The baby cries in his sleep for 3 months. Why does a baby cry in his sleep: we answer the question. Why does a baby cry in his sleep?

Biorhythms, which make us active or, conversely, make us tired and want to sleep, return to normal after three to four months of the baby’s life, and are finally formed by the age of two years. When a baby is not yet a month old, his sleep and activity cycle lasts 90 minutes. That is, three hours. This is the basis for feeding every three hours. By three months, this cycle is increasingly stabilized. The child may no longer wake up after 00.00, falling asleep at 21.00 and waking up around 05.00 - 06.00. If the night passes calmly, the mother also gets enough sleep and can breastfeed the baby normally.

At two years old, the baby’s sleeping and waking habits become stable. But at the same time, this age can be a milestone when a turning point occurs in the child’s personality, and he wants more attention. Then it may be difficult to put the baby down.

Why does a child cry in his sleep?

  • Newborns crying at night may be caused by tummy pain.
  • The cause of a baby's crying at 3-4 months may be bloating, and at 4-5 months it may be due to teething. At this moment, the baby may have a fever, and he needs increased attention moms.
  • Up to a year old, a child may cry at night when they discover that mom and dad are not around. Another reason for a baby crying at night may be a sharp noise, loud sounds. Between the ages of 2 and 3 years, children can be very sensitive to pain, especially sensitive to fear. Therefore, you must always be prepared to pay attention to the child and calm him down in time.
  • You should know that sleep infant half consists of an active phase, and half of a passive one. The child tends to wake up precisely in the active phase - the phase of superficial sleep. You need to be prepared for this situation, to react to how the child tosses and turns, maybe moans in his sleep or tries to say something.

How to ensure your baby has a restful sleep?

In order for your child to wake up less at night, his room needs to have:

  1. Optimal air temperature (18-20 degrees)
  2. No drafts
  3. The baby's room should be well ventilated
  4. If a child is afraid of the dark, a soft, dim lamp should be lit at night.
  5. There should be no sharp or loud sounds in the room or house at all.
  6. The room should not have many carpets on the walls and floor to prevent dust from accumulating
  7. A child can sleep with a favorite toy if it helps him feel calmer
  8. Mom and dad should always be ready to get up and calm a crying baby. This way he will feel safe.

In such conditions, you will forget about this nightmare question; “Why does a child cry in his sleep?”, and the child’s crying will occur much less often because the parents have done everything possible for the comfort of their baby.

After the birth of the baby, parents must be mentally prepared for sleepless nights. A baby's biorhythms are different from those of adults. The child sleeps often, but little by little. However, a baby's crying in his sleep can alert young parents and cause anxiety. There are many reasons for crying in your sleep. They can have not only physiological, but also psychological character. You can figure out the reasons for your baby’s behavior without the help of a specialist; the main thing is to monitor his behavior. Let's look at the most common reasons for a child crying at night at the age of three months, as well as ways to solve them.

Reasons for a baby crying in his sleep

A child aged three months is very sensitive to any discomfort. Therefore, a baby at this age cannot be left unattended, and if he starts crying, you need to approach him.

The main reasons for crying include:

  1. Colic. The most common reason for a baby crying in his sleep. Children aged 3-4 months very often experience unpleasant feeling in the abdominal area. It has to do with immaturity. nervous system, which regulates the work gastrointestinal tract, lack of enzymes for digesting food and flatulence. If the cause of night crying is colic, you need to contact a pediatrician who will prescribe special drops or herbal teas, but the most the best way The treatment is mother's warmth. It is necessary to stroke the baby's tummy or press his tummy to you.
  2. Hunger. Many parents prefer to feed their baby on a schedule. It can also cause nighttime crying. The fact is that when feeding a baby on demand during the first months of life, he establishes a comfortable eating regimen. In this case, the baby may not wake up for 4-5 hours at night. When feeding "by the clock" you must be prepared for nighttime crying and the need to feed every 2-3 hours.
  3. Wet diaper. If you want your baby to sleep soundly and not cry in his sleep, we recommend using disposable diapers at night.
  4. Lack of parents nearby. The baby is accustomed to falling asleep next to his mother during feeding. Waking up at night and not feeling his mother, he may start crying. To calm your baby down, just pick him up and rock him to sleep. You can also teach your child to fall asleep on his own. To do this, do not approach him if he wakes up and starts crying. Give yourself time to calm down and fall asleep on your own.
  5. Uncomfortable air temperature. Small child very sensitive to the temperature of the room in which he sleeps. Therefore, if the room is too cold or stuffy, he may cry in his sleep. Therefore, ventilate the room as often as possible and maintain its temperature at about 20°C.

If you do everything possible to create a comfortable environment for your baby to sleep at night, he will wake up and cry much less often. However, young parents need to be patient. In order for a child to feel safe, parents must be ready to calm a crying baby at any time.

baby crying- the ability to convey information to parents about the lack of any need or the occurrence of discomfort.
A baby cries in his sleep for a number of different reasons. Every family goes through the test of crying. Let's look at the reasons for children's tears at night and how the whole family can live with them.

Newborn babies

Newborns need constant outside care. Tears are an alarm signal and should not be ignored.

An infant cries in his sleep.

    1. . Internal organs The baby gets used to mother's milk or an adapted milk formula. This process is often accompanied by colic in the intestinal area.
    2. Pain. Symptoms such as: runny nose, (otitis media - inflammation in the ear canal), cough. It is during sleep, when the body is in a horizontal position, that the exacerbation of diseases begins.
    3. Mom isn't around. Children very quickly get used to their mother's presence: body warmth, calm heartbeat and breathing, quiet voice.
    4. Teeth. Discomfort during teething accompanies every baby, starting from 5-6 months.
    5. Hunger. A growing body needs regular feeding. The choice of each family remains with it, whether feeding will be on demand or by the hour.
    6. Thirst. The body loses fluid and needs to be replenished.
    7. The atmosphere in the room. Dry air in an unventilated room with high temperature create discomfort during sleep.

In children's tears there is positive sides. It is with the help of sobs once

lungs curl. There is nothing more effective than this method. 15 minutes of crying a day is preventive. The tears that we see on our cheeks still flow down our nasolacrimal duct. They contain lysozyme (an antibacterial enzyme), which contributes to a kind of antibacterial therapy


  • The baby pulls his legs towards his stomach, clenches his fists tightly, and shows activity. The crying is even and incessant. Taking the breast into his mouth, he falls asleep, but immediately wakes up with another cry. These are signs of colic in the intestines;
  • The baby was sweating, his clothes were wet, and the hair on the back of his head was matted. When you take him in your arms, the crying intensifies. These are signs of overheating. The temperature in the room where the child sleeps exceeds 18-20 degrees. In newborns, heat exchange is not yet developed, and it can regulate body temperature through breathing. It is easier to do this by inhaling cool air;
  • At first the baby cries quietly, then louder. Taking him in his arms, he shakes his head in search of a breast or a bottle. If he is not understood, the tears turn into a hysterical scream. It is also called hungry crying;
  • The baby begins to scream loudly and heart-rendingly and rub his hands on his face, eyes and ears. When pressing on the gums, the scream becomes stronger. It's teething infant cries in her sleep because the pain always intensifies at night;
  • Intermittent sobbing (whines for 7 seconds, silence for 20, screams for 10 seconds, remains silent for another 20). This cry is a call. If you take a baby in your arms, he immediately calms down and becomes quiet;
  • . For such first-years, a cry can mean her loss. As soon as the pacifier is put in the mouth, the baby begins to suck on it and calms down.

Children over one year old

Children over one year of age are also susceptible to nighttime tears. They grow and there are more reasons to cry.

Reasons for crying at night in children over one year old

  1. Binge eating. A child who overeats at night is subjected to heavy sleep with awakenings.
  2. Failure to adhere to a routine during the day creates difficulties for child's body when falling asleep and throughout sleep.
  3. Gadgets. and passion for computer games leads to the creation of frightening images during sleep.
  4. Increased emotionality. Tears can be caused by an unhealthy atmosphere in the family, negative experiences during the day.
  5. Nyctophobia (fear of the dark). There are children who various reasons afraid of the dark.
  6. Overexcitement. Active games in the evening and fun lead to the same night.


  • The child was offered to eat his favorite sandwich for dinner. He will be pleased, but fatty food may cause night screams;
  • Today the little one fell asleep at 21.00 (without nap), tomorrow at 23.00 (I was watching my favorite movie), the day after tomorrow at 01.00 (I couldn’t sleep). In this mode it is difficult to fall asleep, and even more difficult to sleep through the night;
  • The kid asked to play a little on the computer in the evening before going to bed or watch a cartoon. By allowing a little fun, you expose the child to memorizing unnecessary information that will haunt him in his sleep, causing terrible dreams;
  • Children over one year old become active even at night, and crying can mean inconvenience: an arm or leg gets stuck, tangled in a sheet, opens up or covers itself with a blanket and pillow;
  • During the day, the little one witnessed a quarrel between his parents, lost his favorite toy, and did not learn a poem. These experiences can cause sleep disturbance;
  • Cheerful music or fun in the evening can overstimulate a child. It will be difficult to calm him down to sleep and throughout the night.

Anxieties and fears

Anxiety is a stable state of anxiety, characterized by frequent repetitions in different situations.
Fear is an emotional reaction to an external stimulus.

Children prone to fears and anxiety behave restlessly both during the day and at night. Such children don't sleep well, cry and scream a lot in their sleep. It is difficult to wake them up during an attack. They have increased heart rate, increased heart rate and breathing, increased sweating, increased blood pressure.

Types of fears:

  1. Visual. The baby sees non-existent objects or images;
  2. Impermanent images. The child dreams of simple pictures. Such fears arise in cases of serious illness;
  3. Same. Such a dream always follows one scenario. Accompanied by movements, incoherent speech, urination;
  4. Emotional. At the moment of emotional shock, the child experiences everything again in a dream. Accompanied by crying and screaming.

For children who show anxiety, a quiet, favorable environment should be created in the home. Parents should pay more attention, especially before bedtime. Read, talk, put you to bed, hold your hand. The main thing is that he feels your protection.

What to do if a child cries in his sleep

you need to pick him up and talk to him calmly. Crying? We try to feed, check the diaper, give a pacifier. We check the temperature, uncomfortable clothes, bed. Does the crying continue? The last option remains - pain. The cause may be bloating, ear inflammation, etc. Your pediatrician will help you with diagnosis and treatment.

Every mother is familiar with baby crying at night, and often its cause is difficult to determine. We will try to tell you why a child cries in his sleep and what parents should do in different situations.

Newborn babies

Babies cry in their sleep when they feel the slightest discomfort: a wet diaper, cold or heat, tummy pain or hunger. So the crying of a baby cannot be ignored; you definitely need to approach the child.

  1. Intestinal colic. Newborn babies often experience tummy pain. At the same time, they strain their legs, jerk them, and the babies pass gas. For such a case, you can purchase special drops or get by dill water and tea with the addition of fennel. And be sure to stroke the baby’s tummy clockwise - mother’s affection always helps ().
  2. Lack of mother nearby. Usually newborn babies fall asleep either in their mother's arms or next to her. When a child stops feeling his mother's presence, he begins to cry in his sleep. In this situation, just take the baby into your arms until he falls asleep again. Or you can teach your baby to fall asleep on his own. To do this, be patient for 3 days (this is the period that allows you to retrain the baby). When your baby wakes up and starts crying, just be patient and let him fall asleep on his own. Although this method causes a lot of controversy. An article about
  3. Teeth. At 4-5 months, any mother encounters the problem of teething. So, promptly purchase pain relief gel from the pharmacy and smear your baby’s gums before bed. Both your doctor and your pharmacist will help you choose the right gel. Article about the period
  4. Hunger. Immediately after birth, babies should establish a feeding schedule. If you feed your baby according to his demand, then gradually he will get used to sleeping at night for about 5 hours and not waking up. But if you have made the decision to feed your baby on a “schedule”, then be prepared for nightly tears and feeding demands.
  5. Hot or cold room. Another reason why a child may cry in his sleep is a hot, stuffy or, conversely, cold room. Ventilate your baby’s room more often and maintain its temperature at 20-22 degrees.

A child cries in his sleep:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Children after one year

The question is why do children cry in their sleep? aged one year and older , deeper. Children after two years begin to have nightmares. The reason may be not only various experiences, but also banal overeating, disruption of the daily routine, or too active pastime before going to bed.

  1. Nightmares can be caused by eating a heavy or heavy dinner. Let last appointment The baby will eat 2 hours before bedtime, but not later. Food should be light. A daily routine will help you avoid sleep problems. If a child goes to bed at the same time, then his body does not have to experience stress and the likelihood of nightmares is minimal. With rare exceptions (trips, guests), the time when the baby goes to bed should not deviate by more than an hour.
  2. To set your child up for rest, come up with a traditional bedtime activity. This could be reading a book or an evening walk. The main thing is that the activity is calm and the child associates it with getting ready for bed. Active games before bed lead to overstimulation. Not only does it become difficult for the child to fall asleep, but his psyche may react too aggressively to such fun.
  3. One common reason why babies may cry in their sleep is computer games and watching TV. Nightmares can be caused not only by games and films with elements of violence, but also by harmless cartoons. Therefore, reduce your child's exposure to computers and TV, especially before bed.
  4. Emotional turmoil may haunt your baby. This could be a conflict with peers, arguing in the family, anxiety before a test, fear during the day, resentment. If you notice that something is bothering your baby, then try to cheer him up before going to bed. Speak kind words to your baby and support him.
  5. Nightmares can be caused by a fear of the dark. If your baby is afraid to sleep without light, then let him fall asleep with a night light. This will help the child feel protected and avoid unnecessary fears before bed.

Many children may cry in their sleep, and most often they will not. serious reasons for concern. Try to protect your child from negative emotions, support your baby, don’t be afraid to show your care and love. Be friends with your baby, watch him and sleep peacefully!
