Who developed the bull terrier breed. Bull Terrier, fighter with triangular eyes. Description, characteristics of the breed

Height at withers



Uninformed people are often afraid of dogs of this breed, considering them aggressive and unbalanced. Perhaps this is due to the powerful jaws and athletic build of bulls, perhaps due to confusion in the names of related breeds (bulmastiffs, pit bulls, Staffordshire terriers).

Some of the relatives of bull terriers do have aggression and are dangerous to humans, but this in no way applies to “white knights,” as bull terriers were previously called.

Of course, these dogs are strong and strong, and they need proper upbringing, but they were bred without aggression towards humans. Those who have at least once had close contact with representatives of the breed are confident in the persistent good nature, affection and patience of bull terriers.

The Bull Terrier is a breed with ancient aristocratic roots. In the 19th century in England, dog fights (the ancestors of the bull terrier - bulldogs) with bulls, bears, wild boars, and monkeys were popular. However, in 1835, the English Parliament banned them, and bulldogs began to be pitted against each other and to poison rats with them. The spectacle was boring and unimpressive, since the dogs clumsily stomped around for a long time.

But in 1850, James Hinks from Birmingham decided to improve such dogs. They allegedly crossed an English bulldog, a white English terrier, and a Dalmatian. Perhaps the blood of the Spanish Pointer was infused.
When developing the breed, inbreeding was used (mating with close relatives). Already in 1862, a new breed was presented at the exhibition, which was called the “old bulldog-and-terrier” - “old bull-and-terrier”. Later they stopped pronouncing the particle “end”, and the breed began to be called “white English bull terrier”.

This is what the bull terrier looked like at the end of the 19th century. Illustration from the book: “The American book of the dog. The origin, development, special characteristics, utility, breeding, training, points of judging, diseases, and kennel management of all breeds of dogs" (1891). Photo: Internet Archive Book Images Oxford professors and students considered it prestigious to keep such a dog at home.


According to the standard, the Bull Terrier is an energetic, agile dog of medium size and strong constitution, the format of which is close to square. The torso is muscular, dense, with a long neck, short back and convex loin. The chest is wide and deep. The tail is of medium length, cone-shaped, located horizontally. The limbs are parallel to each other, the paws are “in a ball”. Movements are smooth, easy, confident.

Photo: Madlab Bull Terrier Bull Terriers have a well-defined gender type (males are more powerful, more massive; females are more elegant, more graceful).

This or that slight deviation from the desired appearance (standard), which is present in each dog, is divided into 4 types in bull terriers:

  • Ideal (mixed type)
  • “Bull” (powerful, muscular)
  • “Terrier” (elegant, light)
  • “Dalmatian” (long-legged, proportional type)

All these types are found in the breed, balance each other and make up the originality of the bull terrier's appearance.

Head shape

Home distinctive feature The Bull Terrier is distinguished by its egg-shaped (or rat-shaped) head.

Photo: Hasan Karagülmez The bull has a head without a stop (a pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle). The slightly lowered muzzle (“down-face” or “saiga”) has a large black nose and dry, adjacent lips. Lower jaw powerful. The forehead is flat. The triangular eyes, unique to the Bull Terrier, are small, deep-set and appear completely black.

It is believed that bull terriers owe their head shape to short-haired collies. For the first time, the extravagant egg-shaped head of the “Down Face” type was demonstrated by the male Lord Gladiator, born in 1928.

The ears are thin, small, erect. They are triangular in shape and set high.

The teeth are white and large (even knowing the bull’s peacefulness towards people, it’s hard to forget his smile).

Photo: Storm The bite is scissor, but after growing up (at about 1.5 - 3 years) it can change to a straight bite or an underbite - a legacy of the bulldog ancestors.

Photo: Madlab Bull Terrier The characteristic long head with a classic Roman profile should be proportionate to the body so that the Bull Terrier does not look “big-headed”.

Bull Terrier colors

Bull Terriers were originally created to be pure white, the breed was called the White English Bull Terrier (some called them the “White Cavalier”). However, over time, crossing only white individuals created certain difficulties: the breed began to degenerate. The infusion of fresh blood (Staffordshire bull terriers) saved the situation, and the breed began to sparkle with new colors. Colored dogs began to participate in exhibitions and competitions on an equal basis with white ones. Colored colors were officially recognized in 1919.

Tri-color bull terrier. Photo: Madlab Bull Terrier Now Bull Terrier dogs come in white and colored: black, red, red, fawn, tri-color. The brindle color is prized. Blue and sand colors and mottling are undesirable.

Bull Terrier is white and brown. Photo: Madlab Bull Terrier When the Bull Terrier is classic white, only spots on the head (and skin pigmentation) are allowed. Colored dogs should have a predominant coat of color (more than 50% of the body). In Europe, they try not to breed colored bull terriers with each other - only with white ones.

Weight and height

Bull Terriers have no special restrictions on height and weight; harmony of proportions and right head. Typically, their height ranges from 30 to 61 cm (females are smaller), weight ranges from 18 to 36 kg (males are heavier). The height of mini bull terriers should not exceed 35.5 cm.

The first bull terriers had their ears cropped. In 1895, Great Britain passed a law banning ear cropping on dogs. You could see bull terriers with erect, semi-erect, and hanging ears. Breeders tried to correct this and bred dogs with elegant erect ears.

Other characteristics

The coat of bull terriers is hard, thick and shiny, smooth and close to the body. During the cold season, a soft undercoat grows. It is important to remember that boules must be protected from bright sun (danger of overheating, burns), drafts and dampness - short hair is not able to protect them.

As a separate breed recognized by the FCI, the Mini Bull Terrier fully matches the characteristics of the Bull Terrier breed, with the exception of height and weight. Its height is 25-35 cm (but not more than 35.5 cm - 14 inches), weight 11-15 kg.

Miniature Bull Terrier. Photo: Eric564 According to the standard, weight is not limited, but it must correspond to height and create the impression of harmony and power.

Character of the Bull Terrier and its training

From their warlike ancestors, modern boules have inherited boundless courage, determination, energy, endurance and devotion.

Many books have been written and films have been made about bull terriers. A figurine on the guitar strap of the poet and musician A.Ya. Rosenbaum is a tribute to his bull terrier Lucky, about whom the poet says:

Never promise me anything -
I still won't trust anyone.
Only in death in war, and in the firebird's feather,
Only in the rain that gray pours from the clouds...
And of those who drink the same oxygen with me
I only trust my bull terrier...

The Bull Terrier was bred as fighting dog. Therefore, despite its menacing appearance and impressive set of teeth, its aggression is directed not at humans, but at its own kind.

Photo: iv4ni This breed was also used as rat hunters, which were a real disaster at that time. In this hunt, bulls had no equal, and mini-bull terriers often became the absolute champions (champion Tiny Mite weighed only 3 pounds - 1.5 kg, champion Nelson - less than 7 kg). These facts suggest that from childhood a bull terrier should be taught to coexist peacefully with other animals, restraining its impulses. And owners should be on alert when cats, dogs and other animals appear. The instinct and tenacity of the Bull Terrier can lead to difficult situations. If a dog is not raised correctly, taking into account the breed characteristics, it will become dangerous.

Features of temperament

During the formation of the breed, animals with a balanced temperament (sanguine, phlegmatic) were selected. Nervous, hysterical, unbalanced individuals were culled so that these traits would not become fixed at the genetic level.

Photo: FAM. HORNECKER The modern bull terrier is distinguished by a stable psyche; it is characterized by the following features:

  • courage
  • determination
  • energy
  • developed intelligence
  • nobility
  • perseverance
  • endurance
  • observation
  • determination
  • playfulness
  • loyalty
  • agility
  • possessiveness
  • tendency to dominate
  • affectionateness
  • sociality

Everyone knows the film about two dogs (a Labrador and an American bulldog) and a cat who follow their owner (“The Road Home”). However, in the original version, Sheila Barnford’s story “An Extraordinary Journey”, it was not a young bulldog, but an elderly bull terrier who took part and looked more appropriate and believable

When handled correctly, the Bull Terrier is very intelligent and charming; its reliability and strength attract fans of the breed all over the world.

Bull Terrier and children

When creating the breed, breeders worked to suppress aggression towards people. Because of this, the bull may have problems with security - he does not see an enemy in a person. Looking at the athletic figure of the bull terrier, it is difficult to believe that this is not a toothy killer, but a smiling dog, a licking dog. This is an affectionate and gentle nanny in the family. With proper upbringing, the bubble will wipe the nose, protect from falling, comfort and warm the child.

Photo: FAM. HORNECKER This is a very noble beast - it will not offend anyone who is weaker. Reviews from people who already have one make it clear that there are no evil bull terriers - this is a false stereotype. There are owners who were unable to choose the right breed according to their capabilities and did not want to make any effort in raising the animal.

It is better to take a puppy when there are already children in the family. The Bull may become jealous if the baby arrives later. There are known cases when bull terriers, out of jealousy, picked up and sucked a child's pacifier, trying to attract attention to themselves

Behavior with other animals

Now the bull terrier is more of a working dog than a fighting dog. However, one should remember why the breed was created - to fight, to hunt rodents, to win. The bull has a very strong spirit of competition - he will not let anyone challenge him. Therefore, with puppy age You should focus on your attitude towards other animals - restrain impulses to rush without a command, teach them to ignore cats, etc.

Video: Bull Terrier works out with a trainer, ignoring many cats

It is important to remember that the bull terrier is possessive and jealous, and take this into account when training. With proper training and upbringing, and careful attention to your pet, problems will not arise.

Raising a puppy

You need to start training a bull terrier puppy as soon as you bring him home. Bull Terrier babies are easy to train, but they need a responsible, patient and attentive owner. You need to be persistent in your demands, to ensure that the command is compulsory, if it is given. Fairness towards the puppy will be rewarded with his trust.

Photo: J Bull Terriers should not be trained with physical punishment. Puppies grow up very quickly, and relationships based on physical strength can change exactly the opposite.

The unspoken rule of raising a bull terrier is: for every 10 praises there are no more than 2 condemnations (reprimands)

From early childhood, bull terriers must be well socialized. Then in adulthood there will be no problems with inappropriate aggression powerful dog. A socially adapted dog will not mindlessly rush at every living thing, scaring those around him.

Features of training a bull terrier

Bull Terriers are trained very successfully - this is not a breed whose upbringing and training can be left to chance. However, there are a number of features that you need to be aware of.

When starting to train a Bull Terrier, you should remember that this is a very stubborn dog. The trainer must have experience and certain skills. At first, classes are carried out at home, gradually introducing new distractions so that the dog gets used to obeying in any conditions.

Video about what you can teach a bull terrier in just 2 weeks of training

You can often hear statements about a low pain threshold in bull terriers. In fact, these dogs are not sensitive to pain during a fight. However, like other dogs. In any case, beatings will not do any good.

The bull terrier has a death grip. In the heat of the moment, he himself will not be able to unclench his teeth immediately, even if he wants to. The owner must know how to loosen the dog’s teeth without loss (use a stick-lever or crush an ampoule of ammonia under the nose), and how to separate mating dogs.

An important difference from other breeds is their tendency to compete and dominate. Tug games are not always beneficial for the Bull Terrier. He should not see a rival in a person. I believe that the owner is always stronger and rights cannot always be violated.

The Bull Terrier is a very social dog and needs constant contact with its owner. She doesn't need any special conditions or in complex grooming - everything is simple and accessible. You won’t need a lot of time and money either.

Place of detention

It is best to keep an English Bull Terrier close to its owner - in a house or apartment. Its location should be located away from heating devices and drafts.

Photo: Robert Tadlock If the bull terrier lives in a private house where it can be free-ranged Domestic bird- some of them will have to be closed. It is not suitable for an aviary or kennel - it is too social, the wool will not protect it from the sun or frost. The bull terrier is not suitable as a watchman - he is friendly towards people. Therefore, putting him on a chain is impractical and a pity - a huge potential is being ruined.


Feeding bull terriers is not very different from feeding other dog breeds. The diet should be complete, you should not mix natural and ready-made feed. Daily norm food adult dog equals 4% of body weight. Both adult dogs and puppies should always have a bowl of food available. clean water.

Photo: Matt The food of bull terrier puppies when weaned from their mother should be natural; they can be switched to ready-made food (premium class) after a month of being in a new place. The diet of a two-month-old puppy looks something like this: 50% - meat, offal or fish, 50% - grated raw vegetables, porridge (rice, buckwheat), rye crackers, dairy products. Cottage cheese (at least every day), eggs (several times a week), butter are required. The amount of daily food for Bull Terrier puppies should be 8% of their body weight.

Photo: nikomouse These dogs are always ready for a snack. Bull Terriers are prone to overeating, so you should not overfeed them.

Physical activity

Bull Terriers are strong and agile. In order to direct energy in a peaceful direction, they need movement. These can be long walks, training, sports, active games and other entertainment.

Photo: Hasan Karagülmez Bull will always keep company and support any game. This breed's figure and character deteriorate from lying on the sofa, so regular exercise is simply necessary.

Bull Terrier Care

One of the advantages of the Bull Terrier is its ease of care. For short hair, it is enough to comb it once a week; if necessary, dirt and dust can be easily removed damp cloth or napkins. Can be treated with a rubber glove or a piece of suede.
This one has claws active dog basically grind themselves down, it is enough just to inspect and winter time control the uniformity of stitching.

Photo: Rae It is enough to examine your teeth once a month. Ears – several times a month, if dirty, clean with a special lotion for cleaning ears. The Bull Terrier's unique triangular eyes are regularly wiped with damp swabs to remove accumulated mucus.

Dog health

It is believed that dogs of this breed are different good health. They live for approximately 12-15 years (of course, depending on living conditions, feeding, heredity and a number of other factors). Bull Terriers are predisposed to the following diseases:

  • congenital deafness
  • tendency to food allergies
  • some types of dysplasia (mitral, elbow joint)

Photo: StooMathiesen Bull Terriers are prone to obesity - they cannot refuse a tasty morsel. Owners should adhere to the diet and not overfeed their pets.

Should you get a bull terrier?

A powerful, energetic and dexterous animal requires increased attention and responsibility from the owner. The need for his education is obvious. Therefore, before purchasing a bull terrier, you should soberly assess your strengths, knowledge and skills. A dog of this breed should not be purchased on impulse.

Which owner would a Bull Terrier be more suitable for?

Muscular, agile and fearless, the Bull Terrier needs a firm but fair hand. It is ideal for an active, energetic, consistent and responsible person. For those who love to travel, play sports, devote their time to training, outdoor games, and communication with nature.

Photo: Hasan Karagülmez A physically strong person is desirable, balanced, patient and attentive, capable of giving the dog the necessary physical exercise. A bull terrier would be suitable for a family with children or with other animals, but you will need to work out the rules of communication and define acceptable boundaries.

Who is better off choosing a dog of a different breed?

A restless and playful bull terrier that needs frequent physical activity, not suitable for pensioners, people with disabilities physical capabilities, unbalanced or aggressive people. Constantly lying on the sofa, indulging and babying is contraindicated for him. He will not tolerate injustice; he cannot be punished physically.

Photo: Yam Yam A breed of noble athletes, fearless fighters and loving nannies, the Bull Terrier finds admirers of its talents all over the world. The undeserved bad reputation of the breed can only mislead ignorant people. All dogs, and bull terriers in particular, need to be raised and trained. With their original appearance, bull terriers delight, protect and care. With these dogs it’s nice to lie on the couch, go hiking, or drive a car - they come in handy everywhere.

Bull Terrier is a breed of dog related to terriers. There is also a miniature bull terrier, which differs in height. These dogs are considered uncontrollable and dangerous, but this is not true. They are stubborn, but love people and their family with all their hearts.

  • Bull Terriers suffer without attention and must live in a home with their family. They do not like to be alone and suffer from boredom and melancholy.
  • It is difficult for them to live in cold and damp climates due to their short fur. Prepare clothes for your bull terrier in advance.
  • Caring for them is simple; just comb them once a week and wipe them dry after a walk.
  • The walks themselves should be from 30 to 60 minutes long, with games, exercises and training.
  • This is a stubborn and headstrong dog that can be difficult to train. It is not recommended for inexperienced or mild owners.
  • Without socialization and training, Bull Terriers can be aggressive towards other dogs, animals and strangers.
  • They are not suitable for families with small children, as they are too rough and strong. But older children can play with them if they are taught to handle the dog carefully.

History of the breed

The history of the appearance of bull terriers begins with the Middle Ages and the emergence of such a thing as “blood sport”, which is translated as bloody fun. This is a type of entertainment in which animals fight with each other, including dog fighting. These fights were popular entertainment in England at that time, and bets were placed on them.

In the fighting pits there were both poor and rich, and the profits were often huge. Almost every village in England had its own fighting pit, not to mention the cities. In them dogs fought with bulls, bears, wild boars and with each other.

In bull-baiting, short dogs were needed that could grab the nose of a bull to render it helpless. They were well prepared and only the strongest were chosen.

Often the dog held on to the bull even when it was flying in the air and held on as long as it was alive. It is believed that the first such battle was held back in 1209, in Stamford. From the 13th to the 18th centuries, this cruel game was even considered a national sport in England.

Over time, the popularity of bull baiting grew, and with it the need for a certain type of dog. The size, character, and strength of the dogs were adjusted to the requirements of the fighting pits; other qualities did not matter. Over the centuries, strong, vicious, fast dogs have been developed and improved.

However, in 1835, the Cruelty to Animals Act was passed, prohibiting this type of entertainment. The owners found a way out and switched from fights between animals to fights between dogs, which are not directly prohibited by law. Dog fighting required less space, money and was easier to organize.

There was a demand for compact fighting dogs, which were easier to hide when the police appeared. In addition, dog fighting lasted longer than bull-baiting and not only strong, but also hardy dogs were needed, able to endure pain and fatigue.

To create such dogs, breeders began crossing the Old English Bulldog with various terriers. These Bull and Terriers had the alertness and agility of a terrier and the strength, tenacity and high pain threshold of a bulldog. Bull and Terriers gained a reputation as gladiators because they would fight to the death for their owner's approval.

In 1850, James Hinas from Birmingham began breeding work to develop a new breed. To do this, he crossed the Bull and Terrier with other breeds, including the now extinct White English Terrier. The new white bull terrier has an elongated head, a symmetrical body and straight legs.

Hinks bred only white dogs, which he called bull terriers to distinguish them from the older bull and terriers. The new breed was also called the "Hinks breed" or The White Cavalier for its ability to protect itself and family, but never be the first to start.

In 1862, Hincks exhibited his dogs at a show in Chelsea. This dog show brings popularity and success to the breed and new breeders begin crossing with Foxhounds and other breeds.

The purpose of crossing is to increase elegance and dynamism. And Hinks himself adds the blood of greyhounds and, to smooth out the stop. Those dogs were not yet similar to modern bull terriers.

The Bull Terrier was fully recognized by the AKC (American Kennel Club) in 1885, and in 1897 the BTCA (The Bull Terrier Club of America) was created. The first bull terrier of the modern type was recognized in 1917, it was a dog named Lord Gladiator and he was distinguished complete absence foot.


The Bull Terrier is a muscular and athletic breed, even intimidating, although they have a good temperament. The breed standard does not put forward any special requirements for height and weight, but usually the bull terrier reaches 53-60 cm at the withers and weighs 23-38 kg.

The shape of the skull is a distinctive feature of this breed; it is ovoid or oval, without pronounced curves or indentations. There should be no rough features; the distance between the nose and eyes is visually greater than between the eyes and the top of the skull. No stop, black nose big nostrils. The lower jaw is strong and has a scissor bite.

The ears are small and erect. The eyes are narrow, deep, triangular in shape, dark in color. The expression of the eyes is intelligent, devoted to the owner. This is the only dog ​​breed that has triangular-shaped eyes.

The body is round, with a deep and wide chest. The back is strong and short. The tail is short, wide at the base and tapering towards the end.

The coat is short, close to the body, shiny. The color can be pure white (spots on the head are acceptable) or colored (where color predominates).


They are attached to their family and owner, want to take part in its life, love to be with people and play.

When playing, you need to be careful with children, as this ball of muscles can inadvertently knock down a child. In general, it is not recommended to walk a Bull Terrier for those who cannot cope with it: children, the elderly and people after illness.

Is not guard dog, but they are fearless, loyal and intimidating, and can protect from danger. They have a natural protective instinct, but they are usually quite friendly with strangers.

The Bull Terrier has a strong instinct of pursuit; they can attack animals; during walks you need to keep the dog on a leash. They do not get along well with other animals in the house. Cats, rabbits, hamsters and other small animals are in constant danger.

The breed's ancestors were dogs from fighting pits, and they themselves took part in battles, although their creator saw bull terriers as a gentleman's companion, not a killer. The fame of their bloodthirstiness and uncontrollability is exaggerated.

For example, the American Temperament Test Society, which aims to remove potentially dangerous dogs from breeding programs, reports high pass rates.

The figure is about 90%, that is, only 10% of dogs fail the test. They are usually not aggressive towards people or dogs.. Bull Terriers were once gladiators in the pits, but today they are calmer.

Other dogs do not fit in because bull terriers are a dominant breed, and as a result, it is recommended to keep only bull terriers in the house. No cats, other dogs or rodents. Males can bully other males during a walk, always keep your distance while walking and do not let the dog off the leash.

As with other breeds, early socialization is the foundation for developing a friendly and manageable temperament. The sooner a bull terrier puppy gets acquainted with new people, places, things, sensations, the more calm and manageable he will be.

However, even such a dog cannot be trusted to communicate with other animals; instincts take over. Much depends on the specific character. Some bull terriers are friends with cats and dogs, while others cannot tolerate them at all.

It is not wise to test this on your friends' dogs, warn them and ask them to leave their animals at home if they are going to visit you.

Bulls are quite intelligent, but also independent and training them can be challenging. They respond well to confident, consistent training and supervision and poorly to roughness, hitting and yelling.

The role of the leader must be played out by the owner constantly, since the bull terrier is smart enough to probe the boundaries of what is permitted and expand them. Both miniature bull terriers and regular ones can be stubborn and uncontrollable, so they are not recommended for people who are getting a dog for the first time or who are mild in character.

Parenting is a long process and you will need patience. They have a fairly divided attention span, so lessons should not be long and they need variety to maintain interest. When attention is lost (and this often happens), you can regain it with the help of a treat or praise.

But even the most well-trained bull terriers can try to push the boundaries of what is permitted from time to time. Leadership, correction and constant supervision are needed to curb their strong character.

These dogs are alive and need large quantities exercise to stay happy and healthy. If his needs are met, the bull terrier can live in an apartment. Of course, they are more comfortable in a private house with a yard.

But they live calmly in an apartment, provided they have a varied and regular load. This could be walking, jogging, playing with a ball, or accompanying you on bicycle rides. If they are missing, you will know about it. From boredom and excess energy, they become destructive: they chew objects and furniture, mouth the ground, and bark.

They also suffer from loneliness, when they have to spend a lot of time without people. Those who spend a lot of time at work should take a closer look at other breeds. Out of boredom, they begin to behave the same way as when there is excess energy, becoming nervous and destructive.

Isolation does not help, as they can chew on everything, even the doors behind which they are locked.


The short coat requires minimal grooming and can be brushed once a week. After a walk, you can wipe the dog dry, but you can also wash it regularly, as this does not harm the coat.

The rest of the care is the same as for other breeds - trimming nails, checking the cleanliness of ears and eyes.


If you decide to buy a bull terrier puppy, then check it for deafness. It is quite difficult to understand whether a puppy, especially a small one, can hear you. But deafness occurs in 20% of bull terriers white color and 1.3% of non-whites.

Due to their short fur, they suffer from insect bites, so a mosquito bite can cause allergies, rashes and itching. Otherwise it's enough healthy dogs who do not suffer from specific genetic diseases.

The average lifespan of a Bull Terrier is 10 years, but many dogs live up to 15 years.

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The Bull Terrier is the most controversial dog breed. The owners speak of them as the kindest and most obedient creatures that wouldn’t hurt a fly. At the same time, there are often reports in the media about the bloodthirstiness and mercilessness of this breed. Cases of bull terriers attacking people and other animals are not uncommon. What are these dogs like according to experts?

The Bull Terrier was formed as a dog breed in England. In the 19th century, the ancestors of modern bull terriers appeared on the territory of this country - Old Bull-End Terriers, descended from old-type bulldogs and white terriers. This breed was used in the popular bloody sport of bullfighting. The dogs bit into the bull's nose and exhausted him. It was this type of fighting that gave the name to the breed (“bul” means bull).

The purpose of use imposed certain requirements on the qualities of the breed. The dog had to have strong jaws, developed muscles, and fearlessness. To achieve these qualities, breeds with suitable characteristics were used in crossing. One of the ancestors of bull terriers were white terriers, which were used to fight rats.

Bull baiting as a form of entertainment was banned in England in 1835. The popularity of the breed began to fade at this time, but soon bull terriers began to be used in rat baiting and dog fighting.

The further development of the breed was promoted by James Hincks, who considered bull terriers to be a good option for a pet dog breed. The breeder began to reduce the dog’s aggressiveness and instill in the breed friendliness and gentleness of character. For these purposes, bulls began to be crossed with Dalmatians. Experiments to change the character of the breed were continued by the descendants of Hinks.

The result of the work was the appearance of dogs that do not show aggression towards humans. But it was not possible to completely make the dog friendly. Therefore, modern bull terriers are often intolerant of other fighting dogs and try to fight with them. In this case, the instinct of a fighting dog is triggered, the desire to win at any cost.

External breed standards and photographs of the Bull Terrier

The Bull Terrier is a dog of strong, well-balanced appearance, with developed muscles and strong skin turgor. The dog is fit and slender. Height at the withers is 30-45 centimeters, weight is from 18 to 30 kilograms.

Bull Terrier in the photo

The Bull Terrier has the following external characteristics:
  • The back is flat, muscular, with an arched loin.
  • The chest is convex, wide, with the lowest point below the belly line.
  • Shoulders are broad.
  • The limbs are muscular. The front ones are better developed than the rear ones. The joints of the legs are low, giving the figure a stocky appearance.
  • The head is oval, deep along its entire length. The skull is flat on top.
  • Jaws with a scissor bite and thin, dry lips.
  • The eyes are deep-set, triangular in shape, closely spaced, small
  • The ears are triangular, thin, standing vertically on the top of the head.
  • The coat is short, hard, smooth, evenly covering the body and lying tightly to it.
  • The color is pure white with some pigmentation and minor spots on the head. For a white color, mottling is unacceptable. Color colors are acceptable in the following variants: black, brindle, reddish-red, fawn-brown, tri-color.

Important. Blue and sand colors and white with splashes are considered breed faults

Aggression and cowardice are unacceptable in this breed.

The temperament of this breed is characterized as calm and balanced. Unjustified aggression and cowardice are unacceptable flaws in the breed. The dog by origin is endowed with the fighting and agility of a terrier. Despite the small size of the dog, there is no shortage of courage in it. Unquestioning submission to the person who raised her and supports her - main feature this breed.

By nature, the Bull Terrier is aggressive towards other fighting dogs. Although proper socialization can soften this quality, and the dog will react calmly to other individuals. A properly raised bull terrier calmly walks with other dogs, and can enter into combat with them, just without sharing a toy, or to protect the owner.

The bull terrier is merciless towards cats. And no education of hatred towards these animals can get him out of it. Seeing a cat on the street or in the entrance, the dog will definitely chase after it, despite the owner’s prohibitions. Having caught up with the animal, the dog will tear it to pieces, and this is a very unpleasant sight. Therefore, it is impossible to keep a bull terrier in a house where there are cats. Even the kitten and puppy who grew up together and existed peacefully are finally.

The bull terrier is in love with his owner, does not leave him a single step, is ready to give him all the affection and tenderness. In return, the dog demands the same attitude. She likes the attention of her owner, and the bull terrier attracts him in every possible way.

Bull Terriers love to fool around, they are even called clown dogs. They play with children with pleasure, tolerate their pranks and all their antics. But you shouldn't tease your bull too much; he can become rude and uncontrollable. A bull terrier may get carried away and not calculate the strength of his grip, but with his powerful jaws this is very traumatic.

The character of a bull terrier directly depends on the purpose of education. If you cultivate aggression and hatred towards others in a dog, and set him against everyone from childhood, a real monster will grow up.

It is necessary to raise a Bull Terrier from a very early age.

When buying a bull terrier puppy, the owner must understand the characteristics of its character and begin training and education from a very early age. If you miss time, the dog will become uncontrollable. The dog is quite stubborn, so its training requires a special, correct approach.

The puppy must understand the duty of obedience to the owner from the very beginning. When communicating with a bull terrier, you should not give in to slack or refuse to instill a certain skill halfway. The breed tends to “probe” the owner, look for his character weak spots. Attempts to gain the upper hand in relationships appear in this breed before the age of two.

The Bull Terrier needs a balanced and emotionally calm owner. A nervous style of communication, screaming and dissatisfaction during training will lead to the dog also showing imbalance and unpredictability.

Bull terriers show themselves in a new dog sport for our country - weight pulling (dragging heavy objects). Weightlifting for dogs is the most suitable activity for a breed with such strength qualities.

In order for the Bull Terrier to get used to people, it needs to be walked in busy places on a leash. Outdoor trips in company are effective in terms of education. The Bull Terrier needs contact with people and other dogs, then it will grow up calm and obedient.

Important. From early childhood, the puppy must be prohibited from showing jealousy towards its owner, otherwise the dog will not let anyone near it.

Basics of keeping and caring for the breed

The Bull Terrier is quite suitable for keeping even in a very small apartment, since it does not need a lot of space. Bull Terriers need long, physically active walks. While walking, you can keep him busy playing with a ball or doing exercises with a stick. If the bull terrier's energy is not spent during the day, he will show aggression, nervousness, and will begin to try all household objects.

The Bull Terrier does not need to be cut and washed frequently.

The Bull Terrier needs to immediately determine a place in the apartment and teach the dog to sleep on it. These dogs do not like to sleep in one place, and constantly strive to climb onto the sofa or bed. This habit needs to be stopped from the very beginning. When choosing a place for a dog’s bed, you need to take into account the breed, so the place for the dog’s bed should have a view of all the rooms and the corridor. The material for the bed should be natural, since synthetics can cause an allergic reaction on the bull terrier’s delicate skin.

Important. You cannot place a bull terrier in various houses and cozy beds. Such a dog needs somewhat Spartan conditions.

Caring for the breed is easy because the coat does not need to be cut or washed frequently. The Bull Terrier should be bathed 3-4 times a year. Wool can be wiped with a damp towel. Once a week, you need to go over the dog’s body with a rubber brush or special gloves. This is necessary to get rid of loose hair. Such procedures also serve as a massage and keep the skin toned.

Caring for a Bull Terrier is quite simple.

Important. A bull terrier should be owned by a person who already has experience in keeping and training dogs. A beginner cannot cope with such a dog.

What to feed a bull terrier, selection of proper nutrition

Meat in a bull terrier's diet should be 50%.

The Bull Terrier can be fed with natural or dry food. To mix different types feed is not allowed.

Feeding natural food will require time spent preparing it. The diet includes boiled and raw meat, at least 50%, cereals cooked in water, stewed vegetables, raw fruits. Twice a week, meat is replaced with boneless fish. Add a tablespoon per day to food vegetable oil. Once a week, the dog is given one raw egg. Separately from meat, the bull terrier is given kefir or cottage cheese every other day.

It is forbidden to feed a bull terrier:

  • Fried and smoked meat.
  • Frankfurters and sausages.
  • Pastries and white bread.
  • Sweets.
  • Salted and canned foods.
  • Food with spices.

Feeding is carried out twice a day. In the intervals between meals, it is not permissible to give food from the owner’s table, no matter how the pet asks for a tasty morsel. At natural feeding It is mandatory to take vitamin-mineral complexes.

Organizing dry food feeding is less time consuming. You need to choose premium food designed for medium-sized dogs.

This breed of dog can also be fed with dry food, such brands as Gou, Trapeza and others with similar composition.
  • Brit Premium.
  • About the Plan.
  • Meal.

When feeding dry food, you need to make sure that your dog always has fresh water. In this case, there is no need to give vitamins. Since they are already contained in the feed.

Health and how long do bull terriers live?

Bull Terriers live on average to 13 years.

Bull Terriers are susceptible to genetic diseases, so you need to purchase them only from trusted breeders.

The following diseases are typical for the breed:

  • Nephritis. Severe kidney disease. Manifesting in early age. With this disease, bull terriers do not live to be 3-4 years old.
  • Deafness. Most often it affects white bull terriers. Deafness can be complete or in one ear.
  • Heart diseases.
  • Skin diseases. The delicate skin of Bull Terriers is prone to irritation. The reaction may occur to detergents when swimming, allergens in the form of plants.
  • Lens luxation. Displacement of the lens occurs due to impaired elasticity of the ocular ligament.

The lifespan of a Bull Terrier depends on the conditions of detention and the presence of hereditary diseases. On average they live 12-13 years, but can live up to 15-16 years.

Rules for choosing a puppy, kennels and prices

It is recommended to purchase puppies of this breed only from trusted nurseries.

You need to purchase bull terrier puppies from special nurseries or from trusted breeders.

The general selection rules are as follows:

The puppy and his parents have a complete set of documents. The passport must reflect information about vaccinations

  • The puppy is at least 2 months old.
  • The baby should look well-fed, healthy, and active.
  • The puppy's hearing needs to be tested using a special squeaker.
  • The best option would be to purchase a puppy from a litter of at least 7-8 pieces.
  • The following standards exist for bull terrier puppies:
  • Egg-shaped head, larger than the size of the body.
  • Dense boned body.
  • Small triangular eyes.
  • The presence of 6 incisors on top and bottom.
  • Scissor bite.

Bull Terrier puppies in the photo

You can buy puppies from the following nurseries:
  • Moscow (http://www.tfbullterier.narod.ru/, http://gran-vencedor.ru/http://bulterier.su/shenki.htm) – price from $300.
  • St. Petersburg (http://naf16.narod.ru/,http://rassel.ucoz.ru/) - price from $400.

Day 1. Today the Owner looked at me in a special way and said: “Stop eating for free, you will earn money from me.” I don't quite understand what it is. The owner knows better, he is a Man!

We arrived at some barn that smelled of fear and blood a mile away. A healthy, sweaty man met us, took the leash and said: “Well, let’s go make a beast out of you.” And then he turned to the Owner: “Don’t you feel sorry for him? The dog is beautiful. He will spoil the skin, and he might die...” But the Owner remained silent. Strange...

They take me inside. The stench makes you dizzy, scary-oh-oh. Bad things are happening here, but WHAT? They tied me to a post, and then the sweaty guy took a stick. Hit! Pain rushed through every cell of my body, I howled. In desperation I rush to the Master, but he is silent. Strike, strike again! I'm breaking on the leash, the collar is cutting into my neck. I'm falling...

Day 2. Pain... All over the body. And hunger. They didn’t feed me yesterday, and today too. I lie and wait for the Master to come up and pet me as soon as HE knows how, but he is in no hurry.

Day 7. I think I understand what it means to “make a beast out of me.” I can barely stand on my feet from pain and hunger, but I still dodged and bit the sweaty one today. Wow, what a relief. Mom told me that you shouldn’t bite people, but during the day I forgot about it, for this I received a stronger cane, so be it. But I BIT him! Let him know what a bull terrier is!

Day 14. Rage and anger completely fill my mind. This is the only way I can overcome the pain that has long become a constant companion. Apart from her - nothing. I forgot when the Master's hand touched me when I ate and slept normally. Today they didn’t beat me, but they brought another dog. Big and older than me, he immediately tries to make eye contact and show his superiority. And then the Master kicked me and shouted: “Take him, you parasite!” FOR WHAT? Why should I attack him, do we share territory? Or maybe he offended the Master? Hit! Fury clouds my eyes, I take off, unclenching my jaw in flight. Here it is, the enemy's throat. I dodged in a jump, bounced off the teeth and... I felt his blood in my mouth. I didn’t understand what happened. They pull me away. “Your dog is ready,” I hear the words of the sweaty man through the pulsation of rage.

A year has passed, maybe two. I have fought many dogs. I almost always won, although I got pretty skinned. But I’m a dog, everything heals quickly on us. The owner is happy, he reaps a “good harvest” every time, so he says. But from that very first day I no longer felt the owner’s affection, although there were no such beatings either, they beat me a little, but I got used to it. Once the owner swung his hand when I climbed onto the sofa, but did not hit me. He probably read in my eyes that his throat was also open to me. I had already lost count of the fights, but one day a new champion came, I was thrown off the pedestal and big bets were no longer made. And then the worst thing in the life of any dog ​​happened - the owner decided that he no longer needed me. He threw me out into the street and slammed the door, and soon he left for a new apartment.


Day 1. It was March outside, I think. During the day the sun was already warm, but at night it was frosty. My skin doesn’t provide much warmth, and there’s no undercoat. At first I couldn’t understand what to do, where to run, I just stupidly sat at the entrance and howled. FOR WHAT? Didn’t I give you enough, master, did I give my dog’s devotion and love... I fought for you, I was ready to die for you... But the master was silent.

Day 5. I lay curled up in a ball, shaking. I dozed off. A car pulled up and people got out. “God, he’s still lying here, poor thing,” I hear a voice. “Let’s at least let him into the entrance, let him warm up.” There was a breath of warmth. He got up and walked in, reeling from resentment and hunger. They hand me a sausage... It smells so good! But pride doesn't allow it. I'm a bull terrier, I don't take handouts!

Day 8. The janitor kicked me out of the entrance, albeit kindly, saying the residents were complaining. I went outside. The tramps are afraid to approach me, they only chuckle from afar: he’s a breed, they say, but he’s also in the trash heap. “He’ll die soon anyway, he won’t be able to withstand our life. And if the summer lasts, then in the winter he’ll definitely freeze.” Well, let! It's better to die than to be of no use to anyone.

2 months have passed. Now I am a full-fledged tramp, I learned to eat in the trash heap. He became just as dirty, with an empty belly and constant diarrhea. Today a man tried to lure me with a piece of rotten sausage. He also rummages through the trash, like us, but I growled at him and left. I DO NOT TRUST people, I will no longer belong to anyone! I don’t fight with other dogs anymore, we sort things out at a distance. It’s people who need dog fights, but it’s not clear why. They want blood, so let them grab each other’s throats, what does the dogs have to do with it?!

I forgot what kindness and love are - there is no such thing! How tired I am... Not even from hunger and worms - eternal companions stray dogs, tired of my loneliness, from understanding the cruelty of people. They call me a beast! Every day dozens of feet pass by, but no one stops. But on all corners they shout about animal rights and the fight against cruelty. Hypocrites! If we picked up tramps from garbage dumps, that’s the fight for our rights. I'm dead tired. Old wounds hurt and bones ache. I always want to eat and sleep... Sleep...

New life

Day 1. Brakes squeal! Am I dreaming about this? No, the door slammed, the sound of heels. “Baby, are you lying on the road? Whose are you? Are you feeling bad?” I hear a woman’s voice in my sleep, but I’m too lazy to open my eyes. Suddenly a hand stroked my head, it was like an electric shock! I'M UNHABLED FROM AFTERNESS! I AM A BEAST! He jumped up and growled. And she sits next to her and gently says: “Don’t be afraid, I won’t offend you.” And again he reaches out his hand. I close my eyes, is this really happening? Then the fat woman, who always smells like chicken, tells her something about me for a long time, shouting that I need to take me to a shelter. To the shelter - what is it? Don't want! But it's' too late. The rope wraps around my neck and they lead me to the car. Where are we going? I suddenly felt scared again, what if it all happens again? But no, they took me to the doctor. Well, it stinks here! They look, touch, check ears, teeth, even... well, you understand. They prescribe a bunch of pills. And another bag of food. It's all for me? We're going again. In the car, she says that there is a cat at home, you can’t offend him. “You’re smart, really. You understand everything! And also, you’re very handsome!” In addition to the cat, there is also a husband and daughter at home. They greet you joyfully. The cat is shocked. They didn’t let me talk to the cat, they dragged me into the bathtub and scrubbed and combed him for a long time. And then they gave me CLEAN water and a BOWL of food. I ate my fill and went to bed, even forgot about the cat.

Day 2. They took me for a walk, showed me the surroundings, and fed me again. Then they asked me to behave well and left. I met a cat, a normal animal, he didn’t immediately dig his claws into the face. In general, we agreed to live peacefully. People returned and brought me a whole bag of toys - balls, ropes, some kind of chewing sticks. I forgot what to do with them long ago, I poked the ball with my paw...

3 weeks have passed. They cleaned out the worms for me, I have recovered, I even run with pleasure. Today a man went for a walk with me. I was happily running through the forest, but suddenly he picked up a STICK. Really again?! NO! I won't allow myself to be beaten anymore! And I rushed as fast as I could. There were calls to return. Fuck you! He stopped, caught his breath, and slowly went to look around. I absolutely didn’t want to eat in a garbage dump as long as I endured it. I met a shepherd dog, she said that I was an idiot, that they just wanted to play with me. Do they play with a STICK? It turns out yes. I didn’t go far from home, the places were unfamiliar. Periodically I heard a woman and a man calling me, but I hid just in case. On the third day of the escape, I began to think about where I could get some food; it turned out there was a barbecue nearby in the forest, so I went there. While I was spinning, it got dark and a light rain began to fall. And then I heard the woman’s voice again, and that this fool was carried into the forest at night, looking, I surrendered to her! And then it seemed to throw me up - DANGER! While she was screaming in the forest, two men with a strong smell of alcohol followed her; they were slow to think, but their thoughts were going in a very bad direction. Is this my problem? It seems not, but she is looking for me... At first I tried to concentrate on looking for food, but then I couldn’t stand it. I'm a bull terrier! A fire broke out inside and I ran. When I emerged from the darkness, one man was already approaching her. Fury again clouded my mind, I jumped. The cry of despair, human blood and blows to the ribs only added to the anger. Her voice came through the fog: “Let it go, that’s enough, stop!” His jaw unclenched and he sat up. The second man tried to rock the boat, but a fighting stance and a roar were enough, and both got away. Probably now they will beat me again... But instead of hitting me, they grabbed me by the neck and covered me with kisses. I realized that I was wrong. I won’t leave her again, now she is my Mistress. So he began to follow on her heels. I am a bull terrier, which means I know what loyalty is! But her husband really just wanted to play. I realized this later when they showed it to me.

A year has passed. He lived like cheese in butter. But one day while walking I realized that I was losing consciousness. I woke up to the Mistress bothering me, tried to get up, but my paws wouldn’t obey. Trips to doctors, injections and vitamins began. Is she really that worried about my health, I’m a dog after all. The previous owner didn’t even heal the wound; everything healed on its own. It seems to have become easier. And then they announced to me that a baby would soon appear in the house. I myself felt that the hostess smelled differently, but I didn’t know what it was, but now I understand. I, the dumpster dog, am the first to be told the news. My heart is filled with puppy delight. They respect me! And they love it.

Winter has come, hard times for injured paws and broken heads. The veterinarian said that in winter the disease could recur, and I felt an incomprehensible trembling begin to rise from the depths. The owner's husband left to work somewhere, my paws gave out again, and then a terrible thing happened: I woke up in my own puddle. I have never experienced such humiliation in my life. The hostess did not swear, on the contrary, she again dragged me to the doctors, and I periodically lost consciousness. No one could say exactly what was wrong with me; they said it was due to constant beatings and stress. May be. But I think this is because there was too much pain and worry for one dog heart. The further I went, the more I felt the inevitable end approaching. I fell more and more often, I started going to the toilet at home, and the Mistress kept struggling. She cried and struggled.

Last day. I'm lying in a puddle again and can't get up. The head is shaking and the paws are wobbly. The hostess tries to lift me, but she can’t, she just somehow drags me onto the blanket. The doctor arrived. He took the Mistress into the kitchen and spoke to her for a long time. She came out in tears, and I understood without words that I would be spared from further torment. It’s better to die than for a bull terrier to remain lying down. And she's crying. She hugs me by the neck and cries, while the doctor gives me a sedative injection and then fills the second syringe. “I’m sorry I couldn’t save you, you saved me, but I can’t save you.” But is this really so? She saved me from a hungry and cold death on the street, fed me, cured me as much as she could, and LOVED me with all my soul. Even doctors are powerless against old age and disease. And I lived the last 1.5 years as if in paradise. So what are you apologizing for?!

I didn’t feel the second injection, I only realized that my heart was gradually stopping, I heard her voice, salty tears were dripping onto my nose. Darkness was falling, but with the last of my strength I reached out and licked her cheek. Thanks to her, I remembered again what it means when a person LOVES a dog, and a dog LOVES a person. “I love you! I will protect you even after death, it’s just a pity that I won’t be able to play with your baby.” It becomes easy for me... Consciousness goes away, and only the Mistress’s voice still breaks through the foggy haze. Darkness... Flight... The end...

Unfortunately I couldn't find the author.
Never get them for fighting, they also love affection and are very loyal to their owner. Well, for those who in the comments talk about killer dogs - how you raise an animal is how it will behave, it’s not a matter of breed at all.

History of the Bull Terrier breed dates back to the beginning of the 19th century.

The name "bull terrier" combines two groups of dogs: terriers and bulldogs. And although these dogs were formed in the form we know not very long ago, the history of the bull terrier dates back to the beginning of the 19th century. They were taken to the Black Country (Birmingham, England). The goal was to create a dog that was brave, resilient, agile and insensitive to pain, which could take part in hunting large animals or in dog fighting.

Dogs could be pitted against each other in any pub, as long as it was possible to make a bet. However, the fights between bulldogs were not as exciting as the audience wanted - dogs with a short muzzle were rather inert and not very capable of dramatically changing the course and rhythm of the fight. To give them mobility, bulldogs were crossed with various breeds, the most successful being mixed breeds with terriers. They were called "bull and terriers".

The courage, strength and tenacity of bulldogs were combined with the agility and intelligence of terriers. True, the appearance of the first dogs was very peculiar: an arched back and crooked legs. Later, the back straightened, the legs lengthened, the head elongated, and the muzzle became sharper. The colors were varied, including white.

Later, James Hinks decided to breed a breed with a unique character and appearance. He called the pure white dogs of his breed bull terriers. In general, these were the same old-style fighting dogs, but more civilized, without external signs of rudeness: active, muscular, vigilant and courageous.

Bull Terriers combine the blood of Bull and Terriers, White English Terriers and Old-Type Bulldogs. And to make the dogs more attractive and elegant, they added Dalmatians. Also, according to some reports, Spanish pointers and foxhounds took part in the process. But since Hicks did not keep any records, it is now difficult to say exactly who exactly “had a hand” in creating the breed.

James Hicks' bull terriers were called "gentlemen in white." Special attention paid attention to the ability to restrain aggression and “throw it out” only to protect the owners.

Hince's first bull terrier, presented at an exhibition in 1862, created a sensation.

However, fans of old bull and terriers severely criticized Hinks. He was accused that external elegance was achieved at the expense of fighting qualities. However, Hinks proved these accusations to be groundless. He carefully ensured that the dogs of his breeding were not inferior to their ancestors in fighting skills.

The first club of bull terrier lovers was organized by the British - in 1887. Almost 20 years later, the same club appeared in the USA.

A miniature bull terrier weighing about 3.5 kg was bred for underground dog fighting. Such a dog could easily be hidden upon seeing a policeman. These babies are the result of crossing a bull terrier, Manchester Terrier and a toy terrier.

Bull Terriers varied so dramatically in size that in 1900 there were three varieties: toy, medium and heavy. However, mini-bull terriers, which many people wanted to buy at one time, turned out to be very painful and practically disappeared. It was possible to save them only by increasing the weight to 8 kg. In the 90s of the 20th century, mini bull terriers were recognized as a separate breed.

At the beginning of the 20th century, colored bull terriers began to appear. This was probably due to the influx of Staffordshire Terrier blood. However, the first colored individuals often suffered from deafness, which caused a flurry of criticism and long time blocked the descendants of colored dogs from entering exhibitions. It was not until 1939 that the Canadian Kennel Club was the first to recognize colored bull terriers. And in 1942, the AKC recognized them as a separate species. Gradually, they began to exhibit in the same ring with their white relatives.

Despite their terrifying appearance, representatives of the breed have always been famous for their friendly attitude towards people, especially towards their family. Over time, bull terriers lost most fighting fervor and can coexist quite comfortably with other animals.
