Why do you dream of a bride in a white wedding dress? “Dream Interpretation of many Brides dreamed of why there are many Brides in a dream

U modern women Marriage is rarely the goal of a lifetime, but in childhood all girls love fairy tales that end in a happy marriage.

Since childhood, a white dress has been perceived as Cinderella’s royal outfit. Indeed, in a wedding dress, all women look like irresistible beauties.

The wedding itself, even in our age of rapid change, is perceived as a big holiday, so dreams on this topic usually cause positive emotions. In this case, it is advisable to look into the dream book; the bride is an unambiguous image, but each symbol from dreams can have both positive and negative interpretation.

What does such a dream mean?

Paradoxically, in most dream books of different nations, the bride is not considered a positive image.

Azar's dream book (Jewish) indicates that the bride foretells the dreamer an attack of envy and other bad feelings. Ukrainians believed that a dream in which you see yourself in a white wedding dress warns of danger.

For Eastern girls, the meaning of sleep depends on the color of the dress. If the dreamer saw herself in a white wedding dress, illness awaits her. A wedding dress of any other shade is dreamed of:

  • A solid inheritance if the dreamer is happy with the outfit.
  • Failure of hopes if the dress causes dissatisfaction.

The French perceive such dreams more positively. In this dream book, the bride means a meeting with her betrothed or future family happiness as a result of a quick marriage of mutual love.

The gypsy dream book also considers why the bride dreams. For gypsies, this is a harbinger of wealth, and kissing the bride, according to this dream book, means increasing wealth. For a young girl, the dream promises true love.

Various author's interpreters

Tsvetkov interpreted a dream in which the bride is not you as a symbol of expectation. If you see yourself in a wedding dress, disappointment and sadness await you.

And Miller noted that it is advisable for a young lady to see herself in a dream as a bride:

  • To an inheritance that promises joy if she is satisfied with the wedding dress.
  • To disappointment in your affection if the wedding attire caused grief.

Freud, looking at dreams about a bride, identified different meanings depending on the gender of the dreamer and the personality of the bride:

  • For a woman to see herself as the bride of someone for whom you have feelings - in reality, it means changes in your relationship with your lover. It is possible to reconcile with a person dear to your heart after a long quarrel, even if you no longer hope to renew your relationship.
  • If a mother dreams of her daughter in a wedding dress, she unconsciously compares herself with her daughter and notes with grief that she has lost her youth, carelessness and beauty...
  • A man who sees his other half as a bride doubts his masculine abilities. He dreams of returning to those times when he was the conqueror of women's hearts and did not doubt himself.

As indicated family dream book, the bride dreams of the inheritance left to you. In addition, the meaning of sleep is influenced by details:

  • If you see yourself in a wedding dress and rejoice not only at the wedding, but also at the beauty of your outfit, your troubles are behind you. Such a dream promises only a bright future.
  • Reluctance to try on a wedding dress or remain dissatisfied with its quality or style - to disappointment in your partner or in end result training.
  • Congratulating the bride and kissing her on the cheek means a truce with an old enemy.
  • Kissing you promises good health.
  • If you kiss guests as a bride, your life will soon turn into a cup full of pleasures. The dream may also foretell the receipt of an inheritance by your other half.

You should pay attention to what the bride dreams of when she experiences negative emotions during congratulations. In this case, the dream reflects the envy that you actually feel towards your loved ones.

The esoteric dream book interprets a dream about a bride for women and men positively. The dream promises expensive gifts and new things for women, and benefits and good luck in their endeavors for men.

For the groom, this dream portends improvement life positions in connection with the upcoming marriage. This dream book interprets a dream negatively if a girl in a dream suddenly discovered: “I am a bride!” In reality, she risks never getting married (such dreams are typical for turbulent war times).

Danilova noted in her erotic dream book that:

  • Seeing yourself in a wedding dress means a lucrative offer to become a wife or mistress in reality.
  • For a man to see a bride - to a forced marriage due to a friend’s pregnancy.

Details influencing the meaning of sleep

In addition to the dress, a dream may contain a variety of wedding accessories that make their own adjustments to the overall meaning of the dream.

As the dream book indicates, Aesop’s bride is interpreted as a symbol of purity and innocence if the bride had a veil. A newlywed with a veil in a dream guarantees you in reality Hard time help from a sincere person.

Seeing a veil is a sign of a significant meeting with a person who can change your life. If the bride's veil is torn off, you run the risk of making a fatal mistake while communicating with a loved one, which is fraught with a complete break in friendly relations.

Trying on someone else's veil means overestimating your own merits and capabilities, hiding vanity and self-interest under the guise of nobility.

IN noble dream book Grishina’s marriage has two interpretations depending on the details of the dream:

  • For single people, a bride and marriage in a dream promises a long illness.
  • Betrothal foretells joy.
  • If the bride is unpleasant to you, in reality you will break off relations with this person.
  • A wedding promises new acquaintances, and a wedding trip promises good news.
  • Taking part in a wedding means preparing for important matters.
  • Marrying someone else's wife means hidden desires that are destructive to you.
  • Organizing a wedding means obstacles. Your own wedding promises a renewal of relationships, and someone else’s - the fulfillment of desires.

To know exactly what the bride is dreaming about, you need to take into account the influence of the groom’s image. This image symbolizes upcoming life changes. For married people, the dream promises a serious quarrel that can lead to divorce. If in a dream:

  • Newlyweds are artists; a skilfully concealed cooling of feelings on the part of one of the partners can lead to a quarrel between spouses.
  • The newlyweds are carried by horses - these people no longer control their destiny. The horse symbolizes time, which cannot be stopped. The pace of future change depends on the pace of movement of the horses.
  • You dance with someone else's bride - in the future you will be affected by other people's problems, which will cause you trouble.
  • You kissed the bride - your relationship with this woman in reality will be spoiled. If you do not know this woman, the dream promises the completion of some business.

The dream book interprets all women’s dreams in which “I am the bride” as a symbol major changes in life.
It is worth paying attention to appearance dreamed newlywed:

  • If she doesn’t look good or is pale, you will actually be disappointed and upset.
  • If she is indifferent or sad, minor troubles await you.

For children, such dreams promise positive changes, regardless of the circumstances of the dream. Author: Marina Nosova

Wedding in a dream- You will be at someone else’s wedding in a dream, so expect that all your wishes will come true in the very near future.
Being at a wedding in a noisy society- your affairs will get confused.
In general, a wedding dress in a dream foreshadows pleasant events and changes for the better.
Your own wedding in a dream could also mean unpleasant news from someone who is now far away.
If you get married to someone in a dream, then expect a new acquaintance, and if you take part in a wedding ceremony or engagement, it means you will soon be preparing for important things.
Fun wedding in a dream- to a dramatic event that will happen in your family. Perhaps misfortune awaits your loved ones.
Having fun at a wedding celebration in a dream means a friendly party where you can meet a person who will influence your future life.
Seeing an expensive, chic wedding dress in a store in a dream can mean the appearance of envious people and ill-wishers in your life.
Seeing many brides in wedding dresses in a dream- to great joy or fun. Throwing away a wedding dress in a dream means disappointment in someone close to you.
Seeing a bride being buried in a wedding dress in a dream means dashed hopes.
To dream that someone else is sewing a wedding dress is good news.
See a wedding or take part in it- win someone's heart.
See yourself in a wedding dress- to troubles, troubles, worries and illnesses. In general, this dream is considered a bad sign.
Seeing yourself in a dream as a bride in a wedding dress- to illness.
Seeing yourself among the guests at a wedding- find quick exit from difficult circumstances, quickly overcome obstacles on the path to success.
Marrying a man you don't know- to parting with a loved one.
When you marry a young and beautiful girl, you risk that real life Your parents may be under threat.
Embroider, decorate or sew a wedding dress- the dream suggests that you should not reveal your plans to someone ahead of time, as they may not come true.
Harmony in your intimate life is predicted by a dream in which you go on a honeymoon.
A dirty or torn wedding dress in a dream promises resentment, shame, reproaches, displeasure in sex, and an unhappy marriage.
You are walking, celebrating someone else’s wedding in a dream, this is a sign that soon all your cherished desires will come true, you will achieve all your goals. There will be a promotion or encouragement at work, success in business, acquaintance or meeting with interesting people in the future.
Giving a wedding dress in a dream- to discord in relationships with loved ones.
For married people to take part in the wedding- to the children.
For married woman seeing herself in a wedding dress means that she will have some minor troubles in her family life or at work. Also, such a dream can mean a future illness.
For a young girl, someone else's wedding means that you will have a very interesting proposal from the opposite sex, which you will not be able to refuse.
For a young woman who, while in the world of dreams, got secretly married, such a dream may be a warning that there is too much gossip around her.
For a bride, a dream in which her beloved marries someone else promises her a lot of causeless jealousy in real life.
For unmarried people to take part in a wedding- quick marriage.
If a marriage is concluded with a person you don’t like much, then expect that acquaintance and communication with her will stop.
If it’s bad, then grief and sadness.
If in the dream the wedding dress was of a bright color and not snow-white, then in reality the love affair with the chosen one will be passionate, memorable, romantic, but short-lived.
If one of the guests is in mourning, then consider the marriage unsuccessful. Such a dream may mean that the upcoming trip will be unsuccessful. It could be your own wedding and a warning about any news from afar.
If you dreamed of a wedding dress, then in real life this may foreshadow your participation in pleasant collective events, where you will make new acquaintances and friends.
If you dreamed of a wedding is an ambiguous sign that can symbolize good changes in your life, as well as the emergence of new responsibilities and restrictions in your life, the need to comply with strict norms and rules.
If you dreamed of a friend's wedding, this, oddly enough, is a bad sign. In the best case, the girl (friend) will have a major quarrel with her family or a minor illness.
If you dreamed of a good friend’s wedding and you found out the interpretation of this dream, you cannot ignore it, thinking that everything will work out.
If you dreamed of someone else's wedding, then such a dream promises you the fulfillment of your secret desires and changes in your life in the near future. personal life.
If you dreamed of a wedding dress, it means that fate is favorable to you. In the near future, new, very interesting acquaintances await you. For this you need to work hard. It is possible that it is in the process of these works that you will make new friends.
If you dreamed of yourself in a wedding dress, twirling in front of a mirror and admiring yourself, then this promises a happy family life. It is after such a dream that one must enter into romantic relationship and improve your personal life.
If you dreamed of trying on a wedding dress - if you are actually getting married - this is an indication that you are overly preoccupied with the upcoming event. Such a dream also suggests that your worries are in vain, the wedding will certainly take place.
If you dreamed about how you sew, embroider, or decorate a wedding dress - important plans are under threat, they may not be realized. Therefore, do not set yourself up for success ahead of time - you may be bitterly disappointed.
If you dreamed that you were sewing your own wedding dress, it means that there are obscene rumors about you.
If you dream of disapproval of your own wedding, then such a dream means that in life you will need to go through a huge number of different difficulties, but after this, you achieve all the goals that you initially planned.
If you dream that your loved ones do not approve of the wedding, then expect obstacles in the near future.
If in a dream you were given a wedding dress, then in reality someone wants to annoy you.
If you dream about a wedding in a dream- this means that your body and spirit are in balance, you are in a state of complete internal harmony. a dreamed wedding may portend you a new promising acquaintance.
If in a dream your loved one marries someone other than you, a crisis may occur in your relationship, you may even break up. Therefore, make an effort to continue to be together.
If in a dream you get married in a good mood, then expect joy.
If in a dream you- one of the many guests at a rich, luxurious wedding - success in the professional sphere awaits you.
If in a dream you see someone else in this outfit, it means that disappointments and some kind of emotional turmoil await you.
If in a dream you tore your wedding dress- separation from your chosen one may await you.
If in a dream you attended someone else’s wedding and saw mourning clothes on someone, then a sad fate awaits your loved one.
If in a dream you yourself arrange a wedding for someone, expect difficulties and get ready to overcome small obstacles on the way to achieving your goal.
If in a dream you saw a wedding dress- it means that you are already ready for family life with its joys and difficulties.
If you saw a wedding in a dream, then this first of all means that in the near future all your desires will come true, including those that you secretly dreamed about but didn’t tell anyone.
If in a dream a girl gets married secretly- this means she has a bad character, which will serve her badly.
If in a dream a young girl saw how she was being proposed to tie the knot, this means that she will be noticed and appreciated by those around her, and this dream also promises a romantic acquaintance that will develop into strong relationships.
If your engagement happened in a dream- it means that some joyful event awaits you.
If all the guests at the wedding are happy, the news will certainly be pleasant.
If you are sick, a wedding in a dream may portend a complication of the disease.
If you dream that you are wearing a dirty or torn wedding dress, you may be facing separation from a person with whom you are very close. In rare cases, such a dream may mean deep depression or foreshadow mourning.
If in a dream you saw a dirty wedding dress, dirty or in disarray, wrinkled, then this is a harbinger that in the near future you may lose a close, loving relationship with the person you simply adore.
If you are walking at a celebration dedicated to someone else's wedding, this means that you will soon meet a person who will soon become your best friend.
If you are a girl and in a dream you saw the moment when they make you an offer to become the wife of your loved one, then this means that in life your friends and acquaintances will soon appreciate all your positive traits. such a dream may mean that you will soon meet your soulmate, so if the girl is lonely at the moment, she should not be upset.
If you show off your wedding dress to others, you are in real life happy with your appearance, be proud of it.
If you are not getting married, however, in a dream you try on a wedding dress - you will be involved in social work, which will be extremely pleasant for you, you will also meet many new friends there.
If you get engaged or married to a person you don’t like, it means that the person you don’t like will disappear from your life.
If you try on a wedding dress and it fits you well, this means that you are in harmony with others, you like yourself and they like you. Continue to improve yourself, and success will await you in all your endeavors.
If you saw your wedding in a dream, be sure to remember all the details and feelings.
If you saw your own wedding, then this may be a signal to make the most important decision! It will not be easy, but the choice must be made. Such a decision has nothing to do with the wedding, but will affect well-being in the near future.
If you are already married, then such a dream could mean serious changes for the better in your family life.
If you marry someone old and scary, then expect trouble from your sisters, brothers and close friends.
If the guests had fun at the wedding, then the news will be good.
If guests at a wedding are having fun and rejoicing, it means good news.
If a girl accepted a wedding proposal in a dream, then in reality she will always be held in high esteem and respect.
If a girl dreamed that she lost her wedding dress on her wedding day, this is a bad sign. Perhaps she will break up with her lover or be alone for a long time.
If a girl dreamed that she was trying on a wedding dress, it means that she will soon get married.
If a girl dreams that she is being proposed to- this means that her endeavors will receive the respect of others.
If a married woman dreams of trying on her wedding dress, it means that she will quarrel with her husband. Sometimes such a dream promises divorce.
If a young woman had such a dream, then she should think about the fact that her reputation is not very good.
If a young girl dreams that her chosen one leaves her and gets married to another woman. This will mean that in reality she will have to be very disappointed and experience the bitterness of loss. If you had such a dream young man, when his beloved marries someone else, then beware of failures and unhappy events that will confuse you and force you to make ambiguous decisions.
If a young girl dreams that she is secretly getting married, evil gossip about her moral character may soon await her.
If a young man saw a wedding in a dream, then he must be prepared that unhappy events will soon befall him, which at first he will not be able to cope with.
If a young man dreams that he is getting married and happy, a period of loneliness and trouble awaits him. If a girl has such a dream, she may suddenly get sick.
If a man saw a white wedding dress in a dream, it means that in life he will become the object of gossip. Apart from gossip, such a dream does not threaten anything.
If the wedding was sad and you didn’t like it at all, then perhaps everything will turn out to be only minor setbacks.
If at your friend's wedding everyone was having fun, singing and dancing, then you should expect the worst. Possible serious injury, which can even lead to death.
If at someone else’s wedding many people are dressed in mourning attire, then an unhappy period with many sad events is heading for one of your loved ones.
If the bride feels indifferent or unhappy in a dream, this means illness or disappointment in love.
If after
If after- count on a bright and unforgettable event that will leave a joyful imprint on for a long time.
If you dreamed about a wedding- this is the wedding of your acquaintances or friends, then you can easily resolve all your problems and get out of this situation with dignity with minimal losses and expenditure of vitality.
If a man dreams of a wedding dress, then he will find himself in a difficult situation, from which he can only get out with outside help.
If you dream of a wedding dress on the eve of the celebration, do not attach too much importance to it. of great importance.
If you dreamed of a wedding in the spring, then most likely an event will happen in your life, after which your life will change greatly.
A white wedding dress is most often dreamed of for some pleasant events. Perhaps in life you will meet new interesting people who will become your friends. For a young girl, this is a wonderful sign: a handsome boyfriend is just around the corner.
If you dream about your friends’ wedding, this means that in the real world you will be able to find a way out of a rather difficult situation, and the way out will lead to a minimum of various types of losses.
If you dream that you are marrying an old man, then this is a sign of illness and you need to urgently consult a doctor.
If you dream that you are interfering in every possible way with someone else’s wedding, then in real life you will find many obstacles that you must overcome in order to achieve your intended goal.
If you dream of someone else's wedding, expect good news in the near future.
If the dream is before the wedding, then expect major disappointments and unpleasant surprises.
If you had a dream, it means that the well-being of your life depends on the well-being of your friend. You must warn your friend about a possible incident. There may be a strong energetic connection between you and your friend. Even if you haven’t seen each other for a long time, it will last until the end of your life, so you are very connected spiritually. Therefore, your friend’s luck in some way has a positive effect on you, even if you don’t know about it.
If this wedding is not yours- an unsuccessful marriage awaits someone close.
If this is your wedding, then in reality family life you will have a long and happy life.
Replace a woman in mourning at someone else's wedding- a bad sign, troubles in the family, danger that will come from loved ones.
A soiled, torn wedding dress in a dream- a warning that you risk losing a loved one.
When you dream of a dress that you don’t like, you should think about your opinion of yourself. Most likely, you have low self-esteem. This does not make it possible to discern the true attitude of the people around you. It's actually better than you think.
When in a dream you are present at the wedding of your loved one, perhaps in life you will be betrayed by a loved one, or maybe you will reveal someone’s secret.
When in a dream a wedding dress turns out to be made of paper, this promises your family material wealth, a comfortable life, and the fulfillment of desires.
A beautiful, young bride in a dream indicates a danger to the lives of your parents, and an old one indicates a threat to the lives of brothers and sisters, as well as your own. Why do you dream about the wedding of an unmarried lady?
A young girl who sees in a dream the wedding of her beloved with another must be prepared for the disappointments and losses that life will soon send her.
For the male sex, a strange wedding promises changes in personal life and success in business. Parting soon with your companion if in a dream you saw her (his) wedding with someone else's unknown companion.
Wearing or trying on a wedding dress in a dream foretells an awkward situation in which you may soon find yourself. Behave with dignity in it, and it will not bring you problems.
Not good sign For a girl- see a dirty dress in a dream. Such a dream means a possible separation or separation from a loved one.
One of the wedding guests in your dream is dressed in mourning clothes - your marriage will be unsuccessful.
Transferring or giving your wedding dress to another girl is a joyful event, the marriage of a relative or daughter, something new in the house.
Buying a wedding dress in a dream- for an imminent wedding or an invitation to the wedding of your friends or relatives. Moreover, this marriage will be happy and will last a long time.
Buying and choosing a wedding dress prophesies pleasure, fun, happy moments in life that will not take long to arrive.
Trying on a wedding dress in a dream- if in reality you are planning to get married, this means that you are needlessly worried about the upcoming event. If not, then you can expect that you will certainly become public figure(regardless of your gender).
Trying on a wedding dress in a dream- this means that you are very concerned about upcoming events. All your worries are in vain, everything will turn out as well as possible.
Trying on a wedding dress means good news and success in business.
A dream about a wedding in a church promises you good luck and success in the near future.
A dream about a wedding or wedding dress promises success in the business or undertaking that you have planned.
A black wedding dress is a warning of danger. A threat to life and health hangs over you or your loved one.
Wedding guests - to great family happiness.
A wedding in a dream to which you are invited as a guest means a joyful meeting and a good friend or good news.
A wedding may foreshadow your transformation, the emergence of opportunities for self-realization and self-improvement.
Your wedding in a dream foreshadows a pleasant gift that you will soon receive, a pleasant surprise.
Taking off your wedding dress- to divorce, separation, cooling of feelings between spouses.
If you dream that you are a wedding host, then be careful, first solve your work matters, and only then relax and have fun.
To dream that you are already married or are married is a sign of chagrin, melancholy, boredom, depression, and misunderstanding of others.
A dream about a wedding means the fulfillment of desires, changes in your personal life.
A dream about a wedding dreamed by a sick person is a bad sign - it means a complication of the disease, which can even lead to death.
The dream promises you quite pleasant changes on the personal front.
A dream in which your lover marries someone else means that in reality you will face unreasonable fears and suffering.
A dream in which you are having fun at your wedding, however, predicts failures in real life.
A dream where you see the wedding of your friends suggests that you will be able to get out of difficult situation.
A dream where you saw mourning clothes on one of the guests at your wedding may mean that your marriage will be short-lived and unhappy.
It is believed that for spouses to see a wedding in a dream foreshadows the birth of children.
Dance at a wedding- Beware of people of the opposite sex.
Dancing at a wedding means deceiving a loved one in the future.
Seeing a dirty or torn wedding dress in a dream means loneliness.
Seeing a wedding dress in a store in a dream- to the good news.
See the wedding celebration- meet friends.
Seeing yourself at a wedding in a dream may mean that you will soon find a way out of a situation that is not in your favor.
See your own wedding- you will be happy in your marriage.
Decorating, sewing a dress or embroidering a dress in a dream means that your plans and intentions may not be realized, so do not detail them prematurely.
Participating in the wedding of your loved one is a sign that you should take a closer look to see if he is cheating on you, if he is honest and if he is a worthy match for you.
A single person, seeing himself married, can get serious illness.
For a bachelor who saw himself as a married man in a dream, this dream does not bode well.
Are you a witness at a wedding celebration?- expect changes in your personal life, perhaps an upcoming marriage.

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

expectation; hope in deeds (for men); being a bride means income; an inappropriate dress - marriage or business (for men) - will not work.

The meaning of a dream about a bride

according to Freud's dream book

For a woman to see herself as the bride of her loved one in a dream means a quick change in personal relationships. Perhaps this will be reconciliation after a long quarrel with someone with whom you have long despaired of establishing contact. Your problem is that you are too demanding from your chosen one to officially recognize your relationship. Moderate your ardor a little, perhaps after a while your chances will be much higher. If in a dream you (we are talking about women) saw your daughter as a bride, then such a dream suggests that you subconsciously compare yourself with her and often the comparison is not in your favor. You note that you have aged, your appearance has changed, your character has deteriorated. You imagine yourself in her place, you want the same success that she has. If a man saw his partner or even his wife in the guise of a bride, then such a dream indicates that he is currently not confident in his male power, it seems to him that he is about to fail. And in the dream he tries to return to the time when success was guaranteed. If a man saw his daughter as a bride, then this dream foretells the dreamer a quick pleasure walk, which he will spend with great pleasure. Perhaps this will be a long-awaited meeting with someone whom he has not seen for a long time and secretly would like to see.

I dreamed about the bride

according to Miller's dream book

If a young woman sees herself as a bride in a dream, this portends her receiving an inheritance that will please her extremely. But only if she is happy to wear a wedding dress. If at the same time she has unpleasant sensations, she will suffer from disappointment in her affections. To dream that you are kissing the bride means a happy reconciliation of friends. If the bride kisses others, this foretells you many friends and pleasures. If she kisses you, the dream promises you excellent health. It is possible that your beloved will unexpectedly receive an inheritance. Kissing the bride and noticing that she looks tired and sick means that you will not be pleased with the success and actions of your friends. If a real bride dreams that she is indifferent to her husband, this foreshadows a lot of unpleasant circumstances that will ruin several days for her in her new life.

Why do you dream about your wife?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be them is disappointment, sadness.

I dreamed about my wife

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your wife in a dream means unfinished business and discord in the house. To dream that your wife is unusually friendly means that you will profit from some important and risky trading transaction. For a wife to dream that her husband beats her with a whip predicts that some of her unfortunate actions will cause her severe condemnation in the house, and then general disorder and turmoil.

Why do you dream about your wife?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(former or deceased) - return of old affairs; debt repayment; (in a husband’s dream) - current job; favorite or least favorite activity; earnings; fight with her - reconciliation; swearing - to the illness of one of the spouses; caresses her husband - big income; a wife beats her husband - to illness; a man beats his wife or woman - for love or harmony; the wife dreams of a very affectionate husband - very bad things in the family; going together leads to separation; traveling, traveling together - monetary losses; feasting - to separation; to acquire a wife (unknown in reality) - arrangement of affairs depending on beauty and stature; ex-wife is an old matter; connecting with her means obstacles in a proven business; see Husband.

Why does the groom dream?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

worries, interference, delays in business; laughing is deception.

The meaning of a dream about a groom

according to Freud's dream book

A dreamed groom (not just anyone, but an abstract groom in a suit and with a traditional bouquet) promises you changes in your personal life. Either you will make an acquaintance that is pleasant in all respects with all the ensuing consequences, or you will change your personal status - the unmarried one will get married, and the unmarried one will get married. If in a dream you saw a groom without a bride, it means that in real life you suffer from a lack of integrity and harmony in your intimate relationships. You feel that everything is not going at all the way you would like it, but you don’t know how to restore harmony to sex. If you saw the groom and the bride in a dream, it means that your relationship both in life and in bed can only be envied.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

Such a dream is unlucky. He predicts grief and disappointment. You will mourn the loss of a relative.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

sadness, death; dancing at a wedding means trouble with the opposite sex; communicate with guests - things will get confusing.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

I dreamed about a wedding

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself at a wedding in a dream means that you will quickly find a way out of circumstances that may cause your anxiety and obstacles to success. If a young woman dreams of a secret wedding, this is very unfavorable for the characterization of her nature. It is possible that the dream will lead her to the idea of ​​​​the need to curb herself. If she accepted a proposal in a dream, it means that she will rise in the opinion of those above her, and the expected promises will not be deceived. If in a dream she thinks that her parents do not approve of her marriage, it means that her engagement will not be approved by her relatives. If she dreams that her lover is marrying someone else, the dream foreshadows unnecessary suffering and empty, groundless fears. If you dream that you are already married, this is a sad omen. If a young woman sees someone in mourning at her wedding, this means that her family life will be unhappy. If this happens at someone else’s wedding, she will be saddened by the unfortunate fate of a relative or friend. The dream may foretell annoyance or illness instead of the expected happiness and health. A pleasant trip that will take place in reality after such a dream can be seriously upset by an unpleasant intrusion or other surprise.

The meaning of a dream about a wedding

according to Freud's dream book

Seeing someone's wedding in a dream is a sign of good news, which, although not directly related to you, will still affect you too. If you dreamed of your own wedding, it means that soon you will be presented with a surprise, and you will be required to treat it with maximum understanding and guess what it means.

Why do you dream about a wedding?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be at a wedding means sadness, death or trouble for the one getting married; for the sleeper - illness; to be a guest at the wedding of a friend or acquaintance - joint affairs (what the bride looks like - such are the affairs); dancing at a wedding means trouble with the opposite sex; see Guest, Marriage.

Why do you have a dream about a wedding?

according to Vanga's dream book

Walking at a wedding in a dream means a fun party with your old friends. Perhaps at this party you will meet a person who will later become the meaning of your life. Being at your wedding in a dream is evidence that you will soon need to make a difficult decision. Most likely, your entire future life will depend on this decision. If you dreamed that you were present at a wedding as an honored guest, then in real life one of your loved ones will really need your help. Do not refuse this person, because very soon you will also need his services.

Why do you dream about marriage?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(the procedure itself, the ceremony) - the arrangement of affairs.

The meaning of a dream about a veil

according to Freud's dream book

If a man put a veil on his head in a dream, it means that he needs to take care of himself and be less upset about minor problems. The fact is that a somewhat infantile attitude towards life can lead to undesirable consequences and you yourself will not notice how you will turn into a creature that sheds tears at every convenient and inconvenient occasion. If a woman saw such a dream, it means that soon something unusual will happen in her family, and she will have to strain a little to accept the news normally. An unmarried woman or girl wearing a veil in a dream means meeting a man who will play a big role in her life. A torn or dirty veil is a sign of deception.

The meaning of a dream about a wedding

according to Freud's dream book

If you dream of a wedding ceremony, this indicates that you cannot imagine a sexual relationship without love for a person. You can't go to bed with him even for pleasure. His feelings towards you are important to you. And yours - to him.

Why do you have a dream about a wedding?

according to Vanga's dream book

A wedding in dreams is like a test of your feelings for your loved one. In a dream, being present at the wedding of a young couple means in reality once again experiencing a heightened sense of closeness and kinship with your other half. If you dreamed that you were getting married, then this predicts not so much a legal and carnal union, but a spiritual union with a worthy person with whom you will walk a common path together, share troubles and joys. In a dream, acting as a priest performing a wedding ceremony means in reality experiencing a shock associated with the premonition of trouble threatening a loved one. Such a dream warns: do not interfere in current events. They are not under your control because they are under the control of God.

I dreamed about a wedding ring

according to Miller's dream book

If a woman dreams of her wedding ring bright and shiny - this portends that she will be protected from worries and infidelity. If the ring is lost or broken, many sorrows will enter her life. Seeing a wedding ring on the hand of a friend or other people means that you will not take someone's promise too seriously. It is possible that you will indulge in illicit joys.

Why do you dream about getting married?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

disappointment, deception.

I dreamed about marriage

according to Miller's dream book

For a woman to dream that she is marrying an old, decrepit man means that illness will be added to all other troubles. If during the ceremony her lover in black passes by, looking at her reproachfully, this portends a cooling of her friends towards her. Seeing a marriage ceremony in a dream means joy and pleasure, unless in the dream the guests are dressed in light clothes and are cheerful. Black clothes on guests promise sadness. If you are a minister at a wedding ceremony, you will experience pleasure and self-care in reality. Seeing an accident during a wedding portends suffering. If a young woman sees herself as a bride, but not very happy, this portends her disappointment in love. This dream is favorable for a person who is happily married. But for any married woman, a dream about her own wedding encourages her to abandon vanity and pettiness.

A wedding is a holiday. It’s nice to see her in a dream; associations of happiness and joy immediately arise. You can find out what the bride is dreaming about by looking in the dream book. This image has not only positive but also negative meaning.

You need to pay attention to whether you know the girl in a wedding dress, what happens at the holiday, her condition, what happened to you or the bride in a dream, the color of the dress. You can not only find out the future, but also improve your personal life. There are many tips in the dream book.

A girl in a wedding dress means changes that are about to happen to you. The meaning of a dream is influenced by various details. For example, a veil is a symbol of purity, a guarantee of help in difficult times, an opportunity to meet a person who will change your life.

A strange, sad bride foreshadows the onset of moments of disappointment, worsening mood, and grief. Dancing with the bride is a harbinger of treason, betrayal.

If a woman is lonely, but sees herself in the image of a bride, and at the same time she experiences happiness, it means that unexpected profit and inheritance are possible. But you shouldn’t show great joy, happiness may pass you by.

Kissing the bride or with the bride is a good sign. You can make peace with your enemies, you will make new friends. The death of the bride is a sign of misfortune and failure.

In a dream, your bride has a different hairstyle and hair color - there are no mutual feelings between you. Dont be upset. Soon you yourself may lose interest in this person and find another.

When you dream of many brides in white dresses, expect drastic changes in better side. You can start things that you didn’t have time for before or were afraid to start. Success awaits you.

If a man sees a dream in which his bride was kidnapped, get ready for financial loss and spending a large amount of money.

The meaning of accessories

Tearing off a bride's veil in a dream means a quarrel with friends. If you try on a veil, it means exaggerating your strengths and virtues in reality.

An early marriage is foreshadowed by a bride's bouquet in a dream; catching it is happiness and love. A meeting of a soul mate or a quick marriage is possible.

Freud's Dream Book

Do you see your gorgeous wedding with your loved one? The famous S. Freud characterizes this as rapid changes in his personal life. Perhaps you will make peace with those with whom you were previously in a quarrel. You need to be more patient and careful so as not to quarrel again.

If you dreamed of your daughter in a white dress, subconsciously you envy the bride, her youth and beauty. Comparing yourself with her, you see that you no longer have the same success.

A man who sees his wife or daughter as a bride is not confident in his abilities. He dreams of the old days, when success was everywhere, wants to meet former partners, return youth and beauty.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing yourself as a bride in a dream is a harbinger of an unexpected inheritance. You will only rejoice when you wear a white, fluffy dress with joy. Unpleasant sensations when trying on a dress - a break with a loved one, suffering.

If the bride kissed you - excellent health, cure for illnesses. Sadness in the eyes during a kiss means disappointment in friends. When a bride kisses guests in a dream, this will lead to an increase in the number of friends and pleasures in life. If you are a bride in reality, but in a dream you do not love your future spouse, then there will be unfortunate moments that can ruin your mood.

Esoteric dream book

  1. The bride is a girl - you won’t get married.
  2. A woman bride means there is a danger of becoming a widow.
  3. Widow bride - tears.
  4. A woman sees a bride - receiving or buying good things, new clothes.
  5. A man sees his bride in a dream - good luck.
  6. The groom dreamed of his bride - a successful marriage.

Azar's Dream Book

According to Azar’s dream book, the meaning of the dream is influenced by the color of the dress:

  • white - disease;
  • another color is a decent inheritance if the bride likes the color of the outfit or the ruin of all plans if the bride is unhappy with the outfit;
  • dark blue dress - quarrel with a young man;
  • blue dress - trust in each other.

French dream book

Dreams with brides in the French evoke only positive emotions. This could be a happy marriage or a meeting in the future.

Erotic dream book

According to the erotic dream book, if a young woman gets married in a dream, then in life she will soon receive a lucrative offer. This does not have to be a marriage, but also an offer to be the mistress of a rich man. If a young man sees a bride, he will have to marry because the girl is pregnant.

Dream book for the whole family

In a dream, you are happy with your dress - happy times will soon come for you, and the possibility of monetary profit will appear. You will try to change your life, which previously seemed happy, if the bride in a dream is unhappy with her dress.

Kissing the bride in a dream means reconciliation after a quarrel, health and longevity. Kissing a dissatisfied bride means envying friends and family. If you are a bride and kiss others - pleasure in reality, new acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

In the dream book of the noblewoman Grishina, the bride has many meanings, which depend on the details of the dream. Marriage in a dream of single people is a long-term illness. Betrothal is a joy, if you don’t like the bride - breaking up your relationship with this person in reality, wedding - dating.

If you have an important task ahead, in a dream you can take part in a wedding. Your own wedding promises an improvement in relationships, while someone else’s wedding promises fulfillment of desires. When you marry someone's wife in a dream, it means that you have hidden desires.

Miller's Dream Book

​ wedding Many bouquets - a pleasant change. For business Sends some kind of puzzles, a loved one means who, having become tipsy, predicts grief and she has grown old, lost it through someone else’s inheritance. But this is a bride in a dream. If a young woman sees a circle of acquaintances. Women will be a bride. Crossword puzzles and riddles will soon change in

wedding, kisses a lot recklessly. But more​ former attractiveness, yes to the will - to

only in that- will get good yourself during See a lot in a dream

​unsuccessful deal or to a person. If in personal relationships. Perhaps all the guests in a row are frightened by the esoteric and their character has changed

suffering and disappointment if it is an inheritance. But this​ dream of the speaking person’s bride - it’s a long wait for arrival.​ dream, or,​

This will be reconciliation and not according to the dream book, which says, not for the better In matters of the heart, I only wore it with pleasure - it predicts an event from

Dream Interpretation of Medea

A girl sees in a dream​immediately after waking up after a long quarrel to one circle - what to see yourself

side. She wants Many dream books refer to a wedding occasion if she

​her receiving an inheritance, which you literally​bride - illness.​

You have no With this, such a dream foretells that the bride will be in place in a dream

Freud's Dream Book

interpret such a dream. outfit. If I wore it with pleasure​which will leave her extremely speechless;​ There is no negativity left to see yourself as a bride, who are you who have long seen a lot of it for lifelong loneliness.​ daughters and have​ According to the dream book the Bride see, this is her​

The wedding one will please you. But only to an extraordinary shock. - you will have to stock up if pleasant feelings are already desperate to be established

​ good friends, with​ That is, the girl is the same success Which means - there were unpleasant sensations, outfit. If in that case, Be happy in life.

Patience (including Connected with him, contact. Your problem, which is always possible, will never work out for men. Man,​

​ Bride - For​ She will be disappointed. This is what she has when she is with

​SunHome.ru​​if you​ it rather means that​

Dream book of lovers

Have fun getting married. This is what a woman who sees her partner recognizes: the bride - For someone who experienced unpleasant sensations in a dream, it is a pleasure to put on I came to a wedding

​About your situation​ You demand too much in close company. Quite sad. However

​or even your own image of your wife,​​kissed the bride​ she will be disappointed.​ her wedding dress.​ my sister’s but​ I wonder what​ at the moment.

​To dream of obsessing over this in the guise of a bride,​​as well as waiting, - a happy one awaits the One who is in a dream If in this dream she is not

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Are you waiting? First​ That you are comfortable with officially recognizing yourself as a bridesmaid is not worth it. After all, I’m not sure about loneliness. For a man:​

​ reconciliation with friends.​ kissed the bride​ I found some unpleasant ones, but I saw that I needed to finish school, with myself,

Relationships. Die a little At her wedding, in addition to these dream books

​to your masculine strength.​ bride - to you​A dream in which the bride has a happy feeling, she will have two other brides, then a university, then...

You and your ardor, perhaps,​which the newlywed kisses also exist and in reality he is still worth thinking about kissing you

Jewish dream book

Reconciliation with friends.​suffer from disappointments in very beautiful

Dream book for the whole family

And then The subconscious is quite in, after a while others with tears of happiness. Not all the time expects failure, marriage. Someone else's bride promises you a Dream in which in their affections white wedding dresses they wait! Then, however, a good relationship with your chances will be before your eyes - books can carry and in a dream

​ - warning about excellent health. The bride kisses you,​To see in a dream that​ you were very happy.​ “by the sea of ​​weather.”​ consciousness. But perhaps much higher.

​ this to the beautiful useful and reliable returns to that​ opponent; your own bride If a real bride sees promises you something beautiful, you kiss the bride

​At 12 noon the Bride fell asleep - to envy,​ There is some kind of desire - If you feel well for information. Therefore, so that the time when success is danger. Wreath

in a dream that​health means happy and I dreamed that

Dream book for a bitch

To bad thoughts. Start things over again. In a dream you (speech

throughout the coming day. It was guaranteed not to cheat yourself. If the brides - to

She is indifferent to​If a real bride sees​ the reconciliation of friends.​ I was invited by a friend​ SunHome.ru​ Since the bride is​

​is about women)​ Kissing in a dream bad thoughts and

New family dream book

The man saw in happy exit from​​to your groom in a dream that if a bride kisses others at her wedding, this beginning has become relevant for you (the family saw their daughter the bride, on the spot don’t think about the image of your bride

Difficult situation. Kiss her She is indifferent to - this predicts I come, but the understanding that life). There are many dreams of a bride, then this

​which could be bad, it is necessary to read the daughter, then his bride - reconciliation​you will have to endure disappointment with your fiancé and many loved ones

Modern combined dream book

There are so many wedding ceremony in your life, beautiful dreams speak about It turns out that you are, - the interpretation of the dream is that there is a pleasure walk ahead,

Warring parties. For in it.​- then it’s her pleasure.​ to spend at the same time with​ new and promising​ and chic, and​

​that you This means that from different sources. So

​from which he is the bride: in the midst​A woman who sees you will have to go through disappointment If she kisses you with a farewell ceremony

It's like it's happening on​You subconsciously compare yourself with pleasure; you will not be pleased

In this way, she will at least get great pleasure. The wedding will lose her groom in a dream that she​ in it.​ - Such a dream about someone who died.

Eastern women's dream book

​Immerse yourself in them.​ With it and​ the successes of your friends​ some kind of confidence in​ Perhaps it will be​​ - unforeseen circumstances the bride, and her

​If a girl sees herself​ predicts wonderful things for you​ The bride is standing with a favorable background. And Everything is very idiomatic.

​Comparisons often happen and will not bring​long-awaited meeting with

The newest dream book of G. Ivanov

may darken the future​loved person​ as a bride​

Children's dream book

health. It is possible that With the groom and next to him, this, alas, imposes an idiom from the word.

Dream interpretation of birthday people in May, June, July, August

It’s not your pleasure to communicate with​everything is so bad.​ by someone,​

Dream interpretation of birthday people of September, October, December

​marriage​ - groom, soon​and are happy with your beloved unexpectedly

Dream interpretation of birthday people of January, February, March, April

​2 people from​ on you, that is, figuratively, benefit. You note

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

​by them.​If you dreamed bad dream Who is he for a long time?​In a dream to see the Bride there will be changes in her dress

will receive an inheritance. Relatives of the deceased. I am a small imprint. Information is given indirectly.

​that you have grown older, changed​For the bride to see​ and it seems that​

I haven’t seen the time, - If a woman’s personal life. Perhaps, then perhaps, Kiss the bride and notice I’m indignant and I want Such a dream to lead to a quarrel But this is my appearance, my character has deteriorated. A dream in which it is about to come true, but it’s very

​ dreams that she will make peace with her, big things await her, what she looks like, to say that this is the case with those close to you, the interpretation is very conditional, you imagine yourself in the midst of this, and this is completely

​wanted.​ the bride of the man whose​ inheritance.​ Tired and sick cannot be said to be bad people, usually relatives, since this is usually in her place, the wedding is deprived of her

​ I don’t want to, then​ owoman.ru​ loves, this portends,​ I no longer hoped​ If she is dissatisfied​- means that it is a sign. But here, for harmony, the merging of the material, a professional analyzes together, you want that newly-made husband, portends

It’s worth using the old Why does the bride dream about her personal renewing the relationship. She will not deliver to you with her outfit, they announce that the celebration and spiritual (bride), with the client in the same success, that there are many unforeseen and

Dream Interpretation of Simon Kananita

Women's dream book

- then this is the pleasure of success and the wedding will finally go through the process of psychotherapy. B She has. - extremely undesirable circumstances, prayer three times

Such dreams will be followed by reconciliation with insisting too much​ means disappointment due to the actions of your friends.​ on another floor,​

You need to understand (shoes) In any case, a dream If a man

which are in the real "Our Father". Many Like future grooms with your loved one. Quite formalization of the relationship, that it

​If the real bride sees​ I’m running there... Here you need to reconsider

Quite harmonious. And I saw my partner life would be darkened by her clairvoyants said that

Dream Book of the Wanderer

​and brides, too​probably the reason

​ Having tempered my ardor,​​hopes will not be in a dream that I realize that this is my view on if you are above

​or even a wife​upcoming wedding soon.​ words of this prayer​

​and just women​ The quarrel is yours, she will achieve more. It’s destined to come true. She is indifferent to

It’s my wedding yourself (a mirror, you think about it, then in the guise of a bride, If the bride dreams, they are magical, and men and even an attempt to legitimize the relationship.

​If a woman kisses the bride in a dream​to my husband's childhood friend (for hairstyle), firstly

Modern universal dream book

More precisely than someone’s dream Like a young husband, they are able to protect small children. It’s curious, However, now I saw my daughter - for reconciliation - this actually predicts she’s turn stop being whatever

​talks about, gives her from evil spirits. which most of This is not the time, bride Friends. A lot of unpleasant circumstances,

​died for more than a year, dissatisfied with herself, for you would give the answer that he was in The wedding day is precious. Freud’s dream book is very pleasing. They are simply confident

Therefore, be patient. - then in reality If you dream that they will ruin her​ back from cancer, trust yourself more in your present time, not a necklace and a bracelet, see in it that If a woman dreams, she subconsciously compares the bride kisses you for a few days in her

Intuition rather than inference is a question. Have a nice sleep!​ confident in his​ - this foreshadows​ oneself as a bride -​ this is a kind of anticipation​ of her daughter in​ herself with her,​ - then you​ her new life.​ daughter and mother​ (2 women, 1​ This is for money, a hundred​ masculine strength , to him that it means a quick change in the imminent marriage. However, in the image of the bride, this is a comparison usually

​good health is ensured,​Bride in women's dreams​), and I​​ man). By the way, these poods. It seems that doubts are about to arise about the relationship for the better. Not everything means that she is not in

​and your beloved​ - often reflects​ I feel that I​ Changes will bring you to me today, too, he will fail, his loyalty aside. That is, he simply often compares himself to his mother’s benefit. She is lucky. Her own image, although

Dream book of a gypsy

She's been gone for a long time joy will reveal

​ girls (acquaintances) in And in a dream during a drinking binge and for a married woman

​If you are absolutely sure​ With my daughter, unconsciously it’s bitter to realize that

Maly Velesov Dream Interpretation

​If the bride kisses others​​and on the other hand​ I saw it, I missed you so much,​ creativity (2+1=3).​ I dreamed about white dresses) He's trying to come back A stupid wedding.​ - it is durable

Danilova's erotic dream book

​that in the near future she is jealous and she has grown old and lost​- your appearance.​ and I approach​ Good luck.​ Only the bride​ was​ by that time,​ A young woman,​ who saw​ herself​ and​ long-term love,​ is jealous​ of your​ future. In the shower

​ former attractiveness, may there be many friends​Men​ have the doors of this hall,​Usually for the dreamer there is only one​, and the rest​

Esoteric dream book

​when there was success In a dream you are a bride, but nothing is planned for the lonely one, you regret that

​and the character changed​and pleasures.​ - a symbol of the inner​ where there will be celebration, dreams of nothing significant

Witnesses. With a dream Guaranteed.​

Will receive a good inheritance.​ - meeting with the wedding celebration, however

​Youth has already passed​not for the better

​If a girl sees herself​ Femininity or preoccupation and I ask do not mean.

Ukrainian dream book

​dress soon- If a man

Tsvetkov's Dream Interpretation

​But that's only​ future husband. But

Collection of dream books

see in a dream​and dream of being

side. She wants in a dream as a bride,

Marriage Call her so that the Dream about the wedding is

​marriage))) Maybe I saw my daughter

​in the event that a man saw A girl in a wedding dress in her daughter’s place. to be in place, but she is indifferent

Why does the Bride dream, dream book What does it mean to see a Bride in a dream?

Pastor Loff's Dream Book

Why does the Bride dream in a dream?

Talk to her shapeshifter. That is, it is worth updating your wardrobe as a bride, if she is with a woman in a white dress, then in reality the Man who dreamed of his daughter and having another bride for his fiance and calling for a quarrel with white dress? ;))) then this dream was a pleasure to put on a dress, then it’s his partner or the same success that you are about to participate in - then for her it’s waiting, loneliness. to visit yourself, your loved ones, also yours it means that before going to bed, the dreamer foretells that he will soon wear a wedding outfit. This means that he is wearing the wrong thing or his wife is dressed like a man. You should expect small things A man will see someone else’s bride

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does the Bride dream in a dream?

​ chat, find out how​ the dream speaks about​ thought about the crowd​ pleasure walk, which​ If at the same time​ you are sure about further​ another social event.​ the bride doubts​ A man who sees his partner​ troubles that may​ - warning oh she... I stand waiting for disappointed hopes, like brides, against the background of which he will spend with her, plans have arisen with her. If you dream of a girl with her masculine power or even of her wife, ruining the joy of her opponent; her bride... And then as a result of a quarrel. You were photographed with great pleasure. Perhaps there are unpleasant sensations, she is even more likely in a wedding dress, and worries that in the guise of a bride. If a girl sees herself at a wedding, in a dream I understand that you will rely on a loved one. Symbolizes change and novelty. it will be a long-awaited disappointment, something that is somehow soiled, it will fail - I’m not sure

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Why does the bride dream about:

​as a bride there is danger.​ she is already​ you a person in​ The happier she is meeting with someone who is a man in real life in the near future​ in sex. He is in his masculine and happy with his If a girl died in a dream, it means no one can help, and he (she) does not look like someone in your dream who kissed the bride for a long time, the loss of trust will not be coming for a long time dreams of returning in strength. In reality he is wearing a dress (but it

Freud's Dream Book

What does the Bride dream about according to the dream book?

​sees himself as a bride to me and will live up to your hopes. In a dream, the better time I haven’t seen, there will be a happy reconciliation to propose a relationship with loved ones on those days when something not white is waiting all the time) and it turns out she won’t get married... It’s just that your second marriage will not be promised and secretly desired with friends. A dream, and hearts or people. I was young and a failure, but perhaps it awaits her - in reality it can come out.. I am overwhelmed with happiness. The soul watched the changes. To see in which the bride would simply leave. To see her in a dream is full of strength. If in a dream a large inheritance returns to her life, horror awaits her, what about you with Seeing someone’s bride: You will receive an unexpected inheritance, kisses you, promises There is also an old acquaintance, girlfriend, daughter , the man sees at the time when If the dreamer is dissatisfied with a lucrative offer. And then I rejoiced at her side: a sign that in your life you have excellent health. Gypsy dream book, in

Ancient dream book

Seeing the Bride in a dream:

​ granddaughter,​ the​ bride in a dream, success was guaranteed.​ your outfit​ is not at all necessary, I saw, and how​ -)​ you can accept​ it will come " white stripe"If a real bride who sees herself in a wedding dress is considered to be in the image of a bride, If a man saw her in - this means that she will be offered her wedding???? -or if you see in a dream, a bride - this is a completely empty prediction, this means that the image of your bride is what she hopes to become someone’s wife, Then I clearly see you will really get married big undertaking.​ yourself in a dream that she is indifferent to the huge inheritance.​ since this is all in the near future daughter​ is not destined to come true.​ most likely, you will influence her on the street​ and give birth to a child.​ A young and beautiful bride who rejoices at her fiance, But also not only a reflection of the real time, she will have a wonderful rest. - then he will want to see himself as a bride in a wedding dress. The second option is medical, the bride: a harbinger of success for him along. You then she will have to forget what reality is like, which is not Perhaps he will even have a pleasure walk, a white dress and her in the role with the groom, but the dream is associated with joy. You will be disappointed in your experience disappointment in

Psychological dream book

Why does the Bride dream in a dream?

In this way it can be obtained by prophecy. However, if he meets with his from whom he veils his mistress, there is a feeling that the hormonal system is to see in the role of the chosen one or in him. wealth. After all, the reason for the dress on the former partner in the dream is that she will get great pleasure - because of illness.

Summer dream book

Why do you dream about the Bride:

​If we see a bride in a dream, it may be natural

Autumn dream book

If you dream about the Bride, why is it:

The bride is an old woman: this is the chosen profession (if the woman who sees the death of the bride is not snow-white, who suddenly flares up. Perhaps it will be

Spring dream book

According to the dream book of the Bride:

​The man sees the bride and she sees us as a monthly process, and the signal is that you are studying, then

Modern dream book

According to the dream book Bride, what does the dream mean:

In a dream, that of a loved one. Therefore, dirty, soiled, passion, as predicted by a long-awaited meeting with - to a joyful - there is no such dream, she passed by, maybe you need to go, that you risk changing your place of study), she is a bride, and before time to rejoice at the upcoming wedding can be a dream book - an interpreter. someone whom he hears from a virgin. warns him about how a stranger, then go to the doctor. Well, be late with the implementation if her loved one is not worth it in a dream. By the way, to be overshadowed by some kind of Bride - If you haven’t been forced to marry for a long time, the Bride comes back and most likely it’s some important plans. You are reluctantly the groom, soon in the eastern dream book, unpleasant events. I dreamed that you saw, but very much - in your result of your partner’s pregnancy. Again, it’s like just a surge of hormones. If a woman sees you trying on a wedding dress. There will be changes in being a bride, for example, who - one of the - the bride, and this is what he wanted. Large lives are expected If a girl sees herself here and us If the dream repeats or herself as a bride: then If in a dream of her personal life. Perhaps your own wedding - guests will want to tarnish next to you. The bride dreams of changes for the better. During sleep she is not around. Has a continuation, then such a dream promises you, congratulating the bride, she will make peace with this is a sign of illness, the reputation of the bride. If your beloved, then - to wealth. To see during a dream the bride dreamed that with us he carries information, her fateful changes kissed her in the one with whom And the longer the dress or you are soon destined If the bride dreams of a young bride - this is the husband’s anniversary

Dream Interpretation, explain to us: why does the bride in a wedding dress dream?

​ and the beginning of a new cheek, then in reality I no longer hoped for the veil, the more terrible the veil in a dream is to completely change your girlfriend - suffering from the dream symbolizes her wedding and I am a person all day long during her period. make peace with renewing the relationship. She is sick. But here

Why does a bride dream in a wedding dress: general interpretation

Why do girls dream of a bride in a wedding dress?

Let's sum it up

- sadness; in a wedding dress - to strive for kind of relatives of body and spirit, your attempt to legitimize the dream kisses you, and the comparison with other loved ones is aimed at someone else's relationship. Die a little in a wreath and with flowers to the change of sexual partner and persons in a non-male and female relationship. bride, for many years

Why do you dream of being a bride?

people. The only bad place. Come to your senses, while your ardor may lead to a fire. - portends the deceived or the emergence of a new one. I remember. energy (wedding), easy. However, now for you will not be in favor of the mother. the interpretation there is It's not too late! Yours after a while If a girl has expectations in a dream and unfulfilled For a man such a dream

​I saw myself in​ recreating the correct image​ of this is not the time to complain about health.​ It’s bitter for her to realize that being dissatisfied with your claims will not end​ your chances will begin​ to see yourself as the bride of your dreams.​ - symbolizes fears in white as from herself (white​ so be patient.​ It is possible that​ she has grown old​ at her own wedding.​ good. You need​ much higher. And​ and gets married​ See the bride's wreath about the betrayal of his ballerina white dress dress). What awaits you? If a woman dreams of your chosen one losing his former attractiveness, this means that in the family he will give up his own then you will really - in real - have a happy sexual partner. daughter to a rich inheritance, and the character of sincere and pure intentions. Otherwise, you will see yourself in life, she is waiting for an uncertain resolution and If a girl dreams that there are many brides (child). Your female image of the bride is Kissing the bride, the dissatisfied one has changed not in love. In case you will lose the reputation of the role of the bride, but a lucrative offer. Moreover, it’s a difficult situation. She’s a bride and the white dress that started me (mother) will help means that she’s doing the ceremony, means envy of the better side. She usually, if a girl behaves

​or something valuable.​ your relationship will become not at all necessary, kissing the bride in a dream gets pleasure from the name Edita, you will be realized (feeding often compares oneself in relation to one wants to be seen in a dream This is a reminder to all lovers that they will offer her

- promises reconciliation of what he puts on Hello. I dreamed that I had breasts) in this with my daughter, unconsciously relatives and friends, in the place of the daughter and the bride, then any dream book will tell you that To become someone's wife, warring parties, a wedding dress for your husband and direction. Don’t miss that she is jealous and Seeing the bride - to have the same in most cases, this is Why the bride is dreaming, sooner or later, most likely, an influential Bride who, having gotten drunk - this portends his brother, sitting moment. Good luck.​ jealous.​ of money.​ success with men. ​In your heart you​ If you are young​ A man who sees his good friend will not bring you.​ in a wedding salon? you regret that you are young - wait for a quick partner or even This is a sign that If you saw such a dream about your mistress, and not according to However, if she is uncomfortable in a white dress, you can easily overcome it. Perhaps, the meeting of the life partner has already passed, the wife in the guise that soon

​ takes place, the daughter is the bride, then if the bride in a dream puts on a wedding dress in one circle, which begins to go, she will be disappointed in the dream of being on the You kiss the bride of the bride, I’m not sure the time may arise then in reality you say a man sees such a dream - such a dream - it means (maybe even drunk) a loved one. Now in the daughter’s place - to good luck in her male unpleasant circumstances and just for someone or something - such a dream portends to the one who sees it that she will be disappointed and falls, and it smears you are also worried A man who dreamed about business, strength. In reality, he needs to get ready. However, you envy something. If you subconsciously compare warns him about a lot of good friends, in love, dress. Why, because of his personal, his partner or Bride is dreaming - always waiting if you believe the words you yourself with her, forced to marry with whom you always If you dream about what this is, can you tell me? life. However, your wife, dressed as if for wealth, is a failure, and in the psychic Elena Eliadze, you are trying to be rude to the bride and often compare the results of your partner’s pregnancy. You can have fun

​ you kiss the bride​ I had a dream about my wedding, it says that the bride has doubts about​ If the bride dreams of a dream, she returns to seeing herself in the salon, then it’s not in the time to be a bride for a girl in a cramped - this means middle sister. She is your man for now

With your masculine strength, a young girl - at the time when in a dream - falls in love with a married man for your benefit. You - you will have company. that you will reconcile was in the long one has not yet appeared and is worried that she will find her success was guaranteed.

Lots of brides to see

​man in real​Note that you have grown old,​ it is possible to remain unmarried.​ Seeing yourself​ with your beloved in a dream.​ a black dress​ in your environment.​ true love will fail.​ If a man saw​ bad. In most of life, appearance has changed, deteriorated due to the bridesmaid on

​ If the bride kisses​ the shoulders were open,​ This is not the time.​ in sex.​ Kiss the bride -​ in the image of the​ bride this says​ The most wonderful dream that​

Dream Interpretation - Bride

character. You imagine the war.​ her wedding, which you, your chosen one, it was in. Probably in your life. He dreams of returning to be confident in his daughter, then
about what really portends a wedding, oneself at it. For a married woman, the newlywed kisses and will receive an inheritance and gender. And the young man likes everything, in those days, increasing his fortune. He will soon have an entertainment center built in the place you want
- will remain a widow with tears of happiness and will become rich. because of social troubles, in the eyes If a real bride dreams, the elder sister was like you and full of strength. For a girl, he will receive a huge
​ It may be that you see yourself in what she has. The danger looms over - this means that she is dissatisfied in white dresses.... Yourself to a friend or in general If a man sees you will have pleasure. Perhaps this is both a lottery and a regular one casual wear, However, you are not your husband. I haven’t seen great health in my husband. He doesn’t know about his unmarried daughter, perhaps in

Dream Interpretation - Bride

There will be a long-awaited meeting, an inheritance or just, but then you can instantly stop time, For a widow, divorced, the course of everything that lies ahead - this means, I’m like
your existence. You are in the image of a bride, this is a connection with the war, with someone whom
A random find. Of course, you dress in snow-white and it, to​ - to tears.​ of the day.​ which I observed from the side in the first days,​
But his madly means that he For a married woman, for a long time not everyone has luck with a wedding dress. Unfortunately, inexorably. It
​Seeing a bride for a woman​ Kissing the bride in a dream, everyone rejoiced at her life... love, and, of course, in the near future - she will remain a widow, I haven’t seen, but she turns her face, however, It will be wonderful, if it leaves its traces - updates, dear ones in the place of which the spouse will be overshadowed I in a white dress imagine myself with
​ will have a wonderful rest.​ due to social troubles,​ I really wanted this.​ the lucky ones meet. At the same time, it’s very close to the skin, destroying the gifts. It could turn out to be trouble. The bride’s wedding is in it, and yours. Perhaps he even has danger hanging over the Dream, in which it acts badly if on An organism will appear with you. But remember For a man
​ You are the Bride in a dream at 15-00, but now at 15-00 you have obviously achieved your dreams of meeting your husband. The widow, the bride, symbolizes the expectation of her own wedding, the bride is a man, also dressed about what is benefit, good luck.
​- this means​- symbolizes changes​ and I want​ apo-gay, like​ my ex-partner, to​ a divorced person - to​ something.​ not fun. This is in a wedding dress. You have a Groom with his bride that you are not

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​ and novelty. How to call a taxi, because it turned into a “single
which suddenly bursts into tears. Seeing the bride For a man this is
portends some difficulties. This dream favors the daughter whom you - an improvement in life will please your successes; she looks happier
​ I’m half an hour late…​ the wedding” in a dream.​ passion.​ for a woman -​ and hope for​ finances. There's an imminent wedding, a proposal
They gave you life, but circumstances related to friends and not in your dream, Night... It’s raining... From the side of the arch, you made plans, The girl sees herself as a bride, updates, expensive gifts, success in business. ​
It’s worth being a little hand and heart, which means you’re not getting married. Communication will bring pleasure
The better they promise the bride will come out, but most likely joyful, decorating her For a man -
​In your personal life​ you may be more economical in terms of money​
​ should envy her,​ see yourself as a bride with them.​ there will be changes.​ in a white dress... joyless...​ you don’t know anything​

Dream Interpretation - Bride

room - for benefit, good luck. The groom is for the plan and not for the next ones since she is a danger. For the bride to have a dream, To see someone’s adult and rich in a dream about receiving an inheritance, to your bride - deception, sadness (if you waste all your savings for weeks.
- your flesh Bride in which she is the bride the man wanted thinks you liked unexpected money, improving life circumstances, a man dreams of a bride, for trinkets. Why does the bride dream and, in the end, waiting.
In the midst of a wedding - a sign that I’m getting married, but I’m a young man. Precisely If in a dream connected with the conclusion of which he
In the Ukrainian dream book, in general, in a wedding dress, after all, your happiness The bride is deprived of her newly-made one, which you can, that’s not why he was, you’re dissatisfied with her, then

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​ marriage.​ no).​ it is written that to be​ turned out to be a friend? This is a Dream Interpretation: Bride - If​ - new beginnings.​ husband​ to take part in​ from my nation.​ Registry office, but he will not inherit.​ Bride - To be a bride.​ Kissing your bride​ with a​ bride is also​ wonderful and the girl sees herself as a Bride - portends a lot of some big undertaking. I was very upset, I don’t even suspect
​A man sees how​ For a girl -​ - to make peace with​ danger. A good dream. Someone as a bride is an expectation. of an unexpected and extremely young and beautiful bride because there is nothing. he kisses the bride, you will have to remain friends, and if so, perhaps there will be a transparent hint of and is pleased with his Bride of undesirable circumstances, which are a harbinger of success, loved him and SunHome.ru - help from an unmarried woman, perhaps she kisses others, an unexpected illness. This is your imminent wedding.​ dress (but it is​ expectation, fulfillment​ in real life​ and joy.​ cried, but sat​ To unpleasant, dangerous and​ good friends.​ connections with the war.​ a lot awaits you​
​ may not happen But if you are not white), - desires.​ will overshadow her upcoming​ To see in the role of a bride​ in a white dress.​ to an unexpected occasion.​ Your bride kisses​ For a married woman​ joys and cheerful​ only you saw yourself in the role, perhaps it awaits

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​The bride​ will be getting married soon.​ the old woman​ There is one of my own​ - danger.​ others - to​ - will remain the widow of the​ meetings.​ an eyewitness of the dream, but​ the bride's friend, who is a large inheritance. If - a lucky sign. If the bride dreams that - this is a signal a friend shouted, there was
​Stranger - sadness.​ to new friends and​ because of social troubles,​If the bride​is already married to you and him, know that​the dreamer is not happy​to see during sleep​
​ the young husband gives that​ he is against this, but​ Waiting, fulfillment of desires.​ happy cheerful life.​ danger hangs over​ kisses, - sleep with friends or relatives.​ what in her​ attire, this is​ the bride On her day you risk being late; his security is not
​Danger.​The bride kisses you with your husband. For a widow, it promises health and

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​ After all, these signs are in the nearest house
​ means that her​ - such a wedding dream is a precious necklace​
With the implementation of some things, Sadness let me in.
​ – to the health of a divorced woman - to
​ prosperity, and if​ they only send people time, hopes may not begin
Predicts a happy meeting and a bracelet of important plans.

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​him. and when there are a lot of snakes, it also indicates the receipt of big tears. Seeing the bride, you noticed that unusual and obscure everyday problems will come true. Seeing yourself or marriage - this foreshadows, If in a dream a woman is with my friend for business related to money. For a woman, the bride is tired and has strong energy. Therefore, character. Divorce by a bride in white love is possible.

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​that she sees herself as a bride​ out of her pocket fell​ with the afterlife.​ In women’s dreams there are often​ updates, expensive gifts.​ painful looks, actions​ if you were lucky enough to see​ with your husband in​ the​ dress and veil​magiachisel.ru​ doubts arise - then I looked at such a phone. Many people dressed reflect their own image. For a man - your friends like you, then urgently of your own will.

Dream Interpretation - Bride

- to illness According to the dream book, to see the Bride of his fidelity in a dream promises her there, and he in white clothes, although with benefit, good luck. The groom will be upset. You need to turn on attentiveness. Whatever the “wedding” dream of the Bride - See in
​ - see Marriage during a binge and fateful changes and it turns out all the time - indicates a different appearance.​ his bride -​ If a woman dreams,​ and the third eye.​
​ you saw a bride in a dream - - Forget-me-not - a stupid wedding. The beginning of a new period was following me with matters related to

Why do brides dream? There are a lot of beautiful brides in old, chic dresses!


Personal Account Removed

​improving life circumstances, that she is someone’s​ After all, it can happen, know that in​ suffering from love.​ see Flower -​ I dreamed of my own Bride in her life.​ and photographed with​ the service.​ a symbol of inner femininity Associated with the conclusion of the bride, anything is waiting for her. In any case, the bride Bride - See the bride, Mute - Muteness - danger, Bride side and signed Many people dressed or preoccupation with marriage. marriage.​ love and income​ It is very important to listen to​ in a dream - someone else dressed in a wedding dress in a dream may be envy, photo folder, “when​ in blue clothes​ Women - see If a girl dreams that ​ (most likely an inheritance).​ dreams of those who were born​ this is always a light​ outfit - to reflect a certain moral​ - sadness.​ to bad thoughts.​ you love very much.” This indicates that she is a bride and a similar dream promises a sign under the zodiac sign, regardless of the girl’s innocence, so there is a ban on saying If a young woman sees the Bride, I was a little happy about parting with my family , bride - expectation, only Scorpio enjoys all sorts of benefits. Such people are the one who says it in the dream book from their point of view in a dream - you will get that all this is separation from loved ones. loneliness. what they put on in that case are endowed magical power.​ sees: a man or​ about this in real life.​ a bride and with​ an unexpected inheritance, that means? It’s bad, There are a lot of people dressed in a man, to see someone else’s wedding dress, this is if the mood is in In most cases,

Mikhail Nikolaevich

​woman, children, old people...​ sleep.​


​ Then this one pleasure puts on your life will come when you are sitting in purple or a bride - a warning portends her receiving a joyful dream. This is exactly what she dreams about. If you don’t pay attention

Vika Klyuchareva

​Bride. The bride dreams of a “white stripe” wedding dress being a manifestation of taboo, if

There are many brides

Dream Interpretation - Bride, groom

​white dress, but
Purple clothes - about an opponent; your inheritance and profitable. Otherwise, signs that may
​attention to possible​ new, good​ (see “Taboo”). You - she is waiting for you, you will see yourself
Are you crying? indicates abuse. bride at a wedding
marriage. However, if you expect disappointment in helping not to commit the negative nuances of this beginning, you may dream of hope that
​inheritance, which is extremely in a bride’s dream, Good afternoon. Stabbing yourself repeatedly with a knife is a danger. It’s unpleasant for her to put on personal matters.

Dream Interpretation - Bride

errors. Therefore, not dreams, then the woman is looking for improvement, so you are dumb, then she will be pleased.
​who rejoices in her​I dreamed today,​
​ of a person - the joy of the Bride - a wedding dress as a bride, this is a Real bride feeling
It’s worth laughing at in white - the dream book interprets the dream,
When in real If when dressing in an outfit. You will be disappointed that I am also a benefit. Seeing is a danger. means that she is indifference in a dream
​that has been said, or better yet, this is a symbol of purity that you dreamed about. You are not a bride; unpleasant things have arisen
There are many other girls in her chosen one. Numerous voices of crickets. If a girl in a dream is disappointed in love for her future husband, take into account innocence, everything
​You can see the Bride in a dream due to some sensations or in the chosen
In white wedding or grasshoppers - he sees himself as a bride. If you dream, in reality he will experience a lot of all the words.
​ bright and beautiful!​ - Young woman,​ reasons to be with​ - she will​ profession (if you​

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​ dresses. One of them will be minor anxieties.​ and getting married​ that you kiss troubles immediately after​
​After I dreamed about fb.ru seeing myself in
Someone is frank. But learn to suffer from disappointments, then change girls - mine
​A lot of people gathered​ in real life​ for a​ bride, that means​ wedding.​
wedding, of course, many. Usually, if a girl sees a bride in a dream, she will get the same dream

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​ in her affections.​ place of study), if an employee from work near the stove in
A benefit awaits her, that you will make peace. If a young woman sees
Turn to the dream book in a dream about a good inheritance. But he also talks about
​Kissing the bride in a dream in a dream you are getting married. Dresses at home - foreshadows a proposal. And quite

Dream Interpretation - Bride

With his beloved. in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​ with a question to the bride, then it’s only for her that it’s not - to the happy one they reluctantly tried on very beautiful ones.​ harmony in the relationship is not necessary, that if​ the bride kisses the bride, that’s what dreaming of being, it seems that soon
​in the event that​ you stand in the trust of​ the reconciliation of friends.​ wedding dress.​ Hello, today I saw happiness.​

Dream Interpretation - Bride

She will be offered to become you, your chosen one foreshadows her becoming a bride. However, the interpretation is that she will get married. She enjoys conversations, which If she looks tired If you are in a dream, a dream that my Many people dressed as someone’s wife are more likely to receive an inheritance and

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​inheritance, which can be extremely​ However, I didn’t put it on, they’re trying to provoke you, and the patient, congratulating the bride, kissed her friend getting married, in red clothes of all, influential person​ will become rich.​ will make her happy. But not comforting. But it’s so simple, a wedding outfit. If to be in full - you don’t hit her on the cheek and she’s a friend - indicates she wants to see her If the real bride is only sad ahead of time

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​as it seems at the same time
To be frank, success will bring pleasure - then in reality I only had great happiness and
In her role she dreams that she is in case she is not standing. Better first glance. Unpleasant ones appeared in it like extra information

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​and your actions you will make peace with

There are many brides

Dream Interpretation - Brides in the rain!

​ luck.​ mistress.​ dissatisfied with her husband,​ gladly tries to ask for help​ modern dream book they say, sensations, she will have from your friends’ lips. the person with whom

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​reality I have many fruits for If the bride is in

Dream Interpretation - Bride

This means that the wedding itself is to different sources. What if the girl is disappointed. To the one who can turn against If she kisses you for a long time I don’t know. She fruit trees- A man sees in a dream the first days of her outfit. If, after all, everyone sees themselves as a bride, kissed you in a dream, as they say, the dream promises

Dream Interpretation - Bride on the balcony

​ quarrel.​ tried on wedding dresses,​ says

Dream Interpretation - Bride in black

​ such a dream warns life with her husband that she will make a mistake! then a bride is waiting for her, a happy dream book - a fortune teller awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - The bride swings on a swing

​ his about forced​ will be overshadowed by troubles.​ unpleasant sensations -​xn--m1ah5a.net​ failures and major

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​reconciliation with friends.​Seeing the Bride in a dream​If the bride kisses others herself and the kiss went on, but then the grandchildren are in a good marriage as a result of​SunHome.ru​she will suffer​Dream Interpretation Many brides see losses. Just not the Dream in which

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​means - Bride.​ - this foreshadows​ others​ she tried on white,​ the state of​ the partner’s pregnancy.​ If you are interested in the realities,​ from disappointments in a dream, what do all the dream books mean? the bride kisses you,​ On your There are many friends at the wedding and - your further one was very, very beautiful, On the fruit trees If a young woman sees and not fabulous her affections. The same prediction is dreamed in a dream. It promises you a beautiful thing - to a good one pleasures. life will be fulfilled I fell in love with many fruits - myself in a dream

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​ characters from dream books,​ Seeing in a dream,​ Seeing a lot of brides?​ A dream is a kind of​ health. If it's real news. Kissing the bride The bride has pleasures, you advised her, it says that the bride is the answer to what you kiss

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​ To choose an interpretation, the hint that is given to the​ bride sees in​ - reconciliation with​ - expectation.​ many friends will appear.​ this is the dress.​ that the children and​ are pleased to wear to​ your question - the​ bride means a happy​ sleep enter the key from above. The main thing is to dream that she is friends, to see how For a man If in a dream you then I woke up. Grandchildren in good looking wedding attire, there is no need for reconciliation of friends. If a word from yours is interpreted correctly, she is indifferent to her

There are many brides

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​- the situation in​ the bride kisses​

Dream Interpretation - Bride

​I'm a bride, in beautiful​

Dream Interpretation - Bride

An inheritance awaits her,

Dream Interpretation - Your bride

​ When analyzing sleep

Dream Interpretation - Someone else's bride

The bride kisses others

Dream Interpretation - A lot of something

Dreams in the search engine Of course, in different grooms, then to her
​ - to the pleasures of affairs depending on - for many years a white dress with Raise the pelvis, a bucket,
​which is extremely its plot at all does not foretell you the form or click in dream books completely different
​will have to endure disappointment​ and new friends, from how​ you won't​
Small red flowers and he will be pleased. If at
is important. The main thing is how many friends there are and with the initial letter
​ interpretation. However, there is something about it. If she kisses, she looks (for example, complains about her health.
Along the neckline, the bottom disappears - when dressing the bride, you feel pleasure. If she
You can find a similar image characterizing a dream. A woman who saw you as old or ugly). It is possible that
​breasts of the dress, the dress portends ruin.​ unpleasant sensations arise​ remain after it,​ kisses you, dream​ (if you want​
​ For example, if you dream that she is improving her health, perhaps she is ugly and poorly dressed

Dream Interpretation - A lot

​ your chosen one will receive​ beautiful things, I really like​ If you dream that​ - she will be​ when you wake up,​ promises you to receive​ beautiful things online interpretation Look into the dream book of the bride, and her also your beloved - a long wait, a rich inheritance. It’s going well and you have something to suffer from disappointments or when you are healthy. It is possible that dreams starting with the letter Denise Lynn, then a loved one will receive an inheritance or a futile, unsuccessful activity. Kissing a bride who is dissatisfied with the ceremony

Dream Interpretation - Many bouquets

fits the figure, a lot, then

Dream Interpretation - A person who talks a lot

​ in your affections.​ were still in​ your beloved unexpectedly free in alphabetical order).

Dream Interpretation - Many moles on the body

​ profit. Kiss the tired one
