Basic fundraising tools in the field of social entrepreneurship. Course work: fundraising in the social sphere. The image of a charitable organization as an important component of the success of social security activities

Hello! In this article we will talk about a new area of ​​activity - fundraising, which is increasingly used by charitable and non-profit organizations in our country.

Today you will learn:

  • What is the job of a fundraiser?
  • What sources are used to collect Money;
  • What technologies and methods are used by fundraising firms;
  • What are the features of this activity in Russia?

What is fundraising

Any organization needs a constant flow of resources. Some need funds and volunteers for charitable purposes, others need financial investments for confidence or development.

In Russia, most non-profit and non-profit organizations do not engage in systematic and thoughtful fundraising. Therefore, they often face the issue of lack of money, volunteers or partners for cooperation.

The new term “fundraising” is increasingly found in the media. It means a special technique for collecting financial assets and various resources for a specific project. Non-profit organizations that need volunteer or financial assistance are increasingly resorting to it.

The designation comes from the English combination “to raise fund” and literally translates as “raising funds.”

IN developed countries Fundraising has long been actively used to raise funds for the following purposes:

  • Capital for launching and interesting work;
  • Financing developments and technical projects in science;
  • Maintaining amateur teams and supporting sports events;
  • Sponsoring candidates or headquarters in the political arena during elections;
  • Charitable needs;
  • Material support cultural events, theaters or museums.

Traditional fundraising is just one area of ​​work. The result could be volunteers' personal time, various goods and services, discounts on procedures, or generous patrons of the arts. The latter can help with promotion and advertising, provide transportation or premises for the activities of a non-profit organization.

Types of fundraising

Experienced fundraisers are becoming increasingly sought after specialists in Russia. This is the name given to professionals who, with the help different ways and methods attract funds.

In Europe and the USA, companies providing similar services on a contractual basis have been operating successfully for a long time. A striking example of fundraising is the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York. Its staff officially employs more than 70 specialists, whose task is to collect donations and charitable contributions, and search for patrons of art to maintain the collections.

Fundraising objects can be the release of a disc by a beginning group or the arrangement of a children's playground. At a serious level, this means organizing international competitions or supporting long-term scientific research.

In European countries, entire companies and firms are professionally involved in strategy development, staffed by experienced marketers, managers and lawyers.

Professional fundraising can be project-based or operational. In the first case it occurs on specific event or startup. In the second, resources are attracted to ensure the activities of the fund and maintain its stable operation.

In addition, fundraising can be divided into two main types:

  • Interior: the search for new resources and sponsors is dealt with by the managers of the organization itself;
  • External: For successful work third-party consultants or professional fundraisers, special consulting companies are involved.

Fundraising in Russia

In our country, the number of firms and specialists professionally working to collect finance and resources increases every year.

Appearance large number non-profit organizations, problems with funding funds from the state lead to the need to hire professionals.

Russia lags significantly behind the United States and Europe in the number of people and companies constantly participating in fundraising projects from different sides.

Three problems hinder rapid growth:

  • Mistrust ordinary people to volunteer organizations and wealthy patrons;
  • Reluctance to forcibly transfer contributions (especially when the standard of living of the benefactors is low);
  • Lack of knowledge about the activities of charitable foundations, their closedness to most participants.

Nevertheless, the Association of Fundraisers already operates in Russia. Created in 2013, it provides ongoing training to professionals through master classes, seminars and brochures. She sets herself the task of turning the movement into a system that in a few years will unite all professionals and raise the status of their work to the proper level.

INTRODUCTION Traditionally social sphere in our country it is sphere activities of the state, which is responsible for implementation social politicians. IN Lately we can speak with some confidence about the prominent role of NPOs in the market social services and in providing cooperation and financial assistance to government agencies social spheres . The implementation of many promising ideas and initiatives with the participation of NPOs is often associated with the availability of funding sources. As a rule, the quantity...

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    Fundraiser's tasks

    The fundraiser’s tasks in relation to his organization are to raise funds in accordance with the request. The challenges for the donor are not just to ask for money and provide a report. A donor is a partner of an NPO, someone who should feel included and involved. It is important that the donor feels comfortable so that there is no tension. He must sacrifice voluntarily. It is important to strive for a long-lasting relationship.

    On the part of the NPO management, it is very important to formulate the task to the fundraiser as specifically as possible. What is he looking for money for and how is the organization’s budget structured? From what sources does the money already come and how is it distributed?

    The work task of the fundraiser himself is to get into the matrix of donor motivation. It’s good to initially know something about the people (organizations) with whom he communicates. Of course, if we are talking about charity events or box collections, this knowledge is impossible. But if we are talking about a specific donor (organization), it would be good to have preliminary information about them before making direct contact.

    The main question facing the fundraiser is strategic: how to make sure that the donor not only helps once, but also helps further? Among other things, it is necessary to maintain the “donor base” in a “warm state”, that is, inform donors about what is happening, congratulate them on holidays, invite them to significant events, respond to requests for meetings, etc. A donor is not a friend to the fundraiser, but a partner. As a result of communication and collaboration, the donor must understand the significance of his own contribution. He must feel that the work is being done with him. The result of negotiations is not only in a signed agreement or transferred money, but above all in making the donor feel and understand his involvement.

    Ideally, the donor should say about your fund: “this is my fund.” Not in the sense that he owns it, but in the way people say: “my bank.” That is, they trust the bank and are serviced by it. The same goes for the fund: “this is the fund to which I donate.”

    The donor has no direct task of parting with the money. They don't expect anyone to ask them. Can't be manipulated. The donation must be voluntary. At the same time, the fundraiser’s practical task is to make people part with money “comfortably.” Relatively speaking, “in one click.”

    It is not entirely correct to talk about some kind of universal algorithm for raising funds. Rather, we should talk about a fundraising strategy. Each NGO has its own.

    It is very important to start by breaking down the budget item by item and understanding which items we want to cover with which fees. You can’t get money for salaries, for example, from boxes. Each internal subtopic is developed separately. If, say, money goes to medicines and salaries, then these are two branches of fundraising. It is important to work through all the options: write applications for grants for some things, collect them on a website for others, collect them in boxes for others.

    Any project must be written down, justified, and explained. Appealing only to emotions is bad. It is clear that it is easier to collect for direct targeted assistance than for program activities, but that is what a competent presentation is for.

    Targeted requests or programs?

    Targeted fundraising is raising funds for something very understandable, collecting money to help a specific person. For the most part, it is raising money for sick or dying people (children) for treatment or medicine. Everything here is quite simple - the name of the person in need is known, there are his photos and copies medical documents. The diagnosis is clear, it is clear what treatment or medications are needed. Prices are known. The donor sees all this, and he has a clear understanding of where his money is going and what the result will be.

    Any topic aimed at saving lives or treatment is effective for fundraising in Russia. Of course, different sub-areas have different popularity. For example, raising money for heart surgery for a three-year-old girl is much easier than for a pacemaker for a 40-year-old man.

    From the point of view of popularity among donors, pediatric oncology and heart diseases are win-win in any context. Improving the quality of life and helping the dying are, of course, less popular.

    It is not difficult to make an emotional message: “the child is dying - give me money.” But the fundraiser must remember the prospects and try to “educate” donors (so to speak). There are people who are ready to donate not only for a specific child, but also to form some kind of stabilization fund to support sick children, if suddenly there are no current fees or money is needed urgently.

    The fundraiser ideally not only asks and explains, but also advocates and “educates” the donor. In particular, he convinces that there are also unpopular, but necessary types of help. We see examples of how once unpopular topics have become significant. For example, working with the elderly is a huge merit of the “Old Age in Joy” foundation. Or children who cannot be cured (here we are talking about improving the quality of life, about supporting families). They are successfully handled by the Galchonok Foundation, created in fact according to the will of Galina Chalikova.

    Program (project) activities. This is the organization and development of social services, taking into account overhead costs, salaries of administrative employees and attracted specialists. Many funds have programs for which it is necessary to raise funds. For example, a rehabilitation program for disabled people, a program social adaptation orphans, a program for organizing regular volunteer assistance in the hospital, etc. By the way, any foundation and any NGO, in essence, is a large project that requires financing for its professional activities.

    In the case of program funding, a lot depends on the topic, the context and the economic situation in the country. For now, support for program activities is enough new story For Russia. Although, we are already seeing the development of social non-profit services aimed at improving the quality of life. More and more people understand the importance and prospects of such.

    Raising funds for program activities is strategic and long-term work. You need to prepare for it; you shouldn’t count on quick results. But it is precisely this direction that will help cover the basic operating expenses of NPOs.

    Fundraising for programs is highly dependent on the overall economic context. Donors often say: we will give for treatment and saving lives, but for programs and development - that’s after the crisis. And here little depends on the fund and the fundraiser.

    Types of donors and how to work with each of them

    What NPOs can and cannot provide different types donors, says Tatiana TULCHINSKAYA, member of the Council of the “All Together” charity meeting, coordinator of the working group on the creation of the Russian Association of Fundraisers.

    Sources of attracting resources can be divided in different ways. For example, state and non-state legal entities (companies, funds, government bodies) and individuals (private) persons.


    The state does not engage in direct charity; ideally, it should, first of all, create a favorable legislative background (which it does poorly today) for the development of this very charity and support infrastructure projects. The state has many of its social obligations, and it would be a great help if it simply fulfilled them. Share of direct financial state aid in relation to NPOs is low and should not be high. Otherwise, it puts NPOs on the money hook and seeks to solve its problems through them, sometimes even political ones, which are not directly related to the social sphere. This is what we see in the example of near-state NPOs.

    Straight financial aid from the state can be in the form of subsidies and grants.

    The fundraiser’s task is to monitor what is happening, to be aware of the state policy and strategy in relation to social areas. Monitor competitions for grants and subsidies, choosing the right ones for your fund. And, as a result, prepare and submit competent applications to competitions.

    Big business

    This audience can be characterized by the phrase: “ systems approach" Big business has a clear understanding of what it wants from social programs. Corporations have documents defining and regulating this area. The social program offered by the fundraiser of a particular company must be tied to the topic chosen by this company as part of its corporate social responsibility.

    Corporations need a partner; they work only on programs, and large ones at that. Many in large companies realized that if they create a social project themselves, it will turn out to be ineffective and weak. Money doesn't solve everything. Experience, a team, specialists, and especially passion for a specific topic cannot always be acquired. Yes, companies can pay for treatment or buy equipment, but do it themselves Kid `s camp and build a quality rehabilitation center they cannot, simply because such activities are not a function of the business. Big business can create conditions - provide money and resources. Large businesses usually choose well-known NPOs as partners.

    You need to know that in Russia this “fundraising market” has, to a certain extent, already been divided to a large extent. It's hard to get into a big company! But it's possible.

    IN in this case The fundraiser’s task is not only to raise funds one-time, but, first of all, to conclude a long-term contract. The goal is partnership to implement the program. The result is not so much money “falling” into the account of the NPO, but rather complex and expensive work. To launch such a project you need to put in a lot of effort. First, conduct complex negotiations and prepare a well-developed and justified project. Secondly, you will have to wait a long time until all approvals are completed. Large companies are quite tall pyramids.

    Medium and small business

    It is easier to interact with this audience than with large businesses. Companies and firms of medium and small level rarely support “programs”; as a rule, they give money for “cases” - small projects with a clear ending and result. There is less money in this area, but access to it is easier. If the first person (the one who makes decisions) is within your reach, everything can be resolved in a single negotiation. Current issues are resolved over the phone. In this direction, everything depends on the owner of the company or on the person in the company who makes decisions. If for some reason a person has a crush on stray dogs, then he may well make the sole decision to help the relevant organizations. It can support an entire animal shelter, or it can limit itself to buying food.

    The fundraiser’s job here is to reach the decision maker and competently present him with a project or request. Almost everything here depends on the existing personal relationships. To work with medium and small businesses, it is important to understand the motivation of those who make decisions.

    Large private foundations

    Rich people often invest their personal money in non-profit projects. This money is sometimes comparable in size to corporate investments, and sometimes even exceeds them. For example, charitable foundation V. Potanin, Dmitry Zimin's Dynasty Foundation. Such funds support those they want. It could be basic science, historical monuments, charity, sports, etc. It is clear that the areas of support are formalized by the charter, programs, and regulations, but in any case, this is based on the personal decision of the owner of the fund. These funds can also be used for charity. There are funds that implement their own programs (“Victoria”, “Meta”). There are those that are designed to support best practices(Vladimir Smirnov Public Foundation). Based on competitions and applications, they give grants to those organizations that work well. Own social projects These funds may, however, not be sold.


    When we talk about private donors, we must understand that psychologically it is easier for a person to make a decision and act if he understands that the result will be specific, measurable and quick. That's why heart surgery is so popular - insert a valve, and you're done. healthy man. There is a category of donors who understand this peculiarity of theirs, but cannot do anything about themselves. They sometimes almost ask permission: they say, we understand that others need it and that the employees of your organization need a salary (they also need to eat something), but can we still give money specifically for medicine for a sick child?

    Ordinary donors (and indeed all donors) want to see and feel the results. Few people are inclined to strategic thinking in general, and even more so in those areas where people are not specialists. As a rule, a person turns on for 2 minutes, transfers money and does other things.

    For this audience, it all depends on the topic that is dear to the person and on personal motivation. The motivation matrix is ​​huge. From a sincere desire to help someone, to make life better, to “receiving an indulgence.” It is important for the fundraiser to understand what motivates a person, what he wants, and give him what he wants. Some people need gratitude first of all, some need a clear result, some need a feeling that they are good. It could even be something like, “the presence of orphans in this country offends me as a citizen,” or “it pains me to watch a person suffer.”

    The determining factor for interaction is not only the topic and getting into the motivation, but also the opportunity to give what he wants. It is important for the fundraiser to work with the donor personally!

    All private donors, as indeed all donors in general, have their own limits of flexibility. Sometimes a person is attached to a topic, say, orphans. It is clear that within the framework of this, you can work with him and start a partnership by paying for ice cream for the children. But after just a year, a person may be ready to pay an accountant for an organization or support a project. And there are people who will never advance beyond ice cream. The fundraiser needs instinct and experience to work correctly with everyone. Putting together a complete picture, that is, meeting all the needs of the fund, is only possible with the help of different donors.

    Fundraising: fundraising methods

    Tatyana TULCHINSKAYA, a member of the Board of the charity meeting “All Together,” continues the conversation about the basics of fundraising in charity.

    There are a great many technologies for fundraising, but there is, of course, a certain basic list. Something like this:

    Collection via the Internet

    Its effectiveness depends on the popularity of the site (traffic), the audience, the time of year and the economic state of the country. If you need money regularly and all the time for the same need, for example, to rent a room, then collecting through the site most likely will not work, unless your site has a huge traffic. Raising funds on the website is more convenient for “targeted collections”. However, if the need for funds is urgent, it is better not to limit yourself to collecting on the Internet, but to use all possibilities because You can never be sure how long it will take to collect the required amount.

    The more targeted the collection on the site, the better. Emotions, the simplicity of ways to donate (for sites it’s very simple) and the purity of reports are at work here. Successful NGOs have shown the effectiveness of this method. If the site traffic is sufficient, you can collect millions of rubles.

    Collections on sites, of course, are greatly influenced by the direction (topic) of the NPO’s work. The more emotional and specific the request, the more money will be collected. Much depends on the way information is presented. Reporting on the site is very important. If an NPO is not ready to seriously and regularly post reports on funds collected and reports on expenses, you should not even think about collecting through the website. A great example is the website of the Gift of Life foundation. There are also news and reports.

    And, of course, when we talk about fundraising via the Internet, we mean not only websites, but also social networks. It is important.

    Promotions, events

    We are talking about exciting events: fairs (purchases and donations), marathons (participation fees and spectator donations), auctions (purchases of lots), exhibitions (entry fee, internal auction, donations), balls (entrance fee, internal auction, donations ), festivals (participation fees and spectator donations), etc. The event should be original and attractive, and in no case banal!

    From a fundraising point of view, shares are a one-time impulse fundraiser. But promotions also have indirect bonuses: drawing attention to the problem, PR, and sometimes, in some cases, even team building. Then, even with minimal fundraising, the effect of the campaign ultimately turns out to be positive

    As a rule, the fees from the campaign do not exceed hundreds of thousands of rubles, and if the organization is starting out - tens of thousands.

    You must understand that both employees and friends of the NPO must invest their deeds and resources into the campaign, then the campaign will be profitable. If the preparation costs fall entirely on the nonprofit, then it is very difficult to make the campaign profitable, so it is important to learn how to attract free resources (room, light, sound, presenters, etc.). And you always need to look at efficiency. In a small organization, an action can paralyze the work of employees for a couple of months. It would be nice to have a separate specialist on shares on staff, but this is an ideal situation, not all NPOs can do it.

    Most NPOs cannot live solely on funds from shares. However, there are organizations that have experience and resources; they organize one or two events a year and collect several million rubles for a year of life. But shares of this level require a lot of work for both employees and founders.

    Donation boxes

    This topic should not be overestimated. Of course, the boxes raise money. But these are still not such large amounts. Boxes are definitely a supportive resource. Not a lot of money is thrown into the boxes, it is thrown by those who do not need change. Besides, this is mostly a theme of cities and shopping centers. Boxes cannot be the main source of funds.

    Boxes are difficult to maintain: contracts, security, withdrawal of money, collection. Efficiency greatly depends on the point where the boxes are located. If the foundation has a friend who is the owner of a retail chain, of course you should install the boxes without hesitation! But you can also “kill yourself” for the sake of the boxes, while receiving a small response.

    You should not use boxes to collect money for specific requests - treatment of a child, etc., if they are located somewhere on a permanent basis. Exceptions are short-term shares. If the box sits in one place for a long time, then the money is collected slowly. And almost always the information on the box, if it is addressed, will become outdated and not true. If a box calls for a collection for a specific child, then there is, for example, the possibility that someone can check on the Internet how things are going with this case on the site and convict the NPO that the collection has already been closed. Most often, this is not deliberate fraud, but rather an inability to give up-to-date information on time, but the reputation of the NPO may be damaged irrevocably. Therefore, it is more correct to provide information about the programs for long-term collections.

    Grants and subsidies

    They provide the opportunity for long-term support for programs or projects (from several months to several years), including salaries. The main thing in this topic is a correctly composed application. But you need to understand that the application is not even half the battle. The project (program) must then be implemented as planned and a report must be provided to the granting organization.

    A project manager is required to implement the program and prepare reports. You should not think that a more or less serious grant can be completed in your free time from your main job.

    One of the difficulties is that grants are rarely given to the basic day-to-day activities of NPOs. Every year, the topics for which grant competitions are announced change, and sometimes they change dramatically. Therefore, NPOs often have to tailor their projects to the grant topics.

    The actual amounts of grant financial support for programs range from hundreds of thousands to several million rubles per year.

    It must be admitted that in Russia not everything depends on the quality of the application (although this is not a reason to compile them anyhow). A lot depends on who distributes the grants. The main disadvantage of some (of course, not all) grant-giving organizations is the closed nature of the voting procedure and the unknown evaluation criteria. Therefore, too much depends on human factor. But, again, the fundraiser must in any case prepare the application as efficiently as possible.

    What, very briefly, characterizes a high-quality application? First of all, everything should be clear: the relevance of the problem, goals, objectives, execution procedure, the organization’s experience in this direction, its own financial contribution to the budget (at least 1/4).


    Crowdfunding is public financing using special sites - crowdfunding platforms. This type of fundraising is suitable for a variety of purposes. In essence, crowdfunding is the collection of private donations of varying amounts. This method is suitable for those who do not have the opportunity to have their own Internet page to raise money, who do not have the opportunity to collect the necessary amount themselves, and for NPOs that are quite experienced and represented on the Internet as an additional resource.

    The authors of the project post information on the crowdfunding website and, to the best of their ability, invite their friends to visit the page and donate. The author’s key effort is to popularize his project’s page on the platform. The platform site itself, due to the large number of such applications, the number of popularizers and promotion on the Internet, has sufficient traffic for the applications placed to raise money.

    As a rule, one-time needs are published on such resources. Often we are talking about tens, or at most a hundred or two thousand rubles.

    For those who want to use crowdfunding sites, everything depends, firstly, on a competently presented project: specificity of the request, validity, clarity of the result, emotional presentation, targeting. The more targeted the collection, the better. And secondly, to popularize your project’s page on the platform.

    Work with specific donors (individuals and legal entities)

    As already mentioned, donors are different. With their help, with appropriate negotiations, it is possible to cover any expenses of a charitable organization. It all depends on the fundraiser and the justification for the expenses.

    In fact, everything depends on several factors: the ability to reach a donor, the authority of a particular NGO, the quality of negotiations, getting into the motivation and clear reports. In relations with specific donors, only personal meetings work. Initially, you will have to get around many, but if trust has arisen between the donor and the representative of the organization, then this is the key to long-term relationships in the future.

    Private donation programs in companies

    Some companies are not ready to become partners of NPOs by investing own funds, but are ready to forward the NPO’s request to their employees. After negotiations, management notifies employees through its internal channels either about the ongoing promotion or about the opening of the opportunity to regularly donate by transferring a percentage of their salary through special accounting software. Reports on the activities of NPOs go to employees, again, through the company’s internal communication channels.

    This story is somewhat similar to the theme of working with private donors. In any case, both management and employees need to be interested. It happens that the company itself invests in this topic and, for example, doubles the funds raised by employees. It happens that the topic is left to chance. For beginner NGOs, perhaps, such fundraising is not very accessible because, in order for a serious company to want to take you on as a partner, authority and experience are very important.

    State autonomous institution Moscow cities
    "Institute of Additional Professional Education of Workers
    social sphere"
    Department of Theory and Technology of Social Work
    Module 2. "Administrative and organizational foundations of social work and
    social services for the population"
    "Fundraising technologies in the social system
    Materials for the lecture
    “Social work and development of organizations of the system social protection»
    Khukhlina Valentina Vladimirovna – candidate
    sociological sciences, associate professor of the department of theory and technology
    social work of State Autonomous Institution IDPO DTSZN of Moscow

    Introduction/Course Description

    The issue of attracting investment is comprehensive and significant
    for organizations of different departmental subordination.
    Fundraising is the activity of non-profit organizations that
    is based on its unique mission and strategy. It is effective and
    productive way to replenish the resources needed for
    implementation of social programs and achievements facing NPOs
    goals and strengthening the well-being of society as a whole.
    Fundraising is always associated with finding resources to solve a specific problem.
    Problems. This is a long-term relationship with people within the framework of Art. 28
    Interdepartmental interaction, No. 442 – Federal Law “On the fundamentals of social
    services to citizens in Russian Federation» from 28.12. 2013
    442-FZ, which entered into force, gives a clear indication that financial
    provision of social services can and should be
    carried out including through charitable contributions and

    Goals and results

    developing knowledge among students about the types and forms
    fundraising in the activities of various organizations
    departmental subordination when providing
    social services to the population
    be able to independently express, analyze,
    justify and apply in scientific and practical
    activities, your position on fundraising issues
    in the provision of social services to the population
    Skills developed
    Solving problems of recipients of social services based on
    regulations for interdepartmental interaction with
    using technologies, methods and types of fundraising Essence and characteristic features
    Fundraiser profession
    Fundraising technologies – NPO technologies
    Fundraising methods and mechanisms
    Regional features of fundraising
    Fundraising sources
    Participation of NPOs in the denationalization of social


    For specialists within the framework of the implementation of Federal Law No. 442
    “On the basics of social services
    citizens in the Russian Federation",
    Moscow City Law “On the Fundamentals
    social services for the city population
    professional standard
    additional attraction of extrabudgetary
    to organize work with
    recipients of social services in all
    forms of social services


    Fundraising for an organization - professional
    an activity that needs to be learned. This requires complete
    return of strength. Social sphere like no other
    needs more organization
    financing from extrabudgetary sources, in
    clearer and more professional organization
    attracting resources from sponsors and donors.
    Introduction and use of fundraising technologies
    will allow expanding financial and other resource
    capabilities of organizations and, as a consequence,
    improve the quality of social services provided,
    increase the efficiency of organizations.


    Interdepartmental cooperation is necessary for
    overcoming social problems such as poverty,
    social orphanhood, social exclusion from
    society, improving the quality of life of older people
    and people with disabilities.
    Fundraising is usually associated with finding funds for
    non-profit projects that, in principle, cannot
    be implemented commercially and when
    there is a shortage working capital on
    implementation of projects and programs - not creation
    fixed assets, but for activities.
    Thus, fundraising is social
    technology specific to the social sphere.

    Regulatory and legal activities of NPOs in the social sphere

    1.Universal Declaration of Human Rights. UN, 1948
    2. Declaration of Social Progress and Development, 1969
    3. International program action in the interests
    elderly people, 1995
    4. Federal Law No. 442 “On the fundamentals of social services”
    citizens in the Russian Federation" dated December 28, 2013.
    5. Roadmap" "Access support
    non-governmental organizations to provide
    services in the social sphere."
    6. Law of the Russian Federation dated April 5, 2010 No. 40-FZ “On introducing
    changes to certain legislative acts
    Russian Federation regarding support
    socially oriented non-profit

    10. The concept of fundraising

    Fundraising or fundraising (fund - funds,
    resources, rising - raising, ascent) is
    activities of a non-profit organization,
    based on its unique mission and
    using effective and efficient
    ways to obtain resources,
    necessary for the implementation of its programs and
    achieving its goals,
    providing the desired satisfaction
    donor (source of resources)
    having end result strengthening
    well-being of society as a whole

    11. The concept of fundraising

    Fundraising - specially organized
    donation process for
    non-profit and charitable
    organizations or to ensure social
    significant programs
    Fundraising is creativity because
    there are many projects, but money is always limited
    quantity, and the more original it will be
    asking for help, the higher the chances of this
    get help

    12. Basic concepts related to fundraising activities

    Resources – financial resources, information,
    specialists, equipment, materials and
    other material and intangible
    objects required for implementation
    project or activity
    Charity - voluntary
    selfless donation of physical and
    legal entities in the form of providing
    recipients of the minimum financial allowance,
    organizational and other charitable

    13. Basic concepts related to fundraising activities

    Patron – individual, providing
    material, financial,
    organizational and other charitable
    selfless voluntary assistance
    Sponsor - legal or natural person,
    exerting on voluntary and
    non-profit basis material
    supporting charitable activities in
    for the purpose of promoting exclusively its
    name (name), trademark

    14. Basic concepts related to fundraising activities

    15. Basic concepts related to fundraising activities

    Donor - legal or natural person,
    providing material, financial,
    organizational and other charitable assistance
    non-profit organizations on a voluntary basis
    selfless basis.
    Grant - a charitable contribution or donation,
    having a targeted nature, provided
    individuals and legal entities in monetary and
    natural forms.
    Non-profit (non-profit) project - complex
    planned events united by common
    objectives, the purpose of which is to achieve
    socially significant effect, not profit.

    16. How satisfied are you with fundraising in your organization?

    Rate how much you
    happy with how
    funds are raised in your
    (1 - not at all satisfied, 5 absolutely satisfied)

    17. Where does the information come from?

    From the survey
    in modern
    May 2014
    22 experts gave
    75 fundraisers and
    from 34 regions - online survey
    44 secondary sources

    18. Gratitude

    Branch of a non-profit organization
    "Evolution and Philanthropy" in the Russian
    RNO Center

    19. The ability to be grateful is the basis of fundraising

    20. What is fundraising?

    Fundraising means attracting
    funds (cash or in kind) for
    social goals
    Funds can be raised from various
    external sources:
    company funds
    private donations

    21. What is happening to the fundraising profession? Your opinion:

    1.Develops quickly
    2. Developing
    3. Stands still, stable
    4. Reduces, goes away

    22. Opinion of survey participants

    The profession of fundraiser in Russia is now...
    is developing – more than half think so
    4% - Rapidly developing
    62% Developing
    8% - Remains at the same level of development,
    same as a few years ago
    1% Does not develop, but “goes away”
    is declining

    23. What we observe - profession

    Bets appear - but from a fundraiser
    waiting for miracles
    People call themselves fundraisers
    “My mother learned this word” but only
    Preparations are growing - but not yet ideal
    There are sites - but not enough

    24. What to do about it?

    25. Introduction of technologies used by organizations of the non-profit sector into the activities of government and commercial structures

    Fundraising is understood as an increase in resources and
    activities to attract resources for
    non-profit projects;
    collecting donations for non-profit and
    charitable organizations or to provide
    socially significant events;
    methodology for finding sources of financing, i.e.
    unifying activities to attract and
    accumulation of external sources
    search and attraction of financial resources “for
    attraction of material, human, technical
    and temporary resources

    26. What is fashionable now in Russian fundraising?

    27. What is fashionable now in Russian fundraising?

    Crowdfunding-online social networks
    SMS mobile devices
    Charity events
    Creative, non-standard presentation
    Corporate volunteering
    TV charity
    Groups for collecting for a specific child on social networks
    Regular donations Private donations
    (Not) contradict the state, whatever that means
    "Presidential" grants
    Social entrepreneurship

    28. Fundraising methods and mechanisms

    What methods
    raising funds
    their mechanisms
    transfers active
    are used in your

    29. methods of raising funds

    and shares
    Website and
    social network

    30. mechanisms for transferring funds

    Personally in
    e money

    31. Fundraising methods

    Crowdfunding - raising funds using
    Internet, social networks, mobile communications.
    Telefundraising - an appeal to
    potential donors and benefactors by phone and
    by fax.
    Mail fundraising - appeal to
    to potential donors and benefactors by mail.
    Individual fundraising -
    personal appeal to donors and philanthropists in
    personal conversation.
    Solo fundraising - acquisition
    Events fundraising - collection
    funds for various events

    32. What to do about it?

    33. Who will be more successful: online or offline fundraisers?

    1. Onliners
    2. Offlaners
    3. Both
    4. Those who combine
    online and offline

    34. Who will be more successful: online or offline fundraisers?

    online fundraisers
    offline fundraisers
    and online

    35. Regional features of fundraising

    company headquarters, a lot of money,
    a lot of people, a lot of NGOs and competition
    there are many private donors, they are younger and
    love the Internet more
    getting to them is more difficult, there is little time

    36. Regional features of fundraising

    Non-capital regions:
    more time, less money
    the role of personality and connections
    the role of trust and reputation
    more offline
    better and easier access to people
    less competition

    37. What sources of funds are especially relevant in Russia now?

    1. Business
    2. State facilities
    3. Means
    4. Private
    5. Membership fees

    38. What sources of funds are especially relevant in Russia now?

    43% Funds from commercial companies
    42% Russian
    28% Funds
    non-state funds
    51% Private donations

    39. Social services

    Social services
    action or actions in the field
    social services
    to provide continuous, periodic,
    one-time assistance, including urgent
    citizen in order to improve conditions
    his life activity
    expanding its capabilities
    provide for your own
    basic life needs

    40. Government sources – growing

    more competitions, wider subject matter, more
    tightening conditions for participation
    excessive control over spending
    serious questions regarding the transparency of competitions
    high corruption component
    unknown and opaque organizations
    ideologization of state support

    41. Corporate sources

    Stable or growing
    Corporate volunteering, growing numbers and
    program quality
    More initiative with
    sides of companies, volumes of funds
    Small and medium-sized businesses participate more
    Corporate funds

    42. funds

    Same or reduced
    The share of Russians is growing, foreign -
    The variety of topics and competitions is growing
    Procedures are simplified (technically)
    submitting applications
    Compared to the "golden age" -
    less funds, less money
    Uneven coverage of regions

    43. Private donations

    The positive image of NPOs and development are important
    bank cards and electronic payments
    More donors, money, trust, consistency
    Online tools
    Major donors
    Targeted assistance in a critical situation –
    don't see many topics

    44. What to do about it?

    45. Do you think that the situation in Russian fundraising in general...

    1. Improves
    2. Stays the same
    3. Gets worse

    46. ​​Do you think that the situation in Russian fundraising in general...

    is improving
    (they said ¾
    getting worse
    as before

    47. What are we observing?

    Charity is developing
    Targeted assistance is popular
    Fundraising through television
    Private donations are actively developing
    Fraud under the guise of
    attracting private donations
    Fundraising is being “digitized”
    Fundraising through crowdfunding and aggregator sites

    48. What are we observing?

    charity and CSR
    Foreign donors are almost gone
    Local private foundations have almost failed to function as a fundraising source
    The role of the state as a source has increased
    financing NPOs
    Government efforts have intensified to
    regulation of the third sector, including
    through fundraising opportunities

    49. What are we observing?


    50. The Future of Fundraising

    51. The future of fundraising

    Systematicity and scale
    High competition
    Fraud and the fight against it
    The relevance of regional division
    Development of corporate fundraising
    Development of charity
    Expanding the topic of private donations
    The dominance of online technologies – or
    return to cash
    Development of mobile technologies
    From technology to a new level of communications

    52. How much should you trust trends?

    53. Parting words from Stephen King - catch the wind

    "The man who felt
    the wind of change,
    should build not a shield from the wind, but
    Online book “Trends in modern
    Russian fundraising"

    54. Fundraising practices

    55. Moscow Resource Center for the development and support of the volunteer movement “Mosvolonter” 02/24/2016

    The Mosvolonter resource center turned two
    of the year. During this time, the center opened 9 directions
    volunteering, implemented 60 large projects and trained
    more than 7300 volunteers
    On your birthday 02/24/2016 Resource Center
    “Movolonter” summed up the results of its work over two years.
    The center was created in 2014 with the support of the Department
    culture of the city of Moscow for popularization and development
    volunteering in the capital
    The center offers 9 areas of volunteering:
    sports, environmental, cultural, corporate,
    social, event,
    volunteering in the field of donation, media and public

    56. The Victoria Children's Charitable Foundation is starting a new course at the School of Host Families

    The Arbat School of Host Families works with
    2011 and is authorized
    organization of the Department of Social Protection
    population of Moscow
    Upon completion of training, candidates for
    adoptive parents receive a certificate of
    completion required for submission to
    guardianship authorities when preparing documents
    All alumni can continue to communicate with
    psychologists of the foundation: correspond,
    consult and receive the necessary
    psychological support

    57. Conclusion/Conclusions

    Thus, knowledge by specialists
    social work, social
    employees of the fundamentals of fundraising, methods
    attracting extrabudgetary funds
    ensures professional execution
    labor functions, promotes mobilization
    resources and social environment of citizens in
    eliminating the causes that worsen conditions
    vital activity of citizens, reducing their
    opportunities to independently provide
    your basic life needs,
    reduces the burden on the budgetary sector

    58. Self-test questions

    1. Expand the concepts of “fundraising”
    2. Name the main fundraising methods
    3. What fundraising methods are used?
    in your organization? Roadmap "Access Support
    non-governmental organizations to
    provision of services in the social sphere."
    Magazine "Strategy", issue 1 (15), March, 2014.
    Social work technology. Edited by
    E.I. Kholostovoy, L.I. Kononova. Tutorial for
    bachelors – M., 2012.
    Khukhlina V.V. Non-profit sector
    volunteering and volunteering in the system
    social services for the population.
    Methodological manual.-M., 2016.

    60. Information about the author of the course

    Khukhlina Valentina Vladimirovna–
    Candidate of Sociological Sciences, Associate Professor
    Department of Theory and Technology of Social
    work of State Autonomous Institution IDPO DTSZN of Moscow

    8 (495) 607 05 68