People's rating of tour operators. Reviews of tour operators. The most reliable tour operators. Tour operator rating

In the Soviet era, tourism was easier. Very few were released abroad. Within the country, the state also did not particularly strive to develop tourism, believing that the builders of communism should not relax in the summer.

But in recent decades, tourism has become, although risky, profitable business, which attracts big money. How to have a good rest and how to choose a good-quality tour operator?

Problems in the tourism sector

How to understand how well a tour operator does its job? What are the most reliable tour operators? This problem turned out to be especially acute for Russian tourists in Lately. News that another travel agency has announced the cessation of operations, and at this time its tourists are waiting in vain for a plane at the airport or trying to check into a hotel abroad, are published in the media mass media more often. At the same time, the “characters of the report” are not weak, newly emerged companies, but quite stable, popular brands.

How can a Russian traveler navigate this unstable sea of ​​tourism? Is there a safety rating of tour operators that you can rely on? Is it possible to evaluate Russian tour operators? A review of individual firms reveals the complexity of the situation.

Methods for finding a reliable operator

Reviews about tour operators in the media, reflecting the failure of tourism market players, are not isolated cases, but a common problem. Let us turn to the expert data presented in official sources and the media: recently, almost two dozen tour operators have gone bankrupt, and because of this, over fifty thousand Russians have found themselves in a difficult situation at the holiday destinations.

Periodic failures in the tourism industry force both vacationers themselves and specialists in this field to look for certain signs of the reliability of companies, considering both individual characteristics and system-wide provisions.

Development of travel companies

Experts call active business promotion one of the factors that can be a guideline for checking the reliability of a tour operator. If a company is not marking time, is forming, and is expanding the scope of its brand, then it most likely has large financial reserves. A good sign The presence in the structure of the company’s services of new services, popular and interesting excursion programs also serves. An example of such a company is Intourist Tour Operator.

Office and official website

Some experts suggest working with a travel company based on clothing. A sign of a company's wealth can be, in particular, expensive office space in the city center, good repairs and equipment. Another possible, although not direct indicator, is a functional, informative and high-quality website that is constantly updated. Reviews of tour operators look great compared to such sites.

Forecast for the future

Another factor highlighted by market analysts is the ability of a tour operator to book tours long before the departure date. This indicates that the company has a sufficient set of connections - with hotels, airlines, various types intermediary organizations helping the client select vacation options. And reviews of tour operators of this level stand out especially positively against the general background.


The business concept that characterizes reliable tour operators determines the constant contact of the company with partners. This is important not only from the point of view of creating profitable offers for customers, but also from the point of view of having backup options in case things go wrong somewhere. The Intourist Tour Operator company, for example, has been around for quite a long time and continues to enjoy well-deserved popularity among clients.

Charter flights and air services

Some experts have a negative attitude towards the practice of companies taking clients on vacation on charter flights. A more reliable option is when passengers depart according to the regular aviation schedule. And therefore, when a client is interested in how to find out the level of reliability of a tour operator, you can look at the model of interaction between the travel agency and airlines.

Travel agency specialization

Other specialists in the tourism market define the narrow scope of activity of a travel agency as a significant positive criterion. It can be expressed, in particular, in activities in a single geographical direction, state or travel theme.

Despite the fact that the most reliable tour operators in Russia have greater financial resources compared to medium-sized firms, the latter can successfully compete with big players in certain sectors and even attract clients to themselves. At the same time, Russians will have the appropriate volume and level of service.

Full payment for the tour

Among the most common problems encountered in the domestic tourism market is the refusal or sudden absence of Money operator to pay for flight services and hotel reservations. The company's client, upon arriving at the airport, finds out that he cannot check in for the plane due to the fact that his seat has not been paid for by the company. The same situation can happen upon arrival at the hotel. To prevent such cases, experts suggest working with tour operators who promptly pay for the services of their counterparties. But how can you identify the most reliable tour operators in advance?

Checking travel agencies

Even if the company makes promises to pay in full for the tour, the traveler still needs to check the services of tour operators before departure. You need to call the hotel or airline and check that you really have a reservation.

This data is not private, and such checks are not prohibited. At the same time, you need to not only know that the plane ticket and a seat in the room have not only been paid for, but also check everything by dates, and also find out that a seat on the plane is available not only for the flight to the holiday destination, but also back.

The role of the state in the tourism sector

Of course, the state cannot take a passive position in such negative consequences activities of unreliable travel agencies. The government, for example, has increased the entry level of travel agencies into the Register of Tour Operators. Mandatory factors include the provision of mandatory correct financial statements, as well as the transfer of information related to the personal business reputation of the management of the travel agency. Another mandatory factor in the financial direction is the existence of bank obligations for travel agencies associated with charter flights.

With the introduction of this system, the amount of travel agency funds needed in the process of work will be insured. For example, we are talking about allocating certain amounts for each tourist to special funds that can be used if problems arise.

Government agencies in the field of tourism

Today, the powers of Rostourism in the field of control and supervisory actions are increasingly increasing. If violations are discovered in the activities of a travel agency during the inspection process, information about such an agency may be removed from the Register. Such a travel agency, in accordance with legal basis, work for legally can not.

This means that the operation of the company will be considered a criminal offense in the form of illegal activities. Such unreliable companies are published on the official websites of Rosreestr and Rostourism. There is also information about reliable companies. For example, Dolphin Tour Operator has a good reputation.

Register of travel companies

Now a little about the Registry. All tour operators can only legally operate if their brand is in official Register. Thus, the Dolphin Tour Operator company, popular among certain segments of Russians, is on this list.

The register is state-owned and operates at the federal level throughout the country. Tour operators of both the largest cities in Russia and small provincial ones are required to meet the criteria defined at the state level.

The state register of travel agencies gradually began to operate back in 2015 at the suggestion of V.V. Putin. Such changes began to be carried out in order to oust false companies from the market that deceive Russians and create a bad image in general about such travel agencies. If the selected agency is not in the registry, it is best to refuse the operator’s services altogether, since there is serious danger fraud. You should only work with those who do business openly and based on positive reviews.

Currently (2017), any travel company, such as Danko Tour Operator, must prove the fact of signed agreements with partners (hotels, charter flights, etc.), and also be included in the list of companies in the registry.

Online verification of a travel company

How to check the reliability of a tour operator using online analytics? Today, many tourists are looking for a tour organizer via the Internet. The first thing a traveler sees is the company’s online representation, i.e., website. If there is no website at all, maybe you should refuse the services of a travel agency? If the resource is made with high quality, informative and regularly updated (like, for example, the tour operator Danko), in most cases the company can be trusted. But, of course, you should not rely only on the subjective assessment of the travel agency’s web resource.

You will see all the tour operators from whom we sell tours online through the website.

How to buy a tour from these tour operators online?

Select the tour operator you need, and you will be redirected to a special search page for the tour operator you have chosen.
You can also search for all tour operators on this page. Or look for last-minute tours across all tour operators.
It will be possible to book your trip both for upcoming dates and through the early booking system.
We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the price of an early booking tour will always be 30-40% more profitable.

How to buy a tour in the office?

Can’t choose which tour operator to buy your tour from? Or maybe you can't decide on a hotel? It's OK! Our managers will come to your aid and help you understand your situation.
Write to us or come straight to the office, where we will select only the best for you!

About these tour operators:

These are the most famous and sought-after tour operators who have already earned the trust of many clients.
The search for tours will be based on selected operators, which you can see on this page.
Only quality services from the best in the business!
We would also like to draw your attention to the fact that these tour operators cover more than 90% of the tourism services market.

The Classic Travel company is a leader in the tourism sector of Jordan and Israel. The company was founded by Israelis - immigrants from Russia, whose experience and business qualities guarantee highest level client service.

Travel agency "Intergid.Ru" is the entire map of the world, from A to Z, in your travel package! The widest range of services, individual selection of destinations and types of recreation, the ability to pay for vacations on credit - all this is Intergid.Ru.

“Pay – Fly” is a travel company whose operating principle is complete “penetration” of the client’s desires. The experience of the company's managers allows us to select a tour that optimally meets the expectations of a particular customer.

The very name of the travel company “Safari” speaks of an exotic vacation. Indeed, the agency's only focus is Tanzania and only a few other African countries. But the level of professionalism of the company in this area is beyond doubt!

The network of travel agencies “Online Booking Center” is a young company whose main activity is organizing trips for recreation and treatment at resorts in Russia, Belarus and Abkhazia.

The travel company "Maria" has been organizing wonderful holidays for residents of Moscow and the region for more than 20 years. The company offers both ready-made tour packages and also deals with individual tour packages according to the client’s wishes and capabilities.

The travel company "Parusa" organizes vacations, mainly in popular destinations among Russians - Greece, Thailand, China, etc. The travel agency's website is a search engine for selecting last-minute tours in all directions.

The Meridian Travel company is the official partner of such giants of the Russian tourism business, such as “Coral Travel”, “Tez Tour”, etc. The company offers all popular destinations for beach and excursion holidays, individual and corporate tours, children's holidays, etc.

The online tour search service offered by Our Tour allows you to track, find, and compare the most advantageous offers from the largest tour operators in real time.

The main activity of the NaturaMed company is health tourism. The company cooperates with the best sanatoriums Russia, officially offers services Black Sea resorts"South Coast" and "Blue Distance".

Travel agency "Rubtur" is an organizer of bright holidays in exotic countries. The company offers tours to the UAE, Maldives, Cuba, as well as individual and VIP tours, weddings. The agency will help you book a yacht, plane and even an island!

The Orthodox company "Pilgrim" organizes trips to worship Orthodox shrines located in Russia, as well as to holy places in Jerusalem, Bethlehem, and attend services. One of the company's activities is excursion and health tourism.

Travel agency "Best Rest" offers a huge selection of last-minute tours from the largest operators in Russia. The company will not only quickly find a travel option that suits the client, but also as soon as possible will issue all documents and tickets.

“Alta-P” Pegas Touristik is a company offering an exclusive “product” from one of the largest tour operators in Russia, Pegas Touristik. The company organizes trips to all popular and exotic destinations.

The travel agency "Dial Voyage" offers its clients traditional travel destinations. The company organizes beach tours to the islands and Asian countries, trips to ski resorts and excursion holidays in Europe.

The Prime Travel travel agency cooperates with the largest travel companies operating in Russia: CORAL TRAVEL, Biblio Travel, TEZ TOUR, Pegas Touristik, SUNMAR TOUR, NTK Intourist, Natalie Tours, Solvex-Travel, PAC GROUP. The company's operating principle is complete competence in everything that is offered to clients.

The travel agency "AmiVisa" is positioned as a visa center. The company is engaged in obtaining visas to most countries of the world, even in the most difficult cases. Services include individual consultations before the interview, collecting documents, etc.

The Bel Riposo travel agency specializes in the sale of last-minute tours, as well as early bookings. The company mainly offers the Greek islands, Dominican Republic, Thailand, India and other beach holiday centers.

Travel agency "ChinaTownGlobal" has great experience working with colleagues around the world, especially in China. The company provides services for quickly obtaining a Chinese visa. The company also offers other popular tourist destinations.

The Open-Travel agency follows two basic rules in its work: to make the client’s choice as wide as possible and to ensure the greatest price attractiveness. The company offers vacations in exotic Caribbean countries.

The travel company "Prance Tour" offers holidays in the Dominican Republic and the countries of Southeast Asia. The company’s employees will not only select the most optimal travel option, but will also share the experience of experienced travelers.

The authorized agency TEZ TOUR offers the services of one of the largest tour operators on the Russian market. Hence a huge range of services - ski, beach and sightseeing tours, children's holidays, honeymoon trips, obtaining visas and booking tickets.

On the website of the travel agency Vera Travel, you can use a convenient online system for searching for a suitable tour; there are many offers with significant discounts. The agency offers all types of tours to most countries of the world.

Travel agency "Voyage des Paradise" offers to plunge into the atmosphere of heavenly bliss in any corner of the world. Beach, ski, excursion tourism, last minute tours, Spa treatment– from the company “Voyage des Paradises”.

The travel company "Avatar Tour" mainly specializes in beach holidays in exotic countries, but can offer many interesting tours to Europe and the USA, as well as African countries. The company provides tour and ticket booking services.

Travel agency "Sanmar Kuzminki" is the official representative of one of the leaders in the Russian travel industry market, the SUNMAR TOUR company. The company can offer its clients any type of vacation from the huge variety in the SUNMAR TOUR catalogue.

Among the proposals « Adamant Tour Moscow" excursion, beach, pilgrimage, ski and other trips from the world's leading tour operators. The main principle of the company is that vacation should be accessible to everyone!

The most popular offers of the Borodino Tour travel agency are excursion and ski tours to Europe, beach holiday in Southeast Asia, inexpensive trips to Bulgaria and Greece. The company cooperates with the most reliable tour operators.

Group and individual trips, shopping tours, active recreation on the ski slopes, sanatorium and resort treatment on any continent, as well as in Russia, are offered by the travel company Alfa-KB, which provides discounts to its regular customers.

Travel agency "Anitours" provides services for selecting and booking tours, organizing international conferences, and business trips. The company organizes all types of holidays, cooperating with most of the world's major tour operators.

The Kandahar group of companies specializes in providing tourism services in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, the Baltic states, Georgia, Poland and Hungary. The tourism holding organizes conferences, business and corporate events, banquets, and excursion services.

The company "Bagration Tour" is a multidisciplinary travel agency, offering all types of tours anywhere in the world, hotel reservations, tickets, visa support and travel insurance, special conditions and last minute trips.

The travel boutique “Kingdom of the Islands” organizes holidays on islands around the world, even on the most exotic ones. Among them are Barbados, Vanuatu, Antigua and Barbuda, the Marshall and Solomon Islands, Fiji, Mauritius, as well as island parts of Europe and Southeast Asia.

The Visa Department company provides services for issuing all types of visas to most European countries (including Schengen), Asian countries, the USA, booking air tickets and hotels, travel insurance, as well as obtaining Russian passports.

The travel company "Marina Travel" offers the lowest prices from partners in the areas of Thailand, Indonesia, the Maldives and Vietnam, and will professionally select or organize any required tour anywhere in the world.

The travel company "World of School Excursions" provides a varied selection of trips and excursions for children and teenagers in Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as in other cities of Russia. One- and multi-day routes are possible, visiting attractions, operating industries, museums, etc.

The main activities of the travel company “On Suitcases” is the organization of inexpensive tours to resorts in Abkhazia, Bulgaria, Montenegro, and Greece. The company offers bus tours around Europe, including seaside holidays.

"Olegia Tour" is a company engaged in organizing bus tours throughout Russia and Europe, ski and beach holidays around the world, children's summer camps, conferences and festivals, weekend tours, as well as trips to exotic countries.

Managers of the travel agency “Excellent Holiday” will help you choose a tour in which the client is satisfied with everything. All types of trips, to any country in the world, according to the client’s preferences and capabilities. The company offers a large selection of last-minute travel packages.

The travel agency "Russian Voyage" specializes in organizing holidays in Russia, Abkhazia and Belarus. This includes sanatorium and resort treatment in Crimea and the CMS region, excursion trips to Russian cities, and thematic trips to regions of the country.

Tourist holiday studio "Point of the World" provides a large selection of last-minute tours to various directions. The company organizes beach, ski, sightseeing holidays, shopping tours and exotic tours to the most popular points on the tourist map of the world.

The main activity of the travel company "Britannia Travel" is the organization of tours to the UK. The agency offers standard and custom tours for adults and children, visa processing, hotel and air ticket bookings, and travel insurance.

Tour operators and travel agencies

Behind all this is a legal entity that enters into contracts with companies and combines their services for transportation, tour guides, restaurants, hotels, inns, etc. This type of activity entails considerable labor and financial expenses, which are especially felt at the initial stage. In this case, there is also increased risk, since it is the tour operator who is responsible for the quality of services provided to the consumer.

Today there is great amount tour operators, and they all offer different Special offers. Let's look at a few of them and evaluate their popularity.

Tour operator Biblio-Globus

Biblio-Globus is a leading tour operator in the countries of Southeast Asia (Indonesia, Thailand, Singapore, Vietnam), the Mediterranean (Cyprus, Tunisia, Greece) and America (USA, Brazil, Cuba, Dominican Republic). He began his activities in 1994 and to this day delights clients with a wide selection of tours, including: excursion routes, beach holidays, exotic travel (Maldives), health tours(Israel), shopping (UAE).

Tour operator Biblio-Globus offers package tours to the following countries: Argentina, Bulgaria, Vietnam, Brazil, Hong Kong, Dominican Republic, Greece, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Israel, Italy. Jordan, China, Cuba, Cyprus, Mauritius, Maldives, Mexico, Malaysia, UAE, Singapore, USA, Thailand, Tunisia, France, Czech Republic, Sri Lanka, Philippines, Jamaica.

Tour operator Biblio-Globus operates flights to the following cities of Russia: Anadyr, Blagoveshchensk, Yekaterinburg, Vladivostok, Krasnodar, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk, Magadan, Chelyabinsk, Magnitogorsk, Omsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Perm, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Khabarovsk, Rostov -on-Don, Samara, Tyumen, St. Petersburg, Moscow, Ufa, Khanty-Mansiysk, Yakutsk, Ukraine: Dnepropetrovsk, Kiev, Odessa, Donetsk, Kharkov, as well as Kazakhstan: Almaty, Shymkent.

Tour operator Troika

Tour operator Troika began its work in 1999. The main activities of the company are: bus, rail, air, excursion tours, treatment in the cities of Russia and abroad, last minute tours, comfortable holidays from economical options to VIP tours.

Clients of this tour operator can spend a full and affordable holiday in Bulgaria, Greece, Egypt, Turkey, Thailand, Tunisia, as well as in India, Mexico, Sri Lanka, the UAE, the Dominican Republic, Croatia in the Maldives and in European countries such as Austria, Andorra and Spain. Over the entire period of its existence, the tour operator Troika has established itself as one of the best, proven and reliable companies, which is confidently recommended by both experts of the Russian tourism market and tourists.

Tour operator Labyrinth

Tour operator Labyrinth began its career in 1995. It operates in the following areas: tours in Russia, the Baltics, Scandinavia, some European countries, individual and group tours, ski resorts, sea and river cruises, extreme sports, active tourism, exotics, seaside holidays, as well as booking tickets and hotels. Tour operator Labyrinth provides flights to the following countries: Denmark, Iceland, Zimbabwe, Greece, Germany, Israel, Kenya, Latvia, Norway, Rwanda, Uganda, Tanzania, Russia, France, Finland, Estonia, Sweden, Ethiopia, South Africa.

Tour operator Intourist

Tour operator Intourist, also known as “National Travel Company (NTK) Intourist” was founded in 1929. It offers winter ski tours, as well as beach and sightseeing holidays. The main destinations are: Austria, Andorra, Turkey, Egypt, Thailand, UAE, Italy, Czech Republic, India, Vietnam, Portugal, Bulgaria, Croatia, etc. Special attention Intourist pays attention to the development of domestic tourism, as it has enormous potential. Tours to Russian cities are becoming more popular every year among tourists around the world. Today, the tour operator Intourist is the largest and most reliable company in Russia, which has a wealth of knowledge and vast experience in the field of tourism.

Tour operator Tez Tour

International tourism holding Tez Tour is one of the leading companies in Russia and a leader in transporting tourists from Eastern Europe and former USSR. It was founded in 1994. Today its range includes a large number of destinations, including: Austria, Bulgaria, Brazil, Andorra, Dominican Republic, Greece, Egypt, Cuba, Spain, Italy, China, Mexico, Maldives, Turkey, Thailand, UAE, Sri Lanka. Tour operator Tez Tour focuses on the most popular tours and takes into account the individual needs of each client.

Tour operator Coral Travel

Tour operator Coral Travel was founded in 1995. Today it is one of the best travel companies in Russia. Over the past decade, it has demonstrated stable and progressive growth. All its activities are aimed at providing high-quality, civilized recreation and the needs of each client.

Tour operator Coral provides a pleasant pastime in many directions, namely: holiday in Greece, holiday in Egypt, holiday in Turkey, holiday in Tunisia, holiday in Morocco, holiday in Cuba, holiday in India, holiday in China, holiday in Seychelles, holiday in Israel, holidays in Spain, holidays in Vietnam, holidays in the Maldives, holidays in the Dominican Republic, holidays in the UAE. The tour operator Coral Travel is extremely popular among more than 700 thousand tourists, and this is not surprising, since it is characterized by impeccable quality and reliability.

Tour operator Pegasus Touristik

Pegas Touristik is one of the largest international travel companies and one of the leaders in the Russian tourism industry. It was founded in 1994. Today, Pegasus Touristik is a modern universal travel company offering wide range services for every tourist. He also takes an active part in economic and social life countries.

Tour operator Pegas Touristik is located in 42 cities of Russia and offers an unforgettable vacation at the best resorts and hotels (over 2,500 hotels) in 18 countries: Egypt, Turkey, Tunisia, Thailand, Vietnam, India, Cyprus, China, Greece, Dominican Republic, Cuba, Indonesia, Spain, Mexico, Kenya, Andorra, Israel, Kenya, UAE. Pegas Touristik cooperates with leading Russian airlines and organizes individual, corporate, group, sports and VIP tours.

Tour operator TUI

TUI is a group of companies that occupies a leading position in the global tourism market and has more than 30 years of experience. For residents of European countries, the transnational brand TUI has been the personification of high-quality, reliable and varied holidays for many years.

Today, the TUI group serves more than 30 million tourists from 180 countries and offers them a variety of holiday options. It is worth noting that in Europe alone, TUI has over 3,000 travel agencies. The company employs exclusively highly qualified employees, total which exceeds 50 thousand.

The TUI group of travel companies provides holidays in the following destinations: Austria, Bulgaria, Greece, Egypt, Andorra, Spain, Italy, Turkey, Cyprus, France, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Croatia, UAE, Thailand. Depending on your preferences, TUI offers you to enjoy various types of recreation: beach, youth, family, skiing, educational, as well as A’la Carte and TUI Experiences (Where you have never been before).

Tour operator Russian Express

Russian Express is a multi-profile tour operator that has been on the market since 1996. Over the entire period of its existence, it has won the title of one of the leading participants in the Russian tourism business, securing its reputation as a stable and reliable partner.

Russian Express occupies a leading position among Russian tour operators in sending tourists abroad. The company has a wide range of tours, including all the most popular and interesting countries Europe, including: Austria, Great Britain, Belgium, Greece, Germany, Italy, Spain, the Netherlands, France, Finland, Czech Republic, Montenegro, Croatia, Sweden, etc. The company’s offer also includes CIS countries, India, Tunisia, and the USA , Canada, the Middle East (Jordan, Israel, UAE, Turkey), the Caribbean and Latin America (Cuba, Mexico, Dominican Republic), as well as islands Indian Ocean(Mauritius, Maldives, Seychelles), Southeast Asia(Philippines, China, Thailand, Sri Lanka) and other equally interesting countries.

Tour operator Sunmar

Sunmar is the youngest travel company part of the well-known youth group of companies OTI. It was founded in 2005. The activities of the tour operator are aimed at promoting and selling the most economical vacation options and “hot” tours.

Tour operator Sunmar is one of the leaders in the tourism market in the following directions: Greece, Turkey, Egypt, Spain, Thailand, Goa, Dominican Republic, UAE. Sunmar tours can be purchased anywhere in Russia, since charter flights companies fly from the following cities: Arkhangelsk, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Krasnodar, Kemerovo, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Moscow, Nizhnevartovsk, Nizhnekamsk, Nizhny Novgorod, Omsk, Novosibirsk, Perm, Samara, Rostov-on-Don, Syktyvkar, Surgut, Ufa, Chelyabinsk.

Tour operator Danko Travel

Danko Travel began its career as a travel company in 1996. Now it is one of the most successful tour operators in the world. He approaches the organization of travel and recreation for tourists with special attention, wanting to satisfy the needs of each client. For true connoisseurs good rest tour operator Danko Travel offers a huge selection of tours to European countries. The company pays special attention to such areas as France, Italy and the Scandinavian countries. We offer excellent tours for every taste and budget.

You have a great opportunity to enjoy a beach holiday at the resorts of France and Italy or attend excursion programs on various topics. Tour operator Danko Travel will select ideal entertainment tours for you and organize exciting trips that lovers of active recreation will appreciate.

Tour operator Neva Travel

Neva Travel is a leading multi-profile tour operator in Russia, founded in 1990. For more than 20 years, the company has been successful in the field of tourism business and delights its customers with excellent quality and reliability of work, thanks to its extensive experience.

Tour operator Neva Travel has at its disposal more than 50 holiday destinations, many comfortable hotels and inns, as well as its own bus fleet. Neva Travel successfully cooperates with several airlines, including: Aeroflot, Czech Airlines, Lufthansa, KLM, etc. Departures are carried out in different directions. In Russia these are St. Petersburg, Moscow, Kaliningrad, Kazan, Krasnoyarsk and other large cities. Outside of it, this is a holiday in Bulgaria, a holiday in Greece, a holiday in Turkey, a holiday in Tunisia, a holiday in Egypt, a holiday in Finland and a holiday in the Czech Republic.

Tour operator Southern Cross

Young Cross is a tour operator founded in 1998 and still successfully developing on the Russian market. This is one of the most stable and reliable travel companies in Russia, which develops and markets its own product. The activities of this tour operator are: sale of air and railway tickets, organization of foreign individual and group tours, as well as corporate events, receiving tourists from other countries in Russia, booking hotels around the world.

Tour operator Southern Cross offers its clients only the best destinations on favorable terms and organizes holidays in Greece, holidays in China, holidays in Bali, holidays in the Dominican Republic, holidays in Jordan, holidays in Vietnam, holidays in Mexico, holidays in Cuba, holidays in Thailand.

Tour operator Mostrevel

Tour operator Mostrevel was founded in 1995. In 2004, it became one with Europe's largest tourism concern TUI AG. Since then it has become known as “TMR” (TUI Mostravel Russia). Today Mostrevel is one of the leading tour operators that organizes beach holidays for its clients in destinations such as Turkey, Greece, the UAE and Egypt. Over 400,000 people use the services of this tour operator annually. The most demanding clients can take advantage of VIP tours according to the A"la carte program.

Here are just a few tour operators whose main task is to make your vacation as comfortable and profitable as possible. Each of them develops and implements various offers to lure the client to them. If you have time to use them, you will be able to spend an unforgettable vacation under the best conditions.

Choose the tour operator you like, study its special offers, quality and reliability of work and go to the desired country. Have a nice holiday!

The state of the tourism market in Russia is currently the subject of close public attention. In conditions of economic instability on a national and global scale, business is in quite difficult situation. An indicative situation in this area high risk entrepreneurship is like travel. The collapse of a number of companies included in the rating of major Russian tour operators has created panic among exotic lovers. Any emergency incident in the travel sector becomes resonant because it affects different areas social responsibility business.

To create a vacation program, you need to combine the efforts of several service providers: an air carrier, a foreign partner, a hotelier, an insurer, a transfer company.

Moreover, each of the counterparties bears its share of risk. If one link doesn't work, the client's trip won't take place. The list of large tour operators in Russia is thinning, and companies from the top ten players in this market are disappearing. How can you guarantee a problem-free trip in this situation? Let's try to find the answer to this question.

Reliability criteria

Tour operators and agents are the main participants in the travel organization market. What is their fundamental difference? Tour operators create a product and pay a financial guarantee in case of risk situations. Agents sell the product launched on the market and receive a certain bonus for cooperation. The main responsibility (both moral and material) for the quality result falls on the developer. Let's consider what criteria can be used to evaluate it and draw a conclusion about who is the most reliable tour operator in Russia.

The official government system that provides reliable information about the market and its main players is the line ministry. Rostourism specialists recommend evaluating companies according to the following criteria:

  • Volumes of services.
  • The amount of financial guarantee.
  • Duration of stay on the market.
  • Sales Policy.
  • Business reputation of the company.

We will try, adhering to this scale, to evaluate the market by determining who is the largest tour operator in Russia.

Quality and quantity - what is more important?

The volume of services is an indicative value for assessing the largest market participant.

According to Federal agency, which are publicly available on the official website, the largest tour operators in Russia in 2014 (21 representatives on the list) in the outbound travel industry provide a financial guarantee of more than 100 thousand rubles.

In the first five positions we see the following companies: Solvex-Tourne (4,550,927 thousand rubles), Neva (3,684,068 thousand rubles), TT-Travel (1,117,115 thousand rubles. ), " South Cross"(833,335 thousand rubles), "Europort" (933,484 thousand rubles). The paradox is that three of the five listed tour operators failed to cope with the situation and were forced to cease operations without fulfilling their obligations to clients. All of them had been operating on the market for more than 10 years, had a good reputation and were among the 10 largest tour operators in Russia.

Financial guarantee - can it be a guarantee of reliability?

When focusing on this indicator, you should find out the rating of the insurance company that provides guarantees.

There are cases where the image of a socially responsible tour operator suffered due to the reputation of the insurer. Can the size of financial guarantees serve as confirmation of quality and reliability?

If we look at official statistics, the largest amount of insurance coverage was provided by the bankrupt company Solvex-Tourne, which is included in the rating of large tour operators in Russia. It was 450 thousand rubles. A significant percentage was paid by the Voskhozhdeniye company. She, in turn, was not able to cope with the obligations that arose... The answer to the question is obvious.

Service provision period

Unfortunately, this criterion is not always the basis for reliability. All the tour operators that “burst” this season were of age... In geometric progression Problems were added to the experience. There are indicators of dynamic development: changes in data by destination and other indicators of the tourism market. The problem is one thing - there is no single paradigm for assessing statistical data.

The largest tour operators in Russia in 2014, who declared their insolvency, had experience in the market from 10 to 20 years! Therefore, the fact of a long stay in business does not mean anything if it is not confirmed by positive dynamics. Moreover, it is important that there is personal responsibility for its provision.

Sales Policy

It has been noted that dumping is a companion to the collapse of a company. But how to distinguish it from a policy of moderate prices achieved as a result of long-term relationships with the receiving party? There are a number of tour operators who have nothing “on fire”. With moderate prices and significant weight in the business environment, they are steadily increasing their circle of regular consumers.

LLC Pegasus, included in the list of major tour operators in Russia, began its activities with steep dumping.

In 2008, this operator took over the regions using a policy of low prices. Everything was cheap - hotels, maintenance, and service... Without really changing the approach, the operator raised prices as soon as it captured a significant segment of the market. But the reputation of cheap tours from Pegasus allows him to receive super profits.

The operator's roots are in Turkey, it is less dependent on domestic financial market. There is a strong marketing strategy here: an ingeniously convenient booking system, a network approach to sales, a flexible system of working with agencies and a high percentage of remuneration. The Russian mentality is also taken into account - “cheaper” and “longer”. The operator remains currently active.

Business reputation

A very interesting criterion. With various tricks, how can you understand that, for example, the largest tour operator in Russia in 2014 is Solvex-Tourne LLC, with 4.5 million rubles. turnover, turned out to be incompetent with all the experience, income and other business credentials? The company of the same name with the prefix “Travel” is working, and successfully... Where to look? What about the company “Sanmar” (aka “Operator of Advantageous Tours”)? How to determine who is more reliable? Or is this a maneuver called “leave to stay?”

Rating in numbers

In order to navigate the situation here and now and make a decision about the reliability of tour operators, we will use what we have in free access. Let's look at the biggest players from the perspective of official statistics. Below are those that are included in the register of tour operators in Russia.

Let's list who is in the first positions in terms of sales volumes. We consider only those market participants whose data has been officially published in order to determine the 10 largest tour operators in Russia currently operating.

Tour operator Volume of sales Insurance, thousand rubles Start year


(ceased activity)

4550,927 450 on

(ceased activity)

3684,068 454,2 1990
"TT-Travel"1117,115 121 2007
"Europort"933,484 112 2004

"Southern Cross Travel"

(ceased activity)

833,335 100 1998
"SOLVEX-TRAVEL"685,699894 100 1993
"Coral Travel"479,707 110 1992
"Paktur"477,685 105 1990
"Natalie-Tours"444,378 100 1997
"Pegas Touristik"220,000 100 1994
"MAXIMICE"270,544 100 2006


(ceased activity)

208,641 100 1995
"SANMAR TOUR"135,291 100 2005
"TEZ TOUR"126,900 100 1994

The ten officially strongest - let's get to know each other

The largest tour operator in Russia, according to the register, is the founder professional association Russian scale. He is also the official agent of the administration of St. Petersburg - SOLVEX-TOURNE LLC. Stopped working on September 8, 2014. Next in the ranking is the NEVA company - an experienced operator also notified of the termination of work with the standard wording “impossibility of fulfilling obligations.” Quantity does not turn into quality (with certain conditions, especially in the Russian economic environment).

There are different criteria behind their popularity. These are brands in their industry. The TEZ TOUR brand is distinguished by the quality of local customer service, island VIP vacation programs, and high-quality selection of specialist consultants.

As for Natalie Tours, this brand is characterized by a unique, recognizable and elegant style. The quality service of this operator is worthy of high praise: the level of hotels, variety of programs, stable pricing policy. I would like to believe (there is no other way to say it) that this operator will continue to delight consumers with its high-quality service and palette of offers “from Natalie.”

About the systemic crisis in tourism

Why has there been such a situation of instability in the popular service sector? Can the largest tour operator in Russia become a reliable guarantor of your planned vacation? Let's briefly summarize.

The crisis in the tourism sector is systemic. Moreover, it is resonant because it is tied to the comprehensive nature of international services. When business ceases, a wide range of problems arise: questions arise for banks, insurers, and carriers. International norms for resolving problems also do not always adequately pass the test of civility.

Sami government bodies are not ready to admit the systemic nature of the problem. It's easier to find the extreme one. The largest tour operator in Russia turned out to be a fraud. Thus, a modern theater of the absurd arises: it takes decades to build a reputation, and overnight someone deceives thousands of travelers.

In conditions where operators cannot, and the state does not want to give guarantees, it is worth minimizing the risks when purchasing a trip and keeping in mind:

  • Quantitative performance indicators cannot serve as an assessment of quality in modern system economic indicators.
  • It is safer to purchase a tour a short time before it starts (not to be confused with last minute).
  • It would not be superfluous to check the availability and status of the reservation on the website of the operator or carrier.
  • Carefully consider the contents of the package of documents, which you can read before concluding the contract.
  • Check the availability of information about the tour operator in the contract.
  • Consult an independent travel agency that is interested in maintaining the client and his trust.

  • Evaluate operator reliability in dynamic rather than statistical terms (whether last years growth or reduction in volumes, programs, investments).

And an easy path to your dream!
