Rhubarb jam - interesting recipes for every taste. Recipes for a tasty and healthy delicacy - rhubarb jam

Rhubarb is a plant that grows on garden plots, vegetable gardens. Determine it by external signs easy - large green leaves and red oblong petioles.

To make jam and various drinks, only the stems are used, and root system and leaves are used in pharmacology. Save all healthy vitamins and elements are possible, knowing the correct cooking technology.

The positive effect of rhubarb on the human body was proven several centuries ago. The petioles contain many:

  • vitamins, the most basic of them: A, C, E, B9, K, P;
  • minerals - iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, calcium.
  • natural acids;
  • coarse fiber.

Thanks to such a rich and unique composition, the herbal ingredient has the following therapeutic effects:

  • calms the excited central nervous system;
  • increases iron levels in the blood;
  • accelerates the healing process and rapid restoration of skin cells;
  • normalizes work of cardio-vascular system, improving hematopoiesis;
  • has antifungal and disinfectant properties, treats skin diseases(psoriasis);
  • acts as prophylactic against the appearance of sclerosis, arthritis, and tuberculosis;
  • normalizes the functioning of the digestive system;
  • strengthens the immune system;
  • helps reduce excess weight due to its ability to quickly break down fats.

Despite such a large number of positive aspects, jam from the stems of the plant should be consumed carefully to avoid side effects.

Contraindications and harm

Like any product, harvesting rhubarb for the winter has a number of negative properties.

The most common is the content of a significant amount of sugar, which negatively affects tooth enamel, increasing the risk of caries formation.

Use with caution in the diet of people with the following diseases:

  • in the presence of inflammatory process in the urinary system;
  • stones in the kidneys;
  • diabetes;
  • gout;
  • appendicitis;
  • increased stomach acidity;
  • ulcer;
  • gastritis;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • rheumatism.

When to Harvest Rhubarb

It is necessary to cut off the stems of the plant 25 days after emergence and until mid-June, until the air temperature reaches +25 degrees.

Why exactly these deadlines for harvesting petioles? Firstly, as the air temperature rises, oxalic acid begins to accumulate, which is deposited in the human body in the form of salts in the kidneys. In this case, canned products will not be beneficial. Secondly, at the end of the summer, the stems become rough, tough, and fibrous.

A classic version of jam for the winter

You only need 2 ingredients to prepare.

The workpiece can be stored for a long time, but appearance very similar to jam.

  • young rhubarb - 700 g;
  • sugar - 700 g.

Rinse the stems and remove the rough, inedible skin. Cut into pieces no larger than 1.5 cm. Place in an enamel bowl, sprinkle with sugar (1/2 part). Stir the contents with a plastic spoon, cover and leave for 11 hours. During this time, the main ingredient will release juice, and the pieces will be soaked in sweet syrup. This action It is best to do it at night and continue in the morning.

After the time has passed, filter the resulting syrup, pour it into a suitable pan and add the second part of the granulated sugar. Place on the stove over low heat. It is necessary to stir until the grains are completely dissolved. Boil.

Add pieces of rhubarb, after boiling, boil for 6 minutes, removing any foam that has formed. The color of the jam should be amber, not cloudy. Turn off the stove, put it on the table for infusion and leave it alone for 12 hours.

Then put it on the stove again, heat for 3-4 minutes, removing the foam. Hot jam must be placed in pre-prepared jars (rinse and process over steam/oven). Close tightly with clean lids.

Turn over, wrapping it in a blanket until it cools completely. Store at a temperature not exceeding +20.

How to make rhubarb jam

To obtain a richer aroma, it is recommended to add other ingredients during cooking. Let's look at some detailed step-by-step instructions.

With orange

The finished dessert turns out tender and soft.

The pleasant aroma of orange zest will bring you a feeling of vigor throughout the day.

  • fresh stems - 1 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 1.6 kg;
  • oranges - 3 pcs.;
  • filtered water - 500 ml.


1. Rinse the petioles, peel and cut into small slices.

2. Boil liquid in a saucepan and place the chopped product in it. Stir, heat for 1-2 minutes. Separate the rhubarb pieces from the broth.

3. Pour sugar into the hot liquid (after boiling the petioles), bring to a boil, stirring regularly.

4. Cook for 4 minutes, add the prepared rhubarb. Warm up for a quarter of an hour, skimming off any foam that has formed.

5. Turn off the stove, close, leave on the table for 10 hours.

6. Rinse the citrus fruits, carefully cut off the zest and chop it finely. Separate the pulp from the white film and cut into small cubes. Place the prepared jam on the floor and boil for a quarter of an hour.

7. While hot, pour into jars and close. After cooling, remove to a cool room.

With lemon

To prepare you will need:

  • petioles - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 750 g;
  • water - 70 ml;
  • lemon - 1 pc.

Rinse and clean the stems. Chop into cubes and place in an enamel pan. Pour in the required amount of water, add granulated sugar, and place on the stove. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring regularly.

Rinse the citrus fruit, cut it into cubes along with the peel, and pour it into the container with the contents. Stir, set heat to low and simmer for 50 minutes. The resulting foam must be constantly removed.

Place the hot confiture and close it. Wrap it in a warm blanket until it cools completely, and after a day put it in the cellar.

With banana


  • peeled rhubarb - 1 kg;
  • bananas - 500 g;
  • granulated sugar - 1 kg.

Cut the plant into cubes. Place in an enamel bowl, sprinkle with granulated sugar. Stir, cover, leave for 3 hours.

Wash the bananas, remove the peel and chop them into plastic pieces, place them in a container with stems. After the time has passed, set the container on low heat and cook until the stems are soft (50 minutes), stirring.

When the jam is ready, cover and cool. Place in prepared jars and store in the refrigerator.

With currants

The sweet and sour berry gives the finished product a bright aroma and a beautiful hue. Jam can be used for breakfast, snacks and baking.

  • peeled petioles - 1 kg;
  • black currant - 250 g;
  • sugar - 1.6 kg;
  • water - 300 ml.

Pour the liquid into an enamel pan and add granulated sugar. Boil and cook for a quarter of an hour. Meanwhile, chop the stems, sort the berries, and rinse. Place in the prepared syrup and mix gently. Cook for 40 minutes over low heat, stirring regularly (preferably with a wooden or plastic spoon). Once cooled, place into jars. Close tightly and put in the refrigerator.

With ginger root

Jam with ginger aroma is beneficial for the body: it supports the immune system and resists the development of viral diseases.

The tart taste of the root is not felt at all, so even children will like the dessert.

  • rhubarb - 800 g;
  • granulated sugar - 600 g;
  • ginger root (finely chopped) - 2.5 tbsp;
  • lemon juice - 30 ml.

Process the petioles and chop them into small pieces. Combine in a suitable bowl with sugar and lemon juice. Stir, cover, leave for half an hour. After the time has passed, place the container on the stove and boil over medium heat.

Continue cooking for 15 minutes, stirring regularly. Then add ginger root and heat for 10-20 minutes. Cool the jam and place in treated glass containers. Close and put in the refrigerator.

How to make jam with rhubarb in a slow cooker

Using a multicooker to cook dessert for the winter, you can not only reduce the time, but also preserve all the elements and vitamins.

  • plant stems - 800 g;
  • granulated sugar - 800 g;
  • fresh strawberries - 800 g;
  • ginger root (chopped) - 2 tbsp.

Wash the berries, sort and remove inedible parts. Peel the petioles and chop into small pieces. Combine all prepared ingredients in a multicooker bowl. Add sugar, stir, leave for 20 minutes.

Then set the “Multi-cook/Stew” mode, temperature 100 degrees, time - 1 hour. Place warm jam into jars, close and turn over. Store in a cellar or refrigerator.

Knowing about such a wide variety of tastes, it will not be difficult to prepare a healthy and aromatic dessert for future use in the summer, and on a cold winter evening it will be pleasant to spend time with a cup of hot tea, remembering the warm days.

We bring to your attention a video describing the recipe for making rhubarb jam with orange:

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Rhubarb jam– this is a very tasty, healthy delicacy, because its main component contains rutin, pectin, ascorbic acid. It needs to be harvested in mid-June, before the petioles become coarse and tasteless.

Rhubarb jam for the winter

Wash 1 kg of rhubarb thoroughly and, after drying, chop into cubes. Leave the skin on. After 24 hours, carefully stir the contents of the saucepan and set over low heat. Stirring occasionally, let the mixture boil slightly. After cooling, place the jam while still cold into jars and seal with plastic lids.

Rhubarb jam recipes

Recipe with cherry leaves

Required Products:

1 kilogram of sugar
- cherry leaves – 90 g
- water – 200 g


Select young rhubarb petioles, wash them, chop them into small pieces. Do sugar syrup. To prepare, mix sugar and 1 cup of water. While cooking, add a handful of cherry leaves. Pour boiling syrup over the contents and cook until the syrup becomes thick and the petioles are transparent. Pack the hot jam and seal.

Rhubarb jam with orange

Chop 1 kg of petiole into slices 1 cm wide, place the slices in a bowl where the workpiece will be cooked, sprinkle with 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar. Remove the zest from one orange. Chop 0.5 kg of oranges into small pieces, removing all the seeds. Oranges with orange juice move to main content. Sprinkle with another tablespoon of sugar. Cover the bowl and let it sit for four hours until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved. Place the pan back on the heat and pour in the contents of one sachet of gelling sugar. Boil the mixture and add the rest of the sugar. Add the grated zest, boil again, and cook for five minutes over low heat.

Recipe with ginger

Wash 1 kg of stems, dry, chop into pieces and place in an enamel saucepan. Pour in a little water and place on a burning flame. Add 1 kilogram of sugar and bring to a boil. Mix with grated ginger root, stirring until cooked. Add the ginger root. It is also acceptable to use dry ginger powder. Stirring occasionally, simmer the mixture over the fire. Determining readiness is quite simple: solid pieces will disappear from the total mass. Cool the jam slightly, transfer it to a glass jar, and put it in the refrigerator.

Rhubarb jam with lemon

Wash 1.5 kg of stems, peel off the skin, chop into pieces, add 1 kg of granulated sugar, let stand for 8 hours until the juice begins to stand out. As soon as the time is up, move the container to the stove, bring to a boil, let the jam boil for 5 minutes, and then leave for 12 hours. Add grated lemon, place on the stove over medium heat, and cook for 10 minutes. Transfer to previously prepared containers and secure with tin lids.

Be sure to treat your guests to the preparation described.

Jam with orange peels

Remove the peel from 1 kg of pink stems, chop into square slices, add 1.3 kg of sugar, and place in a cool place for several hours. During this time, the sugar should dissolve. Place the syrup on low heat for 10 minutes, cook for about forty minutes, being sure to remove the foam. Cover the prepared hot treat with plastic lids. First, it is better to cover the rolls with parchment paper. To add a piquant taste, you can add it to the recipe. ground ginger.

Recipe with strawberry gelatin

Combine 3 tbsp. sugar and 5 cups chopped rhubarb, cover with a lid and leave overnight. After a day, stir the ingredients and place on medium flame. Let the contents boil, continue cooking while stirring for another 12 minutes. Remove the container, mix with bags of strawberry jelly, place in containers, roll up the jars, and place on the refrigerator shelf.

Try it too.

Here's another interesting cooking option:

Mix 1 jar of chopped pineapples with 5 cups of chopped rhubarb petioles and 4 tbsp. granulated sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat and continue to cook for 10 minutes, stirring regularly. Sterilize the container. Remove, add a bag of strawberry powder, place in heated containers, screw on the lids, boil for a quarter of an hour and place in the refrigerator for storage.

Option with raspberries

Mix 1.2 kg of peeled rhubarb in a cup and leave overnight to release the juice. Drain it through a sieve into a container and boil for several minutes over very low heat. Add 300 g of fresh raspberries, boil, stir, continue cooking for 5 minutes. Fill sterile jars with treats and secure with tin lids.

Rhubarb is considered very healthy because it contains ascorbic acid, pectin, sugars, rutin, malic and other acids. That is why rhubarb is canned in order to enjoy not only tasty, but also healthy jam.

It is necessary to harvest rhubarb and, therefore, preserve it only until mid-June. Experienced housewives believe that it is not advisable to do this later, since hot weather and increased temperatures in summer provoke coarsening of the petioles. And oxalic acid begins to accumulate in rhubarb. And, as you know, it is not harmless.

If you collect rhubarb in time, you can use it to make jam, compotes, candied fruits, jelly, pie filling, etc.

Rhubarb jam - preparing dishes

It is important to note that rhubarb should not be cooked in tin or copper containers as this may cause oxidation. Pots and bowls made from other materials are quite suitable for cooking. Rhubarb jam should be rolled into prepared jars. In particular, glass jars must be cleaned with baking soda and then sterilized.

Rhubarb jam - preparing the fruit

As already noted, rhubarb must be harvested in early summer. Cut stems should be peeled with a knife to remove very thin skin. If you don’t do this, the pieces in the jam will turn out tough. And after cleaning, the rhubarb petioles can be cut into pieces and further cooked.

Rhubarb jam - recipe 1

To make rhubarb jam you will need one kilogram of rhubarb and sugar. The cooking method is very simple.

1. Rhubarb must be washed, dried, and then cut into cubes (no need to peel off the skin).
2. The prepared rhubarb cubes should be placed in a saucepan, covered with a kilogram of sugar, and left for a day so that the rhubarb gives juice.
3. After a day, the contents of the pan should be mixed, and then put on low heat.
4. Stirring occasionally, this rhubarb jam should be cooked after boiling for 10-15 minutes - no more.
5. After waiting until the jam has cooled, put it cold into jars and close with plastic lids.
6. This jam should be stored in a cool place.

Rhubarb jam - recipe 2

Rhubarb jam can also be made with the addition of cherry leaves. The ingredients you need to use are a kilogram of rhubarb, a kilogram of sugar, 100 grams of cherry leaves and 200 grams of water.

The cooking method is as follows:

1. You need to take young rhubarb petioles and wash them. Then cut into small pieces so that the length of the pieces is equal to the width of the petioles.
2. You will also need to boil the sugar syrup. In particular, syrup is made from a kilogram of granulated sugar and a glass of water. And during the cooking process, you should add a handful (about 50 grams) of cherry leaves to it. In this case, you should wait until the granulated sugar is completely dissolved, and then remove the cherry leaves.
3. Directly pour boiling syrup over the previously prepared pieces of rhubarb.
4. The mass must be cooled, then add another 50 grams of fresh cherry leaves. And together with the leaves, bring the jam to a boil. Cook until done, determined by the transparent petioles and thick syrup.
5. The still hot jam is packaged in pre-sterilized jars and rolled up. This rhubarb jam has a very pleasant smell of cherry leaves.

Rhubarb jam - recipe 3

You can make jam from rhubarb and oranges. Rhubarb and oranges should be taken in the ratio of half a kilogram of oranges per kilogram of rhubarb, that is, maintaining a ratio of 2 to 1. You will also need half a kilogram of sugar with a bag of gelling sugar for jam or a kilogram of regular sugar (but in this case it will take longer to cook the jam).

1. First you need to cut the rhubarb into small pieces of about 1 centimeter, put the chopped rhubarb in a bowl in which the jam will be cooked and sprinkle with 2 tablespoons of sugar.
2. You will also need the zest of one orange, which can be removed with a knife or using a grater.
3. The peelless oranges themselves should be cut into small pieces, removing all the seeds.
4. Oranges, as well as the juice released when cutting the fruit, should be added to the rhubarb, then sprinkle the whole thing with another tablespoon of sugar.
5. The dishes must be covered and then left for 4 hours - during this time the sugar will completely dissolve.
6. After four hours, the pan should be put on fire and be sure to add the contents of a packet of gelling sugar (half a kilogram of regular sugar per kilogram of fruit).
7. Bring the mixture to a boil and pour the remaining sugar into the pan. Add grated zest there, then let the jam boil again. After this, the jam must be cooked at a low boil for another 5 minutes.
8. Hot jam should be poured into jars and then immediately closed with lids.

There is a very simple way to make rhubarb jam more appetizing. When cooking jam, when the mixture has already reached a boil, you should remove it from the heat and let it stand for about 6 hours. Only after this the jam is put back on the fire. This procedure can be repeated three times, the last time bringing the jam to readiness. This is a more troublesome method of preparation, but the syrup in the jam will turn out transparent, and the pieces of rhubarb themselves will look like candied fruit.

By the way, you can make the finished jam more fragrant by adding just a little cinnamon during cooking.

We are used to jam being made from raspberries, strawberries, currants and other berries. However, rhubarb jam is no less popular. Yes, don't be surprised, but this perennial grass Great as an ingredient for jam. As a result, the product turns out not only tasty, but also healthy, because it’s no secret that rhubarb has a mass.

Before I tell you a few recipes for rhubarb jam, I would like to tell you how to prepare raw materials and give a couple of recommendations.

If you decide to make rhubarb jam, then you should hurry up with the preparation of raw materials. It is necessary to collect the plant before mid-June, since later the stems become stiff and oxalic acid accumulates in them, which is not in the best possible way affect not only the quality of the product, but will also pose a certain threat to health.

Once you have collected the rhubarb stalks, you need to remove the thin skins from them, otherwise they will be tough.

You should not prepare jam in tin or copper containers, as this may lead to oxidation. It is advisable to store the product in glass jars in a dark and cool place.

After we have informed you about the preparation stage, you can move on to what this article was intended for - to present to your attention a couple of interesting recipes for rhubarb jam.

Classic rhubarb jam

You will need:

  • rhubarb stems – 1 kg,
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the rhubarb stems, dry and cut into cubes.
  • Place the chopped rhubarb in a non-metallic saucepan and add sugar. Leave it for a day.
  • After the designated time, stir the jam and place on low heat.
  • Stirring the jam periodically, bring it to a boil; after boiling, you need to cook a little more (no more than a quarter of an hour).
  • Place the cooled rhubarb jam in glass jars and cover with plastic lids. Store in the refrigerator.

Rhubarb jam with cherry leaves

You will need:

  • rhubarb stems – 1 kg,
  • sugar – 1 kg,
  • cherry leaves – 100 g,
  • water – 200 ml.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the rhubarb stems and cut into small cubes.
  • Now you should cook syrup from sugar and water. During cooking, add half of the cherry leaves. As soon as the sugar dissolves, remove the leaves.
  • Pour boiling syrup over rhubarb.
  • Add the remaining cherry leaves to the cooled rhubarb jam and bring the mixture to a boil again, then cook for several minutes until the jam is completely ready (the rhubarb petioles should become transparent and the syrup should become thick). We take out the leaves
  • Pour the hot jam into pre-sterilized jars and roll up the lids. Store in a dark, cool place.

Rhubarb jam with oranges

You will need:

  • rhubarb stems – 1 kg,
  • orange – 0.5 kg,
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the rhubarb stems, dry them and cut them into small pieces.
  • Place the rhubarb in a saucepan and sprinkle with a little sugar.
  • Peel the oranges (do not throw away the zest, we will need it during the cooking process), cut into small pieces, remove the seeds.
  • Mix oranges and rhubarb. Leave the mixture for 4 hours for the sugar to dissolve.
  • After the designated time has passed, put the pan with rhubarb and oranges on the fire, add half a kilogram of sugar and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • As soon as the jam boils, add the remaining sugar, grated orange zest and bring the jam to a boil again.
  • After boiling, the jam should be cooked for another 5 minutes over low heat.
  • Pour hot rhubarb and orange jam into jars and close with lids.

By the way, according to this recipe you can prepare rhubarb jam not only with oranges, but also with lemons, and even with pineapples. Experiment!

Rhubarb jam with ginger “Five Minute”

“Pyatiminutka” is the name given to jams that are boiled for 5 minutes. As a result, the prepared product retains all beneficial features ingredients that usually do not provide as much benefit after longer heat treatment. This jam must be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise it may spoil.

You will need:

  • rhubarb stems – 1 kg,
  • ginger – 1 root,
  • sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the rhubarb stems, dry them a little and cut them into pieces 1.5 centimeters long. We put it in a non-metal pan.
  • Add some water. We put it on fire.
  • Add sugar. Bring to a boil.
  • Add finely grated ginger (if you can’t find fresh, you can use dry ginger powder).
  • Stirring occasionally, the jam should be simmered on the fire until cooked. You can tell that the rhubarb jam is ready by the fact that there are no more solid pieces left in the total mass.
  • Rhubarb and ginger jam should be cooled slightly, transferred to a glass container and stored in the refrigerator.

Rhubarb jam in three stages

You will need:

  • rhubarb stems – 1.5 kg,
  • sugar – 1 kg,
  • lemon – 1 piece.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the rhubarb, peel the skin, cut into pieces about 0.5 cm thick. Add sugar and leave for 6-8 hours for the rhubarb to release its juice.
  • After the specified time has passed, place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. Let the jam simmer for five minutes and remove from heat.
  • Leave the rhubarb jam for 12 hours, then bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes.
  • The jam should again be left for 12 hours. Then add finely grated or blended lemon (with peel) to it. Place on the fire and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Pour hot jam into jars and close with lids. We put it in the refrigerator.

As you can see, dear visitors of our portal, jam is made not only from berries; rhubarb can also be an excellent ingredient. Have you ever made jam with the addition of this plant? Share with us the recipe and your secrets of preparing it in the comments to this article.

contains a lot of vitamins and microelements. Many housewives make jams, jams, jellies and, of course, jam. In our article we will consider how to make rhubarb jam for the winter in simple terms recipes Below are the verified rhubarb jam recipes classical, with orange, lemon and banana.


Experienced gardeners advise preserving and harvesting plants until mid-June. It is not recommended to do this later, since the heat stimulates the coarsening of the petioles, oxalic acid accumulates in them, which is unsafe for health. If harvested on time, it will yield various delicacies with an indescribable taste.


To succeed cook quality product, you should be careful when preparing the dishes.

Important! Jam should not be cooked in copper or tin containers, as they provoke oxidation processes, which distort the taste of the jam and may also be unsafe for health.

Roll up jam should be placed in pre-processed jars. If glassware will be used, it must be cleaned with soda and disinfected with steam. The preparation of containers should be carried out carefully so that the cans do not crack under the influence of high temperatures.

How to properly sterilize containers jam:

  • wash the jars, check for chips and cracks, it is advisable to use new ones;
  • Place an iron sieve on a pan filled with liquid, place inverted jars on it, the water will boil and steam over them;
  • Place the dishes without turning them over on the prepared surface, preferably a thin towel.

The procedure will take 15-20 minutes. For safety reasons, you can use an apron and special gloves.

Another method for preparing jars:

  • after washing, place in the oven at 160 degrees;
  • heat until the moisture evaporates.


The cut stems are peeled with a knife to remove the thin skin. If you don't this procedure, then in jam There will be hard pieces present.

Then rhubarb must be cut into cubes.

Recipes for rhubarb jam for the winter



  • 1 kg fresh rhubarb;
  • 1 kg sugar.

The cooking process is quite simple:

  1. Wash the plant, dry it, cut into squares. It is better to remove the skin;
  2. Place the cut pieces in a container, add 1 kg of granulated sugar, leave for 1 day to rhubarb gave juice;
  3. The next day, stir the mixture thoroughly and simmer over low heat;
  4. Stirring occasionally, cook for 15 minutes after boiling;
  5. When jam When it cools down, pour it into jars and cover with polyethylene lids.

Store in a cool place.

Watch the video! Rhubarb jam

With oranges

Required Products:

  • 1 kg rhubarb;
  • 1 kg sugar;
  • 1 orange.

Method preparations:

  1. Pre-cut the fruits into cubes.
  2. Sprinkle 2 tbsp on top. spoons of sugar;
  3. Finely chop the peeled citrus fruits, remove the seeds;
  4. Zest with orange remove with a knife or using a grater;
  5. Oranges peel off the skin, cut into small pieces, removing the seeds;
  6. Dishes with jam cover, leave for 4 hours - during this period the sugar will dissolve;
  7. After 4 hours, place the container on the stove and add 4 tbsp. spoons of gelling sugar;
  8. After boiling, pour the remaining granulated sugar into the bowl. Put the zest there, then boil again. Then, the dish boil 5 more minutes.

Place the resulting dessert into jars while hot.

With lemon

Required Products:

  • 1.7 kg rhubarb;
  • 1.2 kg sugar;
  • 1 lemon.

How to cook:

  • Rinse rhubarb, peel off film and cut;
  • place the pieces in an enamel bowl, add sugar, mix everything;
  • leave jam for 7 hours, then boil and cook 10 minutes more;
  • remove from heat, leave again jam at 9 o'clock;
  • again boil mixture, let stand for 12 hours, again boil 10 minutes;
  • after boiling, add chopped lemon with zest, cook 10 minutes.

Place the mixture in pre-sterilized jars and wait until it cools completely. Store the product in a cool place.

With banana

Required Products:

  • 1 kg peeled rhubarb;
  • 0.6 kg bananas;
  • 1 kg granulated sugar.

Cooking process:

  1. Wash the petioles, peel them and cut them in a convenient way;
  2. Place in a bowl, add sugar, let stand for 6 hours;
  3. Cut the pulp bananas rings, add to rhubarb and put on low heat;
  4. Stirring, simmer until boiling, then cook 10 minutes, be sure to remove the foam, otherwise jam may sour;
  5. Afterwards, put the finished dessert into jars. Sterilize containers in advance. Cover the jars and leave for a day. Keep refrigerated.

To cook really tasty product, it is important to follow the advice from experienced chefs:

  1. During the cooking period, when the mixture is already boiling, turn off the heat and let it sit for about 5 hours. Then put it on the stove again, repeat the same steps 3 more times. This cooking method requires more time and labor, but the syrup will be transparent, and the pieces of petioles themselves will look like candied fruit;
  2. To give the dish a special pleasant smell, you can add a little cinnamon to it;
  3. Store jars of finished dessert in a dark place, preferably in the basement, for no more than a year.

Interesting! Rhubarb is not only used to make delicious delicacies; this plant has a unique history.

  1. Rhubarb considered a popular product in England. There it is customary to eat it in any form - raw and as a jam, jam;
  2. The plant is grown in greenhouse conditions and harvested at night by candlelight so that the plant does not lose its delicate taste and natural color;
  3. In America rhubarb has another name - “pie plant”. It is often used in cooking baking to create the filling;
  4. Candied fruits, kvass, vitamin mixtures from illnesses respiratory tract with the addition of ginger root.

Rhubarb jam- This is not only an incomparable delicacy, but also a storehouse of vitamins. It contains ascorbic acid, pectin, sugars, rutin, malic and other acids. Jam prepared for the winter will be a real treat for the whole family. It has a sweetish-sour taste that cannot be compared with anything else.

Watch the video! Rhubarb jam

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