Business band sawmill. How to make a sawmill a profitable business. Sawmill as a supplier of raw materials for production

  • Product Description
  • Production plan
  • Financial plan
  • Preparation of documents
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for organizing a sawmill with a production volume of 330 cubic meters finished products per month

Step-by-step plan for organizing sawmill activities

The main feature of this business is its attachment to the sources of raw materials. Therefore, your assessment of the prospects for the development of a future sawmill should begin with an examination of the proposals of potential timber suppliers. Only after that it is possible to expand the areas of marketing research and start analyzing the situation on the market of wooden boards and beams, meeting with representatives target audience etc.

The next steps in organizing the activities of a future sawmill include:

  • preparation of a business plan and analysis of your opportunities;
  • registration and execution of necessary documents;
  • search for a production site;
  • purchase of equipment;
  • formation of staff;
  • conclusion of contracts with suppliers and other contractors;
  • resolving administrative issues.

In dealing with the above tasks, do not forget that many potential buyers of wood products are reluctant to change their suppliers, therefore, check very carefully how the market will react to the appearance of a new entrant.

How much money do you need to open a sawmill

According to our calculations, the opening of a sawmill on a leased site will require investments of 1.75 million rubles. The main investments are the purchase of equipment, woodworking machines:

  • Circular saw "Moloma-1200" - 450 thousand rubles.
  • Band saw machine "Altai-900A-prof" with internal combustion engine "Honda" 20 hp - 205 thousand rubles.
  • Single saw edger "Altai-007A" with internal combustion engine "Honda" 13 hp - 102 thousand rubles.
  • Disc gang saw "Taiga SMD-1" - 200 thousand rubles.
  • Slab-rib machine - 110 thousand rubles.
  • Planer KORVET-106 - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Grinding and adjustable machine - 70 thousand rubles.
  • Auxiliary equipment and tools - 100 thousand rubles.
  • Deposit for renting premises - 150 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials and materials - 250 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 50 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 100 thousand rubles.

Product Description

Our organization plans to produce and sell the following range of products:

  • Timber - from 5000 rubles \ m3
  • Edged board - from 5000 rubles \ m3
  • Unedged board - from 3500 rubles \ m3

The company will operate in five day mode in one eight-hour shift. Estimated production volume - 330 cubic meters finished products per month. This corresponds to 15 m3 of edged board per shift (8 hours). The main sales channels for boards and timber:

  • Frequent individuals
  • Construction companies
  • Wholesale dealers
  • Construction Markets

Raw materials (wood "round timber") are planned to be purchased from local logging enterprises at a price of 1.5 - 2.5 thousand rubles per cubic meter. meter.

Production plan

To organize a sawmill, it is planned to rent a hangar with an area of ​​500 square meters. meters, warehouse - 300 sq. meters and land plot- 500 sq. meters. The total leasable area will be 1300 sq. meters, with a monthly rent of 150 thousand rubles. The enterprise will be located at a distance of 40 km from a large million-plus city. Considerable distance allows for cheaper rental rates and availability of raw materials. At the same time, the potential customer base is close enough to facilitate the sale of finished products.

The production facility will meet all the requirements necessary for the organization of production: sufficient space, availability of water supply and electricity (with a capacity of over 400 kW), convenient access roads.

For the operation of machines (circular saw, band saw, etc.), it will be necessary to employ 3 operators and 5 assistants. The remuneration of the working personnel is piecework, 200 rubles/m3 of finished products. In addition, auxiliary workers (2 people), loaders (4 people), sales manager (1 person), shop manager (1 person) will be hired. Accounting services are planned to be outsourced.

Which taxation system to choose

LLC (limited liability company) will be registered as the legal form of the enterprise. The number of founders is 2 people. The taxation system is simplified, 15% of the company's profit.

Financial plan

Let's proceed to the calculation of the main indicators economic efficiency sawmill operation with a production volume of 330 cubic meters. meters of finished products per month.

Fixed monthly expenses

  • Room rental - 150 thousand rubles. (454 rubles/m3)
  • Utility payments (electricity, water supply) - 60 thousand rubles. (181 rub./m3)
  • Advertising - 30 thousand rubles. (90 rub.\m3)
  • Salary (foreman, loaders, manager, handymen) + insurance deductions - 160 thousand rubles. (484 rubles/m3)
  • Outsourcing (accounting) - 10 thousand rubles. (30 rub/m3)
  • Depreciation - 25 thousand rubles. (75 rub./m3)
  • Other expenses - 50 thousand rubles. (151 rub/m3)

Variable costs (depending on the volume of production)

  • Raw materials (wood "round timber", pine) with delivery - 2000 rubles / m3
  • Salary (operators) — 200 rubles/m3

Hence, the cost of production of 1 m3 is 3665 rubles/m3.

How much can you earn on the sale of finished products

The average selling price of edged boards and timber is 5,000 rubles/m3. Profit from the sale of 1 m3 = 5000 - 3665 = 1335 rubles. Less taxes (STS, 15% of profit), net profit will be 1135 rubles. Accordingly, the sale of 330 m3 of finished products per month will make it possible to make a profit equal to 374,550 rubles. The profitability of the sawmill, according to the calculations of the business plan, is 31%. Taking into account the period for the promotion of the business, the payback of the initial investment will come in 12-15 months of work.

Preparation of documents

Experienced businessmen working in this sector of the economy recommend registering an LLC (99% of serious construction companies will never sign contracts with individual entrepreneurs).

In addition to papers confirming the fact of registration and payment of taxes, you must have:

  • permits from the fire inspectorate, labor protection authorities and Rospotrebnazor;
  • documents confirming the quality of products;
  • contracts with suppliers and buyers;
  • personnel contracts;
  • magazines on labor protection.

In the application for registration of an LLC, reports and many other documents, you must indicate the codes of your activity (according to the all-Russian classifier). For the operation of the sawmill, this is OKVED 16.10 (production of wooden sawn timber and structures) and OKVED 46.73 (trade in wooden boards, beams, etc.).

Demand for various sawn timber has been very high for many years. So, this is due to the fact that the private sector construction market is constantly developing: country houses, summer cottages and additional buildings: baths, gazebos and other things. The roofs of all these structures, and sometimes the walls, are erected from processed wood. Many entrepreneurs who like working with wood are trying to enter this niche and take their “place in the sun” there, some succeed, some do not. Let's take a closer look at how to open a sawmill from scratch, what you will need to buy and where to look for customers for finished products.

Pros of this business:

  • high demand for processed wood
  • the ability to start with small investments, and subsequently expand the business
  • high profitability
  • trading usually occurs in large volumes

Of the minuses:

  • the difficulty of finding reliable suppliers of round timber
  • high consumption of electricity during the operation of the units
  • the presence of seasonality

We have given the main pros and cons, now let's understand the basic steps to launch a business idea at a sawmill.

The documents

In order to work in a legal environment, you, as an entrepreneur, will need to obtain all permits for the production line and for trade.

Here is what you will need:

  • open IP.
  • recruit staff.
  • sign contracts with suppliers of raw materials, or have permission to process the plot on their own.
  • have a lease agreement for production premises.
  • obtain a work permit from the SES and the fire service.

Location and premises

To forge production process you need to rent a room, preferably on the outskirts of the city, so you can save money. The main requirements include:

- the leased area should have several main premises: a working area, a warehouse, drying. Usually they look for hangars or large garages with an area of ​​​​100 sq.m. and a ceiling height of 4 m. Such a ceiling height is needed for the arrival and operation of equipment, the same loader.

- a powerful power line from 50 kW should be connected to the premises. This is necessary for the operation of very powerful equipment that you will use on a daily basis, so there must be a power reserve. If a weak power line is connected to the work site, then it makes sense to look alternatives, since the supply from scratch can cost up to $10,000, and this is already a very serious investment, especially at the start.

- a good entrance. This is also one of the important factors when choosing a workplace for a small business at a sawmill. Large trucks will drive towards you, so they need a place to turn around or just park the car.

- measures must be taken to organize fire safety. This is primarily the equipment of workplaces with fire protection equipment and the removal of a smoking area outside the production area.

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Equipment for sawmill

The quality of products for sale will depend on the choice of equipment. If you save money at this point, then you can not only not earn money, but also waste all the purchased raw materials. Therefore, it is necessary to approach this issue as responsibly as possible.

Here is what you will need to open a sawmill:

  • The main tool for your business will be the band type sawmill. It is inexpensive, practical and easy to maintain. Its cost is about $1700 - $2300. It is necessary to take a machine for cutting round timber with a diameter of up to 1m. Look for a device option that provides minimal roundwood waste, allowing you to maximize profits.
  • gang saw With the help of this tool, wooden slats, bars and more are produced. There are two types of these devices: frame and disk. Frame ones are more productive and comfortable, but at the same time more expensive, since their cost is from $12,000 to $22,000. The price of disk gang saws ranges from $8000 to $8000.
  • edge cutting machine. With it, you can make wooden lining, which is used as a finishing material, both in the interior and for the facades of buildings. Its cost is about $
  • equipment for drying finished products.
  • equipment for loading and unloading.
  • saw sharpening machine - price from $500

It is clear that if you have just begun to consider a sawmill as a business, then for a start you can include only a band sawmill in your business plan, and subsequently buy other types of equipment.

During a crisis, you can buy used machines in excellent condition.

Advice: experienced businessmen who maintain this kind of business are advised to buy imported machines, since there will be fewer problems with them in the future.

Raw material

You can choose two options for purchasing raw materials:

  1. Find timber suppliers and work with them regularly.
  2. Purchase forest plots for felling. In this case, you must have all the permissions on hand.

How much money do you need to start?

Let's try to make small economic calculations to understand how much it costs to open a small sawmill.

List of main costs:

  • room rental - $ 1000 / month.
  • payment utilities– $800/month
  • taxes – $200/month.
  • salary - from $ 2000 / month.
  • transportation costs – $150/month.
  • sharpening and buying saws - $ 100 / month.
  • purchase of consumables – $300/month.
  • initial purchase of raw materials – $6500
  • purchase of equipment - from $ 8500 at the start and more in the future.

If we take the percentage, then ready-to-sell products are 50% - 60% of the base volume of raw materials. The capacity of a small sawmill is about 100 cubic meters. processed material per month.

Raw materials are bought on average for $30 - $35 per 1 cubic meter, and sold for $90 - $95. Thus, the monthly revenue will be about $9,000 - $9,500. Minus the monthly expenses ($6500), we get a profit of about $2500 - $3500.

The payback of the business will be about 1 year. As you can see, the profitability is very good, which is why many entrepreneurs go into this line of business.

Conclusions. It is profitable to start only if there is no huge competition in your area, and you can develop permanent contacts with suppliers of raw materials and you have in mind a suitable room for opening a sawmill. This is a specific business that requires constant control over the workflow and technical knowledge to maintain all equipment.

Do you have experience in this business area? Looking forward to your feedback below.

Processing of wood (round timber) can become quite a profitable business. At the same time, it does not take much to run such a business. technical means. But in order for this type of activity to really bring profit, it is necessary to correctly calculate the economic side. For this, a business plan for a band sawmill is being developed, taking into account the entire financial part, as well as the payback of the equipment used.

For the processing of round timber, it is not necessary at the initial stage to have a powerful industrial equipment. To start, it is quite enough to have only one band sawmill, for example, Altai 3. At first, its production capacity will be enough. It is on the example of this band sawmill that we will carry out an economic calculation - a business plan for maintaining entrepreneurial activity in this direction.

Organizational matters

Starting a business in the field of wood processing should not begin with the purchase of equipment, but with organizational issues. To open a sawmill, the business plan must take into account:

  • rental of premises (if you do not have your own);
  • hiring workers;
  • supply of round timber;
  • search for points of sale.

The territory of the premises will require a considerable amount, since you will need a working workshop where a sawmill will be installed, as well as a warehouse for finished products. If you don’t have your own, then the rent can be considerable, and it is impossible to say exactly how much it will cost. Let's assume that renting a room will cost 50,000 rubles.

As for hiring workers, at least 2 people will be required to work in 1 shift (8 hours). The salary is piecework, and amounts to 350 rubles. for 1 cu. m. edged material. Taking into account the weekend, 22 work shifts are obtained per month.

An agreement should be concluded with the supplier of round timber, based on the productivity of the workers and the sawmill itself. 2 people per shift will be able to process wood and get 5 cubic meters. m. of edged material, that is, finished boards (per month - 198 cubic meters). It should be borne in mind here that the average yield from raw materials is on average 65%, the rest is sawdust and illiquid assets. Based on this, the supplier must supply at least 305 cubic meters per month. m. Round timber.

With regard to sales, the volume of finished products with specified conditions already known and is 198 cubic meters. m. edged material.

Costs, income, profit

Based on all the above conditions, you can calculate the monthly expenses (in rubles):

  1. The cost of round timber is 2500/1 cu. m. A month requires 305 cubic meters. m. of raw materials (as a result - 762,500);
  2. Email costs energy at a price of 4.25 rubles / kW in monthly terms will amount to 8505 rubles. Here the calculation is carried out based on the power of the sawmill motor (11.37 kWh), the number of shifts (22) and their duration (8 hours);
  3. 69,300 will go to the workers’ wages (the monthly output of edged material is 198 cubic meters, for each of which workers need to pay 350 rubles);
  4. Premises rental (conditionally - 50,000);

As a result, the total monthly expenses will amount to 890,305 rubles. This should also include the cost of unforeseen situations. Usually these funds do not exceed 10% of the total costs. Therefore, the final amount of expenses for the month will be 979,336 rubles.

Received as a result of processing 198 cubic meters. m. of edged material can be sold at a price of 6000 rubles / 1 cu. m. That is, the monthly income will be 1,188,000 rubles. After calculating the profitability of the sawmill, which is the main point of the business plan, we get 208,664 rubles. net profit.

Equipment costs, its payback

Now about the equipment, tools and consumables. So, the Altai 3 sawmill was taken as a sample in the business plan, the price of which is 165,000 rubles. In addition to it, you will also need (price in rubles):

  • sharpening device (24,000);
  • adjustable device (7,000);
  • band saws 10 pcs. (1 piece - 800).

The total cost of the technical part will be 204,000 rubles. Knowing the monthly profit received, you can easily calculate that the Altai 3 sawmill will pay off along with consumables and tools in just 1 month (when working in 1 shift) and in 2 weeks (when working in 2 shifts).

Of course, costs and benefits may vary by market, but in general, as the above ready business plan sawmills, this type of activity will be profitable.

The increase in the level of well-being of Russians has led to the fact that new buildings are actively growing in the country. This process contributes to a stable demand for building materials and spurs the growing popularity of timber products.

Despite the fact that it is difficult to immediately see all the advantages of starting a sawmill business, however, compared to other types of activities, this enterprise can easily start any budding entrepreneur.

Trend recent years shows an increase in the profitability of opening a sawmill as a type of business. The right start and long-term business planning will allow you to get stable and high profits.

The business idea is exclusively for processing primary forest for lumber.

The enterprise should not engage in any felling of the forest. Raw materials (wood) will be bought from suppliers and processed into the final product.

How to start production?

How in big cities, and in the outlying areas there is a constant construction of new facilities for which wood materials are actively used. It has become very fashionable to build wooden dachas, baths, log cabins, the construction of which requires great amount timber.

Demand for wood in the domestic market very high. Another factor in favor of the sale of the final product in the country is the increase in state duties on the export of timber.

Worth keeping in mind that the business is relatively “cheap”, but it is precisely because of this that it is replete with competitors.

However, it is pleasant that there is no clearly expressed monopolist in this area.

Initially, it is worth planning the opening of a small-scale production. This will allow you to respond flexibly to market changes.

Business registration

Highly milestone when planning a business - its registration. It is necessary to get rid of the temptation to register as a private entrepreneur.

It's better to register now as an LLC.

Although the registration procedures for a private sawmill will take a little longer, however, thanks to this, you will expand the list of your production capabilities.

You also need to take care of obtaining permits, in particular, from labor protection authorities.

Selecting a site for a sawmill

It is not necessary to set up a business in close proximity to the forest, it is enough to place production near the areas of raw wood suppliers. In this case, the convenience of transporting raw materials is paramount.

In addition, for optimal placement, be sure to consider the following factors:

  • The production process is accompanied by a strong background noise.
    Therefore, the place must be chosen as far as possible from residential buildings.
  • Hot and cold water is actively used in the production process.
    That is, you should take care of a stable water supply.
  • A large area will be required to accommodate raw materials, finished products and jobs.
    Count on at least 1 thousand square meters of production space.
  • Sufficient energy capacities are essential for the production process.
    For normal operation you need at least 300-400 kW.

Based on these criteria, it should be noted that the ideal place for organizing a sawmill can be:

  • The outskirts of the city (district), where logging enterprises are located nearby;
  • Industrial zones with a sufficient level of electrification;
  • Areas with well-established road infrastructure.

See separate article.

We will tell you what is included in the list of constituent documents of an LLC. When is notarization of the articles of association required for registration?

At the address, we offer you an overview of small business ideas for starting a production in a garage.

How to allocate space for production

Having decided on the place of business organization, it is necessary to take care of the distribution of production premises.

For organization production work you must have:

  • a canopy under which the purchased or sold products will be located before they are stored or shipped.
  • warehouse for storage of finished products;
  • warehouse for storage of raw materials (logs);
  • hangar;
  • yard with overpass for unloading and loading operations.

This is directly the working area where the equipment will be located and work will be carried out.

Purchase of raw materials and equipment

Necessary and a sufficient minimum of equipment for a small wood processing workshop will cost, according to average estimates, 1 190 000 rub.

When calculating, prices for domestic-style equipment were used:

  • Machine "Circular saw" - 900,000 rubles.
  • Machine "Multi-saw" - 160,000 rubles.
  • Band sawmill - 130,000 rubles.

These machines are different high level energy consumption.

The purchase of equipment is largest cost item. If you want to reduce the cost of investment in the project, then you can consider buying used equipment.

What can be equipment for a sawmill, see the video:

Although, to a greater extent, product quality depends on the equipment, there is another important factor - raw materials. When choosing it, you should focus on the opinions of your own specialists, because high prices, in this case, do not guarantee the quality of the primary product.

You need to work with trusted suppliers who have declared themselves and focus on quality.

How to recruit staff for a sawmill

It is necessary to organize the process of hiring personnel only after resolving issues with state registration, choosing a place for premises and purchasing equipment.

To establish the work of a sawmill, it is necessary to recruit experienced and qualified workers.

A rational option when opening a business would be to advertise a job skilled workers for the following positions:

  • Sawmill manager - if there is time, desire and necessary knowledge, an entrepreneur can perform this function himself.
  • sharpener;
  • Framer.

low profile staff it is better to train on the spot, and when choosing, focus on physical form applicant and his activity.

10-15 employees will be enough to service a small sawmill.

It is better to set a fixed salary for qualified personnel, with the payment of bonuses for the work performed. With the rest of the employees, you can conclude contracts on a piecework basis and set the amount of payment depending on the amount of work performed.

Pieceworkers working in this area, on average, receive 300-400 rubles per 1 cubic meter of finished products.

Production range

The sawmill is practically waste-free production. So the scraps left over from the recycling process are used to make pallets or cable spools.

The main products for the sawmill are:

  • Different types of boards: planed (after drying), "raw" and others:
  • Bars and bars;
  • Pallets of various shapes;
  • Cable reels.

This entire range can be easily produced in a small sawmill. Business can be concentrated both on the release separate species and expanding the range of end products.

Sales of products

First of all, construction companies will be consumers of products. For the smooth operation of the workshop, it is necessary to find such customers and conclude a contract with them for the wholesale supply of products.

In this case, the margin level will be lower, however capital turnover will increase which will increase the profit margin.

Marketing activities can be carried out in various ways:

  • Gradually, it is necessary to introduce into production the process of further processing, drying and coloring of lumber. Having additional operations will help you win more than one “battle” for a wholesale client.
  • To concentrate production on wholesale sales, it is worth taking active steps towards large consumers - to form a package of commercial offers, fix discounts in them and send them to all potential partners.
  • It is also worth making an active "agitation" of your product on construction markets, establish bonuses for partners for the sale of large consignments of goods.

An example of calculating a sawmill business plan

Start-up costs (based on production capacity - 200 cubic meters of lumber per month):

Investment costs - 2,024,000 rubles.

  • Registration of an enterprise - 50,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of equipment - 1,190,000 rubles.
  • Purchase of raw materials - 600,000 rubles. (out of 1 cubic meter of raw material, approximately 50–60% of the finished material comes out, in the calculations an indicator of 50% was used average price 1,500 rubles);
  • Other expenses (10%) - 184,000 rubles.

Operating expenses per month - 357,500 rubles.

  • Room rental - up to 100,000 rubles.
  • Salary - 140,000 rubles. (80,000 rubles for low-profile employees and 60,000 rubles for qualified personnel).
  • Utility expenses - 5,000 rubles.
  • Energy supply - approximately 10,000 rubles.
  • Taxes - approximately 70,000 rubles.
  • Other current expenses (10%) - 32,500 rubles.

Total expenditure part will be: 3 096 500 rubles(including current expenses for 3 months)

Profitability of production

The price of high-quality raw materials in the domestic market varies from 1,500 rubles. for 1 cubic meter. A cubic meter of deadwood when purchased in large quantities costs 1200 rubles, raw wood - 1800 rubles.

An analysis of the market for finished products showed that the cub. m. lumber is sold at a price of 5,000 rubles. The production of related materials (coils and pallets for containers) can also replenish the "piggy bank" of the entrepreneur - you will sell these products at a price of 150 rubles. at its cost at the level of 25-30 p.

Production costs for 1 cubic meter will amount to 3,287.5 rubles. (cost of raw materials + operating costs per 1 cubic meter of products)

Net income from 1 cu. m. reaches 1712 p.

Thus, a high margin determined when calculating a business plan indicates good prospects and potential business performance.

Practice shows that a sawmill, taking into account monthly depreciation deductions, can pay for itself within 1.5 - 2 years.

The profit potential of the sawmill tends to rapid growth, with the correct organization of business processes and the timely satisfaction of all emerging needs in the final product of production.

The sawmill is a workshop in which wood is processed using special machines. To date this business can be called one of the most relevant and in demand, which makes such a project attractive. This is associated with an increase in the construction of summer cottages, houses, baths, as well as prefabricated wooden structures. Below is a business plan for a sawmill with calculations that can help you understand the features of the direction.

Any business plan begins with market analytics, as well as its main players. This will help you accurately determine the possibility of entering this industry, understand the profitability of the market, understand which of the competitors will have to fight and what methods are used to do this. In order to analyze the market, it is recommended to consider the following factors:

  1. It is necessary to understand whether this industry has prospects. As mentioned above, sawmills are a fairly relevant type of business that are in demand due to the increased volumes of low-rise construction. However, the situation may be different in different regions.
  2. How many sawmills and similar businesses operate in your area. By answering this question, you can understand what competitors you have and how many of them. Among the direct competitors to sawmills are large manufacturing companies that can cover large market volumes.
  3. How available raw materials are and how easy it is to sell finished products for the desired price. This factor will help you understand how quickly you will put your business on stream, and how soon it will begin to bring you a stable profit.

A good option would be to study not only your direct and secondary competitors, but also logistics in the region. The logging process involves the use of a rather complex logistics system. At the initial stage, the wood is transported to the sawmill, after its processing, the materials are sent to the client. Remember that very an important factor will be available in the region good roads and entrances to the point of business. If this condition is not met, your costs may increase significantly due to logistics costs.

Remember that raw materials should be easily accessible. This is important if you want to establish a continuous supply of timber. In most regions Russian Federation removal and deforestation will present a certain difficulty. Be sure to check local laws when choosing a location.

Summary of the future project of the enterprise for the procurement of lumber

the main objective the project for which a business plan for opening a sawmill with calculations is being written is the creation of an organization for the production of lumber. Lumber is by far one of the most widely used building materials. It is used not only for direct construction, but also for exterior and interior decoration of buildings. Among the prerequisites for opening such a business may be:

  • shortage of available building materials;
  • increased interest of private investors in construction;
  • development of housing infrastructure;
  • low level competition.

The technological algorithm includes the supply of material for harvesting with scaffolding, its sawing and planing, and then marketing. The material can be sold both wholesale and retail.

Product range

Among the products that the sawmill can offer are the following options:

  • edged and unedged board;
  • beam;
  • bar;
  • round log.

As a rule, lumber is made from softwood logs using specialized equipment. Finished products must meet the requirements of GOST. This will show the products in terms of high quality and low rejection rate.

The scope of use of sawmill products, as already mentioned, is quite large. The material can be used for exterior decoration, and for roofing, and for lathing, and for interior decoration, and for the construction of buildings.

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In addition to directly building products, you can produce products from sawmill waste. A good solution would be to launch the production of fuel briquettes, which can be sold and receive additional profit. In the last few years, fuel briquettes as a fuel are gaining more and more popularity - due to their productivity, environmental friendliness, low price. This is a great option for additional income.

Sales and Marketing

Due to the fact that the products manufactured by the sawmill fully comply with state standards, in addition, has rather weak differences in features and characteristics, the main competitive advantages of the company will be the cost of goods, as well as the stability and regularity of deliveries. This has already been discussed above. It will be necessary to ensure not only technological and fast production, but also reliable logistics.

Therefore good competitive advantage will be the development of a flexible pricing policy of the enterprise. More lumber manufacturing companies ship products on prepayment terms or upon receipt of goods. You can offer your customers more flexible terms: installment payment, lending. This will be your significant advantage in the difficult economic situation in Russia.

The main advertising activities and marketing activities of the firm will be aimed at wholesale distribution channels:

  • creation of a company website;
  • registration in catalogs and construction portals;
  • advertising on thematic sites;
  • active sales become the main advertising tool. As part of cold calls, a sales representative advises representatives of other companies on cooperation with you, concludes contracts.

Within the first few months, the company should gain a few regular customers. They should account for about 50% of sales.

Organizational and legal aspects of business

The first thing you need to do when opening your own sawmill is to complete all the necessary paperwork. First of all, you need to register a company in government bodies. For this, you will have two options.

  • Individual entrepreneur. Using this form property, you will only be able to sell products individuals.
  • OOO. Using the presented form of ownership, you will be able to cooperate with both individuals and legal entities. The advantages of this form of ownership are that it can even cooperate with foreign contractors.

When registering, you must specify the appropriate code according to the OKVED classifier. It's 20.1. Sawing and planing wood.

Before you start working, you will need to obtain a permit for logging in a selected location and rent a plot. A permit is required only if you are going to extract raw materials yourself. If you want to organize the purchase of raw materials from suppliers, no permit is required. After you have been registered with state authorities, you will need to register with various funds, in particular with the Pension Fund. Additionally, you may need the following types documents:

  • land lease agreement or evidence of land ownership. If a lease agreement is used, it must be supported by a logging permit from the owner;
  • coordination of actions with local forestry;
  • an act of inspection of plantings;
  • detailed plan use of the site;
  • if you are going to purchase raw materials, immediately conclude a long-term supply contract, where all the conditions will be spelled out.

When opening an LLC, you will need to open a current account with a reliable bank. Remember that a constant and uninterrupted supply of raw materials is your guarantee that the organization will not be idle, and your profit will be just as stable and regular.

Sawmill manufacturing business plan

At the initial stage of the work of the sawmill, it will be necessary to select suppliers of raw materials. Deliveries must be carried out regularly, in volumes that will be determined by needs. Production volumes should be adjusted based on the demand forecast for the week ahead. This will make it possible to produce products of the volume that will definitely be purchased, and which will not lie in the shops. It is desirable that the warehouse turnover is planned at the level of one week. The supplier of raw materials is selected based on:

  • equipment quality;
  • supplier service quality;
  • timing and regularity of equipment supply;
  • flexibility in pricing and payment options.

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In addition to raw material suppliers, you will also need to select equipment suppliers. Give preference to those companies that independently carry out the arrangement of units, start-up and equipment settings, as well as staff training. The equipment must have a warranty and post-warranty service period.

A good solution would be to purchase a ready-made aggregate production line, rather than individual machines. The use of lines allows you to implement a full cycle of work on loading the flow, sawing raw materials in accordance with the task, removing excess.

Finished products will be stored in a warehouse, which is an unheated warehouse with good ventilation. Remember that if the air in the room does not circulate well, this can cause mold, rot and fungus.

Pay attention to calculate the cost of production. Variable costs should include the cost of raw materials, the cost of its transportation, the cost of transporting finished products, as well as the trade margin, the percentage of which ranges from 15 to 45%. The trade margin allows you to cover fixed costs companies, which we will discuss below.

An important task for you will be to ensure high level labor safety. Remember that every worker who is employed in production, in without fail must be trained in operations with equipment, certification, and also listen to lectures on safety. You must make a number of requirements for employees when hiring. Mandatory must have at least 5 years of experience in production, the person must be responsible, he must not have bad habits.

Choosing a location for a sawmill

In order to open your own sawmill, you will need a plot, the territory of which will be at least 30 acres. If you are going to extract raw materials yourself, there should be a leased area for deforestation next to this site. This will help to significantly reduce the cost of raw materials and logistics. In any case, make sure that the sites have good access roads for the arrival of logging-type vehicles.

You will need to install several buildings:

  • production shops;
  • warehouse for finished products;
  • site for loading and unloading operations;
  • office space where negotiations with counterparties will be conducted, documentation is stored;
  • lounge for employees, equipped with a kitchen, shower and toilet.

Production and storage facilities must have a ceiling height of at least 5 meters. The area of ​​each of them should be about 600 square meters. Each of the premises used must be equipped in full accordance with the requirements of the fire inspection. Fire extinguishers must be present. Make sure that there is a reliable and high-quality electrical network that can withstand heavy load. The power of some units is up to 50 kW.

Important: you should not open a sawmill in your own summer cottage. Regardless of which form of ownership you choose, the land must be alienated to the fund for industrial work. If you simply own the land, you will not be able to conduct business legally.

Purchase of equipment

The list of units used will depend on what type of sawmill you are going to open, what range of tasks to perform, and what kind of products you are going to produce. So, if you are going to extract raw materials on your own, the amount of equipment needed will increase. The number of units will also increase if you plan to process waste from production for further sale. The following types of equipment may be involved:

  • disc machine or belt machine with manual or hydraulic feed system. You can give preference to the first or second type when you decide what kind of sawmill you will have - tape or disk. To pick up necessary equipment, study the advantages and disadvantages, as well as the features of products;
  • mini machines and frame machines:
  • edge cutting machines;
  • multi-saw units;
  • saw sharpening equipment;
  • drying chamber;
  • equipment for creating briquettes from sawmill waste;
  • hand saws, also chainsaws;
  • equipment for loading and unloading.