The magic of a pin. The pin will protect you from the evil eye. Slavic charms for protection. Pins as a talisman for an apartment and a talisman against the evil eye - how to choose and use

IN modern world, when it would seem that everyone has long been accustomed to understandable and simple things, there is still room for magic. Some people are so superstitious that they will never leave the house if they are “lucky enough” to meet a neighbor with an empty trash can on the stairs. Many of our contemporaries firmly believe that luck will elude them after a black cat crosses their path. Each person, based on personal experience and beliefs, he decides whether to believe in certain signs or not.

Many people are very sensitive to various amulets. They can be traditional, for example, an ordinary pin, which we will talk about today, or individual. The latter include, for example, a lucky dress, in which a girl is always lucky, or her favorite shoes.

A pin is a common tailoring accessory that every thrifty housewife has in her home. It is this simple object that can protect a person from envy, anger, hatred and simply sidelong glances, both from friends and strangers. Of course, no one will give you a 100% guarantee, but, in any case, no one has canceled the “placebo” effect.

So, a pin. It is known for certain that this cute accessory was worn by shamans in the 4th century BC. Over time, conspiracies and customs appeared that turned an ordinary sewing accessory into a powerful amulet.

Does the metal a pin is made from matter?
Many people believe that the magical properties of a pin largely depend on the metal from which it is made. Some people buy gold pins, others buy silver ones, and especially wealthy people even buy pins encrusted with diamonds. In fact, the effectiveness of the amulet depends only on the faith in it of the person to whom it belongs.

This is interesting! In Rus', only gold pins were used as a talisman for newlyweds. It was believed that it was very easy to jinx a young couple during weddings and festivities. It is for this reason that in order for the young to live a sweet and smooth life, the bride was pinned to the hem of two gold pins crosswise. The groom's sewing equipment was pinned into his bosom.

It is important! Many people prefer to purchase various souvenirs, for example, in antique shops. There you can also find handmade pins from past centuries. Such an accessory can only be used as decoration, but not for protection against the evil eye. Other people's things, even if purchased from a former owner, are capable of accumulating and storing the energy of other people for centuries! If you want your amulet to be exclusively yours, buy a new pin!

How exactly should you wear an evil eye pin?
Once you have decided on a pin and have chosen an accessory that suits you in size, color, and quality, you can begin pinning it. This raises the question: how exactly should you wear a pin? On outerwear or underwear? In a bag or in a wallet?

The main rule: the pin must be attached head down on inner side clothes.

Some modern admirers of the occult sciences believe that the pin should be worn for everyone to see, just like the red thread. However, according to the legends of our great-grandfathers, it is still better to pin the accessory away from human eyes.

The pin should be attached in the area of ​​the heart, strictly perpendicular to the ground. It is advisable to wear the accessory exclusively with clothes made from natural fabrics.

How to check if a pin is working or not?
Many superstitious people want to know how effective their amulet is from the envious glances of others. This is very easy to check. So, if you have an ordinary metal pin, then after wearing it it should not change its color. If the tip of the accessory darkened or oxidized, then the amulet fulfilled its function and protected its owner from an envious glance from the outside. Unfortunately, after this you will have to part with such an assistant, since the pin completely loses its protective functions. You need to carefully inspect your amulet daily.

If the pin is made of precious metals (gold, silver), then it will not change its color. Therefore, the owner will not be able to accurately determine that someone slandered him. It is for this reason that the amulet needs to be cleaned of accumulated negative energy a couple of times a month.

How to make a pin a talisman?
Many people believe that any pin is already a talisman. Pinned to clothes and it works. However, it is not! You need to be able to make a pin into a strong amulet, and the ritual must be performed according to certain rules.

  1. As we mentioned above, the amulet must be completely new. It is advisable if you purchase your future amulet on Friday afternoon.
  2. The pin spell should be carried out on a strictly defined day of the week - Tuesday, only on the waxing moon.
  3. Once the pin becomes your amulet, never, under any circumstances, remove it (with the exception of the natural need to change clothes). You should not give your pin to another person, pin it on someone’s clothing, or even let it be held in their hands. Otherwise, the amulet may be charged with someone else's energy.
Keep your amulet like the apple of your eye. Keep it away from other people's eyes and never forget to wear it. Make amulets for your children too. An ordinary pin, becoming your amulet, will help protect you and your family from the envious glances and evil eye of strangers.

Pin against the evil eye - how to wear this talisman correctly? This question worries those who often fall under the influence of sorcerers and do not know how to save themselves from damage and the evil eye. It is very simple to make a pin not only a decoration, but also a reliable shield against witchcraft.

It is important not only to pronounce the talisman correctly, but also to position it, following all the rules. Remember that the location of the talisman must be chosen immediately, since once you attach it, its location cannot be changed.

First of all, the talisman is always attached with the tip down. An inverted amulet will not be able to protect you from negative influences. Moving a charmed decoration from one thing to another is prohibited. It’s better to immediately prepare several talismans in order to attach them to different jackets, blouses, dresses, etc.

To increase the power of protection, use multi-colored beads. Their color should change depending on who will wear the talisman.

  • For children, string a green bead.
  • For the beloved (beloved) - red.
  • For relatives - blue.
  • For friends - yellow.

The use of black beads is prohibited! They attract negative energy.

Pay attention to what things you can attach the amulet to. The correct impact will be provided only if it is attached to natural fabric. If the decoration is pinned to a synthetic material, the protection will not be activated.

If you are preparing a talisman for a woman, then refrain from attaching it to your trousers. They are considered an element of a man's wardrobe, so the amulet will not have any effect.

If you decide to use a pin to protect your home from damage and the evil eye, then place it on the curtain, only so that it is not noticeable. Remember that such a talisman can protect your home from the negative energy of the guest and his curses. But this accessory is powerless against the strength of the pads.

How to speak to a talisman before pinning it to things?

You can protect yourself from the evil eye and envy in a simple old-fashioned way. The pin is actually a very powerful amulet, but most people use it incorrectly. Simply pinning a pin to clothing will not give much effect. She needs to be prepared in a special way and spoken.

The attribute must be purchased only after lunch on Friday. Bring it home, light a candle and say:

Lock up any evil on yourself, let everything that is prepared for me be transferred to you.

Now you need to secure the decoration so that no one can see it.

When you return home the next day in the evening, unfasten the accessory and take a closer look, what happened to the needle? If she is fine, then you have not been magically affected.

Leave the decoration unbuttoned until the morning, and fasten it again the next day. Check your amulet every day. If the needle suddenly bends, rusts or turns black, this indicates that they were trying to exert a magical effect on you.

This amulet will no longer be useful. You need to bury it where no one will find it in an open state and charm yourself with a new talisman.

Ritual for the waxing moon

This ritual is performed only on the waxing moon on Tuesday. In this way, you can charm the decoration both for personal use and for home protection. The ceremony is carried out either late in the evening or early in the morning, before dawn.

To cast a spell, use an accessory that has never been used by anyone before. Place a wax candle in front of you, open the pin and bring it to the fire. Let it heat up well, then sprinkle it with holy water and whisper the words:

May I, the Servant of God (name), be protected. May the Lord protect me from unclean things, from bad words, from corruption and from the evil eye. Amen.

The text is whispered three times. After each casting of the spell, drip wax onto the talisman. When the ritual is completed, let it cool and attach it to the chosen place.

Remember that, even if no magical attacks were made on you, the power of protection still weakens over time. In order to restore it, once every three months take the charmed talisman and leave it for a day in consecrated water.

The next morning, you can take out the jewelry and pin it back on the item, and pour out the used liquid. As a result, the water will take on all the negative energy and restore protective function amulet.

Plot of pins on fire and water

In order not to have to remove damage and the evil eye, you need to do everything to protect yourself and your loved ones. To perform this ritual you will only need:

  • new wax candle;
  • a bowl of holy water;
  • decoration.

Decoration bowl of holy water new wax candle

It is best if you first collect the water for the ceremony in a temple or church. This must be done before sunrise.

When you get home, pour the liquid into a small container and place a pin in it. The decoration should lie in the container for three days. Every morning and evening, go to the container, bend over it and read the words:

Protect me with a pin from the evil eye, demonic spawn and other infections.

After the specified time has passed, remove the amulet from the water, wipe it thoroughly, and pour out the liquid.

Now place the jewelry in front of you, take a candle in your hands and fill the pin eye (located at the other end of the product) with wax, whispering:

The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, send it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I secure the word with iron.

The text should be repeated five times, after which the amulet will be ready and can be freely used.

Ancient charms for amulet

Our ancestors used not only the pin itself, but also protective plants to create protection against the evil eye. They were supposed to increase a person’s protection and prevent sorcerers from influencing him.

Onions were often used in spells. This plant has long been known for its protective properties. Usually, to cleanse the house from the evil eye or protect it, the housewife took a large onion, pierced it with a pin and said the words five times:

Onion, my protector, protect from evil, protect from demons, protect from enemies. Take away all troubles and sorrows from me.

After the ritual, the onion was thrown away, the talisman was attached to the curtain.

Rowan was most often used for personal protection. For the ritual, women took three dry berries, laid them out on the table, took them in turn in their palms and repeated the words separately for each:

The rowan is red, it brought me protection. She protected me from trouble and illness.

After the berries were enchanted, they were strung on a pin, which was attached to things.

If you use a pin as an amulet, it is important to spell it correctly and fasten it so that the talisman really protects you. Follow simple tips when creating a talisman and you can create reliable protection.

Pin against the evil eye - how to wear and speak the amulet - all the secrets on the site

Do you wish reliable protection or success in various endeavors? Then take advantage of the talismanic wisdom of the Slavs and the knowledge passed on from generation to generation in ancient Rus'. Break the cycle of failure by learning about the best defenses that work towards your excellence. Visit our website about choosing amulets, amulets and talismans.

Harmony magic amulet with your biofield depends on several parameters: individual characteristics and desired goals. Do not forget about the difference between an amulet, a talisman and a talisman. The amulet is always made personally; the talisman and amulet can be purchased. In addition, the talisman attracts positive energy, and the amulet protects against negative energy.

The evil eye pin is considered one of the ancient amulets, helping to protect against the evil eye and damage. It would seem that it is nothing unusual and is quite often used in everyday life. But many generations have used and continue to use this simple thing as a protector.

The pin has become widely used due to its special shape and accessibility. Another advantage of this amulet was that it could protect not only individual person, but also the whole family. It took root well among both pagans and Christians, and is widely used to this day.

A pin amulet can protect you from harmful trends no worse than specially made body jewelry. In such jewelry, the primary role is played not by the shape of the object, but by the ancient symbols depicted on it. In this regard, the pin is self-sufficient - it does not require additional marks.

The power of the evil eye pin lies in its shape. Also, the amulet is sometimes decorated with additional attributes.

But, despite this, it is often decorated with beads, pendants and even ribbons; such additions will be appropriate only for external wear - an evil eye pin pinned from the inside out does not require such tricks.

However, the power of the evil eye pin lies precisely in its shape. It is believed that due to its spiral shape, this object absorbs all the bad, as if preserving it. Any negative message directed at the owner will be magnetized to the amulet and begin to move in a circle without affecting the person.

Choosing a pin-amulet

The evil eye pin is a type of amulets with limited manufacturing materials. Wood, clay and other bases will be inappropriate here - only metal.

The pin should only be metal, other materials are not suitable.

It could be:

  • gold;
  • silver;
  • steel.

Remember that when choosing materials for amulets, their high cost is not a factor of primary importance. People choose metal based on their own tastes and financial capabilities. However, the use of precious materials - gold and silver, as well as cheap substitutes, has its advantages and disadvantages. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

If you choose a cheap metal, for example steel:

  • the amulet will quickly wear out, its appearance will especially suffer;
  • it is necessary to carry out cleaning more often due to the low energy resource consumption of the material;
  • Instead of carrying out another cleansing ritual, the amulet can simply be thrown away.

This option is quite good for those who want to save money on buying an expensive gold pin. But this is not necessary, because there is another option - silver. Nothing can protect a person from slander, the evil eye and evil glances as well as silver amulets.

Expensive materials also have their disadvantages:

  • the need to spend more money;
  • high probability of encountering counterfeit products;
  • reluctance to part with an expensive item if it becomes unusable after a strong energy attack.

Which material to prefer is up to you. But do not forget to take into account such a thing as energetic and physical intolerance to metals. People who are often attacked are advised to opt for silver. Since ancient times it has been considered an excellent protector. Our ancestors believed that this metal protected from the evil eye, the envious gaze of haters, and even protected from the encroachments of dark forces.

How to pin correctly

The evil eye pin has only one the right way wearing - head down.

When buying a pin, people don’t always think about how to attach it – with the head up or down. Undecided, some people hook it in a horizontal position. This way you could wear a brooch, but this method is not suitable for a talisman.

The pin, a talisman against the evil eye, has only one correct way to wear it – head down. It is in this form that she will be able to fully fulfill her purpose, providing her owner with protection.

It is unacceptable to pin a pin with the head up. Only being in a head down position will she be able to get rid of the negativity that she has collected and stored. The Slavs believed that in this way everything bad that got into it would go down into the ground.

How to wear a pin

There are several ways to wear a pin against the evil eye and damage:

  • from the inside of clothes, hiding from prying eyes;
  • outside, showing it openly.

It cannot be argued here that the second method is fundamentally wrong. But the first one is considered the traditional wearing option. This is what our ancestors preferred.

They attached the evil eye pin as follows:

  • hung on the inside hem of the dress;
  • They were attached from the heart side to shirts.

Our forefathers believed that body wear should be hidden from strangers so as not to attract unnecessary attention and not cause a desire to do harm.

The protective amulets Hand and Eye of Fatima will harmoniously complement the protective pin; they will serve as an auxiliary source of protective energy.

Time has somewhat changed this tradition and protective jewelry is often worn in plain sight. There is an explanation for this: if the amulet is catchy and bright, it will distract attention from its owner, preventing him from harming him, or simply putting the evil eye on him.

Vivid examples of this are the Nazar and Hamsa amulets, better known as the Eye of Fatima and.

The same principle works not only with body jewelry, but also with a miniature, seemingly invisible, pin. It is for these purposes that the evil eye pin, worn in full view of everyone, is decorated with bright stones, pendants and bright ribbons.

The principle of operation here is the same as that of the red thread on the wrist - to distract attention, dispel bad thoughts and make a person invisible against the background of his expressive talisman.

How to charm a pin against the evil eye and damage

After purchasing a pin against the evil eye, the amulet must be cleaned and activated using special spells.

All amulets require activation. Sometimes it is enough to hold an object in spring water or under the rays of the sun. The evil eye pin requires the utterance of special words.

The spell for a pin against the evil eye is pronounced in several cases:

  • after purchase, before use;
  • for cleaning from bad energy after prolonged use.

The first conspiracy is pronounced so that the amulet begins to function in accordance with your desires. But repeated cleanings are carried out to maintain its strength.

There are a lot of ways to talk to a pin. Among the most common readings are Psalm 90, “Our Father” or the version below:

“Guardian Angel, come to my call, save, protect from trouble and enemies. Follow me everywhere, hide behind your back.”

You can also try:

“Become my protection from unkind people, shelter me from trouble and evil eye. Let evil spirits and witchcraft infection pass me by.”

These two options are universal. They are suitable for everyone - men and women, older people and children. Please note that some of the spells can only be used by Christians, while others are suitable even for idolaters.

There are also special conspiracies suitable for a specific situation.

Among these is a conspiracy that helps the bride on the most important day of her life, protecting her from evil people:

“Just as no one can extinguish the bright month,
Remove the life-giving sun from the sky,
To revive the deceased again,
Likewise, no one will harm the bride (her name).
The key is in place, the lock is not broken, the tongue is silent. Amen".

And also a conspiracy that allows you to cover both newlyweds with a shield:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Protect the newlyweds, God's servants (names) from all evil:
Envious people, homewreckers and deceitful friends, witch spells, evil spirits and the evil eye.
Let them both be happy and cheerful, let them not know worries and problems.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

The most popular way to use an evil eye pin is to wear it as a personal talisman. But besides this, it is possible to create a talisman for all relatives. There is also a special conspiracy for this case:

“Let the pin pierce all the envy and anger that has accumulated around me. Let it fly like a boomerang to the one who brought this darkness to me.”

You need to say it three times, and hide the amulet in a table, a chest of drawers with clothes, or pin it to the curtains by the window.

You can also try to charm a pin not only against the evil eye, but also for various other purposes, for example, for good luck:

“I call out to luck, I call upon it, I open my pin.
As soon as I close the amulet, I will hide that luck in it.
Let him settle in it forever, it saves me from problems.”

At the same time, the amulet itself also needs to be opened and closed, accordingly, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy.

Another interesting version of the conspiracy is for love. Suitable for women and girls who want the pin to also protect the happiness of their spouses or attract an ideal husband in the future:

“Let my husband care and cherish everything, pamper me and take pity on me,
Forgives stupidity and quarrels, tasteless borscht, discord,
Gives gifts and attention, brings roses on a date,
He doesn’t cheat on me with others and doesn’t drink alcohol.”

Making a talisman with your own hands

An amulet made from a pin can be turned into a real decoration. Then it can be worn over clothes. If you try, no one will guess that this thing is a talisman.

An amulet made from a pin can be turned into a real decoration by decorating it with various decorative elements.

You can decorate a magical accessory decorative flower, made of satin ribbons, a miniature toy made of felted wool, and even a figurine made of clay or wood. Such a brooch, visually transformed into a decoration, will still have to remain a talisman. That is, it is necessary to attach the evil eye pin correctly - with the head down. This will make it less convenient to fasten it, but at the same time the amulet will be able to correctly fulfill its mission.

An excellent way to enhance the effect of the amulet is to add other magical attributes - a talisman against the evil eye, or even a cross. The latter, of course, is suitable for those who profess the appropriate religion. Pagans, instead of a crucifix, can use cross stitch. An embroidered protective sign dedicated to an ancient Slavic deity will complement a silver pin.

Evil eye pin for newborns

Such amulets are used not only by adults, but also by children. The baby pin also requires cleaning and activation. But due to their age, children will not be able to perform these manipulations. Therefore, their parents should deal with such things. It is better if the mother spells the amulet for the child. The conspiracy spoken by her will be even stronger, because in these words the mother will put all her love and warmth towards her son or daughter.

A safety pin for the baby is attached to the crib or stroller so that the child is not accidentally injured.

The evil eye pin for newborns cannot be attached to the baby's clothes. There are no special beliefs in this regard - such restrictions arose due to concerns about the safety of the child. To prevent the evil eye pin from causing physical harm to the baby, when it comes undone, it is hooked onto a cradle or stroller.

It is not necessary to use one amulet. You can get two - indoor and outdoor. Thanks to this, the child will be constantly protected, even while one of the amulets is going through the purification stage.

Personalized silver pin

You should approach choosing a talisman for a child even more seriously than for yourself. Due to the purity of their energy, children are much more likely to be negatively influenced than adults. This is also aggravated by the fact that children are not able to identify energy vampirism and cannot counteract it.

The personal amulet has no additional power, but looks very original.

To protect your child, choose a silver evil eye pin for him. Such a talisman will provide him with maximum protection. Many mothers like to focus on personalized items. They put patches with their names on children's clothes, buy them personalized albums, and even make personalized pins. Unfortunately, this does not help strengthen the magical potential of the talisman. But if this is important to you, you can try making a personal amulet.

For this you will need:

  • beads with letters;
  • elastic band or fishing line;
  • decorative pendants or bow.

You can purchase all this at almost any jewelry store that sells various blanks and parts for self-made inexpensive jewelry. Collect the child's name from beads, stringing them on a thread, elastic band or fishing line. It is better to stay with the latter options, as they are stronger.

Then all you have to do is attach the beads on both sides to the pin so that they form an inverted rainbow shape. You can add a flower, bow or any other decoration to the side.

Safety pin care

The pin, like other amulets, requires periodic cleaning and charging.

A good luck pin, like any other amulet, cannot work for a long time without energy recharge. Before you worry about it, consider cleaning it up. You cannot first charge the amulet and then clean it. This will lead to neutralization of the ritual of charging with positive energies.

To process an amulet pin that has accumulated all the bad things that were intended for its owner, the following is suitable:

  • spring water;

Pour living water in a glass, cup or bowl and place the pin there overnight. Do not forget to warn your relatives so that they do not drink this water under any circumstances. You should also not touch it with your hands when pulling out the amulet - you risk taking upon yourself all the crap that the amulet has collected during the period of use. The water should be poured onto the ground or simply into the toilet if you live in an apartment building.

After this, place the pin in the salt until it completely covers it. It is better if she lies there for several days. You will need to get rid of salt in the same way as water. We remind you that any ritual of cleansing amulets, amulets and talismans is carried out exclusively on the waning moon, so that all bad things leave you with it.

Anyone can encounter the evil eye: both the superstitious and the skeptic. Situations when things deteriorated sharply, health began to fail, and relationships with relatives deteriorated happen more often than we would like. Therefore, it is necessary to have a strong and simple in. For example, a pin. Making such a talisman will not require much effort and time, and minimal funds will be spent.

Predecessors are plant thorns, animal and fish bones. In a protective sense, these items have the same meaning - protection from the evil eye and damage. The clasps fit perfectly: a purely personal item, inconspicuous, sharp, and can be stuck almost anywhere.

At any time, the purpose of a pin is one thing - to fasten parts of clothing. IN Ancient Rome and Greece, togas were used to give an unusual look, create draperies and weaves of fabric.

In Rus', clasps were called brooches, to which solar signs and pendants were given additional protective significance.

The pin acquired its modern appearance in Europe in the 15th century. It was made from noble metals and could even be given as a gift.

Now this item is not so much an element of fastening clothing, but rather a decoration. There are jewelry, inlaid precious stones, and inexpensive jewelry. All of them can be used as a talisman. You can make pendants with your own hands.

They are also used in witchcraft. In this regard, needles found in the house, under the threshold or stuck in the doorframe should be thrown away. They take them with a protected hand and take them away from the home.

How to make a talisman pin

You can just find one at home or buy a regular pin. But it's better to stick to the rules. So the power of the amulet should become higher.

  1. The amulet pin is bought on Friday; change is not taken from the seller.
  2. Do not use old products with bent, rusty or darkened needles.
  3. They don't pick you up on the street. They could be used in rituals. The negative can be transferred to a new owner.
  4. The clasp must be strong.
  5. If beads or pendants are strung, their meaning should be studied.
  6. After purchasing, be sure to use the evil eye pin.

The rules are simple, everyone can follow them, so it’s better not to neglect them. This way, unnecessary problems will not arise, and the protective power will increase.

How to wear an evil eye pin correctly

There are special rules here too. But they differ in different sources. You need to listen to your intuition.

  1. The pin is inserted next to the heart.
  2. Pregnant women wear it in the solar plexus area.
  3. Stick with the point down.
  4. They keep it with them constantly, passing it from clothing to clothing. Homemade is no exception.
  5. Remove at night and store closed.
  6. You can fasten it either in plain sight or hide it in the seams, although opinions on this matter differ. This is how the decoration attracts attention. An ill-wisher simply will not be able to concentrate on causing damage. A clothespin hidden in the back seam will ward off all types of negativity.

At certain moments of life a person needs the greatest protection. In these cases, be sure to use an evil eye pin attached to the underside.

  1. Public speaking or other events where a lot of attention is expected. Even if it's a birthday with family and friends. Damage may not be caused on purpose. Any praise is not from the heart; envy can turn into damage.
  2. During the wedding, the newlyweds are pinned against the evil eye on the inside of their outfit. This is a difficult transitional period when the newlyweds receive a lot of attention from loved ones and strangers. At this time, they can harm not so much the person himself as the new family and the relationship between the spouses. You can enhance the effect by chipping two needles crosswise.
  3. Worn for children. Strangers are touched by cute little ones in a stroller or grown-up fidgets. The baby does not yet have protective energy. Better than a child secure.
  4. During pregnancy. At this time of strength expectant mother weakened. You need to take care not only of yourself, but also of the child, so protection needs to be strengthened. Along with the pin, other amulets are also used.
  5. At the moment of meeting an unpleasant person. Intuition is stronger than reason. If a person has not done anything wrong, but you feel uncomfortable in his presence, then it is worth protecting yourself with a talisman. This or the evil eye.

These are situations where a pin will definitely be needed. Doubting and especially superstitious people can wear it every day. It does no harm, only benefit.

Apartment protection

In Rus', in the days when evil spirits were especially rampant: Ivan Kupala, Yuletide week, Spirits day, houses were protected with branches of thorny and burning plants. For example, rosehip and nettle. They were placed near windows, doors, under the roof, and plugged cracks and keyholes.

The remedy for witchcraft for every day is a pin. You can use a needle instead. There are two ways:

  1. Ancient. A needle sticks into a joint front door needle down. Evil forces will not be able to enter the house, and someone who comes with bad intentions will feel uncomfortable and try to leave quickly. All the negativity brought from the street will linger on the tip.
  2. Modern. The pin is attached to the curtain, at the very bottom, on the window side. The clasp may not be fastened. The amulet is designed to drive unkind guests out of the house.

The needles at the entrance accumulate a lot of negativity, so they need to be changed or cleaned every month.

Cleaning the pin

It is necessary to carry out in several cases:

  1. Above the new pin.
  2. Over the old one, if it has not been used as a talisman before.
  3. If you notice blackening or rust.
  4. Replace a pin worn on clothing once every 2-3 months.
  5. The front door jamb is cleaned once a month.

Only purchased ones are cleaned like this:

  1. Wash in running water.
  2. They keep it for 24 hours fresh air, in the wind, so that it receives the rays of the sun during the day and the rays of the moon at night.
  3. Bury it in salt for a day. After this, the salt is thrown away. They are not eaten and not kept in the house.
  4. After this, they are washed, dried, cured and used.

The pin in use can be cleaned in saline solution, staying there for a day.

Spells for a pin against the evil eye

This required action so that a household item becomes a talisman. There are many types. You can choose any one depending on the conditions and personal preferences.

  1. Fiery. The wax candle is lit. Melted wax drips into the ear. At this moment it is said:

    “The pin is sharp, pierce the evil with a needle, send it away from me. I conjure the word with fire, I fix the word with iron.”

  2. Water. Place the pin in the water. It must be a spring. The pin should lie there for a day. Then say:

    “Protect me with a pin from the evil eye, demonic spawn and other infections.”

  3. Smoky. Light spruce or pine branches in a metal container. Hold the pin over the smoke and say:

    “Black, noble smoke, protect me, protect me from trouble, drive away anger, only you are able to help me.”

  4. Nodular. A natural red thread is taken. 12 knots are tied on the ear, saying:

    “Twelve shields, twelve forces, and they all hold me tightly, serve me, and save me from evil. Take away, knots, troubles, bad weather, bad things, misfortunes. Become my amulet from century to century.”

  5. Onion. The acrid smell and bitterness made the onion strong defense from any evil. Onions will help against spoilage. Pierce the onion with a pin, saying:

    « Bow fighter, protect my crown, turn away from me evil allotments, damn limits. Amulet, protect, ward off all troubles.”

  6. Rowan. String three dried berries rowan berries on a pin and say the magic words:
  7. Simple. Place the pin on your palm and say:

    “Take away all evil, turn away unkind people, turn away the evil eye, protect me.”

The main thing in a conspiracy is not the text; it can be said in your own words. The main thing is that they come from the heart and be sincere. Follow the rules:

  • visualize. This will determine the power of the conspiracy. Present the result. The brighter and more detailed the picture in your head, the better. For example, you are trying to get rid of failures. Imagine a joyful picture of how any business turns out, relationships with people develop, illnesses go away. If you need to get rid of a person who causes the evil eye and damage, imagine how he leaves you and does not return;
  • Do not be distructed. It is often recommended to carry out conspiracies at night. On a full moon or waxing moon. This not only enhances the energy of the words, but also helps you concentrate. There are fewer irritants at night. Make sure that household members are asleep, the TV is turned off, and no extraneous sounds are heard from the street. Silence and calm will help you focus on the image and words;
  • stay in good spirits and good health. Anger, irritation, bad feeling change the energy of the object;
  • believe. All efforts will be in vain if you are skeptical about magic.

This knowledge has been accumulated over centuries and tested. A correctly performed ritual will give a strong amulet.

If a pin is broken, lost or darkened, it means it has taken on the negative and has already served its purpose. This pin needs to be changed. The old one is buried in the ground, a ritual of purification and conspiracy is again performed over the new one and fixed in place of the old one.

A pin protects against the evil eye, almost everyone has heard and knows this, but often they do not know the intricacies of the process itself. In this article I will talk about several ways to pin a pin against the evil eye according to all the rules and describe two ancient rituals.

A person, in addition to his physical, bodily shell, also has an energy shell, invisible to human eyes.
Healthy energy often determines physical health and the psycho-emotional state of a person. It protects against negative influence the surrounding world.

If gaps appear in the energy shell, then any negativity can pass through them in the form of clots of negative energy, the evil eye, or damage. Any quarrel or careless word can cause these holes to appear. Therefore, it is important to protect yourself from any negativity and foreign influence. You can find out about the state of your energy from a photo after undergoing diagnostics.
That's it now more people began to show interest in various types energy protection. Some meditate, some read prayers, some carry amulets or amulets to protect them from negative influences.

One of the most common methods to protect your energy is pinning a pin to your clothes. This is usually done for little children on a shirt or for a bride on a dress, or other occasions when a person is the center of attention. The pin can be simple or made of silver or gold, this has nothing to do with protection.

There are several rituals for cleaning and prescribing programs for a pin so that it really protects against the evil eye.

First ritual

  1. You will need a candle, preferably a wax one.
    Any time, day or night. Any day of the week.
  2. You need to light a candle and bring a pin to the lit flame - the fire will cleanse the pin of negativity.
  3. Next, read the plot:
    “Dear gods, Mother is alive, protect me from all evil. Your strength will protect me. From now to every hour. Let it be so".
  4. After this, you need to drop melted wax onto the head of the pin several times. There is no need to clean the pin of wax. It's simple, just a couple of minutes and you have effective protection.

Second ritual

  1. You will need “Dead Water” water (aka Epiphany water, collected on January 19), a wax candle and a towel.
    Pour Epiphany water into a glass, place it on the table, lay a clean towel in front of the glass, light a candle and say the following words:
    – “Dear gods, deliver the Child of God (the name of the owner of the pin) from nasty, evil thoughts, from unkind people, from a bad word, from a quick bullet, from a sharp spear. My word of God, my word is strong, like the Alatyr stone.”
  2. When reading the plot, you need to completely dip the pin into Epiphany water.
  3. Next, dry it with a towel and carefully place it on it.
  4. After this, hold a lighted candle over it. If wax gets on a pin, you cannot wipe it off - it should wear off on its own over time.

These rituals will give the pin protective, magical properties from any kind of negativity.

Now about how to pin a pin against the evil eye in the surest way.
It is recommended to pin a pin near the heart, with outside clothes. So the pin performs the same protective function as tying a red silk thread on the wrist. If it is not possible to pin a pin from the outside, then you can pin it from the inside of the garment with the head down.

When a pin is pinned to the outside of the garment, any negative impact will switch to it.

If under any circumstances the pin disappears or comes undone, this is a sign that it has fulfilled its protective role.

After which it is necessary to carry out a new ritual. Performing rituals must be as precise as possible - only then will it be possible to protect yourself from the evil eye.

Sincerely, Oksana Manoilo.
