How to spell the name Benjamin. What does the unusual name Benjamin mean? Health and energy

Male name Benjamin has Hebrew roots and comes from the name Benjamin, which means “son of my right hand", "beloved son". This is the name in different forms(Benyamin, Benjamin) is common in many countries of the world, but in our country it has taken root in the form of Benjamin. Phonosemantically, this name gives the impression of something tender, soft, flexible and safe. A certain gentleness is reflected in the character of Veniamin, who has a rich creative imagination, romance and responsiveness.

Characteristics of the name Benjamin

As a child, Veniamin is often called the little professor, because he is a very smart, diligent, diligent and dreamy child. Parents should not try to change him, because a tougher, “masculine” approach to his upbringing can lead to the fact that the wonderful, obedient Veniamin turns into a nervous, stubborn boy. By raising Benjamin to indulge his interests, the parents will receive a very intelligent, gentle man who can stand up for himself, who will enjoy great success with women. Adult Benjamin is diligent, inquisitive, good-natured, courteous and charming.

Compatibility with Zodiac signs

This name is suitable for a boy born under zodiac sign Aries, Leo or Cancer. Aries (March 21-April 21) is a sign of straightforward, optimistic people with a somewhat idealized approach to life. Under its influence, Benjamin will gain some strength of character towards people trying to use his kindness and willingness to help for their own purposes. Leo (July 23-August 23) can also be a corrective sign that will help Benjamin show a dose of pride, determination, determination and creative energy. As for Cancer (June 22-July 22), this sign is similar to Benjamin in its tendency not to flaunt its feelings, so it is very suitable for the soft and dreamy owner of this name.

Pros and cons of the name Benjamin

How strong and weak sides are present in the decision to name the child Benjamin? The advantage of this name is its rich historical energy, soft euphony and the fact that at present it is not very common in our country. The name Veniamin goes very well with Russian surnames and patronymics, and its owners have simply a wonderful character. Regarding the minuses, we can say that many parents are put off by its not very euphonious abbreviations, because it is not very convenient to call a child with the long name Veniamin, and the abbreviations Venya, Venik, Venyusha do not sound very nice.


It should be said that Veniamin’s health is always at its best. He is well developed physically, has a strong nervous system, rarely gets sick, however, he may be bothered by poor vision.

Love and family relationships

The favorite of women, Benjamin, usually creates family relationships with a woman older than himself. He is attracted to a life partner, wise by experience, who has no illusions about cloudless family relations, ready to take custody of her husband, home and children. At the same time, it cannot be said that Benjamin married for convenience, since he romantic nature It is very important that a family is created in great love.

Professional area

IN professional relations Benjamin is suitable for employment related to science or creativity. He can be an excellent researcher, an experimental laboratory worker, an engineer, a writer, a photographer, a director, and even a priest.

Name day

Name day by Orthodox calendar Benjamin is celebrated on January 11, January 27, April 13, August 11, October 10 and October 26.

If you looked here, it means you want to learn more about the meaning of the name Benjamin.

What does the name Benjamin mean?

The name Benjamin means beloved son (Heb.)

The meaning of the name Benjamin is character and destiny

A man named Veniamin is talented and stubborn in achieving his goals, and has every opportunity for a high professional rise. And it will certainly take place. These men, as a rule, get their way. But everything will turn out better if parents and teachers notice the boy’s talent in time. In his youth, Veniamin was a bit of a romantic and wrote poetry. At the same time, he is a pragmatist, and poetry does not take him far from earthly affairs. Veniamin’s life is not strewn with roses: he is very compliant and is always ready to give up his own benefits, so as not to infringe on the interests of another. A man named Benjamin concedes not only in an argument, but also when it comes to more high position or queues for an apartment, and, of course, indulges the whims of the mother-in-law.

Meaning of the name Benjamin for sex

Benjamin loves women and is successful with them. He easily seduces women, but rarely maintains a long-term relationship with anyone. He tries not to commit himself; his novels are light in nature. Benjamin will never resort to violence; any violence kills his desire. He knows the psychology of a woman very well and knows how to influence her without any pressure. Veniamin is unusually affectionate in love foreplay, easily enters into sexual contact and experiences the greatest pleasure in simultaneous orgasm. Benjamin often relieves psychological stress in this way. A man named Benjamin is unusually sexy, but equally decent; an experienced woman can take advantage of this and marry him to herself. And a virgin has nothing to worry about at all; he will never leave a girl in trouble.

The character and fate of the name Benjamin, taking into account the patronymic

First name Benjamin and patronymic....

Veniamin Alekseevich, Veniamin Vasilievich, Veniamin Viktorovich, Veniamin Vladimirovich, Veniamin Evgenievich, Veniamin Ivanovich, Veniamin Ilyich, Veniamin Mikhailovich, Veniamin Petrovich, Veniamin Sergeevich, Veniamin Yurievich has an analytical mind, extremely developed intuition, good imagination. Sociable, willingly makes new acquaintances, maintains friendly relations with everyone who wants it. Tries to be a man of few words, is a very obliging, friendly and sympathetic person. With a patronymic, Ivanovich is secretive and selfish, rarely expresses his opinion about his colleagues, and never reveals his plans. Benjamin is proactive, smart, energetic. He doesn’t fully trust anyone, he tries to cope with his problems himself. Relies only on his own strengths and abilities, rarely resorting to anyone's help. He is agreeable with loved ones, values ​​family ties, and is a favorite of his parents, brothers and sisters. It takes him a long time to choose a wife, taking into account his requirements for her. A man named Veniamin does not do housework, but he loves cleanliness and order. He is careful and will never break established family traditions. He knows how to do a lot around the house; he does apartment renovations himself. He is independent, can take care of himself, if necessary, prepare dinner when his wife is busy at work. Willingly tinkers with children, but only at the level of games and entertainment. He is not involved in raising children. He can help his wife with housework if she asks, but does not show initiative. Reluctant to go shopping and really dislikes crowds of people. Boys are most often born, and girls are very rarely born.

First name Benjamin and patronymic....

Veniamin Alexandrovich, Veniamin Arkadyevich, Veniamin Borisovich, Veniamin Vadimovich, Veniamin Grigorievich, Veniamin Maksimovich, Veniamin Matveevich, Veniamin Pavlovich, Veniamin Romanovich, Veniamin Tarasovich, Veniamin Timofeevich, Veniamin Fedorovich, Veniamin Eduardovich, Veniamin Yakovlevich obligatory, punctual, scrupulous. Cheerful, cheerful, a favorite among friends and relatives. Doesn't let anyone get bored. Veniamin Borisovich is a fighter by nature; he has been searching for truth and justice all his life. Possesses amazing ability get into unpleasant situations. But, to his credit, he comes out of them with dignity. But it still makes his life very difficult. He doesn’t use anyone’s help, he made mistakes himself, he corrects mistakes himself. Benjamin is not a careerist, but achieves a fairly high position in society. He easily makes friends and does not deny his favor to anyone. He doesn’t like to do housework, he’s used to his mother doing it, which means that in his family it’s the wife who has to do it. Benjamin is used to being well looked after and not having to worry about anything. It's hard for him to get used to family life. A man named Benjamin gets married late and has a hard time deciding to take such a step. He chooses a life partner for a long time, trying her on to suit his requirements. He is reluctant to help his wife with housework; it is very difficult to ask him to fix something in the house. But he is flexible and compliant if he is not burdened with family troubles. He loves children, pays a lot of attention to them, trying to be with the children more than doing anything around the house. Girls are born more often than boys.

First name Benjamin and patronymic....

Veniamin Bogdanovich, Veniamin Vladislavovich, Veniamin Vyacheslavovich, Veniamin Gennadievich, Veniamin Georgievich, Veniamin Danilovich, Veniamin Egorovich, Veniamin Konstantinovich, Veniamin Robertovich, Veniamin Svyatoslavovich, Veniamin Yanovich, Veniamin Yaroslavovich by nature noble, gallant and elegant. Objective and fair. A man named Benjamin is loyal to his friends and reliable. He doesn't speak ill of anyone behind his back. Personal life things are going on stormy for him, but he doesn’t like to talk about his love affairs. Veniamin Boguslavovich is somewhat cold, has a strong but explosive character. He has an analytical mind and an excellent memory. Logical in his actions, he never gets down to business without carefully studying the situation. Sensitive and empathetic. “Martovsky” is quiet, somewhat gloomy, and withdrawn. But at heart he is soft, flexible, compliant and accommodating. Not a bad owner, but does not always show zeal. He is neat, easily puts up with the fact that his wife requires maintaining cleanliness, and makes sure that the children are neat. He marries late, makes his choice difficult because he is too demanding of women. In marriage, he is compliant and attentive to his wife. He is an informal leader. A man named Benjamin likes it when they consult with him and keep him informed about all family affairs. She spares no expense for her loved ones, but the wife manages the family budget herself. Children of different sexes are born.

First name Benjamin and patronymic....

Veniamin Antonovich, Veniamin Arturovich, Veniamin Valerievich, Veniamin Denisovich, Veniamin Germanovich, Veniamin Glebovich, Veniamin Igorevich, Veniamin Iosifovich, Veniamin Leonidovich, Veniamin Lvovich, Veniamin Mironovich, Veniamin Olegovich, Veniamin Semenovich, Veniamin Ruslanovich, Veniamin Filippov ich, Veniamin Emmanuilovich practical and efficient, but somewhat reckless, often misses his chance. Obligatory, open to communication, but unobtrusive. He will never refuse help to someone who asks. "December" - emotional, temperamental, very talented, quick-tempered. He knows how to earn extra money, doesn’t waste time on trifles, if you need to take part in some kind of collective event, he will spend everything he has in his pocket. The personal life of a man named Veniamin is unsettled for a long time; he may be married several times. In marriage, he is very attentive to everyone at home. Compliant with his wife, but demanding in terms of cleanliness and ability to cope with cooking. A caring father, pampers his children financially. He likes to give gifts to his wife and often brings flowers. Children of different sexes are born, the daughter is closer to him in character.

First name Benjamin and patronymic....

Veniamin Adamovich, Veniamin Albertovich, Veniamin Veniaminovich, Veniamin Vladlenovich, Veniamin Dmitrievich, Veniamin Nikolaevich, Veniamin Rostislavovich, Veniamin Stanislavovich, Veniamin Stepanovich, Veniamin Feliksovich- sociable, practical, enterprising. Balanced, although passions rage in his soul, he knows how to control himself. “Martovsky” is even imperturbable, somewhat phlegmatic. Veniamin has developed intuition, feels people well, is not influenced, and is difficult to deceive. He does not allow himself to be drawn into an adventure, and does not take on a lost cause. Knows how to take justifiable risks. Responsible for his actions, does not hide behind someone else's back. Tries to save good health on long years, playing sports. Doesn't smoke, doesn't abuse alcohol. Has an excellent memory. He doesn’t understand much about housework, but is always ready to respond to his wife’s requests. A man named Benjamin does not marry for a long time, being picky about women. Suspicious, cautious, reprehensible. He knows how to provide for his family and does not refuse the opportunity to earn extra money. He is very prudent, does not waste money, but is not stingy either. He helps his wife whenever he has free time, but is not particularly eager. She loves children, but raising them rests on the shoulders of her wife. Children of different sexes are born.

The mystery of the name

Benjamin- beloved son (Hebrew).
The name has always been popular in intelligent families.
Zodiac name: Scorpion.
Planet: Pluto.
Name color: Dark red.
Talisman stone: beryl.
Auspicious plant: walnut, freesia.
Patron name: bug.
Happy day: Tuesday.
Happy time of year: autumn.
Main features: sensitive, intellectual.


Benjamin, martyr, deacon, October 26 (13). He suffered for the spread of the faith of Christ in Persia in the 5th century.
Benjamin, Rev. Father of Pechersk, October 26 (13).
Benjamin, Reverend Father, January 27 (14). In Sinai and Raifa, among others, beaten by the Arabs in the 5th century.


On the night of Benjamin, October 26, they tell fortunes by the stars about the weather and harvest: bright stars- for frost, dull - for thaw.
Strong twinkling of stars - to snow.


As a child, Venya learns a lot without the help of mom and dad, and respects only those in whom she feels superior to herself. Calm and kind parents will be able to raise a creative person with original thinking.

Benjamin is not conflicted, he is kind, but the latter depends on the circumstances. If they press him too hard, he is able to show his will. He doesn't have much toughness, but he knows how to defend himself.

Benjamin doesn't like tedious work physical work, being on duty for 8 hours is beyond his strength. However, he does not notice time, doing creative work; he is a good artist, writer, poet. Here he achieves remarkable results. Veniamin can also become a designer, lawyer, journalist, and teacher.

Benjamin is highly developed intellectually and has a good memory. Unfortunately, he creative imagination flies far ahead of reality, and some aspects of gross reality can lead him to nervous shock.

Veniamin’s special passion is collecting, and he spends all his money on this hobby without regret. He knows how to engage a woman in conversation, give advice on business, sympathize if necessary, and talk about his work.

Most often, Benjamin marries a woman a little older than himself. He needs home comfort, he needs to feel protected. He will most likely make a successful match with Anna, Vera, Natalya, Larisa.

Surname: Veniaminovich, Veniaminovna.


Stokke Veniamin Fomich is an architect and outstanding shipbuilder, originally English. From the scant information about his life in England, we can conclude that already in his homeland he supervised the construction of many ships.

Stokke was invited to Russian service in 1807 at the St. Petersburg Admiralty. Already in 1809, according to his plans and under his supervision, the Okhtinskaya shipyard was built. In 1810, he launched the first ship of this shipyard, the 16-gun weather vane "Strela". Shipbuilding at the new shipyard, thanks to Stokke's energy, proceeded at a rapid pace between 1812-1821, 8 large and 33 small ships were launched.

Despite the intense activity required from Stokke to draw up projects and supervise the execution of all this mass of ships at the Okhtensky shipyard, he at the same time managed to work at the St. Petersburg shipyards, the result of which was launched in 1814, significant in size for its time 74-gun ship "Finlandia".

With a break of 1 year, when Stokke went to England, France and Holland to study and improve shipbuilding, over the next nine years, between 1823-1832, he built more than 538 ships, among them a 20-oared cutter for the emperor.

In all this hectic activity, Stokke was not only a simple builder, but also an inventor: he was responsible for the construction of sixteen pontoon and gunboats and a number of various improvements on conventional types of ships.

Stokke's reward for his energy and success in shipbuilding was a promotion - he became colonel of the corps of military engineers, the Order of St. Anna with diamond jewelry and St. Vladimir 3rd degree, precious ring. Stokke was a member of the shipbuilding scientific committee. He was dismissed from Russian service in 1837. Died in England.

The Englishman Veniamin Fomich Stokke made a huge contribution to shipbuilding in Russia.

Many parents try to put their love for their child not only in their actions, but also in the name they give to their son. And it has been like this since ancient times. Confirmation of this is the meaning of the name Benjamin.

Most often, researchers and name historians translate it from Hebrew as “beloved son.” The origin and spread of the name in Rus' and in Russia is associated with the adoption of Christianity; Benjamin is also listed in the Orthodox calendar.

Due to the peculiarities of speech, it was unusual for a resident of Rus' at the time of her baptism to pronounce words beginning with a soft consonant “b”, so the Hebrew “Benyamin” in the Slavic lands turned into “Veniamin”. This way it was much more convenient for our ancestors to pronounce this name. However, in European countries it is still written and pronounced as Benjamin or Benjamin.

What is noteworthy is that in Europe this is most often the case full name received younger sons, since they were the favorites in families. In Russia foreign origin, which had the name Benjamin, as well as a difficult pronunciation for a Slav, led to the fact that they began to call it male babies from noble families. In the century before last in Russia it became fashionable to call boys this way among the intelligentsia.

Why can this name be attractive today for parents who are pondering the question of what to name their son? This can be understood by understanding the following:

  • What educational features should be applied to little Vienna?
  • What talents and character traits define an adult man?
  • How does the fate of a person with the name Benjamin most often develop?

Features of education

If we talk about Veniamin’s “tender age,” then the boy really often turns out to be very sensitive and soft, dreamy and assiduous. At the same time, he tries very hard to correctly carry out the small assignments that his parents give him - whether it concerns educational games or Venichka’s duties around the house.

Venia's dad may sometimes feel that the boy is growing up too much like a girl, but don't worry: Veniamin is a special boy, and harsh parenting methods can only ruin his character. This rigidity will be perceived by the child as aggression, from which he will begin to defend himself with cunning and various tricks.

Little Veniamin loves to be creative alone - to draw or sculpt, or make something. He is interested in nature - he can enthusiastically read books about dinosaurs, butterflies or birds. In general, reading is one of little Venya’s favorite pastimes, which is why he gives adults the impression of a “little professor.”

If parents want their son to grow up to be a versatile personality, then they should develop the child in precisely those areas in which he shows interest, which represent highest value for young Benjamin.

Most often, his talents lie in the field of creativity and art. This can be confirmed by his outstanding namesakes: Russian actor Veniamin Smekhov and American actor Benjamin Walker, American dancer with French roots Benjamin Millepied, Russian writer Veniamin Erofeev - a controversial figure, but certainly talented.

Despite his gentle character, Veniamin is growing up as a person who knows how to set and achieve his goals, and is also able to stand up for himself. At the same time, he will defend his interests calmly, without aggression, even gracefully and artistically. An excellent sense of humor often helps protect the young man himself and the already grown man who bears the name Benjamin from the imperfections of the world.

Veniamin, both as a child and as an adult, often does not know how to refuse people their requests - he helps sincerely and completely disinterestedly. But if the “petitioners” try to “sit on Benjamin’s neck,” he can show character and reason with them. But at the same time, he will remain the same good-natured and charming person, completely not prone to conflicts and showdowns.

There is no place for conflicts here

What does the name Benjamin mean from the point of view of its owner’s relationships in friendship and love? A man’s non-conflict and diplomatic character does not lead to him having many friends. He has many acquaintances, but he values ​​his own personal space too much to let many people into it.

In society, he remains soft, delicate, and tries never to enter into disputes or bickering, even if opinions are expressed in the dispute that do not coincide with his beliefs. He will remain “with his own” in silence, avoiding a verbal duel - for him this is not weakness, but simply a reasonable saving of mental strength, which will still be useful for creativity.

The nature of Benjamin’s relationships with women is very easy: he just needs to make a new girlfriend, since he is very popular with women. But at the same time, rarely do any of his novels last for a long time.

Jealousy is practically not typical for men with this name: Benjamin can forgive a woman a lot. However, lying to him and trying to manipulate him is useless - he will simply end the relationship without further explanation. It is worth noting that intuition usually protects Benjamin from having affairs with such unprincipled girls.

A typical situation for the owner of the name is marriage to a woman somewhat older than himself. Overly active and energetic women are not suitable for Benjamin - in this case he has every chance of becoming an ordinary henpecked man and even burying his talents. A woman who is calm, soft and understanding would be much more suitable for him as a wife, next to whom he will continue to develop his creative potential.

Home comfort and his wife’s delicious cooking also matter to Benjamin. At home, next to such a “soulmate,” he can disconnect from the problems that bother him and restore his reserve of strength to move forward. Such a man gets along well not only with his own wife, but also with her parents, which undoubtedly contributes to family happiness. Author: Olga Inozemtseva

According to Higir

Hebrew origin: Ben Yamin (son of the most beloved of wives).

Benjamin is often talented. And since he is also stubborn in achieving his goal, it is clear that this person has every opportunity for a high professional rise. And it will happen. These men, as a rule, get their way. But everything will turn out better if parents and teachers notice the boy’s talent in time. In their youth they are a little romantic, rarely does one of them write poetry. At the same time, they are pragmatists, and poetry does not take them far from earthly affairs. The life of such men is not strewn with roses: they are very compliant and are always ready to give up their own benefits, so as not to infringe on another. They concede not only in a dispute, but also when it comes to a higher position or a queue for an apartment, and, of course, indulge the whims of their mother-in-law...

Veniaminov's special passion is collecting.

He will most likely make a successful match with Anna, Vera, Natalya, but not with Ekaterina, Angela, Zinaida, Alla or Olga.

By D. and N. Zima

Meaning and origin of the name: From the Hebrew name Benjamin, "Son of the Right Hand", "Beloved Son"

Name energy and character: In Russian sound, this name has amazing softness and plasticity. It is like clay, which can flow in the hands of a master and acquire the required form, fortunately, nothing dangerous can be molded from this material. Usually this leads to the fact that Venya grows up kind and contented from childhood. soft child. He is non-conflict, lends himself well to education, and at the same time he has sufficient persistence in business and good mental flexibility. It is very undesirable if his upbringing is too harsh; as a result, Veniamin, who is not inclined to open confrontation, will early learn to use his agile mind for any tricks. However, much more often this quality finds expression in good developed imagination and daydreaming.

Undoubtedly, diligent and little subject to emotional outbursts, Benjamin is capable of achieving a lot in life; however, unfortunately, he often does not know how to refuse people their requests, and it is possible that there will be a great many “riders” on his neck, using the good-natured Venya for their own selfish interests and interfering with his own life. In a word, it wouldn’t hurt for him to learn some firmness in relationships with people, and in the family it can be useful to show character. Otherwise, Veniamin may simply get tired of all this and begin to look for the necessary rest in a bottle.

In general, the name is quite favorable for creative work or any sciences, where in the quiet of the office Veniamin can be truly happy and his creative imagination is able to find the way to completely incredible and mysterious worlds of knowledge.

Secrets of communication: Often people, with their numerous requests, cause Benjamin unspeakable torment, and he begins to seek solitude. This, however, does not mean that in front of you introverted person: Try communicating with him without asking him, and you will be able to see a completely different side of him.

The name's trace in history:

Veniamin Kaverin

If a book has gone through forty-two editions with multimillion-dollar copies in twenty-five years, we can safely say about its author: he has succeeded as a writer. It is this statement that rightly applies to Veniamin Kaverin, who became a laureate of the USSR State Prize thanks to his famous novel “Two Captains”.

It is interesting that although Kaverin was drawn to literature from a young age, he, not being confident in his abilities, entered - and successfully graduated from - the Institute of Oriental Languages, and then the Faculty of History and Philology of Leningrad State University. Studying languages ​​and philology during the day, Kaverin wrote at night, and already at the age of twenty his first story appeared in print. After several publications, the writer was noticed: he loved creative experiments, and critics were surprised by how much his stories varied in genre and style of writing. However, behind the visible diversity it is not difficult to discern the author’s characteristic style: as a rule, this is a complex plot that keeps the reader in constant voltage, apt portrait and psychological sketches.

A romantic by nature, Kaverin opens up to the reader a fascinating and slightly naive world, where good always triumphs over evil, and justice triumphs over vice. Perhaps, it is in this successful combination of idealism with a fascinating narrative that the secret of the success of Veniamin Kaverin’s books lies. In particular, the success of “Two Captains,” on which more than one generation of boys grew up.
