Quiz these amazing fairy tales. Quizzes for schoolchildren. Quiz about fairy tales

Collection of fairy tale quizzes:

Quiz “On fairy tale paths”

Quiz “Remember fairy-tale characters”

What word should be inserted?

Quiz “How do you know fairy-tale characters?”

On whom or what did the heroes of fairy tales travel on?

In what fairy tales did the fairies and witches, magicians and wizards we are talking about perform miracles?

Quiz "Magic words"

Quiz “On fairy tale paths”

1. A fairy tale that refutes the assertion that money does not lie on the road. (K. Chukovsky “Fly-Tsokotukha”.)

2. A fairy tale that proves that money should be invested in land wisely. (A. Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio."

3. A story in which Joint-Stock Company created outside the Earth. (N. Nosov “Dunno on the Moon.”)

4. A tale in which two mammals and one reptile were obtained by barter for three pieces of clothing. (V. Shergin “The Magic Ring”.)

5. A story in which it turns out that refusing to subscribe to periodicals allows you to save some money. (E. Uspensky "Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat."

6. How much did a ticket to the Karabas-Barabas Theater cost? (Four soldi.)

7. What are the monetary units on the Moon called? (San-tiki and ferthings.)

8. How did Senor Tomato pay for Radish’s work? (Occasionally he gave her a piece of candy.)

9. Why did the gold coin stick to the bottom of Ali Baba's measure? (The bottom was smeared with honey.)

10. Artiodactyl labyrinth for Tiny Khavroshechka. (Cow.)

11. Popular singer of grandfather Krylov. (Crow.)

12. Seven wishes on one leg. (Seven-flowered flower.)

13. A traditional dish Enikov-Benikov. (Vareniki.)

14. The personification of the family, which Pinocchio pierced with his nose. (Focus.)

15. Fairytale fool. (Ivanushka.)

16. The story of the long journey of a bakery product to the consumer. (Kolobok.)

17. Details of a woman’s dress in which lakes, swans and other elements are placed environment. (Rukova.)

18. Raw materials for serial production of Pinocchio. (Tree.)

19. A character who burst out laughing at the sight of an unskilled bridge. (Bubble.)

20. Baba Yaga's residence. (A hut on chicken legs.)

21. The one who walks on the sea and pushes the boat. (Wind.)

22. Winnie the Pooh's friend who stayed with Tail. (Donkey-face Eeyore.)

24. A young specialist in growing trees with golden leaves. (Pinocchio.)

25. Elevator for evil spirits. (Pipe.)

26. Master of leech work. (Duremar.)

27. Individual reusable flying apparatus. (Mortar.)

28. Cave master key. (Sim-sim.)

29. Radar for the couch potato king, who is tired of military affairs. (The Golden Cockerel.)

30. A spotlight for Ivan the Fool to groom horses at night. (Feather of the Firebird.)

31. Fashionable shoes under Tsar Pea. (Walking boots.)

32. Specialist - fisherman for catching pike. (Eme-la.)

33. The name of the great English glutton. (Robin-Bobin-Barabek.)

34. A reward for a feat that is given in addition. (Half the kingdom.)

35. Reliable tool orientation in fairy-tale situations. (Clew.)

36. The woman who was the first to fly into the air. (Baba Yaga.)

37. The highest achievement of fabulous catering. (Ska-ter-self-assembled.)

38. Vehicle of the groom of Princess Nesmeyana. (Bake.)

39. Sleeping pills for the sleeping princess. (Apple.)

40. Elevator for evil spirits. (Pipe.)

41. Character bursting with laughter. (Bubble.)

42. The personification of the family, which I will pierce Pinocchio with."! nose. (Focus.)

43. Winnie the Pooh's friend who was left with a tail. (Donkey-face Eeyore.)

44. Commander of 33 heroes. (Chernomor.)

45. Cave master key spell. (Sim-sim, open up.)

46. Detail of a woman's dress in which lakes and swans are placed. (Sleeve.)

47. Radar of a couch potato king who is tired of military affairs. (Cockerel.)

48. Artiodactyl labyrinth for Tiny Khavroshechka. (Cow.)

49. A reward for a feat, which is given in addition by kings.

(Half the kingdom.)

50. A reliable means of orientation in fairy-tale situations. (Clew.)

52. Seven wishes on one leg. (Seven-flowered.)

53. Ungrateful listener of songs, (Fox.)

54. The name of the great English glutton. (Robin-Bobin Barabek.)

55. Baba Yaga's residence. (A hut on chicken legs.)

56. The highest achievement of fabulous catering. (Ska-ter-self-assembled.)

57. The roundest fairy-tale hero. (Kolobok.)

58. Golden wish granter. (Gold fish.)

59. Ivan the Fool spotlight for working in the stable at night. (Feather of the Firebird.)

60. Fluffy boot owner. (Cat.)

61. Fabulous washing machine. (Trough.)

62. The material from which Papa Carlo's child is made. (Log.)

63. Traditional dish Enikov-Banikov. (Vareniki.)

64. Fashionable fast shoes under Tsar Pea. (Boots-walkers.)

65. Young specialist in growing trees with golden leaves. (Pinocchio.)

66. An animal whose skin was covered by a wolf. (Sheep.)

67. Two hypocritical friends of Pinocchio. (Alice, Basilio.)

68. What did the fairy make Cinderella’s carriage from? (From pumpkin.)

69. What was the name of the poodle in the fairy tale “The Adventures of Burati-no”? (Artemon.)

70. What was the name of Tsar Saltan’s son? (Guidon.)

71. Name the names of Dunno’s friends. (Donut, Syrup-chik, Vintik, Shpuntik.)

72. Name five characters from Winnie the Pooh. (Eeyore, Piglet, etc.)

73. Name the seven heroes of “Mowgli”. (Shere Khan, Bagheera Baloo...)

74. How much did a ticket to the Karabas-Barabas Theater cost? (4 soldi.)

75. Who flew with Dunno on a rocket to the Moon? (Donut.)

76. Who was Duremar? (Pharmacist)

77. Where did Papa Carlo get the log from? (Gived it to Giuseppe.)

78. What color was Malvina’s hair? (Blue.)

79. Name five representatives of evil spirits. (Baba Yaga, Kashchei the Immortal, etc.)

80. What was the old woman’s last wish in “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish”? (Become the Lady of the Sea.)

81. What was Freken Bock’s position? (Housekeeper.)

82. How many years did Ilya Muromets lie on the stove? (33 years.)

83. WHAT is “Red Flower”? (Fire in Mowgli.)

84. What miracles were overseas in “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”? (Squirrel, 33 heroes, Swan Princess.)

85. How did the king die in “The Little Humpbacked Horse”? (Cooked.)

86. How many cups of tea did the insects drink? (3 cups with milk and pretzel.)

87. Who defeated the Cockroach? (Sparrow.)

88. What was the spell in Mowgli? (You and I are of the same blood: you and me.)

89. What did the Scarecrow ask from the Wizard of the Emerald City? (Brain.)

90. Who delivered Aibolit to Africa? (Eagle.)

Quiz “Remember fairy-tale characters”

- Remember who said these magic words:

At the behest of the pike, at my will. (Emelya. Russian folk tale “At the command of the pike.”)

Sivka-burka, prophetic burka! Stand before me like a leaf before the grass! (Ivanushka the Fool. Russian folk tale “Sivka-Burka”.)

Sim-sim, open the door! (Ali Baba. Arabic tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.”)

Fly, fly, petal, through the west to the east, through the north, through the south, come back, making a circle. (Zhenya. V. Kataev “Seven-flowered flower.”)

What word should be inserted?

Fairy tale by C. Perrault “Red...” (Hat.)

Fairy tale by C. Perrault “Blue...” (Beard.)

Magic story by A. Pogorelsky “Black...” (Chicken.)

A. Kuprin's story “White...” (Poodle.) V. Bianchi's story “Gray...” (Neck.)

What was the name of the bear from the fairy tale "Mowgli". (Balu.)

Is the cheerful man an onion? (Cipollino.)

Is the fox the companion of the cat Basilio? (Alice.)

Quiz “How do you know fairy-tale characters?”

1. Which of the heroes of Russian fairy tales asked: “Emelya, let me go into the water, I’ll be useful to you” (Mermaid; Pike; Goldfish.)

2. A who ordered: “Mothers, nannies, get ready, get ready! Bake me something soft in the morning White bread“What kind of food did I eat at my dear father’s?” (Pep-pi; The Snow Queen; Princess Frog.)

3. Whose song is this: “The beaten one is lucky for the unbeaten?” (Foxes; Cheburashka; Carlson.)

4. Who asked: “Grandma, why do you have such big hands?” (Thumbelina; Malvina; Little Red Riding Hood.)

5. What did Puss in Boots call his owner? (Karabas Varabas; Marquis Karabas; Baron Munchausen.)

6. Old man Hottabych’s favorite treat? (Cake; vinaigrette; ice cream.)

7. Which of these dogs is a poodle? (Totoshka; Artemov; Kashtanka.)

On whom or what did the heroes of fairy tales travel on?

1. Emelya to the Tsar (on the stove is the Russian folk tale “At the Command of the Pike.”)

2. Volka and old man Hottabych to India (on the magic carpet - L. Lagin “Old Man Hottabych.”)

3. Thumbelina to warmer climes (on the swallow - H.-C. Andersen “Thumbelina”.)

4. Frog traveler to the south (on the twig that the ducks were holding - V. Garshin “Frog the Traveler.”)

5. Vrungel, Lom and Fuchs around the world (on the yacht “Trouble” - A. Nekrasov “The Adventures of Captain Vrungel.”)

6. Ivan Tsarevich for the Firebird (on the wolf - Russian folk tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”)

In what fairy tales did the fairies and witches, magicians and wizards in question perform miracles?

1. “He was a skinny and dark old man with a waist-length beard, wearing a luxurious turban, a thin white woolen caftan, abundantly embroidered with gold and silver...” Who is this?

(Genie Hottabych - L. Lagin “Old Man Hottabych.”)

2. “Her dress was torn, her face was small, sharp, wrinkled with age, with red eyes and a long hooked nose.” (The Witch - V. Gauf “Dwarf Nose.”)

3. “The braid is gray-black and doesn’t dangle like our girls’, but sticks evenly to the back. At the end of the tape are either red or green. They brighten through and ring subtly, like sheet copper.” (Mistress of the Copper Mountain - P. Bazhov “Mistress of the Copper Mountain.”)

4. “He’s dressed wonderfully: he’s wearing a silk caftan, but you can’t say what color - it’s blue, green, or red... He has an umbrella under his armpits: one with pictures - he opens it in front of good children , the other one is very simple, smooth cue.. (The Wizard Ole-Lukoje - H.-C. Andersen “Ole-Lukoje”)

Quiz "Magic words"

1. At the behest of the pike, at my will. (Emelya. Russian folk tale “At the command of the pike.”)

2. Sivka-burka, prophetic burka! Stand before me like a leaf before the grass! (Ivanushka the Fool. Russian folk tale “Sivka-Burka”.)

3. Simsim, open the door! (Ali Baba. Arabic tale “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves.”)

4. Fly, fly, petal, through west to east, through north, through south, come back after making a circle. (Zhenya. V. Kataev “The Seven-Flower Flower.”)

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Quiz “In the Land of Fairy Tales” for children middle group.

Literary quiz on Russian folk tales for middle school children.

Botyakova Tatyana Aleksandrovna, teacher of the Krasnoborsky Children's Educational Institution "Kolosok" village. Krasny Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region.
Description of material: the material will be useful to teachers, music directors and parents for the purpose of organizing literary quiz with middle school children.
Target: formation of interest among preschoolers in fiction.
consolidate children's knowledge about Russian folk tales,
develop the ability to recognize fairy tales and their heroes;
develop interest in Russian folk art;
cultivate a love for books and a caring attitude toward them.
Preliminary work:
reading Russian folk tales, looking at illustrations, drawing illustrations based on fairy tales to decorate the hall, learning the fairy tale “Teremok” with children.
Equipment: house - little mansion, animal masks for the performance, tape recorder, mirror, illustrations for fairy tales, chest, tablecloth, boots, hat, carpet, sword.
Methods: using riddles, poems, tests, showing fairy tales, outdoor play.
Decor: in the center of the hall there is a tower, on the side there is a “magic mirror”, an oak tree with a chain, illustrations for fairy tales and children’s drawings hang on the wall.
Participants: presenter, cat, children.
Progress of entertainment:
Leading: April 2 is International Children's Book Day. This holiday is celebrated on the birthday of the Danish writer H.H. Andersen.

Today I invite you to take a trip to amazing country fairy tales How can you get there? (Children's answers). I propose to enter the land of fairy tales through an old magic mirror.
(Children, together with the leader, pass through the “magic” mirror).
There is a green oak near Lukomorye.
Golden chain on the oak tree:
The cat is a scientist both day and night.
Everything goes round and round in a chain;
He goes to the right - the song starts,
To the left - he tells a fairy tale...

(The learned cat appears).
Cat: Hello guys! I am the same learned cat who tells fairy tales. Do you like fairy tales?
Children: Yes! "
To recognize the heroes of books, everyone needs to read the books.
I read, I know a lot, and I wish the same for you.
Anyone who has read a lot of fairy tales will easily find the answers.
Yes, you already knew them for a long time. Well, let's check this out?

Cat: To find out how well you know and love fairy tales, we will conduct a quiz. For each correct answer I will give tokens and at the end of the quiz we will see who has the most tokens - he wins. So, first task...

1. Find out the fairy tale from the riddle.
1. I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather
Guess without a hint
Which fairy tale did I come from? (Kolobok)

2. The mouse found a home for itself,
The mouse was kind:
In that house after all

There were a lot of residents. (Teremok)

3. She was born so huge;
Not one, but like ten.
Grandfather, to pull out that vegetable,
He called everyone to help him. (Turnip)

4.The icy house melted -
I asked to go to Lubyanka.
The little bunny took her in,
He himself was left without a house.
The cockerel helped the hare.
Drive the fox out of the door. (Zayushkina's hut)

5. My sister said:
“It’s not good to drink from a puddle.”
Didn't listen to my sister
By morning he became a little goat. ( Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

Cat: I have a chest. Magic items are stored in it. Now I will show them, and you will guess the full name of the item.

2. Fairytale lotto: “Add the name.”
I say the first word, and you guess the full name of the magic item.
Boots - ... (fast walkers)
Sword – ... (treasurer)
Tablecloth –…(self-assembled)
Carpet plane)
Invisible hat)

3. Find out the fairy tale from the passage.
Now listen to an excerpt from a familiar Russian folk tale.
A)“Grandfather Bear, they will give out tails there, please grab me a tail!” (Hare from the fairy tale “Tails”)
b)“Catch, fish, big and small. Catch, fish, big and small.” (The wolf from the fairy tale “Little Fox Sister and the Gray Wolf”)
V) As soon as I jump out, as soon as I jump out, shreds will fly through the back streets. (Fox from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s hut”)
G)“I’ll sit on a stump and eat a pie” (Bear from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear”)
d)“Apple tree, apple tree, hide us!” (Masha from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”)

Outdoor game: “At the bear in the forest.”

4. Game: Telegram: “Help!”
Cat: I will read the telegram, and you will guess the name of the fairy tale.
"Help! The gray wolf wants to eat us!” (The wolf and the seven Young goats")
"Help! I gaped at the crows and fell into the well!” ("The Fox and the Goat")
"Help! The fox took my chiseled spoon!” (“Zhikharka”)
"Help! The fox carries me beyond the dark forests, beyond high mountains("Cat, Rooster and Fox")
"Help! I choked on a bean seed!” ("The Cockerel and the Bean Seed")
“Help, bears are chasing me!” ("Three Bears")

5. Find out the fairy tale from the illustration.
Cat: And now we will look at illustrations for Russian folk tales and guess their names. (On the wall there is an exhibition of illustrations based on the fairy tales “Black Barrel Bull, White Hoofs”, “Zhikharka”, “Little Fox Sister and the Gray Wolf”, “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”, “Wintering of Animals”).
Children guess the name of the fairy tale.
Fairy tale "Zhikharka"

Fairy tale "Bull, black barrel, white hooves."

Fairy tale “Winter quarters of animals”

Fairy tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed"

Fairy tale "Little Fox Sister and the Gray Wolf"

6. Tests on Russian folk tales.

1. Which fairy tale hero brought the Snow Maiden home from the forest?
a) wolf;
b) bear;
V) fox.

2. What did the fox offer to the cockerel so that he would look out the window?
A) peas;
b) grain;
c) milk.

3 .What kind of hut did the hare have in the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”?
a) log;
b) icy;
V) bast

4. Who broke the golden egg?
a) grandfather;
b) mouse;
c) woman.

5. Which of the fairy tale heroes helped pull the turnip after Zhuchka?
A) cat;
b) granddaughter;
c) mouse.

6. Which of the fairy tale heroes did not fall asleep on the grass and spy on Khavroshechka?
a) one-eyed;
b) two-eyed;
V) three-eyed

Fairy tale show: “Teremok”.

There are many fairy tales in the world,
Sad and funny
But to live in the world
We can't live without them!
Reading fairy tales, you find yourself in a wonderful, mysterious, mysterious world.

Cat: A fairy tale can be old and young, cheerful and sad, simple and wise. But you can never be angry, boring and stupid! I give you a book of fairy tales. Goodbye, guys! See you again!
The teacher and children “return” to the group through the “Magic Mirror”.

Quiz on Russian folk tales “Round Dance of Fairy Tales”

Leading. Good afternoon, dear guys and dear teachers! Today we have gathered with you to find out which of you will become “The best expert on our Russian folk tales.” We all come from childhood. And childhood is the first joys, tender lullabies, the best fairy tales in the world. A fairy tale is a literary work that always tells about something unusual and magical. In fairy tales there is always a struggle between good and evil, honest and good always wins. Do you know fairy tales? Our quiz will find out.

We have a large supply of ideas!

And who are they for? For you!

We know you love games

Songs, riddles and dances.

But there's nothing more interesting

Than our fairy tales.

Reader 1: There are many fairy tales in the world,

Sad and funny.

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

Reader 2: Who didn't read fairy tales as a child?

Consider that you have lost half your life,

I didn’t recognize any wonderful friends

Have you read it? Have you read it?

Reader 3: Make friends with a good fairy tale

And instantly she you

For rivers and seas.

Reader 4.

You will know good things with her

And you will defeat any evil

Leading. Guys, we're starting a quiz. For each correct answer, you will receive tokens. Whoever gets the most tokens wins.

So, let's go!

1 competition “Guess the fairy tale”

1. We left as a friendly family,

To deal with one.

Don't come to the rescue mouse

Nothing would have worked out for them.


2. The girl made of snow immediately came to life:

She moved her leg and moved her hand.

Didn't like the sun, didn't expect warmth

And why did you go berry picking with your friends?


3. An arrow flew and fell into a swamp.
And in that swamp someone caught her.
Who, having said goodbye to green skin,
She became sweet, beautiful, and pretty.


4. In the fairy tale, the sky is blue,

In the fairy tale, the birds are scary.

Rechenka, save me,

Rechenka, save me.


5. Said a word -

The stove rolled.

Straight from the village

To the king and princess.

And for what, I don’t know

Lucky I'm lazy.


6. He pounded and pounded

On the plate with your nose -

Didn't swallow anything

And he was left with his nose.


7. Oh, Petya - simplicity

I messed up a little

I didn't listen to the cat

Looked out the window.


8. There is neither a river nor a pond.

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.


2nd competition “Inhabitants of the same fairy tale”

Pay attention to these pictures. They depict heroes from a variety of fairy tales. Your task: find two heroes from the same fairy tale, and also remember its name. Whoever finds the heroes ahead must raise their hand.

3rd competition “Fairytale Lotto”

I say the first word - the children take turns guessing the full name of the fairy tale. For the correct answer - a token

Sivka – Burka

Geese – Swans

Vasilisa – Wise

Freezing - Red nose, Ivanovich

Zayushkina – Hut

Volatile – Ship

Princess - Frog

Tiny - Khavroshechka

Hen – Ryaba

Masha and - Bear

Boy - Thumb

4th competition "Magic things"

You know the heroes, but do you know what fairy tales these objects are from and who they belong to?

    Needle ( Koshchei the Immortal)

    Arrow ( Princess Frog)

    stove ( At the behest of the pike)

    Axe ( Porridge from an ax)

    Turnip ( turnip)

    Jug ( Fox and Crane)

    Stupa ( Baba Yaga)

5th competition “Like a hero of a fairy tale”

Assignment: you need to not only remember, but also sing or speak like a hero from a fairy tale.

1. What song did Kolobok sing?

2. What did the goat sing to her kids?

3. What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?

4. What did the hen Ryaba say to the grandfather and woman?

5. What words did the wolf use to help himself catch fish on his tail?

(Catch, fish, big and small! No, it’s better to catch a big one, and a bigger one!)

6. What did the fox say at that time?

(- Be clear, make the stars clear in the sky! Freeze, freeze, wolf's tail!)

7.What did the animals ask in the fairy tale “Teremok” before entering there?

8. What words did Emelya pronounce so that everything would be done by itself?

6th competition “Guess the fairy tale from an excerpt”

Listen carefully to the passage and guess which fairy tale it is from.

1. ... The cat heard... The cat came running... Its back is arched, its tail is a pipe, its eyes are burning, its claws are extended. Well, scratch the fox! The fox fought and fought, but the cockerel let go.

("Cat and Rooster")

2. ... The bear put the wolf in the bushes, covered it with dry leaves, and he climbed onto a pine tree and looked to see if anyone was coming... ("Cat and Fox")

3. ... He curled up into a ball and rolled between the fir trees, between the birches. Rolled, rolled and rolled towards the hut... on chicken legs... ("Swan geese")

4. ... The wolf looked around, wanted to call the fox for help, but there was no trace of her - she ran away. The wolf spent the whole night fumbling around the ice hole - he couldn’t get his tail out...

("The Fox and the Wolf")

7th competition “Blitz – survey”

    Name Russian folk tales whose heroes are animals. The last one to call wins.

    Where is Koshchei's death located? (In the egg)

    Who took the boy to Baba Yaga? (Swan geese)

    In which fairy tale did a boy turn into a kid and why?

    Name the heroes of the fairy tale “Teremok”.

    Which male name most often found in fairy tales? (Ivan).

    Who and with whom arranged such a division: “The tops are for me, and the roots are for you.” (Man and bear)

    Name the dog from the fairy tale “Turnip”. (Bug)

    Baba Yaga's home? (Hut)

"See see!

Don't sit on the tree stump

Don't eat the pie!

Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa!” (Mashenka. “Mashenka and the Bear”)

    Who loved to brag and paid for it with his life? (Kolobok)

    Who said that and from what fairy tale?

“Ku-ku-re-ku! I carry the scythe on my shoulder,

I want a fox,

Get out of here, fox." (Rooster from the fairy tale “The Fox and the Hare”)

8th competition “The fairy tale became reality”

A long time ago, people dreamed of rising into the air like birds, sinking to the bottom of the sea and feeling like fish... They also dreamed of magical objects - remember the fairy tale about the pot that cooked porridge itself? As time passed, some dreams became reality. Name the wonderful human inventions that replaced fairy-tale objects.

Gusli-samoguda- ( record player)

Mortar- (rocket, plane)

Miracle mirror -(TV, computer)

Feather firebird (lamp, chandelier).

Sleighs that are pulled by themselves (automobile)

A ball of thread showing the way (compass).

9 competition “Collect a proverb”

You need to assemble a proverb from individual words scattered across the screen and try to explain the meaning.

(A man without friends is like a falcon without wings)

While they are collecting the proverb, I propose to compose a fairy tale ourselves.

“Making up a fairy tale” (game with the audience)

The old castle is in the thick of the forest,

In this castle sleeps... (princess).

The dense forest hides the castle,

The brave prince goes to the castle... (jumps)

Prince beauty... (wake up).

Evil Kashchei is not stupid at all:

He is guarding the old... (oak tree),

On a chain of a hundred rings

The golden one hangs... (casket).

Guarding that casket is no joke.

The hare is in it, and in the hare is ... (duck).

There is an evil duck against Kashchei,

There is an egg in it, and in it there is ... (needle).

Who will secretly get the needle,

He is stronger than Kashchei... (becomes).

Guys, what are these proverbs about? (answer: about friendship)

Now I will tell you fairy tales, and you will have to think and say which of these fairy tales is about friendship.

1. "Kolobok"

2. "Teremok"

3. "Masha and the Bear"

4. "The Fox and the Crane"

5. “Chicken Ryaba”

Why do you think so? (because all together the heroes were able to protect themselves from the fox, wolf and bear)

Guys, is our class friendly?

How does your friendship manifest itself?

What other proverbs about friendship do you know?

They say that a fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.” And what else, besides friendship, do Russian folk tales teach us?

Our little holiday has come to an end,

We wish you a fascinating reading with all our hearts.

To you, girls, to you, boys,

Get along and be friends with a book!
Let the love of a good book

He will live with you!

I thank all participants for participating in this competition, for showing good knowledge about Russian folk tales.

I am sure that you will want to leaf through the magnificent pages of these fairy tales more than once!

Our young friend! Take it with you on the road

Your favorite fairy tale friends.

They will help you at the right time

Find your dream and make your life brighter.

(Summing up, counting tokens)


Quiz “Russian folk tales”

■ What is always valued in fairy tales of all peoples of the world? Answer: Mind.

■ What in fairy tales does evil always win? Answer: Good.

■ What words do Russian folk tales begin with? Answer: “Once upon a time...” “In a certain kingdom, in a certain state...”.

■ What is the name of the stringed musical instrument, to the sounds of which ancient Russian singer-storytellers performed songs, epics and other works of oral folk art? Answer: Gusli.

■ What affectionate word do heroes of Russian fairy tales often call their fathers? Answer: Father.

■ What do noble people do in Russian fairy tales in honor of a wedding or victory over an enemy? Answer: Feast.

■ What is the most popular number in Russian folk tales? Answer: Three.

■ What animal is nicknamed Sivka-Burka? Answer: Horse.

■ In which fairy tale does a thrown hat cause the hut to stagger? Answer: In the fairy tale “Ivan the Peasant Son and the Miracle Yudo.”

■ What was the name of the king from whom Ivan Tsarevich kidnapped the Firebird in the fairy tale “Ivan Tsarevich and the Gray Wolf”? Answer: Afron.

■ With what object can you kill the most terrible hero of Russian fairy tales? Answer: Needle.

■ How did a man divide one goose into seven without offense: a master, a lady, sons and two daughters, and did not offend himself? Answer: For the master - the head, for the lady - the tail, legs for the sons, wings for the daughters, and for myself - the whole body.

■ What is the name of the home of the cannibal snake in the Russian folk tale “Nikita Kozhemyaka”? Answer: Den.

■ What is Ivan the Fool’s favorite place to sleep and relax? Answer: Oven.

■ What did the evil stepmother say at the failed wake for her stepdaughter in the Russian folk tale “Morozko”? Answer: Pancakes.

■Which hero was held at the pies? Answer: The bear from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear.”

■ What is called “living” and “dead” in the Russian folk tale “Tsarevich Ivan and the Gray Wolf”? Answer: Water.

■ What are the two main heroines of the Russian folk tale “Truth and Falsehood” up to? Answer: Dispute.

■ What did the fox smear on the plate and serve as a treat to the crane in the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Crane”? Answer: Porridge.

■ What food item helped the hen save the life of the cockerel in the Russian folk tale “The Cockerel and the Bean Seed”? Answer: Oil.

■ What did the merchant ride to the city, and the peasant to the forest, in the Russian folk tale “Two Frosts”? Answer: Sleigh.

■ What was the name of the princess who became the wife of Ivan the Fool in the Russian folk tale “Sivka-Burka”? Answer: Elena.

■ What terrible object, put on a stick, did Baba Yaga give to Vasilisa as a source of light? Answer: Skull.

■ Without which main product would the soldier not be able to cook porridge in the fairy tale “Porridge from an Axe”? Answer: No cereal.

■ What did the crane wear to serve okroshka in the Russian folk tale “The Fox and the Crane”? Answer: Jug.

First round "Botanical"

1. What fruit did the tsar father send his sons for in one of the Russian fairy tales? Answer: Rejuvenating apple.

2. What plant helps reveal a real princess? Answer:

4. From what flower did Thumbelina come from? Answer: Tulip

6. Cheburashka sailed on a ship in a box with..? Answer: Oranges.

Break: fans show their numbers, the results of the first round are summed up.

Three teams advance to the next round.

Second round "Colorful"

1. What was the road like in the Land of Munchkins from The Wizard of Oz? Answer: Yellow.

2. What color did Malvina have? Answer: Blue.

3. In which country did the evil sorceress Bastinda rule? Answer: purple.

5. What color dress did Cinderella wear to the ball? Answer: In white.

6. Which magical flower had multi-colored petals? Answer: Seven-flowered flower.

7. What flower did Alyonushka ask the merchant to bring? Answer: Alenky

The two teams with the most points advance to the third round.

Third round "Zoological"

1. Who helped Tiny Khavroshechka? Answer: Cow.

2. List Bremen Town Musicians. Answer: Rooster, cat, donkey, dog

3. Who grew out of the ugly duckling? Answer: Swan.

4. What amphibian did Ivan Tsarevich marry? Answer: On a frog.

At the end of the round, the winner is determined. All participants are awarded gifts.


A selection of “fairytale” questions with answers on original and Russian folk tales.

1. In which fairy tale by K. Chukovsky are two fun events described at once: a name day and a wedding?
2. Which of the listed characters was the heroine of one of A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tales: The Frog Princess, Cinderella, The Swan Princess?

3. Where did Carlson live?

4. What was Karabas - Barabas the director of?

5. What small object kept the princess from sleeping all night?

6. What was the Scarecrow’s very first wish that Ellie granted?

7. Which month gave your stepdaughter the opportunity to collect snowdrops?

8. Why did the flock of geese still allow Nils to travel with them?

9. In the fairy tale “The Little Flower of the Seven Flowers,” what kind of things were there 7 of each?

10. Who gave the girl a red riding hood?

11. What animals went to Bremen to become musicians?

12. How many hours did each pair of ducks hold a twig with a travel frog in its beak?

13. What object moved the heroes of the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” from place to place?

14. Where did Uncle Fyodor get the money to buy a tractor?

15. Who gave Cinderella this name?

16. What animals did the cannibal turn into at the request of Puss in Boots?

17. What was the name of the giant who visited the land of Lilliput?

18. What was the name of the city in which Dunno lived?

19. What fairy tale are we talking about: jungle, wolves, child?

20. What was the name of the bear-poet?


1. “Tsokotukha fly.” 2. The Swan Princess. 3. On the roof. 4. Puppet theater. 5. Pea. 6. Took it off the pole. 7. March. 8. Saved the geese from the fox Smirre. 9. Bagels, petals, polar bears. 10. Her grandmother. 11. Donkey, rooster, cat and dog. 12. Two hours each. 13. Gold ring. 14. Found a treasure. 15. Her stepmother's youngest daughter. 16. Into the lion and the mouse. 17. Gulliver. 18. Floral. 19. Mowgli. 20. Winnie the Pooh.

Quiz on Russian folk tales

1. In which fairy tale did a predatory fish make wishes come true?

2. Whose hut did the dereza goat occupy?

3. Did the man give the roots or tops to the bear when he dug up the turnips?

4. Who was fourth in the fairy tale “Turnip”?

5. Did the heron accept the proposal to marry the crane?

6. Who climbed into a cow’s ear and came out the other, and thus performed difficult work?

7. Ivanushka became a little goat by drinking water from a goat’s hoof. How did he turn into a boy again?

8. In which fairy tale were the bears' names: Mikhail Ivanovich, Mishutka and Nastasya Petrovna?

9. Who did Frost – Blue Nose – try to freeze?

10. What products did the soldier ask the old woman to cook porridge from an ax?

11. Which one musical instrument was the cat playing at the fox's hut to save the cockerel?

12. Where did Thumb Boy sit when he plowed the field?

13. What was the name of the girl whom Koschey the Immortal turned into the Frog Princess?

14. What dish did the crane offer the fox to try by pushing the jug towards her?

15. Why did the old man take his daughter to the forest in winter and leave her there?

16. What did the grandfather use to make a tar bull for his granddaughter?

17. How did it happen that Ivan Tsarevich rode a wolf and not a horse?

18. What tree did the witch gnaw to get Tereshka?

19. How did the old people get a daughter, Snegurochka?

20. How did the fairy tale “Teremok” end?


1. “At the command of the pike.” 2. Bunny. 3. Tops. 4. Bug. 5. No. 6. Tiny Khavroshechka. 7. Flipped over his head three times. 8. “Three Bears.” 9. Man. 10. Cereals, butter and salt. 11. On the harp. 12. In the horse's ear. 13. Vasilisa the Wise. 14. Okroshka. 15. So the old stepmother ordered. 16. Made from straw, sticks and resin. 17. The wolf ate the horse.18. Oak. 19. They made it out of snow themselves. 20. The animals built a new house.

Competition "Name of a Fairy Tale"

A representative of each team takes from the presenter a piece of paper with the name of the fairy tale. You need to use your fingers, arms, and legs to depict the letters that make up the name. One person - one letter. If the audience was able to read the title, then the team gets a point. (“Turnip”, “Puff”, “Treasure”, “Hare”, “Mowgli”, etc.)

Game for everyone “One letter”

The presenter names the letters of the alphabet in order (except: й, ъ, ы, ь). Children shout out the name of the fairy-tale hero based on the letter they say. For example, “A” - Aibolit, “B” - Pinocchio, ... “I” - Yaga.

Competition "One letter"

A letter of the alphabet is selected (you can poke a pencil into a book without looking, or one child says the alphabet to himself and when he is told “Stop!” he voices the letter he stopped at). One player from each team comes out. The presenter asks any 6 questions in turn. The player answers with a word starting with the chosen letter.

For example, the letter "K".

Your name? (Kolya, Katya)

Your last name? (Kovalev, Kovaleva)

In which town you live? (Kursk, Kyiv)

Good fairy tale hero? (Kolobok)

Evil fairy tale hero? (Koschei)

Favorite fairy tale? (“Chicken Ryaba”)

Quiz “Who gave helpful advice

1. Don't open the doors strangers.

2. Brush your teeth, wash your hands, take a shower regularly.

3. I ate, wash the dishes after myself.

4. Don't walk through the forest alone.

5. Help your friends in difficult situations.

6. Chew your food thoroughly, take your time and don’t talk while eating.

7. Don’t fulfill requests from people you don’t know.

8. Drink only clean water.

9. Once in difficult situation, don’t panic, but try to find a way out of it.

10. Study well.

11. Read fiction and science books.

12. Don't eat a lot of sweets.

Answers: 1. Seven kids. 2. Moidodyr. 3. Fedora. 4. Little Red Riding Hood. 5. Turnip and Alyonushka from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”. 6. Chicken from the fairy tale “The Bean Seed.” 7. Kolobok. 8. Brother Ivanushka. 9. Masha from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear” and Gerda. 10. Pinocchio. 11. Znayka. 12. Winnie the Pooh.

Quiz "How much?"

1. How many fairy-tale heroes pulled turnips?

2. How many months did you sit by the New Year’s fire?

3. How many animals went to Bremen to become musicians?

4. How many eyes does Bastinda have?

5. How many kids did the wolf steal?

6. How old was Uncle Fyodor when he learned to read?

7. How many times did the old man make requests to the goldfish?

8. How many gold coins did Karabas Barabas give to Pinocchio?

9. How many heroes proposed marriage to Thumbelina?

10. How many monkeys are the length of a boa constrictor?

11. How many years did Sleeping Beauty sleep?

12. How old is the crocodile Gena?

Answers: 1. Six. 2. Twelve. 3. Four. 4. Alone. 5. Six. 6. Four. 7. Five. 8. Five. 9. Four. 10. Five. 11. One hundred. 12. Fifty.

Relay "Yes" or "No"

The leader in the chain calls out the names famous people, and the children answer “Yes” only if this person wrote fairy tales. In all other cases – “No”.

Chukovsky (“Yes”), Tchaikovsky, Uspensky (“Yes”), Gagarin, Perrault (“Yes”), Andersen (“Yes”), Marshak (“Yes”), Shishkin, Grimm (“Yes”), Kipling ( “Yes”), Nekrasov, Pushkin (“Yes”), Lindgren (“Yes”), Rodari (“Yes”), Krylov, Carroll (“Yes”), Nosov (“Yes”), Yesenin, Bazhov (“Yes”) "), Bianchi (“Yes”), Schwartz (“Yes”), Mikhalkov (“Yes”), Chekhov, Volkov (“Yes”), Gaidar (“Yes”).

Municipal educational institution

average comprehensive school №24

Quiz game "Visiting a fairy tale."

for students in grades 3-4.


Methodological development extracurricular activity.

Teacher primary classes


Khabarovsk region


The development and implementation of this event was caused by the need to practically solve the complex problem of reducing children’s interest in reading.

It is fairy tales that help little readers plunge into the world of adventure, try to test themselves for courage, bravery, become participants in events, “try on for themselves” what the heroes of fairy tales experience, better understand other people, teach them to distinguish good from evil, be savvy, and help them out. the troubles of those who need it.

A fairy tale is a bridge from the world of childhood to the world of adults, along which a little man has to pass.

It is difficult to overestimate the influence of the wonderful, exciting and captivating world of folk tales on the souls of future wordsmiths.

The most attractive genre of literature for children is fairy tales. Both children and teenagers read them.

A fairy tale is amazingly powerful psychological impact a means of working with the reader’s inner world, a powerful development tool.

Therefore, it is no coincidence that the concept of fairy tale therapy arose as an independent direction. practical psychology. Even simple reading of fairy tales gives an amazing result, helps to overcome various life difficulties.

Fairy tales help develop moral qualities in children - hard work, mutual respect, responsibility, and respect for nature. All this helps them in obtaining education, development and socialization.

That is why I developed and conducted a game - a fairy tale quiz.

Target: Introducing children to reading fairy tales.


Summarize children's knowledge of fairy tales.

Develop speech, thinking, imagination, interest, attention.

Cultivate friendship, camaraderie, and curiosity during the game.

Foster love and respect for fairy tales.

Expand your horizons and lexicon;

To instill in children a sense of goodness, justice, and the ability to love seeing beauty.

To create conditions for the development of reading skills in students, for generalizing and systematizing knowledge about fairy tales.

Develop reading memory, attention, creative thinking.

Foster a desire for independent reading through the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and compare it with the knowledge of other students.

Encourage students to form groups.


drawings of fairy-tale characters, tickets with tasks, cards with tongue twisters, tokens, a bag with objects from fairy tales, a disc with songs, a presentation, and incentive prizes.

Game conditions:

younger children take part in the game school age. 2 teams play. For each correct answer - 1 point, 1 token. The team that scores wins greatest number points.

Progress of the quiz.

Every person from the very early age strives to be smart, inquisitive, quick-witted, comprehensively developed. We all want to be interesting conversationalists and know a lot. But this can only be achieved by someone who loves to read. Our very first works are fairy tales. In the very early childhood we meet Russians folk tales. Arriving at school, we study literary fairy tales and oral folk art. Why do you think? (children's answers) That's right, because thanks to the fairy tale we become more sensitive to beauty, learn to condemn evil, and admire kindness.

The purpose of our quiz today is to remember as much as possible more fairy tales, their authors and heroes, and get even more involved in reading.

The class is divided into two teams, the responding participant earns a point - a token for his team. If a team representative does not know the answer, a member of the other team can answer, bringing his team a point.

(song “Visiting a Fairy Tale”)

Let's play!

One two three four five…

Who will win the quiz?

Of course, the best polymath!

We have no doubt about this -

He will be the first to answer.

Riddles competition.

Mom's daughter was born
From a beautiful flower.
Nice, little one!
The baby was an inch tall.
If you have read the fairy tale,

Do you know what my daughter's name was?

2. This fairy tale hero
With a ponytail, mustache,
He has a feather in his hat,
I'm all striped,
He walks on two legs
In bright red boots. (Puss in Boots)

3. If only the evening would come soon,
And the long-awaited hour has come,
May I be in a gilded carriage
Go to a fabulous ball!
No one in the palace will know
Where am I from, what is my name,
But as soon as midnight comes,
I'll go back to my attic.
4. There is neither a river nor a pond.

Where can I get some water?

Very tasty water

In the hole from the hoof.

(sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka)

5 It was a frosty winter.

In the hole by the lake

Gray tailed fox

Who got frostbite?


6 Mom found her daughter

In a blossoming flower.

Who has read such a book?

Knows a little girl.


7 Honestly in front of all the people

The stove is moving along the road.

Who is sitting on that stove?

What does the fairy tale tell us?

And what kind of fairy tale is this?

Does the stove move like a skid?

Gobbling up rolls,

A guy was riding on a stove.

Rode around the village

And he married the princess. (Emelya)

8 Know this rascal

No one can be fooled:

A cannibal, like a mouse,

Managed to swallow it!

What kind of animal walks in a fairy tale?

His mustache bristles, his eyes narrow,

In a hat, with a saber in his hands

And in huge boots.

(Puss in Boots)

Competition "Wonderful bag".

There are items in the bag. The children take turns leaving. They take an object and call it a fairy tale.

1 . Egg (Chicken – Ryaba)

    Coin (Pinocchio. Fly-Tsokotukha)

    Nut (Thumbelina.)

    Tangle (Princess – Frog)

    Pea (Princess and the Pea)

    Mitten (Teremok)

    Pumpkin (Cinderella)

Drawing competition.

Teams are offered an envelope with a cut-out design from a fairy tale. Children put together this drawing.

Question answer.

Questions are asked to the teams in turn. A token is given for the correct answer.

    Which fairy tale by K. Chukovsky describes two fun events at once:

name day and wedding?

    Which of the following characters was the heroine of one of A. S. Pushkin’s fairy tales:

Frog Princess, Cinderella, Swan Princess?

3. Where did Carlson live?

4. What was Karabas - Barabas the director of?

5. What small object kept the princess from sleeping all night?

6. What was the Scarecrow’s very first wish that Ellie granted?

7. Which month gave your stepdaughter the opportunity to collect snowdrops?

8. Why did the flock of geese still allow Nils to travel with them?

9. In the fairy tale “The Little Flower of the Seven Flowers,” what kind of things were there 7 of each?

10. Who gave the girl a red riding hood?

11. What animals went to Bremen to become musicians?

12. How many hours did each pair of ducks hold a twig with a travel frog in its beak?

13. What object moved the heroes of the fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” from place to place?

14. Where did Uncle Fyodor get the money to buy a tractor?

15. Who gave Cinderella this name?

16. What animals did the cannibal turn into at the request of Puss in Boots?

17. What was the name of the giant who visited the land of Lilliput?

18. What was the name of the city in which Dunno lived?

19. What fairy tale are we talking about: jungle, wolves, child?

20. What was the name of the bear-poet?


1 "Fly Tsokotukha". 2. The Swan Princess. 3. On the roof. 4. Puppet theater. 5. Pea. 6. Took it off the pole. 7. March. 8. Saved the geese from the fox Smirre. 9. Bagels, petals, polar bears. 10. Her grandmother. 11. Donkey, rooster, cat and dog. 12. Two hours each. 13. Gold ring. 14. Found a treasure. 15. Her stepmother's youngest daughter. 16. Into the lion and the mouse. 17. Gulliver. 18. Floral. 19. Mowgli. 20. Winnie the Pooh

Quiz on Russian folk tales.

1. In which fairy tale did a predatory fish make wishes come true?

2. Whose hut did the dereza goat occupy?

3. Did the man give the roots or tops to the bear when he dug up the turnips?

4. Who was fourth in the fairy tale “Turnip”?

5. Did the heron accept the proposal to marry the crane?

6. Who climbed into a cow’s ear and came out the other, and thus performed difficult work?

7. Ivanushka became a little goat by drinking water from a goat’s hoof. How did he turn into a boy again?

8. In which fairy tale were the bears' names: Mikhail Ivanovich, Mishutka and Nastasya Petrovna? 9. Who did Frost – Blue Nose – try to freeze?

10. What products did the soldier ask the old woman to cook porridge from an ax?

11. What musical instrument did the cat play at the fox’s hut to save the cockerel?

12. Where did Thumb Boy sit when he plowed the field?

13. What was the name of the girl whom Koschey the Immortal turned into the Frog Princess?

14. What dish did the crane offer the fox to try by pushing the jug towards her?

15. Why did the old man take his daughter to the forest in winter and leave her there?

16. What did the grandfather use to make a tar bull for his granddaughter?

17. How did it happen that Ivan Tsarevich rode a wolf and not a horse?

18. What tree did the witch gnaw to get Tereshka?

19. How did the old people get a daughter, Snegurochka?

20. How did the fairy tale “Teremok” end?


"By magic". 2. Bunny. 3. Tops. 4. Bug. 5. No. 6. Tiny Khavroshechka. 7. Flipped over his head three times. 8. “Three Bears.” 9. Man. 10. Cereals, butter and salt. 11. On the harp. 12. In the horse's ear. 13. Vasilisa the Wise. 14. Okroshka. 15. So the old stepmother ordered. 16. Made from straw, sticks and resin. 17. The wolf ate the horse.18. Oak. 19. They made it out of snow themselves. 20. The animals built a new house.

Quiz “Who gave useful advice?”

1. Don't open doors to strangers.

2. Brush your teeth, wash your hands, take a shower regularly.

3. I ate, wash the dishes after myself.

4. Don't walk through the forest alone.

5. Help your friends in difficult situations.

6. Chew your food thoroughly, take your time and don’t talk while eating.

7. Don’t fulfill requests from people you don’t know.

8. Drink only clean water.

9. If you find yourself in a difficult situation, do not panic, but try to find a way out of it.

10. Study well.

11. Read fiction and science books.

12. Don't eat a lot of sweets.

    Seven kids. 2. Moidodyr. 3. Fedora. 4. Little Red Riding Hood. 5. Turnip and Alyonushka from the fairy tale “Geese and Swans”. 6. Chicken from the fairy tale “The Bean Seed.” 7. Kolobok. 8. Brother Ivanushka. 9. Masha from the fairy tale “Masha and the Bear” and Gerda. 10. Pinocchio. 11. Znayka. 12. Winnie the Pooh.

Drawing competition.

Children are given sheets of drawings. They complete the drawing and color it.

Physical education minute.

Pinocchio turned around

Once - bent over,

Two - bent over,

He spread his arms to the sides,

Apparently I didn’t find the key,

To get us the key,

You need to stand on your toes.

Competition "Amazing Transformations".

Who they turned into or were enchanted fairy-tale heroes?

Questions for 1 team:

Prince Guidon (into a mosquito, into a fly, into a bumblebee).

The ugly duckling (into a swan).

A monster from Aksakov’s fairy tale “The Scarlet Flower” (like a prince).

Questions for team 2:

Brother Ivanushka (as a kid).

Vasilisa the Beautiful (into a frog).

Eleven brothers - princes from the fairy tale by G.H. Andersen's "Wild Swans" (in swans).

Musical competition.

After listening to the song, guess fairy tale character.

The songs of Vodyanoy, Leopold the Cat, Princess of Fun, and Mouse are heard.

Each team is given a card. The task is to emphasize the surname of the author of each literary work.

1. "Cinderella": C. Perrault. V. Gauf, br. Grimm.

"Moidodyr": A. Barto, S. Marshak, K. Chukovsky.

"The Little Mermaid": V. Bianchi, H.K. Andersen, A. Volkov.

2. “Golden Key”: P. Bazhov, A. Tolstoy. N. Nosov.

"Mowgli": R. Kipling, D. Rodari, A. Milne.

"The Tale of Tsar Saltan...": A. Pushkin, V. Zhukovsky, I. Krylov.

3. “The Little Humpbacked Horse”: A. Pushkin, P. Ershov. A. Chekhov.

"The Ugly Duckling": C. Perrault, G. Rodari, H.K. Andersen.

“Pot of Porridge”: N. Nosov, br. Grimm, V. Kataev.

Collect a phrase.

Children are given two cut phrases. They need to be assembled correctly.

Go there, I don’t know where, bring it. I don't know what.

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.

Results. Counting tokens. Winners' reward.

Well done! Guys, you all did a great job today and completed all the tasks. You know fairy tales very well and can guess them accurately. And in conclusion, I would like to say: “Guys, read fairy tales, they will help you in life. The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows!”


S. G. Altareva, M. A. Khramova, N. A. Orlova

Calendar, folklore, thematic holidays Moscow, “Vako”, 2006

O. E. Zhirenko, L. P. Barylkina, L. A. Obukhova

Integrated lessons Moscow, “Waco”, 2006

M. A. Kozlova

I'm going to class in primary school Moscow, “First of September”, 2000

O. E. Zhirenko, L. A. Obukhova

The holiday is an expected miracle! Moscow, “Waco”, 2006

O. E. Zhirenko, L. A. Obukhova

Extracurricular activities Moscow, “Wako”, 2007
