All about carrier pigeons. Homing pigeons

Carrier pigeons are considered unique birds. They have been used for many centuries to send the most critical and important messages over long distances. Nowadays, such birds are often called sporting (by the way, videos of such events are very popular), since they can often be found at various competitions among specialists in breeding and training birds. It is worth noting that there is no specific division into breeds, but the qualities of “postmen” can be seen in birds that were carefully selected among other relatives and were subjected to special training.

In principle, specialists use such a term as “carrier pigeons” less often than before. Nowadays the name “sports pigeons” has become more popular. In addition, in this century modern technologies With actively developing communication capabilities, they have no practical application. We can say that such birds can only be used in specialized competitions. Also, a characteristic feature of all postal breeds can be considered their special adaptation to their place of residence. They are able to fly several hundred kilometers to the place where the letter was sent and return home safely, finding their home even after several weeks. Ornithological scientists have been studying this phenomenon for a long time, trying to understand the unique nature of birds of this breed. After watching amazing videos about those birds that even after several months return to their homes, you can understand amazing ability birds navigate in space.

Specifics of the origin of postal types

Pigeons have been known to mankind since ancient times. For the first time, pigeons were used as postmen in the territory Ancient Egypt. Records of their use date back as far as 5,000 years ago. Also, around the same period of time, scientists found ancient records of such birds in the Ancient East. Then bird messengers served to convey business letters, messages and love letters between residents of areas far from each other. By the way, such notes were called “pigeongrams.” In this case, the message was attached directly to the pigeons’ legs or necks. And the letter itself was written on fabric or papyrus. Already during the bloody medieval crusades birds were used by kings and princes for their messages to vassals. Often the letters served as orders to attack enemy positions, etc. The descendants of modern birds of this breed are considered to be their Belgian counterparts. By the way, Belgian pigeons were initially divided into 3 breeds according to special characteristics:

  • Antwerp;
  • Lüttichskie;
  • Brussels sprouts

However, after some time, a decision was made to combine them into one breed.

Previously, all technical means of communication were poorly developed. Before the invention of radio, birds were used almost everywhere, so their breeding was a prestigious profession and was considered a very important occupation. They were simply irreplaceable in those days. There were repeated cases, when in those days those who loved to explore the world on balloons got into accidents and the only thing that saved them from death was the postal breeds of birds. By the way, such cases were subsequently filmed and shown in thematic videos. But, unfortunately, modern communications have made practical use pigeons are ineffective. However, lovers of breeding these beautiful birds still engage in their favorite activity for the love of beauty.

Applications of birds

As already mentioned, using them in practice as postmen is, in principle, not effective. But pigeon breeding competitions are still being held. Interest in this activity increases from year to year, and the number of competitions increases. You can see many thematic videos on resources dedicated to breeding representatives of this breed. Any birds are allowed to participate in such competitions, regardless of their parameters, i.e. age and gender do not matter.

To participate in competitions you need to train for a very long time, and there are also certain nuances in the conditions of their detention. When the bird reaches the age of 3 years, it can be released far from home (from 1000 km). Special videos can easily teach all the features of this process.

Features of keeping and feeding this breed

It is recommended to feed birds abundantly, because they require special conditions. Usually the norm for 7 days is 410 g. and with increased feeding, the amount is doubled. Feeding is done three times a day, preferably at the same specific time period. In winter, food is made more saturated. Birds should only be kept in rooms that are absolutely dry, and there should be constant access to water.

Various types of birds

The classification of such birds is quite diverse, but there is no clear division. But the most famous and ancient species can still be identified. These include:

  • German;
  • Russian postal;
  • English quarries;
  • Antwerp, etc.

Each of them has its own characteristics and characteristics that made them popular. The first two categories are the most popular among amateurs, but the ethnic relatives from Belgium are also not far behind them. Next, let's take a closer look at each of these categories of sporting birds.


Such flyers were the result of the painstaking work of livestock specialists from Germany. Antwerp and English individuals were crossed with each other. At the very beginning, after hatching, they looked more like ornamental birds. Their exterior was excellent, but their flight qualities were difficult to call outstanding. Breeders sought to breed fast-flying, early-maturing and attractive individuals. They were compact, the neck was long, and the beak was short. At the same time, the tail is short, the legs are high. Different plumage colors made it possible to obtain the most attractive individual.


This species was characterized by external similarity to its German counterpart, but the head was more elegant and the beak was sharp. The wings are quite strong, but the legs have no feathers. Rings around the eyes white, and the eyes themselves are red-orange. At the same time, plumage colors are either white or variegated with a wide variety of color combinations. There is also the most significant branch - Ostankino. Their eyes are black.


It was the distant ancestors of these birds that were used in Ancient China and Egypt for thousands of years to transmit postal messages. They arrived on the European continent only in the 14th century. At the same time, the most better quality, which have crankcases with excellent external characteristics. The birds' bodies are large, and their plumage is quite rigid. The posture is proud. The head is relatively small. The eyes are distinctly brownish-yellow or completely Brown color. The paws are strong.

Antwerp or Belgian

The oldest breed of pigeon on the continent, created in the early 19th century. The chest is well developed, and the body itself has a rounded outline. The head is also rounded, but of medium size, it sits on a medium neck. Dark eyes and pale eyelid colors, and the wings are close to the body, the tail is narrow. As for colors, they are very diverse: brown, gray, gray, black and even red.

Birds of sporting species are excellent flyers and quite attractive. Many hobbyists prefer to breed them. Any breed can cause mass positive emotions and impressions to their owner. But the peculiarities of breeding and training birds do not always allow novice bird lovers to achieve results. However, if you have enough experience in keeping sporting breeds, then they can only bring you pleasure.

He who owns pigeons owns the world. Not so long ago famous aphorism could have been rephrased this way. Now carrier pigeons cannot compete digital technologies, but pigeon breeding has also transformed.

At all times, carrier pigeons have been active participants in hostilities. The first mention of them occurs before the beginning of our era - in 45. Then they delivered correspondence from the besieged city of Modena.

Pigeon mail reached national scale already in the 12th century, in Egypt. Among the first postmen were the Carriers, Bagdet and Skanderun.

The Belgians, French and British made a great contribution to improving postal characteristics. Antwerp and Lütich pigeons are at the origins of almost all modern sporting breeds.

The first European competitions were held at the beginning of the 19th century. In Russia, pigeon sport took shape at the end of the 19th century, experienced years of decline and new strength revived in the 30s of the XX century.

Feathered postmen were of great importance during the Great Patriotic War. Then the time of oblivion came for them. Only in the 70s of the XX century. The homing pigeon population began to grow. Enthusiasts appeared. Successful breeding work began on the basis of old breeds and those imported from abroad.

The sporting achievements of homing pigeons of domestic selection, prize-winning places in international competitions, allow us to talk about the serious success of our enthusiasts. They have surpassed their foreign colleagues in many ways.

Abilities of Postman Pigeons

Homing pigeons are capable of covering up to 80 km/h. The initial speed is up to 100 km/h. They have excellent terrain orientation. The best of them can find a house from a distance of 1000 km. Regular training allows you to achieve great endurance, which affects the time in flight. Often it reaches 12 hours.

The standard flight altitude is up to 400 m. Postmen do not fly at night. At this time, they are difficult to find: they stop in deserted places at high altitudes with good visibility.

The feeling of home works not only for stationary dovecotes, but also for mobile ones. This serves as the basis for their selection. The pigeons do not find the recipient - they fly home.

Main breeds

There are no significant, striking differences among the breeds of carrier pigeons. For further breeding, individuals that have demonstrated the most desirable flight qualities are retained.

Carrier pigeons can be described as strong, harmoniously built birds with a developed chest and strong bones. Powerful shoulder girdle, good muscles. A flat back and adjacent dense plumage, providing aerodynamic properties to the body. Long wings, narrow tail, bare legs. They can be of any color; there are variegated ones. In addition, they have excellent vision, endurance, high flight speed and, most importantly, home instinct.


The English homing pigeon is characterized by a straightforward, swift summer. Homing pigeons have been used for several centuries. Known throughout the world as the English Quarries.

They reach 46 cm. The body is powerful. The posture is proud. The cere is warty, and there are also growths under the beak. The eyelids are wrinkled, wide, grayish. The color of the plumage is different, the legs are unfeathered.


The Belgian homing pigeon is no less famous than the English quarries. In contrast, it has a rounded body shape. Characteristicdark eyes, framed by whitish eyelids. Otherwise, the body type is typical for postal breeds.


German postman pigeons are direct descendants of English quarry pigeons and Dutch pigeons. These are compact birds, with a long neck and legs, a small beak, large eyes and a short tail. They are distinguished by their high flight speed.

Russian postal

Russian carrier pigeons this moment are considered the standard among sporting breeds. They consistently take prizes. They are distinguished by long legs, a sharp beak and an elegant head. The tips of the feathers are rounded upward. Various colors.


Not all dog breeds perform well in long distances. Czechs are used over short distances. This homing pigeon, among other things, is a frequent participant in exhibitions.

These are graceful, harmonious birds with a long neck and small tail. Feature– large eyes and a growth on the beak.


Homing pigeons are of great interest to enthusiasts. Various competitions with strict evaluation criteria are regularly held. At the moment, postal breeds are considered sporting, and success in sports depends on training. Of course, a breed cannot do without good heredity, but the champions are those pigeons that are able to cover the maximum distance in the minimum time and know where to fly. The distances are serious: from 300 to 1000 km.

Only conditioned purebred carrier pigeons are allowed for training. There are two schools of study:

  1. In the first case, birds begin to be actively chased from 2 months, usually in moderate climatic zone. Training in the first year is designed to develop terrain orientation skills. Young pigeons must fly a total of no more than 75 km.
  2. In the second - from about 6 months. As a rule, in southern regions. Then the pigeons are faced with the task of flying up to 300 km. Training is carried out at an accelerated pace. Such distances are covered literally after 7–8 flights.

To begin with, the young animals must get used to the owner, learn to independently go out into the enclosure and return to the dovecote. For several days after this, it is recommended to release homing pigeons onto the roof.

The training program then moves from local orienteering to physical endurance. Carrier pigeons are chased in circles for several days, gradually increasing the flight time to 1.5 hours. This must be done before morning feeding.

Homing pigeons are then taught to keep their direction. To begin with, they are released 2–3 km from home. It can be from different directions. Gradually the distance is increased. In this case, one direction is already chosen. A two-month-old pigeon calmly covers 5 km, and it must easily determine where to fly. Subsequently, the distance is increased to 100 km.

Two-year-old pigeons are lifted into the air from short distances from the house. Start with 10 km. Then gradually increase to 300 km.

3- and 4-year-old pigeons make their first flight after winter, 20 and 25 km, respectively. Then the distance is increased to 500 km. Only those who demonstrate stable results and good times are allowed to compete.

Feeding and maintenance

The feeding schedule of homing pigeons differs depending on the time of year. In summer three times a day: until 5.00; at 13.00; at 18.00–20.00. The winter regime involves distributing feed twice a day: before 9.00 and 17.00.

It is recommended not to overfeed carrier pigeons during training and competitions; this acts as a summer stimulus. Saturation can be determined by the goiter (it should be full, but soft). In addition, when the pigeon is full, it immediately goes to the water. After this, the feeders are removed.

When feeding homing pigeons, you can use ready-made feed, but much more often pigeon breeders independently create a diet for their pets. It is important that it is balanced and complete.

The basis for nutrition is grains. These are oats, wheat, corn, barley, millet, buckwheat, rice. IN mandatory Legumes are introduced into the diet. For variety, exotic flax, rapeseed, and hemp. You can't do without sunflower seeds. Flying out of the dovecote, they find and eat weed seeds.

In addition to concentrated feed, homing pigeons need sources of vitamins: fresh herbs and grass. It is recommended to add premixes to grain mixtures. Salt and pebbles are poured into separate feeders and placed clean water. They are washed and disinfected regularly.

The homing pigeon is not picky in feeding and unpretentious in maintenance. It is important that the dovecote is dry and clean. Do not allow the room to overheat summer time, as well as drafts and cold in winter. It is necessary to have windows, including flight windows, an aviary, springboards, nests, and roosts for pigeons indoors. Food must be given in feeders. It is dangerous to spill it on the floor because increased risk infectious infections.

Depending on the breed, stocking density is calculated as follows:

  • for a pair of pigeons large breeds at least 1 m 3 will be required;
  • for a pair of small and medium-sized breeds - 0.5 m 3.

The dovecote is divided into several sections, each of which contains no more than 15 pairs of the same breed. IN winter time pigeons are separated by breed, sex, and also by age and distributed into different sections.

Success in military or commercial operations no longer depends on these pigeons. The romance is gone paper letters. But enthusiasts adapted to the demands of the time. Now the birds have a different mission, the breeds have become athletic, demonstrating the best qualities in competitions.

Carrier pigeons are a special breed of birds that have long been used by people to transmit small messages and mail. The carrier pigeon is already hatching for a long time specifically for transmitting letters over long distances. Birds of this breed are trained to deliver over a certain period of time. Main feature postage is good spatial orientation. They can return back to the dovecote from anywhere on Earth. It is still not known exactly how they manage to do this. According to one version, these individuals are oriented in the area by the position of the Sun or with the help of magnetic field Earth.

Despite their natural feature, without proper training, feathered postmen cannot fulfill their purpose. They definitely need to be taught and trained. Pigeon training is carried out with early age. To make a bird more oriented, you need to work on it for a long time and find only suitable individuals for procreation.

People started raising feathered postmen a long time ago. It was extremely convenient to use them as mail deliverers. Carrier pigeons first became known in Ancient Egypt about 5 thousand years ago. At the same time, they appeared in the Ancient East. The birds transmitted love notes, necessary information, and business correspondence over short distances and distances of more than a thousand kilometers from home. The message for delivery was attached to the paw or neck. It was customary to write notes on papyrus or scraps of fabric.

Modern bird breeds originated from their counterparts in Belgium. For the first time, Belgian birds were divided into several separate breeds. Over time, all individuals were combined into one species. People, including in Russia, began to use pigeon mail before the development technical means communications. Breeding birds of this breed was prestigious and very profitable. Over time, after the development of telecommunications, the breeding of the breed lost its importance, as mass use as postmen ceased. Another type of bird appeared - racing pigeons. They are grown by amateurs for competition or for beauty.

Breeding and maintenance

Nowadays, carrier pigeons are not used to deliver mail; they are bred only to participate in sports competitions. Birds of any age, gender and parameters can compete with each other. To maintain the necessary form and skills, sporting breeds of pigeons need special conditions content.

When a bird turns 3 years old, it begins to fly to distances of thousands of kilometers from its home.

This breed is definitely different, as every breeder knows how to distinguish birds. Competitions between birds still do not lose their relevance. Interest in this type of activity among breeders is increasing every year.


For correct height and the health of the breed dovecote must meet all necessary conditions content. They should be dry and light. Houses for racing pigeons should be comfortable and located so that they are not exposed to wind. If the breeder does not have the opportunity to build separate dovecotes, then an attic near the house can be equipped for their residence. The main thing is that individuals can fly in and out of the room freely, and they have a place to land.

In the dovecote, females should be separated from males. There are some features of keeping the breed, especially for white sporty look. They do not like cold and damp. From maintaining warm temperature The air in the dovecote depends on the life and health of birds.


Since postmen have to fly very long distances and train a lot, they need special nutrition.

It is important that one individual eats about 400 grams of food per week. With plenty of food, the weight of the bird doubles and can reach 800 grams. Feeding racing pigeons is carried out 3 times a day at a certain time. Portions by weight should always be the same.

Feeding the pigeons is carried out strictly according to the schedule:

  1. Early in the morning just after sunrise;
  2. At lunchtime around one o'clock in the afternoon;
  3. In the evening after sunset, but before dark.

The nutritional value of food should be the same regardless of the time of year. They are fed equally well in winter and summer. The best food For birds, vetch, peas and lentils are considered. From time to time, food should be enriched with lime, calcium and sand. It is also recommended to add a little salt to the food. In order to slightly diversify their diet, they are sometimes given food:

  • Rape;
  • Boiled potatoes;
  • Bran.

The dovecote should always be clean drinking water which needs to be changed daily.


These pigeons are trained from the first year of life, usually upon reaching six weeks of age. How to train individuals of this breed:

  • The teaching begins with the bird flying around the house and dovecote where it lives. Usually enough three days to live in an unfamiliar place so that the bird can begin to be trained. This stage lasts about 6 weeks, then a more difficult stage begins.
  • After the individuals get used to the street, they are taken a short distance from the house and taught to return back. As soon as the bird begins to get used to it, the distance to the house is gradually increased. As a rule, the bird quickly navigates the area and has no difficulty finding its home.
  • At first, postmen are taught short distances of about 400 km. Over time, the distance only needs to be increased, and in no case vice versa. When flying long distances, young individuals need a long rest (about 3-4 days).

Trained pigeons should also be taught various developmental exercises. They are aimed at developing birds' thinking and spatial orientation instinct. Trained birds can become less active and unresponsive over time, so they need new training to keep them from forgetting basic skills. It is quite easy to teach trained birds to cover long distances.

Each individual in turn needs to be released on a free route approximately once a month. At the same time, strictly observing the sequence. Only after the first bird returns is the second one released, and so on. This way, it will be easier to track what each bird has learned and how easily it copes with the assigned tasks.

When training, you need to adhere to the following tips:

  • The best time for first training is the end of April. Training lasts until October;
  • For your first flights, you need to choose warm, clear days without strong winds. This makes it easier for birds to navigate in space;
  • Once the pigeon learns to return home, you can complicate the task and release it for training in bad weather. If a bird cannot cope with the task in rain or strong wind, then it is too early for it to make such flights;
  • Training should begin after mating, otherwise the birds may find partners outside the home and never return;
  • Birds should only be released outside in the morning. Afternoon sun can be harmful to their health.
  • The speed of a carrier pigeon depends on its endurance. Therefore, it is not customary to transport them for a long time or keep them in baskets. So they lose their stamina and begin to become lazy.


Pochtars have their pros and cons that need to be studied before starting breeding:

  • Racing pigeons lose exactly half their speed in winter. They begin to move fastest only in the warm season;
  • During heavy rains and gusty winds, birds may get lost and not return home;
  • They should not be bred in the mountains, as the terrain leads them astray. Postmen in the mountains often disappear because they lose their course and don’t know how to get home.


Carrier pigeons are the most old breed. They are large in size compared to other birds and have a more developed chest. This breed was bred specifically for long-distance flights. They are very resilient and learn quickly.

A distinctive feature of the homing pigeon breed is the circles around the eyes.

What breeds of racing pigeons exist:

  • Russian carrier pigeons. They have a sharp beak and graceful shape heads. The wings of Russian postmen are more powerful than usual and are located close to the body. The legs are long without feathers. The most common homing pigeons are white, but there are also dove-colored birds. Gray ones have more variegated plumage.
  • German carrier pigeons. They were bred from English and Dutch breeds. Their beak is small in shape. The neck is elongated, the eyes are large. German breed It comes in white and grey. There are also reddish and black individuals from Germany.
  • English postal. This breed has the richest pedigree. They are not only beautiful in appearance, but also very fast. Individuals are large with hard plumage and big eyes with centuries. The beak of birds has an unusual structure. It's big and straight. It may have growths in the form of warts. There are postmen in England different colors. The most common are bluish, yellow, and white individuals.
  • Belgian breed. They have a round body shape and clearly formed breasts. The eyes are dark in color and the tail is small and narrow. Belgian homing pigeons have short, tightly pressed feathers. Individuals come in different colors and shades.
  • Czech homing pigeon. Individuals of this breed most often participate in exhibitions. They are easier to train and are considered decorative look. Small tail and smooth plumage - distinctive feature Czech breeds. Racing pigeons have a well-shaped body. They still deliver letters over short distances.
  • A breed of Polish carrier pigeons. They have a variety of plumage. The most common individuals are gray and bluish in color. Polish pigeons are considered.
  • Indiana breed. Decorative, very fastidious individuals. Shaggy-legged pigeons have a special structure of the head and beak. They are very difficult to keep and breed.

The principle of raising and caring for birds depends on the choice of breed. Individuals different breeds have their own distinctive features, as well as advantages and disadvantages when breeding.

Unique and useful, carrier pigeons have long been very popular. Indeed, in the old days, it was thanks to these birds that kings and counts received important letters from their officials. We suggest you read how these birds appeared and what types they come in in our article with educational videos. And pictures and photos various breeds carrier pigeons will be a great addition to reading.

Carrier pigeons are a unique species of bird used many thousands of years ago to convey important messages over long distances. Nowadays, such birds are called sporting birds. There is no definite gradation into distinct breeds in this type of pigeon, however, postal qualities are developed in this species of birds only through persistent selection of relatives and training. Nowadays, “homing pigeon” as a term is used very rarely, but “sports pigeon” is used often.

The actual application of the qualities of this category of pigeons is only in special competitions. Such birds become very accustomed to their place of residence and can find their home even after hundreds of kilometers. This phenomenon is widely studied by ornithologists because it is unique in nature. Next we suggest you look interesting video about postal birds.

Where did they come from?

The first mention of postal birds dates back to the period of development of the civilization of Ancient Egypt, that is, about 5 thousand years ago. There are chronicles about such pigeons in the East. In those days, such messengers were used mainly for business mail, as well as love messages. Papyrus or other fabric was wrapped around the leg or attached to the neck. Later, in early Middle Ages, the carrier pigeon served the crusaders and kings. Well, Belgium is officially considered the birthplace of the descendants of modern postal birds.


Currently, post flyers are used only for participation in club competitions and aesthetic pleasure. Moreover, pigeons are allowed to participate in such competitions, regardless of age and gender. In order to fix professional qualities, birds are advised to constantly train and maintain them in a certain way. When the bird reaches three years of age, it begins to be released at distances of more than 1000 km from its place of residence. We suggest watching the following video in more detail about how birds are trained.

Feeding and maintenance

Feeding homing pigeons may require more food than regular pigeons. ornamental breeds. On a regular diet, the usual amount of feed per week is 410 grams, and on a reinforced diet - about 820 grams per week. Pets are fed at the same time three times a day (after sunrise, at one o'clock in the afternoon and before dusk). During the frosty season, feeding should also be nutritious and intensive.

Main types of food: yellow peas, lentils, vetch, calcium supplements, sand, lime, salt, boiled potatoes, bran, flax seeds, rapeseed. Pets should be given fresh water regularly, which is changed every day. These birds are kept in dry rooms with sufficient lighting; dovecotes are usually built of wood, well protected from the wind. IN rural areas They often keep birds in attics. The main maintenance conditions are warmth and dryness, the possibility of flight, and a spacious area for landing.

What are the different types?

Homing pigeons do not have a clear division into categories, however, even here we can distinguish several of the most famous and long-standing breeds. For example, English quarries, Russian postal, German, Antwerp and others. You can learn more about them from the training video and photos that we provide on our website.

By the way, German and Russian birds are very popular all over the world, along with the ethnic postman birds - the Belgians. Next we will look at the most popular ones, and in the pictures you can see what they look like. The following is an entertaining video from a pigeon nursery where sports flyers are kept and trained.

Postal German

These flyers are the result of work done by German livestock specialists by crossing English and Antwerp individuals. At the time of their introduction, German postal ones looked more like decorative ones, because the selection was carried out based on their exterior, and not on their flight qualities. It was thought that the dove would be precocious, fast-flying and beautiful. Externally, it is a compact bird with a long neck and short beak, tall on its legs, with a short tail and large eyes. The colors are very different: white, brown, gray, yellow, red. In the picture below you will see all the details of the flyer’s appearance.

Postal Russians

The Russian postal bird is somewhat similar to the German one, but has a more graceful head and a sharper beak at the end. The wings are strong, slightly curved at the ends, the legs are without feathers, quite long, there are white rings around the eyes, the eyes are orange-red. In terms of color, Russian postal dogs can be single-colored or variegated in a variety of colors. Separately, it is worth mentioning the Ostankino pigeons - an offshoot of Russian pigeons, they have black eyes.

English quarries

The ancestors of the quarries lived in Egypt and countries Ancient East. They came to Europe only in the 14th century, as a result of which modern quarries with excellent appearance and flying abilities appeared. The English quarry has a large body, hard plumage, small head and large brown or yellow-brown eyes with voluminous eyelids. The beak is long, straight and thick with growths (warts). The color can be variegated or monochromatic - gray, black, white, yellow, chestnut.

Antwerp (Belgian)

An old Belgian breed, improved in the 19th century by Homers and Turbites. The body is round, with a well-developed chest, rounded head and medium-sized neck. The eyes are dark, the eyelids are pale, wings close to the back and a narrow tail. The legs are medium in size, the feathers are short, and fit tightly to the body. The colors are very different: gray, gray, brown, pale blue, black, yellow, red. In the picture below you can see what the Antwerp Sports Flyer looks like.

Photo gallery

Video “Sporting pigeons in a private nursery”

An educational video from a private dovecote from a breeder who breeds racing pigeons of various breeds.

IN modern world communications are carried out at incredible speed through Email, messengers, telephone communications. However, in ancient times, messages were transmitted using birds - carrier pigeons. Since they no longer perform their ancient function of carrying out postal communications, they are more often called sports pigeons and are used for competitions. As such, there is no breed of homing pigeon; a homing pigeon can be called a pigeon that has the appropriate abilities and which successfully passes a careful selection and training stage. Some breeds of pigeons have great abilities for transmitting mail, and we will consider which types of birds these are later in the article.

History of pigeon mail

It is strictly forbidden to feed pigeons dairy products, meat and fish, and bakery products. These products either cause acute disorders digestion, or even lead to death, since the bird’s body is not capable of digesting them.
