Exfoliative dermatitis in dogs. Dermatitis in dogs - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment. Predisposition to dermatitis in dogs of various breeds

"A dog is a friend of man" is a statement with deep meaning. Many people love and have pets. But few people think that it is very difficult to take care of them. First of all, constant supervision of a dog by a veterinarian is required.

When a child is born, the parents watch him as he develops, grows, looks at diseases that begin to bother the baby. Here's before you start pet you need to tune in to the fact that you will become a mother for him. Observe very closely, and especially try to notice the first symptoms of diseases. Few of them pass without a trace, much more fatal. Often animals are brought from other countries or cities, but no one thinks that everywhere a different climate and dogs do not tolerate climate change, this manifests itself in them in the form of various ailments. Infections, plague, tuberculosis, lichen, allergies - a small list of dog torments.

Periodically progressive itching, scratching of the animal's skin cause concern, and the owner goes to the veterinary clinic. Finding out the cause of this symptom is not easy even for a doctor. It can be characterized by many diseases. But most often the doctor diagnoses atopic dermatitis in dogs.

Atopy- allergic diseases, the main cause of which is heredity. It can be caused by allergens different types... Atopic dermatitis is caused by hypersensitivity to an irritant. It is not contagious, it is transmitted exclusively by inheritance. Heredity is 100 percent proven. Atopy in newly bred dogs is already established from birth and is not fully cured.

Some breeds do not suffer from atopic dermatitis, but there are some that are prone to it: Dachshund, Chow Chow, Labrador, Scottish Terrier, English Bulldog and others. Most often, atopy progresses between the ages of one and three years, but the first signs can be seen at six months. More often, atopy in dogs occurs in females than in males, although both sexes are predisposed. With age, it aggravates and manifests itself more often.

Types of allergic reactions

Atopic dermatitis in pets. At the present time it is a huge problem.


  • Heredity is the main reason.
  • Different types of allergens: dust, pollen, flea excrement, house dust mite.
  • The temperature of the surrounding area. Depending on the temperature, it depends on how quickly the pathogen enters the body.
  • Seasonal changes. Humidity, vegetation affects whether a dog develops atopic dermatitis or not.
  • The microclimate of the animal's habitat. For example, in the house where he lives, dust may constantly be present, and if it acts as an allergen, then the symptoms atopic dermatitis will appear often.
  • Associated diseases that provoke atopic dermatitis in dogs. This may be a complication of some other disease.
  • Flea dermatitis occurs in almost all types of dogs, and especially in those in which the owner does not attach much importance to fleas.

Video: Allergies in dogs - causes


Allergic dermatitis in dogs presents with primary and secondary symptoms.

The main: constant itching, multiple lesions on the skin, face, fingers - suppuration, cracks, boils. With severe scratching, wounds appear. Change in coat color. Inflammation of the outer ear. Baldness.

Additional: dry skin, allergic otitis media, immediate reaction to an allergen, formation a large number folds, bad smell, peeling, hair loss.

May manifest all year round, and maybe in a certain season.

Areas that are most often affected by atopic dermatitis to decrease: ears (auricle), muzzle, neck, elbow joints, axillary area, groin, torso, paws, fingers, under the tail.


: you need to remember to the smallest detail at what age you first met with atopic dermatitis, to find out whether someone of their kind was ill with atopy, seasonal occurrences or year-round, whether there were diseases of a different nature, how atopy manifests itself when changing a place of residence, what kind of food. Examination by a doctor of the animal: which parts of the body are most affected, what the rash looks like, the color.

Laboratory research... It is determined whether there are diseases associated with infections. They take crops for mushrooms. Blood tests - clinical, biochemical. Check the blood serum for hormones.
If a food allergy is suspected, a hypoallergenic menu is prescribed.

Differential diagnosis allergic diseases skin in dogs according to clinical examination and anamnesis:

  • dermatitis caused by an allergy to midge bites - develops in spring, summer; any age; on the loin and base of the tail;
  • food intolerance - year-round; in any years, especially six months; can be observed everywhere, most often on the face of the head, ears, perinatal region;
  • atopic dermatitis - in spring, in summer, sometimes all year round; young animals at the age of 1 - 3 months; the front of the head, armpits, abdomen, distal parts of the limbs.

Video: Diagnosing Dog Allergies


First of all, immunotherapy is carried out. Percentage of it positive result with atopic dermatitis it becomes 70-80. The allergen is injected under the skin gradually. It is carried out for three to six months. Itching is eliminated completely. If there is a side effect manifested in increased itching, you need to change the method of vaccination.

V veterinary dermatology There are many drugs for itching in atopic dermatitis:

  1. prednisone - not expensive and in all cases effective remedy, dosage 0.5-1 mg / kg, once a day;
  2. methylprednisolone - 0.4-0.8 mg / kg;
  3. dexamethasone - 0.05-0.1 mg / kg, every two days;
  4. triamcinolone - 0.05-0.1 mg / kg, once every two or three days;
  5. antihistamines: chlorphenamine, promethazine, hydroxysone, clemastine, cyproheptadine, amitriptyline, apply every 12 hours;
  6. polyunsaturated fatty acid: linoleic, eicosopentaenoic, safflower oil, sunflower oil, linseed oil every 24 hours;
  7. other anti-itch drugs: cyclosporine, misoprostol, pentoxifylline, fluoxetine.

Most alternative means are:

  • corticosteroids;
  • antihistamines;
  • tricyclic antidepressants.

Traditional methods of treatment

Treatment folk methods must be intertwined with medication.

Highly effective method for the treatment of atopic dermatitis in dogs as well as cats are compresses with potatoes. We take fresh raw potatoes, three on a fine grater. We lay on the gauze and wring out. In the evening we apply compresses on damaged skin.

We make antipruritic ointments

Ingredients: crushed chamomile and ivan tea flowers, two glasses of hay dust infusion, a liter of plain water, one tablespoon butter, glycerin. Preparation: pour 1 tablespoon of chamomile and willow tea with water and put on the fire, let it heat until it boils, cover and let it boil for 5 minutes, then add the broth and oil, mix everything and cook until a homogeneous mass is formed. After all the action, mix with glycerin in a one-to-one ratio. The ointment is already ready for use. Always store in the refrigerator. Smear four times a day for one month.

Lotions from pears

Recipe: one glass of chopped leaves from a young pear tree, half a liter of boiled water. Cooking the broth. We take the leaves, already crushed, fill them with strong boiling water, set them to boil for five to seven minutes. We insist 12 hours. All is ready. We make lotions.

Allergic dermatitis in dogs is difficult to treat with folk methods, but everything is real.


When breeding a family of pets, you need to learn about hereditary diseases kind.
Exclude contact of the animal with the allergen. Monitor nutrition. More to spend time outdoors.

Criteria for the severity of atopic dermatitis in dogs

  1. duration of exacerbation with mild form manifests itself 1 - 2 times a year for 2 - 3 weeks; moderately severe - 3-4 times a year, duration one - two months; severe - more than four months lasting more than two months;
  2. duration of remission: mild - six to eight months; moderately severe - two to three months; severe - one month or none at all;
  3. prevalence (lesion area): easy - single limited spots; medium heavy - multiple lesions; severe - many lesions, merging into continuous extensive lesions with the transition to erythroderma.

Skin cytology and skin braces

  • skin staples → demodicosis or scabies → antimicrobial therapy → lesions disappeared → search for causes of itching;
  • cytology skin tests→ microbial infections → antimicrobial therapy → insufficient effect → depending on clinical symptoms: 1.evaluation of the effectiveness of insect removal → remission → hypersensitivity to insect bites; 2. biopsy; 3. Evaluation of the effect of scabies treatment → no response → biopsy;
  • skin cytology skin scrapings → Wood lamp application, fungal cultivation → dermatophytosis.

Atopy is less common in cats than in dogs. And if the treatment, symptoms, causes, prevention is the same as in dogs.

Disease control

The course of atopic dermatitis must be controlled, do not forget about the examination by a doctor, this must be done every eight weeks. You need to check the affected skin. When the animal has recovered completely, then it is necessary to be examined every twelve weeks. All tests also need to be taken once every six months.


Not life threatening, especially severe degrees use euthanasia. In such situations, it is impossible to do without treatment of atopic dermatitis. If you do not treat, then year after year, the condition of your pet is getting worse and worse, he will constantly walk and itch, comb these rashes and imagine what kind he will have, just awful. A small percentage is given that atopic dermatitis will go away by itself.

Video: Symptoms and Treatment of Flea Dermatitis in Pets

Usually, pathological process on the skin causes the action of various allergens.

Most frequent

  • dust mites,
  • pollen,
  • spores of microscopic fungi,
  • epithelial cells of humans or animals,
  • food allergens (usually of protein origin).

Atopy in dogs is clinical syndrome skin symptoms including an abnormal (hypersensitive) reaction immune system at the time of her coming into contact with substances of predominantly protein origin - allergens.

In fact, it can be anything in the environment, however, in animals that do not suffer from hypersensitivity, such substances do not cause allergies on the skin.

Atopic dermatitis in dogs - a photo of the long stage of the disease.

The list of allergens that can cause allergic dermatitis in a dog is quite extensive. This includes pollen from plants and trees, vegetable fibers, mold, household detergents, dust mites, various grains, insect bites, human dander, fertilizers, hair of other animals, feathers, etc.

In addition, it should be noted that atopic dermatitis in dogs has a strongly pronounced hereditary component. The disease manifests itself more often in some breeds and within the same family line, however, the exact mode of inheritance has not yet been discovered.

In addition, factors such as geographic localization of the animal and seasonal variations can also stimulate the onset of symptoms of atopic dermatitis in dogs.


As with other types of hypersensitivity, an atopic reaction can be completely avoided by completely preventing their contact with the animal. Of course, this is quite difficult, the more you need to take into account that it is extremely rare to determine a specific allergen, or their combination, for a specific dog.

Help reduce the frequency of manifestation allergic reactions may attempt to minimize exposure to commonly known allergens such as flea saliva or helminth waste products.

Special Notes

Most dogs suffer from allergic dermatitis to more than one allergen. Atopy cannot be cured in the traditional sense of the word.

However, it can be controlled with medication, diet and lifestyle changes. Fortunately, this disorder is not life-threatening for the dog, but requires constant attention from the owner.

Allergy in dogs, however, like other types of living organisms, is fraught with a chronic course, which means - periodic exacerbations, developing, it would seem, for no apparent reason.

This disease most often occurs in individuals young age(1-5 years old) and is diagnosed in 10-15% of the entire dog population. There are breeds that are more susceptible to this disease than others:

  • Labrador
  • boxer
  • German Shepherd
  • Shar Pei
  • dalmatian
  • fox terrier
  • English bulldog
  • american bulldog
  • French Bulldog
  • dogue de bordeaux
  • Golden retriever
  • Cocker Spaniel
  • Irish and english setter NS
  • beagle
  • dachshund
  • miniature schnauzer
  • chow-chow

The clinical manifestations of the disease in dogs are usually as follows:

  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Lichenification (thickening of the skin)
  • Erythema (redness of the skin)
  • Alopecia (baldness)
Areas most commonly affected by atopic dermatitis

Fleas in a dog can cause illness.

This disease manifests itself for the first time from 12 months. up to 3 years. The sex of the animal does not matter. The main provoking factors include:

  • heredity;
  • exacerbation of chronic pathologies;
  • features of the microclimatic environment.

Allergens provocateurs include waste products of fleas, dust mites, house dust, pollen of flowering plants.

Flea-induced atopic dermatitis occurs in almost every animal. Most often this happens with insufficient care.

Main symptoms

Constant itching is the main symptom of the disease.

The main symptoms of this disease should be considered:

  • constant excruciating itching;
  • lichenization of the extensor side of the wrist;
  • involvement of fingers in the process;
  • defeat of the muzzle.

Damage area

She may be:

  1. Heavy.
  2. Moderate.
  3. Lightweight.

Moderately affected by atopic dermatitis.

With severe, multiple skin lesions are observed. They often merge into one large area. The moderate stage is also characterized by the presence of multiple skin lesions. At mild there are single limited pathological areas.

Additional symptoms

On examination, you can find the external form of allergic otitis media.

  • The skin of the animal is constantly dry.
  • The pet's reaction to the stimulus manifests itself with lightning speed.
  • During the examination by the veterinarian, it is revealed outer form allergic otitis media.
  • The presence of superficial manifestations of staphylococcal infection is detected.

Characteristics of relapses

If the animal has been diagnosed with easy degree, then clinical signs appear twice in 12 months. They are observed for 20-30 days.

The severe stage of the disease lasts about two months.

With moderate damage skin atopic dermatitis manifests itself no more than 4 times / 12 months. Symptoms last for 30-60 days.

The severe stage is characterized by the appearance of signs more often 4 times in 12 months. Symptoms are present for 60 to 80 days.

Duration of remission periods

The duration of remission is as follows:

  • easy stage - 6–8 months;
  • moderate stage - 2-4 months;
  • severe - 1 month

In difficult cases, remission may be absent.

Sometimes, in the severe stage, there are no periods of remission.

Main classification

Flea dermatitis

But this is just the “tip of the iceberg”. In fact, there are much more types of dermatitis, and we will try to talk about them within the framework of this article.

It is also often found, especially among dogs living in urban apartments. It develops when the skin is exposed to some irritating factors (physical or chemical origin) for quite a long time.

These may include: detergents and disinfectants, cosmetics, permanent high temperature... In the latter case, dermatitis manifests itself if the dog constantly prefers to sleep somewhere near the central heating batteries.

Because of this, this process often turns into a chronic, sluggish type.

The main signs

With this form of dermatitis, back side paws in the wrist area are visible thickening or sites of ulceration. Plaques can be found on the ankles and sometimes even in the interdigital spaces.

Acral dermatitis on a dog's paw.

Acral dermatitis is more likely to affect large dogs. Characteristic signs dermatitis:

The main symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis in dogs are:

  1. The characteristic smell of a dog, emanating from stray animals, may also be present in a pet when it develops seborrhea.
  2. Matte shade of wool. Usually the coat is shiny, and with this disease it immediately fades.
  3. The coat is brittle, which causes excessive hair loss.
  4. Dandruff in huge numbers, visible to the naked eye.
  5. The itching is accompanied by constant swelling of the animal.
  6. Black spots on the skin.

Seborrhea in a dog.

Treatment activities

To improve the condition of the skin and coat, use special shampoos containing tar, salicylic acid and sulfur. If the diagnosis revealed a lack of nutrients in the body, vitamin preparations are prescribed.

Antifungal (Fluconazole) and antimicrobial (Ceftriaxone) agents can also be prescribed. Corticosteroid medication can be used to relieve itching.

Fluconazole is an antifungal drug.

Particular attention should be paid to the dog's diet. The veterinarian will be able to choose a diet. It should contain the necessary nutrients and do not cause allergies in the pet.

Describing the symptoms of each type of dermatitis separately is a rather pointless exercise, since all these diseases manifest themselves in approximately the same way.

So, when is it time to take or take your pet to the vet? First, if any suspicious red spots appear on your dog's skin for no reason.

As a rule, the local body temperature in these places is much higher than normal. You can also find out that the dog is probably uncomfortable with probing the places of the alleged dermatitis, since in many cases this is accompanied by a strong pain reaction.

It is very bad if the dog licks the same place all the time. Often this is the manifestation of thermal damage or the consequences of contact with some kind of chemicals.

Yes, saliva in dogs contains a lot of lysozyme, but natural behavior leads to the development of acral dermatitis, its transition to a weeping, purulent form. So there is clearly no need to wait for a "natural cure" in this case, since the animal will definitely not get better.

There are acute, subacute forms, as well as periods of relapse.

Common symptoms of dermatitis - skin lesions are observed in the area around the eyes, lips, anus, on inside ear, groin (as in the photo below) and armpits, interdigital space.

At first, the skin turns red, as the disease progresses, signs appear chronic inflammation... Hair falls out, in areas of baldness, hyperpigmentation or acanthosis black is visible. The situation is aggravated by the secondary microflora, which leads to even greater inflammation.

The most unpleasant symptom is an intolerable itching that makes the dog nervous. In addition, scratching injures the tissue, which in turn leads to the formation of wounds with the subsequent development of a purulent process (pyoderma).

Chronic dermatitis is characterized by sclerotization: the skin thickens, dries up, takes on a wrinkled appearance of a brownish tint.

The photo shows the manifestation of atypical dermatitis on the belly and groin of a dog.

Symptoms of dermatitis in dogs

Flea dermatitis is accompanied by hair loss.

  1. The dog bites the skin.
  2. Itching and scratching of the skin.
  3. Wounds due to trauma to the skin of animals during scratching.
  4. Loss of appetite, vomiting, problems with stools and stomach.
  5. Balding areas of the skin partial hair loss.
  6. Changing behavior: barking, intermittent whining, irritability.

Dermatitis in dogs can be of several types, however, whichever one is diagnosed for this moment- there is for everyone general symptoms that do not depend on the reasons for development. These signs are:

  • the animal experiences pain in the affected area of ​​the dermis, itching;
  • in the place of direct injury, the temperature of this part of the body rises;
  • redness of the dermis at the sites of scratching and lesions;
  • minor bleeding is possible, followed by the formation of thin, clotted blood;
  • the development of traumatic edema, then - the inflammatory process and skin changes.

With absence timely treatment- the disease flows into its chronic form when subcutaneous tissue and the dermis itself will swell, the wool will fall out.

Dermatitis in dogs differs in its symptoms. The main ones are itching and scratching on the surface of the pet's skin.

But these are just common signs. Each type of dermatitis has its own characteristics.

In general, dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin that affects all of its layers. In this case, a rash does not form.

V normal conditions, the skin perfectly performs its main function - to protect the body from bacteria and external damage... If something goes wrong, the skin is exposed to diseases and, of course, does not fulfill its role enough. Dermatitis is common among these diseases.

Today, more and more researchers are inclined to believe that allergic dermatitis in dogs is a genetic - hereditary disease. Atopy can manifest itself in varying degrees of complexity and unequal symptoms, but there is one clinical sign that will always be present.

It's itching.

This symptom can be mild or more severe, which often depends on the season of the year and the stage of the disease. In some cases, itching may be the only symptom of an allergy in a dog, which may come and go from time to time.

However, if during the exacerbation period the dog easily reaches the pathological focus on the skin, strong scratching and licking cannot be avoided, which, as already noted, leads to very unfavorable results.

Development purulent infection in the foci of atopic dermatitis further aggravates the course of the allergy itself, which has a very negative effect on the dog's quality of life, causing it to itch almost around the clock.

Major clinical signs of atopy in dogs

Owners of sick dogs may notice one or more of following symptoms atopic dermatitis. As a rule, more serious signs appear later, but they may not be at all:

  • The animal constantly tries to reach certain areas on its body in an attempt to lick, bite and scratch them with its paw.
  • Local discoloration of the coat due to frequent exposure to saliva. This is especially noticeable in light-colored animals, when their fur acquires a brownish-red tint.
  • Hair falls out at the place of combs.
  • Bare skin shows deep, fluid scrapes and rounded ulcers.
  • The skin, devoid of hair, coarsens, flakes, blackens, cracks.
  • A dark, waxy exudate is often found in the ears in the form of separate formations. When trying to remove it, dark dots are visible in the areas of fur growth.
  • From auricles sometimes you can smell yeast dough.
  • The appearance of the so-called acral dermatitis, which develops on the convex areas of the dog's body - the elbow and wrist joints. These are, as a rule, rounded, red or dark, hairless foci of coarse skin, which the animal constantly licks.

A small selection of photos of atopic dermatitis in dogs:

Atopic foci can develop anywhere on the dog's body, but most often the limbs, muzzle and abdomen are affected. Also, symptoms of allergic dermatitis develop under the base of the tail, in the groin, on the sides, around the eyes, inside the ears, in armpits, interdigital spaces.

Dogs at high risk

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis do not depend on the sex or age of the animal, although they are somewhat more common in females and dogs between 1 and 3 years of age. Of the breeds, the most susceptible are the Chinese Shar Pei, Cairn Terrier, West Highland White Terrier, Boston Terrier, Boxer, Scottish Terrier, Lhasa Apso, Shih Tzu, Fox Terrier, English and French Bulldog, Pug, Poodle, Dalmatian, Irish and English Setter, Golden Retriever, Labrador Retriever and Schnauzer.

Clinical picture, diagnosis

What symptoms can you see in a dog if it suffers from bacterial dermatitis? It all starts with a slight reddening of the skin. The spot is noticeably hotter (compared to the temperature of the rest of the body).

Then ulceration appears at this place, it gets wet, the skin and hair are macerated (soaked). An unpleasant, putrid smell begins to emanate from the animal.

As a rule, the hair on the affected areas falls out completely or partially. Leftovers hairline are not the most appetizing sight, since the wool turns out to be glued together by exudate released from the focus of inflammation.

Usually in mild cases general state the animal remains unchanged, in severe cases - the body temperature rises, the pet becomes lethargic, apathetic, refuses food.

For an accurate diagnosis, a combination of clinical signs and a blood test are sufficient. To identify a specific type of pathogen, a veterinarian may take a scraping from the affected area of ​​the body for its subsequent microscopic examination.

Quite a difficult and costly process. Often, Russian veterinary specialists do not have a sufficient base to accurately diagnose. Most often it is done by eye, based on the symptoms. But this approach is not ideal, since other diseases have similar symptoms.

Abroad, to confirm the diagnosis, the presence of immunoglobulin E, with which the allergen binds, is determined in the dog's blood, and special intradermal allergy tests are carried out.

Due to the impossibility of conducting special research methods, our specialists most often make a diagnosis based on anamnesis data:

Anamnesis is essential when making a diagnosis.

It is important to understand the cause of the disease.

This will clarify the allergic nature of the pathology. In this case, the likelihood of establishing a stimulus is quite high.

Pet owner interview

The veterinarian must determine if the dog is prone to dermatological pathologies. The owner provides information about the manifestations of the disease and the frequency of exacerbations. Also, the owner will have to give answers to questions regarding:

Tell your veterinarian about your dog's diet.

The owner should clarify the dependence of pathology on seasonality. He is also obliged to know exactly when the first signs of atopic dermatitis appeared in the pet.

Second stage of diagnosis

It is important to differentiate atopic dermatitis from scabies.

It is important to differentiate this pathology from:

  • malassezia dermatitis;
  • scabies;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • food allergies;
  • an allergic reaction to flea bites.

The third stage of diagnosis

At the 3rd stage of diagnosis, the veterinarian examines the dog and prescribes a laboratory examination.

A urine test will be required for diagnosis.

The specialist undertakes to carefully examine the scraping of the skin. Then the fungal microflora is determined, the concentration of hormones in the blood is revealed. The following tests are prescribed:

  1. Cala.
  2. Urine.
  3. Blood.

How to treat

It is impossible to cure a dog to the end, and it is necessary to fight the symptoms of atopic dermatitis for the whole life of a pet.

First of all, they try to determine the allergen that causes the disease. They work by the exclusion method:

  • treat premises from fleas and ticks,
  • replace items of care,
  • refuse to use detergents,
  • air filters are used to clean the air from dust and gases,
  • an elimination diet is prescribed.

If the allergen is known for sure, then immunotherapy is carried out: the introduction of micro doses of an irritant to achieve a state of immunity.

The traditional treatment for dermatitis is to use antihistamines and corticosteroids (diphenhydramine, tavegil, suprastin, dexafort, prednisolone, kenalog).

However, there is a debate about antihistamines in the scientific community: many experts argue that their role in therapy is negligible.

Help fight inflammation antimicrobial drugs, but they should be used only after determining the causative agent of a secondary infection and sensitivity to antibiotics.

To prevent relapses, immunostimulants are periodically used (Polyoxidonium, Immunofan, GamaVit, Immunofor, etc.).

To increase immunity, periodic injections of Polyoxidonium are indicated.

Reduction of dryness and itching is achieved by the use of steroids and shampoos, which contain antifungal and antibacterial ingredients (for example, Globalvet, Zoomikol, Imavrol, Fungin, Perfect Coat, etc.)

Recovery is essential in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. intestinal microflora and complex cleansing of the body, which can be achieved by taking sorbents and bifidobacteria or lactobacilli (Eubikor, Omega-10 - veterinary multibacterin, Enterosgel).

When the disease is on acute stage, hair is cut from the affected area on the dog's body, and the skin is treated antiseptic agents, remove dead tissue and regularly dust with complex antiseptic powders. Antiseptic ointments are also used.

In the case of atopic dermatitis, it is very important to find out the allergen and exclude contact with it. With contact dermatitis, treatment is not at all necessary, the main thing is to exclude contact with the cause of the onset of the disease. Then self-healing occurs.

The goal of treating atopic dermatitis in dogs is to try to eliminate or minimize the symptoms that appear. However, as already mentioned above, it is impossible to completely cure the disease - after a while, regardless of the currently taken treatment, the symptoms of atopy are likely to reappear.

Treatment options

Most animals are treated on an outpatient basis. The treatment regimen will be selected based on the specific dog's cause, seasonality, severity of alopecia and skin lesions. In almost all cases of treatment, the owner's ability to pay has to be taken into account.

Atopy in dogs is treated for a long time and comprehensively. Given that the disease is chronic, pet necessary procedures to recover from ailment they will accompany them all their lives.


Very often found in a "company" with the type described above, especially with inept treatment. So, if "from the heart" to anoint the edges of the wound with iodine, then you can easily cause skin inflammatory process, which, associated with inflammation in the wound itself, sharply worsens the already far from ideal condition of the animal.

However, the presence of a wound for the development of this pathology is not required. So, if an animal, for some reason, had a bandage with some kind of ointment or liniment, which did not change for a couple of weeks, then it will definitely develop severe irritation skin.

If you do nothing, it will soon develop into dermatitis.

Atopic is chronic illness skin, annoying pets with itching and rashes on the body. It develops as a result of a pronounced reaction to allergens, which have a pathological effect on the body of animals. Therefore, atopy is called. According to numerous studies of veterinarians, the disease of four-legged friends is associated with a genetic predisposition.

Allergodermatitis in dogs: risk group, causes and signs of pathology

The disease often affects young individuals from 1 to 5 years of age. According to the breed criterion, the main share of the risk group is:

  • Shar Pei;
  • pug;
  • boxer;
  • Cocker Spaniel;
  • chow-chow;
  • beagle;
  • Labrador;
  • German Shepherd;
  • setters - English and Irish;
  • bulldogs - American and French.

Regardless of its source, the allergen is introduced into the pet's body as a foreign substance, which causes the immune system to actively produce antibodies that neutralize the irritant. The first manifestations of blood pressure in dogs are observed at 6 months of age, and subsequently the disease recurs periodically throughout life.

The factors provoking the development of atopy may be:

  • seasonality or habitat of the pet. Unusual air temperature, high humidity, features home furnishings and other conditions environment can affect the health of the animal.
  • The microclimate of the habitat. Most allergens are concentrated in the yard, house or apartment, that is, where the animal is located. It can also suffer food allergy and reactions to household dust or houseplants... The absence of changes in the habitat threatens the pet with persistent dermatitis.
  • Comorbidities as a cause of the development of atopy in dogs are hypothyroidism, giardiasis, urolithiasis disease, biliary dyskinesia, etc.
  • Reception medications prescribed by a veterinarian for any purpose.

How do they manifest clinical symptoms dermatitis, shown in the photo.

The owner can recognize the disease by a number of signs:

When severe itching the dog is worried, licks problem areas, tends to scratch. Pathological zones are easy to see on the paws and between the toes, on the muzzle, in the outer ear, in the groin and under the limbs. The coat becomes greasy, the body is covered with scales and begins to peel off.

A clear sign of atopy in dogs is the frequent incidence of otitis media and pododermatitis. In the second case, the legs of the pet are affected so much that it develops lameness.

The basics of treating dogs for allergodermatitis

A pet with signs of atopy should not be treated on its own, it should be shown to a specialist as soon as possible. At the first visit, the veterinarian will ask the owner about the peculiarities of the course of the disease and clarify the living conditions of the dog. The collection of anamnesis continues with an examination of the animal. If there is a suspicion of the influence of a hereditary factor, samples of stool, blood, scraping from the skin and bacterial cultures are taken from the pet.

If the doctor catches the connection between allergic dermatosis and the food of the dog, he prescribes a diet for him that makes it easier to identify the food irritant. For an accurate assessment, it will have to be observed for about 6 weeks. Subsequently, the dog is transferred to hypoallergenic food.

The success of treatment for atopic dermatitis in dogs depends on how quickly it is cleared from the environment. The owner can easily exclude a reliably definite and only pathogen from the conditions of keeping a pet, so the problem is easily solved. If an animal is affected by a whole group of stimuli, it will be difficult to cope with them. You can reduce the number of relapses by doing the following:

Treatment of BP in dogs can be prescribed as a long course of immunotherapy. In 70% of all cases, hyposensitization completely relieves the animal from itching sensations. The therapy is carried out by subcutaneous injection the identified irritant with a gradual increase in the concentrate. In this case, the veterinarian must take into account the data of anamnesis and allergic tests.

Drug therapy for atopic dermatitis in dogs

Symptomatic treatment of allergic dermatitis in dogs can be carried out on both initial stage immunotherapy, and after it, if the effect is not fully manifested. The specialist prescribes medications for internal use from different groups, for the care of the dog's body, he offers special shampoos. Dosages of all drugs are calculated based on the pet's body weight. They are given at intervals of 1 time in 24, 48 or 72 hours.

From glucocorticoids for atopy in dogs are shown:

  • Dexamethasone;
  • Prednisolone;
  • Triamcinolone;
  • Methylprednisolone.

Possible side effects of their use are: polyuria, skin calcification, drowsiness, shortness of breath, polyphagia.

From antihistamines appoint:

Drugs in this group have a sedative effect. While taking them, the dog may develop polyuria or polydipsia.

Excellent antipruritic agents are:

  • Fluoxetine;
  • Misoprostol;
  • Cyclosporine;
  • Oxpentifylline.

These medications can cause nausea, agitation, drowsiness, diarrhea, skin rashes, polydipsia and polyuria. They are given to the animal once every 12 hours or once a day.

To treat atopic interdigital dermatitis in dogs, polyunsaturated fatty acids are prescribed.

These are:

  • Linoleic acid;
  • Eicosopentaenoic acid;
  • Linseed oil;
  • Safflower or sunflower oil.

Oils must be cold pressed. Acids are found in fish oil or supplementation with omega acids (3 and 6). Side effect diarrhea may serve as their use. The dosage is set taking into account body weight. The frequency of admission is once every 24 hours.

Topical treatment for atopy in dogs

How to treat dermatitis in a dog externally? Doctors recommend using cold herbal teas as lotions. To relieve itching and pain relief, you can apply applications with echinacea infusion. To accelerate skin regeneration, decoctions of chamomile are used, which is famous for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Dermatitis in dogs: how to act at the first suspicion?

Skin diseases- a real problem for the patient. An irritating and maddening itch is only small part the ensuing consequences. One example is dermatitis in dogs, which affects not only the outer cover, but also the inner layers of the dermis.

We will figure out what causes the development of the disease, what the symptoms look like and how to provide the pet with first aid correctly.

Causes, disease causing are classified according to the type of dermatitis:

In addition to these factors, dermatitis in dogs can be caused by genetic factors. The risk group includes the following breeds:

Also, the development of the disease can provoke a change in the microclimate and weather conditions of residence. Some diseases also contribute to the appearance of dermatitis:

  • giardiosis;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • biliary dyskinesia;
  • MKB and others.

Dermatitis can be recognized by the following symptoms:

Poorly protected areas of the body belong to pathological zones:

  • paws;
  • interdigital area;
  • muzzle;
  • outer ear;
  • axillary region.

Each of the previously considered dermatitis has characteristic symptomatic features:

Diagnostics and treatment

It is not advisable to treat a sick dog on your own. Accurate diagnosis only a specialist can deliver. If it is not possible to take the pet for examination in the near future, and you really want to ease his suffering, then it is allowed:

This is where the owner's freedom of action ends. Excessive initiative can lead to:

  • purulent processes;
  • general intoxication of the whole organism;
  • chronic course of the disease.

V veterinary clinic necessary:

  1. Answer all questions from the doctor to draw up a general picture of the disease.
  2. Provide your pet for external examination.
  3. Collect bacteriological cultures or scrapings from affected areas.
  4. Pass all blood tests:
    1. biochemical;
    2. hormone;
    3. clinical.
  5. Get diagnosed feces and urine.

Diagnostics will help identify the cause of the disease and choose the right treatment.

At drug treatment prescribe the use:

Allergic dermatitis is treated with immunotherapy. The animal is injected with small doses of the identified allergen subcutaneously with its subsequent increase. If the irritant is in food, then it is prescribed special diet, excluding a dangerous product in the diet.

Dermatitis in dogs in 90 cases out of 100 has a positive prognosis if treatment is provided in a timely manner.


To minimize the risk of developing dermatitis, you should attend to preventive measures:

Dermatitis in dogs is not as bad as it looks. Anxious caring for your beloved pet will quickly put him on his feet, and observance preventive measures and will completely reduce the likelihood of a disease.

Be vigilant and ask for medical help under any suspicion. The health of your beloved dog directly depends on the speed of your reaction.

Watch also the video

Dermatitis in dogsunpleasant disease skin due to complications and duration of treatment. Our article will discuss the types and causes of inflammation, as well as methods of getting rid of such a scourge.

Types of canine dermatitis

As mentioned above, dermatitis is considered to be skin inflammation. Depending on the causes of the onset, the disease is divided into the following types:
  • Mechanical dermatitis - an ailment resulting from any damage to the skin (cuts, abrasions, scratching after insect bites, etc.). The skin on the affected areas looks thin, dry, bright pink, the hair at the site of the wound becomes thinner;
  • Periwound dermatitis - if the wound on the animal's body does not have time to heal successfully, then suppuration begins. With near-wound dermatitis, the wool at the site of the wound is constantly moist from exudate, the skin is red, and swelling is noticeable. In another way, such a disease is referred to as weeping dermatitis;
  • Infectious dermatitis - fungi, bacteria and viruses caused by diseases such as microsporia, staphylococcosis, herpes and others, can affect the skin of an animal (symptoms infectious dermatitis- rash, itching, swelling, suppuration, etc.);
  • Drug dermatitis - Some topical preparations can cause severe irritation to the skin of the dog. Those areas on which the medicine was applied directly become red, painful, and the hair falls out there. The animal usually aggravates the situation by constantly brushing and licking itchy skin;
  • Thermal dermatitis - a disease that develops as a result of frostbite or burns. The affected area of ​​the body strongly bakes and hurts, reddens, swells, itches. Skin wounds can fester;
  • Seborrheic dermatitis - the disease can occur in case of malfunctioning sebaceous glands... With a similar problem, the dog's coat (especially on the back, as well as on the neck, thighs) looks oily, strewn with dandruff, the skin flakes and turns red. Sometimes with seborrheic dermatitis, the pet smells unpleasant.
  • It should be noted that the disease often affects not only the trunk and head, but also the limbs of animals (the so-called. interdigital dermatitis, pododermatitis). Usually, dermatitis on the paws in dogs is due to injury, irritation after walking on icy streets, sprinkled with reagents, as a result of infections introduced into microcracks on the fingertips. If the disease has affected the dog's limbs, then the animal will certainly begin to limp on its paws, which hurt and swell.

    Symptoms of dermatitis in dogs

    Common symptoms of dermatitis in dogs are:
    • Attempts to scratch the wound with claws or teeth
    • Redness of the skin;
    • Coarsening or thinning of the skin;
    • Skin affected by dermatitis is hot to the touch;
    • Swelling;
    • Thinning or loss of hair in the affected areas;

      Is it really impossible to help the dog without a visit to the doctor? Unfortunately, a visit to the clinic is required. However, it is possible to alleviate the condition of the animal at home. This is how home treatment will look like until the doctor prescribes special means:

      • The fur on the inflamed area should be cut off;
      • Treat the dog's problem skin with hydrogen peroxide, then apply an antiseptic cream ("Levomekol", "Salicylic", "Zinc", "Ichthyol" ointments or other antimicrobial agents);
      • Inside the dog, you can give antihistamines in drops, tablets or ampoules (Suprastin, Zodak, Allervet, Tavegil). These funds will help not only with allergic dermatitis, but also with its other varieties, if there is itching;
      • If the inflammation brings pain to the dog (especially when the affected area is large), it makes sense to inject a 0.5% solution of novocaine in accordance with the instructions for the drug;
      • Vitamins (especially A, B, E, PP) will help strengthen the dog's body. You can choose the following drugs: "8 in 1 Excel", "Gimborn", "Doctor-ZOO" or others;
      • Immunopreparations ("Glycopin", "Azoksivet", etc.) will be able to improve the condition of the animal;
      • To relieve swelling, relieve pain and relieve inflammation, you can give the dog - Ricarfa tablets;
      • Furosemide tablets will help to relieve swelling and reduce the likelihood of intoxication;
      • If the dog's dermatitis is definitely caused by an allergy, it is appropriate to bathe the animal with an anti-allergenic shampoo (for example, the brands "Synergy Labs", "Beaphar", etc.);
      • An animal accustomed to ready-made feed, it is reasonable to temporarily switch to a special hypoallergenic food (for example, the brands "Royal Canin", "Yarra", "Akana" or others). Dogs accustomed to a natural diet should stop feeding eggs, fish, red vegetables, any sweets. You need to leave on the menu boiled dietary meat (rabbit, turkey, veal), green vegetables (cabbage, zucchini), porridge on the water, low-fat sour milk.
      All of the above remedies will not cure dermatitis, but will significantly improve the condition of the dog. By the way, if the owner decides to apply medicines(hydrogen peroxide and "harmless" antiseptic ointment are not considered), it is better to call your veterinarian for a consultation. Only a specialist will say with confidence whether it is worth using this or that remedy.
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