The image and characteristics of Assol from the work “Scarlet Sails. Essay “Characteristics of Gray from the work “Scarlet Sails”

One of the main characters of Alexander Green's story is Arthur Gray. He is a romantic, a man who managed to make a dream come true kind girl. The image and characteristics of Gray in the story “Scarlet Sails” become clear after getting acquainted with his childhood, character and origin.

Hero's appearance

Arthur changes in appearance as he grows older. At first he is a small cabin boy with the appearance and figure of a girl. Then he becomes a broad-boned man with strong muscles. The little count's feminine pallor was replaced beautiful tan. Teenage carelessness has passed, well-aimed and precise movements of hard-working hands have appeared. The confident young man retained his count's posture and appearance. Gray has an interesting speech. Arthur is a man of few words. The author writes that Gray speaks like a sea stream, where fish shimmer and tremble like silver. Thoughts are precise and brief, like the strikes of seagulls on the waves in search of prey.

Family and education

The boy grows up in a real castle. The son of a rich noble family inquisitively studies everything around him. Amazing discoveries for him are found where others would not see anything unusual. Father is an important official in public service, mother, housewife, name was Lillian. She loved her son, did not forbid him anything, on the contrary, she encouraged his quirks.

What the child could require:

  • ride any horse;
  • take different dogs into the house;
  • reward the person he likes;
  • rummage through books in the library;
  • run barefoot wherever you want.
Gray took on the traits of his mother and father. He pitied the servants, defended the poor, did not single himself out and did not protect himself from society. The boy loves to read and tell stories, fictional and bookish. The child grows up generous; he is not sorry to part with the accumulated coins for the sake of the happiness of those close to him.

Character traits

The young man with a lively and quivering soul has not lost his innate individuality. Luxury and wealth did not leave their mark on his soul. He looked for miracles and opportunities for exploits. A thinking gaze inquisitively studied people and things. Arthur is not like his peers.

What is its difference:

Originality. Gray surprised the team with his mood swings. He chose unexpected flight destinations, then made long stops.

Flight of the soul. A constant bird lives in his heart, which does not allow the owner to ossify and stop. A strange flying soul, inspired by dreams.

Romance. The young captain does not think about profit, he walks the sea for pleasure.

External calm. Gray hides all feelings and inner experiences behind external composure. He is self-possessed and calm. But the author compares his peace to a sail moving quickly and smoothly with the wind.

The captain mentally plans out the entire upcoming course of events, as if he is ahead of it. Then he moves towards his goal, as if he were playing checkers.

Captain Hero Traits

Gray fell in love with the sea as a child, when he saw a ship and captain in a painting. He set a goal and accomplished it. Continents, oceans and ships became toys for the boy. At the age of 14, a boy from a wealthy family runs away from home and becomes a sailor. The captain of his first ship hoped that the boyish hobby would dissolve like a mirage in the first months, but Gray did not give up on his goal. He, gritting his teeth, comprehended the work of the harsh life of sailors. It was no longer a boy who returned home, but an accomplished sailor. He was 20 years old. Gray called his own ship “The Secret.” Galiot brought together a team of people passionate about the sea.

What traits are characteristic of Gray, the captain:

Honesty.“Secret” does not engage in smuggling; all team members are against the transportation of prohibited goods.

Friendliness. The relationship between members is like in a large but friendly family, where everyone respects and understands each other.

Efficiency. Gray does everything thoughtfully, without rushing, clearly according to plan.

Discipline. The captain requires order, accuracy, and discipline from himself and his crew members.

the main idea stories - miracles must be done with your own hands. Gray brings into reality the children's fairy tale that became Assol's dream. He reveals the spirituality and kindness of his heart. The fairy tale has been inspiring hope for the love of many girls for centuries.

The romantic story "Scarlet Sails" became business card its author. The heroine of this work is a girl who lost her mother. She lives with her father, who is honest and kind. Her whole world is fantasies and dreams, once inspired by the prediction of a song collector. Such a romantic image as Assol became the embodiment of a dream that will come true if you just believe in it. The characterization of the heroine is the topic of this article.


Authors literary works sometimes they use various elements of a fairy tale in their work. This technique allows you to reveal the plot, characters, and give the work a lyrical or philosophical meaning. He called his story an extravaganza. In this work, realism is combined with magic, and fantasy with reality. And perhaps thanks to the use of such artistic means became the most touching and sublime image of a girl named Assol in Russian literature.

The characteristics of this heroine once seemed consonant with the adherents of the socialist idea with their main postulates. That is why Green’s work was widely popular in the Soviet Union. Today the passions for “Scarlet Sails” have subsided. And the image main character This story took its rightful place in literature. But what inspired the author to write such a romantic story?

Creating the image of Assol

The characteristics of this character include traits that were also characteristic of its author. Since childhood, Alexander Grinevsky dreamed of the seas and distant countries. But the romantic personality was increasingly faced with harsh reality. In his dreams he saw beautiful things in reality - a coaster. Grinevsky strove for sublime friendship, but experienced only contempt and ridicule from professional sailors. The desire to defeat rudeness and skepticism arose in the soul of a romantic man, but outwardly reminiscent of the hero of his main book - Longren, Assol's father.

The characteristics of the unlucky sailor, but a talented writer, according to the memoirs of contemporaries, are as follows: a rather gloomy, ugly person, unable to win over his interlocutor at the first meeting. The writer's fate was also unlike a fairy tale. But it is known that it was precisely in the years when he had nowhere to lay his head that he created one of the most famous literary heroines - the girl Assol.

“Scarlet Sails” was written by Green at a time when all the foundations of life were collapsing around him. The writer sometimes even went hungry, since his creativity did not bring him any income. But he carried with him everywhere the manuscript, which later became one of the greatest works in Russian literature. He put all his aspirations and hopes into the plot of this story and believed, like Assol: “Scarlet Sails” will one day be seen by Petrograd. This was during the period of revolutionary events, but the color of the banner on the treasured ship had nothing to do with the red rebel banner. These were only his “Scarlet Sails”. Assol’s characterization echoed the characteristics of the author’s own mental make-up. And it was extremely difficult to exist with them in the world of ordinary people and skeptics.

Do scarlet sails exist?

The characterization of Assol is used by the author only to the extent necessary. The main topic in the story is hope. The character of the main character is not decisive. It is known that she is a reserved, modest and dreamy girl. She lost her mother very early, and since her father lost his job, the only source Their family's livelihood came from selling wooden toys.

The girl was lonely, although her father loved her dearly. One day she met the storyteller Egle, who predicted the arrival of a magical ship with sails. There would be a prince on board, and he would certainly take Assol with him.

The girl believed in the fairy tale, but those around her laughed at her and thought she was crazy. And yet the dream came true. Once I saw Assol Scarlet Sails.

Characteristics of the heroine from a romantic fairy tale

There is an artistic movement in literature, which is characterized by the affirmation of spiritual and almost unattainable values. It's called romanticism. The works of this direction contain fairy-tale and mythological motifs. And their heroes are in a constant search for some ideal. German romantics dreamed of blue flower. Scarlet sails became a similar ideal for Assol. The characterization of Alexander Greene's heroine in this regard includes typical

Arthur Gray image

The prince, whose appearance the storyteller predicted, was an ordinary young man, although from a wealthy family. Since childhood, like the author of the story, he dreamed of becoming a captain. An irresistible desire to comprehend the wisdom of marine science pushed him to leave his home. At first he was a simple sailor, but years later his dream came true. Gray acquired his own ship and became captain. And one day he heard stories about the crazy dreams of a girl who couldn’t wait for a prince on a fairy-tale ship. He was touched by Assol's dream, and he decided to make it come true.

Dreams Come True…

The captain ordered the scarlet sails to be raised. The ship entered the port, and a girl was waiting for him on the shore. Everything happened exactly as good Egle prophesied. And it doesn’t matter that Assol Gray learned about the dream in advance. The main thing is faith and hope. After all, they can save a person even in the most Hard times. The characterization of Assol and Gray was compiled by the author based on his personal worldview and life experience. The main feature of these characters is the ability to believe in a dream. And this is precisely what, perhaps, saved the writer when he was in exile. A. Green's life was quite difficult, but he always found a place for miracles in his heart. Even when those around him did not understand and condemned him.

The appearance of the heroine

The appearance and character of a girl with beautiful name Assol. The characterization of the heroine, as already mentioned, is less significant than her ability to believe in a dream. But still, a little should be said about the appearance of this character.

Assol is presented in the story as the owner of a thick head of hair, tied up in a headscarf. Her smile was gentle, and her gaze seemed to contain some sad question. The figure of the heroine is depicted by A. Green as fragile and thin. The girl worked diligently, helping her father create miniature ships from wood.

Assol is the personification of gentle beauty, spiritual meekness and hard work. And this is not surprising, because this is exactly what the typical heroine of many well-known romantic fairy tales is, who remains for a long time waiting for the handsome prince. As it should be according to the laws of the genre, at the end of the magical story all Assol’s dreams come true.

A young man of Polish origin and a Russian nurse in 1880 Vyatka province a boy, Sasha, was born. This was the future writer Alexander Stepanovich Green. Real name is Grinevsky.

Since childhood, Sasha dreamed of becoming a sailor and going on long voyages. Therefore, he entered school in his hometown, after graduating from which he went to Odessa to work as a sailor.

The sailor's fate did not work out, but what he managed to see in other countries during the time that he was still a sailor was enough for him to write his works. After all, all his works are somehow connected with the sea, with ships.

I like reading his works because they are like wonderful tales, imbued with mystery, riddles and magic. At the same time, Alexander Greene’s books command my respect also because they are filled with kindness. The heroes of his works are brave, courageous people.

The writer wrote his first story in 1906. It was called "The Merit of Private Panteleev."

The famous story "Scarlet Sails" was written in 1923, that is, almost twenty years after the start of his writing career.

In his works, the author created a fictional world of fantasies and dreams; he described cities that are not on the map. For example, Liss, Zurbagan are fictional cities from his works. Once he even invented an entire country - Greenland.

"Scarlet Sails" - summary

The story begins with the fact that the sailor Longren was forced to go ashore forever because his wife Mary died, leaving her husband with an eight-month-old daughter named Assol. Longren began making wooden toys, thereby earning a living, and he himself turned into a gloomy silent man.

The rest of the story tells about the life of the little girl Assol. One day in the forest, Egle told her that a prince would come for her on a ship with scarlet sails and take her with him. The girl believed him and began to wait for this miracle.

Prince Gray learned about this dream. Since he really liked the girl, he decided to make her dream come true. That is, at the end of the story, the girl Assol still waited for her prince on a ship with scarlet sails.

Main characters


This is a sailor, a widower, forced to leave naval service for the sake of his daughter. Assol is the meaning of his whole life, since his wife died very early. Therefore, Longren turned into a gloomy, uncommunicative person. Leads a secluded lifestyle.


This is the main character of the story. It is around her that all events take place. All the characters in this story are somehow connected with it. The girl grew up without maternal affection; she was raised by her father. Longren raised his daughter to be kind. She knows how to love, sees only beauty in everything. Assol dreams a lot and believes in miracles. Even despite the fact that her peers did not accept her into their games, and adults took out their anger on her because they did not like the withdrawn Longren, the girl’s soul did not harden, but remained kind and bright. She believes in the miraculous appearance of a ship with scarlet sails and waits for this miracle all her life. The wait is ultimately rewarded, the happy ending has arrived.

This character has a small, but most important mission - to tell the girl Assol that she will wait for her prince on a ship with scarlet sails. This is a strange old man, but Assol, having met him in the forest and listened to him, immediately believes in a miracle.

This is the main character. the prince that Assol is waiting for. He lived a secluded life, read a lot of various books and dreamed of becoming a long-distance sailor. All his life the sea attracted him with its unknown secrets and riddles. It was easy for Alexander Greene to write about this character, since he transferred his love for the sea elements to Arthur Gray. That is why he portrays his character as kind, brave and purposeful. When he finds out about Assol’s dream, he buys all the fabric to sew scarlet sails and makes the girl’s dream come true.

It is known that in Gelendzhik there is a monument to Assol.

In St. Petersburg, the alumni ball has been held under the symbol of scarlet sails for many years in a row.

There is a wonderful song about the love of Assol and Gray. It is often performed at children's holiday camps. The song is easy to find on the Internet. It's called "And there, beyond the seas, storms are raging. A girl with a strange name lives there. And often in the open air, in her dreams, she sailed across the blue sea. And there, beyond the seas, beyond the blue line, lived a brave guy with an open soul. He dreamed of the sea ", about secret wanderings, dreamed of trips to distant lands. On an autumn night, when everyone fell asleep, billions of lights lit up in the sky. And that same night a miracle happened. The guy and the girl fell in love with each other." The chorus is just two words - scarlet sails, repeated several times.

If you want to update your knowledge of the work “Scarlet Sails”, then we bring to your attention it summary.

The story is distinguished by perfection of form, spiritual richness and sublimity, deep dive into a special world of youthful fantasy.

About Alexander Green's story "Scarlet Sails"

Alexander Green painted Scarlet Sails in Petrograd. The idea for the story arose in 1916, and the final version of the extravaganza appeared in 1922. The author worked hard and painstakingly on the text, making changes to the plot and rewriting passages.

Alexander Stepanovich Green (1880-1932)

The fruit of many years of work is an amazing, heartfelt and poignant story that revives faith in a dream and the desire to create miracles with my own hands.

Main characters

The heroes of the book are people endowed with bright and romantic characters:

  • Longren is a sailor who left maritime affairs for his daughter and devoted himself to raising his only child;
  • Assol is Longren’s daughter, a charming short girl, looking at the world with a special kind look, immersed in a world of dreams;
  • Arthur Gray is the son of wealthy parents, who from an early age took on, according to the author, “the role of providence.”

Minor characters

The secondary characters of the fairy tale play a direct role in the fate of the main characters:

  • Menners is a wealthy village resident who owns a shop and an inn. The image of the innkeeper is presented as a cunning, evil miser, devoid of humanity and compassion;
  • Menners Hin is the son of an innkeeper, who inherited all the negative qualities from his father;
  • Egle is an old collector of songs and legends, who introduced himself to Assol as a wizard;
  • Lionel Gray - Arthur's father, busy with countless family processes and affairs, did not take an active part in raising his son;
  • Poldishok is a cellarer in the Gray family, who told little Arthur the legend of old wine;
  • Betsy is a young servant in the castle, Arthur's childhood friend;
  • Lillian Gray - a noble lady, loving mother Arthur, who forgave her son all his quirks;
  • Gop is the captain of the schooner "Anselm", who accepted fourteen-year-old Gray as a cabin boy on the ship and taught the young man the intricacies of the craft;
  • Letika is a nimble sailor on Gray’s ship, expressing himself bookishly and sometimes in rhyme;
  • Panten – assistant captain of the “Secret”;
  • Zimmer is a drinker, musician, violinist and cellist who assembled an orchestra for Gray;
  • Atwood is the boatswain on the ship Secret.

A brief retelling of the story “Scarlet Sails”


The sailor of the brig "Orion" Longren returns home, but does not meet his wife Mary on the threshold. A neighbor, who looked after the sailor’s small child for three months, tells a sad story about Mary’s illness and death. During her husband's absence, the poor woman was left completely without money. She turned to Menners, but he demanded love in return.

Out of desperation, Mary goes late in the evening to Liss to pawn wedding ring. Dank weather and a piercing wind lead to pneumonia, and a five-month-old girl is left without a mother in the care of a kind neighbor.

Longren takes the settlement and remains alone with his daughter. To earn a living, the former sailor makes toy models of boats and sailing ships. Father and child live as hermits, avoiding communication with the inhabitants of Kaperna.

One harsh spring, when the coastal north was raging, Longren, walking along the pier, witnessed how the boat with Menners was carried into the ocean. The sailor did not come to the innkeeper’s aid, remembering how Mary also cried out for help.

Six days later, Menners was brought barely alive to the village, and he angrily spoke about Longren’s behavior. The villagers, not understanding the sailor’s silence, stopped noticing him forever, forbidding the children to communicate with Assol.

One day, her father sent eight-year-old Assol out with toys to sell in the city. The girl, sitting down to have a snack, was sorting through Longren’s handicrafts and came across a beautiful yacht with scarlet sails. While playing, the child launched the boat into a nearby stream. The current carried the toy, and Assol set off in pursuit through the forest. The yacht came to old man Aigle, who admired the skillfully made layout.

Looking up at the girl, the old man read in her amazing face “an involuntary expectation of beauty.” Egle, prone to myth-making, told the girl a fairy-tale story about a ship with scarlet sails on which a prince would sail beyond Assol. He will be distinguished by his courage and unearthly beauty.

Arriving home, the child tells the story to his father. Longren decides not to destroy the fairy tale, thinking that “he will grow up and forget.” A young beggar overhears the conversation and relays the story to the inn. Foolish people they begin to mock the naive child.


Arthur Gray was born in a huge, gloomy and majestic house into a family of noble parents. The child had a lively soul. At the age of eight, he covered up the nails in the picture of the crucified Christ, saying, “I cannot allow nails sticking out of my hands and blood flowing.”

Gray spent his entire childhood striving for knowledge, studying the contents of the closet, cellar, library, and even being in the kitchen. One day he witnessed how the maid Betsy scalded her hand. Wanting to understand how painful it was, the boy splashed hot soup on his hand.

The mother, living “in the half-dream of security,” became a different person with her son, “became a simple mother,” forgiving disobedience and quirks. The father did little with Arthur; he only limited the bad influence of his peers by removing the children of employees from the castle.

An indelible impression on the boy was made by a picture in the library, depicting the figure of a man on the forecastle of a ship, rising on a high sea wave. He re-read all the books about sea voyages and brave captains.

At the age of fourteen, Gray secretly leaves the castle and ends up on the schooner Anselm. Under the strict guidance of the ship's captain, Gray strengthened himself morally and physically, without losing “his strange flying soul.”

Gop, seeing the cabin boy's success, began to teach him the wisdom of the sea.

Five years later, Gray, using a stop in Dubelt, goes home. After staying with his mother for seven days and taking a large sum of money from home, Arthur sets sail on his own ship as captain.


Trying to dispel the melancholy and thoughtful absent-mindedness, Arthur Gray, captain of the ship "Secret", goes fishing with the nimble, roguish sailor Letika. They land on the shore near Kaperna. Gray rests by the fire at night, and the sailor fishes.

Having fallen asleep imperceptibly and waking up in the morning, the captain takes a walk. In a picturesque clearing, he notices Assol asleep. Having admired the lovely picture, he leaves an old precious ring on the girl’s little finger.

In a village inn, Arthur asks Hin Menners about the mysterious stranger and learns the story about the scarlet sails. The innkeeper calls Assol crazy, and Longren the killer of his father. The vile lie is exposed by a coal miner drinking in a tavern.

Gray leaves, leaving Letika to find out more. Now Arthur is no longer left with “the feeling of amazing discoveries.”

ChapterIV.The day before

On the eve of the day described, Assol unsuccessfully tries to sell toy boats in city stores. She tells her father about her ordeals. Longren is thinking about joining a ship again. He goes ashore, and the girl stays at home and sits down to sewing. Having finished sewing, Assol goes to bed, but an elusive premonition of a miracle does not allow her to fall asleep for a long time.

Waking up at dawn with a feeling of novelty and inexplicable inspiration, the girl goes outside. Dreaming, looking at the distance of the sea, Assol falls asleep, and when he wakes up, he discovers a ring on his little finger. She is overcome with quiet joy.

ChapterV.Combat preparations

Gray, returning to the ship, gives Panten the command to go to the mouth of Liliana. Arthur decisively and calmly gets down to business. In various shops he looks through bales of silk until he finds the fabric of the required shade. On the way from the shop, the captain meets a musician he knows and offers him and his comrades a job. He supplies the musicians with money and orders them to appear at the “Secret”.

An intoxicated Letika returns with a report. Atwood reports that the ship has moored at the dam and the musicians have arrived. Gray announces to the team that he is heading to his wife. Everyone congratulates their beloved captain.

Panten still thinks that the trick with the scarlet sails is being carried out to transport contraband, but Arthur assures that the assistant is mistaken.

ChapterVI.Assol is left alone

Assol returns home to excited state, but the father, busy with his thoughts, does not find out what’s wrong. Longren leaves the house, leaving his daughter alone.

The girl cannot sit still, and she goes to Liss to wander around the city. On the way back, she meets the coal miner Philip, telling him confidentially that she will leave soon.

ChapterVII.Scarlet "Secret"

In the morning, among the trees on the shore, the hunter hears music. Having made his way to the shore, he notices on the surface of the sea an amazing ship under scarlet sails on white masts among the whiteness of the rigging.

The military cruiser orders the strange ship to drift and sends a lieutenant to find out what's going on. Gray talks to him in the cabin. After which the smiling lieutenant leaves the Secret.

By noon Arthur is from the deck in telescope Caperna observes.

Assol is reading by the window. A beetle stubbornly makes its way through the pages and stops at the word “Look.” The girl, looking up, notices a snow-white ship driven by scarlet sails. She runs to the sea in excitement. And all the inhabitants of Kaperna rush to the shore in a hurry, gloomily pronouncing her name.

When Assol appears, women and men part with fear. And she, stretching out her arms, rushes into the water towards the boat that has set sail from the ship.

Music is heard. Gray picks up the happy Assol and takes her to the carpeted Secret.

First Arthur, and then the whole crew, drink hundred-year-old holy wine.

The next day the ship leaves Caperna far behind.


“Scarlet Sails” is a wonderful example of the work of Alexander Green. A life-affirming story that glorifies the power of the human spirit, it immerses the reader in a dazzling and fabulous world, forcing him to act, create magic with his own hands and follow his dreams.

(his real name is Alexander Grinevsky) is an outstanding Russian writer-poet who wrote the famous fairy tale “Scarlet Sails” in 1922, which he dedicated to his beloved wife Nina Nikolaevna. The superbly chosen genre of writing the extravaganza is so captivating that it can be read in one breath. This is a beautiful story that talks about the wonderful feeling of love. In the book “Scarlet Sails” the heroes are a young guy and a girl. They met thanks to their dream and incredible desire for it.

Plot of the story

Reviews of the book "Scarlet Sails" are in most cases favorable. It first of all describes humanity, people’s attitude towards life and the values ​​in it. About a young girl and a boy who grew up in completely different classes and did not know each other. But this did not stop them from meeting and falling in love.

History of Assol

It should be noted that in the narrative “Scarlet Sails” the description of the characters’ feelings is associated with nature and environment. In the role of the main character of this extravaganza, a young girl appears before us - Assol. When the girl was eight months old. her mother died. The child's father, Longren, had to leave the ship on which he served as a sailor and start raising his only daughter. To feed his family, he had to make model ships and sell them to a children's store.

After some time, she met old Egle, who called her a wizard. In his hands the girl saw her lost toy. He told Assol that a magnificent prince would sail to her on a white ship with scarlet sails. And he added that he would take her to a distant country.

Running home, the girl told her father this story. Longren did not try to convince her, but only listened to her with a serious look. Let him believe in good things. Since then, Assol every day peered into the horizon of the sea and waited for a sailboat.

Having read the reviews about the book “Scarlet Sails” and getting to know one of the main characters - the girl’s father Longren, we can say that the author also put the best into his image. He supported his daughter in her belief in a miracle, and did not destroy her dreams.


On a rich family estate The only son Arthur Gray wanted for nothing. He was raised as expected in the upper class. The boy's parents were self-confident and indulgent. But the child grew up with a lively soul, kind and simple-hearted. His surname did not spoil him; he took only the best from his ancestors.

Arthur was rarely punished and was indulged in everything. At the age of seven, Gray went into the kitchen where he witnessed a young girl burn her hand. And deciding to find out if it hurt, he scalded his wrist. After which Gray took Betsy - that was the cook's name - to the doctor. When she left, he showed his burn. This incident brought them closer, and Betsy began to treat Gray with sweets and apples.

There was a wine cellar in the family castle. There, among the many, there were two dug into the ground. They were made of ebony with copper rings, and on them was the inscription: “Gray will drink me when he is in heaven.” And no one dared to drink wine from them. But young Arthur laughed and said: “I’ll drink it! This is heaven here,” and clenched his fist, showing that he had it in his hands.

When Gray turned fourteen, he secretly ran away from home onto a ship. He was hired as a cabin boy on the schooner Anselm. Captain Gop was a good-natured, but not giving concessions, person. He thought: “Let the boy play, and when he starts complaining, I’ll send him back to his mommy.” But Gray, contrary to the captain’s expectations, stubbornly endured all the difficulties.

Gray did not come home for several years, but when he appeared, he found out that his father had died and his mother had grown very old. After that, I began to visit my mother twice a year so that she would not feel lonely. By the age of twenty, Gray had become a captain, purchasing a three-masted galleon called the Secret. To the reviews of the book “Scarlet Sails” one can also add the readers’ admiration for the friendship of the sailors from this ship. Gray's crew did not change, and the captain treated everyone with respect.


After some time, the “Secret” appeared near the Fox. The captain and the sailor went fishing in the evening. They spent the night on the shore, and in the morning the captain accidentally saw a sleeping girl of about seventeen or twenty years old, who was so beautiful that the guy could not take his eyes off her. Gray, so as not to wake her, quietly took off his ring and put it on the girl’s finger.

After which the captain and the sailor went to the inn, where they learned from the innkeeper that this girl’s name was Assol. An old and drunk coal miner told them about the girl’s dream. That she is waiting for a handsome prince on a white ship with scarlet sails.

The captain went to the Secret, took the money and ordered the sailors to put the ship in order and prepare a change of rigging. Arriving at the market, Gray chose bright scarlet silk and bought it for sails.

On the way to the ship, he met a musician he knew, who entertained people in the tavern in the evenings. The captain invited him and the street singers to his galleon.

When the fabric was brought to the Secret, Gray told his crew that as soon as the sails were changed to scarlet, they would set off for his future wife. All the sailors congratulated their captain and got to work.

Assol alone

In this chapter, Assol’s characterization is fully revealed; she is both thoughtful and flighty. IN Lately things were going very badly. Longren had to return to sea, getting a job as a sailor on a mail ship, so that somehow He could leave his daughter for a whole week. It was then that the meeting between Assol and Gray took place.


Assol was reading a book by the window when she saw scarlet sails. She ran to the port to meet her dream. A boat sailed from the galleon and headed towards the shore. Tanned sailors sat on the oars, and the same handsome prince stood above them. Everything happened exactly as the old wizard said. In the evening, the captain poured and ordered everyone to drink hundred-year-old wine, which no one had ever drunk. In the morning, “Secret” was already very far from Kaperna.


If you look through the book “Scarlet Sails” briefly by chapter, you can see that each chapter is a separate little story. And only in the latter are these stories closely intertwined into one enchanting story.

Having read this work, we can say that the theme of scarlet sails combines the most important ones. Thanks to the close interweaving of will, fate and perseverance of character, perhaps even the most cherished dream make it real. And that light in the soul that glimmers in the hope of meeting will never go out. Let it go time will pass, but the moment will definitely come when it will grow into the flame of love. Approving reviews of the book “Scarlet Sails” continue to this day. Everyone who read the work did not remain indifferent to this story.

Each of us will be happy if we create so-called miracles with our own hands. But do not forget that the main assistant in making a dream come true is fun, a smile, the ability to forgive and what is said in right time necessary words. You can often read about this in reader reviews.

In the “Scarlet Sails” extravaganza, the heroes are presented mainly with positive side. Yes, Longren really consciously refused to help the dying old innkeeper, but he felt resentment for the death of his beloved wife. Thus, Longren contrasted himself with all the townspeople.

The apotheosis of the work “Scarlet Sails” (the content of the last chapter) is already very similar to a fairy tale. But we can say with confidence: dreams have come true.
