Talagi psychiatric hospital. Department of Medical Rehabilitation of State Budgetary Health Institution JSC "Akpb" (Talagi village). The Medical Rehabilitation Department will help you

Branch Medical Rehabilitation "New way"is located in the Arkhangelsk Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital(Talagi-2)

Department of Medical Rehabilitation of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution JSC "AKPB", Talagi, Vkontakte group

Alcoholism and drug addiction are a comprehensive and serious problem that is acute in modern society, it affects all areas of our lives, unnoticed by ourselves, destroying it to the ground. We all want to be healthy, beautiful and successful people, but due to circumstances, many continue to go with the flow and end up not where they would like. In connection with this urgent problem for you, the medical rehabilitation department "New Path"

Department of Medical Rehabilitation will help you:

1. Coping with addiction
2. Establish the bio/psycho/socio/spiritual component of your personality
3. Return to life
4. Find agreement with yourself
5. Become a full-fledged member of society
6. Improve relationships with family and friends

If you have realized that your life has reached a dead end and you are not able to cope with the problem yourself, the New Path medical rehabilitation department is waiting for you.

  • detoxification;
  • advisory assistance.

Contact Information:

Chief physician: Alexey Martynov

Department of Medical Rehabilitation of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution JSC "AKPB" (Talagi village)

The “New Path” Medical Rehabilitation Department is located in the Arkhangelsk Regional Clinical Psychiatric Hospital (Talagi-2)

Department of Medical Rehabilitation of the State Budgetary Healthcare Institution JSC "AKPB", Talagi, Vkontakte group

Alcoholism and drug addiction are a comprehensive and serious problem that is acute in modern society; it affects all areas of our lives, unbeknownst to us, destroying it to the ground. We all want to be healthy, beautiful and successful people, but due to circumstances, many continue to go with the flow and end up not where they would like to be. In connection with this urgent problem for you, the medical rehabilitation department “New Path”

The Medical Rehabilitation Department will help you:

1. Coping with addiction
2. Establish the bio/psycho/socio/spiritual component of your personality
3. Return to life
4. Find agreement with yourself
5. Become a full-fledged member of society
6. Improve relationships with family and friends

If you have realized that your life has reached a dead end and you are not able to cope with the problem yourself, the New Path medical rehabilitation department is waiting for you.

Mental hospital

The Arkhangelsk psychiatric hospital begins its history in 1951 with the opening of the regional psychiatric hospital No. 1, and then the regional psychiatric hospital No. 2. In 2003, 2 regional psychiatric hospitals were reorganized by merging them into one institution - the Arkhangelsk Psychiatric Hospital. Currently, the structure of the institution has 2 hospital complexes, including: diagnostic departments (radiological, functional diagnostics, clinical diagnostic and pathopsychological laboratories), 10 psychiatric departments, centers for child and adolescent psychiatry, psychonarcological care, and forensic psychiatry.


You can get to the mental hospital by bus No. 134 from the River Station to the village of Talagi.

Doctors (22)

Ignatova Yu. A.

5 reviews

Ovchinnikova I. V.

1 review
Primorsky district, Talagi village, 31

Morozova N. N.

1 review
Primorsky district, Talagi village, 31

Second T.V.

narcologist, psychiatrist
Primorsky district, Talagi village, 31

Berdnikov A.V.

Primorsky district, Talagi village, 31

Reviews (15)

I needed it there because of depression, and I was on the verge of suicide. But these saved me good doctors! I am grateful to you!

It so happened that they didn’t save me. He got worse under the drip. My heart couldn't handle it. Perhaps the medicine was administered quickly. Only God knows how it really happened. There is no person. We must continue to live with this loss. I assess the work of pathologists as unprofessional. After trephination of the skull, the bones were put together somehow. Indifference is paralysis of the soul and premature death. I appeal to the entire hospital team: “Work competently and remain human”!

In 2015, my son was admitted to Ward 3 for the first time with suspected schizophrenia. They examined me for 2 months, didn’t say anything concrete, didn’t even offer an MRI! They didn't do an encephalogram! As a result, the attending physician went on vacation, did not examine her, and sent the head home. department with a diagnosis of alcoholism! The guy no one has ever seen drunk! We waited 3 months for the release! This year I was admitted again and treated quickly. There has been no improvement, she asked for an MRI and EG, but there has been no discharge for a month now. The head of the third department speaks very rudely, does not let you say a word or ask, it looks more like rudeness! Now I will think about drawing up a big complaint.

The hospital requires a major inspection. Patients are discharged untreated. How is this possible?! After all, they took an oath!

Everything is terrible. The doctors are unprofessional (young, no experience). Absolutely no cure. Patients are discharged to poor condition. They may also yell at the patient.


Structure of the state budgetary healthcare institution of the Arkhangelsk region "Arkhangelsk Clinical Psychiatric Hospital"

Centralized sterilization department

Office of Medical Statistics and Informatics

Branch social assistance for people suffering mental disorders

Pathopsychological laboratory of the hospital complex "Talagi-1"

Two offices social rehabilitation and prevention of socially dangerous actions of persons suffering from mental disorders

Regional drug treatment center Sober Arkhangelsk

The drug treatment center "Sober Arkhangelsk", working under the guidance of a psychotherapist-narcologist with sixteen years of experience in the field of drug addiction: Alexey Martynov, specializes in the treatment of alcoholism among the population of Arkhangelsk and the Arkhangelsk region.

This institution operates exclusively on a contract basis. on a paid basis, and renders as comprehensive assistance people suffering from alcoholism, as well as individual drug treatment services.

The staff of the institution consists of highly qualified specialists: narcologists, psychologists, psychotherapists, rehabilitation specialists. Treatment alcohol addiction The center’s specialists conduct it anonymously, and there is a 24-hour and day hospital for patients.

Stages of treatment for alcohol addiction

Drug treatment center "Sober Arkhangelsk" offers wide range medical services for people suffering from alcoholism. Treatment is carried out directly at the center, but for patients with severe forms of the disease, it is possible to call a psychologist at home to carry out motivating activities.

Alcoholism treatment is carried out as a long-term medical programs, which include drug intervention and psychotherapy, and short programs based on coding methods.

Social rehabilitation programs and psychological recovery in the post-treatment period are provided for all patients.

The center also provides individual services, such as:

  • detoxification;
  • general restoration measures;
  • services of a psychologist or psychotherapist;
  • advisory assistance.

Payment for services depends on the number of activities that will be carried out during treatment.

Contact with specialists, how to become a patient of the center

To become a patient at a drug treatment center or to help get rid of alcohol addiction to a loved one, first of all, you should contact the center’s specialists by phone and make an appointment; telephone counseling is carried out on anonymous free terms: 8 800 775 49 24.

Treatment of alcohol addiction by specialists of this medical institution are carried out only after a full range of diagnostic measures has been carried out.

Contact Information:

Address:: Arkhangelsk, Talagi village, no. 52
Chief physician: Alexey Martynov

Vorobiev Anton Pavlovich

Makarkin Nikolay Ivanovich

Lopatina Inna Stepanovka

Vorobiev Anton PavlovichHead of the Clinic, Candidate of Medical Sciences

Makarkin Nikolay Ivanovichnarcologist, psychologist, anesthesiologist

Lopatina Inna Stepanovkapsychiatrist-narcologist, chief psychologist of the center


In order to get to the rehabilitation center you must call our contact center (CC), whose phone number is listed on this website. During free consultation, the CC operator will determine the severity of the problem and advise on how best to organize treatment, or forward your request to the head of the rehabilitation center.

Supervisor rehabilitation center will have professional help in organizing patient treatment, organizes the work of center specialists, compiles individual program treatment, post-treatment program, will provide assistance and assistance in finding employment, after completing a full course of rehabilitation and following all the rules of the center.

Treatment takes place according to modern techniques"12 steps". At the beginning, the patient’s physical cravings are relieved with medication from a narcologist, and then they are gradually restored mental condition psychotherapists and psychologists of the center, then goes through the stage of resocialization and preparation of the patient for social life.

  • We provide treatment only under an official contract
  • We guarantee professional approach in rehabilitation. Our center employs experienced specialists who provide treatment using the effective, recognized “12 steps” method.
  • We guarantee that a patient who contacts us via the contact center phone number, having completed a full rehabilitation course of 4-6 months, a post-treatment program of “personal resocialization” of 3-5 months, will no longer want to drink alcohol.

Rehabilitation according to the 12-step program will bring into the patient’s subconscious information about the individual causes and consequences of alcohol use, analyze the patient’s past and create his future.

Our psychologists will conduct a course of individual psychotherapy with the patient, enter information into the subconscious as his the future will go according to one of two scenarios: if he continues to drink alcohol, and if he chooses a “sober life”.

The center uses in its work a complex of treatment methods proven to be effective: the 12 Steps program + Daytop + the Dovzhenko method + a number of individual psychotherapeutic programs. The program we developed gives positive results up to 87% are cured and do not return to use for more than 3 years. The main program used by Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is the 12 Steps.

The essence of the 12 step program is step-by-step psychological rehabilitation when a person is taught step by step to perceive in a new way the world. A person is taught to control his emotions, to control his emotional condition, needs and desires!

During the passage complex treatment in our center, the patient is protected from access to alcohol, being in a circle sober people who later become friends of the addict. A person’s mental state is corrected, desires and urges to drink alcohol are removed, and an aversion to alcohol is formed. A new worldview towards a sober life is consolidated during the course of the resocialization program, he begins to look soberly at the world around him!

The rehabilitation center is a comfortable country cottage with a capacity of 25-30 people in 8-10 rooms, with center specialists on duty around the clock, with daily individual and group classes with psychologists and senior specialists, graduates of the center with a long period of sobriety.

A spacious room for 3 people is provided, each patient has his own closet, bedside table, chair. The room has a shower. 4 meals a day provided.

If you have tried to talk yourself into treatment, you may have felt like you were speaking in different languages with your loved one who is addicted.

We have been treating people for alcohol addiction for many years, so we understand how the psyche of an addicted person works. Our specialists can come to your home and conduct a motivational conversation during which the alcoholic will decide to undergo treatment.

Just call us and together we can help your loved one get rid of alcoholism!
