When and how much is better to run? What time of day is best to run?

Many novice recreational joggers are interested in when is it better to run, in the morning or in the evening? The question is quite normal. I, too, at one time, when I was just starting to run, did a little research on this. And if you're wondering what conclusion I came to, read on.

Every person’s morning starts differently: some people like to drink a cup of tea or coffee in the morning, while others start their day with a morning run.

Most people prefer the first option. They either do not exercise at all, or they believe that morning running is harmful to health, since the body has not yet woken up. Therefore, physical activity while running will only cause unwanted stress. Such people, as a rule, prefer evening running.

In fact, this opinion is wrong. On the contrary, morning jogging is not capable of causing any health problems. Tested from my own experience. After a morning workout, you always feel a surge of energy and vigor. And this allows you to spend the day productively and work well without fatigue until the evening.

If you still have doubts, then I think the following logical reasoning will help to completely dispel doubts on this issue.

Let's imagine our ancestor - a man far from modern civilization, leading an ascetic lifestyle and forced to literally fight for survival every day.

Suppose he lay down to rest in his cave. And then early in the morning he was taken by surprise by a saber-toothed tiger. Naturally, the only way to save your life in this situation is to run away from a dangerous predator as soon as possible. The instinct of self-preservation works clearly. And at the same time, note that he had not even had time to wake up and really understand what was happening. I don’t think that wise nature did not take care of this problem and, in my opinion, it would not be logical to assume that running in the morning is still harmful to health.

Before starting training

It's obvious that no one will deny positive person, but it’s no secret that the level of this very health is individual for each person. I hope you have already decided when you feel better. Now it’s worth thinking about some precautions before starting training. After all, the benefits of running will only be if the loads are correctly selected.

If you are not feeling well, you should definitely consult a doctor and undergo full examination body, and with a specialist’s opinion, you can consult with a trainer. He will select the right loads for you and distribute activities in such a way that your health is not damaged.

The right approach to running is one of the keys to improving your health.

The benefits of running in the evening

Now I would like to pay special attention to the benefits of running in the evenings. Many working people claim that they do not have enough time for a morning run and prefer evening workouts. Are there any benefits to running in the evenings? We can say without the slightest doubt that there is. But here opinions differ somewhat.

People who prefer morning jogging claim that the air is more polluted in the evening than in the morning, and this factor is not in the best possible way affects a person's well-being. And those whose work is primarily related to physical labor, after graduation working day feel tired. Therefore, for them, running is out of the question.

But there is no reason to doubt whether evening running is good for health, especially if this is the only opportunity to exercise all day.

Besides, forcing yourself to go for a run in the evening is much easier than getting out of bed early in the morning instead of sleeping an extra hour.

Therefore, my advice to you: start running in the evenings and when training becomes a habit, you can run in the morning, or alternate morning and evening workouts if you wish.

It is now clear that to improve health, it does not matter when you run in the morning or in the evening. The main thing is to just run regularly. And the tips below will help you practice correctly.

It often happens that people hesitate to start exercising for a long time. If this is your case, start on the next day off. These days, as a rule, everyone has a lot of free time and you can calmly, slowly start running. Over time, this will turn into a useful habit.

Pay attention to . It should be specifically for running, for example, sneakers or sneakers, with a flat horizontal sole and be comfortable.

Before your run, do a few warm-up exercises to help warm up your body a little and prepare it for the workout.

You need to start running gradually, followed by increasing the load. But you shouldn’t rush into this; as you practice regularly, the desire and opportunity to speed up the pace will come naturally.

If you find it difficult to run, start with brisk walking for 20-30 minutes. Co easy at times jogging will not cause you any difficulties.

If you feel that you are starting to get tired from running, you can stop training for a couple of days, no more. It is very important to maintain regularity in your studies.

Your favorite music on your player while jogging can give you an extra burst of energy.

Forget about running near roads, factories or along the side of the road. Exercise away from any unfavorable factors. A forest, park, stadium, etc. are ideal for training.

A little about running for weight loss

Is running in the morning effective for weight loss and is running beneficial for overweight people?

These questions are strictly individual. Overall, running is good for everyone. This is the perfect cardio workout. vascular system.

But once again I would like to emphasize that before starting exercise, you should consult with your doctor to find out whether running is beneficial for you personally and what time of day is best for you to run.

Running to burn fat

A couple of tips for those who use running in the morning to burn fat mass:

Half an hour before training, you can eat an apple or limit yourself to just a glass of water. Some people advise drinking a special drink based on lemon juice, which promotes fat burning. You have a choice, so decide for yourself.

After a run, you should not sit down immediately; you need to do several warm-up exercises and restore your breathing.

Science has proven the fact that fat burning begins only after thirty minutes of exercise. Therefore, it is worth allocating time for training, starting from this time.

Does long running help against acne? Does running make acne go away? Very often people who suffer from acne of different origins, including, claim that regular jogging helps them get rid of this scourge. If it’s not just acne, but juvenile spermatotoxicosis, anything helps, including long running. In addition to physical activity, personal hygiene and avoidance of junk food (soda, chips, fried, smoked, etc.) are required. In addition to running, to get rid of acne, it’s good to wash your face with calendula or chamomile, and in the morning wipe your face with ice cubes made from herbal infusion.

We can talk a lot more about the benefits of running, but I would like to say that playing sports will never interfere with your health if you do everything wisely.

And remember: regular training is the first step towards success. I wish you good luck in your endeavors!


If you have the opportunity, jog during the day. During this period, the body is already functioning at the proper level, and night sleep is still far away.

If we talk about the performance and endurance of the body, highest level it reaches from 9 to 12 noon and from 17 to 19 pm. Many athletes are well aware of this fact, and therefore they draw up their training schedule in such a way that the most active part of the exercises is transferred to this time.

However, not everyone can afford to jog during the day. This may be due to study, work or some other reasons. Therefore, many people have a pressing question: should they jog in the morning or in the evening? To do right choice, you need to consider the main features of both options.

What to choose: morning or evening jogging?

Morning jogging is the most common option, especially for those who study or work. For example, if the work/school day starts at 8-9 am, you can conduct classes at 6 am and devote approximately 30-40 minutes to them. Before jogging, it is better not to eat anything, but just drink one glass of freshly squeezed juice. As a result, running will allow you to start your body's metabolic processes, fill it with energy and invigorate you for the upcoming working day.

The disadvantage of this option is that many people find it quite difficult to force themselves to wake up early in the morning and go for a run. The main thing here is to gain patience and strength in the first weeks, after which your body will get used to the problems. waking up early will disappear over time.

Evening is also a great time for running, but it also has its advantages and disadvantages. If your work takes a lot of energy and after a busy day of work you feel tired, in this state you should not subject your body to physical stress.

In addition, it is advisable to avoid jogging late in the evening. At this time, the body relaxes and prepares for a night's rest. Otherwise, insomnia may occur.

Health Benefits of Running

Running is very beneficial for human health, regardless of age and physical fitness. Regular and proper training will help you get rid of excess weight, will improve general condition body, strengthen the immune system, cardiovascular system and improve lung function. Joggers usually do not suffer from hypertension, atherosclerosis, or heart failure.

Running will protect older people from myocardial infarction, stroke, hypertension and other health problems. However, if you have any health problems, you should consult your doctor before exercising.

It is believed that the hours when training has an impact best effect on the body - these are the intervals from 6 to 7 am, from 9 to 12 noon, and also from 17 to 19 pm. But not everyone has the opportunity to run at such a time. Study, work, and sweet Dreams It is often difficult to free up these hours for sports activities.

To understand when running is best for you, you should think about such a thing as your own biological clock. Each of us has them. Some people consider themselves larks, others are night owls, and others are far from ornithologists; they can get up and go to bed at any time, adapting to their work schedule.

If you are a morning person, then morning running will not be a problem for you. You wake up full of energy, and an additional charge of vigor and Have a good mood will only make your day better. But in the evening, when you are tired and dream only of relaxation, the need to go for a run can make you sad and turn you away from it of the most useful kind training.

But if you are a night owl, then for a morning run you will not only have to get up earlier, but also push your half-asleep self out of a warm house into the street, experience stress and feel like tired muscles all day. But in the evening you run the required distance with the ease of a seasoned athlete, return home and feel great the whole next day.

Comparison of morning and evening

For those for whom it is not particularly important to live according to the regime of a night owl or a lark, we can say the following. Running in the morning is good because you feel all cheerful day. Jogging in the morning mobilizes you, improves your overall tone and mood. But, according to researchers, morning exercise is often stressful for the body, which has not yet woken up.

An evening jog allows you to relieve stress that has accumulated during a hard day at work. Your muscles relax, you go to bed feeling refreshed, and then you sleep well. Evening running can help you cope with insomnia.

Some people claim that only morning jogging can help you lose weight. Others say the same thing, but about an evening run. One thing is certain: despite any authoritative statements, everyone benefits from running, both those who run in the morning and those who run in the evening.

It is best to study at a time that seems most convenient to you. The most important thing is the regularity of jogging. It is regularity, and only regularity, and not the ideal time of day for running, that will allow you to get in great shape and feel great.

People know what sports brings great benefit body. However, if safety precautions and some recommendations are not followed, for example, when running, you can not only not get this benefit, but also harm your health.

How not to make a mistake in choosing?

Most people do not have enough time to take care of their health and follow basic rules that will allow them to maintain health and good mood. Undoubtedly, most of them simply do not have time for this, or simply waste it because they do not know where exactly to start, and most importantly, how to start correctly. After all, it is important here not to harm yourself and your health.

If you are going to start running, answer the question: why are you going to run? If you want to, of course, the best time to run is in the morning. After all, it is in the morning that the body contains the least sugar, so in order to get additional energy, the body will burn excess fat.

But if you decide to maintain the performance of your heart, then it’s best for you. Of course, you can go for a run in the morning, but the best option there will be a jog in the evening. In any case, do not forget to drink water with honey or something sweet before doing this. After a run, you should definitely have breakfast. It is then that you will notice that your health will improve and your mood will lift.

Remember that your breakfast should not be too heavy. It is best to eat a small portion of porridge and fruit.

What time of year is best for running?

Never run if you have a cold or fever. Do not forget that jogging brings the main benefit to the body - it is undoubtedly a heart workout. Therefore, if you are sick, then you should not once again burden and torture your heart.

Running is beneficial at any time of the year, but jogging in winter has more advantages than in summer. After all, fresh frosty air hardens and invigorates your body, liquefies the blood and reduces the likelihood of clogging of blood vessels.

But under no circumstances should you run in severe frosts, because the body may overheat, or you may get frostbite. Therefore, if you decide to go jogging in winter, do not forget about warm clothes; they should not hinder your movements too much, but they should not be too light either.

The ideal option would be a regular tracksuit with thermal underwear.

When going for a run, don't forget your hat. Of course, running in the summer is also very useful, just like in the spring and autumn, you just need to dress according to the weather. In any case, if you decide to run, do it right. Don’t forget to listen to your body’s requirements, and then everything will work out for you.

Running is the most accessible and healthy sport. In order to start doing it, you do not need to have special skills or knowledge. In addition, a big advantage is that any park or stadium can become a training location.

If you want to achieve the desired results from jogging, namely toned body and getting rid of extra pounds, you need to follow a special training regimen that suits you. But when is it better to run, in the morning or in the evening? Let's try to figure it out.

It has been repeatedly proven that running is beneficial for everyone, regardless of age and physical fitness. Regular training guarantees you an improvement in the functional abilities of the heart and lungs, and overall health of the body. Running also has a positive effect on our endocrine system and metabolism. Scientists also came to the conclusion that people do not regularly suffer from hypertension, atherosclerosis and other diseases. Of course, you shouldn’t bother yourself with exertion, especially if there are medical contraindications, but also keep sedentary lifestyle life should not.

Running: morning or evening?

Moving on to our main question, we cannot help but note the fact that for each person the training time should be chosen purely individually, in accordance with his habits and If for some, training at 6 am is a big stress for the body, then for others it is best time For physical activity. So in the morning or evening? As experts say, most people prefer evening jogging after a working day, but it gives an irreplaceable boost of vivacity and energy for the whole day, which cannot but be noted as an advantage. The downside of morning exercise is that sleepy organism sometimes you are not ready for such early loads, and this can negatively affect the nervous system.

As fitness trainers say about when it is better to run, in the morning or in the evening, the ideal period is from 11 to 12 pm and from 4 to 6 pm, it is at this time that our body is at the peak of physical activity. Unfortunately, due to busy schedules, not all people can afford to go to a workout in the middle of the workday, but if you still have time, use it for the benefit of your health.

How often should you run?

In addition, when is the best time to train, many are interested in how often it should be done. The ideal option for all those who want to get results from jogging as quickly as possible is daily training. After just a few sessions, the body will get used to the stress and will perceive running as a norm of life. If you cannot afford daily exercise, run at least 3 times a week.

The duration of the lesson should gradually increase. If your first workouts last no more than 20 minutes, then subsequent ones can last up to an hour and a half. An hour-long exercise is considered the most effective, during which not only the muscles are pumped, but also intensively

Contraindications for running

Under no circumstances should you go for a run if you are seriously ill (sore throat, bronchitis, etc.), but colds are not an obstacle to low-intensity training. The main thing is to follow all the advice and breathe correctly so that your health does not get worse. If you are concerned about other diseases, it is better to consult a doctor and refrain from sports so as not to harm your body.

Listen carefully to your body, it will definitely tell you not only when it is better to run, in the morning or in the evening, but also how long and fast your run will be. In an effort to achieve high results, do not forget about your health and pleasure. Believe me, sport can bring not only benefits, but also joy!

Beginners often have a question: when is it better to run - in the morning or in the evening? Experts say that the most effective and favorable time For morning jogging- This is the time period from 6 to 7 am. During this period, our body is at the peak of biological activity, most predisposed to performing and perceiving active physical activity. Morning jogging is especially useful for those who want to lose weight. The next morning there is practically no glycogen left in the body, therefore, during running, the body consumes energy by burning fat. Before your morning run, it is advisable not to have breakfast; just drink a little juice or sweetened water with lemon. It is very difficult to run on a full stomach, and juice or water will promote better nutrient metabolism.

The benefits of morning jogging

When you get up in the morning, don’t rush to go straight to the treadmill. Let your body wake up. Do some exercise or warm-up. It will warm up the muscles, prepare the joints, and minimize possible injuries. Running clothes should be loose and comfortable. Shoes must be chosen with shock-absorbing soles. After a run it will be good to take cold and hot shower and have breakfast. The average duration of a run is 30-40 minutes. If you are a beginner, start with 15 minutes and gradually increase the load.

In the evenings, the best time to run is from 5 to 7 p.m. This is the evening biological peak of our body. Before the evening run, they also do a warm-up. Unlike morning running, it is considered less effective. But when you don't have free time in the mornings, enjoy running in the evenings. This kind of running is also good for our health. It is better to start jogging a couple of hours after eating. Conduct evening runs in lighted areas or find yourself a partner to make it more fun and safer. Don’t try to immediately go to bed after running - you won’t succeed anyway, because the body is in the active stage. After such a run, you should walk a little, rest, and take a shower.

In winter you always run in the evening

Winter running is very effective. You expend more energy and train your muscles better by additionally overcoming obstacles - ice and snow. During races, breathe only through your nose to avoid illness. Run in a hat. Dress not too warmly, but not in a summer style. You should feel comfortable. Choose shoes with non-slip soles. Winter running maximally encourages, activates and strengthens our body. The average duration of the race is 30 minutes.

Running, of course, is very useful. But if you serious illnesses cardiovascular and circulatory systems, persistent blood pressure problems, consult your doctor for advice. He will explain whether you should take up running and what stress your body can handle. During an infectious or colds With high temperature, it is better to refrain from jogging.


Running strengthens muscles, develops endurance, and makes our body stronger. It has a positive effect on mood, metabolism and figure. Morning running tones the whole body, we are filled with strength and energy for the whole day. After such a run, the body is saturated with oxygen - this has a very good effect on the organs of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

Evening running relaxes and calms us down. After it you can forget about insomnia. There should be no strict criteria in choosing a running time. Any run, be it morning, evening, winter or summer, brings only benefits. Everyone should listen only to their own body and organism. Choose for yourself convenient time, place and duration of the run. It is enough to run 2-3 times a week for about half an hour, at any time convenient for you. But do this systematically so that the body quickly gets used to the load.

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