Expansion tank for heating installation diagram. Installation and connection of an expansion tank in open and closed versions of heating systems. How to make it yourself from plastic containers or stainless steel

Liquid ultra-thin insulation (as an analogue) is a new word in the matter of insulating structures. Standard Methods thermal insulation is still good, but little by little they are being replaced by more effective solutions.

Liquid insulation is just such a solution. It is able to protect the structure from freezing, while being essentially more of a paint and varnish material than insulation in the form in which we usually imagine it.

In this article we will present for your consideration all the nuances and features of liquid thermal insulation Corundum.

1 Features of liquid insulation

Liquid thermal insulation Corundum is produced by the association of companies Fulleren. They have been producing this material for many years and have managed to achieve quite serious results.

Note that liquid-type thermal insulation was not invented quite recently. It is intended for the same insulation work, but it is reproduced in a unique form.

Standard insulation is a special material with low thermal conductivity. It cannot transfer heat and perfectly delimits zones with different temperatures due to being in it large quantity air.

That is, the insulation has a certain thickness and is laid on the surface of the walls, thereby protecting them from the effects of external temperatures. As you yourself know, the working thickness of the slab can reach up to 10 cm or even exceed this figure.

But the characteristics of the heat-insulating material Corundum are completely different. It’s not for nothing that this insulation is called liquid. If you look at it uninformed, the composition can be confused with ordinary paint.

Indeed, thermal insulation of this type resembles paint in consistency, is applied like paint, and even forms a similar coating. However, after application, an ultra-thin thermal insulation film with unique parameters is formed.

This is possible thanks to the unique structure of the Corundum material (as with).

1.1 Insulation composition

In addition to the standard name in the form of liquid thermal insulation, this insulation has another name - ceramic.

It is not called ceramic because it consists of ceramics or forms a ceramic surface. Quite the contrary, the main filler in Corundum insulation is an acrylic-type polymer, only more dense.

Ceramic insulation consists of ceramic hemispheres with insulated filling. These hemispheres allow you to create insulation with a thickness of 1-2 mm.

However, ultrathin film does not consist of hemispheres alone. It also contains anti-corrosion additives, polymers, etc.

Together they form insulation for walls, floors, ceilings, pipes and generally any structures available to you.

After hardening, the polymer sets, forming a very strong film; inside it there are frozen spheres that occupy more than half of the space. They push away anyone thermal energy, protecting the insulated structure no worse than a quite impressive-sized layer of mineral wool.

1.2 Operating principle

The instructions for use state that Corundum insulation with a thickness of only 1 mm can replace up to 5 cm of mineral wool insulation. This is truly ultra-thin thermal insulation. But how does she manage to do this?

And everything is very simple. The fact is that when creating Corundum insulation, the developers were initially guided by the desire to eliminate heat loss in all three main directions. And you probably know these directions.

Heat loss in building structures most often occurs due to:

  • Heat transfer;
  • Convection;
  • Radiation (even if it costs).

Heat transfer is dampened by most standard insulation materials. But at what cost? To level out the temperature difference, a person has to use bulky insulation with a thickness of 5 cm.

In this case, it must be laid on glue or in a special frame, and then covered again. Liquid thermal insulation performs the same functions, only its structure is tens of times denser, and its thermal conductivity is almost zero.

That is, when finishing the walls, the applied liquid will also prevent the air from exchanging temperature with their insides, but at the same time, an ultra-thin film acts as protection.

Convection is the transfer of heat from object to object. An extremely controversial method, because in ordinary construction it plays practically no role.

However, even this point can be completely eliminated by the liquid ceramic heat-insulating material Corundum.

But with radiation things are much better. Standard insulation materials are not capable of extinguishing thermal radiation (for example, they are ineffective).

That is, they can only transfer the radiation onto themselves, but a certain amount of it will still reach the surface of the walls. Meanwhile, radiation comes from all warm objects, especially from heaters.

For additional protection it was necessary to combine conventional insulation with foil. The foil reflected the waves, and the insulation did its usual tasks.

But liquid thermal insulation Corundum repels radiation by almost 90%. The residues are simply extinguished and dispersed close to the surface of the walls.

The result is a situation where all three main consumable items are removed by just one ultra-thin protective film. Surprisingly, customer reviews are also completely unanimous. Corundum insulation really works and does its job well.

1.3 Pros and cons

When selecting thermal insulation, it is important to pay attention to all parameters. They take into account technical characteristics, reviews and even consumption. However, first of all you need to look at the properties of the insulation. Why is it good, and why, on the contrary, does it repulse you?

The developers eat their bread for a reason. Corundum insulation has a huge list of advantages and a minimum of disadvantages. So let's look at them in more detail.

Main advantages:

  • Can be applied to the surface of walls, floors, load-bearing structures, roofs, pipes, etc.
  • The work is done with your own hands; improvised means will do.
  • Dries quickly.
  • A thin protective layer replaces up to 5 cm of standard insulation.
  • Not exposed to external influences.
  • Not afraid of moisture.
  • Does not respond to temperature changes.
  • Non-flammable.
  • An elementary method of application as in the case with.

And this is not the whole list. Full characteristics can be assessed only after you have the instructions and certificates for Corundum thermal insulation in your hands. But even from this it follows that the material is extremely useful.

Just look at the fact that it can be applied with a regular brush. That is, any structure that can be reached can be processed.

Now remember the standard insulation processes. How much time does it take to decorate one column with mineral wool? And what can we say about the surface of the walls, which are surrounded by a large number of pipes?

While Corundum insulation will not cause you such problems. All you need to do is stir it and apply it to the wall. It is not surprising that the reviews about it are all positive.

Main disadvantages:

  • Quite a high price.
  • Serious expense.

As for the shortcomings, they are quite trivial. Like any innovative material, Corundum insulation is expensive. These are already production costs.

The second point, which partially overlaps with the first, is the serious waste of paint. Corundum must be applied in several layers. Accordingly, the consumption of such material will be very serious.

It is advisable to apply at least 4-5 layers to the surface of external walls. This is the only way to create high quality insulation and be sure that it will not crack or peel off.

2 Types and differences

Corundum insulation comes in several varieties. Each of them has its own technical nuances.

There is Corundum insulation:

  • Classic;
  • Facade, Facade-Lotus;
  • Anticorrosive;
  • Winter;
  • Fire protection.

Liquid thermal insulation Corundum Classic – standard option, which is used almost everywhere. Thermal paint is easy to apply, dries quickly and has good strength parameters.

Thermal insulation Corundum Facade is intended for exterior wall decoration. The Facade-Lotos sample is the front, second level of insulation. Apply for added protection.

Anticorrosion model – insulation with enhanced anti-corrosion properties, ideal for protecting wood.

The Winter model differs only in the possibility of application at sub-zero temperatures.

Well, the last option is paint, which swells upon contact with fire, protecting the structure from fire.

  • The material is manufactured in accordance with TU-5760-001-53663241-2008
  • Sanitary and epidemiological reportNo. dated 06/18/2008
  • Certificate fire safety No. SSPB.RU.OPO58.N.00117 dated 07/02/2008

Liquid ceramic thermal insulation CORUNDUM consistency resembles regular paint white , which can be applied to any surface.

Liquid thermal insulation CORUNDUM consists of a high-quality acrylic binder, an original developed composition of catalysts and fixatives, ceramic ultra-thin-walled microspheres with rarefied air. In addition to the basic composition, special additives are introduced into the material, which eliminate the appearance of corrosion on the metal surface and the formation of fungus in conditions of high humidity on concrete surfaces. This combination makes the material light, flexible, stretchable, and has excellent adhesion to the surfaces being coated. After drying, an elastic polymer coating is formed, which has unique thermal insulation properties compared to traditional insulators and provides anti-corrosion protection.

Liquid thermal insulation CORUNDUM- a new generation of thermal insulation that has proven its reliability as a means of maintaining surface temperature, suitable for use in almost all atmospheric conditions. In addition, thermal insulation paint CORUNDUM helps fight condensation on cold surfaces and corrosion (the Corundum modification "Anticor" contains special inhibitors of the corrosion process). Liquid thermal insulation CORUNDUM passed tests according to standard standards in Russia, in neighboring countries (Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan), in the European Union, in Asia ( South Korea). The product has high performance in such characteristics as elasticity and resistance to weathering (after polymerization, drying). The microstructure of liquid thermal insulation provides excellent thermal properties and ensures long service life without the need for repeated repairs. Under standard operating conditions, the service life of liquid thermal insulation Corundum will be at least fifteen years. The full service life of this thermal insulator, subject to technological process application and the absence of an aggressive environment will be almost half a century.


The essence of the unique thermal insulation properties of liquid ceramic material CORUNDUM consists of spheres that are capable of not only thermally insulating the covered body, but also retaining heat.


Corundum material is highly effective in thermal insulation of building facades, roofs, interior walls, window slopes, concrete floors, hot and cold water supply pipelines, steam pipelines, air ducts for air conditioning systems, cooling systems, various containers, tanks, trailers, refrigerators, etc. It is used to eliminate condensation on cold water supply pipes and reduce heat loss in accordance with SNiP in heating systems. The material is used at temperatures from - 60 ˚С to + 250 ˚С. The service life of the material is from 15 years.


  • Applied like paint, it acts as a thermal barrier.
  • A coating layer 1 mm thick provides the same insulating properties as 50 mm rolled insulation or brickwork 1-1.5 bricks thick.
  • It is an insulating material that does not support combustion. At a temperature of 260°C it chars, at 800°C it decomposes with the release of carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide, which helps slow down the spread of flame.
  • Environmentally safe, non-toxic, does not contain harmful volatile organic compounds.
  • Does not break down when exposed to UV radiation.
  • It is not permeable to water and is not affected by an aqueous salt solution. The coating provides surface protection from moisture, precipitation and temperature changes.
  • An additional advantage that liquid thermal insulation provides is the ability to work in rooms without additional ventilation. Application of liquid thermal insulation is much easier to apply and allows you to save on installation compared to the previous generation of thermal insulation. The use of an ultra-thin thermal insulator also saves space by reducing the thickness of the insulation layers. Additionally, the use of this thermal insulation material makes it possible to radically weight reduction of the entire structure and significantly reduce costs for Construction Materials. Not to mention the increased comfort of living in a thermally insulated living space and savings on heating and air conditioning costs.


"Corundum Classic". Ultra-thin heat insulator, has unsurpassed thermal physics, plasticity and lightness. A plastic Euro bucket 20 l “Corundum Classic” weighs only 10.3 kg. During transportation and storage, liquid thermal insulation “Corundum” practically does not break down into fractions.

"Corund Anticor". A unique material that can be applied directly to a rusty surface. It is enough to simply remove the “damp” (loose) rust with a metal brush, after which you can apply Corundum Anticor thermal insulation, following the instructions. Thermal insulation "Corundum Anticor" is a highly effective thermal insulation coating with additional anti-corrosion properties, and not just a preservative and corrosion modifier. All technical characteristics, requirements, instructions for use are the same as for the basic material “Corundum”. Application of liquid thermal insulation “Corundum Anticor” for thermal insulation of existing structures and pipelines significantly reduces labor costs, since it does not require special training working surface. Thermal insulation “Corundum Anticor” can be applied as the first layer, and for subsequent layers (in order to save money) you can use “classic” thermal insulation “Corundum”.

"Corundum Facade". A material that can be applied in layers with a thickness of 1 mm at a time, and has the vapor permeability of high-quality façade paint. Ultra-thin heat insulator “Korund Facade” - designed specifically for concrete surfaces. Due to high heat-reflecting qualities and reduced labor costs for application, compared to similar ultra-thin thermal insulators at least doubled, will be an ideal solution in the field of construction professional thermal insulation. Thermal insulating paint “Korund Facade” also showed excellent results together with the modification “Korund Anticor”. For example, the calculated thickness of ultra-thin thermal insulation for a ferrous metal tank is 2.5 mm. Astratek, mascoat, alfatek, etc., as well as our basic modification “Corundum Classic”, needed to be applied in at least 6 layers (1st layer of primer + 5 layers of 0.5 mm each).

Our solution is just three layers!- 1st layer. 0.5 mm “Corundum Anticor” (Not only fixing corrosion but also a converter, adhesive and waterproofing agent (due to the high rate of film formation); 2nd layer, after 24 hours - 1 mm “Corundum Facade”; 3rd layer, after 24 hours - 1mm “Corundum Facade”.

The following modifications are being prepared for industrial production (laboratory samples are already available):


The name of indicators




Film color

white (depending on the color ordered)

Resistance of the coating to temperature changes from -40°С to +60°С

without changes

GOST 27037-86

Thermal conductivity

Thermal perception

Heat dissipation

Vapor permeability

Surface emissivity

Water absorption in 24 hours

% by volume

GOST 11529-86

Surface temperature when applying material

from + 7 to + 150

Operating temperature

from - 60 to + 260

Thermal insulation paint CORUND FACADE created specifically for the construction industry and is used for ultra-thin thermal insulation of plastered, concrete, brick, wood and other surfaces of building envelopes and structures. Ultra-thin thermal insulation Corundum Facade has high adhesion to almost all known materials, and low fluidity, thixotropy on all types of building surfaces and high vapor permeability allows coating to be applied in a layer of up to 1 mm.

Technical characteristics Corundum Facade

  • The paint has virtually no “creeping” effect;
  • Has good adhesion to almost all known materials;
  • Has increased vapor permeability;
  • Work can be carried out on surfaces with temperatures from +7°C to +120°C (the ambient temperature must be at least +7°C during application and subsequent drying for 24 hours of each layer);
  • The operating temperature of the CORUND FACADE modification ranges from -60 °C to +120 °C;
  • Environmentally friendly, modified special additives, which actively prevent the formation of fungi and mold on protected surfaces, which makes it possible to use it for outdoor and internal works;
  • Non-flammable material;
  • The minimum coating layer is 0.5 mm;
  • Paint consumption - 0.5 l. per 1 m2;
  • Avoid freezing!

Preparing the surface for application

Prepare the surface for application of the material: remove loose areas, open cracks, remove oily inclusions, clean the concrete from cement laitance, repair the surface, including inter-brick joints to reduce material consumption and excavations deeper than 5-7 mm, with cement-plaster compounds. Clean the surface using a sandblaster, a metal brush or abrasive wheels to remove the gloss on the surface and remove falling off and crumbling structural elements.

After mechanical treatment of the surface, thorough dust removal should be carried out using brushes or blowers. After dust removal, the surface must be washed with water to remove dirt, remaining dust, etc. Wait until it dries completely. Concrete, brick and similar surfaces must first be primed with YAKHONT deep penetration primer. If it is necessary to apply the CORUND FACADE coating to metal surfaces, the metal must first be protected from corrosion.

It is recommended to first apply 1-2 layers (0.5 mm each), depending on the condition of the metal surface, modification CORUND Anticor. Concrete humidity when applying CORUND FACADE should not exceed 4%, air humidity during application should not exceed 80%. If there are oily and greasy stains on the surface, they must be removed with a solvent.

Preparation of insulating coating CORUND FACADE

CORUND FACADE is ready for use; it must be mixed, if necessary, adding a little distilled water, immediately before application to a previously prepared surface. The amount of water also depends on the temperature of the application base and subsequent use. When applied to a surface with a temperature from +7°C to +80°C, the amount of water added to the material can be no more than 5% when applied with a brush and no more than 3% when applied mechanically (airless spraying apparatus). When applied to surfaces with temperatures above +80 °C, it is necessary to first reduce the temperature by applying several primer layers of CORUND FACADE material, diluted with 40-50% distilled water according to the scheme (see coating application). If the storage period is long, separation into fractions inside the container is allowed.

Do not over mix! When using a drill with a paddle attachment or a mixer, the maximum permissible mixing speed is 100 rpm. Exceeding the rotation speed will lead to the destruction of the microsphere and a radical reduction (or cancellation) of the effectiveness of the thermal insulation coating. Using vertical movements of the blade to immerse the thickened part in the liquid, turn on the drill and slowly begin to rotate the blade, mixing the curds with the liquid.

Stir until the product resembles cream. Approximate mixing time:

  • Mixer 3-8 minutes,
  • Manual stirring for 7-10 minutes.

If the task is to eliminate condensation, a “coat” of frost, fungus, mold, the material is applied with a minimum addition of water, with a maximum interlayer interval (over 24 hours).


It is recommended to work with Corundum Facade using a soft brush with long natural bristles or an airless spray. You can apply the coating to small surfaces or areas with complex configurations using a soft brush. Surfaces from 100 m2 can be treated using an airless sprayer with a material pressure at the nozzle exit of 60-80 bar

Important: not all airless sprayers are suitable for working with Corundum Facade paint!

The insulating coating can be applied to surfaces with temperatures from +7ºС to +120ºС. You cannot work in wet weather, because... The material is liquefied by water and will not dry out. The period for complete drying of one layer of coating with a thickness of 1 mm is at least 24 hours. The next layer can be applied only after the previous layer has completely dried - after 24 hours at a temperature not lower than +7°C during the entire drying period. A layer of about 1 mm is obtained with approximately three to five “passes” of the sprayer or brush. Applying the material in a thicker layer is unacceptable, since this leads to the formation of a moisture-proof film on its surface, which in turn prevents the complete evaporation of the moisture contained in it, which will lead to the annulment of the thermophysical properties and deformation of the coating.

When applying the material to a surface with a temperature above +80ºС, the material boils and “sets” very quickly, so the material must be diluted with water. It is recommended to prime the surface with 40-50% aqueous solution material. When applying CORUND FACADE on surfaces with temperatures above +80 °C, the thickness of the maximum layer within 24 hours should not exceed 0.5 mm! The hotter the application surface, the more the material is diluted. The diluted material is applied with quick short movements; with this application the layer will be very thin. The drying time for each layer is at least 1 hour. Such layers are applied until the applied material stops boiling on the surface. After this, allow to dry for 24 hours. Then the material is applied according to the usual scheme - with the addition of 3% to 5% distilled water in layers up to 1 mm with interlayer drying for 24 hours. The thickness of a layer of 1 mm can be determined by a thickness gauge of the “painting comb” type, a material consumption of 1.1 liters per 1 m2 (approximate consumption when applying the coating with a brush on a flat surface) or the thickness of the “optical density” of the material (so that the underlying base does not shine through the material). The material consumption is affected by the type of surface and method of application. The total thickness of the coating and the number of layers are determined by thermal engineering calculations.

Safety precautions when working with CORUND FACADE

At normal conditions the product is safe. If the room is well ventilated or work is carried out outdoors, respirators are not required. In rooms without ventilation, use standard respirators. Use safety glasses to protect your eyes. Use gloves and protective clothing to protect your skin.

If the product gets into your eyes, immediately rinse your eyes with running water for 15 minutes. If irritation persists, consult a doctor. In case of contact with skin, wash with soap and water.

The product in liquid state is not flammable. In the event of a fire in structures or structures on which the coating has been applied, use water, foam, dry chemicals And carbon dioxide. In case of product spillage, use any absorbent material such as sand, soil, etc.

Storage and transportation conditions

The CORUND FACADE material is stored in a tightly closed container at a temperature from +5 °C to +30 °C, air humidity no more than 80%, away from direct sunlight. Transportation is carried out by any type of transport at temperatures above +5 °C away from direct sunlight. Packaging of cargo for transportation must ensure the correct installation of containers and the safety of the container. Violation of the integrity of the container leads to damage to the material.

Production and price

The Yaroslavl paint and varnish plant SpetsEmal sells heat-insulating paint Corundum Facade in bulk, the price is competitive, it’s actually profitable to buy this ultra-thin thermal insulation from us. We guarantee high quality paint, deliveries are carried out anywhere in Russia and the CIS countries. Contact the plant managers for details.

How to buy Corundum Facade paint from SpetsEmal?

You can place a pre-order for the supply of the required quantity of thermal insulation paint for facades throughout Russia and the CIS countries directly on the website. Or, call the plant managers by phone 8-800-775-07-61 (Call within Russia is free)- you will be advised on all issues.

On construction markets Today, thermal insulation materials are presented in a wide range. True, most of them have very impressive dimensions. What to do if you want to make the room warm without losing a centimeter of useful square footage? Corundum thermal insulation will help you with this. This ultra-thin suspension is no different in appearance from ordinary acrylic paint. However, its use is highly effective and helps to reliably insulate surfaces. various types. The popularity of liquid ceramic thermal insulation of the Corundum series is justified by its relatively low cost and a number of undeniable advantages.

The action of the suspension is aimed at removing condensate formed on walls and pipes. It consists of catalysts and fixatives, special anti-corrosion additives, as well as a binder base made of high-quality acrylic. In addition, the heat-insulating material Corundum includes a ceramic microsphere with rarefied air. The multicomponent composition is homogeneous and easy to apply to any surface.

The technical characteristics of ceramic liquid thermal insulation provide an operating temperature range from -65 to +260 °C. The composition has ultra-low vapor permeability and hygroscopicity. It can be applied to most finishing and facade materials: concrete, metal, brick and plastic.

Thermal insulation coating Corundum helps reduce heat loss and reliably protects the surface from moisture, exposure environment and temperature changes.

It is important to pay attention to such characteristics of the suspension as energy efficiency. According to the description, ultra-thin thermal insulation Corundum with a coating layer 1 mm thick significantly exceeds any roll or sheet insulation with a section size of 50-70 mm or single brickwork.

Main types of thermal insulation

Assortment on construction markets and in specialized stores presented in several versions. Overview of the line of thermal insulating polymer coatings Corundum consists of the following materials:

1. Classic - a liquid substance ideal for roofing and facade work. It is also successfully used for interior decoration. We are talking about insulating the walls of residential premises and general purpose buildings. Corundum Classic is also highly effective in thermal insulation of cold and hot water supply pipelines, concrete and self-leveling floors, and window slopes.

2. Anticorrosive agent can be applied directly to a rust-covered surface. It has high adhesion to metal or concrete, as it is able to create a reliable protective layer. It is advisable to buy Corundum Anticor only for applying the first base layer. For the rest, it is allowed to use classical type thermal insulation.

3. Winter - this type was created specifically for work carried out in the cold season. It can be applied to any surface, even metal, at temperatures down to -10°C. This thermal insulation can be called the “thermal mirror effect”. It significantly reduces heat loss and reflects heated air flows.

4. The facade is suitable for processing concrete surfaces, as well as buildings built from foam or cinder blocks. It is applied in a thick layer, which can significantly reduce labor costs when processing large walls. Ultra-thin thermal insulation Corundum Facade is ideal for finishing.

Advantages and disadvantages

Insulation has a number of undeniable advantages:

There are practically no disadvantages. The only thing that should be noted is the absence of long-term tests confirming that all technical characteristics declared by the manufacturer correspond to reality.

Method of use

The surface should be cleaned of dirt and degreased. According to the instructions, Corundum is applied in layers. To do this, you can use a brush, roller or spray. Remember that the thickness of one layer should not exceed 0.3-0.5 mm. The complete drying period is 24 hours. IN extreme cases it can be reduced to 18. Only after this time can the next layer be applied.

Cost in Moscow

Opinions on isolation

“I bought material to insulate the trailer in which construction workers lived at the site during the winter. According to reviews, the thermal insulation properties of Corundum suited me perfectly. However, I did not notice the thermal conductivity stated both in them and in the technical characteristics. And so the isolation completely justified itself. It is ideal for those who want to save space when insulating.”

What is Corundum insulation, how is it produced, what types exist, technical characteristics of the material, advantages and disadvantages, features of do-it-yourself application.

Description and features of Corundum production

Liquid heat insulator Corundum is a mixture of acrylic binder and ceramic microspheres with thin walls that contain rarefied air. Acrylic binder is made using fixatives and catalysts.

Microspheres have a size in the range of 0.01-0.5 millimeters. Also, various additives are additionally introduced into the product, which are designed to enhance its certain qualities. This balanced composition gives the material lightness, elasticity, flexibility and stretchability. In addition, Corundum has excellent adhesive ability.

The consistency of liquid ceramic heat insulator is similar to ordinary paint. Essentially, it is a white suspension, which, after polymerization, forms an elastic and durable polymer coating.

Unlike conventional thermal insulation materials, Corundum not only protects a building or any other structure well from heat loss, but also prevents metal surfaces from rusting.

Initially, such ceramic heat-protective coatings were created by order of NASA for use on spacecraft. After some time, it was possible to adapt these compositions to “earthly” needs. The product Corundum is tradename product developed by Russian scientists. This heat insulator has all the necessary certificates confirming its quality.

Main varieties of Corundum

The product has several industrial modifications:
  • Corundum Classic. This is a highly effective substance for insulating facades, roofs, walls (inside and outside), window slopes, concrete screeds, hot and cold pipes, steam pipelines, and air conditioning systems. Thermal paint completely eliminates the possibility of condensation forming on surfaces and also significantly reduces heat loss.
  • Corundum Anticorrosive. This insulation is unique in that it can be applied directly to rusty metal. It is recommended only to remove the layer of loose rust. The product has anti-corrosion properties - it does not “preserve” rust, but prevents its formation. In addition, Antikor is known for its excellent thermal insulation characteristics.
  • Corundum Winter. You can work with this product in temperatures down to -10 degrees. It does not freeze or polymerize when exposed to low temperatures. Note that acceptable minimum indicator application of conventional liquid ceramic heat insulators is +5 degrees. Corundum Winter contains acrylic polymers and foam glass microgranules dispersed in them. In addition, flame retardants, pigments, inhibitors and rheological components are added.
  • Corundum Facade. This thermal insulation is designed specifically for application to concrete surfaces. Has increased heat-reflecting properties. This product can be applied in thick layers, which speeds up the work process. Corundum Facade is also characterized by good vapor permeability and resistance to atmospheric influences. It is allowed to apply decorative facade coatings over liquid thermal insulation Corundum.

Technical characteristics of liquid ceramic thermal insulation Corundum

Thermal insulation material Corundum has technical characteristics that allow it to be used on structures of various configurations and purposes. With a minimum thickness, this product can provide good level insulation.

Let's consider the main characteristics of Corundum thermal insulation:

  1. Thermal conductivity. IN numerical value this figure is 0.0012 W/(m*S). This is significantly lower than many traditional thermal insulators such as polystyrene foam or mineral wool.
  2. Moisture resistance. The material does not allow moisture to pass through and is not destroyed under its influence. Even saline solutions have no effect on Corundum.
  3. Vapor permeability. Thermal paint does not create an airtight film on surfaces. It allows air exchange to occur, maintaining an optimal microclimate in the room.
  4. Fire resistance. The material does not support combustion. When the temperature reaches 800 degrees, Corundum begins to decompose, releasing carbon and nitrogen monoxide. And at a temperature of +260 degrees, the thermal insulation becomes charred. According to fire safety standards, the material belongs to classes G1 (non-flammable) and B1 (non-flammable).
  5. Adhesion. In terms of tear-off force, this indicator may vary depending on the type of surface on which Corundum is applied. So, for concrete this coefficient is 1.28 MPa, for steel - 1.2 MPa, for brick - 2.0 MPa.
  6. Operating temperature range. Corundum has a fairly large range and ranges from -60 to +260 degrees.
  7. UV resistance. The material does not deteriorate under the influence of sunlight. Therefore, you can use it even without a protective coating.
  8. Biological resistance. Mold, fungi, and rot do not form on surfaces treated with Corundum. Also, the material is not used as food by insects or rodents.
  9. Environmental friendliness. Liquid ceramic thermal insulation does not emit any toxic compounds into the atmosphere even when heated. You can also work with it without using special means personal protection.
  10. Lifetime. This is a durable coating that does not lose its quality for at least 10 years. It does not crack and does not collapse.

Advantages and disadvantages of Corundum

The heat insulator is capable of completely filling the micropores of the surface being treated. In this case, the concentration of the polymerized material is 80%. In addition, coating thermal insulation Corundum has the following advantages:
  • Excellent heat retention. One millimeter of heat-saving paint is comparable in effectiveness to 50 millimeters of rolled insulation, for example, mineral wool.
  • Easy to apply. Corundum is applied like regular paint using standard tools: brush, roller, spray gun. He doesn't highlight harmful substances, therefore does not require respiratory protection.
  • Protects surfaces from destruction. Metal coated with Corundum will not rust, wood will not rot and dry out under the influence of atmospheric phenomena, plaster, brick, concrete - crumble and become covered with cracks.
  • Does not attract microorganisms, insects, rodents. Surfaces covered with this insulation will not rot or mold.
  • Lightness of the insulating layer. The weight of Corundum insulation is incomparable with traditional roll coating. Such thermal insulation will not place any load on the load-bearing walls and foundation. Therefore, liquid ceramic insulation can be applied even to unstable and fragile structures.
  • No seams or cold bridges. Corundum allows you to create a durable, seamless coating through which the cold cannot penetrate into the room.
  • Environmental friendliness and durability. Throughout its entire service life, the material does not emit any harmful substances. Therefore, it can be safely used to insulate residential buildings, as well as houses where allergy sufferers live.
  • Does not affect the geometry of the room. Unlike bulky traditional thermal insulation, Corundum will not affect the size and shape of the building in any way.
  • Can serve as an independent finishing layer. Pigments can be added to thermal paint, which allows it to be used for wall decoration without additional decorative coatings.
This liquid ceramic insulation also has certain disadvantages. First of all, it is a relatively high price. Corundum appeared on the domestic market not so long ago, so its cost is still quite high. However, this drawback is offset by the fact that thermal paint has a long service life and retains heat well.

Also among the disadvantages is the rapid hardening of the material. Therefore, you need to work with it quickly.

Criteria for choosing Corundum insulation

The rights to the Corundum trademark in Russia belong to NPO Fulleren. The company also has a number of official distributors, for example, TeploTrade LLC, ServiceInvestProekt CJSC, LLC Trading house Corundum Southern Federal District" and others. Never buy goods from dubious sellers.

The optimal state of Corundum insulation is a white paste-like suspension. Standard packaging is plastic buckets of different sizes. The packaging must indicate the manufacturer's information.

The price of Corundum thermal insulation may vary depending on the type of material and place of sale. On average in Russia the cost of liquid ceramic insulation is as follows:

  1. Corundum Classic - 375 rubles per 1 liter;
  2. Corundum Anticor - 435 rubles per liter;
  3. Corundum Winter - 540 rubles per liter;
  4. Corundum Facade - 400 rubles per 1 liter.

Brief instructions for applying Corundum thermal insulation

To apply thermal paint, you will need standard painter's tools - brushes, roller or spray gun. Using a sprayer you can get best quality application and low consumption of thermal insulation Corundum.

The average thickness of one layer should be about 0.4 mm. Each subsequent layer should be applied only after the previous one has completely dried. When working with a roller or brush, the average material consumption is about 0.5 liters per square meter.

We apply Corundum thermal insulation following these instructions:

  • Pour the paint into a large container and mix it thoroughly so that the mixture is completely homogeneous. To do this, you can use a drill with a special attachment. You need to set the speed to medium so as not to destroy the structure of the ceramic spheres.
  • We clean and degrease the surfaces on which we plan to apply Corundum. If it is metal, then we clean it upper layer rust. We use gasoline, kerosene or solvent as a degreaser.
  • We begin to apply heat paint to completely dry surfaces. The first layer should be of minimum thickness, as it is considered a primer.
  • If you use a spray gun or roller to apply Corundum, then the joints and hard to reach places In any case, you will have to apply it with a brush.
  • If you use Corundum brand “Winter”, then work can be carried out at a temperature not lower than -10 degrees. For other types of liquid thermal insulation, the optimal application temperature is +20 degrees.
  • It is recommended to create no more than three layers of insulation to achieve optimal results.
  • It usually takes about a day for all layers to dry completely. If hot pipes were painted, polymerization occurs much faster.
The heat insulator Corundum on surfaces looks aesthetically pleasing, and therefore can be used as a finishing material. If you are planning additional painting or plastering of surfaces, then this can be done over layers of thermal paint.

Watch the video review of Corundum:

Corundum is the latest invention of Russian scientists in the field of thermal insulation. The material is widely used for insulation of buildings for various purposes, pipelines and other objects. This is an environmentally friendly and reliable ceramic liquid thermal insulation.