Gypsophila goes well. Perennial gypsophila: planting and care in open ground. Soil requirements and preparatory work

Good to know: Gypsophila blooms abundantly, but does not last long. By pruning you can get later flowering. You need to prune when the gypsophila has finished blooming, this will give additional flowering in the autumn.

Biological features

Open areas, lots of sun, good lighting - these are the favorite places for gypsophila. But it can also tolerate slight shading.

It is unpretentious and drought-resistant, so watering is moderate. If there is close proximity to groundwater or in a damp place, it dies. So the soil should be well drained, light and nutritious. Must contain lime.

Frost-resistant, but in winters with little snow it is better to cover it with straw.

Note: gypsophila can be grown as a perennial or annual crop. It depends on the species and the characteristics of its reproduction.

Known species and varieties

As an example, we will give perennial varieties, the most common and grown in summer cottages.

Gypsophila paniculata is grown everywhere. The species is considered the most famous. With grey-green leaves and delicate white and pinkish flowers reminiscent of small roses, it looks very attractive.

Flowering continues throughout the summer and the first month of autumn. Height can be different - from 30 cm to 120 cm. This is due to the care methods and feeding used. Good at cutting and arranging bouquets. Florists love it for its ability to create winter compositions. Planted singly and in groups. Looks great in flower beds and Moorish lawns.

Let's take a closer look at the perennial species of gypsophila:

    Creeping gypsophila is a low-growing form that is unpretentious for a reason; it feels good on rocky slopes. “Mountain plant” is another name for it. The short beauty is shrouded in a white and pink cloud surrounded by emerald-colored foliage. It can grow in one place for up to 4 years. It is used to decorate rocky hills and borders.

    Gypsophila isolar - caring for which brings many pleasant moments. This is a surprisingly attractive mountain crop with excellent properties for decorating a site. Low maintenance requirements, resistance to frost and dry periods, together with an unusual external appearance are the advantages of this plant. It blooms with tiny light flowers, and its height does not exceed 10-20 cm. A good solution for decorating a rocky surface and creating a landscape composition.

    Gypsophila paniculata - reaches 40-50 cm in height. The color of the leaves is bluish-green, the bush is branched. The inflorescences are small: the color can be different, most often pink. Blooms en masse starting in May. Used to decorate rocky places or walls. Gypsophila paniculata Snezhinka is a branched large variety (up to 90 cm). The flowers are double snow-white. Good in a bouquet.

    Pacific gypsophila is a spreading bush 80 cm long. The stems are highly branched, the foliage is gray-blue, lanceolate. The pale pink flowers are quite large. Representatives of this species, although perennial, are short-lived. It is necessary to replant every 3-4 years. IN winter time not hiding. Used in cutting and various types flower beds.

    Gypsophila paniculata Flamingo is a tall variety that reaches 120 cm. The stems are strongly branched in the upper part, forming a spherical openwork pattern. The leaves are small, narrow, basal, pubescent. The entire plant is greyish-green. The flowers are small, whitish-pink, their shape can be simple or double, the inflorescences are paniculate. Blooms in late summer. Flowers look good in summer and winter bouquets and do not lose their decorative value even when dried. Less often they are added for framing in bouquets in combination with other flowers. The variety Rosenschleier belongs to the gypsophila paniculata - it is a creeping form, no more than 40 cm, with pink, double flowers. Flowering lasts approximately 90 days.

Growing techniques and secrets

Care involves infrequent but periodic watering and rare but regular feeding. Gypsophila that has just begun to grow needs frequent watering (beautiful flowering will depend on this). It is better to pour water from the side (since the flowers are delicate), adding potassium fertilizers.

It is necessary to monitor the humidity of the area during flowering of the cachima, but in the fall watering should be limited. The area should be dry and well lit. The soil needs nutrition, but the humus content is low: 1-2%.

Before planting the plant, you can add humus to the soil. For rapid growth and development, the culture requires a temperature of 16-18 degrees. And to bloom, the crop needs long daylight hours.

When planting in one line, maintain a gap of 1.7 m between crops. After 2 years, one bush is replanted, which ensures more abundant flowering and flower quality. You can use the nesting method by planting several flowers in a circle. They will be better visible and look like a single unit. Tall bushes may need to be tied up.

After the plant fades, the stems are trimmed, not reaching the roots a few centimeters. The stem must be dry. Pruning can be done after the plant has finished flowering. For the winter, the crop is pruned again, only the strong stems remain uncut. Although the plant is frost-resistant, it is covered with spruce branches in case of winters with little snow.

Please note: This graceful plant It grows quite quickly, so you need to immediately decide on the distance to other plants. In addition, she does not always tolerate transplantation well, sometimes she even dies.


The plant self-sows. You can also plant seeds before winter in prepared special beds. Small plants sprout quite amicably, they are fed and thinned out.

1.5 months after sowing, the plant blooms. You can sow gypsophila throughout the summer. You can also germinate seeds in boxes, pick, thin out and plant.

Propagated by planting and young cuttings (shoots) until the plant blooms. Cuttings take root in the summer, and need to be planted in a place selected for the crop in the fall so that they can take root. Young shoots require special care and attention.

Gardener's recommendation: The earthen mixture for rooting cuttings should be loose, water- and breathable, with the addition of chalk. You can introduce heteroauxin (a natural growth stimulator). Long daylight hours and slight shading are also needed.

Accommodation in the garden

Rockeries (alpine slides), rock gardens, rocky slopes - these are places where culturelooksharmonious and beautiful.

In flower beds it looks good in combination with large-flowered plants. Looks good in made in different styles(mixed flower bed of elongated shape), ridges (long rectangular bed of flowers), borders.

Frames and highlights the beauty of other exquisite flowers. Fills empty spaces of faded plants.

The plant is also popular among florists: it is a material for fresh and dry bouquets and flower arrangements. .

And if you get the opportunity, don’t hesitate, plant gypsophila in your garden, and it will delight you with a fluffy cloud of flowers.

Watch the video in which an experienced gardener talks about planting, caring for and growing gypsophila from seeds:

Gypsophila repens- a species of the genus Gypsophila (Gipsolubka, Kachim), which is included in large family Cloves. The plant fully justifies its name by the presence of shoots creeping along the ground.

It forms dense bushes, no more than 15-20 cm high. The leaves have an oblong shape with a sharp tip.

The stem is dense, is highly branched. The flowers have 5 petals, tapering towards the top. The color can be white or pink. After flowering, a round capsule is formed - a polysperm.

Varieties and forms

U creeping gypsophila Garden forms are available.

(Gypsophylla rosea) - leaf blades are small, narrowed, dark green in color. The inflorescences are quite large, bright pink.

Gipsofilla pratens(Gypsophila meadow) - the height of the bushes is smaller than the others, does not exceed 15 cm. The inflorescences can be different shades of pink. At good care blooms twice per season - in early summer and autumn.

The most famous and beloved varieties are:

  • Montrosa - blooms in small snow-white inflorescences with long green stamens.
  • Pratensis - produces many mauve flowers.
  • RosaSchonheit - variety German origin. Forms bright pink inflorescences.
  • LetchworthRose - lanceolate, greenish-blue leaves. The flowers are soft pink with a darker center.
  • Mirage - very dense bushes, pink flowers. The flowering is very lush.


Creeping gypsophila refers to perennial plants, therefore it can be propagated not only by seeds, but also by vegetative methods. Moreover, terry hybrids are recommended to be planted only by cuttings or by grafting.

Sowing seeds

Seeds can be planted directly in the ground using temporary beds, or in seedling boxes. Growing seedlings at home begins in March.

Pour into the container light nutrient substrate, the seeds are placed spaciously, moistened and covered with glass or polyethylene film. The box is left in a well-lit place.

Into the ground seeds are placed no earlier than the second half of April. It is recommended to make a small bed with high sides, which can be easily covered with film or glass.

Greenhouse It is necessary to periodically open and ventilate to prevent the formation of mold and rot.

Creeping gypsophila seeds can be kept in constant moisture conditions.

Growing seedlings

After 8-13 days sprouts appear. After this, the glass and film must be removed. Outdoor beds can be covered at night if the weather is cool.

After education pairs of true leaves, seedlings are thinned out or transplanted. The distance between plants should be at least 14-17 cm.

Homemade seedlings artificially illuminated, since creeping gypsophila requires about 14 hours of bright light to normal development. Watering is carried out as needed, do not get carried away.

Choosing a permanent location

Very important step ! It should be pointed out Special attention, since gypsophila stays in one place for up to 20-25 years. A correctly selected site guarantees lush flowering and good growth.

Generally The unpretentious creeping Gypsophila is very demanding on lighting. It is vital for her to receive a large number of sun rays.

Therefore, the site for gypsophila should be illuminated from early morning until sunset. Shadow is not allowed!

Excess moisture it is unnecessary and even harmful. It needs to be planted in dry areas. Ideal soil should contain humus, have good drainage and breathability, and be slightly alkaline (PH 6.2-6.8).

The process of planting in open soil

Gypsophila repens grows strongly, so there should be a distance of at least 70 cm between plants in a row. Leave 120-130 cm between rows.

For each seedling prepare the hole in such a way as to completely bury the root collar. After a couple of years, the plantings will need to be thinned out, eliminating every second bush. This increases the decorativeness of plants and improves flowering. The dug up bushes can be transplanted to another place, having first cooled the roots.

Planting cuttings

Cuttings are prepared from young shoots before the formation of buds. For rooting, use boxes filled with a loose, light mixture of sand, vermiculite, humus, and garden soil.

To get alkaline reaction , add crushed chalk. For roots to form, heat of at least +22° and constant soil moisture are required.


Absolutely not onerous. Creeping gypsophila does not need frequent watering, as the roots are susceptible to rot. Watering is required only during periods of drought at the roots.

Top dressing

Not more 3 times per season, can be used mineral complexes and organics. Mullein infusion is used as organic fertilizer; fresh manure is strictly not recommended.

Preparing for winter

All shoots are pruned, 2-4 of the healthiest and strongest shoots should remain for the winter. They are covered with lutrasil, spruce branches or dry leaves to protect from freezing.


Creeping gypsophila Generally disease resistant. The most common problem is the development of rot due to high humidity and some fungal diseases.

Rust. When attacked by the fungus that causes this problem, bubbles begin to form on the leaves of the gypsophila brown color. They gradually increase in size and burst, releasing rusty powder. It contains fungal spores for reproduction.

Contact fungicidal agents are used against this problem - Oxychom, copper sulfate, Khom.

Gray and root rot. The stems and leaves begin to turn black, the plant withers due to decay of the tissues of the above-ground and underground parts. An unpleasant gray or brown coating may appear.

Severely affected The plants must be removed, and the diseased parts of the rest must be cut out. Treat the surviving flowers with fungicides. The most effective are Previkur, Abiga-Peak, Rovral, Topaz, Acrobat.

And for the curious, we suggest watching a video about creeping gypsophila

Gypsophila (gypsophila, kachim) belongs to the carnation family. In appearance, the plant has a prostrate-branched stem, many narrow-shaped basal leaves and an abundance of pink, white and whitish-green small star-shaped flowers. The inflorescences are simple and velvety.

Features of the plant:

  • prefers calcareous soils with good drainage;
  • has pomp and lightness;
  • preserves decorative properties in dried form;
  • grows in well-lit areas;
  • does not require serious care.

After the plant fades, in place of the flower a fruit is formed, similar to a single-locular multi-seeded capsule of a spherical or oval shape, inside which small round seeds are located.

Gypsophila belongs to the carnation family

In cultivation, gypsophila is unpretentious and is widely used in landscaping. Gypsophila paniculata L. is very popular among gardeners. A decorative flowering specimen can take the form of herbaceous shoots or subshrubs. The abundance of side shoots gives gypsophila a spherical shape, which is used as an addition or frame to a flower bed. A cut plant can decorate a bouquet made up of large and bright flowers, both fresh and dried.

The name of the shrub comes from its ability to grow on limestone. As garden plant choose annual or perennial gypsophila species. At the same time, perennial varieties are hardy and do not require special care.

To decorate the garden, gypsophila can be planted inside a green lawn. The airy haze of inflorescences can become an excellent background for spectacular roses, cannas, and irises, since some flowering crops do not suit a background of bright greenery. Low climbing varieties are used to highlight the landscape boundaries of a garden plot, to design a border, alpine slides or rockeries. Rocky surfaces and rocky slopes strewn with small flowers look beautiful.

Gallery: gypsophila (25 photos)

How to plant gypsophila (video)

Rules for composing compositions with other plants

. Experts advise adding “gentle clouds” to the following floral arrangements:

  • phlox;
  • liatris;
  • roses;
  • marigold;
  • lilies;
  • yarrow;
  • eschsolzia;
  • elymus (wheatgrass).

Gypsophila is an unpretentious plant that does not require special care skills; it will not only fill garden plot“airy clouds”, but will also fill it with an extraordinary aroma.

Gypsophila looks great not only as an independent ornamental plant, but also surrounded by colorful perennial crops

Description of types and varieties of gypsophila

In garden floriculture, there are more than a hundred types of gypsophila flowers, which can be grown as both annual and perennial herbaceous crops. As a rule, no more than 15 varieties are actively used.

Gypsophila wall

This species is common in European countries. Refers to annual plants. Forms a compact spreading shrub 30 cm high, rich in bright green linear leaves, with white or pale pink flowers. The duration of flowering can be increased by pruning the bush in mid-summer. In this case, it will bloom again. Low-growing shoots, collected into original bushes, are excellent for decorating walls. Looks great in hanging flower pots and in flower beds among a variety of flowering crops. Does well in conditions of regular watering and places partially protected from the sun.

Gypsophila wall

Gypsophila paniculata (paniculata)

A perennial plant with a spherical shape reaches 1 m in height and 1 m in diameter. The openwork is formed as a result of the branching of knotty stems and numerous small panicle inflorescences of a white or pink color palette, especially in the upper third of the bush. Pubescent elongated leaves are formed in its lower part. Depending on the variety, the inflorescences can be simple or double.

Paniculata reproduces in late April and blooms in July. Mature shrubs do not require shelter in conditions harsh winters, in contrast to young seedlings, which can be covered with spruce branches or wooden boxes.

Gypsophila paniculata includes several varieties:

  • Snowflake. Reaches 50 cm. Characterized by densely double flowers.
  • Flamingo. The flowering rose bush grows up to 120 cm.
  • White holiday. Compact plant with white flowers.
  • Pink holiday. Suitable for growing in flowerpots.

Gypsophila paniculata (paniculata)

Depending on the garden crop, the shape, color and size of the plant differ. The most used forms include:

  • Terry;
  • Bristol Fire;
  • Rosenschleier;
  • Pink Star;
  • Rosie Weir.

Paniculata is widely used by florists to decorate dry flower arrangements and bouquets of roses. To grow flower specimens in your own garden plot, it is recommended to provide good drainage to keep the soil dry.

Features of growing gypsophila (video)

Gypsophila terry

Perennial herbaceous plant with small flowers collected in an elegant inflorescence. Used to decorate a garden plot. It can grow in one place for a quarter of a century, while growing rapidly. Flowers bloom in June–July. Although the individual is frost-resistant, it is recommended to cover young seedlings for the winter.

The plant must be sown in April - May in open ground, and for a permanent garden plot, plant 2 - 3 pieces per square meter. When planting, you should choose well-lit places with dry, permeable soil.

Gypsophila terry

Gypsophila repens

A dwarf species of gypsophila that can grow on rocky surfaces. Due to this feature, the bush is often called a mountain plant. The stem with shoots creeping along the ground reaches only 20 cm in height and 50 cm in width. The plant has narrow, dark-colored leaves and a powerful horse system. White or pink flowers, less than 1 cm in diameter, begin to bloom in the first month of summer. Flowering continues until the end of July. The plant blooms for the second time in autumn. Looks beautiful on lawns and alpine slides.

Gypsophila rose is excellent as a ground cover plant for the foreground of a flower garden. Thanks to the formation of creeping shoots that form dense bushes, a flower cushion 15 cm high is formed.

Gypsophila repens

Gypsophila graceful

An annual crop up to half a meter high, it is most often used in flower decoration. It is characterized by a spherical branching structure, especially in the upper part of the plant. The narrow leaves are covered with a waxy coating and are located on smooth stems. Small flowers are connected in corymbose inflorescences, which appear in June - July and fade after 4 weeks. In order to artificially extend the flowering period, it is necessary to sow seeds at intervals of 2 - 3 weeks.

Graceful gypsophila is divided into several decorative varieties:

  • Monarch;
  • Covent – ​​Gzrden;
  • Elegance.

The advantage of this variety is cold resistance and drought resistance. For planting, it is recommended to choose light sandy loam, calcareous, non-acidic fertile soil.

Gypsophila graceful

Gypsophila splinter-shaped

A mountain species native to the Himalayas. Forms 10 cm air cushions. It blooms in late spring with lilac or white flowers with pinkish veins. Unfortunately, the beauty of a blooming crop can be enjoyed infrequently, since it blooms for periods every few years. Prefers to grow on slopes away from the sun.

Gypsophila splinter-shaped

Gypsophila pacific

The homeland of the herbaceous perennial is the steppe slopes of the southern part Far East. At the end of summer, numerous large pale pink flowers appear, collected in spreading paniculate inflorescences, on branched stems with gray-blue foliage.

It is preferable to plant the plant in loose soil without groundwater. During flowering it looks like a translucent pink cloud. Looks impressive both in the flower garden and as a bouquet cut.

Gypsophila perennial is a herbaceous plant of the Clove family. Many varieties grow on limestone soils. There are more than 100 species of gypsophila that fit well into landscape design summer cottage plot. The bushes have low, medium and high stems. The plant is suitable for cutting and use in making bouquet arrangements.

The perennial snowflake gypsophila flower has:

  • rhizomes – powerful, branched;
  • stem - creeping or erect (stem length in simple varieties is 20-50 cm, in semi-shrub varieties - 1-2 m);
  • leaves – small, rounded, elongated or lanceolate;
  • inflorescences – loose paniculate or openwork (include white or light green flowers, some types of gypsophila have pink flowers);
  • fruits are oval or spherical, contain several seeds located in one nest (seed germination is not lost for 2-3 years).

Popular varieties

The following plant varieties are used in garden floriculture:

  1. Gypsophila paniculata. This is a perennial crop, the height of the above-ground part is 50-120 cm. The branched stem is pubescent with elongated leaves grey-green color. Light flowers form simple or double paniculate inflorescences.
  2. Gypsophila creeping pink. The ornamental plant crop is distinguished by its low bush height. The creeping stem is decorated with small white or pink flowers, forming a paniculate inflorescence.
  3. Gypsophila terry. This category includes all species that have double flowers that form large, beautiful inflorescences.
  4. Gypsophila graceful. The ground part of the plant is spherical in shape. Stem height is 40-50 cm. Branched shoots are crowned with small lanceolate leaves. Pink, red or white flowers are collected in lacy paniculate inflorescences. Flowering is abundant and short-term.
  5. Gypsophila splinter-shaped. An unpretentious perennial flower crop that has an attractive appearance, resistance to negative temperatures and prolonged absence of moisture. Small white or pinkish flowers form rounded inflorescences. Stem height – 10-20 cm.
  6. Gypsophila snowflake. The plant can live for 20-25 years without replanting. Little ones snow-white flowers completely cover the bush, which has a spherical shape.
  7. Let's download the Pacific. This perennial bush plant, 50-100 cm tall, is covered with bluish-green leaves and large pale pink flowers.

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How to choose soil and location

When the seedlings have 1-2 leaves, they are transplanted into open ground. Perennial crops growing in one area long years Therefore, the choice of soil is taken responsibly. The plant is placed in an open area with sufficient lighting. The soil should contain a small amount of lime and humus. If the soil is devoid of lime, the substance is added in an amount of 25 g per 1 m². The hydrogen index of the soil is adjusted to 6.5-6.7.

It is important to know: creeping gypsophila does not tolerate high humidity, so it is not planted in places where groundwater is located on the surface.

Description of the process of planting gypsophila seeds

Gypsophila lovers grow from seeds as follows:

  • In early spring, seeds are sown in seedling boxes, placed at a depth of 1 cm. The crops are protected with a glass cap. Seedlings require heat, artificial or natural light to grow.
  • After the emergence of seedlings, the gaps between plants are increased to 15 cm. This is done by thinning or planting in separate peat pots.
  • Subsequent plant growth is stimulated by additional lighting. Gypsophila seedlings need a 14-hour daylight hours, which can be provided in the first month of spring. in a natural way impossible.

Plant propagation: how to cut perennial gypsophila

The method is used when breeding terry plant species. Material for planting is created from young shoots before the inflorescences appear. This is done in mid-spring. You can take cuttings after the flowering season is over - at the end of summer. Rooting requires loose soil containing a small amount of limestone. The cutting is deepened into the soil by 3 cm. A temperature of 20-22°C is required for the formation of the root system.

It is important to know: cuttings need 12 hours of light and 100% air humidity. For this purpose, a greenhouse is collected. The seedlings are transferred to open ground so that they take root before the first frost.

Features of caring for perennial gypsophila

When growing a plant, consider the following points:

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Rules for watering a flower cloud

On hot days, flower crops are watered frequently and abundantly. Gypsophila does not grow in dry conditions, so monitor soil moisture. Newly planted bushes especially need regular watering. However, water retention in the soil also becomes dangerous for the plant. High humidity leads to rotting of the roots and the appearance of fungal diseases, due to which gypsophila dies. To eliminate excess fluid in top layer soil, high-quality soil dryers are used.

Fertilizing and soil care

Fertilizers are introduced into the soil 2 times a year. If the plant has enough sunlight, additional feeding is not required. The soil is fertilized with minerals and organic substances. Mullein infusion is useful in caring for gypsophila. Fresh manure is not used to fertilize the soil when growing these crops. It completely destroys root system. Excess fertilizer has the same effect. In winter, the soil is covered with humus or peat.

Gypsophila and landscape design: how to choose neighbors for small flowers

Graceful gypsophila combines with brightly flowering crops. Combinations of the plant with other perennial bushes visually increase the area personal plot, create a unique landscape. The combination of garden gypsophila with plants that have large flowers looks especially beautiful. The best plant companions will be marigolds, eschscholzia, liatris and phlox. The combination with elymus (wheatgrass) also looks impressive.
