apply? There are several ways:

  • Appeal directly to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation;
  • Through MFC;
  • Sending documents by Russian post;
  • Using the State Services portal.

In addition to the application, you will also need a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

Important: There are two options: refusal of the entire set or any part. For example, you can only receive medications, and replace the remaining two with a cash payment.

Of course, it is sad to realize that the social package from employers is diametrically different from the state set of social guarantees provided to vulnerable categories of citizens. As a rule, processing a set of compensations does not cause difficulties either for employees of organizations or for federal beneficiaries. The latter should think about the situation and decide in what form to accept the required help. Very often, receiving free medicines causes great amount difficulties associated with paperwork and the lack of the required drug. Recipients of a social package from the company do not risk anything; for them, the presence of such a bonus is extra reason appreciate your work.

Voluntary health insurance remains the most popular item in the social package; 70% of Russians have used it. More than 60% received sick pay. In a social package from an employer, the opportunity is often used vocational training, payment for mobile communications, transport and provision of a loan if necessary. 7% of employees have access to guarded parking at the expense of the employer, 9% have access to a vacation package.

What is a social package? These are guarantees from the state and the employer. The preferential category of citizens can receive instead of benefits monthly payment. It is also possible to change the decision on how to provide social guarantees, which allows you to choose the most suitable option at every moment of time.

What is a social package?

When they talk about a social package, they mean providing guarantees. The state acts as a guarantor, but employers can also participate in the work benefits package, expanding privileges for their subordinates. The state guarantees the social package in two directions: preferential and labor.

A social package is a guarantee that in one case is provided by the state to preferential categories of citizens, and in another by the employer. In accordance with this, the social package is divided into groups:

  1. State.
  2. Private or labor.

Guarantees for beneficiaries

What is a social package? The state set of social services is a measure of social support determined by the government for federal beneficiaries: war veterans, home front workers, disabled people and other categories of citizens.

The content of the package is approved by the Federal Law “On State Social Assistance”, adopted in 1999. The articles of federal legislation spell out the categories for which benefits and items of the very set of social services are intended. Regulation of the implementation of the law is entrusted to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Social package: what is included in it

The state social package provides guarantees to beneficiaries and includes:

  • medicines, equipment and medical products for the disabled;
  • specialized therapeutic nutrition for disabled children;
  • medical vouchers to sanatoriums for health improvement and prevention;
  • travel to the place of treatment and back (once a year).

The mandatory state social package can be monetized, that is, you can receive the same set of services, but in monetary terms. In 2017, beneficiaries must make a choice before the first of October, refusing the non-financial type of assistance by submitting an application to the Pension Fund Administration and MFC departments. Moreover, the beneficiary can choose which of the three components of the package he will monetize, and which one he will use specifically as a public service.

Basically, payments are chosen in the part that is not in demand. For example, the beneficiary will refuse the “transport” benefit and will receive accruals, while the drug and sanatorium benefits will be used in kind.

Social package at work

What is a social package at work? The labor benefits package is filled by the employer. Execution is controlled by an employment contract with an employee or a collective agreement signed by the trade union and the management of the enterprise.

The employer must provide a full benefits package and can introduce a competitive and compensation package if desired.

The mandatory set of social guarantees for workers is controlled by laws, in particular the Labor Code, as well as the Ministry of Labor and the Authorities social protection population of the Russian Federation. The category of full social package items includes:

  • provision of annual paid leave;
  • sick leave payment;
  • insurance deductions.

Russian legislation provides for employer liability for infringement of employee rights and failure to fulfill obligations. You may face administrative, civil, financial and criminal liability.

The introduction of an expanded social package provides benefits not only to employees, but also to employers. In addition to improving the company’s image, the social package increases employee motivation and helps retain highly qualified specialists on staff.

A compensation benefits package allows an employee to return money spent, for example, on gasoline or cellular communications. Typically, the package is developed by small businesses. Its peculiarity is not in initiative and image bonuses, but in the need to support a work process that employees, bearing costs, simply will not carry out.

A competitive social package is an employer initiative uncontrolled by the state. It is mainly adopted by large companies that have to compete with competitors for qualified personnel. Wanting to attract highly qualified specialists to their staff, directors are ready to provide, for example:

  • loans and mortgages;
  • housing;
  • education;
  • nutrition;
  • vouchers and so on.

Often, a set of competitive social packages has a positive effect on the company’s image - this is another function of the package.

The best “competitive” social packages

Nestle guarantees its employees discounts on movies and cars.

Goldman Sachs sends free of charge for orthopedic and gynecological diseases, as well as skin diseases.

Microsoft's advantages include game consoles, a bank, restaurants, dry cleaning and a football field.

Google pleases its employees with the organization of active recreation: skiing, hockey and picnics.

Popular Russian agency for the search for employees prepared a rating of the best Russian companies, where social privileges were among the criteria. The list was topped by Gazprom Neft, VTB24 and the state corporation Rosatom.

The higher the position, the better the benefits package

HR specialists, analyzing the content of competitive and compensation social packages, noticed that the limits of opportunity depend on the position held.

Top management can count on a car with a driver, an additional pension and a trip for a family holiday. Managers of a lower rank can also take a break at the company’s expense and receive an interest-free loan. Some companies are willing to pay for travel to work.

Sometimes Russian holdings go to expand the possibilities of the social package in order to provide the most comfortable conditions for invited foreign specialists. Foreign employers, as a rule, develop a social package depending on the level of qualifications of employees and the position held. Domestic companies mainly follow the exclusion principle - individually.

Social package for disabled people

The monthly cash payment depends on the disability group. The category also affects the content of the package. What is a social package for disabled people, what is included in it and how much is due in case of refusal? According to government decree, disabled people of the first and second groups have the right to free medicines according to the social package, which are prescribed by prescription. Kits are not paid for by disabled people dressings, prosthetics and products that make life easier for people with disabilities.

The medicinal part of the social package can also be reduced to a monetary equivalent, but for cancer patients and people with other serious diseases that require expensive medications, it is better to choose a benefit in kind.

If a disabled person of the second group works, then medicines will cost him half the cost. Non-working disabled people of the third group also have the right to a social package.

According to the doctor's testimony, disabled people can be sent to a sanatorium, travel to which is also included in the social package. Conditions have been determined for relatives who will accompany a disabled person on a trip.

The production of medical prostheses is part of state social guarantees. Instructions for ordering products have been developed; its points regulate the destination, for example, hearing aids and bandages. Prosthetics for lost arms and legs are made free of charge.

Disabled people can only contribute half of their utility bill.

Disabled people of the first and second groups can enter a higher education institution or college without competition.

Social package size

Today, the mandatory state social package costs a little more than 1,000 rubles. Taking into account indexation, it became “heavier” by 5.5% compared to last year. Most of the amount, about 810 rubles, was determined for medicines; for sanatorium-resort treatment and disease prevention - 125 rubles; for discounted trips to the sanatorium - 116 rubles. Payments are scheduled monthly.

The size of the disabled person's social package in monetary terms is determined:

  • for the first group - about 3,400 rubles;
  • for the second group - 2,400 rubles;
  • for the third group - almost 2,000 rubles.

Is it possible to refuse a social package?

An application for refusal of a social package, or more precisely for payment in exchange for in-kind services, must be written no later than September 30. The document must indicate personal and passport information.

If the beneficiary changes his mind and decides to reconsider the decision, for example, in part drug provision, then the previous application ceases to be valid. To return the social package in full or in part, you will need to write an application again before October 1, although it will only begin to work in January of next year.

The choice - payment or benefit - can be made via the Internet. To do this, the beneficiary needs to register on the State Services Portal and through Personal Area pension fund to fill out an electronic application.

No one can refuse a good salary. It is decent wages that can to some extent compensate for the efforts expended, encourage enthusiasm and inspire new projects. Money, of course, decides almost everything, but, as it turns out, not always. IN Lately More and more employers began to offer a so-called social package. By at least, it is mentioned quite often in job advertisements. However, as it turned out, few people know what is actually meant by a social package. And most importantly - why is it needed?

Mobile phone plus car

Often, an employee who is flattered by a tempting offer is simply given a deception. And instead of bonuses, he receives what the employer is already obliged to provide. So, during an interview it may turn out that the manager guarantees sick leave as a social package. “But according to the Labor Code, every employee has the right to pay for sick leave,” emphasizes Vladimir Shelkovich, head of the legal consultation of the main legal department of the apparatus of the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Belarus. - As well as for the provision of another labor leave, parental leave for up to three years, contributions to the social protection fund, reimbursement of expenses related to business trips. In addition, the employer must offer a stable work schedule, timely and regular payment of wages and vacation pay. Otherwise, the head of the company or enterprise violates the law.”

In fact, the social package is everything that the employer can offer additionally, beyond general norm, on my own behalf. And most importantly - for your own money. In particular, this may include medical care, payment for various courses, mobile phone, transportation costs, cash subsidies, rental assistance, discounted vouchers for employees and members of their families, memberships to the gym and swimming pool, and finally, the “thirteenth” salary. In short, the list of benefits provided can be quite varied. And it depends largely on the specifics of the work, as well as on how much one or another employee is valued.

— For Belarusians, payment comes first in the social package mobile phones, says the director consulting company“Square” Svetlana Korosteleva. — The second is the cost of personal transport. As a rule, almost all applicants who turn to our agency for help are interested in these bonuses. In addition, such guarantees as medical insurance, free lunches in the office and organization of corporate events at the expense of the employer are in demand. Moreover, first of all, people who had it at their previous job ask about the social package.

Although, as practice shows, the lack of additional incentives is not decisive when choosing a place of service. At least among the clients of recruitment agencies, you rarely meet a person who would refuse a vacancy because of this.

Top manager at the highest level

The status of the employee plays an important role in the provision of benefits from the company. After all, a social package can be either cheap or expensive. “For example, the cost of health insurance for an ordinary employee usually does not exceed $70 per year,” says Svetlana Korosteleva. — This amount guarantees a visit to a therapist, although most likely in a regular clinic. But for the health of a top manager, many Belarusian companies are ready to pay much more - approximately $2,000. With such a policy, you can already afford dental services in a commercial center or paid childbirth.”

Some foreign companies offer substantial pension insurance to their employees. Having worked in such an organization for 10 years, a person is quite capable of providing himself with a pension in the amount of wages for almost the rest of my life. However, these examples in Belarus cannot yet be called numerous. After all, this is quite an expensive pleasure for the employer, and only very large and successful companies can afford such care for their employees.

With a spoon and in touch

However, it would be somewhat erroneous to perceive the social package as a gift from the employer. “Any organization is guided primarily by its own interests,” says Svetlana. — Let’s take, for example, the delivery of employees to the office and home. Organized delivery, firstly, eliminates the issue of delays, and secondly, guarantees the presence of employees on site until the end of the working day. The same thing, in fact, with free lunches at the expense of the company. The main advantage of such a bonus for the organization is that the employee does not leave the territory of the enterprise. This means that as a result, a rest break will only take half an hour, not an hour. Moreover, the employee can calmly answer all phone calls at this time. And organized lunches for the company itself are not that expensive - good discounts are usually provided for large orders.”

The employer does not lose out when compensating the cost of gasoline for using a personal car. After all, the main advantage of an employee with his own car is his mobility, which allows him to carry out various tasks. It turns out that there is no need to buy a company car for these purposes and spend money on the driver’s salary.
Moreover, management’s desire to save money is sometimes fraught with certain and far from rosy consequences for the employee. They may offer you a truly generous benefits package, but then... simply deduct its value from your salary. There are such examples, and in order not to fall into the trap, you should find out all the nuances in advance. Better yet, define the conditions for the provision of all bonuses in the employment contract.

Bachelors choose a swimming pool

The research center of the SuperJob.ru portal conducted a survey among site visitors who were asked to choose the three most important components of the social package.

As a result, more than half of the respondents expressed a desire to study at the company’s expense. Health insurance came in second place in importance.

It was chosen by more than 41 percent of respondents.

About a third of survey participants leaned towards free food. Moreover, this item turned out to be most popular among young professionals and bachelors. By the way, among the latter, another attractive bonus was payment for a sports club and swimming pool. However, 40 percent of the women surveyed prefer this type of recreation. Here are the discounts on the company's products: corporate parties and gifts for the holidays are interested in only 3 percent of respondents.
