Review of remedies for the treatment of otodectosis (ear mites) in dogs. A unique remedy for ear mites

On this page you can learn how to permanently get rid of bedbugs in an apartment using folk remedies.

The drugs have a beneficial effect:

Important! If otitis develops against the background of ear scabies, treatment with hydrogen peroxide will be required for 14 days (morning and evening). Sofradex and Jenodex drops will help. At severe inflammation you will need the antibiotic Cefuroxime if medium degree lesions, it is enough to use Cefazolin.

At the second stage of therapy, the doctor will prescribe a suspension of the following drugs: Creolin, DE cream and Dioxidine. Place about 1 ml of the mixture in sore ear, massage for 5 minutes, carefully clean with a cotton swab.

Folk remedies

In the early stages of ear scabies, home remedies can be used. Veterinarians do not recommend for a long time treat problem areas of the cat's ears if there is no noticeable result.

Popular home remedies:

  • almond oil for ear massage;
  • strong green tea for treating irritated areas.

Prevention measures

It is very difficult to completely prevent ear mite infection, even in domestic cats whose owners do not allow them into the yard. Preventive measures are necessary to minimize the risk of otodectosis and nodtoedrosis.

Ear mites are easy to treat, but they will need to be diagnosed first.

The first thing the veterinarian does before starting treatment is to determine the degree of ear inflammation.

First degree or mild. The ear mites have not affected the ears much, there is no blood or pus, so only an anti-mite agent and cleaning lotion are used.
Second degree.

Ear mites have severely affected the ears, there is a lot of dirt and it is wet, hearing aid clogged and the ears will need to be cleaned, and then treatment begins with a special drug, a complex of antibacterial and antifungal products.

Possible treatment for ear mites in cats folk remedies, but it’s better to trust a specialist and follow his recommendations. There is no need to act on your own, the animal must be treated correctly, otherwise death cannot be avoided. Drug manufacturers offer a wide selection of drugs that can cure such ailments as ear mite.

List of the best means for treating animals

Below you can find a large list of medications that will help cure pet dogs, rabbits, cats, and kittens.

Before starting treatment, read the instructions in detail, read the veterinarian’s recommendations in order to distribute the correct dose so as not to harm your cat, dog, rabbits, or kittens.

Surolan. This effective remedy, which cures ear mites and has the widest spectrum impact. The composition contains: acetate, miconazole nitrate, prednisolone and so on. How is the treatment applied? The product is instilled into the ears, five drops once a day, and this continues for two weeks. You can quickly cure your cat, dog, rabbit thanks to the drug.

Oricin. This is a remedy against ear scabies. The product contains sodium propionate, nitrofurazone, tetracaine, ivermectin. Folk remedies are good, but the medicine is still the best that can be found! Use the product twice a day, a couple of drops. It is also allowed to use folk remedies for ear mites in dogs so that the treatment is more effective.
Stronghold. These are drops intended for the withers. The drug treats otodectosis varying degrees gravity. The product contains selamectin. For external use only: drops are applied to the withers, neck and along the vertebrae. Repeat the course of treatment in a month. Ear mites can heal fairly quickly. It is also possible to use various folk remedies to achieve a better effect.
Leopard. These are drops designed to treat ear mites quickly and effectively. This tool from ear mites cats will do and dogs. Contains diazinon. Each ear is treated with droplets at a certain frequency. If necessary, the treatment is repeated. You can use the product together with folk recipes.

When working with the products presented, it is very important to wear gloves, especially if you have wounds or abrasions on your hands. Do not pet your pet or allow children near it for 24 hours after they have been treated with medications.

Treatment of ear mites with folk remedies can also effectively help in the fight against diseases, but first of all you need to contact a professional who will examine the animal, determine the type of mite and help you choose the most useful medicine.

Step-by-step instructions for treating ear mites:

  1. Thoroughly clean the outer part of the ears from any crusts, discharge or scabs that have formed. It is advisable to carry out the procedure in the morning and evening.
  2. Treatment is carried out with 3% hydrogen peroxide, special lotions, wet sanitary napkins for cleaning the ears, or acaricidal preparations intended for instillation into the ears.
  3. The drug should be instilled into both ears, even if the other is not infected. Fold the ear in half and use massaging movements to help the drug penetrate deeper.
  4. If necessary, treat with an antibacterial (antifungal) drug.

You can support a weakened animal’s body with vitamins such as Gamavit, Multivit, etc.

Can be purchased complex drug against mites and fungi.

Drops against ear mites

It is difficult to understand which drops help best against ear mites. Before purchasing, you must carefully study the instructions and strictly adhere to all indicated dosages so as not to cause intoxication with the drug. Any anti-tick product is toxic, so when treating pregnant females and small kittens, the instructions must give permission for this. The word “acaricidal” on the drops means “anti-mite”.

Effective ear drops from tick:

Ear drops with a complex effect:

  1. Otovedin.
  2. Surolan.
  3. Otoferonol Gold.

Contraindications: hole in the eardrum, individual intolerance to one of the components.

Tick ​​drops:

All of the above drops have almost the same method of application; we will consider it below.

How to use ear drops for cats against otodectosis

The method of using the drops is as follows. Using cotton swabs soaked in the preparation, thoroughly clean the cat's ears from accumulated crusts and discharge. Then drop the amount of product indicated in the instructions into each ear. Carefully fold the animal's ear in half and distribute the medicine evenly with massaging movements. On average, the course of treatment lasts from 5 to 7 days. The procedure for processing and administering drops is carried out 2 times a day, unless otherwise indicated in the instructions.

The drops contain poison, which heals in the indicated doses, and an overdose can cause poisoning pet.

How can you tell if your cat has ear mites? When a tick settles in a cat’s ears, it begins its life activity by gnawing through the passages. The cat's ears are very itchy at this time. She begins to itch and shake her head, trying to get rid of the annoying condition. Looking into a cat's ears, you can see a black coating, redness, sulfur plugs, pus and acrid smell. If you squeeze the base of the ear, you can hear a peculiar sound emanating from the exudate. If you don't stop in time inflammatory process, then it will go into the middle ear and rupture the eardrum.

A cat's hearing must be acute. To help keep your pet's ears clean, you need to periodically check hygiene procedures. To do this, you need to purchase lotion and wet wipes for your cat's ears. It is enough to check the animal’s ears once a month and carry out preventive treatment. You can also lubricate them with Vaseline oil.

Many cat owners cannot understand why their pet got ear mites. The cat may not leave the apartment, but the owners themselves can become the source of ear mites by bringing them in from the street. Flies and fleas are no exception either. They can also infect your pet.

Cat owners know that you can learn about animal health problems by observing their behavior. Constant desire Murky scratching the ear with a paw, refusal to eat often signals an ear mite, which should be gotten rid of with the help of special drops. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of the most common ear drops.

What are ear mites and how to recognize them

Among the most common diseases of house pets, otodectosis or ear mites occupy the first place, the treatment of which is quite possible with early stages. That's why your pet's ears need to be examined at least once a week and if blackness is detected, contact your veterinarian immediately.

The following signs will help you recognize the problem:

  • Constant itching in the ears. The cat will rub its ear with its paws, try to scratch itself on corners and surfaces, and feel restless. Over time, she will become aggressive and anxious.
  • In an attempt to get rid of the pathogen, the cat begins to constantly shake its head.
  • Liquid discharge on the ears, which harden into brown scabs.
  • Corky's ear canal, with advanced disease, turn into traffic jams.
  • Unpleasant smell from an animal's ear.
  • Swelling of the ear.
  • The cat becomes inactive. Loses appetite.

If a problem is detected, you should begin treating it as quickly as possible, otherwise the tick may penetrate into inner ear, cause hearing loss or even death of the animal. The easiest method to use, which has proven its effectiveness, is ear drops for cats. What remedies for otodectosis are used in modern veterinary medicine?

The best ear drops

Anandin plus

These are special ear drops, without identified side effects and at a completely budget price - a bottle will cost only 50 rubles. Active substances– amitrazine and decamethoxin – help not only to get rid of ticks, but also to cope with infectious and fungal diseases.

Drops are placed in each ear(even if only one is affected), 3 drops once a day. Course duration – 7 days. Next, you should visit a veterinarian, who will check whether the problem has been resolved and, if necessary, prescribe a repeat course.

Thanks to the anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect the animal will feel better literally after the first use. The drug is low toxic and does not cause allergic reactions.

Otoferonol Gold

Another budget method solve the problem of ear mites. The method of application is simple:

  1. The animal's ear is cleaned of suppuration and crusts using a swab dipped in drops.
  2. Then the product is instilled into each ear.

The procedure is carried out once a day for 7 days, then do not use it for a week, then repeat the course. The drug perfectly regenerates damaged tissues

Among the disadvantages are name the pungency of the drops, they will cause discomfort to the animal. But the effect is clearly pronounced.



A preparation based on propolis and sulfur. Designed to combat otodectosis: 2-3 drops of the product are dripped into each cat's ear for a week; the course can be duplicated at an interval of 5 days if necessary. average price in Russia – 50-60 rubles per bottle. It helps even in advanced cases when otodectosis is complicated by otitis media.


Ear drops based on sulfur. Before instillation, you should clean the shells from scabs and pus with a cotton swab dipped in the product, then 2-3 drops are applied to both ears, the ear is massaged with outside at the base. The procedure is repeated for 5 days in a row, then a pause is made for 2 days, if necessary, the course is duplicated. average cost- about 50 rubles.


Drops, helping to get rid of ear mites the first time. The auricle should be cleaned, then put 1-2 drops into each ear and massage. If the disease has reached an advanced stage, you should wait 5 days and repeat the treatment.

There are also other drops, allowing you to cope with the problem of otodectosis in cats:

Important! You should not prescribe drops to your animal yourself. Only a veterinarian can do this after a preliminary examination, since if the disease is advanced and damaged eardrum, such drugs are contraindicated for cats and alternative treatment is prescribed.

Some drops may cause allergies in cats, which can be recognized by the following signs:

This is due to the fact that some animals are intolerant to certain components of the drug. In this case, treatment is stopped and the pet is shown to a specialist to correct the course.

Monitoring your cat will also help you recognize a drug overdose. The signs are:

  • diarrhea (especially severe cases- with blood);
  • vomit;
  • heat.

Treatment is stopped and the animal is taken to a veterinarian.

Important nuances

There are quite a lot of anti-tick drops on the market, how can you not get lost among this variety and choose those that will really help your pet?

The active substance of the drug must be low-toxic. For kittens up to 6 months it is recommended to use Frontline or Stronghold.

How to properly clean a cat's ears

The process itself is simple and after several times any owner will learn how to do it. Let's describe the process step by step:

  1. Drop into each auricle 2-3 drops of the product.
  2. Massage the ear from the outside, bending it slightly, this will help the product to be evenly distributed.
  3. Using a cotton swab soaked in the product, clean the ear without going deep into it.
  4. Cotton swab clean out folds.

It is important to remember that the procedure is a real stress for a cat, so the animal must be calmed. It is better to wrap the most aggressive cats in a towel so that it does not scratch the owner’s hands.

Of course, prevention is better than any cure, that's why it's important to create comfortable conditions for your pet. conditions that will help him not become infected with ear mites. The animal should be protected from contact with infected cats, the ears should be checked weekly, and they should be cleaned twice a month with cotton swabs.

I have already written about how we are treated for and. And today we’ll talk about such a painful disease for animals as ear mite(Otodectos).

Unfortunately, it is not so much stray animals that suffer from this disease as domestic ones. Because these mites live in any home. In carpets, pillows, blankets, etc.

These ticks are not scary for humans, but they drive animals crazy. They become nervous and constantly scratch their ears and shake their heads. The head is tilted towards the affected ear. If you look inside the ears, you can see that they are clogged with dark brown sticky dirt. This is a product of the processing of ear mites.

Animals with wet ears are more likely to suffer. Mites do not like to live in dry ears. If this disease is not treated, then inflammation of the ears develops - otitis media. Treating this disease is also not easy, and not treating it is dangerous for the animal’s life.

Ear mite remedy

For us it all started with a dog.

Our dog is kind, but has a temper, and we have never been able to accustom him to a muzzle. They gave it to us, already at three or four one month old. Apparently, no one was involved in his upbringing, so he grew up as a real uncontrollable blockhead.

Veterinarians advised him to put special drops in his ears against inflammation. This was the last thing we could do with our dog. He was in so much pain that he even wet himself. He didn’t even allow us to get close to him anymore.

When it became completely unbearable for him, we called a veterinarian to the house, because he flatly refused to go to the veterinary hospital. When we dragged him there for the first time, we couldn’t cope with him, and he destroyed all the cabinets and bottles there, until the three of us managed to overwhelm him and give him anesthesia.

He is so nimble that no one could throw a noose over his face. And although he never bites, he still bit my hand out of fear. Unfortunately, the treatment of his ears gave almost nothing, because he no longer allowed them to be instilled, and a one-time procedure is useless.

Once every three months we called a doctor to the house, gave Rick anesthesia, and cleaned his ears. For seven whole months I slowly tried to accustom him to at least allowing him to examine his ears. Sometimes I just wanted to shoot him. My nerves couldn't stand it. But it was impossible to yell at him, much less hit him, otherwise everything would have gone down the drain.

But most of all, I was haunted by the thought that as soon as I put drops in his ears, he would never let me near him again. No matter what I tried, as soon as the dog allowed me to at least stroke my ears. Naturally, I first tried all the remedies on myself, and when I knew for sure that it was painless, I tried it on Rick.

I started with a simple baby cream so that he would understand that the ointment doesn’t hurt. At first I couldn’t even apply cream. He hid or snapped. But I was still able to convince him that it didn’t hurt. And fate still took pity on us.

A friend recommended me a new remedy for ear mites. She said it was inexpensive, painless, and very effective. For me, the main word was PAINLESS.

I bought this product called Amidel-gel, and not even hoping for positive result, treated all cats and dogs ears with it. At first everyone hid, but when they saw that the first cat didn’t even “croak” in pain, they began to approach him with curiosity and sniff him.

To begin with, I specifically tested the ear mite remedy on the most flexible cat. In half an hour I managed to treat everyone, and even the dog.

The gel smells very nice and is easy to apply. I simply took it on my finger and smeared it deep into each ear of my pets. But before that I had to tinker and clean everyone’s ears of dirt.

When a few days later we saw that no one was scratching their ears or shaking their heads anymore, we simply couldn’t believe it.

Amidel-gel– this is a truly unique remedy for ear mites! If I had not tried this remedy myself, I would never have believed in such a miracle.

It’s been a year now that we don’t even remember this disease. I will repeat this procedure soon as a preventive measure.

So, if your cats suffer from ear mites, then treat them only with this remedy. With us it costs only 150 rubles. The ointment is already in a special dispenser in the form of a syringe. Smells good and easy to apply. It is enough to coat the ears once. If you have one animal, then it is better to carry out this procedure together with someone. One syringe is enough for 10-12 animals.

I wish you to get rid of ear mites forever!

P.S. Now a new remedy for ear mites has appeared - “Amidel-gel neo”. This medicine even has a slightly different composition, although it smells just as nice. We have already tried it. It is stronger than the old one, and some of our cats reacted to it with redness and severe shaking of the ears. But within a day everything went away even without the use of suprastin.

If you have few animals, then it is better to use ““ ear drops, but if there are many of them, then treatment with “Amidel-gel” is the best solution.
