Temporary crowns, materials, manufacturing methods. To make temporary provisional crowns, polymer materials are used: acrylates, polycarbonates, composites. General sequence of clinical and laboratory stages of manufacturing artificial crowns

Temporary crowns - necessary measure during prosthetics. Due to the technological complexity, the production of a permanent crown takes a certain period of time. Until the crown is completely ready, the patient will be offered a temporary prosthesis. He performs important functions: protects teeth from displacement after grinding, protects the prepared tooth from bacteria, prevents the appearance pain and masks the defect so that it is not visible when smiling and talking.

Making a temporary crown

There are two main methods for making temporary crowns, which differ depending on the materials used and the design idea.

Direct method

The direct method of making a temporary crown requires a minimum visit to the doctor. According to this method The temporary crown is made directly in the patient's doctor's office. As you know, before starting prosthetics, the doctor needs to take an impression of the teeth. For this purpose, special softened silicone is used; when hardened, it retains its shape and displays the features of the jaw. The impression will be useful for installing a temporary crown.

After making the impression, the specialist begins grinding the tooth. The doctor then takes the impression and places the material chosen to create the temporary crown. Most often this is a special plastic. A cast is placed on the tooth stump formed after grinding. When the specialist takes an impression, the temporary crown that has taken the required form, remains in the tooth. In order for such a crown to fulfill its functional and aesthetic purpose, the doctor carefully grinds it down, polishes it and grinds it. As a result, the patient gains a comfortable, familiar bite.

Take part in the treatment!

FDC has 5 superior rooms. For convenience, radiovisiographs are installed in each office, making it possible to conduct X-ray diagnostics and control treatment without leaving the office.

Special monitors are installed in front of the patient’s chair to allow participation in the course of treatment.

In the photo: superior office of the French Dental Clinic

Articles on the topic

Which crowns are better?

Dental prosthetics is the most popular way to correct dental defects. Among patients, metal-ceramic and zirconium crowns, which meet all the requirements of convenience, reliability and aesthetics.

Service life of a metal-ceramic crown

Thanks to affordable price metal ceramic crowns are in great demand. They are durable and quite aesthetic, and with proper care their service life will be as long as possible.

Contraindications for dental prosthetics

Before undergoing dental prosthetics, familiarize yourself with the available contraindications. Sometimes, to install crowns or dentures, it is necessary to dental training oral cavity and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Temporary removable dentures

Temporary removable dentures are still actively used in dentistry. They are divided into several groups and are used when it is impossible to use fixed prosthetics.

Composite Tabs

Composite inlays are made from high-quality filling material. Their cost is acceptable for many patients. Unlike fillings, which quickly stain, wear out and fall out, a composite inlay is much more durable and comfortable.

We place zirconium dioxide crowns

New dental methods Prosthetics greatly facilitate the dentist’s work and improve the patient’s quality of life. One of best options solutions to aesthetic problems are zirconium crowns.

Nylon prosthetics - a new word in prosthetics

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Jaw in a glass? Forget it!

Removable prosthetics is an outdated and unpromising method of correcting dental defects. Metal-ceramic and metal-free ceramic crowns offer endless possibilities for dental excellence.

Ceramic crowns

Metal-free ceramic crowns allow you to achieve highly aesthetic prosthetics. Unlike metal-ceramics, they are no different from natural teeth, although they are considered less durable.


Adhesive bridge prosthetics using French technologies using modern European materials. You will not feel pain and will not notice how the installation of the prosthesis has been completed.

Removable dentures

Removable dentures- These are dentures that can be removed temporarily (usually at night). As a rule, they require special care, without which they begin to ooze bad smell, change color, which negatively affects their aesthetic properties.

Zirconium abutments

Zirconium abutments are in great demand in modern dentistry. The use of zirconium dioxide for the production of structures that are used in dental prosthetics solves many problems, including aesthetic ones.

Temporary cement for fixing crowns

Temporary crown luting cement is used to place a temporary crown if an unexpected reaction may occur from a living tooth. The dentist is able to adjust the final properties of the permanent prosthesis, taking into account the peculiarities of the patient’s adaptation to the temporary dental structure.

Temporary crowns for front teeth

Temporary crowns on the front teeth are actively used in prosthetics. Making a prosthesis can take more than one week, and during this time patients cannot walk around with unsightly ground teeth. Temporary structures preserve the aesthetics of teeth and allow you to feel comfortable during the intermediate stage of prosthetics.

Temporary crown for implant

A temporary crown is installed on the implant immediately after implantation of the artificial root. And this helps the gums take the desired shape, form a beautiful relief, restore the chewing load and increase the patient’s comfort during communication.

Plastic for making temporary crowns

Plastic for the manufacture of temporary crowns is used in the intermediate period of prosthetics, when the patient is waiting for permanent crowns and bridges. The materials used can be of either low or high quality. The better the temporary plastic crown, the more comfortable it will be for the patient to get used to permanent artificial teeth.

Installation of ataments in dentistry

The installation of abutments in dentistry is most often carried out after the artificial root has fused with bone tissue patient. After screwing in the abutment and final healing of the tissues, you can begin the final stage of prosthetics.

Locking fastening of clasp and bridge prostheses

The locking fastening of clasp and bridge prostheses reliably fixes prosthetic structures, removes excess load from the teeth and ensures stable aesthetics of the smile. Today, dentists have the opportunity to select individual micro-locks that are suitable for each specific clinical case.

What types of dental injuries are there?

Even the most calm people Those living a measured life run the risk of getting bruised or wounded. We need to talk separately about children - their love of movement and restlessness are often the cause of various types of damage. Moreover, not only children’s knees are injured; teeth are often the object of impact. Dental injuries will be discussed below.

Pathology of hard dental tissues in orthopedics

According to the principle of the origin of the pathology, they are divided into lesions of carious and non-carious origin, including both congenital and acquired phenomena. Dental caries is a disease that appears on the teeth after their eruption, and is expressed in demineralization, softening of dental tissue and the subsequent formation of a defect, expressed in the form of a pathological cavity.

The process of prosthetics can be quite lengthy. It consists of several visits and the production of several dental structures. To make the patient feel comfortable during the manufacturing process, the doctor installs temporary crowns.

What it is

Temporary crowns are orthopedic structures that are placed on the teeth for the period of treatment before fixing the permanent ones. There are several reasons for installing temporary structures:

  1. Protect the ground tooth tissue from the environment;
  2. Provide patient comfort. Crowns are not highly aesthetic, but provide good view teeth while smiling and talking, allow you to eat food;
  3. Do not allow soft tissues gums grow.

The advantages of such crowns are:

  • Reducing pain sensitivity of teeth;
  • Protection against microorganisms;
  • Checking teeth for nerve inflammation;
  • Fixation of teeth and prevention of displacement;
  • Restoring dental function;
  • Acceleration of adaptation to new crowns;
  • Good aesthetics;
  • Sufficient strength.


Plastic and composite dental materials are used to make such crowns. It is these materials that have the optimal necessary properties and allow patients not to overpay for using the structure for a short period of time.

But if the patient wishes, the structures can be made from any materials: ceramics, metal ceramics, zirconium dioxide. Plastic crowns are quite durable, aesthetically pleasing and inexpensive. But the reasons for their use for a short period of time are:

  1. Color change. Over time, the porous structure of the plastic becomes saturated food coloring and pigments, the crowns darken and become unsightly;
  2. With prolonged use, plastic cannot withstand chewing pressure and can chip, break, or fall out;
  3. The occurrence of dental plaque due to the penetration of microorganisms into the porous surface of the material;
  4. Short service life;
  5. Allergy to plastic.

The second commonly used material for temporary crowns is composite (acrylic and its derivatives). The structures are made directly in the patient’s mouth. They have similar properties to composite fillings:

  • Durable enough;
  • Aesthetic;
  • Biocompatible;
  • Quickly harden under the influence of an ultraviolet lamp;
  • Non-toxic;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • May chip under excessive pressure.


Temporary crowns are made in two ways: direct (in the dentist’s office) or indirect (in a dental laboratory). There are ready-made standard plastic crowns that are simply fixed to the teeth. Composite temporary structures are made in the clinic during one visit to the doctor.

Composites are placed mainly on the front teeth, since it is in this area that it is required increased aesthetics. With the direct method, impressions are taken of the teeth and then the tooth is prepared and prepared for a permanent crown. The finished impression is filled with special material and placed on the teeth.

After taking the impression, a hardened plastic structure remains on the teeth. Grinding is carried out with a frieze and excess material is removed, the crowns are polished with special heads. The finished crowns are fixed with adhesive cement. Temporary crowns are made in this way within one to two hours, depending on the quantity.

At indirect method The doctor prepares the teeth, takes silicone impressions of both jaws and hands them over to the dental technician. In the laboratory, jaw models are cast and temporary structures are made.

The dentist attaches the finished crowns to the teeth. With this method, the design is more durable and precisely matches all the individual characteristics of the teeth and gums. With the indirect method, you need to visit the dentist twice in 1-2 days.


The installation of temporary crowns will depend on the manufacturing method. With the direct method, the finished structures are immediately fixed to the teeth, with the indirect method - at the next visit. For this purpose it is carried out antiseptic treatment crowns and teeth, insulating the working field from moisture, preparing dental cement. The finished material is added to the crowns, and the crowns are firmly put on the teeth with force and held in place for 5-10 minutes. Then they remove cement residues and give recommendations.

How long can you wear

Temporary crowns are worn while permanent structures are being made. This may take 5 to 15 business days on average. But during treatment, in each individual situation, the doctor stipulates the approximate treatment time.

Temporary structures can be used for several months, but over time, minor complications may arise in the form of chips, breakages, and discoloration. The design allows the body to adapt to foreign body in the mouth and after the installation of permanent crowns, patients practically do not need to get used to it and can immediately lead their usual lifestyle.

Question answer

The crown fell out: what to do

Losing a temporary crown is a minor complication during treatment. Plastic crowns are not very durable and can fall out if chewing pressure is too much. Complications can also occur when the fixing cement dissolves. If such a situation arises, you must contact your attending orthopedist and re-fix the crown.

Before this, it is recommended to rinse the structure in water and place it in a container or box in which it will not be subject to deformation. If after 1-2 days an appointment is made to fix permanent structures, then an urgent visit to the doctor can be postponed, since in a few days the temporary crown will need to be replaced with a permanent one.

How much does a temporary crown cost?

The cost of temporary structures will depend on the manufacturing method. With the direct method, crowns will be cheaper, since they only require the work of a doctor and the cost of special materials. But the quality will be slightly worse than those made in a dental laboratory.

With the indirect method, crowns will be slightly more expensive, as they require the work of a dentist and a dental technician. On average, the cost of a temporary crown will be from 600 to 1000 rubles. Also, the cost depends on the type dental material, the prestige of the clinic, the professionalism of the doctor and dental technician.

How long can you not eat

After visiting the dentist, excessively cold or hot foods are not recommended. When using plastic crowns, it is not recommended to consume food products that can cause discoloration of teeth (red wine, fresh berries, juices).

To provide quality dental services in a clinical setting, it is necessary to carefully select the material for the manufacture of temporary crowns, bridges, and other orthopedic structures. The demand for such materials is due to their versatility - they are used to create a variety of dental temporary structures. for various purposes, which are characterized by:

  • Compatibility with dental tissues
  • Low solubility
  • High density
  • Tight edge seal
  • Availability wide range shades

Why are temporary dental restorations needed?

The main function of temporary bridges and crowns is to protect prepared teeth from sudden temperature influences, as well as from the influence of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, temporary dental structures will help the patient get rid of the feeling of physical discomfort while eating food, as well as the feeling of moral discomfort due to the unattractive appearance of ground teeth.

Temporary crowns can be used for both natural teeth and implants. Making temporary crowns for implants takes no more than 3-4 days; they are made from special materials, including durable plastic.

Methods for making temporary dental structures

IN dental practice The following methods for making temporary crowns are used:

  • Manufacturing of crowns and bridges from plastic in laboratory conditions.
  • Method of direct formation in oral cavity patient from a block of self-hardening plastic.
  • A method for repositioning standard plastic products in the oral cavity.
  • A method of directly forming a temporary structure using a celluloid coping.
  • A method of forming a temporary structure in a previously prepared impression.

Each of the mentioned methods has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Plastic for the manufacture of temporary dental structures

Making temporary crowns from plastic is very popular, since plastic is not only one of the most affordable materials, but also a material that, if properly used, can last for several years. However, often the period of use of plastic crowns and bridges ranges from several weeks to several months - while the specialist is busy making permanent dentures.

Most often, the production of temporary plastic crowns is carried out by experienced specialists in dental laboratories. The plastic used for temporary structures must be of high quality, which will ensure the creation of a temporary denture that perfectly follows the shape of its permanent counterpart.

You can purchase high-quality materials for the manufacture of temporary crowns and bridges at the best price in the Dentlman online store.

To protect prepared teeth during orthopedic treatment partial defects crowns and partial edentia, temporary (provisional) crowns are widely used. There are several methods used to make temporary crowns such as - laboratory method production of plastic crowns, direct method by forming in the oral cavity from a block of self-hardening plastic, method of relining standard plastic crowns in the oral cavity, direct method of forming a temporary crown using a celluloid cap, method of forming a temporary crown in a previously obtained impression. Each of these methods has advantages and disadvantages.

The choice of method for making temporary crowns depends on the clinical situation, as well as on the equipment of the clinic, the organization in it healing process and the qualifications of an orthopedic dentist. The requirements for the quality of temporary crowns have also increased. The manufacturing method must ensure the possibility of obtaining customized temporary crowns anatomical shape, in which interdental contact points, the severity of the equator, and correspondence to the cervical shoulder of the stump of the prepared tooth are especially important. The method of obtaining temporary crowns in a previously obtained impression meets these requirements. The essence of the method is to duplicate the shape of the crown of the tooth, which is planned to be prepared for an artificial crown, using an impression that is taken from it before preparation and is used as a mold for the structural polymer material after tooth preparation; the inner surface of the crown is formed by the stump of the prepared tooth itself. The technique was simplified and made cheaper by using the thermoplastic impression material Luxa-Form® from DMG (Germany), intended for obtaining small partial impressions for the manufacture of temporary crowns. It is rational to use full impressions made of silicone material in the manufacture of only bridges or long-term aligners. Luxa-Form® thermoplastic material is available in small, easy-to-use discs.

This material softens in water at a temperature of 70°C for 1 minute; after cooling in the oral cavity, it quickly becomes hard. LuxaForm® is preferably combined with Luxa-temp® bis-acrylic temporary crown composite from the same manufacturer, since bis-acrylic materials do not heat up during polymerization and do not soften the thermoplastic impression material. According to the literature, Luxa-temp® material demonstrates higher flexural strength and elastic modulus compared to other materials for the manufacture of temporary crowns. Before using thermoplastic impression material to obtain temporary crowns, the tooth for which it is planned to make a temporary crown must be restored with filling material, paying particular attention to Special attention restoration of interdental contact points, expression of the equator and normalization of the occlusal surface. Since wax-up of these formations on a plaster cast is not suitable for the material, the wax-up areas may change their configuration due to the temperature of the thermoplastic impression material when attempting to make an impression from the plaster cast. In addition, the use of the preliminary wax modeling technique when obtaining single crowns unreasonably complicates the work due to the need to take impressions twice and make a plaster model.

Method of application

The method of using thermoplastic material is quite simple and is as follows.

Preparation(Fig. 2-3). Softening a plate of thermoplastic material in water at a temperature of 70°C for 1 minute. It should be taken into account that one plate is designed to produce one temporary crown. If you need to make two adjacent crowns, you should use two plates.

Partial impression(Fig. 4). The softened plate is placed on the tooth that is planned to be prepared and lung help finger pressure presses the thermoplastic material against the teeth and marginal gingival margin. The doctor must hold his fingers without moving them until the material hardens. The process of softening and hardening of the LuxaForm® material is easy to control visually - when softened at a temperature of 70 ° C, it becomes transparent, and when cooled in the oral cavity, it hardens and turns blue again. When taking an impression from two teeth, a second softened plate of material is applied after the first has hardened, partially overlapping it, and the material bonds quite well. After the material has cured, the impression can be removed from the mouth. When obtaining a partial impression of thermoplastic material, it is necessary to provide conditions for its positioning in the oral cavity after preparation of the tooth or teeth. This is achieved by the fact that the impression covers three teeth - in addition to the tooth being restored, there are also two adjacent ones.

In cases where there are no teeth next to the tooth being restored, the impression should cover part of the ridge alveolar process on one or both sides. These anatomical structures will serve as a guide when re-applying an impression with a polymer material. Before preparing the tooth, the color of the future temporary crown is determined, since the Luxatemp® material is available in a standard range of colors.

Tooth preparation(Fig. 5) is performed under the crown traditional way without any specific amendments taking into account the material used for temporary structures.

Molding. Before starting the procedure for molding an artificial temporary crown in the oral cavity using an impression, it is necessary to treat the stump of the prepared tooth with any desensitizer in order to seal the dentinal tubules to protect the dental pulp. It is better to start by trying on the impression, and if it is difficult to insert it, it is necessary to adjust it. The stump of the prepared tooth and the gingival margin are treated with Vaseline for isolation. The impression in the area of ​​the tooth to be restored is filled with Luxatemp® composite material in accordance with the selected color. To avoid pores in the temporary crown, the tip of the mixer is placed near the impression of the occlusal surface and, gradually squeezing out the composite material, fills the space in the impression, and then the mixer cannula is removed (Fig. 6-9). No later than 45 seconds later, the impression with the composite material is inserted into place, providing finger pressure on it to squeeze out excess composite material (Fig. 10). The polymerization process of Luxatemp® material can be monitored by probing the released excess. The impression with the crown must be removed before complete polymerization, when the composite still retains elasticity - this is the time interval between the second and third minutes after mixing the material. With this method, the composite gets into the undercuts on the proximal sides of the tooth, formed by the equators of adjacent teeth, so when the composite is completely cured, it will be difficult to remove the temporary crown. After removal from the oral cavity, the temporary crown is separated from the thermoplastic mass and after about 4 minutes it is processed with cutters, removing excess composite material. When processing the crown, you should be careful about the interdental contact points and the equator area; you should not shorten the crown too much. It is important that the cervical area of ​​the temporary crown exactly corresponds to the shoulder of the tooth stump, and that part of the crown that sinks under the free gum must be well polished to form a gingival margin of the correct shape around it during the healing process (Fig. 11-14).

Fitting. The need for the stage of fitting a temporary crown is due to the possibility of its deformation when removed from the prosthetic bed after molding, in the process of moving the composite material located in the undercuts through the equator zone of adjacent teeth, as well as as a result of polymerization shrinkage. During the fitting process, the supercontacts are ground off from the inner surface of the temporary crown. If the temporary crown does not fit accurately to the ledge of the tooth stump, it is relined with the same material. Finishing processing. Temporary crowns made of Luxatemp® bis-acrylic composite material can be processed in the usual way - grinding and polishing. As alternative way For finishing treatment, they are offered to be coated with light-curing varnish Luxatemp-Glaze&Bond® (DMG). This one-component varnish, consisting of multifunctional methacrylates, adheres well to Luxatemp®.

Temporary fixation(Fig. 15). Considering that when fixing temporary crowns made using this method, a minimum gap is formed between the surface of the prepared tooth and inner surface crowns, it is enough to place the fixing material only in the cervical area. Depending on the planned material, permanent fixation was used different types Temporary luting materials - Tempo-Cem® (DMG) (zinc oxide/eugenol cement) or TempoCemNE® (DMG) (zinc oxide eugenol-free cement).


Thermoplastic impression material LuxaForm® (DMG, Germany) makes it possible to simplify and reduce the cost of making temporary crowns. The use of modern high-quality materials in the manufacture of temporary crowns in a previously obtained impression ensures their compliance with existing quality standards.

Moscow, st. Mishina, 38.
m. Dynamo. Get out of the 1st car from the center, exit the metro, and in front of you is the Dynamo stadium. Go left until the traffic light. Go along the pedestrian crossing to the opposite side of Teatralnaya Alley and walk a little forward. There is a stop on the opposite side. Take bus number 319. Go 2 stops to "Yunnatov street". Go to the opposite side of the street. To your left is the porch - the entrance to the EspaDent clinic. You're at the place!

Moscow, st. Academician Anokhin, 60
Get out of the first car from the center towards "Akademika Anokhin Street". From the glass doors to the right. Along the forest (on the right hand) along the path for about 250m. to st. Academician Anokhin. Cross to the opposite side of the street and go right, about 250m, to house No. 60. There is a penultimate entrance to the house, a sign “Teeth in 1 day.” You're at the place!

Get out of the metro at the station. Savelovskaya (first carriage from the center). Walk to the end of the underground passage and exit the metro towards Sushchevsky Val street. You walk past the restaurant "Uncle Kolya". Pass under the overpass, then follow the underground passage to the opposite side of the street. Novoslobodskaya. Continue walking along Novoslobodskaya Street for about 200m, past the Elektrika store. On the ground floor of building No. 67/69, the restaurant “Tavern” is located. Turn right, in front of you is a sign “Teeth in 1 day”, go up to the second floor. You're at the place!

Moscow, st. Novoslobodskaya, 67/69
Get out of the metro at the station. Mendeleevskaya (the first carriage from the center). Exit the metro towards the street. Lesnaya. Walk along the street. Novoslobodskaya from the center towards the street. Lesnaya. Cross the streets: Lesnaya, Gorlov tup., Poryadkovy lane. Get to the intersection of the street. Novoslobodskaya from Uglovoy lane. Cross the alley, in front of you is a building, on the facade there is a sign “Teeth in 1 day”. You're at the place!

Moscow, st. Academician Koroleva, 10
You can get there from the metro in 15 minutes. 4 minutes to the tram, 5 minutes by tram and 3 minutes to the clinic. 1st car from the center. Get out of the metro, go to the tram stop and 4 stops on any tram to Ostankino. Get out and return along the park to the road, cross and turn left 80m and you will see a sign on the facade "Center Surgical Dentistry". You're at the place!

Moscow, From the monorail station. st. Academician Queen
Exit the station and follow the street. Academician Korolev (by left hand), go through the Megasphere store to the intersection with the road. Turn right and walk past the forest park to house number 10. On the facade there is a sign "Center for Surgical Dentistry". You're at the place!

dental clinic"Mirodent" - Odintsovo, st. Youth house 48.
From Art. Odintsovo buses No. 1, 36 or minibus No. 102, 11, 77 - 2 stops to the "Tower" stop. From metro station Victory Park: bus No. 339 to the “Tower” stop. The clinic is located on the 2nd floor of the business center.
