If you have big ears. For every day at home. Complications of surgery

The normal distance from the ears to the skull is no more than 30⁰. If it is larger, then you fall into the category of people whose ears stick out. About 50% of the population of our planet is familiar with this problem firsthand, but this defect can cause a minimum of discomfort if it is not too noticeable. When the ears protrude very much, and it cannot be hidden or disguised, complexes appear and the problem must be eliminated.

Many people wonder whether protruding ears are inherited? It has been scientifically proven that this defect may be genetic or appear as a result of an intrauterine disorder in the development of the ears. At the same time, it is not necessary that the mother or father have protruding ears; you can even get such a “legacy” from distant relatives. It is for this reason that the defect occurs in almost half of the planet's inhabitants.

Degrees of Deviation

Prominent ears in children, the causes of which may be related to genetics or abnormal development inside the womb, are divided into 3 degrees:

  1. An angle of 31 to 45⁰ is formed between the ear and the skull.
  2. An angle of 46 to 90⁰ is formed between the ear and the skull.
  3. An angle of more than 91⁰ is formed between the ear and the skull.

Most often, both ears protrude almost equally, but it also happens that one of them fits more to the head, and the other less. In this case, the problem is especially noticeable.

When to start correction

The aesthetic defect is visible to the naked eye from the very birth of the child. The sooner you start working on eliminating it, the greater the chance of getting the desired result. Before correcting protruding ears in an infant, you need to consult an otolaryngologist. The doctor must confirm that the baby does not have hearing problems, infections or other diseases that may worsen during the correction.

Special ear pads are the most effective and painless way to eliminate protruding ears. They are made of silicone and must be worn constantly. The material is hypoallergenic and very elastic, so it does not cause any harm to the baby. discomfort, but fixes the ears in correct position and helps correct the defect.

You need to wear such pads until the child turns 6 months old - in the first six months the cartilage is the most flexible, and therefore can be easily corrected.

Important! Some parents use medical tape or double-sided tape to glue the ears to the head, but this is extremely dangerous. These materials cause irritation to the baby's delicate skin, so it is better not to use them.

Tight-fitting scarves and hats should also not be put on the baby - this will cause him discomfort and may even negatively affect the development of hearing.

Elimination of the defect after six months

If you did not pay due attention to your baby’s problem in time, then after six months it will be quite difficult to eliminate it without surgery. Before correcting protruding ears in a child, you need to realistically assess the degree of deformation. If the ears do not protrude very much, then you can choose a suitable hairstyle; in some cases, the hair hides the defect very well.

You can also purchase special correctors that can be used to “glue” your ears to your head. They are made of silicone, hypoallergenic glue is applied to them, so the child will not feel irritation or discomfort.

Advantages of silicone correctors:

  • health safety;
  • invisibility to others, small transparent plates are not visible behind the ears;
  • effectiveness - the result is noticeable immediately after fixing;
  • comfortable to wear – with correctors you can swim in artificial and natural reservoirs, one pair is enough for 7 days.

However, this method will only mask the problem or correct it to a minor extent.

Correction of ear cartilage is possible up to 6-7 years, while they are still forming; after this age, conservative methods of eliminating the defect are completely ineffective.

There is only one reliable way to eliminate the problem, which helps to remove protruding ears at any age 100%, this is otoplasty. The operation is considered simple and is performed under local or general anesthesia. Depending on the degree of the defect, it lasts from half an hour to 2 hours. The rehabilitation period also passes easily in 2-3 weeks. During this time, the patient may experience some discomfort and must wear a special bandage.

Otoplasty is allowed from the age of 6-7 years, when the ears are already fully formed and the degree of their deformation can be fully assessed. Before removing protruding ears, the patient undergoes an examination and undergoes a series of tests to completely eliminate possible complications.

Just a few hours after surgical intervention You can go home, but you need to visit a doctor periodically to be sure that the healing process of the sutures is proceeding correctly.

Advantages of the operation:

  • 100% guarantee that the defect will be eliminated;
  • relatively low cost;
  • minimal number of contraindications;
  • the ability to correct protruding ears at any age;
  • simple and short rehabilitation period;
  • maintaining the results for life.

Drawing conclusions

If you discover that your child has aesthetic problems, you need to solve them as quickly as possible. Only up to six months there is a chance that correcting protruding ears using conservative methods will give good results. In the future, the defect can only be masked or corrected to a minor extent. The operation is a guarantee that all problems will be eliminated; it will help quickly get rid of the deficiency.

Those who do not dare to undergo otoplasty or have contraindications to it can only hide their protruding ears with the help of special hairstyles, silicone correctors, hats or accessories.

If you don't have the opportunity to have surgery, learn to love yourself and your ears as they are, perceive your deficiency as a feature, and you will notice how much more confident you will feel.

Protruding ears become a real problem for teenagers, especially girls. It is at school that a child begins to develop a critical attitude towards himself. This may cause psychological problems and complexes, which, in turn, influence the formation of personality. Every owner of protruding ears has at least once in his life wondered how to remove protruding ears.

Normally, the angle formed between the auricle and the head is 30 degrees. Slightly protruding ears are considered normal. But if the auricle occupies an almost vertical position in relation to the head, then only surgery can correct such a defect.


Speaking about protruding ears, it should be noted that this is not an anomaly, but a structural feature auricle. A protruding ear is a full-fledged hearing organ, and surgery to change the shape of the ears in this case has an aesthetic purpose.

The causes of protruding ears may be hereditary or occur in the event of a disorder intrauterine development. After the birth of the child, such deformation is clearly visible.

Defects in the structure of the ears with protruding ears may be as follows:

  • underdevelopment and smoothness of the antihelix;
  • hypertrophied cartilaginous structure of the auricle;
  • protrusion of the lobe due to hypertrophy of the shell or unusual shape of the tail of the helix;
  • uniform enlargement of the auricle ( big ears).

Defects in the structure of prominent ears can be single or of a mixed nature.

In order to remove protruding ears, different approaches are used. Conservative methods involve influencing immature cartilage using special devices or masking the deficiency using correctors. Surgical method allows you to get rid of protruding ears forever at any age.

Surgical correction ears is stressful for the body and has a risk of complications. In this regard, conservative methods are more beneficial. But if a person turns to a plastic surgeon for help, it means he has serious internal contradictions regarding his appearance.

Elimination of protruding ears: methods for correcting the auricle

Many babies are born with protruding ears, but not all end up with protruding ears. A prognosis about the possibility of developing a defect can be obtained from a doctor. If there is an assumption that the ears will stick out, then up to six months you can correct this situation with the help of special silicone pads. By the seventh month of life, the cartilage has stabilized and it will be difficult to correct the shape of the ears without surgery.

By the age of 6-8 years, the auricle is practically formed and at this age doctors recommend otoplasty (correction of the shape of the ears). The operation to change the shape of the ears is quite simple and is performed in a clinic under local anesthesia. A few hours after the procedure, the patient can go home. Recovery period It is relatively easy and involves certain ear care rules. After six months, the ears are completely healed.

Elimination of protruding ears through surgery

Before surgery, the patient needs preliminary consultation by a surgeon, examination by a therapist and an ENT doctor. It is necessary to take urine and blood tests for biochemical examination, determination of sugar, Rh factor, detection of blood clotting abnormalities, exclusion of hepatitis and HIV infection.

The operation is contraindicated for persons with diseases endocrine system, chronic diseases in the acute stage, inflammatory processes in the ear and jaw, any infectious diseases, predisposed to the formation of keloid scars. Otoplasty is not performed on pregnant and lactating women, or during menstruation.

Before the operation, the doctor does local anesthesia. Anesthesia is indicated for children, since for them such an intervention can result in shock. The child will struggle and scream, which should not be done during the procedure.

The operation can be carried out in the traditional version using a scalpel or in a more modern version - with a laser.

Laser surgery is faster, relatively bloodless and safer in terms of tissue infection. In addition, with laser otoplasty rehabilitation period it is easier to experience, which is important for young children. Therefore, this factor should be taken into account if the child is 6-10 years old. Modern modernized clinics with laser equipment are necessarily present in regional cities, for example, in Samara, Krasnodar, Saratov and so on.

The operation to eliminate protruding ears lasts approximately an hour or a little more. The doctor makes an incision behind the ear in the area of ​​the ear crease.

Then he pushes it away skin tissue and forms cartilage depending on the degree of protruding ears:

  • 1st degree: removes excess cartilage tissue;
  • 2nd degree: creates an antihelix fold;
  • 3rd degree: removes excess cartilage tissue and creates an anti-curl.

After the formation of the auricle, sutures are applied. The procedure ends with the application of a special bandage for otoplasty.

During the rehabilitation period, it is important to follow all doctor’s instructions. It is necessary to make bandages, wear a special bandage for a week and fix the ears with a bandage at night for at least two months. Do not wash your hair before removing the stitches. Approximately a week after surgery, the sutures are removed.

You cannot visit the swimming pool or sauna for two months. And for six months you should limit physical exercise and exclude contact and extreme sports.

Non-surgical methods for eliminating protruding ears

If for some reason the operation is unacceptable, then correction methods can be used appearance ears at home using hairstyles, accessories or special correctors.

Correctors Otostik perfectly mask protruding ear defects in children and adults. Corrective silicone plates have two sizes: baby - used from three one month old up to 6 years old, normal - for schoolchildren and adults.

The plates are easily attached to back ear and after pressing it to the head, fix the ears in their normal position. When used in young children, it is possible to eliminate the defect. For adults, this is a great way to hide protruding ears. You can purchase similar correctors from other brands: Arilis, Oto-plastic.

Correctors are very easy to use. On their surface there is a hypoallergenic glue that sticks securely to the skin. Corrective devices are attached only to dry skin; if it is wet, the consistency of the glue may be disrupted. When gluing, you need to make sure that fine hairs do not get on the skin.

If the child’s protruding ears are not very pronounced, then you can wear a fixing elastic bandage at night. Under no circumstances should you glue your ears with tape or tape. This is uncomfortable and causes damage or irritation to the skin.

Loop ears can be hidden behind hairstyles. You need to choose such haircuts that the curls fall on your ears, covering them. Headbands, bandanas, baseball caps and other accessories can help hide your ears.

A correctly chosen hairstyle is a good tool for correcting the face and visible imperfections. Protruding ears are a common problem among girls. In this case, hairstyles specially designed by stylists for protruding ears are suitable.

Evening and wedding hairstyles with closed ears

Evening hairstyles with closed ears are presented in a variety of options. Depending on the length of your hair, you can choose a haircut or styling that will unobtrusively hide the problems. Leave your hair loose, put your hair up in braids or create fashionable sleek buns. You should rely on the professionalism and imagination of the hairdresser, because protruding ears are not a reason to give up your favorite hairstyle.

Hairstyles for protruding ears require a competent approach from a stylist when getting a girl ready for an important event. After all, for a wedding or prom Every representative of the fair sex wants to feel irresistible.

The ideal hairstyle for prom with closed ears is a Greek style hairstyle. Such hairstyles are made with a variety of accessories - headbands and ribbons, which can be harmoniously placed so that the ears are covered.

Wedding hairstyles are also easy to adapt to problem ears. To do this, just choose a hairstyle with voluminous curls or a side braided hairstyle using jewelry. Headbands, elastic bands and currently fashionable tiaras will distract attention from your little flaw.

Hairstyles with closed ears for every day are far from a problem. By remembering the basic rules of installation, you can easily correct your defect.

For every day at home

  1. Low bun. Curl your hair and comb it a little on the top of your head. Then gather it at the bottom with a small elastic band, which is pinned to the back of the head with an invisible one.

2. Malvinka with braids. Braid two low braids on the sides, so that they then pass over the ears. Cross and stab.

4. Hairstyle with elastic bands

Hairstyles covering ears for long hair

Hairstyles covering the ears are impressive in their variety.

1. Hair down

Long hair can simply be loosened and styled so that the ears are covered. Both straight hair smoothed with an iron and all kinds of curls and waves look impressive.

These photos show which option with loose hair is better to choose.

Bangs and loose hair hide protruding ears

Hairstyles that hide protruding ears on long hair suggest that the girl has heavy and thick hair. Therefore, if your hair is thin or without volume, curl it with a curling iron, flat iron, or braid large braids at night? thereby adding additional volume and texture to the hair

2. Low buns

Low buns are a win-win hairstyle that covers the ears.

3. Braids

Not all braids are suitable, but only voluminous and low ones that will cover the ears.

4. The right little one

The little hairstyle is suitable for protruding ears, but you only need to remove the hair in the upper part and leave flowing strands on the sides above the ears.

5. Fashionable buns with loose hair

Using the same principle as in the previous hairstyle, leave your hair loose above the ears, adding a bun or. It will be beautiful to complement such a hairstyle with braiding, especially.

6. Low volume ponytails

The main thing is that the tails are voluminous and cover the ears.

7. Cascade haircut

Suitable for those with long hair. Cascade is a hairstyle option to hide your ears. The length of the hair allows the hairdresser to cut the strands, varying the length, so that the ear area is covered. Also, strands of different lengths automatically add volume to the hairstyle, which helps to distract attention from the features.

Hairstyles for medium hair with closed ears

Since the medium length is mostly worn loose, the most important thing is to choose the right haircut and styling for it. The optimal haircut for medium length would be with bangs with strands laid towards the face.

If the length allows, then collected low hairstyles (various buns, ponytails, shells) are suitable for these purposes. And if you can’t put medium-length hair into a hairstyle, then weave elements or plaits will diversify the look.
A good option is French braids and waterfalls that completely or partially hide the ears.

Basic rules for hiding protruding ears

1. Volume hairstyle

Make your hairstyle or haircut, even if it’s just a ponytail or braid, voluminous, then it will cover your ears. Even if the hairstyle is with open ears, release the strands near the face and add volume behind the ears.

The exception is long thick and heavy hair, as it can do this on its own.

2. Messy styling and hairstyles

Hair styled with the effect of creative disorder, boho styling, or “wet effect” will visually distract attention from the features of the ears.

3. Haircut taking into account anatomical features

  • If you add short strands near the face to your haircut, then even with your hair pulled up they will cover your ears.
  • Long bangs or the effect of grown bangs are also suitable for girls with protruding ears.

Taylor Swift

4. Careful use of hair accessories

Accessories serve as an additional assistant in order to hide large or protruding ears, shift the focus to themselves, or simply cover them up.

For example, a bright tiara will distract attention, and a wide ribbon will cover your ears.

This accessory will only open your ears.

Large earrings and a headband will accentuate your ears.

Voluminous curls and this position of the headband are ideal to cover the ears

With the help of a bright headband and textured light curls, you can cover your ears even at short hair

The bandage covers all the features

To avoid the ears being visible, a low bun hairstyle is suitable, and the headband additionally secures the ears.

The correct placement of accessories can distract attention to itself.

A voluminous hairstyle and a floral comb will distract attention from the ears.

What girls with this feature should avoid:

  • Avoid hairstyles and styles that expose the ears, such as high ponytails and buns on top of the head.
  • Avoid elements that draw attention to the ears when they are slightly open in the hairstyle. For example, noticeable earrings, headbands that reveal the ears. This does not mean that you should abandon them, just add them to a hairstyle in which only the earlobe and earring will be visible.

Celebrities with protruding ears

Protruding ears always give rise to doubts in girls about their own attractiveness. You shouldn’t make a complex out of this problem, because many celebrities have this feature. Sophie Marceau, Kristen Stewart, Kate Hudson, Liv Tyler, Alexa Chung are some famous beauties who are not ashamed of themselves. A little imagination, the help of a hairdresser, and no one will notice your ears.

Kristen Stewart

Sophie Marceau

Kate Hudson

Alexa Chung

You can take the example of stars and models who are not ashamed of themselves, and turn a small flaw into a highlight.

The anatomical feature in which the patient has protruding ears is called protruding ears. It does not affect hearing in any way. At the same time, the shape and size of the auricle remain standard, only the contours of the hearing organ are slightly smoothed out. But visually it seems that the ears are large. Because they are located relative to the temples not parallel, but at an angle of approximately 90°. The deformity may affect one or both ears.

Clinical picture

The following clinical picture is considered normal:

  • the angle should not exceed 30°;
  • the ear should be parallel to the cheek;
  • the distance between the skull and the edge of the ear is no more than 2 cm.

The formation of the fetal ears begins in the 3rd month of pregnancy, and by the 6th month the relief of the hearing organ develops. About 50% of newborns are born with protruding ears, to a greater or lesser extent.

During infancy, it is possible to eliminate protruding ears without surgery. Until 6 months of age, the child’s cartilage has not yet been stabilized. They can be given the desired shape. After six months, protruding ears can only be removed surgically.

More often, the patient's ears stick out if the antihelix has not fully developed at the stage of their formation. The deformity can develop due to the hypertrophied cartilaginous structure of the ear. A curl with a tail of an atypical shape and hypertrophy of the auricle are the reasons for the development of a protruding lobe. Macrotia is a uniform enlargement of the entire ear with abnormal rapid growth ears or one half of the face. Occurs in vascular abnormalities and Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis.

Correction methods

In the first 6 months of the baby’s life, the position and shape of the ear is corrected using a special silicone mold. Over the age of six months, conservative method treatment (plaster, tight bandages, etc.) is not only ineffective, but can also lead to cartilage deformation.

Trying to remove protruding ears at home as an adult is useless. You need to contact a plastic surgeon. Although protruding ears do not cause harm to health, they can cause the development of complexes, especially in children and adolescence. It is a little easier for the fair sex to hide this feature with long hair. Boys, in most cases, do not have this opportunity. Therefore, the patient is prescribed correction of protruding ears - otoplasty. This technique used for patients of any age.

Otoplasty - surgery, which plastic surgeons resort to to eliminate protruding ears in children and adults. There are 2 types of otoplasty:

  1. Classic.
  2. Laser.

Patients can be confident that this method will correct the position and, if necessary, the size and shape of the ears quickly and permanently. In most cases, removal of protruding ears in the doctor’s office occurs without general anesthesia and doesn't take much time.

Correction of the ear position occurs using a small incision in the skin behind the auricle and hairline. The doctor gives the cartilage the required shape and, if necessary, removes excess tissue, and then applies internal sutures.

The final stage of correcting the defect is a cosmetic stitch on the outside, which quickly heals and in its place remains a small, barely noticeable scar, hidden from prying eyes. After the operation, the patient remains in the office for 1 hour under medical supervision. This method allows, by quickly eliminating the defect, to save adolescents from developing complexes. Children under 6 years of age do not undergo surgery, because until this age the ear continues to develop.

Contraindications to otoplasty

If a child has protruding ears, it is advisable before the operation to choose a hairstyle and wardrobe that will allow him to hide this anatomical feature and avoid ridicule from peers.

There are no medical indications for correcting protruding ears.

If a person does not experience discomfort about this and does not suffer from complexes, correction of protruding ears is not required.

Otoplasty is not performed if the patient:

  • severe diseases of internal organs;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • inflammation in the ear;
  • infectious diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • uncorrectable hypertension;
  • diabetes;
  • high probability of formation of keloid scars.

To correct the defect, the doctor uses an individual approach, taking into account the characteristics of the deformity, the patient’s body and his wishes. The selected method (classical or laser) is used under sterile conditions, after collecting anamnesis and making sure the patient wants to remove protruding ears.

After the operation, it is necessary to walk for 1 month with a special bandage that supports the new position of the cartilage. Otoplasty is a method that allows you to correct ears that are deformed from birth or as a result of injury.

Laser Application

The classic method involves making an incision using a scalpel. Laser otoplasty (performed using laser scalpel) is a little more expensive and is suitable for those who are thinking about how to get rid of protruding ears without scars.

This technique eliminates possible inflammatory and purulent processes, since the laser has a pronounced effect antibacterial effect. Under its influence blood vessels tighten quickly. Indications for laser otoplasty:

  • changed ear sizes;
  • protruding ears;
  • congenital ear defects;
  • restoration of the auricle and ear relief after post-traumatic deformation.

Before starting the operation enter local anesthesia. The procedure lasts 30-60 minutes. The plastic surgeon makes an incision along the back of the ear (length 3-4 cm). In this case, the elastic thin cartilage is dissected. Then its excess is removed. The cartilage is fixed, the wound is sutured. At the end of the operation, the doctor applies sterile gauze to the ear. The protective bandage is worn for 6 days after the laser technique.

It must be remembered that at home, using traditional methods It is impossible to get rid of such a defect. The person will waste his time. The only way to get rid of protruding ears without surgery is to use a silicone tip before the age of six months, but this method does not give 100% results.

Otoplasty should be done if the cartilage deformation really has a strong impact on well-being, confidence and causes discomfort. Patients after acquisition new form ears become more sociable, successful and open. Otoplasty is a simple plastic surgery. But it requires precision, high qualifications and practical experience surgeon

The specialist must determine in advance the new shape and location of the cartilage. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the anthropometric data of the patient. Simultaneously with otoplasty, the doctor may prescribe earlobe plastic surgery. This operation lasts 30-60 minutes. Surgical intervention is easily tolerated by patients. If you follow the doctor's recommendations, there will be no complications after the operation. The results of surgical intervention last throughout the patient’s life. Before removing protruding ears from a child, you should consult a psychologist. Adults are recommended for aesthetic ear correction without age restrictions.

– congenital anatomical feature, caused by an increase in the angle of distance of the auricle, which is why the ears have a protruding appearance. With protruding ears, the size and shape of the ears are usually within normal limits, and they are not located parallel temporal bone, but at an angle close to a straight line. Signs of protruding ears are an increase in the angle of the auricle to the occipital part of the head, a smoothness of the contour of the auricle and antihelix. Such an aesthetic defect often becomes the reason for the formation of psychological complexes and isolation. Correction of protruding ears is carried out by plastic surgeons using traditional or laser otoplasty.

General information

From a medical point of view, protruding ears are considered a severe congenital deformation of the auricle, giving the ears a protruding, protruding appearance. With protruding ears varying degrees almost 50% of people are born with severity, of which there are boys and girls in approximately equal numbers. Since it is easier for girls to hide protruding ears behind long hair, it seems that boys suffer from this defect much more often. It is in children and adolescents that protruding ears cause a lot of emotional distress, forming a “protruding ear complex,” which in adulthood can adversely affect a person’s character and psyche.

Already in the third month of pregnancy, the fetus begins to form and grow the outer ear. In the sixth month, the internal folds and relief of the auricle develop. A deformity such as protruding ears is clearly visible at birth; it is during this period that it is still possible to change the shape of a child’s ears without resorting to surgery. If deformed or protruding ears are fixed in a newborn, they may take on a different shape or position. If before the age of six months the deformed ear has not been given a new position, then the cartilage will stabilize and it will no longer be possible to do without surgical correction.

It is believed that normally the shell of the ear and the head should form an angle of 30°, while the line of the auricle should be strictly parallel to the cheek, and the distance between the edge of the ear and the bones of the skull should be about two centimeters. The contours of the relief of the ear shell, its configuration and clarity are as individual and unique as the pattern on the fingertips.

The deformity may affect one or both ears. The type and degree of deformation in protruding ears are extremely multivariate, which excludes the presence of a single medical tactics to correct this defect.

Causes of protruding ears

Correct determination of the position of the protruding ear - important point to plan its correction. Prominent ears can be caused by one or more congenital features development of the auricle.

Most often, protruding ears are a consequence of underdevelopment and smoothness of the antihelix - an elevation on the inside of the auricle located parallel to the helix. The smoothness of the antihelix can be manifested by its complete absence or partial lack of expression, when only the upper pole of the auricle is in a protruding position.

Excessive ear protrusion can be caused by the hypertrophied cartilaginous structure of the auricle. It is known that the smoother cartilaginous complexes of the helix and antihelix are usually located on the strong cartilage of the outer ear, and its enlargement leads to protrusion of the entire auricle.

In a normally positioned ear, sometimes the only deformity encountered is protrusion of the lobe, which is caused by hypertrophy of the concha or an unusual shape of the tail of the helix.

Prominent ears can be observed with uniform enlargement of the entire auricle (macrotia). The size of a “normal” ear is highly variable, but sometimes it is disproportionate to the facial skeleton. Such variants of protruding ears are observed with isolated congenital excessively rapid growth of the ear or with more rapid growth of one of the halves of the face. Macrotia sometimes occurs with Recklinghausen's neurofibromatosis or vascular abnormality.

Basic principles of aesthetic correction of protruding ears

Many children are born with protruding ears, but this does not mean that their ears will remain protruding throughout their lives. With age, as the bones of the skull enlarge, protruding ears may become less noticeable. The operation can be performed no earlier than 6-8 years of age, if there is a medical opinion that the child suffers from severe protruding ears. Early correction of protruding ears can relieve the child of psychological discomfort and the formation of complexes.

By the time a child reaches this age of 6-8 years, his ears are 90% formed. For adult patients, aesthetic ear correction is performed without age restrictions.

Surgical correction of protruding ears is quite common, and although the operation itself is technically simple, the approach to each patient is chosen individually.

Plastic correction of the ears, aimed at changing their shape, position and size, is called otoplasty in plastic surgery (from the Greek “othos” - ear). Surgical correction of protruding ears is an aesthetic operation, as it is aimed at correcting a defect that does not pose a threat to the health and life of the patient. However, this does not diminish the importance of this operation for a person’s quality of life. If a patient decides to seek the help of a plastic surgeon, it means that his internal problems are not so insignificant.

Prominent ear otoplasty

Elimination of protruding ears is carried out using the method of otoplasty (or ear surgery). During it, the position of the ears is corrected or a defect of a congenital or post-traumatic nature is eliminated. Despite the fact that otoplasty is not a difficult procedure plastic surgery, it requires precision, high qualifications and practical skills of the surgeon.

The new shape and location of the cartilage are determined in advance by the surgeon, taking into account the patient’s anthropometric data. Under local or general anesthesia, an incision is made behind the fold of the auricle. Then the cartilage is given the shape that will ensure a close fit of the ear to the head. Simultaneously with otoplasty, it is possible to perform combined earlobe plastic surgery. The operation usually takes 30 to 60 minutes and is easily tolerated by patients. Special rollers are placed on the ears to support the new position of the cartilage, and a fixing bandage or bandage is placed on top, which will have to be worn for one month.

In addition to classical otoplasty performed with a surgical scalpel, the laser otoplasty method using a laser scalpel is used, which allows you to model the ear cartilage without leaving marks.

Otoplasty relieves patients not only from protruding ears, but also from complexes and behavioral stereotypes developed over many years. Many patients, after acquiring a new ear shape, become more open, sociable, friendly and successful.
