Articles on dentistry for patients. The best dentistry in Ulyanovsk

Principles of patient management at the MediLine clinic

Advanced technologies and quality equipment

MediLine opened in 2008. And from the first day of work we support high level service and implement innovative technologies to increase treatment accuracy. Our specialists are trained in new techniques, adopting the experience of Russian and foreign colleagues in order to use all new ideas to improve the condition of patients. You can find out more about the life and development of the clinic in the “News and Events” section.

Of course, in Ulyanovsk there are multidisciplinary dentistry with wide range services, it’s hard to surprise with this now. However, not every clinic can boast of the latest equipment as in MediLine. Right on the website you can see what our dentistry looks like. Each page is illustrated with live photographs taken in MediLine. See more photos of our specialists, interior and equipment in the “Photo Gallery” section.

Attentive attitude

For many clinics, the phrase “individual approach” is just a line in the “advantages” section. For us, this is main principle work.

We are always waiting for you to visit, come to MediLine to meet your dentist. Our clinic is located next to Ulyanovsky Avenue (New City), at st. 40th anniversary of the Victory, 9.

We work seven days a week

We are happy to welcome you at any time! Our clinic is open every day, even on weekends and holidays. You can make an appointment at any time, when you especially need help. In addition, you can bring your child to the MediLine dentistry in New Town. Our administrators will greet you with joy, and after the examination the doctors will offer best option treatment and provide qualified assistance.

Are you looking for attentive attention from specialists, high quality treatment and impeccable service? All this is in MediLine. Come to our clinic, we will help you find an attractive smile and improve your health.

MediLine has a VIP department for the most demanding patients. Only dentists provide treatment here. highest category and heads of departments. About each such patient passing long-term treatment teeth and gums, his personal manager takes care of him. He reminds you of your appointment, organizes consultations with several specialists and accompanies you throughout the entire treatment period. During treatment at the clinic, the manager is in touch with you without weekends and holidays, so you can always count on Special attention to any of your questions.

These articles were written for dental specialists. They may contain many terms that are unclear to you and photographs of dental operations.

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IN modern society the social status of women has changed, and therefore, psychologically and physically, the desire to have good view faces, smiles, figures you can be proud of, beautiful breasts. All these factors give a person additional confidence, improve his mood, and help reduce the amount of depression.

How to solve the problem of crowding anterior section upper dentition, if the patient for one reason or another cannot or does not want to undergo a course of orthodontic treatment. Some doctors are inclined exclusively to the orthopedic method of treatment, offering their patients to change the shape of the front teeth using veneers or crowns, while other doctors prefer direct restoration with composite materials. Which of these methods should you choose?

In modern society, a person’s social status has great value, and therefore it is quite justified, psychologically and physically, to strive to have a good-looking face, a figure that you can be proud of, beautiful smile, as a sign of social well-being. All these factors give a person additional confidence, improve his mood, and help reduce the amount of depression. Our patients ask not only to cure a tooth, relieve pain, restore lost teeth, but also to make their smile more attractive and beautiful. In this regard, modern aesthetic dentistry requires us to have broader knowledge - in addition to methods of restoration, prosthetics and microprosthetics, an aesthetic dentist also requires knowledge in the field of periodontology, implantology, materials science, etc. Only A complex approach will allow you to achieve the best aesthetic result.

Improving quality, accelerating production times, and using new design solutions help raise dentistry to a higher quality level. new level. Understanding our patients' preferences is driving researchers around the world to find faster and more simple ways elimination of aesthetic and functional deficiencies of the dental system. In this situation, it is quite natural to consider the appearance on the market of implant systems with a very simple and completely safe surgical protocol that allows surgery with minimal trauma bone tissue, and under constant monitoring by a doctor of the ongoing situation.

Modern aesthetic dentistry is a fairly rapidly developing area of ​​the dental industry and, today, one of the most popular areas of medicine among patients.

Today, practicing dentists often face complex clinical situations, the solution of which traditional methods not always possible and quite problematic.

The task of preparing a tooth with or without a ledge faces, first of all, orthopedic dentists, although today in dentistry the direction of “general dentistry”, or the so-called mixed technique, is actively developing.

Progressive techniques in orthopedic dentistry are quickly gaining popularity among both dentists and patients.

The rapid development of the aesthetic direction in orthopedic dentistry has highlighted several new methods for making dentures.

Over the past two decades, dentistry has undergone such significant changes that many traditional standards of restorative dentistry have lost their relevance. With the advent of total etching and adhesive tooth preparation techniques, there is no longer a need to rely on mechanical retention to retain restorations.

Deep fissures on the occlusal surface of the teeth, which were once intended for grinding rough plant fibers and meat, now, with a change in lifestyle and nutrition modern man, become the cause of caries.

As numerous studies show, the accuracy of diagnosing caries in everyday life dental practice is approximately 30%. This means that up to 70% of carious lesions go undetected. What is the reason for this big number undiagnosed lesions?

The bitter experience of past years forces many of our patients to approach the choice of this or that treatment method with great caution. As a rule, having lost several teeth on which low-quality dentures were once installed, patients categorically refuse crowns, or constantly redoing low-quality fillings, do not believe that the service life of composite restorations can be 8-10 years or more. All this should be taken into account when motivating the patient and drawing up a treatment plan.

Modern development implantology as a branch modern medicine, is an incentive to improve other dental disciplines. Improvement concerns medical manipulations, dental production and, undoubtedly, materials science technologies. But the most gratifying fact is that the inherent improvement affects aspects of dental practice that are already familiar to us.

In our everyday practice We are increasingly faced with patients who demand from a dentist not only high-quality and painless treatment teeth, but also their ideal appearance. Modern means mass media allow many patients to clearly understand the possibilities modern dentistry. Therefore, we must be ready to fulfill not even a request, but the demands of patients to make teeth as natural as possible. This article presents one of the ways to achieve a highly aesthetic result using all-ceramic crowns.

Experience in the use of information radio wave diagnostics and therapy methods during osteoplastic operations using autologous bone blocks and dental implantation operations.

From a young age, we have all become accustomed to the fact that brushing our teeth is part of our daily self-care ritual. However, we sometimes do not approach its organization responsibly enough, not paying attention, for example, to the choice of toothpaste. But it must be selected individually. Don't know which one is suitable? We'll tell you!

Professional oral hygiene

Among preventive measures aimed at improving the health of the body, professional hygiene The oral cavity occupies an important place. Monitoring the condition of teeth and timely removal of plaque can prevent the occurrence of caries, tartar, as well as the development of periodontal disease and bleeding gums.

5 reasons to cure baby teeth

Some parents believe that it is not necessary to treat baby teeth, since permanent ones will grow in their place - healthy and strong. However, this approach is fundamentally wrong. You need to take care of your oral health from the very beginning. younger age, and the first visit to the dentist should take place immediately after the baby has his first teeth.

Teeth grinding - bruxism

Dentists call teeth grinding (or teeth grinding) bruxism. This is a fairly common disease - in adults it occurs in 15% of cases, and in children, especially small ones, every third person is susceptible to it.

Problems with gums, how to cure?

Brush your teeth every day. Ideally, this should be done after every meal. If this is not possible, brush your teeth in the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed. If you are avoiding this procedure because of bleeding gums, then remember that the less you brush your teeth, the more you make the situation worse. Try using soft toothbrush, but perform the cleaning procedure daily.

Wisdom tooth. To delete or not to delete?

Western dentists categorically insist: the wisdom tooth should be removed, as they say, at the root, as soon as it shows signs of existence. Why endure the pain of cutting if you can get rid of this scourge once and for all?! This opinion was formed among American dentists thanks to the research of their own anthropologists. Scientists say that in our time, a “wisdom tooth” is a rudiment that is of no use.

Remineralization of tooth enamel (fluoridation)

This is the saturation of tooth enamel with mineral components, leading to restoration of the structure.
The main structural elements of teeth are calcium and phosphorus. Fluorine, despite its ability to reduce the solubility of enamel, can hardly be considered structural elements teeth

Teeth whitening – be careful!

Humanity once came to the conclusion that teeth are not just a tool for chewing food or a formidable weapon in defense against enemies, but a rather important part of the face, which good care becomes attractive.

Stomatitis in a child

Stomatitis is the general name for diseases of the oral mucosa. Such diseases can have a different nature, and depending on the causes, the symptoms may vary, but most often these are inflammations on the tongue, gums, cheeks and throat. Accordingly, inflammation on the tongue is called glossitis, and on the gums - gingivitis.

Dentistry: treatment of pulpitis

In the process of treating pulpitis, heliocomposites and light composites are used. In our dental clinic For dental restoration, treatment of periodontitis, treatment of pulpitis, filling canals and teeth, products from Kerr, Heraues, Degussa and others are used.
