100 popular professions. Rating of the best professions in the world

Monday morning, beginning working week, there is sadness and melancholy on your face, you are tired of work. Is this a familiar situation?.. This is often what happens.

But it turns out that there are people in the world who wake up in the morning with a smile, because they have to go to their dream job!

WuzzUp brings to your attention the 10 most the best professions in the world.

1. Chocolate taster

Even if you drink tea or coffee to chew chocolate, then it’s time for you to think about changing your professional paradigm. “Chocolate” consultant - that’s for real suitable profession for you. A chocolate tester tries dozens of new types of candy every day, telling confectioners what to change in the recipe, which flavor notes to enhance, and which ones to reverse. But the love of chocolate should be truly all-encompassing.

2. Water racing tester

How cool it is to fulfill your childhood dream of going on rides around the clock and getting paid for it! At the alumni meeting, even that nerdy banker will look at you with envy when he finds out about your place of work. A water slide tester "has" to travel the world at water amusement parks, ride various slides, and prepare reports on the best and worst rides.

3. Video Game Tester

Mom was wrong. It turns out that you can play video games all day long, all you need to do is become a tester for the company that produces your favorite shooters. It is you who will become the pioneer of all new products, and will be able to legally poke the developers’ noses at the shortcomings and lags of the game. The inner child will also be happy with your life choices.

4. Beer taster

This is the oldest profession on our list. For several centuries, the profession of beer taster was associated with real risk for good health. We're not talking about beer alcoholism, we're talking about deadly bacteria that could have grown in beer during past unsanitary conditions. The taster tried beer from a certain batch, if he remained alive, healthy and capable, the beer was sent to the shelves. Years passed, Louis Pasteur came up with a way to kill bacteria with prolonged heating, and the profession of beer taster fell into oblivion. Everything changed in London in 2010. A modern beer taster evaluates first of all the taste of beer, notes weak and strengths drink and writes a report on his blog.

5. Professional holidaymaker

Travel company Luxury Travel Intelligence caters only to very wealthy clients, who even buy special memberships with it. The company's clients are very demanding about their vacation, because they spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on it and the services of Luxury Travel Intelligence. Of course, they want to be sure of the quality of their trip. In order to avoid unpleasant situations and possible litigation, the company announced a competition for the vacancy of a professional vacationer. The lucky one will live in the best hotels, visit the finest restaurants and exclusive entertainment. The total cost of the trip is ₤600,000, and the professional holidaymaker travels absolutely free. In addition to enjoying a wonderful pastime, he will have to write a thorough report about his vacation.

The prestige of a profession is manifested in two components: its relevance now and in the future, as well as its image in the eyes of experts and ordinary people. Based on these criteria, the top 10 most prestigious professions in the world and Russia in particular were compiled.

Top most prestigious professions in the world

So, what are the most prestigious professions in the world - top 10:

10th place:


Promotion of goods and services will definitely be relevant in the coming decades. In order to remain in demand, marketers are forced to look for new consumption markets, new technologies, and also focus on online clients.

9th place:


Solving pollution problems environment, urban greening, as well as the search for alternative energy sources are tasks that can be solved by an environmental specialist. It is likely that in the future this profession will gain not only great global prestige, but will also be one of the highest paid.

8th place:


The level of knowledge, psychological training, and most importantly responsibility for people’s lives among international airline pilots is at the highest level. The profession is indeed very difficult, because a modern aircraft is a complex machine, and the pilot himself must be able to quickly make decisions in stressful situations.

7th place:

Financial analyst

Working with global financial markets and operations is complex and prestigious at the same time. The demand for such specialists is steadily increasing. The work involves analyzing price fluctuations valuable papers, foreign exchange transactions and recommendations for future transactions for their clients.

6th place:


Abroad, jurisprudence is one of the most prestigious and highly paid fields. Despite the fact that the legislation various countries has become widely available thanks to the popularity of the Internet, an ordinary citizen cannot always understand the legal intricacies and defend his rights. Particularly in the US and UK, where case law is very popular.

5th place:

Top manager

Top managers of large corporations are erudite and creative individuals. They are able to simultaneously make non-standard decisions, build strategic plans and correctly set tactical goals for their subordinates.

4th place:


The most prestigious professions of a doctor are the specialties of surgeon, anesthesiologist, virologist and dentist. The image of specialists who work in the medical field has always been at the highest level.

3rd place:

Sphere specialistIT

Global technology development creates a demand for relevant specialists. If earlier these were only people with an analytical mindset, now this list has expanded to include creative people.

2nd place:


Without a doubt, this is a prestigious profession that will gain great popularity in the future. Already now, biotechnologists are specialists who push scientific progress in medicine, pharmaceuticals and genetic engineering.

1 place:


More than 2 million people in the world are engaged in the development of nanotechnology. The demand and prestige of this profession is growing every year. The future of humanity lies in the production of machines, robots, electronic circuits and other useful things no larger than a molecule in size.

Top most prestigious professions in Russia

The top 10 most prestigious professions in Russia looks like this:

10th place:


The demand for engineers of various specializations increases every year, as does wages. The profession is especially relevant within industrial enterprises.

9th place:


More and more Russian youth are turning their attention to professions in the field of science. The specialty of a microbiologist will be useful in the food, pharmaceutical and medical fields.

8th place:


Russian pilots, like their foreign colleagues, enjoy great prestige and respect.

7th place:

Director, actor

If you do not take into account Hollywood celebrities, Russian actors and directors earn quite decent money. And the popularity of cinema stars encourages more and more young people to try themselves in the acting field.

6th place:


In our time, the professions of interior designer, landscape designer, as well as fashionable clothes and accessories. Popularity of creative professions in modern society is growing rapidly.

5th place:

International relations specialist

The most prestigious professions in this area are considered to be diplomat, translator and international consultant on various issues. To maintain contacts and cooperation between states, such specialists are needed at all times.

4th place:


Among doctors in Russia, as well as abroad, the specialty of surgeon, anesthesiologist, dentist, and resuscitator is considered prestigious.

3rd place:


Starting your own business is increasingly popular among the younger generation, devoid of the stereotypes of post-Soviet society. There is an active development of startups, info-businesses, projects related to social networks and much more.

2nd place:

Top manager

For Russia, a senior manager is a rarer occurrence than for developed Western countries. And yet, the owners of large companies willingly delegate authority to energetic managers who are equally good at getting along with subordinates and replacing one of them if necessary.

1 place:

Sphere specialistIT

People different ages People are increasingly trying to get a job in the information technology field. This is indicated by the presence huge amount trainings and courses in the most popular IT areas. Reason for popularity: high salaries, comfortable working conditions, as well as greater opportunities for remote work.

When choosing a future profession, many people wonder whether it will always be in demand and well paid. These criteria often determine the prestige of the job. The list of modern prestigious professions primarily depends on trends in the personnel management market.

A prestigious job with a high salary usually implies greater responsibility, communication skills and the ability to cope with stress.

In addition, you need to constantly improve, learn and think outside the box in order to interest an employer and advance your career.

Managers high level

According to Forbes magazine, one of the most prestigious jobs is working as the head of banking institutions and international companies.

Wage chairman of the board of a bank, for example, is about $2,000,000 per year.

Heads of analytical departments and general directors receive slightly less.

To become such a leader, you must have a good education(preferably MBA courses) and speak several foreign languages.

A prerequisite for this job is resistance to stress and the ability to make quick decisions. The disadvantage of the profession is the irregular working hours, since most high-level managers work 14–16 hours a day.

Top manager for internal communications

This position is especially necessary in large companies with a very large staff.

The manager performs, at first glance, quite simple tasks: establishes communication between subordinates and managers, develops a corporate style, etc.

In fact, this work involves constant communication with company employees, holding various events to increase motivation, managing corporate publications and analyzing employee feedback.

A person with experience working with different target groups can apply for this position.

IT specialists

In this area there are the most prestigious professions in Russia. The demand for is growing every year. This is due to the large-scale computerization of society.

And, despite the fact that young people are actively developing in this area, there are not enough real specialists.

In order to truly get high paying job programmer, you need to be fluent in the programming language and have experience working on various projects.

An indisputable advantage will be international certificates confirming the level of professionalism.

Chief Accountant

This profession still remains in demand and prestigious, since the financial activities of the company depend on the chief accountant. The salary of a specialist depends on his work experience and professional suitability.

On average it is 50,000 – 60,000 rubles. The responsibilities of the chief accountant include responsibility for paying taxes and fees, as well as maintaining financial records of the enterprise and an accounting archive.


Due to the development of the restaurant business, the profession of a chef is more relevant today than ever. True professionals in their field often become no less famous than actors or singers.

But it’s not even fame that attracts many people who love to cook, improve and achieve career heights in this area. Rather, it is the prestige of the profession and high salaries.

A chef, first of all, must not only cook deliciously, but also have all the qualities of a leader and be able to quickly respond to unusual situations.

In addition to talent, it is important to have a good education and experience working with the world's leading chefs.

PR specialist

Many people have a rather vague idea of ​​what this person does. Moreover, the profession in Russia is often associated with political PR of the 90s.

Today, PR managers are engaged in creating and maintaining a positive public opinion about a company, product or personality. But this work is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

A true specialist must have sufficient knowledge in various fields, including psychology, journalism and marketing.

A particular advantage is the availability of international certificates, for example, CERP accreditation. The responsibilities of a PR manager may differ slightly depending on where he works - in a company or a private agency.


Work in the trade sector is now one of the most prestigious. Highly qualified specialists who are able to professionally study customer tastes and promote products are in demand in almost all companies.

Often, marketers are invited to work in industrial holdings and banks. This profession is also good because it allows you to make a career.

That is, having started your activity as a simple marketer, you can eventually grow to become the director of the marketing department. To do this, a specialist must have analytical thinking, stress resistance and communication skills.

Working professions

Among large quantity a wide variety of professions, blue-collar professions remain in demand. For example, it is impossible to do without builders, mechanics, plumbers, etc.

“The starting salary of a welder who knows, for example, two types of welding - argon and welding with a coated electrode - is about 70-90 thousand rubles”

– explains Natalia Zolotoreva, director of the department of state policy in the field of workforce training.

Prestigious jobs can easily be obtained by graduates with education in the field of instrument engineering, marine and rocket and space technology, as well as food production.

Various defense enterprises require prototyping specialists ( computer modeling), mechatronics (specialists in setting up automated production) or operators of computer-controlled machines.

Prestigious working professions are:

  • Graphic Designer;
  • Cosmetologist;
  • Masters of carpentry and carpentry and decorative works;
  • Database administrator;
  • Metrologist;
  • Mobile roboticist.

Read also: Especially if the specialist has several degrees in different fields (for example, technical + economic) and knows several languages.

  • Specialists in the field of nanotechnology;
    There is a huge future in this area, as it is becoming necessary in the most various areas, for example, in mechanical engineering, medicine and space technology.
  • Biotechnologists;
    These specialists use microbiology and genetic engineering to create completely new products. This profession will be in demand in medicine and pharmacy.
  • Logisticians.
    Professionals who know how to manage material and information technology in the field of commodity distribution, will only become more in demand every year.
  • When choosing a specialty, it is necessary not only to study the most prestigious professions in Russia, but also to take into account your talents and qualities. This is the only way to find not just a prestigious and highly paid job, but also your life’s work.

    To begin with, you should consider those specialties that simply cannot be irrelevant, since people always need them. Bright - doctors. We are talking primarily about classical specialists - surgeons, therapists, endocrinologists, oncologists, ophthalmologists, psychologists. However, some professions that have become very fashionable in our time will also remain relevant. In particular, services have been and will be in high demand plastic surgeons, nutritionists.

    Of course, they will always remain in demand and good veterinarians, because it is not only people who need to be treated.

    People need good, high-quality food, so chefs do not lose their relevance. We are also talking about specialists working in restaurants and cafes, but we should also mention those who prepare food in hospitals, kindergartens, schools and other similar institutions. If you want to prefer a more modern version of this profession, get acquainted with exotic cuisine and the peculiarities of preparing the most original and popular dishes.

    What kind of specialists are always needed?

    Construction technologies are constantly changing, but people who know how to build houses are always needed. However, it is important to consider that a representative of this profession needs to be ready to study the features of new materials and technologies and constantly gain experience. But as a result, you can become a very sought-after professional with a high wages.

    Newly built houses need to be renovated, so specialists such as interior designers, painters, and workers who can install plumbing, install flooring and wall coverings are always needed.

    Before constructing a building, you need to design it, and also determine the location of communications in it. This means that engineers and architects will not be left without work either. This is especially true for specialists who know how to work with non-standard projects and create original buildings, while not forgetting about their strength, durability and convenience.

    Another profession whose representatives will not be left without work is related to trade. Good sales consultants are needed everywhere, and the demand for this profession has not decreased at all even with the advent of stores. You can find work in kiosks and hypermarkets, and you can choose any goods and services for sale.

    Profession is one of the most important attributes in the life of every person. An erroneously chosen specialty can ruin a person’s entire life; Likewise, a correctly chosen destination can transform one’s destiny. For the right choice It will be useful to look into the future.

    Internet, communications

    Internet and IT are the most dynamic developing areas business. More and more websites, applications and IT companies are appearing, competition and industry capitalization are increasing every year. IT specialists will definitely be in demand in 5 years.

    Programmers in the web industry will also not be left without work. The languages ​​PHP and JavaScript are the most in demand these days. However, new tools are also emerging. The Erlang language allows you to reduce server load; it is used to create cloud services and messaging systems for VKontakte and FaceBook. Another area of ​​programming is the creation of NoSQL databases.


    Any enterprise is forced to sell its goods and services - otherwise it would be completely . The ability to sell is one of the most important; marketing specialists will undoubtedly be in demand on the labor market in 5 years. It is not necessary to obtain an expensive MBA (Master of Business Administration) degree. A good marketer must be able to establish public relations, understand Internet technologies (including the ability to promote products in in social networks). Please note that for a marketer experience more important than quality diploma (as opposed to IT and engineering). If you can sell well, you can always open your own business (or find a partner).

    Technology, engineering

    It was prestigious to be an engineer Soviet time, the prestige of the profession is expanding even today. There are no prerequisites for the importance of engineering specialties to lose its relevance. Engineers needed for implementation scientific achievements on practice.

    Nanotechnology is a completely new branch of science that requires scientists and specialists. The unique achievements of nanotechnologists made it possible to create a newspaper-TV and “smart” robots “Aivo”. Dozens Russian universities introduced the specialty "Nanotechnology", there is no doubt that scientific engineers will not be left without work in the world's largest enterprises.

    New opportunities

    You can create your own profession yourself. Professions of the future, such as “video blogger”, creator of educational interactive courses, stand-up comedian, appeared completely unexpectedly. Doing something useful to people and by investing a part of yourself in your business, you can discover your profession of the future. Moreover, you will have an undeniable advantage in this profession - the right of a pioneer. You will be more famous than others, and be a recognized expert in your niche.

    It is impossible to keep up with fashion - rapidly changing trends and many trends do not allow you to accurately follow all current trends without deviating one step from them. But any woman can remain stylish, wear elegant things, and make sure that her image reflects her inner state - this is where the ability to always remain fashionable is demonstrated.


    The biggest mistake you can make is blindly following fashion. Choose clothes for yourself, taking into account your age, lifestyle, and personal preferences. An important role in this is played by the creation of a basic wardrobe, the basis of which is made up of things that are classic, tried and true, and elements that are relevant in a particular season should make up no more than 1/3 of the volume of the wardrobe. Always remember that any thing has a classical basis, so experiment within the framework of conservatism. Actively use accessories - with their help you can diversify the image, changing it radically or only emphasizing the brightest and most original features. There should be as many accessories in your wardrobe as possible.

    Having your own style is a defining moment. It is he who forms the idea of ​​a person whose individuality sets him apart from the crowd. Stop trying to copy the style of a famous actress or singer - find your own image, work on your image. Try to find out everything about yourself - color type, perfectly fitting styles and cuts, suitable hairstyles and options. Then you will be able to choose your own clothes, guided by knowledge, without resorting to the help of friends and consultants, whose opinions are often subjective.

    If you decide to purchase something especially unusual, fresh, and fashionable, then remember that trendy items usually remain at the peak of popularity for several seasons. Don’t rush to buy clothes or accessories, following your first impulses - think about possible combinations, wait for more colors or styles.

    Being healthy and well-groomed is always fashionable. Watch your weight, eat right, don’t let yourself get discouraged and mope. Your hands, hair and skin should look flawless. Use all means to discover and maintain your own attractiveness - decorative and caring treatments, salon procedures, self-realization. You must come across as a successful and happy woman, even if in reality you are not.

    Selling articles through content stores is a good part-time job for a copywriter. But to earn regular income, you need to write articles every day. Then, with an average cost of one article of $4-5 and selling at least 5 articles per day, you can earn $20-25 daily.

    There are more than two dozen copywriting exchanges in RuNet, where you can not only write materials to order, but also sell ready-made articles in the store. Each exchange has its own conditions for accepting articles for sale. For example, in some places articles are manually moderated and checked by an editor, and if there are errors, they are rejected. And on some exchanges articles are accepted without moderation, but in this case average cost 1000 characters will be low. The amount of earnings from selling articles depends only on the copywriter. How more articles will be placed in content stores, the greater the sales volume will be.

    Where to sell articles to a beginner copywriter

    Beginning copywriters are recommended to try their hand at copywriting exchanges, where articles are accepted for publication without moderation. However, the lack of moderation does not mean that you can do your job poorly - upload articles for sale with grammatical errors and low uniqueness. Such violations will be detected fairly quickly, which will lead to account blocking.

    On exchanges where articles are not checked by editors, prices are usually very low, but there is sufficient quantity buyers who need cheap SEO content.

    On the Textsale exchange, articles posted for sale in the content store are not moderated, but are checked for uniqueness. It is not advisable to sell articles on this exchange for more than 30-40 rubles per 1000 characters, since buyers mainly come to Textsale for cheap content. And most of the authors of this exchange are ready to sell their works at a price of 15-20 rubles per 1000 characters.

    Money for sold articles goes to an internal account in the system. Payments are made to the WebMoney wallet on the second day after the withdrawal request. The article seller is charged a commission of 10% of the cost of each article sold. The minimum withdrawal amount is 1 WMZ (equivalent to 1$).

    Where to sell articles to an experienced copywriter

    If you have experience as a copywriter and are striving for a decent income, then to sell articles you can choose stores on the copywriting exchanges Copylancer, TextTrader and Miratext. On these exchanges, when paying out funds, the copywriter is charged only the standard WebMoney commission - 0.8% of the amount.

    All articles uploaded to the Copylancer exchange store are manually moderated. If there are two or three grammatical errors editors reject articles with a note that the text needs improvement. But having written a competent and interesting article on a popular topic, you can put it up for sale at a price of 60-90 rubles per 1000 characters. To understand which topics are in greatest demand, just look at the sales statistics on the main page of the content store. To make sales more intense, it is recommended to regularly upload new articles to the store. The minimum withdrawal amount is 120 rubles. Money is withdrawn to a WebMoney wallet.

    In the Miratext store, articles are also checked, and if there are no errors, they are placed in the catalog. The price range is the same as for Copylancer. However, you cannot see sales statistics here. There is no minimum amount for payment, that is, you can withdraw

    For everyone who is just going to get either higher or secondary education today professional education The question of the demand for the chosen specialty is very relevant. After all, over the past 20 years, priorities have changed significantly and economists and lawyers who were popular in the 1990s are actively retraining and looking for new jobs.

    We offer our Top 10 professions of the future– these are a dozen specialties, knowledge of which will definitely allow you to find a stable and well-paid job.

    Gadgets, computers, robots are increasingly filling our lives. But their creation requires qualified personnel, whose task is to work on highly complex and precise equipment. A clear advantage for a holder of an electrical engineering specialty is knowledge of the English language.

    9. Marketing and sales

    It is becoming increasingly difficult to find consumers for a wide variety of products, which means that the demand from employers for sales professionals is growing. The most in demand are specialists who combine education in economics, law and marketing.

    8. Chemists

    Energy, pharmaceutical, metallurgical and medical companies demonstrate high demand for specialists in the field of chemistry. Despite the complexity of the subject, it is chemistry that opens up broad prospects for the future professional.

    7. Primary school teachers

    The policy aimed at increasing the birth rate is bearing fruit - the number of first-graders is increasing every year. But there is a catastrophic shortage of teachers. Therefore, it is the primary school teacher who becomes one of the most sought-after specialists.

    6. Environmentalists

    Security requirements industrial equipment, transport, energy hubs are becoming stricter. Consequently, there is a growing demand for environmentalists, who are becoming more commonplace on the staff of any large enterprise.

    5. Logisticians

    Transport flows, information resources, distribution inventories– any of these areas requires the presence of a logistician. Analytical skills are very important for a logistics specialist. systems thinking, speed of reaction.

    4. Engineers

    Aerobatics is a combination of technical engineering education with economic or legal education. Because Russian industry is experiencing an acute shortage of personnel in middle management. Also, the engineer’s capitalization will significantly increase knowledge of English, German, and Chinese.

    3. Registered nurses

    Jr medical staff is extremely in demand in government medical centers, and in private clinics. Today, the current workforce is rapidly approaching retirement age, and there is a severe shortage of young qualified nurses in the market.

    2. Nanotechnologies

    People in this profession are engaged in the creation of nano-robots, minimalist microcircuits, and engineering at the atomic level. Unfortunately quite difficult to find educational institution, where nanotechnology is taught at a decent level.

    1. Software and hardware developers

    The most in-demand profession of the future allows you to realize yourself in many areas - the creation and support of websites, working with server systems, development mobile applications. At the same time, highly qualified professionals are becoming truly in demand, because There are more than enough mid-level programmers on the market.
