Coding for alcoholism in Mogilev. Anti-binge drip at home Mogilev. Clients include breastfeeding women and successful athletes

Each region has a main health care institution that provides drug treatment services.

Mogilev regional Drug Dispensary invites for treatment those who suffer from addictions (drugs, alcohol, etc.). The center provides many paid and free services.


The regional drug treatment clinic is located in the city of Mogilev (Republic of Belarus).

The medical and rehabilitation institution is located at the address: 4th Mechnikov Lane, 17.

Dispensary services

The regional dispensary of the city of Mogilev will help you get rid of drugs and. Patients can undergo treatment and get rid of alcohol anonymously.

It is not suggested to submit the document; it must be filled out according to the patient’s words. outpatient card. However, you will have to be treated according to your own data if you need to use psychotropic medications to provide assistance. Subsequent registration is carried out only with the consent of the patient.

In Mogilev regional dispensary qualified psychologists work. They offer addiction rehabilitation services in an inpatient or outpatient setting.

IN rehabilitation center are practiced individual consultations, group trainings. Psychotherapy sessions are conducted with addicts and...

Office open medical examination. The procedure is paid and can be completed 24 hours a day.

Persons who committed an accident, victims of an accident, accused, suspects and other categories of citizens are sent for examination by police officers.

Pre-trip inspection of drivers is carried out at any time of the day. It is possible to draw up an agreement with the organization and pay in any convenient way.

One of the services of the dispensary is getting rid of nicotine addiction.

Despite the absence of withdrawal symptoms that accompany drug addiction treatment, it is difficult for the patient to get rid of the addiction himself.

The clinic offers modern methods help for addicts:

  1. persuasive psychotherapy sessions;
  2. acupuncture;
  3. medication course;
  4. (emotional stress therapy sessions);
  5. electrotherapy.

The institution offers citizens to undergo paid medical examinations required to get a job and confirm professional suitability.

Certificates are issued to be presented at the place of requirement (undergoing sanatorium-resort treatment, receiving driver's license, opening your own enterprise).

Tell friends:

If you or your relative are addicted to alcoholic beverages, then do not put off treatment for alcoholism! You should not waste precious time of a full, sober life, but it is better to immediately carry out high-quality coding for alcoholism in Mogilev at the Genesis clinic. When trouble comes to your home, immediately enlist the support of professionals by contacting a drug treatment clinic in Mogilev, and receive comprehensive help: from detoxification to social rehabilitation!

Coding from alcohol addiction is a set of measures that are designed to provide specific influence on the patient's body. Medication and psychological impact from alcohol dependence is aimed at developing conditioned reflex, which consists in the formation of an aversion to alcohol. Only when combined drug therapy and an emotional stress program, anonymous coding for alcoholism will be effective. If you have a clear desire to get rid of alcohol intoxication, but you don’t know where they code and provide comprehensive drug treatment assistance to alcoholics, then come to the Genesis rehabilitation center in Mogilev!

What coding techniques are practiced in our hospital?

Alcohol coding should be selected professionally after full examination patient. The doctor takes into account the gender, age of the person, period of alcohol intake, stage of severity of the condition, accompanying illnesses so that coding for alcohol dependence is effective and safe. Before alcohol coding is performed, it is necessary to find the root cause of the abuse of alcohol-containing drinks and try to eradicate this problem. The specialists of our clinic carry out anonymous coding for alcoholism using various methods of modern medicine:

  • Medicinal method (stitching, taking pills, injections of drugs);
  • Using hypnosis;
  • Using psychotherapeutic techniques;
  • Double blocking (a complex of different programs).

Only an experienced doctor can determine which course of therapy, psychotherapeutic, medicinal or physiotherapeutic, will be most effective in each specific case. You just need to contact the Genesis clinic, which, according to reviews from its graduates, provides effective coding for alcoholism in Mogilev. The qualified professional assistance of our doctors of various specializations is based not only on full recovery the patient’s body and psyche, but also on getting rid of the cause of destructive addiction.

Oleg Sakadynets does not know who first called him Doctor SOS (the initials changed to Latin). Humorous fellow doctors from a psychoneurological hospital (like the heroes of the television series “Interns”, who found humorous moments in the harsh everyday life of the hospital)? Colleagues - parliamentarians, amazed by the efficiency and tirelessness of the deputy who represented in National Assembly the largest district in the country - the 4th district of the Mogilev region? Grateful patients whom the doctor helped get rid of bad habits?

Even when he was a deputy, Oleg Sakadynets did not leave medical practice and, having returned to Mogilev, continues to treat people for alcohol and other addictions. Anyone can become a deputy, he jokes, but not everyone can become a doctor.

It’s like doctors brought my father back to the Great Patriotic War,” says Oleg Sakadynets. - On the eve of the war, as a 13-year-old boy, he left the village of Borki, in the Kirov region, for Leningrad to study at a vocational school. During the blockade, together with his classmates, he repaired trucks that walked along the legendary ice Road of Life - the only thread connecting surrounded Leningrad with the mainland. The guys from the craft workshop were then evacuated along it. We were going to the Caucasus, but the Germans cut the road. And the father and his fellow countryman decided to return to Borki - they made their way there through the occupied territory for two months. And they were met with ashes - the village and its inhabitants were burned by the Nazis. From our family alone, 40 people died... My father joined the partisans, and after his liberation Kirovsky district- to the Red Army, even though his year was not yet conscription. I ended up in a battery of anti-tank guns - "forty-five" - ​​they were called "Farewell, Motherland". Near Bialystok, my father was wounded in the leg, gangrene began... The doctors saved him, but what is it like to be left without a leg at 17 years old! In the Ryazan hospital, my father underwent rehabilitation, he was taught tailoring and provided with a Singer sewing machine, with which he returned home... My father retained his gratitude to doctors throughout his life, and he advised me to become a doctor.

After eight classes, I entered the Mogilev Medical School in the medical assistant department, and when I graduated from it, I was assigned to mental asylum. But he worked there for nothing - he was drafted into the army. He served, and was also so carried away by classical wrestling that he fulfilled the standard of a master of sports and entered the national team of the Belarusian Military District. Well, after demobilization, I entered the Vitebsk Medical University, but did not pass the competition and returned to my previous place of work as a... nurse. There was no paramedic vacancy in the hospital...

- It would be more logical then to be called a nurse...

There was no such concept in our healthcare. In my work book That's how it's written - "nurse". In accordance with the Labor Code. A year later he entered the Minsk Medical Institute, and when he graduated, he returned to the Mogilev psychiatric hospital as a doctor.

- Why did you choose psychiatry as your specialization? Guys, and even athletes, have more prestige as surgeons...

- I wanted to become one. But in a fight on the wrestling mat, he suffered a fracture of the small bones of his arm - it still bends poorly, and I had to give up the dream of surgery. I became a psychiatrist and I don’t regret it at all. A very interesting profession!

- But it’s probably hard to communicate with patients who have mental disorders...

Of course, it is not for nothing that psychiatrists are entitled to a bonus for professional hazards. I had to communicate with “Lenin”, “Stalin”, “great poets and writers”. One patient gave me a tome entitled “Smoking and the Country’s Defense Capacity,” where on 50 printed pages he substantiated the harm that smoking soldiers cause to defense capabilities. Well, my other ward, after being discharged from the hospital, became a good innovator at the plant. It is interesting to work with many patients in the sense that they see differently the world, they have a different way of thinking...

- How much can this be called a disease?

Making a diagnosis in psychiatry is a whole science; the conclusion is made by a council of doctors. In short, then mental disorders- illness, when they take on an obsessive form, interfere with the lives of other people.

- You have 8 years of experience in parliamentary work. What prompted your move into politics? Maybe the realization that the “social organism” also needs to be treated? They say that the roots of alcoholism are social...

- By and large, only a strong, harmoniously developed personality with many interests and hobbies can resist the influence of an alcoholic environment. Raising such a personality is a social order, a state task. And any illness, of course, must be treated. I went to parliament because I was tired of the ill-conceived reforms that began in our health care. In particular, it was planned to reduce primary care centers (there are none all over the world), and district hospitals in rural areas. Yes, in the West, it’s probably possible to quickly transport a patient to a doctor’s appointment or to a hospital. In our country this is not yet possible - the road and other infrastructure is not the same. But all people have the right to affordable medical care! And, in the end, at a meeting with the participation of the country’s president, it was decided not to touch the existing medical care system. Perhaps someday it will exhaust itself, but everything has its time.

I worked in my constituency, on the parliamentary health commission, physical culture and youth affairs. With our participation, a number of laws were prepared and adopted - on medicines, transplantation and others. I can say that in terms of technical equipment and training of medical specialists, Belarus today is not inferior to leading European countries.

But I didn’t break with medical practice either - every weekend I saw patients in my constituency, in the regional psychoneurological hospital. The doctor must treat - this is my credo.

- They say that you have never taken an initiative in parliament to ban the production of low-quality alcohol or significantly increase prices for strong drinks...

Indeed, he did not perform. There is no “bad” or “good” alcohol - it acts the same. Introducing prohibition is also an ineffective measure - we went through this under Gorbachev. Well, if we ban the sale of alcohol, people will still find somewhere to drink and won’t stand up to the price...

Yes, alcoholism is a serious problem, sick people need to be saved, returned to normal life. And sobriety should be cultivated as a norm of life, restrictive measures should be introduced gradually, carefully and deliberately, while simultaneously solving problems of employment, improving living standards, etc. This is a program for long years! It all comes down to tradition. For Muslims, for example, the Koran prohibits drinking alcohol, but we have different realities. There are figures: 2.5 million Slavs die from alcoholism every year. They drink for two main reasons: to get away from problems and to have fun. Holidays, anniversaries and other joyful events are celebrated with alcohol. And then it turns out that someone cannot do without vodka, wine, beer on other days.

On the one hand, addiction to alcohol develops, as a result of which the previous dose no longer gives the expected effect, on the other hand, a person loses the ability to use other methods of relieving tension other than alcohol. Problems begin - with health, work, financial situation, relationships with family and neighbors. And the worst thing is that some people do not perceive alcoholism as serious illness, they consider it something like bad habit, a way to relax, get away from problems. And others, on the contrary, think that once you become ill with alcoholism, it’s for life, no cure, no cure... All these stereotypes are not easy to break.

And therefore, having resigned your parliamentary powers, you decided to “break stereotypes” with the help of private medical practice? By the way, considering that you have extensive experience not only in medical work, but also in management work, you were probably offered Good work in the capital?

They offered. But I returned home - my family and relatives are here. And private practice - why not? You don’t depend on anyone, you’re your own boss... I decided to try this bread. A person has a choice: to be treated by a private doctor or in a clinic. Yes, this choice also depends on the financial capabilities of the patients. Therefore, today there should be parity between private and public medicine. I have not offended my patients - I continue to work at a quarter rate in the regional psychoneurological hospital.

- How does your method of treating addictions differ from the practice of doctors Khodorkin, Saikov and others?

In general, there are quite a lot of treatment methods, and if the doctor has a license, it means they have shown their effectiveness. Of course, provided that the patient himself must want to get well. Otherwise, all efforts and resources will be in vain.

I prefer to use laser biological therapy. Its essence is that by influencing certain points of the body laser beam it is possible to reduce (and ideally destroy) the patient’s attraction to alcohol and nicotine. In medicine, it has long been recognized that there are points on the human skin associated with various internal organs and certain centers of the brain. Chinese methods of influencing biologically active points- the same acupuncture, for example.

- Have many managed to help get rid of the “green serpent”?

I didn’t count specifically, but judging by the records, the count goes to thousands of people. And he never promised a miracle. Laser therapy helps relieve alcohol cravings, but how many such sessions are required depends on the stage of the disease. Sometimes it is enough to have a heart-to-heart talk with a person, to recognize with him the obstacles that prevent him from living a normal life, and this alone can help him stop drinking. And if the addiction is too strong, only therapy can help.

But it is important to “remove” the causes of alcoholism. I repeat: this dependence is a consequence of a disease of the soul, when a person seeks a “cure” for boredom, unloved work, and unfulfilled life. This is a kind of “pill for problems”. And instead of this “pill,” the patient must be offered something else. Therefore, I work not only as a narcologist, but also as a psychotherapist, and I often maintain contact with former patients throughout my life.

When many people mention the phrase “Dr. Shushkevich,” they imagine a man. In fact, the famous doctor is a positive and energetic woman, a psychotherapist.

Provides treatment for various types of addictions using psychotherapy:

  • alcoholism;
  • smoking;
  • game;
  • food;

Methods of Dr. Shushkevich

Dr. Shushkevich uses in his practice a combination of various modern psychotherapeutic techniques: family therapy, Ericksonian hypnosis, suggestion, Gestalt and behavioral therapy. Lyubov Mikhailovna successfully uses neurolinguistic programming (NLP) techniques. The doctor also works with the Dovzhenko method, in common parlance - “coding”, familiar and irreplaceable for many people who are captive of their weaknesses.

Features of working with clients

Most patients with addictions, especially alcohol, are treated by Dr. Shushkevich long-term treatment and have been observed for many years. Lyubov Mikhailovna helps people in trouble to find harmony with themselves and their family, to experience new colors of life, to love it without alcohol and other addictions.

For her patients, Lyubov Mikhailovna Shushkevich conducts free lectures and consultations on healthy image life, proper nutrition and family relationships.
